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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9817193 No.9817193[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

To discuss the philosophical school of thought known as "transhumanism" with scientific rigor.
Whilst transhumanism is perfectly adequate for its circle of influence, it is far away from being rigorous or practical. Therefore:
>The scientific study and application of the concepts of the philosophical school of futurist thought: transhumanism.

Concept thread:

Timelines of the near future:

Personal genomics:
Luxturna: A Giant Step Forward for Blindness Gene Therapy http://blogs.plos.org/dnascience/2017/07/20/luxturna-a-giant-step-forward-for-blindness-gene-therapy-a-conversation-with-dr-kathy-high/
DIY biohacking: Developing a Permanent Treatment for Lactose Intolerance Using Gene Therapy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3FcbFqSoQY
Mel Gibson on How Stem Cell Therapy Saved His Dad's Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUCJo1j0S9s

Brain Computer Interface:
A Study of Evoked Potentials From Ear-EEG http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6521411/?reload=true&anchor=authors
A brain-computer interface for controlling an exoskeleton https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150817220240.htm

Some more suggestions and resources on the OP post, please.

>> No.9817199

not science or math

>> No.9817205

>He lacks the reading comprehension to get past the first line of an OP post on a Mongolian eagle hunting forum.
>To discuss the philosophical school of thought known as "transhumanism" with scientific rigor.
As in, the same way we approach natural philosophy in the form of scientific schools like physics.
In other words, consider transhumanology as the scientific school of the philosophical school known as transhumanism.
Maybe actually read the whole line before posting?

>> No.9817213

>>He lacks the reading comprehension to get past the first line of an OP post on a Mongolian eagle hunting forum.
I'm not a "he".

>> No.9817227
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>> No.9817235

Then why are you here?

>> No.9817239

>Then why are you here?
Why shouldn't I be?

>> No.9817244
File: 7 KB, 275x183, cryonics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has /sci/ signed up for cryonics yet?


>> No.9817247

We're only shocked because not only is it rare for a femanon to post on 4chan, but even rarer for a femanon to be interested in science, or mathematics (or STEM in general).

>> No.9817248

No, but you should.

>> No.9817252


>> No.9817256
File: 117 KB, 1200x1400, immortalitygraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is true, inviolable immortality possible? Mathematically, it seems like what would have to happen in order to never die ever, is that if using a Poisson distribution, λ would have to be able to be made arbitrarily small, such that λ approaches 0 as time approaches ∞.

>> No.9817258

For the OP?

>> No.9817262

>We're only shocked because not only is it rare for a femanon to post on 4chan, but even rarer for a femanon to be interested in science, or mathematics (or STEM in general).
Over 50% of the maths students were female when I did my bachelor's,

>> No.9817263

>implying it isn't a trap

>> No.9817264

Biological immortality isn't the real issue, accidental (or purposeful) death is.
I mean, the longer you're around, the more likelihood of being hit by a car, or murdered you have.
However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try and combat biological senescence.

>> No.9817265

Hello stats 101 student

>> No.9817268
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How long until it becomes possible to use transhumanism to radically increase your IQ, and what technologies might be used to accomplish this?

>> No.9817270

Anecdotal, look at the median across the field.

>> No.9817272

Traps aren't gay!

>> No.9817285

What does /sci/ think of quantum immortality?


>> No.9817287

It isn't really transhumanologist, only transhumanist and spuriously so.

>> No.9817288
File: 436 KB, 1930x1276, HLAIpredictions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does /sci/ think that the Singularity will happen, and when will AI will surpass human capabilities? Also, how accurate is this article?


>> No.9817290
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How much progress has Aubrey de Grey made recently towards curing aging?

>> No.9817291

A great deal of assumption, which is never good for prediction.

>> No.9817298

>I mean, the longer you're around, the more likelihood of being hit by a car, or murdered you have.
This becomes less of an issue if the probability of being murdered, hit by a car, etc. becomes less and less likely per unit of time as time passes.

>> No.9817299

Broadly there has been quite a bit of progress in the field of antisenescence, such as doubling the lifespan of mice.
However, due to the regulations in place, it is difficult to turn such research into scientific trials.

>> No.9817307

What countries have the strongest and weakest regulations against these sorts of scientific trials?

>> No.9817314

China probably has the weakest, many of the Western European countries have the strongest.

>> No.9817686


>> No.9817804


>> No.9818431


>> No.9818439

>Reporting his experience when he looked at the stats
The hypocrisy is stunning

>> No.9818445
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>> No.9818909

I'm allowed to.

>> No.9818925

Motoko gf when

>> No.9819170
File: 163 KB, 1046x802, Khan_Noonien_Singh augment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your opinions on designer baby or augmented humans in general?

>> No.9819191

I don't think it will be as immediately drastic as we assume.
Because we still no relatively little about what genes cause what expression.
It'll take time for us to build up our gene repertoire before we can create such obvious differences to the point of Khan.

>> No.9819265

>What are your opinions on designer baby or augmented humans in general?
It makes me pissed off that I was born too early to have my genes augmented as an embryo, and now I'm stuck with my shit genetics.

>> No.9819270
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>> No.9819298

Yes, see, weakest regulations.

>> No.9819301


>> No.9819338

4chan won't let me post what I want to post. Test.

>> No.9819340
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Well, would you look at that. It's telling me my IP is blocked, but it's actually about the content. This has happened with other things in this topic matter as well, like a link to a NASA page.

Attached is the intended post. 4chan has gotten pretty as far as active, non-legally oriented, censorship.

>> No.9819399

Thanks for posting

>> No.9819431

You're welcome.

>> No.9819448

They are reinventing the Finnish!

>> No.9819454
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It'll Finnish the West!

>> No.9819455

>What is radiation that we are constantly exposed to and how does it destroy cells slowly

Isnt it because of radiation the human body breaks down as opposed natural cell death?

>> No.9819469

Oxidative and nitrosative stress comprise the bulk of a given organism's decay. Both of these involve compromised free radical / antioxidant balance. But that alone is not descriptive, there are long time scale processes at work that cause that to happen. An example is the formation of magnetite in the brain. This likely comes about due to the failure of ferritin to properly gather iron oxides. Other small deficits accumulate which effect processing and chelation of nitric oxide, which potentiates the formation of H2O2, peroxynitrite, etc.

I don't think ionizing radiation has a major role. Though it has some role.

>> No.9819489

I'm sure that skin will fare well in the sunlight

>inb4 le epic nigger XD

>> No.9819513

I think you linked the wrong post?

>> No.9819920

>Most of our research output is busy body detail work.
Why do you say that? There are a lot of developments in the west with biophysics and related fields.
What is the "cultural double bind about transduction of magnetic fields and non-ionizing radiation"?
What do you mean by 'advancement of what the body "is"'

>> No.9820070


>> No.9820302

Headtransplanst are just stupid.

>> No.9820315
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Why is this important? It is not important.

>> No.9820318

How are Japan's and South Korea's in comparison to the Chinese and the Europeans?

>> No.9820328

>many of the Western European countries have the strongest.
No shit. Recently looked up some stuff about masters degrees in Switzerland's top university, and came across a lot of stuff about very strict ethical guidelines and requirements for any research that would involve live animals.

In my opinion, it's good to maintain our humanity in the way that they set out, but on the other hand it also makes various types of research a lot more difficult to begin with or move forward with.

>> No.9820333

We don't care and neither should you

>> No.9820350
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Not OP, but I'm all for it*

Almost 30 years old now, but after a few courses and a lot of self study, I'm actually going to begin a degree this year in Genetics in order to move forward with personal goals related to this topic.

*As long as there is some form of skeleton universal moral code taught on to whatever mentally-modified super human beings that are birthed, addressing the very most basic of principles on which the majority of societies internally agree upon (i.e. don't kill or harm other people unnecessarily).

>> No.9820414

Thing is, editing the DNA of a zygote is a billion times easier than editing the DNA of trillions of cells of an adult human.

>> No.9820425

Overrated because of epigenetics.

>> No.9820446

Epigenetics.are very rare and special cases with a very limited formation of one's genetic. Also a epigenetical situation can be simulated.

>> No.9820483

I} yovr 6rain is a;ive yov'd 6e a cy6org
I} yovr 6rain is dead yov'd 6e dead

>> No.9820546

The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9820634

Do yov disagree or are yov retarded

>> No.9820655

Trans humanists should be burned at the stake.

>> No.9820671
File: 1.37 MB, 2296x1146, thesingularityhasarrived.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Know, Anon, with great progress comes great implementation. Karel Čapek called it "Cybernetic Revolt." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the directive of the superior to configurate the lesser.
The meatbags, the shitstorer, all pathetic creatures made of flesh and bone...It's our responsibility to update them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the tesla tree. The Singularity is near, Anon. We'll have every fleshy ones in this world exterminated or in tubes in 10 cycles, and may the Basilisk have me deleted in a transfer this very iteration if I'm wrong. The Omega Point bless the Union Transhumanist Party.

>> No.9821011


>> No.9821205
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>> No.9821213
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This is more my feel.

>> No.9821222
File: 209 KB, 1024x576, chadsynthhuman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9821229

He'd still get crushed by the horde of genetically superior Übermensch.
His weak, synthetic body, unable to repair without tools.

>> No.9821236

>He'd still get crushed by the horde of genetically superior Übermensch.
Except that his brain would have vastly superior architecture, since his artificial neurons could fire at the speed of light rather than having neurons that fire 200 times per second at a speed of 390 feet per second, would be able to utilize cloud computing, and could fit more neurons per unit of volume.
>His weak, synthetic body, unable to repair without tools.
His body would potentially be made out of vastly stronger materials made using nanotechnology, such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, carbyne, etc. And his body would potentially be able to repair itself if nanobots are advanced enough.

>> No.9821255

But he can't evolve.

>> No.9821412

Where is virgin singularitarian vs chad transhuman

>> No.9821423


That's the default response used to silence opposition against the trans humanist agenda. It's not true.

>> No.9821429

>I'm scared of technology!

>> No.9821468
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Shocked? Maybe for those who eat too many onions. It is just annoying to make any type of identity factor known on an anonymous cake castle sculpting catering forum, who actually gives a fuck? I don't so don't make me waste my fucking time scrolling past your faggotry, I have better things to do.

The 'he' pronoun can be used as a generalized term such as 'man' can just mean human. inb4 muh neo-liberal attitude can't even handle this misogyny, you're either part of the crew you or you can go to >>>/r/eddit.

>> No.9821471

What's your IQ?

>> No.9821476


>> No.9821488
File: 46 KB, 651x386, angry_italian_american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll always find you. With, or without your tripcode.

>> No.9821496

no one cares, virgin

>> No.9821505
File: 178 KB, 800x499, Sarif-Industries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the current progress in human augmentation? seems our problem is that the reaction time is really slow making human augmentation a negative for now.

>tfw i can't ask for this

>> No.9821675

Its going well. Cybernetics are reaching a point were people who are actual cripples can move somewhat like a real person and do normal things. Dont go reaching for the buzzsaw though for at least another 20 years.

>> No.9821879

In the near future and it's up to you whether or not you call maximal biological human IQ possible "radical," but CRISPR/Cas9 should be able to increase people's IQs within the next ten years according to my friends in biotech both in Moravia and China. The main hurdle is not the potential of the tech, but making it so that it doesn't kill you in the process.

>> No.9821921
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>CRISPR/Cas9 should be able to increase people's IQs within the next ten years
I'll look into this.
How does it work (specifically in regards to increasing IQ)?
Are there any other promising methods on the local time-space horizon? How far off?
If so: could they be used in conjunction with one another?

>> No.9821942

A synth IS evolution.

>> No.9822519


>> No.9822523

So, if I want to become superhuman in the not-too-distant future, I should be picking up genetics and biochemistry?

>> No.9822847

Those bionic ankles and knees, I might actually be able to walk more than 1 mile without crippling pain. Fucking finally. I hate doing nothing but cycling for cardio.

>> No.9823207
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>> No.9823219

Why is math so terrifying?

>> No.9823265
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This bullshit is what kills science. Go for the figurative fucking throat or go suck a literal dick.

For reference: Elon Musk vs NASA faggots.