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9771972 No.9771972 [Reply] [Original]

What’s SCIs take on micro doseing lsd or psilocybin mushrooms? What about nootropics ?

>> No.9771979

If it has a measurable benefits with no or limited downside, why not?

>> No.9771995

Better than aderall?

>> No.9772015

Addy for non adhd people becomes meth after a while. Do that shit periodically.

>> No.9772038

I hate to shit on nootropics, but it seems like studies have proven proper nutrition and sleep works better in all cases.
Just don't be unhealthy.

>> No.9772052

There are research chems you can get that are basically identical to LSD and shrooms. I've done 1p-LSD, ALD-52, ETH-LAD, 4-AcO-DMT, 4-HO-MiPT, and DPT.


>> No.9772053


>> No.9772060

As for nootropics, phenylpiracetam and centrophenoxine are best for intellectual tasks, L-theanine is good for thinking clearly, phenibut and pramiracetam are good for anti-anxiety, fish oil is good for inhibiting the self-critical brain loop, and tianeptine has antidepressant effects.


>> No.9772063

L-theanine is also good for promoting wakefulness. It's good if your body is shit at responding to caffeine.

>> No.9772072

It barely had any effect on me when I tried it

>> No.9772082

My main criticism of nootropics is that they're not really proven to work.
The only ones that seem to have any merit are stimulants, and even then literal yogurt is more effective.

>> No.9772091

Responses are different for different people. Either that or you got a bad batch of it.

>> No.9772097


>> No.9772099

Seems sketch

>> No.9772132


>> No.9772143


They're pretty much all bullshit anyways; not like the idiots who swear by them would ever admit it.

Try and find studies about noopept that aren't done by Russian's or filled with pseudoscience. Pretty much impossible. Same with a shit ton of other "Smart Drugs".

>> No.9772154

It's actually not at all that bad, very professional, but they require conditions on your part to protect them legally, as well as payment methods.

>> No.9772157

Gay AF, eat alll your drugs like a big kid do!!

>> No.9772221

undistinguishable from placebos in experimental conditions

>> No.9772887

Is it OK if I take it for long periods (when I do have ADD)?
I'm kinda trying to not depend a lot on it, but it's a godsend at times.

>> No.9772946

Lmao I love how the government is like


And then some chemists make the same product with an extra H atom or other tiny difference and it's all good.

>> No.9772982

Yeah sure, real life is just like an RPG, buddy.

These anons are correct.

>> No.9772999
File: 115 KB, 1080x793, DUt11EqX4AElWaI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he "pops an Addy" to "pull an all-nighty" and "micro-doses shroomz" to "be cerebral"
druggies are so cringe.

>> No.9773500


>> No.9773504

Waste of good drugs.

>> No.9773528

would you micro-portion a steak dinner?

>> No.9773533
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>> No.9773898

Fuck off, Alex.

>> No.9773917

>fish oil being specifically good for that

ur dumb

Microsdosing entheogens is a legit practice. Nootropics are spotty at best. Like another anon said, make sure you consistently sleep 8 hours and you will be better in every way.

>> No.9773946

there's evidence now that modafinil increases cognitive performance, so might as well