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9658955 No.9658955 [Reply] [Original]

Is depression really a real illness or some cultural disease that affects mostly privileged people? Why do I get the impression that western civilization only has this sickness..?

>> No.9658957

Yes, but it is still a real illness

>> No.9658974

Not really, but depression isn't seen much in people with very low IQs.

>> No.9658997
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Every culture has depression and schizophrenia. Some cultures have unique mental illnesses like Japan’s Hikkikomouri.

>> No.9659007

>falling for the depressed genius meme
Low-IQ people are actually at higher risk of suffering from all mental illnesses including depression.

>> No.9659027

Depression is your bodies way of telling you that you are a fucking loser and need to change stuff. Same with anger.

>can you just be sad no matter what

I suppose, but that would imply brain damage.

>> No.9659108

>Is depression really a real illness

> some cultural disease that affects mostly privileged people?

>Why do I get the impression that western civilization only has this sickness..?
Bc youre emotionally immature and fall for propaganda designed to target emotionally insecure people such as telling people that depression is someones "fault" bc they dont make their bed. Oh hey, wanna stop being depressed? Make your bed and buy my book!


>> No.9659156

Because you are an uneducated, illiterate, apathetic retard.

>> No.9659219

>mistaking advice for how to cope with a serious illness as blaming
You've completely missed the point, anon-kun

>> No.9659231

perhaps it is a real illness, but i seriously doubt most people who feel depressed aren't experiencing something else, rather than some mythological brain chemical imbalance

>> No.9659363

It's a real illness and is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. Genetics play a role in the etiology too.

>> No.9659379

in truth its just whiny losers being lazy

>> No.9659516

read the Noonday Demon

>> No.9659865

>if I don't understand it it's mythological
Just what the fuck are you talking about? You think science is magic? Are you aware of the existence of textbooks? There is nothing "mythological" about high-school biology.

>> No.9659900

if you can't bother replying to my post without flying off the rails, don't waste my time.

>> No.9659918

You and people who say things like
>if evolution is real then why are there still monkeys around smartpants????????????
are of the same mind.

>> No.9659924

>the only way to defend your beliefs is by making asinine and egregious assumptions about mine

stop being a child

>> No.9659950

Because in China and Russia and Saudi Arabia, being depressed is the norm, symptoms of depression in those countries are as unremarkable as having a hand with five fingers

>> No.9659974
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>> No.9660254

so why are depression rates rising if not because of cultural reasons?

how do we know that depression can not be „fixed“ by a change of mind? are all the people who claim to have done that never been sick in the first place?

not trying to be a smartass im genuinely currious

>> No.9660258

large part of what we understand as depression is basically survey responses, sadly

it's of cours sickness and it has proper criteria. and many people in shit tier countries also fit these criteria. but mostly people in better countries are researched either clinically or just take part in surveys.

>> No.9660272

>so why are depression rates rising if not because of cultural reasons?
youre going to have to be more specific on what you mean by cultural

>how do we know that depression can not be „fixed“ by a change of mind?
because in billions of cases of depression, this has not been proven to work.

i have a psychologist friend who says most of his depression cases are people failing at reaching their goals. that might not sound biological, but it is a real ailment that no one simply snaps out of.

and its not going to be the "get rich quick" scams of the billion dollar self-help industry.

depressed people need therapy for multiple reasons that arent addressed by the self-help conmen. talk therapy, medication, human interaction and so on

>> No.9660280
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Read his manifesto

>> No.9660361

the highest suicide rate is in guyana

also indian and chinese peasants

>> No.9660789

>cultural disease
>that affects mostly privileged people?
Not really.
Depression is just a rational response to a shitty environment, especially growing up.
There is some ugly duckling up here too, a mismatch between you and your peers

>> No.9660817

Why are chemical glitchs in the brain called "illnesses"?

>> No.9660846
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>> No.9660861

Why not?

>> No.9661092

Depression is just as real as happiness. With the way society is going, it should be no surprise. Some people think it's just attention-whoring, but that's because they expect humans are to be some sort of conquistadors over nature.

>> No.9661101

Ignorant bullshit from a pretentious faggot.

There do exist people whose objective circumstances are great, yet are still terribly depressed. It isn't dependent on a shitty life, at least not entirely. We don't yet have a theory of the mind, and may not really figure this shit out until then.

>> No.9661145

How is a shut in unique? People need to stop exotifying east asian countries

>> No.9661308

I guess its harder to find shit to be depressed about when you're more focused on survival. I wonder if poor people in Africa get anorexia.

>> No.9661328

Both, often actually depressed people think they're not and people with amazing lives pretend to be depressed because it makes them feel good.