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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9636250 No.9636250 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a comprehensive math book, that goes froom basic algebra, to calculus, trigonometry, physics etc. etc? I graudated college 7 years ago and plan to go back for my Masters.

My main obstacle is I first need to take the GRE and I don't remember a damn thing about mathematics other than everyday multiplication, division, fractions, that kind of thing.

So I basically need to work from the ground up learning all that shit again. Like just looking at that chalkboard in that pic, it might as well be all gibberish.

Please help.

>> No.9636289

Basic Mathematics by Lang // Simmons' Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell: Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry
Mathematics: Its Content, Methods and Meaning (Dover Books in Mathematics) by Aleksandrov, Kolmogorov, Lavrentev, Sobolev, Gel'fand, et al.

Feynman - Lectures on Physics (http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/))
Joos - Theoretical Physics (Dover Books on Physics)

>> No.9636355

>remember just basic multiplication
>want to go and get Masters in math

Oh boy you are gonna have rough time

>> No.9636500

I don't think he said masters in mathematics.

>> No.9637626

Go to khanacademy and watch short videos.

>> No.9637648

A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 1 & Volume 2
1000 pages of 6000 mathematical theorems. About 300 pages are geometry. No physics, just ass tons of calculations like a fucking dictionary. Work through it and you'll blow everyone out of the water with your computational abilities

>> No.9637913

Greenberg Advanced Engineering Mathematics

>> No.9637956

Precalculus Axler - start there. Ignore the other meme books listed. Axler assumes you are literally an idiot and teaches you the extreme basics. He shows you the building blocks to calculus. Do the entire book and you’ll have a head start on linear algebra + calculus (even tho this is a precalculus book)

>> No.9638036

Isn't it a bit dumbed down and less rigorous compared with Lang's Basic Mathematics? OP isn't learning the material for the first time, so a more terse and rigorous introduction is probably better

>> No.9638106

I honestly doubt OP is smart enough to understand Lang if he forgot the basics. Lang is like recommending Rudin to someone that never seen analysis and learning it for the first time. There are far better books for idiots. Axler is sufficient to understand all computation on the GRE. But whatever, OP go with Lang if you feel mathematically mature. I’ll
Probably do Lang for fun too.

Anyway >>9638036 I think Lang is good. I recommend Lang too. Just up to OP how much basic math they remember

>> No.9639179

How hard is it to become an engineer with no skills in math and finding simultaneously and quadratic equations frustrating? If I try hard enough can I make it?

>> No.9639200

Don't worry man, you're just like 70% of engineers. You'll be fine.

>> No.9639215

This but unironically. Get business connections and study hard to pass with all Cs

>> No.9639343

Unfortunately Axler's Precalculus book is not available in my country. Can I get a copy of the pdf?

>> No.9639376

Import it.
Retards like you have to pay extra.

>> No.9639406

These books are memes. Don't fall for them.

>> No.9639425

>Engineers can't do quadratic equation.
Tradesman aren't engineers.
Plumbers, Wireman, Welders and Carpetenters aren't fucking engineers!

>> No.9639493

>Basic Mathematics by Lang
Lang is a meme.

>> No.9639713

Most of /sci/ has no clue what an engineer even is. I blame the pajeets who think engineers are mechanics or coders.

>> No.9639717

>haven't read it thoroughly since didn't have any reason to but
What is Mathematics - Courant

>> No.9639721

memes are memes
books are books

>> No.9639731

>no skills in math
Literally the 3rd most competent major(s) in regards to math and physics. If you can't even do a quadratic equation let alone calc or linear algebra than you have no right to be an engineer.

>> No.9640931

Is his precalculus book the same as his algebra and trigonometry?

>> No.9642285


>> No.9642415

More or less

>> No.9642466
File: 175 KB, 1600x1200, witten_smug_condescension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. triggered engicucks
If you have the phenotype, you study pure mathematics or theoretical physics.

>> No.9642474

Ignore everyone in the this thread and just buy a GRE study guide. It'll give you a review on all the math you'll need for the test. You certainly don't need to learn calculus or go through entire textbooks for this.

>> No.9642561

>the phenotype
The one for autism?

>> No.9643294

I just took the general GRE and the key to it is solving tons of problems. If you're taking the exam soon just get the official guide and Manhattan books (set of 8 and the 5lb problem book). That should bring you up to low 160+. Beyond that is just pattern recognition and dissecting problems that you get from solving tons of problems and doing practice tests to get your brain into a test taking mode. otherwise, if you a lot of free time then feel free to go through some precalc book like Axler and do a lot of problems and practice exams.

>> No.9644802
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What do you mean by "the phenotype"?

>> No.9644805
File: 479 KB, 547x630, witten_condescension.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing the meme

>> No.9644823
File: 1.35 MB, 1431x1411, sad cat hamster thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls tell me the meme i'm retarded

>> No.9645389

This desu

>> No.9645416

This is the best place to start. Sal is awesome. Then when you want even more info, buy an old edition of a algebra/trig textbook and go from there. For instance, I liked the textbook that I used in college algebra and trig (but I didn't buy the physical copy, just the e-book with the access code), so after the semester was over I bought the edition that came before that one. It only cost me about $25 on ebay.

>> No.9646794

These them are fall. For memes don't books

>> No.9646995

What is Mathematics? by Courant is exactly what you are looking for, basically an entire review of elementary math but with explanations of what's going on. However Axler, also mentioned ITT is another good source for specifically taking shit like GRE or placement tests. To do Axler, what you do is first try the exercises in each chapter. Are you stuck? Read some of the material. Try them again. Keep doing this. Do all the exercises because math is learn by doing.

If you try and read it like a regular book you'll get bored so just start doing exercises and directly look up what you need to finish them, a good skill to have if you're doing a MSc later and will be coming across material you will need to fill in some prereq blanks for.

>> No.9647977

Not OP, but I'm after 4 chapters of Lang's Basic Mathematics and everything, including the exercises, seems too basic and I feel like I'm not learning anything. Does the difficulty increase later on? I wanted to refresh basic math, because I finished the university years ago and I recently realized I forgot even what a logarithm or a trigonometric function is

>> No.9648029
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>>9644802 >>9642561

Big Brain Phenotype

>> No.9648038
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>> No.9648117 [DELETED] 

Yes lib gen io

Axler is worth going through in its entirety. He wrote it for those that literally know no math and builds you up to a point where you are prepared to do calculus. If you actually go through his entire book you’ll be more prepared for calculus than most students. Many of thy’all hard parts of calculus will be easy because you’ll have mastered it already with his book.

>> No.9648126

>>9639343 #
Yes lib gen io

Axler is worth going through in its entirety. He wrote it for those that literally know no math and builds you up to a point where you are prepared to do calculus. If you actually go through his entire book you’ll be more prepared for calculus than most students. Many of the hard parts of calculus (precalculus) will be easy because you’ll have mastered it already with his book. He even goes into basic linear algebra and limits iirc. It’s a solid prep book for calculus and GRE (as mentioned already in thread).