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File: 4 KB, 200x121, secret formula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9578823 No.9578823 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most useless element and why is it hydrogen?

>> No.9578834
File: 126 KB, 634x617, iprqru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>secret formula

>> No.9578840

>The most useless element
What does this even mean

>> No.9578871

Clearly the transactinide elements are the most useless since they decay faster than you could do anything with them.

>> No.9578899

Hydrogen decay is a spontaneous reaction. Because of this property, it exists for a very short time - far too short for us to do anything useful with it.
[math] \therefore \; Hydrogen \; Is \; The \; Most \; Useless \; Element [/math]

>> No.9579015

Hydrogen's good for inflating zeppelins
The remaining lead is good for paint.

>> No.9579487

W-what the fuck is this notation?

>> No.9579810 [DELETED] 


\dfrac{ \left \lceil \lambda \right \rceil
\left | \dfrac{\rho }{ \leftarrow \! \bigcirc} \right .}
{~~pq~ \! \! \left | \binom{ \Omega }{ \varnothing } \right .}


>> No.9579813 [DELETED] 



\frac{ \left \lceil \lambda \right \rceil
\left | \frac{\rho }{ \leftarrow \! \bigcirc} \right .}
{~~pq~ \! \! \left | \binom{ \Omega }{ \varnothing } \right .}


>> No.9579817 [DELETED] 


\dfrac{ \left \lceil \lambda \right \rceil
\left | \dfrac{\rho }{ \leftarrow \! \bigcirc} \right .}
{~~pq~ \! \! \left | \binom{ \Omega }{ \varnothing } \right .}


>> No.9579826


\dfrac{ \left \lceil \lambda \right \rceil
\left | \dfrac{\rho }{ \leftarrow \! \bigcirc} \right .}
{~~pq~~ \! \! \left | \binom{ \Omega }{ \varnothing } \right .}


>> No.9580364
File: 4 KB, 260x260, wheel theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the element [math]x\in\varnothing[/math] is the most useless