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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9517566 No.9517566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why smart people are so retarded about politics?

>> No.9517579

Same reason Einstein was a left wing radical who literally advocated for a globalist government.
They're constantly jerking each other off about how smart and great they are. They end up developing a god complex and believe that their opinion is valuable. Politics being a mainstream normie field they decide to shit all over it to so that normies can shower them with praise about how big their dicks are
Just because you spent your life researching a phenomena 99.99% of people don't know about, doesn't mean you know how to effectively run a country
also reddit

>> No.9517584

>what's having a different point of view?

>> No.9517591

Someone please clean up this /pol/ trash.

Any janitors around?

>> No.9517597

You way this way claim that saying 2+2=5 is just another point of view.

>> No.9517600
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It is a thread about science.

>> No.9517609

>You way this way claim
Its called you're mongoloid and have mongoloid understanding of the world around you.

>> No.9517611

Its a thread about the political oppinions of a oup of people. It starts by calling those people retarded. Its a /pol/ thread

>> No.9517615
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>> No.9517633

A bunch of awkward beta nerds virtue signalling and cowering before the might of the feminist mob. It's not really surprising at all That they buckle so fast in a realm that requires courage.

>> No.9517649
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> be stupid
< think you understand what smart people are like

>> No.9517654

>You way this way claim that

>> No.9517658
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No bully pls.

>> No.9517680
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trump supporters:
>wall street
>super wealthy billionaire elites
>pedophile roy moore
>wife beater john porter
>devil incarnate sarah huckabee
>zombie barbie retard kellyanne conway
>the florida school shooter
>/pol/tards, unironic nazis, self loathing whites upset that theyve never accomplished anything
>sister-fucking hillbilly rurals with a 4th grade thinking ability
>insecure, overcompensating gun nuts
>fox news addicts
>airheaded privileged millenials whos parents pay for their lives and think life is one giant joke

the gop's biggest demographics?

Look around at the company you keep, OP.

>> No.9517687

Well, the Left is the main anti-Science faction nowadays.

>> No.9517689

>Scientists are anti-science nowadays

>> No.9517694

Almost made me reply. Relatively decent b8.

>> No.9517695
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>> No.9517696

>le basket of deplorable DRUMPF
Liberals biggest demographics
>sexual deviants
>science deniers
But not /sci/ related Sage

>> No.9517698

Yes. Their actions will eventually lead to cuts in research funding.

>> No.9517699

Some people hold strong beliefs without considering their beliefs will be wrong.

This is why you should take everything that isnt hard, established fact with skepticism.

Hell, skepticism has almost become trendy because even intelligent people can hold false presumptions.

>> No.9517709
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Let me correct that:
The extreme Left/Right are the main anti-Science factions nowadays.

>> No.9517720

>damage control

>> No.9517722

> extreme left wants to open borders for a billion Africans and destroy the society together with science
> extreme right goes to church sometimes
Really equally dangerous.

>> No.9517728

A huge misconception that the vast majority of people have is that if an individual is extremely knowledgeable in one field of study then he must be knowledgeable about everything else as well.
Kinda like the average person thinks doctors never get sick themselves.

>> No.9517730

/pol/ I want you to understand why we hate you.
We dont hate you because what you say is "offensive". Remember where the fuck you are, we are each about one click away from watching women with 12 inch cocks fucking each other. And at one point this site even had guro and loli boards. Oh my god he said nigger! This totally shocks my unenlightened sheeple mind.

No, we hate you because you are the new furfags. You see, the problem with furfags wan't that they jerked off to furry shit. It was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry. Every forum avatar had to be a fursona. They had to constantly broadcast the fact that they were furfags to everyone, and when this was met with derision, they doubled down on their effort. They labeled the rational reaction to their faggotry "fursection" and actively set out to be the biggest faggots they could possibly be to combat it.

Stormniggers are exactly the same. I have yet to see a single board on this site that doesn't regularly have off topic derails about nigger, jews or trump. Always with craftyjew.jpg and A Wyatt Mann cartoons. I doesn't matter HOW off topic it is, /pol/ users can't help but broadcast the fact that they are stormniggers.

What does the average IQ of blacks have to do with this thread? I mean, really what does it add to the conversation at all? Jack shit. All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread that LOOK AT ME! I AM SO RACIST! YOU SHOULD BE OFFENDED!

TL;DR stormfags are just the same as furfags, only their "fursecution" is called "political correctness".


>> No.9517733

> extreme left wants to open borders for a billion Africans and destroy the society together with science
> extreme right goes to church sometimes
here's a better one for comparison:
> extreme right says: "fuck you for breathing my air."

>> No.9517734

To be fair he did bring in staff who had no background in science to lead various science departments. He also has been anti-environmental science despite being supposedly pro farm and space which both depend on environmental science for ecological and atmospheric behavior patterns.

In other words Trump is putting his nose in areas he has fuck all understanding about.

>> No.9517735
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Republicans lined up to support pedophile Roy Moore. Democrats and the few indies that exist in AL came out in force against him. Thats why he lost.

Over half of republicans oppose higher education and climate change denial is a repeated theme among them. They also lined up behind a vaccine-autism conspiracy theorist for president.

Theres been 2 suicides from high profile politicians after being caught having sex with underaged kids. Both republicans.

Theres been more than 1 retirement of high level republicans over gay affairs the past year.

Republicans are actively obstructing a criminal probe into Trump and the GOP which is rumored to turn into a massive RICO case against the GOP. It has been confirmed that a hostile foreign nation infiltrated one of republicans' biggest donor groups and funneled money to many of them.

But go ahead and tell us how Hillary is running a pedo ring out of a basement that physically does not exist.

>> No.9517745

Truth has a well known liberal bias.

>> No.9517753

>To be fair he did bring in staff who had no background in science to lead various science departments.

Having a background in science means you have spent your life being a grant chasing gibs recipient, also a scientist likely has no idea how to run a large organization.
Considering all these people are super partisan leftists, its no surprise he doesn't hire any people with backgrounds in sciences.

These departments need a good trimming of the fat anyways, or just to be closed down since its only leftist bureaucrats that work there.

The Republicans said DON'T VOTE ROY MOORE and its all alleged nonsense, you notice it disappears after he's lost.

>> No.9517756
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>> No.9517766

Because to know about politics you have to spend time researching it, and they ain't got time for that.

>> No.9517768


>Having a background in science means you have spent your life being a grant chasing gibs recipient,

So are we just going to ignore engineers, medical professionals and entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Larry Paige/Sergey Brin who literally have backgrounds in science?

>also a scientist likely has no idea how to run a large organization.

So why did Trump select Ben Carson to be the secretary of urban housing development when his background is in psychology and neurosurgery and has written a number of science articles?

>Considering all these people are super partisan leftists, its no surprise he doesn't hire any people with backgrounds in sciences.

Again Ben Carson creates a conflict in the logic being proposed here.

>> No.9517774

Unfortunatly many skeptics these days aren't skeptical and actually just latch onto conspiracy theories.
They seem to think that being a skeptic just means you don't trust what goverments tell you.

>> No.9517775

>So why did Trump select Ben Carson to be the secretary of urban housing development when his background is in psychology and neurosurgery and has written a number of science articles?
Because Trump is a moron.

>> No.9517778

Thousands of years of getting butfucked by political powers.

>> No.9517795

>So why did Trump select Ben Carson
Because Ben Carson is smart, grew up in subsidized housing, and has lots of personnal experience in such matters.

He needs loyal people in important positions.

>So are we just going to ignore engineers, medical professionals and entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Larry Paige/Sergey Brin who literally have backgrounds in science?

And where is the list of people who are qualified, lifelong Republicans, not RINO's, and are willing to be nominated by Trump(means the media/dems will attack you) + competent enough that he'd accept them?

Government rules are set up SPECIFICALLY to prevent businessmen or entrepreneurs from being appointed to positions. They have to fucking put everything in a blind trust or sell it just to take a position, its a huge hassle, just to get paid peanuts + harassed by Dems/Media? It's not worth it for 99% of people.

>> No.9517802


>people on /pol/ think they are more knowledgeable than terence tao


>hurr he maffs guys so he stoopid about poltiks unleik me cuz i go 2 pul

>> No.9517804

You don't have to be smart to oppose Trump, not being unusually stupid is good enough.

>> No.9517811
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>The Republicans said DON'T VOTE ROY MOORE

>> No.9517816
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fuck off reddit

>> No.9517822

Oversocialized affluent sorts are attracted to liberal politics because they do not view the mass flood of non-white immigrants as competition.
In fact the lowering of average IQ's only benefits them.

As an Asian Terrence Tao has no connection to the history or culture of America(or Australia where he was born), and as an urban dweller they are indoctrinated into some very strange mindsets.
If Terrence was living in his own country, aka China, he would be espousing very different views.

Trump is not the Republican establishment, and Roy Moore ran a damn shitty race

>> No.9517823

reddit is a liberal cesspool what are you talking about

>> No.9517825

Also look at the treasonous liberals who hound every single Trump appointee, and then turn around to whine about how Trump cabinet members are not qualified(or they are flying first class instead of coach where they can be assaulted/harassed/assassinated)

They rammed a train full of Republican congressment just the other day, thats already dropped from the news....

fucking seditious piece of shits

>> No.9517826
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>the republican president is not the republican establishment

>> No.9517830

Last 2 Republican presidents didn't endorse him
Last 2 Republican nominees were against him

What do you fucking want idiot, do you not follow the news?

>> No.9517831

The left has constantly been associated with "rationality" and science.
See neil degrasse tyson
Michiku kaku
Bill nye
Carl sagan

To be fair this whole politicization of science in the west started when there were corporate interests. Like tobacco addiction studies, pharmaceutical studies, and most famously evolution and climate change.

While repubs have constantly been associated with the business side of things, and trump not doing anything to really break that mold.
The dems have always taken side with science , at least publicly. See: Al Gore.

Scientists marching against trump are just maintaining the lefts narrative and stranglehold of "rationality and science". I bet dollars to donuts that the group that put on this protest is funded or supports democrats.

Skepticism is not believing what anybody tells you as writ fact. And instead proving it or disproving it yourself.
Skeptiks are the active participants in science. Otherwise you're just a gullible fool following someone elses instagram instead of making your own way.

>> No.9517837

>lowering a gaussian distribution

thanks for proving my point with your pseud. you don't even know what a standard distribution is yet you are posting on sci

>> No.9517843
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>lists all the meme "scientists"
glad you did it at the start so I didn't waste time reading your post

>> No.9517845

lmao he's aligned with you, retard.

couple o dummies you are.

>> No.9517848

Dude this aint about science
This is about PR
Even science knows this
Otherwise we wouldn't have "meme scientists"

>> No.9517862
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>Actually writing out the text from a screenshot, years after it was made

>> No.9517869

politics is something for the uneducated and the timid anon
science is interesting and you dont have time for shitflinging festivals about whos jewing who at the moment.

>> No.9517879


also, this.

>> No.9517930

>>le basket of deplorable DRUMPF
>Liberals biggest demographics
>>sexual deviants
>>science deniers

Isn't it funny how all those words describe your "gawd empra" Trump?

>> No.9517932

>> extreme right goes to church sometimes
They also want everyone else to go to church, and the laws of the country to be based on their fairy tales.

They are pro religious liberty. as long as its christian.

They hate people who are different, even if they are harmless weirdos.

>> No.9517944

What, obviously the most intelligent people, that is, people like scientists, and professionals, are obviously correct , or more correct, in their decision and judgement ability, stupid Drumpfkin !

>> No.9517953

Dude, STEM people have no fucking idea about politics but think they’re smart enough to know everything about it without doing any research into it or put any original thought into it.

>> No.9517958

The left are way into science until it says male and female brains are different or something then suddenly they chimp out about how it’s fake studies and bad science.

>> No.9517959

>closes down fucking NASA
>why are scientists protesting?

Back to /Pol/.

>> No.9518010

>equating not supporting Trump to being retarded about politics

>> No.9518013

Not science or math.