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File: 42 KB, 468x468, dzn_Sticks-and-Stones-and-Broken-Bones-by-Studio-Toogood-and-ize-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9215589 No.9215589 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the downsides to making your bones metal?

>> No.9215590


>> No.9215592

>arm stuck in door
>permanently bent

>> No.9215594

It would be very painful

>> No.9215597

heavy bones :/

>> No.9215598

You're a big guy

>> No.9215600

How do?
Bend it back

>> No.9215602

bones are not just static, they are used for mineral storage. you'd have HUGE calcium deficits

>> No.9215604

M8 I drink milk every day. I'd be fine.

>> No.9215607

your an retarded

>> No.9215613

Yes I an.

>> No.9215634

They would be very heavy.
The connection between "bone" and muscle would not be very good.
There would be problems with calcium homeostasis.

>> No.9215644

Say goodbye to your red blood cells

>> No.9215645

>make them out of mercury
>never stuck in anything
>make them out of calcium
>no more milk
>make them out of metallic hydrogen
>can fly

>> No.9215652

>not using cerium oxides as storage

>> No.9215677

Magnets. Also if you were standing near a radio tower or other large source of EM waves your bones would heat up from induction.

>> No.9215690

We don't have a way to connect tendons to metal, so you'd collapse into a blob.

>> No.9215720

Airport security checks

>> No.9215731

What are clips?

>> No.9215743 [DELETED] 

You're muscles tearing and heavy bruising pretty much any time you hit your funny bone or have a light trip.

>> No.9215772

A very bad way to connect tendons to metal. The huge difference in stiffness between metal and tendons will create stress concentrations that will reduce max load capacity.

>> No.9215802
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What if you have a little metal ring on the bone where the tendon ties on to?

>> No.9215844


>> No.9215917

For you
Metal doesn't regenerate.

>> No.9215987

Enjoy your lack of red blood cells and lymphocytes.

>> No.9215992

The difference in stiffness is still a problem. This means load is not transferred to the metal bone and the muscle could rip out.

>> No.9215999
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>this thread

>> No.9216010
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Fun fact: There's a skeleton living inside of you.

>> No.9216028

Titanium foam or weave, niggers.

100% possible and none of the downsides, besides being a bit heavier.

>> No.9216035

Bones are living tissue, they're not Kerbal Space Program struts. You can't just replace them with a stronger material.

>> No.9216040

You can grow the bone inside the weave.

Actually implanting it would be the worst job but I don't think its impossible.

>> No.9216052
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>make them out of calcium
But anon, aren't they already made from calcium?

>> No.9216088

You'd have a boner ALL the time instead of just some times

>> No.9216099

Pretty much.

>> No.9216110

Metal is utterly retarded, but very robust plastic sounds rather useful.

Ofc there are the problems are anons mention like blood cell production, bone mark, etc.

>> No.9216304

There would be no downside as long as you keep going and make everything else in your body metal too.
Fleshlets won't last long in the coming singularity.

>> No.9216346
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Imagine falling off a bike and bending your leg

>> No.9216407

thank mr skeltal!

Beep Booop

>> No.9216420
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The cold in the winter.

>> No.9216566

Calcium IS a metal

>> No.9216653

Biweekly blood transfusions

>> No.9216672

Hematopoietic stem cells wouldn't be able to leave nor intake the nutrients to be synthesized in your bone marrow so you would have no red blood cells nor white blood cells.

>> No.9216682

maybe you can't

>> No.9217025

rejected by the rest of the body
doesn't do what the bones do (produce blood, regenerate, etc)
too heavy for your physiology, will cause slowness and damage to body
definitely result in death

>> No.9217030

I had to scroll way too far down to read this. This should be the first thought you have if you have a decent understanding of the body. /sci/ confirmed bio-brainlets

>> No.9217037

it's hydroxylapatite, not pure calcium

>> No.9217063

If they were made of some type titanium foam alloy that might be doable. For example hip replacements are just solid metal and it is okay.

>> No.9217101

youd sink

the human body rusts even titanium implants

>> No.9217103

be just a little creative, we are not talking about solid metal bones. Try to peek out of your box.

>> No.9217566

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9217608

Generally speaking, if you even consider a possibility of replacing your organic bones with metal ones, you don't really know much about the bones themselves. A lot of people have this wrong preconception that bones are a static, kind of "dead" tissue. It's completely wrong though. Go google some bone tissue, look at the haversian system, your bones are actually in the constant state of change just like all the other organs, they exchange substances with the rest of the organism, they aren't merely a pillar. Bone marrow is the key component of the lymphatic system, also the red bone marrow produces red blood cells. Bones are also a calcium storage.

>> No.9217652

Does the majority of sci think all our bones are just lifeless matter with no other function than being a robust frame for other tissue??

>> No.9217662

>expecting /sci/fags to understand basic physiology
most people on this board have no knowledge outside of their narrow field, in addition to being stupid as fuck

>> No.9217669

I know a guy with a bunch of metal ribs, a metal nose, and a metal kneecap. He doesn't seem to have many problems with it.

>> No.9217693

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9217729

>making bones out of pure calcium metal
>when your body is 99%water
The absolute madman

>> No.9217747

That's why you create a framework for your actual bone to grow into.

Think of it as reinforced concrete.

You now have the best of both worlds.

>> No.9217751

You don't have a bone in your dick you dumbass

>> No.9217767

maybe you dont

>> No.9217777

Holy fuck you ar3 a genius

>> No.9217834

No Blood Cells coming out from your Bones's marrow
>heavy bones :/
& very heavy bones that don't regenerate
= Death

>> No.9217897

use aluminum or something that's bendy innit

>> No.9217901

llmoa check out this dicklet

>> No.9217918

thanks, captain obvious. Everyone here knows that, on the other hand you are a fucking uninformed retard.
Just google titanium foam bones, how foam structure helps the bone to get integrated, etc.
Goddamn /sci/, use some imagination.

>> No.9218619

Good post

>> No.9218821


you would never be able to find buried treasure with a metal detector

>> No.9218824

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9218854


>> No.9218899

In case you haven't got the real answer yet, here it is:

Your body must keep the pH of your blood stable, or else you'd die. Too acidic, too basic, you fuck up homeostasis and die.

So in a healthy human, if your blood becomes too acidic, your bones release bicarbonate (which is basic) to balance the blood. Failure to balance the blood pH can result in acidemia.

Also, bones have the roles of producing blood cells, it has some immune roles, and it requires flexibility. Metal is way too dense, and way too inflexible.

And there are some piezoelectric functions of the bone that have yet to be discovered, but which are important. For instance, bones might generate a lot of energy simply by being used, and this energy might be important for use, or for signalling.

Lastly, bones need to be remodeled all the time. If bones cannot be remodeled, they won't stay efficient for the tasks you are partaking in. Look up Wolff's law. Bone is constantly changing shape, and this is important for functioning correctly.

Metal wouldn't work, at least not now. Maybe if an animal evolved for millions of years eating a diet incredibly high in iron, then maybe the animals osteoblasts would start using iron, but not now. If you simply covered a humans bones in metal, wolverine style, you would fuck shit up. There would be a huge immune reaction, and the human would die.

>> No.9219022

So it only works on a human like wolverine who is impervious to damage, illness and can regenerate extremely quickly and constantly.

>> No.9220012


>> No.9220025

>bone marrow
you would die

>> No.9220036

>bones release bicarbonate
>bones have anything to to whatsoever with pH regulation

>> No.9220167

>legs amputee after accident
>die because ph imbalance
sasuga scienceguys you never cease to amaze

>> No.9220502

They're already made of metal.

>> No.9220572

the real problem over here

>> No.9220578

>every mineral can have metallic properties under the right condition s

>> No.9221054

You wouldn't be able to make new blood cells to replace the old ones in your body.

>> No.9221065

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9221749

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9221884

> metal
>being rejected

>> No.9221887

>befriending Cybermen

>> No.9223287


>> No.9223297

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9223300
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>> No.9223329

>making your bones metal
i cant imagine being this autistic desu
i thank the gods every day

>> No.9223373



>> No.9223524

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9223550

you are part of a little group of intelligent people here.

>> No.9223655


>> No.9223872

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9224174

A fuckload of heavy possibly-toxic particles in your bloodstream - oxidated metals etc.
Increased weight
Inability for doctors to unfuck you when youj break something
>your limbs bend instead of breaking/you'd need to weld them back together or replace them entirely
the intense heat from welding is impractical, for deep fractures, you'd just have to get the bones pulled out and replaced

>> No.9224229

Fucking hell. I made this thread ages ago. How is it still up?
Now, what if you didn't make the bones entirely out of metal and just replace your bone with titanium foam reinforced bone?

>> No.9224268

this. our bones are red from all the warm blood

>> No.9224575

this is the funniest thing i have seen in weeks

>> No.9224771
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quads confirms it

>> No.9225031

Rolling on the floor.

>> No.9225082


>> No.9225085

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9225092


>> No.9225117

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9225260

>Lightning storms are instant death
>Can no longer swim
>Bones may rust
>No healing
>RIP white blood cells
>Fights with Magneto become more dangerous

>> No.9225568

>pure calcium in water
ah yes

>> No.9226705

I'm not letting this retarded thread die. Bump.

>> No.9227198


>making your bones metal


>> No.9228200

Calcium is in your bones but your bones are not entirely made of calcium.

>> No.9228231

thanks mr. skelly

>> No.9228247

>>make them out of mercury

Ins't mercury highly toxic and a liquid at room temperature?

>> No.9228259

Mercury being toxic is a conspiracy by (((them)))
I personally drink a pint of mercury every day with no ill effects.

>> No.9228264
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That as (((their))) plan, YOU FOOL!! (((I))) Would know.

>> No.9228433

I'd make my bones out of diamond, the hardest metal known to man

>> No.9228448
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> implying carbon is a metal

>> No.9228467

What about concrete? Plenty of calcium there.

>> No.9228479

thank you mr skeltal

>> No.9228481

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9228486

how many times we have to tell you dont talk to strange cyborgs

>> No.9228819

Shi huang di stop shitposting, you were supposed to die thousands of years ago

>> No.9228830

Qin Shi Huang's death is imperial western propaganda
eternal emperor of Qin dynasty cannot die

>> No.9228832

Don't make me get The Party again

>> No.9228938

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9228942

You need a light alloy. Steel is too heavy and inflexible. Bones have flexible resistance to them. Titanium might be your best bet because lightness and the fact that it's one of the kings of corrosion resistance.
Of course, your bone marrow generates blood cells but if you could use some stem cells to grow marrow and/or blood.

>> No.9228943
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>> No.9229319

Heavy metal poisoning.
Never being able to float again.
Never passing a metal detector without drama.
Your metal bones would wear away making your joints more and more arthritic.
Did I mention death as a downside? Actually, it you would beg for it eventually.

>> No.9229332

i am spooked all the time

>> No.9229472

Some one get this crossed out of .

>> No.9229597


>> No.9229599

That also means a lot if muscle mass to lift it.

>> No.9229602

Are you in the sun everyday?

>> No.9229825

No bone marrow, you'll die pretty quickly without white blood cells

>> No.9229830

prosthetics aren't heavy

>> No.9229832

thanks mr skeltal

>> No.9230286

milk gives calcium is a meme by dairy industry

>> No.9230314

>not having bones made of induction hardened 4140.
There are no downsides for using something light like chrome moly or titanium.

>> No.9230473

Polystyrene bones when?

>> No.9231670

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9231679

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9231685


>> No.9231692

I honestly dont know how tendons connect to bones but I dint think they can be wrapped around like a dock ring.

>> No.9231696

thank mr skeltal

>> No.9232095

>What would be the downsides to making your bones metal?

>> No.9232155

Gotta dream big. Though there's no reason why you couldn't clad the surface of titanium bones with regular bone. Your body isn't going to suddenly need a skeleton's worth of calcium flowing through the system.