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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 105 KB, 970x647, Medical school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8407933 No.8407933 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here interested in doing Medicine in the future?

I'm 19 and I plan to study Medicine in my late 20's (28 or 29) through the GAMSAT graduate entry programme (Ireland)

I was around doctors a lot in my early life due to my poor health and I've always wanted to be a doctor.

The thing is that my IQ (last tested three years ago) is 114.
Is this good enough for Medicine, /sci/?

Anyone currently in Med school is more than welcome to join in.

>> No.8408020


>The thing is that my IQ (last tested three years ago) is 114. Is this good enough for Medicine?

That is more than enough to be a doctor, anon. The field of practition has never required nor demanded a great abundance of intellect, only a functioning memory and healthy work ethic.

I won't speak for all, but I can say with reasonable surety that, at least, the majority of /sci/'s user base is not interested in medicine - as it is not considered a science (both natural or social).

>> No.8408031

I am sure that in a hospital, they require their doctors to have an IQ of at least 200.

By that I mean that all the IQs of the doctors must add up to 200. Most hospitals accomplish this after like 70 doctors. So you are fucking good to go.

But after 2 years of meeting your brainlet friends do not come here and make a Pepe post with the phrase
>tfw too smart for medicine

>> No.8408047
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>> No.8408050

The salt (and above all, jealousy) is real.

>> No.8408059
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>> No.8408072

>the majority of /sci/'s user base is not interested in medicine - as it is not considered a science (both natural or social).
Medics are nothing but people technicians.

They follow procedures and perform diagnostics not unlike a TV repair man or an IT support.

Is their field built on science? Yes. But is their job science? Hell no.

>> No.8408689

OP, I went into a medical field in my late 20's and it was a good decision. Had a lot of different jobs and life experiences before that, helped me know how people work and how their lives are. Don't think I would have been any good if I'd gone straight in at 18 or 19.

>> No.8410192

This is encouraging. Thanks for this, man.

I want to have a degree in science beforehand so that I can be better prepared for it anyway and some experience in the healthcare sector.

I need a high GPA in order to sit the GAMSAT exam, so I'll just basically have to bust my balls in my undergrad science degree. It'll get me used to studying hard anyway :)

>> No.8410234

Med student here, surprisingly.
Medicine requires having a good memory, and many times learning things by heart. But I believe this can easily be resolved with having more time to study.
Sometimes, you also need to be quick at finding answers, but this is resolved with practice, more than anything else.
And as >>8408689 said, it's good to have many life experiences; to be aware that there are many kinds of people, but who are also very similar in some instances. The one who only knows Medicine, not even Medicine does he know.
Being a doctor requires empathy. In clinical practice, you won't be able to put to good use all the knowledge that you have if you're not able to communicate with your patients.

I know doctors and classmates who started studying in their late 40s. More than anything else, I think that perseverance and determination are of utmost importance.

>> No.8410474
File: 70 KB, 618x564, 1476320500211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a science
>starting this thread on /sci/


>> No.8410482

How do we overcome the problem of Tolerance to drugs? It seems like, the more a patient takes a given drug the more of it they require to get the same effects...

>> No.8410484


tolerance is easy to overcome, just stop taking whatever drug you're tolerant to for long enough and your tolerance will decline to 0 (and its effectiveness will be restored), its that simple.

>> No.8411094

Medicine isn't an exact science but rather an applied science. The practice of it is an art.
Fuck tha haterz, /sci/ is the most appropriate board for med discussion.

OP good luck in your pursuit of the GOAT profession.

>> No.8411150
File: 856 KB, 2560x1600, 1475528138449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im salty that the average population see you doctors as pure geniuses that succeded in life when all you guys do is get a degree. And loads of money
