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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 30 KB, 600x346, B2bRlEsCYAAVF0-[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6878871 No.6878871[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

SOOOOooooooo, remember how when we laughed at people who got liberal arts degrees because WTF are you going to use that for? There are not many jobs in the REAL WORLD where 'liberal arts' produce anything useful or productive. Science? Nope, we're dealing with sciencery, and emotional obfuscation is absolutely not required. IT? Nope, computers have no feels that require emotional obfuscation. Engineering? Nope, you can't emotionally blackmail that bridge into building itself because misogyny. Banking? LoL fuck off you whiny slut. It goes on and on.

But here is what "liberal Arts" degrees ARE being used for.



And THAT is what they are doing with their liberal arts degrees.

>> No.6878879

well put, looks like some sort of wake up call

>> No.6878888

Video games are still for (man)children, regardless.

>> No.6878890

Jesus fucking christ wipe those tears of your face

>> No.6878891

>well put
top kek

>> No.6878892

I think we can all see that the sjw's are now patrolling /sci/.

>> No.6878901

This is his twitter so you can send him some love: https://twitter.com/mggtTaylor

>> No.6878903

the evidence is in:


>> No.6878910

You know, I have to agree. I have considered myself to be a feminist for many years. Recently I am really wondering what is going on. Is this just a fad, or are people like me going to have to take sides against this insane bullshit?

>> No.6878914
File: 75 KB, 332x303, You don't know shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be non/sci/ pleb
>spend a lot of time worrying about the opinions of dipshits on the internet.
>probably devote entire months of lifetime so far just to fighting sjw's on the internet.
>somehow don't realize that in doing so you've become just as bad as said sjw's.

You are the cancer, OP. Now go back to your fucking containment board. No one here cares except the cancer spilling in from other boards.

>> No.6878919

Maybe you do.

>> No.6878920

sjw's attack scientist whose life work has reached its pinnacle because of his SHIRT given to him by a female friend for his birthday.

>be non/sci/ pleb
I teach science you dumb fuck.

>> No.6878926

>Oh no people on the internet said mean things to a scientist.
>I have to go blog about this.

Unless you're teaching at a university then you're probably even worse than a non/sci/ pleb given the state of science education in schools. Get fucked.

>> No.6878927

You seem very upset, OP, perhaps you ought to calm down and listen to yourself for a minute or two.

>> No.6878932

hello sjw shill squad

>> No.6878934

Any particular Universities which you consider to be acceptable? Or are you just reaching for straw now?

>> No.6878936


Don't you mean that I should just shut up and stop interrupting your narrative?

>> No.6878937

There's already a thread for that >>6877122, no need for another one.

>> No.6878939

>reaching for straw

Yep. he / she's definitely grasping at straws.

>> No.6878940

ITT: SJW's still trying to tell everyone else what to do.

>> No.6878942

>/sci/ users who would rather sit around and shitpost during study breaks said I'm just as dumb as the SJW I'm fighting!
>I better call them SJW!!

Spend your time doing research instead of wasting it on retarded shit anon.

>> No.6878944

Any university, and of course by science I mean actual science, not that pseudoscience (social science) shit.

>> No.6878948

You might want to tone down the "SJW" use and posting speed /pol/, you guys are being way too obvious.

>> No.6878949


why are you still in this thread if you have better things to do? You are trying very hard to shut down a conversation which you claim to have no interest in. Hang around for a while, you might learn how rational people converse about facts and reality.

>> No.6878950

>Spend your time doing research instead of wasting it on retarded shit anon.

....so that I can be crucified for wearing the wrong shirt? OK

>> No.6878951

next time, we might see chemistry or gravity being sexist.

>> No.6878954
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>> No.6878956

>People saying dumb shit no one cares about on the internet.


Did you miss the part where /sci/ users shitpost on /sci/ during breaks? How fucking new are you here? That shit is fucking common knowledge even outside our board.

>> No.6878965

As a woman in the field, I find these stupid girls extremely annoying. The good thing is, I always have the last laugh when they hit the real world and realise that no-one out there cares about what they think unless they can produce the goods. And seeing as outside of the bubble, they have nothing except rhetoric, I don't have to deal with them on a day to day basis. I love what I do, and the men I work with. LONG LIVE THE NERDS!

>> No.6878966

Right on

Please develop a virus that targets SJWs

>> No.6878967

Exactly, the only people who care are people who can't into science.

>> No.6878971

>these stupid girls
I wouldn't go calling anyone else stupid (not that you are since you didn't actually refer to anyone, I guess).

>> No.6878974

I'll just leave this here:


>> No.6878976

That's a shame, because it clearly belongs in /x/.

>> No.6878977

Is this how /sci/fags act when they see a fem/sci/ on the board?

>> No.6878979

No, I'm just glad to see a female scientist who isn't an astroturfed feminist shill.

>> No.6878981



>> No.6878982

All but one.

>obvious /pol/esmoker
not /sci/
>elitist asshole
typical /sci/
>pedantic asshole
typical /sci/

>> No.6878984
File: 11 KB, 500x560, jew1399532264223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but goy, I am from both
oy vey

>> No.6878988
File: 128 KB, 1100x914, microscopic lol 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this obvious
>implying /pol/ can into science.
Nigga, that board is dumber than /x/.

>> No.6878989

You may be right about that.
The blog entry is written by Tom Levenson (comments overwhelmingly supportive).
Professor at MIT, but he's "Professor of Science Writing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and head of Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies and the Graduate Program in Science Writing".
Haven't yet determined the nature of his graduate degree but his undergrad degree is in East Asian Studies.

MIT website for his program mentions his undergrad degree but not his graduate degree.


>> No.6878993

I don't have a take on either side, but I hope you realize that in spite of the fact that while most can't really give two shits about politics, those who do tend to lean anti-misogynist. Almost all my professors - if not all - will somewhat back feminism and I come from a highly regarded research state university in a conservative state. It's really not only just liberal arts majors, they're the most outspoken group for sure though.

>> No.6878999

There's a difference between wanting equality with feminism and shoving agendas down everyone's throats because it hurt their feelings

>> No.6879000


>you are fucking scum
>no hate speech on campus

make up your minds assholes

>> No.6879002

Please dont shit up non participant boards with your pathetic "SEKRIT CLUB" nonissues

>> No.6879005

Not sure what you are talking about here, but it is obvious that /sci/ is now a target. When a scientific endeavour becomes about a shirt, I think we can all see what is going on here.

>> No.6879006

Then I would suggest you improve your rhetoric as feminists has easily belied your words into misogynism (unless that's what it is?) because it clearly has not made anything better for men except force us into a deeper hole. The venture of both sides has truly pushed everyone in every field into taking a side, and one side really added fuel to the fire. I hope you realized that by now.

>> No.6879011

we have improved our rhetoric, but it won't do

a select minority of radical feminist overanalyse things into being oppressive and misogynistic,

people flame things on from both sides

>> No.6879014

They made this guy apologize for it.
This is how cancerous the modern feminism movement has become, its not about equality, its not about improving life for women, its about complaining about everything, playing victim and trying to get famous out of it.

>> No.6879015
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>> No.6879016

abloo bloo bloo I'm sure it will really affect the research papers published after this.

Who cares anon, go back to your containment board.

>> No.6879020


I think everyone here knows that it is you who does not belong.

>abloo bloo bloo
the smartest thing you have said all night

>> No.6879024

take a look at it like this.

liberal arts are mainly concerned with propaganda.

theres no such thing as bad pr

say a liberal arts fag only pays attention to sjw shit and doesn't even know about space news.
By publishing this you have appealed to that readers interest while at the same time exposing them to some really important news.

>> No.6879026

>By publishing this you have appealed to that readers interest while at the same time exposing them to some really important news.
>buzzfeed etc.

welcome to news media 2014

>> No.6879029

>making a whining thread on /sci/
>telling /sci/lons they don't belong because they think it's plebtier

>> No.6879033

grow up

>> No.6879038

really, we don't need you to tell us the how/what/why of thinking, go away.

>> No.6879040


I think op's point is that these people just shit on everything unless we hand over control of thought to them. they want control, nothing less.

>> No.6879049

>crying about blog posts
>telling others to grow up

Your sentence makes no sense.

>> No.6879051

Clearly, you are retarded.

0/10 trole

>> No.6879052


>> No.6879056

Notice how they have stopped talking about this incredibly offensive shirt? Now it's just about telling us to shut up and fuck off from our own board.

These people are incorrigible.

>> No.6879068


I'm starting to see a pattern here. They have, according to observations, gone after comic book geeks, sci-fi geeks, atheist geeks, gamer-geeks, and now science-geeks.

These women are targeting men who focus on something which has historically been of no interest to women. These areas have become multi-million and billion dollar industries and endeavours, and are usually inhabited by men (geeks) who have little social skills outside of the people who hold the same interests (male and female). These men, are not the kind who go to bars and parties to fuck sluts and partaaayyyy!!!.

No, they have focused on their own interests, and have created extremely lucrative industries. They are also easy targets because they are not used to being around women who want to exploit them. They are easy targets because they don't know how to respond to being called a rapist. They have no idea what to do when they are targetted and called rape-enablers and misogynists. No. What they do have is an industry populated by people who are incredibly focused on the next big development, which is now worth billions of dollars, full of "beta" males who are ripe for the plucking by predatory sjw's who want that cash.


This is insane, and it is happening. Right NOW.

>> No.6879069

quit while you're behind, you autistic retard.

>> No.6879076

I'd like to see them go after the rappers. The real ones, not the joker on star-shit-talent-search or whatever. Or maybe the child-sex-slave industry. Then I'll give them some time. A guys shirt given to him for his birthday by a female friend? JUST FUCK OFF.

>> No.6879080


>> No.6879097

This guy is a massive bitch. I don't know why /sci/ is defending him.

He doesn't even have the balls to stand up for his own damn shirt and go full crybaby about it in public.

He is an insult to: men; his friend that made him the shirt; and to science in general.

Hope he never works again.

>> No.6879101

This is what /v/ actually believes.

>> No.6879102

I am willing to going on a crusade over this. And I am actually mean full on with armor and stuff. Astrophysics is the closest thing we have to a sacred art in our culture. Our ability to accurately discern the motion of the heavens from the principles we determine on the Earth, is, in utter and complete seriousness, the baseline for all subsequent assumptions in our scientific theories.

Without proof that our local laws of physics apply to the greater cosmos, we have no proof of a measurably objective reality. Law would, even outside a singularity, be arbitrarily and mutable.

The standard model (and it's critics and detractors and possible replacements, which are as much built on it as they are anything else!) is the culmination of all the thousand of years of human progress, that both men women have slaved for, worked for and died for, and, historically recently, were imprisoned for advocating its foundations.

And today you tell me that some unscientific, arbitrary, ahistorical view of garment, GARMENT, seeks to impugn the foundation of the world? To seek to shake the heavenly order, to make Atlas himself quiver and weep, because they have no concerns but that of decency? These idiots who would look at the finger, rather than follow its indication to the moon?

Here and no further. I do not accept these people and their views as valid, socially acceptable, or anything other than laughable. I do not accept that we must let industry, progress, civilization and the TRUTH that the future CAN and WILL be better than the now DIE because some some small minded people who can't think of any thing other than their own subjective, transient standards.

I know you are not my personal army, and I would never ask you to be. But please. Do what you think is right. If you find a place or time where you can argue in good faith, do it. Not for me, Not for Matt Taylor, but for all the work we have to do and all the work we already have done.

>> No.6879105

Seriously, if you idiots care about retarded blog posts then you should go make your own tumblr site and cry about it there. That's what the blogsphere is for. It's a container for an ocean of cancer.

>> No.6879112


Still trying us to give up our own boeard? you really are a pathetic little fail.

>> No.6879116

Yes, asshole, you are. Why would you consider yourself a feminist?

Do you have any interest in actually having a fair and open society?

>> No.6879117



>That's the lowest grade you can get.

>> No.6879120

Hey /sci/
/pol/ here. inb4 neo nazi, no I just go there for politics and debate. As men of logic and reason you're a model to the rest of us. Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.6879121

>give up our own board.
Nigga have you been to the other boards? They're over-run with these inverse-SJW's that don't do anything but sit around and cry about SJW's. Seriously, think about this thread topic. Do you think anything productive could come of it on a board as slow as /sci/? We're sure as hell not going to pull off a /b/ style raid, even if you got the entire board to care it just wouldn't be big enough. You aren't going to make the news or publish something that's going to change everyone's mind. All that's going to happen is a bunch of shit heads from other boards will sit around and whine about it day after day and it will attract more of them. By the end of it our board will be overrun by them and we'll have a daily "whine about sjw's" thread just like /v/, /co/ and many other boards on the site.

This is a shitposting thread, it exists only to contain shitposting. The only thing we can do is kick out the cancer before it bonds to our board.

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

sjw-science is social science and it is considered a pseudoscience on /sci/. Take it to /lit/.

>> No.6879122

The only women that operate well in science are the ones that think like men.

>> No.6879123

lesbians? trans? wut?

>> No.6879128

just get the fuck out of our board. STOP TRYING TO TELL US WHAT TO THINK.

>> No.6879133


SJW's attack a SCIENTIST on the greatest day of his life BECAUSE OF HIS SHIRT.

Tells us to leave our board.


You brought this shit into OUR world.

>> No.6879138

SJW science is pseudoscience to psychology. That kinda says something about its merits.

>> No.6879139


shut up and leave

>> No.6879142

This whole thing reeks of "fluid dynamics is suppressed because it is feminine".

>> No.6879143

>wears a tasteless shirt
>can't handle the criticism

If he's that autistic, he shouldn't appear in front of a camera.

>> No.6879144
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>> No.6879155

I am disturbed by the people in this thread who think that shafting a man on the greatest day of his life because of his shirt is ok.

This does not compute.

>> No.6879156

Obvious /pol/ users pretending they're from /sci/

No shit.

Yea, he should've just fucking ignored it and or tweeted that it was a gift from his friend instead of fucking crying about it while apologizing on video on the internet. I mean seriously that's like fucking dumb youtuber shit.

You should do a youtube video about your full armor crusade. It'll be hilarious.

>> No.6879159

We are not the moral police, anon. That's what /pol/ does.

>> No.6879160

No matter what he did - if he is too defective to follow basic social conventions, then he has to deal with the criticism. Your apologetic whining sounds like "hurr durr I should be allowed to poop in public and throw my feces around on the street just because I once did a smart thing". Grow the fuck up.

>> No.6879161
File: 38 KB, 550x512, 1410584889810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan has been infiltrated by a group of Marxist ideologues for over 2 years now.

They hate everything about this place and everyone here.

>> No.6879163

Just checked the insults itt. Interesting.

>> No.6879166

>implying you know when its an insult

>> No.6879167

Die, subhuman.

This has nothing to do with your idiotic faggoty "social conventions".

You people should all be hanged. Or soaked in pitch and set alight. Anything would be preferable to having you going around stealing the oxygen of actually meaningful human beings.

>> No.6879170

OK, I am convinced. I have seen it with my own eyes.

>> No.6879171

Apparently the shirt was a handmade birthday gift from his female friend. Either way, I just don't think he should care about the criticism nor anyone here for that matter.

>> No.6879173
File: 312 KB, 337x412, 1410662367288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should of worn this shirt instead.

>> No.6879174

/pol/ are you even trying?

>> No.6879176

agreed, but this poster says something worth reading


>> No.6879177

By contrast to those "This Is What A Feminist Looks Like" t-shirts, which are sold for £45 but made by 62p-a-day female sweatshop workers sleeping 16 to a room, Taylor's shirt was a lovingly-made one-off from a friend—a woman called Elly Prizeman. Prizeman, who works in a tattoo laser salon in Chelmsford, Essex, wrote movingly on her Facebook wall about the furore:
"My heart just broke watching Matt's apology. That is not cool. The public can be unreasonably cruel. I'm saddened and angered by this," she said.

>> No.6879180

this is /sci/, you're on the wrong board

>> No.6879181
File: 107 KB, 290x340, Screen shot 2012-02-27 at 11.22.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how this thread pertains to Science & Math. Thread reported.


>> No.6879183

Don't blame us for your social retardation. Contrary to your autistic misconceptions a succesful scientist doesn't have to be an antisocial misogynist loner douchebag. Most scientists are normal people who know very well how to behave in the social context.

>> No.6879186


Scientist criticised for wearing a shirt.


Go away.

>> No.6879187

I hope you guys realize that making this poor guy into some kind of Men's Rights posterboy is helping nothing, especially not him.

>> No.6879188

still trying to shut down any opinions that don't agree with you?

fuck off.

>> No.6879189

>anything a scientist does is /sci/

No. Reported. Go away.

>> No.6879190

We're not the ones trying to make him kill himself over a shirt.

>> No.6879191

>It's a conspiracy!
That's tinfoil hat shit, anon.

>> No.6879192


Still not science.

>> No.6879194
File: 104 KB, 752x1043, Alan_Turing_Aged_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter if he's a scientist or a garbageman, this discussion does not pertain to science but to social and political issues.

If you have a social/political opinion, I respect that, but discuss it on the designated boards.

>> No.6879195


No, you're trying to make him kill himself by making people think he's like you.

>> No.6879196

>compares wearing a harmless shirt to pooping in public
Look at this mental cripple who actually believes his completely deluded and minority feelings determine social conventions. Look at him and laugh.

>> No.6879197

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6879198

Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics
>topics pertaining to

Go away please

>> No.6879199
File: 550 KB, 882x658, shirty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is criminal.

>> No.6879200

No matter how smart you are at science, if you lack basic social skills, you're not a real human being. Sooner or later you'll realize this. You might get good grades in undergrad, but when it comes to living a satisfying life, you're fucked (metaphorically of course). Look at your professors. How many of them are autists like you? None of them, because autists end up failing their studies at some point when social cooperation becomes an important factor.

>> No.6879202

>it is against the law to dislike a shirt

Fuck off, fascist. Not /sci/.

>> No.6879205

Why are you even here, semen stain? To tell people what to do?

>> No.6879206

What's the matter? Does it upset you that your A in high school calculus doesn't make you special? Does it hurt you to know that there are thousands of people who have more knowledge than you AND who - unlike you - know how to fit in in society?

>> No.6879207

You have to go away. Clothing isn't pertinent to either science or math.

>> No.6879213

When a major scientific achievement takes a backdoor to criticism over clothing that is an issue to be discussed here. You guys try the same off topic argument on literally every single board you try to infiltrate. People who actually post on this board and disagree would just hide this thread and go on discussing science.

>> No.6879215

Wow! They really are trying to place their shit into my head. Jokes aside, I am really not liking what I am seeing with this agenda they have. I thought OP's post was hyperbole, but damned if I haven't read this thread. My wife stopped reading about 10 minutes ago and said quote "these women are insane". I agree. What do they think they are going to achieve here? If all they want is to cause conflict, then that is exactly what they are doing. There is nothing constructive that I can see. I despair for my children if this is the prevailing agenda on campus!

>> No.6879217

I'm here for science and math. Remember? Those are the things YOU have only superficial knowledge about. Yet it seems you want to treat them as your secret club for antisocial loners like yourself solely due to the fact that you got good grades in high school.

>> No.6879218

>I'm here for science and math
What do you think is the most difficult aspect of planning a landing on a comet like this?

>> No.6879220
File: 729 KB, 900x900, BwWPQS7CcAEpTGW.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's telling, SJW that you try cold read shaming tactics without knowing anything about your target.

In this case it's quite far off the mark.

I am the greatest National Socialist of /pol/, and my degree, in a subject of which you will not be made aware, was quite all-encompassing in perfecting the art of social manipulation.

More well than enough to smash your face into the pavement when necessary.

>> No.6879223


140 threads on /sci/ at any given moment.

In this thread for hours.

>I'm here for science and math.


>> No.6879224

Nobody with a functional brain cares about your knucklehead opinions regarding what is on-topic content and what isn't. The mods determine the rules, and the rules say your garbage doesn't belong. So get the fuck out of here and go back to >>>/pol/.

>> No.6879225

This is the most reddit post I've ever read on 4chan.

>> No.6879226

>When a major scientific achievement takes a backdoor to criticism over clothing

Which did not happen outside of your retarded /pol/ forums. 99% of people who are following the comet landing have no idea this is even a thing.

>> No.6879227
File: 100 KB, 1254x261, 1415551900524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a woman in the field

>> No.6879228

>What do you think is the most difficult aspect of planning a landing on a comet like this?

wearing the right shirt

>> No.6879234

>if you lack basic social skills, you're not a real human being
So how'd you manage to come here? What doofus found it funny to give a diseased animal access to 4chan at the nut house?

>> No.6879246

makes a man apologize and cry on what should have been the greatest day of his life, because of his shirt, given to him by a woman.

that's not /pol/, that's SJW's. And he is a scientist.

We are not stupid. we are /sci/. So please leave your agenda somewhere else. This thread is about Matt Taylor (did you even know his name or was it all about some nerd/geeks shirt for you?), and how some idiots with a false agenda robbed him of the best day of his life.


>> No.6879250

/pol/ is the containment board to discuss 'SJWs'. Please go there, and stop shitting up /sci/.

>> No.6879252

we are all aware of how people like you fucked this guy over.

>> No.6879256
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>and stop shitting up /sci/.

said he, as he bumped the thread that shat /sci/ up

>> No.6879260

Confirmed for never going to /pol/, or any other board on this sit except for the ones you're paid to go on, for that matter.

>> No.6879261
File: 16 KB, 150x314, Alan_Turing_run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who actually post on this board and disagree would just hide this thread and go on discussing science.

You can apply the same argument to any off-topic thread; but if I did that my front page would be full of hidden threads, and the catalogue would hardly contain any relevant threads.

I am neither for nor against the shirt guy, and I don't "infiltrate" any boards. I am sure that someone from /sci/ who is interested in this discussion, can spare the effort to visit a board designated for it.

>> No.6879263

Am I really seeing what I am seeing? They really are trying to take over /sci/ with their pseudo-newage bollocks? Listen assholes, we're not all beta males here, you want a fight, you got a fight. Leave my bros alone you fucking sluts. I knew losers like you in college, and you better hope you didn't go to my college, because I will probably have pics of you slutting it up.

>> No.6879265
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Sunlight will chase these vermin away.

>> No.6879267
File: 232 KB, 910x510, biggest douche in the universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6879269

*tips tinfoil hat*

>Confirmed for never going to /pol/
That's because I come here for science and math and have no desire to hold a discussion about opinions and feelings, things that have no place on this board.

>> No.6879273

still here, and not on any of the other 139 threads discussing "science AND/OR math.

stay here, you have become the amusing part of the "normal distrubution"

>> No.6879275

/pol/ is reddit's colony within 4chan. We don't want this shit to spread to other boards. Please stay there.

>> No.6879277


>> No.6879282

I sure will, as I also enjoy laughing at your mental retardation and imaging the tears shed after the mods deliver a banhammer.

>> No.6879292

Thank you for identifying yourself so clearly as a troll. Reported. You don't belong here on /sci/.

>> No.6879299

Just as expected you show off your mental retardation once again by breaking 2/3 of the conditions in global rule #7.

>> No.6879306

Matt is my shirt.

>> No.6879311

>Do you have any interest in actually having a fair and open society?

>> No.6879314

this isn't science related you faggots, take it to pol

>> No.6879321

>Being this transparent

>> No.6879326
File: 28 KB, 474x595, 1415652007403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a thread about a scientist harrassed after the peak moment in his carreer

>not sci related

>> No.6879327

if you want to talk about science, go ahead. if you want to bitch about SJWs and all the stupid shit feminists say, go to pol or write it in your diary

>> No.6879330

Being a scientist doesn't give him the right to promote an inhumane ideology.

>> No.6879331

theres nothing wrong with wearing shirts

>> No.6879336

ITT: manchildren who REFUSE to behave

>> No.6879339

/sci/ is for science and math, not celebrity-stalking

>> No.6879343
File: 689 KB, 772x772, owlian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma scientist, and i'll let you say what you have to say, but first I wanna say, that sjw's are the truth and you should take your shirt to /pol/

>you fucking idiot.

>> No.6879345

This shirt is very wrong.

>> No.6879347

you are the one who is being inhumane.

Are you suggesting that we should shame rape victims because of what they were wearing? Because it sure sounds like it.

>> No.6879351


You're a piece of shit. /sci/ barely discusses science and math,and this is fucking relevant when scientists are being affected by this kind of bullshit. You don't care because you don't aspire to be a scientist or do anything relevant and you don't have any opinions or empathy, or hell, maybe you just want a moral highground here to feel superior, which is why you come to /sci/ being underage in the first place.

You're shit.

>> No.6879352

still here? shit, there must be absolutely no science OR math happening on /sci/ tonight.

>> No.6879355

This man is not being harassed for being a scientist, he is being rightfully criticized for being a douchebag and for promoting a hateful ideology.

>> No.6879356

I agree, women should not be allowed to sell handmade goods on the free market. This thing is haram.

>> No.6879357

You're aggressively promoting a social/political view. This is not science and not math, and has got nothing to do with the fact that you have a science career or education. Fuck off.

>> No.6879363
File: 386 KB, 450x400, mattaylor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6879364

>You're aggressively promoting a social/political view.

we don't give a shit about your feelings, faggot. so what if he is promoting his views aggressively. its just text, if you dont like it you can go back to whine about the patriarchy on tumblr

>> No.6879367

No we just want everyone else in on it and not just have it be a stupid manchild boyclub

>> No.6879369

>we don't give a shit about your feelings

Then why do you expect others to give a shit about yours? He got criticized for his tasteless shirt. Deal with it and stop crying, sissy boy.

>> No.6879370

holy shit how fucking stupid are you. there's a place to post shit about your views and it's not /sci/ nobody gives a fuck about this dudes shirt or some SJW cunt or him crying like a bitch to appease them. fuck off with your stupid shit if you're not going to talk about science you fucking faggot

>> No.6879371

I think the worst part in all of this is that at the end of the day somebody is getting paid to tell other people they are being insensitive towards other people's beliefs

I thought it was a pretty cool shirt for the record

>> No.6879375
File: 1.10 MB, 858x2221, LovelySJWfixedbyop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


muh soggy knees... IN SPACE!!!!!!

>> No.6879387

Then why are you a feminist?

>> No.6879389
File: 42 KB, 413x750, tumblr_n5j4jmVtZv1skr4spo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women accept the objectification
>>MRA redditor: "ur all shallow bitches and sex objects for alpha Chads. Why don't you become full human beans? this is the reason why I'm still a virgin"

>women stand up against the objectification
>>MRA redditor: "omg u evil feminazi stop oppressing me, fucking sjw scum. this is the reason why I'm still a virgin"

Just admit it, you betas are not interested in a good relationship with women, you are only interested in whining, whining, whining. Keep wallowing in self-pity until you kill yourself.

>> No.6879392

not science, fuck off

>> No.6879393

Go back to tumblr.

>> No.6879395
File: 14 KB, 240x180, this-is-what-i-was-wearing-tell-me-i-asked-for-it-240x180[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/bernought tunes in, sees Matt thread, reads matt thread, urge to exterminate increases. shirt rape ensues.

>> No.6879396

>oh noes, the truth hurts, pls make it stahp

>> No.6879399

>oh no I got called out on being a tumblrite, better shitpost some more

>> No.6879408
File: 117 KB, 480x598, t shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a scientist, so my opinions and my shirts are very relevant.

r8 my t-shirt

>> No.6879409

Thanks for sharing your door-to-door proselytizing agendas with us. Now can you please go infect the next board on your list and leave /sci/ alone?

>> No.6879410

shills are in full force even on fucking sci of all places

you have to draw the line yourselves, faggots.

say no more to the charlatans policing your every move, even in the highest of academia. before its too late

>> No.6879411

>I'm a scientist
what national lab do you work at?

>> No.6879412

>being punished for an opinion
>acceptable behaviour
Stay deluded faggot

>> No.6879414

Just woke up, saw this thread. Unbelievable. These assholes are coming after /sci/ now? I ... feel ... activated. These assholes have to be stopped.

>> No.6879416

>proof/tits and gtfo
>pussy = rules
>being a beta or being a moron and believing it

>> No.6879422

If men are so superior, then why is every action of theirs aimed at gaining a woman's attention? Checkm8

>> No.6879427
File: 143 KB, 700x729, 1402076372018jgdzp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck does this have to do with science or math?

>> No.6879429

>those comments
Oh my. Glad to see most of them don't relate to science and are just drones though.

>> No.6879431

Matt Taylor
what does this have to do with science?
this obvious


>> No.6879434

This is the worst thread I have seen on /sci/ ever. Of all places I didn't expect the cancer to spread here. Any ideas on how to make these SJW's disappear forever?

>> No.6879440

I suppose the guy was under a LOT of pressure, he knew it was daring to wear a shirt like that on such an important day and decided to take the risk. But then he saw that not only there were people that didn't like the choice of attire, but that he had offended several people and was actively stopping women from entering science. His plan to appear "cool" failed completely (when reading certain media) and he felt really guilty about that, for fucking up one of the most important days in his life.

>> No.6879441

this thread is as much about science as fucking waifu threads are about tv

>> No.6879446

just read this whole thread, op's post has not been debunked

>> No.6879448

This crap doesn't belong here. Science is about empirical investigation of the world, not worshipping the personal lives of people.

>> No.6879449

>implying it's even possible to read

>> No.6879451

still here.....

>> No.6879464


This happened in my University? Sorry folks, I was there 17 years ago. This sickens me. I am female and I science. This is just horrible.

>> No.6879491

>sci/math not about personal lives
>Famous scientist lives are talked on this board like Nikolai Tesla.

>> No.6879495


Just because it's eloquently written doesnt mean it's not /b/ drivel

>> No.6879496


If you don't understand why that asshole was just completely wrong then you are part of the fucking problem. Fucking manbabies. IT IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND HIM THAT ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM. YES I AM ANGRY. IF YOU WANT TO BE RESPECTED YOU DON'T WEAR SHIRTS WITH NAKED WOMEN ON TV. OK!? LEARNED YOUR LESSON?


>> No.6879499
File: 34 KB, 560x330, don't trigger me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you ever think the sjw 'did I ask for this' train would come here to /sci/?

Guess what.. it has. You are all doomed

>> No.6879502

Start fighting back today. Join #gamergate. Service guarantees citizenship.

>> No.6879504

Make like Fritz Haber and /sci/ your way to a solution.

>> No.6879508
File: 1.37 MB, 207x207, 1412007928332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea who you're dealing with now, feminist.

You woke up actual Nazis and gave them a whole shitload of new friends.

>> No.6879513

> Sommers declared,"American feminism is currently dominated by a group of women who seek to persuade the public that American women are not the free creatures we think we are". She asserts that such feminists have "alienated and silenced women and men alike."

>Using the term "gender feminists" to describe those she sees as arguing based on false assumptions and ideology rather than belief in true equality, Sommers states that those activists "have proved very adroit in getting financial support from governmental and private sources" and "hold the keys to many bureaucratic fiefdoms

>> No.6879515
File: 45 KB, 539x570, 1416069845894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Achieve Scientific Greatness
>Wear a rather suggestive shirt
>The Women in the shirt are not naked, but still suggestive
>Shirt in question was custom made by a Woman

>"how can we make this Comet landing about us?"
>see shirt

>> No.6879518

/sci/? is this my /sci/?
what the fuck? Are we being fucked over? I thought it was ridiculous when they shamed Mr Taylor, but they are here telling me I am the asshole. What is going on? Really. What is going on?

>> No.6879522

Men are no longer allowed to achieve scientific greatness

didn't you get the memo?

>> No.6879530
File: 29 KB, 500x333, 1406747924373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6879532

I'n not joking. This is extremely distressing. Why are they here? Haven't they caused enough hurt? I don't think he should have worn that shirt, but isn't that his choice? Why do they want to destroy him? Why are they here? I am afraid of what they want to do. Why are they here?