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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6468909 No.6468909 [Reply] [Original]

>be a junior year computer science major
>have a light load of physics 202, lin algebra, software engineering, and finite automata
>still getting my ass kicked
>mfw I feel like a retard in my classes

Jesus Christ is this how life goes in the upper division of a science major? I used to be good at programming but then my junior year hit and oh sweet jesus I am the lone retard of the class.

>mfw I fucked up my deterministic pushdown automata

>> No.6468932


Unfortunately. Welcome to academia, enjoy your stay.

>> No.6468937

>is this how life goes in the upper division of a science major?
Pretty much, in my experience

Physics major, after you get past the baby tier "calculus based" intro courses (I put that in quotes because most of the time you don't even need calculus)

you seriously hit the ground running once the upper division courses start, and most of the time the students going into STEM fields are used to easy courses, and thinking they are top shit, so this experience is often completely new.

Say goodbye to feeling like you're smarter than everyone in the class. If you're lucky you might find a few select "areas" in a field where you're smarter than everyone, but in general you'll have to work hard just to be considered an equal by your peers now

>> No.6468954
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>Say goodbye to feeling like you're smarter than everyone in the class

It is truly the worst feeling and it is even worst considering I still am doing my easy as classes like English and humanities which are way too easy for their own good yet I am getting my ass kicked in math. I really wish they show you how to take notes/ study effectively in highschool because that is what killed me for calc II. Now I just want to go back and reteach myself math since my highschool years I had the same crumby sports teacher for math two years in a row.
I know i'm a pleb.

>> No.6468989

is this because by the time everyone gets to upper division the ones who are left are the smart kids, or does shit really start getting hard?

I talked to my brother and he said it remained as easy as the lower division the whole way through but towards the end it's a fuckton more work

>> No.6469069
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OP here

if the way the size of the classes and who I see are any indication then yes. in the beginning class intro to C there were maybe 2-300 students and at data structures 200 and advanced data structures ~100-150 and my MIPS course was around 100 and now Finite Automata is maybe 60 with software engineering being 50 people.

the classes get smaller and smaller and all the people I see in these classes were the ones who I knew were smart as fuck. Like these guys have designed very effective robots, compilers, and web servers in a little under 12 hours. These are the people that get Microsoft jobs.

I was fucking good at all the courses until I hit MIPS assembly which I got an A in even after failing the mid term but oh sweet jesus I am doing shit in C# with software engineering that is eating me alive