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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 400x224, stock-footage-assorted-fruit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5881738 No.5881738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is nature so full of tasty things?

>> No.5881741

like... vagina?

>> No.5881743
File: 205 KB, 650x523, Watermelon3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, like watermelon.

>> No.5881750

Agriculture and evolution.

>> No.5881753

but even wild fruits are tasty

>> No.5881756


we think they are tasty and they may not be tasty at all :)

>> No.5881757

evolution you dumb fuck, could you not read past "and"

>> No.5881786
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>> No.5881792

Because their survival as a species is completely dependent on how delicious they are.

Evolution drove them to be as tasty as possible.

This is because when an animal eats the fruit, it digests the seeds and everything, and then when it finally poops it out and it's miles away from the original spot, the seeds are dropped with their own fertilizer in a new area. This way they are able to spread greater distances than by other means.

>> No.5881793

"Evolution." is not a proper answer to a scientific question.

GTFO non scientists who can't even explain the simplest of concepts.

>> No.5881828

>Animal likes fruit
>Animal eats fruit
>Animal shits seeds

>> No.5881853

Our tupid ancestors ate them with their seeds, and new tasty things grew from their shit. Even after we stopped eating fruits with their seeds included, it's a tendency to carry the fruits a little farther from the tree and once you eat them, the left over seed could grow easily. However, fruits that weren't so tasty, used to rot in the same old place and therefore being exterminated or just spread much slower.

>> No.5881860

Neural interpretation of chemical mastication tells the imbibing organism of the nutritional content. Those with higher content are given pleasurable interpretation, while those with lower or deleterious content are given unpleasant interpretation. Due to this relationship between the ingested and the ingesting organism, higher nutritional content competes for the ingestion of ingesting organisms. While those not wishing to be ingested place as little nutrition as necessary in their offspring.

>> No.5882823

Is my experience of taste the same as yours?

>> No.5882851

>"Evolution." is not a proper answer to a scientific question.
Stay mad creationfag.

>/sci/ - Science & Math

Tell me now, which is the most supported theory that explains perfectly everything from taste to DNA?

>in b4 science is corrupt

>> No.5882854


>> No.5884139

Yes, it is. This has been proved by neuroscience.

>> No.5884878

>they may not be tasty at all
They are objectively tasty.

>> No.5886139

>"Evolution." is not a proper answer to a scientific question.

But it is. Evolution is the answer to the question "Where do all the species come from?"

>> No.5886166

>trying this hard to use long words

>> No.5886167


what if.. ..oh gasp the heresy... ..it's actually hybridization?

>> No.5886170 [DELETED] 

>tfw college drop outs try to justify their intelligence by using words from a language they've been studying for 20+ years

>> No.5886182

u wot m8

>> No.5886194

Humans domesticated plants with large seeds that had a good taste to them and bore yummy products. Humans were also into agriculture and so those yummy things kept happening and happening and now there are more things that are yummy to us.
If you're referring to that tastiness based on neurology, that's entirely different.

>> No.5886941

In pre-human history, fruits which were higher in sugar helped keep animals alive through the winter. Thus, these were preferred by animals, and their seeds proliferated while some less sugary and thus more bitter fruits were disregarded.

Humans are but the most recent in a line of animals who like sugary fruits.

>> No.5886966

God, this is painful to read.

>> No.5887012

>what are tastebuds and saccharides?

>> No.5887017

>Why is nature so full of tasty things?
because thats the way for the human to know whats edible and whats not.

Why are fruits so delicious?
Fruits have a lot of sugar. Sugar is great for humans to survive, since it gives carbs which translate to energy, so the body will make sure that you desire it.

>> No.5887025

>Sugar is great for humans to survive, since it gives carbs which translate to energy
assuming that sugar isn't already a carbohydrate before it's metabolized

>> No.5887032

shut the fuck up please, that guy is doing his best to be accurate.
You should be thankfull he is getting your left temporal lobe to work.

>> No.5887038


Yes. In fruit in particular, the sugar comes with a hefty dose of fiber to also digest, which offsets the bad parts of massive sugar consumption. It's why sugar cane is one of the most fibrous plants in the world, you were supposed to eat all of it otherwise you'd fucking die.

>> No.5887067

inside is yellow :)

>> No.5887083

Is that why when I buy sugar cane from my grocery store, it comes with a massive label that says explicitly not to eat the entire cane?

>> No.5887104


>>5881793 here
I am actually an evolutionary biologist, not a creationfag.

You misunderstood me. I did not mean to imply that evolution was not true. "Evolution" is one of the most complex and well developed scientific theories ever, let alone the most tested. There is no evidence disproving it despite years of research, and it is foolish to attempt to.

I'm just saying, that when people say the answer is "evolution" that does not help anyone understand the matter further. I mean, OBVIOUSLY it's evolution, but what is the mechanism? Why does natural selection choose these traits rather than others? Simply saying "evolution" doesn't tell anyone anything, and it angers me how little even people who "believe in evolution" actually understand any of its underlying principles. Your response makes me assume you are one of those people.
I am simply attempting to help people think critically and more analytically, for that is what science is anyway, not a one-word answer. Life is more complex than that and deserves your time and attention to detail. Simply saying "evolution" to me is a total copout and shows zero actual understanding of the issue. That's why I said,
>can't explain
I didn't mean
>doesn't explain

now gtfo

>> No.5887107


No, but we all have basically the same taste buds and neural pathways.
We can chemically identify what causes tastes such as "sweet" or "bitter".

>> No.5887116

Not just large seeds, but fruiting bodies as well.
After all, the seeds of many fruits are only contained in the center of the fruit.
And roots, too, sometimes it's not even related to the actual seed, as with carrots and potatoes.

It's true though humans did play some role and actively encouraging the delicious traits they sought after, either consciously or unconsciously. Whether or not this was a good thing remains to be seen in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.5887120

I believe you are correct, I would just like to add something.

What's interesting to me, is how the existence of these good food sources actually may have had an impact on the evolution of the animals that eat them as well.
For instance, types of birds evolved long thin beaks to drink nectar of flowers, I'm sure there were some primates who evolved similar fruit hunting traits or techniques to help them find a meal. In this way it's kind of like we're linked to them.

>> No.5887384

You cannot deny that many non-domesticated fruit-bearing plants still produce tasty fruit.

>> No.5888771

Is tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

>> No.5889549

The plants did not win.

>> No.5889557

Nature is just full of things. Some are the most tasty things ever. Some are vomit inducing. And there's at least one thing that hits every level of the spectrum between those two things.

>> No.5889566
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>> No.5890600

Nature is discrete. How can there be a continous spectrum?

>> No.5891319

Why are you laughing at me?

>> No.5893005

It's not always yellow.

>> No.5893009

Have you ever tought about why every time you call a wrong number, the other side always answer?

>> No.5893087

yes, those are words. Good job.

>> No.5893821

Mold has many colors.

>> No.5894937

I just looked in my kitchen and there the mold is black.

>> No.5895755

It was a legitimate question. Can you answer it?

>> No.5896960

Watermelon isn't tasty. Watermelon is just water.

>> No.5897800

Why do they not simply refer to it as "water"?

>> No.5897801

They do, the "melon" part is just to differentiate from regular water.

>> No.5898792

because God wants to keep you happy. you're welcome

>> No.5899858

God does not exist. Please go back to >>>/x/.

>> No.5899898 [DELETED] 

you atheist philosophy majors are really cracking me up

>> No.5899913
File: 343 KB, 1458x1068, Botanical_Fruit_and_Culinary_Vegetables.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tomato is a fruit technically, since it grows on branches as a flower and contains seeds.
But in the kitchen, it's a vegetable.

>> No.5899919

The plants have an evolutionary head start on us by a good many millions of years.

>> No.5899920

Can we talk about fungi? Those are cooler anyway.

>> No.5899947

red colour vision in mammals is exclusive to primates and inherited from the mother, it is Believed to have evolved primarily for finding ripe fruit.

>> No.5899968

wtf? yes it is. It's tasty water...

>> No.5899997
File: 17 KB, 200x301, 200px-Extended_Phenotype1007017793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, you should read it

also im going to pitch my vote for the chemical energy in the carbohydrates being the cause for tasty things

>> No.5901177

What does it taste like?

>> No.5901197


Please read this entire page and refrain from displaying your thoughts in such a stupid way in the future.

>> No.5901205

What defines a "culinary" vegetable? What properties would label it as such without it being completely arbitrary?

>> No.5901218

why do you deny me?

>> No.5901915

The vegetable must be tasty.

>> No.5901932

It's largely a plant part that can be eaten and isn't a fruit, nut or seed.

Except exceptions.

>> No.5903378

Can you back that up with a scientific source?