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5872951 No.5872951 [Reply] [Original]

Have you taken it?

>> No.5872954

>Have you taken it?

I have no idea. I was denied a job as a police officer because my IQ was too high, but I don't even remember taking an IQ test.

>> No.5872957


>> No.5872972

When you walked in, there were donuts on a table to your left. You were supposed to shout OINK OINK OINK and barrel roll at them. Then the other cops would tase you and sing "we're pigs!" in unison until you managed to twitch over to the donuts (which had a taser antidote baked into them).

>> No.5872976

Where do you take this REAL IQ test?

>> No.5873000

>Lightly intellectual disability
my god it is painful to read
no i haven't taken it, Im assuming you are talking about the Stanford-binet IQ test

>> No.5873003

Where can I take an IQ test? I've always wanted to brag on /sci/ about it. ;_;

>> No.5873007

Just take a bullshit feelgood internet one and you should be good to go.

>> No.5873016


From a fully trained psychologist who specializes in administering them.

>> No.5873017

>I've always wanted to brag on /sci/ about it.

You don't have to take one to brag about it. You're anonymous!

>> No.5873333

>Take IQ test in high school to determine who in my class gets to go to our state's scholar academy
>Routine pattern identification and other regular IQ test problems
>Getting bored
>Last section of test
>"Who is Madame Curie and what is she famous for discovering"
>What does this have to do with IQ?
>"What is the speed of light?"
> Answer: almost 3 times 10 to the 8th meters per second
>"Can you give me that answer in miles per hour?"

I took one in elementary school and i thought they were neat, but from that point on I realized they weren't accurate. Or maybe the administrator was not qualified, I don't know.

>> No.5873354

taking an IQ test?
what are u sojme kinda FAGGOT

>> No.5873361

[greatest measure of your worth to humanity] = [your cumulative net worth across all generations of humanity] - [your net worth at birth]

>> No.5873365

A mile is about 1600 metres, work it out from there

>> No.5873397

They purposefully ask you questions they know you are supposed to have heard at least once in class, its part of a measurement of information retention.

They asked me those same type of questions on mine but i got them instantly without thinking about it. In fact I aced everything on the test except the part with puzzles you have to assemble to make shapes, I missed almost everyone of those. But still needed up with over 130

>> No.5873408

I remember my high-school teacher was talking about I.Q. I wish I can pull out the experiment but it had a group of average I.Q minds who teamed up and manage to produce work of 140 I.Q That's for above superior intelligent as said on that chart. They had beat people who had very high I.Q scores and those people didn't team-up. They just chose to work alone. I feel like Average I.Q are often underestimate.

>> No.5873456

ok but team up a group of high iq people then measure how many average iq would need to be in a team to match it, then perhaps plot the relationship. My guess is depending on project scope adding more people will ave diminishing returns

>> No.5873483

In the experiment, high I.Q didn't want to team up with each other or less likely to. Gee, I wonder why...

My point was that average I.Q people can team up and become smart though

>> No.5873518

Average I.Q people are better off. They can produce high I.Q work only if they team-up. They won't feel like people don't understand them like gifted people do. Smart people do feel left out at times for being too smart.

>> No.5873736

i took it when i was 9. got a 141. i dont think i am very smart though.

>> No.5875095

My full scale IQ was measured at 163 a few years back.

>> No.5875125

Information retention isn't a good measure of IQ. If you asked me a question about popular culture, something you certainty should have heard of from mass media, then I would score very low on information retention.

>> No.5875129

I get the idea most smart people don't feel very smart.

>> No.5875138

Richard Feynman's IQ was 125

>> No.5875271



>> No.5875284

Mensa is for plebeians. If you can't join the Mega Society, you don't belong on /sci/.

>> No.5876033

I took a turing test once

barely passed but it turns out I'm human

>> No.5876081

You forgot the part where a docile Rottweiler comes up to you and you're expected to reassemble a broken down Barrett .50 cal in the corner and blow its brains out.

>> No.5876105


>> No.5876107

Are there any reasonably accurate (or 'credible' I guess, if you don't like that word) IQ tests online?

and one that doesn't have any gimicks attached to it, like selling you a book and requires your email address because it's too complicated to just flash the number on the screen.
I mean something that's actually legit.... Does such an online test exist?

>> No.5876112

>doesn't realize the most successful, creative scientists who contribute the most are around the 120-125 range

>> No.5876115

>superior intelligence

no job.

>> No.5876118

Because he bombed the verbal IQ section but nonetheless he was a mathematical genius. He was generally the exception, not the rule.

>> No.5876186

Last time I took one I fell asleep on a bunch of sections and ended up with 117.

>> No.5877618

Next time you should try to stay awake.

>> No.5878204 [DELETED] 

IQ is such bullshit. My cousin failed 2 grades and dropped out before highschool. He's one of the dumbest most delusional people i've ever met and he claims to have tested at 160 when he was in school yet he was never in an advanced class.

>> No.5878207 [DELETED] 

I was tested at about 125 when I was in the third grade, i got 117 on a internet freebie when i was 18 and earlier this year i got 103 on another bogus internet test. I don't feel like a genius but i'd say i'm above average if only because i deliberately study and learn new things out of curiosity constantly

>> No.5878209

>above average intelligent
>high intelligent
>superior intelligent

>> No.5878250

Had a friend with 150 and he ended up working at niggerdonalds. It's not all about info processing but how you view your life. huehue
>inb4 having high IQ makes you life-smart

>> No.5878279

For example, there are intelligences other than logical/mathematical, and there's focus, memory, creativity, ability to think on one's feet... there's quite a lot of different dimensions along which intelligence can be quantified that are all valuable in different capacities.

>> No.5878288 [DELETED] 

what a coincidence my cousin works a grocery store and has been making minimum wage there for nearly 15 years

>> No.5878297

I have a friend who is really smart. He's observant,academic, creative,innovative, and intuitive. He's a really smart person and if he did an I.Q test, he would score high. He's really bad at focusing and gets bored really easily. Can't read a book in the same spot for hours.

>> No.5878307 [DELETED] 

how you think someone would score is irrelevant

>> No.5878324

>>really bad at focusing

>> No.5878330

Does he wear a fedora and trench coat, as well?

>> No.5878339

he does well at school anyway

>> No.5878342

If you like to imagine he does

>> No.5878677

My brother is the same. He has an estimated IQ of >140 and he was rubbish in school and hasn't shown any sign of intelligence at all.

>> No.5878685

>"Can you give me that answer in miles per hour?"
>Why certainly! -3 times 10 to the 8th multiplied by 3600 divided by 1,609- miles per hour, that's not a decimal point btw, we use commas to separate 3 digits 'cause we 'murrica goddammit.

>> No.5878744

Yes, I got tested by a clinical psychologist to prove I wasn't retarded for something unrelated. Scored something in the lower 120s I don't even remember the exact number.

While I respect the fact that high-IQ, even though not a prerequisite, does have carry some weight with how successful you can be academically, it's absolutely ridiculous how society has come to think of this number as representing some kind of accomplishment. I thought these worthless autists were confined to /sci/ and other internet shitholes, but then I found even worse people in real life.

>Meet someone I knew from high-school one of the uni cafeterias
>He's studying towards a BA in Law (It's a worthless degree, you can't practice law with it like an LLB).
>The way his treats his "friends" and chubby gf was disgusting, every word out of his mouth screamed "hurr I'm so smart alpha -.- ".
>He kept telling about his future plans, which sounded like a child's money making scheme and how he wants me to "work for him", he clearly has no idea how the industry or anything related to Science and Engineering works. I didn't even try to hold in my laugh.
>He kept telling everyone how my IQ must at least "160" because I was smarter than him and his IQ was 160.

This is what every one of you sound like every time you come on /sci/ to talk about your IQ and you spout your sob stories and excuses about how school was too boring for you. It's pathetic. You're a washout, and a number some soft-science graduate gave you years ago doesn't make any better than the other retarded washouts.

>> No.5878806

[citation needed]

As far as I know the average IQ in the hard sciences and math is higher than 150.

>> No.5878829
File: 54 KB, 407x497, albert-einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


125IQ is 95th percentile.
>what is normal distribution
Anyway, my IQ was tested as 110, which is 75th percentile.

>> No.5878858

>Missing the point.

5% of 5 billion is 250 million people, most of whom haven't won a nobel prize (disregarding the Euro peace prize bullshit).

>> No.5878884

It's why I usually just keep my mouth shut and let everyone underestimate me. Plus it keeps the girls who just want to use you for your brains away...keeps you sober about things.

>> No.5879027

>It's why I usually just keep my mouth shut and let everyone underestimate me.

That's not the exactly the reply I was expecting, you should be actively telling these idiots to go fuck themselves.

>> No.5879061

It's zero because most math professors are not dumb enough to believe in IQ.
Psychology is pseudoscience, IQ is about as valid as chakras.

>> No.5879070

IQ under 40: Never-ending bliss
IQ 40-60: Happy almost always
IQ 60-80: Usually happy
IQ 80-95: Happy most of the time
IQ 95-105: Happy half the time
IQ 106-115: Happy occasionally
IQ 116-122: Happy now and then
IQ 123-127: Rarely happy
IQ 128-130: Only very rare moments of respite from crushing despair
IQ above 130: Constant depression

>> No.5879103


>> No.5879149

ive got 143,

school was shit, i was bored the entire time, which is why I got top marks and thus a fully paid scholarship to university.

When I got to university I thought things were going to be different, but i decided to study engineering for money, I could not stay awake in that class and half the time the professors are completely wrong anyway, so I just sataid home and read the textbook, always got in the top 3 without even trying.

decided fuck a number that ranks me in class, im not wasting my time for that so spend my massive amount of free time hanging out with friends (im not social but got close to 5 guys who are friends with everyone), it paid of since I got consultant work through them which keeps we busy at my shit job (engineer).

job is boring, so studied physics and math on my own with the textbooks, finished undergrad in a year and now busy with string theory and loop quantum gravity.

connections through friends allow me to do extra work (1 IT job, 1 financial job) meaning I basically get 3 salaries for doing shit easy tasks.

spend money and time I have to learn musical instruments and learning more shit.

having a high IQ and finding everything boring sure ruined my life...

>> No.5879153

check your retard privilege

>> No.5879154


>> No.5879221

I have a higher IQ than you and am almost the complete opposite in terms of achievement and prosperity. There's just so many factors that influence one's life that IQ is hardly significant.

>> No.5879232

> I just sataid home and read the textbook, always got in the top 3 without even trying.

Wanna know how I know you never attended a real Engineering school?

>I got consultant work

Wanna know how I know that you don't know anything about the real world?

>finished undergrad in a year and now busy with string theory and loop quantum gravity.

I'll let a physics major deal with this one.

Nice try though, try bullshitting some community of pretend scientists like reddit next time.

>> No.5879234

IQ 40-70 I'm so happy! AHA! Happy go lucky me! I just go my way, Living everyday!
IQ 70-110 Blissful ignorance.
IQ 110-120 Constant mediocrity.
IQ 120-140 Happiness and success.
IQ 140-150 Astounding success, or crushing failure.
IQ 150-160 Constant depression.
IQ 160+ Potential for mediocre life as a private sector scientist, or for life as an outcast in crippling depression.

>> No.5879238

Say that to my face m8. I only said 143 becasue I didnt think anyone would believe me if I said 165

>> No.5879251

nice try, but my post was true. I guess you can argue that becasue it was easy my university wasn't a "real" university or some shit

>Wanna know how I know that you don't know anything about the real world?
yes please, no idea why you would think that.

>> No.5879264

I'm still higher, not that it matters due to my point.

>> No.5879274

>As far as I know the average IQ in the hard sciences and math is higher than 150.


>> No.5879277

did I say 165, I mean 615.

>> No.5879318

>becasue it was easy my university wasn't a "real" university or some shit
Nope, not at all, unless you meant to say "Engineering Technologist" or something as I'm not knowledgeable about their curriculum.

> I just sataid home and read the textbook, always got in the top 3 without even trying.
Reason why this is bullshit:
1. There are no textbooks or internet resources for some of your later subjects in 3rd or 4th year, in Chemical Thermodynamics II for example some of the models (for which you say, have to play around with the math to find activity coefficients etc.) you're often tested on doesn't have any published literature other than the original research article, the professor just explains the principles, maybe gives you a few related solutions and changes the material he tests every year at a whim.
So tl;dr: You have to be in class or you would not even know what you're tested on.
2. Most of your Engineering classes, especially in your final years consists of projects, you are mostly working in labs for them, there aren't even any lectures in most cases, but you need to actually attend classes for instruction (and know, you don't have any books for that) and organizational purposes.
3. You are tested like every fucking day in Engineering, some lecturers decide to give test problems during a lecture on a whim, if you did not attend, you will not have close the highest marks in your year, because there is always someone smarter than you that does attend.

>I got consultant work
Reasons why this is bullshit:
1. There is absolutely no reason why someone without a Pr.Eng. and at least 10 years experience in his specific industry would be consulting, it makes no sense business-wise, logically -and most importantly for why you're full of shit- legally.
2. No one hires a graduate with no training and minimal experience for anything important, omg you are so cute.

>> No.5879321

>>becasue it was easy my university wasn't a "real" university or some shit
>Nope, not at all, unless you meant to say "Engineering Technologist" or something as I'm not knowledgeable about their curriculum.

And as an append to this, even if your uni does have ridiculous grade inflation, most of what I said, especially about projects holds true because the Engineering Bachelors has been standardised by accreditation councils.

>> No.5879330

/sci/ is always right.

>> No.5879339

>There are no textbooks or internet resources for some of your later subjects in 3rd or 4th year
all our material was either in textbooks or on the university website. if something small happened to not be in either I got it from a friends notes.

>consists of projects
I did go to project meeting, but that's not a class. our lectures regarding the projects were complete shit and we did actually have a textbook for it, The name was something like plant principles and design.

>You are tested like every fucking day in Engineering
except for first year we never had any small tests, only 3-5 large ones, 2-3 projects and an exam that counted per module.

>it makes no sense business-wise, logically -and most importantly for why you're full of shit- legally.
thats where the friend thing came in, also note I do IT and financial work, not engineering. the standards are shit in those.

>No one hires a graduate with no training and minimal experience for anything important
I never said it was important.

>> No.5879340
File: 481 KB, 595x627, 1372427102567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haven't accomplished anything in my life. Just started uni.

I hate chess.

>> No.5879347

>IQ 160+ Potential for mediocre life as a private sector scientist, or for life as an outcast in crippling depression.
>>5879340 here, and this is preeeeetty much 100% accurate.

Thanks to the governments of the most powerful countries on the planet being owned by corporate slave traders bargaining in human lives and hours paranoia and fear are inbred characteristics in all people and those with more knowledge than average are segregated from society as a kneejerk reaction.


>> No.5879348

The way he wrote it makes me think he is a variety of programmer, and his "consulting" work is basically coder for hire stuff, from people who don't realize they could hire Indians for a tenth of what they pay him (or maybe they just don't because he was hired through connections).

It's no secret that a smart, motivated lad can learn all there is to learn from the average "programmer school" by the time he's 18. There is simply a huge amount of demand for low-skill coding today.

Anon, I'm not trying to put you down or diminish your achievements, but what you claim is incredible. Partly because the way you claim it, I think, brings to mind a much grander picture than reality.

I write shitty scripts to make a few hundred bucks over a weekend on oDesk, but I wouldn't claim that I'm an "engineer" because I do work which is similar to what some mid-tier computer engineering grads end up doing in the beginning of their career.

>> No.5879351

Where'd you take the test?

>inb4 findyouriqonline.com

>> No.5879358

what I mean is my main job is as an engineer, but my extra shit I do it IT + finance.

>> No.5879365

hello tempest

>> No.5879371 [DELETED] 

just stop trolling already. it's easy to see you're full of shit

>> No.5879378

If you want to believe that, go ahead. I have better things to do that argue about weather im telling the truth of not after ive explained every one of your points.

>> No.5879405

No lecturer would/could post notes online that are complete, in any meaningful sense of the word, even if he did you did skip your lectures and got those high marks, if that was possible your uni is due for a serious visit from an accreditation committee.

Maybe you're just lying to impress /sci/ or maybe you actually did do something that isn't a real engineering degree, but either way it's time to admit your full shit and "exaggerating the truth" here. We're all fucking smart here, and we all know what Engineering requires; we know you're full of shit. Only an idiot would skip classes he/his bursar is paying fucktons for.

>thats where the friend thing came in, also note I do IT and financial work, not engineering. the standards are shit in those.
>>5879358what I mean is my main job is as an engineer, but my extra shit I do it IT + finance.

So what you're saying is you had enough free time in your "Engineering" job to do consulting for other companies while you held while you held the job. Yeah OK, just a tiny problem with that, aside from the fact that you most slack for an entry level Engineer I've ever heard of, only one little problem with what you're saying


Also there's still the matter of,
>>5879149 finished undergrad in a year and now busy with string theory and loop quantum gravity.
> finished undergrad in a year
lel, I'm not a physics major, so maybe someone else might chip in here, but I highly doubt that's possible.

>> No.5879406


He implied he was a Chemical Engineer in >>5879347

>I write shitty scripts to make a few hundred bucks over a weekend on oDesk, but I wouldn't claim that I'm an "engineer" because I do work which is similar to what some mid-tier computer engineering grads end up doing in the beginning of their career.

Well to be perfectly frank, some Engineers keep doing that for the rest of their career, their degree might give them more opportunities than someone without an Engineering degree, but they won't necessarily be successful at it. All bets are off in the real world

>> No.5879410

*He implied he was a Chemical Engineer in 5879339

>> No.5879422


>> No.5879429

turns out I dont have anything better to do...

>No lecturer would/could post notes online that are complete
dont know what too say, maybe i just had very nice lectures. and it is accredited.

only if they find out.

>lel, I'm not a physics major, so maybe someone else might chip in here, but I highly doubt that's possible.
since a lot of the stuff overlaps between physics and engineering, and undergrad physics is basicly just SR, QM, EM, analyses and cosmology more than the engineering degree, its possible.

>> No.5879440

I meant that the job he's consulting at is a programmer. It really does not make sense to be an actual consultant fresh outa school doing anything else (regardless of what his major for).

>Chemical Engineer
Well that's a huge ass crock of shit then. ChemEngs do shittons of chemistry lab classes, there's probably also many required 400-level courses that are just "let's discuss papers every week and then write one", which he cannot coast through from home like he says.

>> No.5879449

>"let's discuss papers every week and then write one"
I never had such a class. the closest we had was "write an article about how to write an article". and we got absolutely nothing regarding it from the lecturer.

>> No.5879455 [DELETED] 

that's because you're a freshman dropout trying to save face

>> No.5879456

also, labs are not classes, I did go to them, but we only had general chem labs 1st year, then the other labs were just once or twice a year for the other 3 years.

>> No.5879459


>> No.5879484 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 480x480, 1371528772213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: worthless people who claim to have high iq try to justify their existance through 4chan

>> No.5879493

>turns out I dont have anything better to do...
Neither do I.

>dont know what too say, maybe i just had very nice lectures. and it is accredited.
Could you post an example of your exams in Thermo (3rd year or later) or Mass Transfer? It's honestly inconceivable to me that you could do well in these while using only textbooks, which only exist at introductory levels, and lecture notes.

Also and you said your professors were often wrong? It's not impossible of course, but it just doesn't happen besides the occasional trivial error which the students should've quickly corrected them on.

>only if they find out.
Gratz on losing your licensure before you even got it.

> and undergrad physics is basicly just SR, QM, EM, analyses and cosmology more than the engineering degree, its possible.
I would still rather hear it from a Physics major.

>chemistry lab classes,
Yup, over undergrad we spent an average of 4 hours a day in the labs, sometimes we had to stay over weekends (mostly for legal reasons and sometimes when we fuck up).
>there's probably also many required 400-level courses that are just "let's discuss papers every week and then write one", which he cannot coast through from home like he says.
Hell that sometimes happened on the 300-level, for most professors -even though it carries a lot of weight grade wise- the scheduled tests and exams are just a formality, when you set foot in class you should've already read through the textbooks and the lecture notes he posted last night so you can beginning learning the real material. The lectures themselves usually consist of the students solving and discussing problems on the board with the professor mainly being there for guidance. The whole "learn from a text book and rewrite it on the test" thing only happens in the first couple of introductory dumbed down Science and Calculus modules.

Real Engineering education comes from experienced teachers, not the introductory textbooks.

>> No.5879503

Who cares about numbers from a test?

It's your impact on science and society that counts.

>> No.5879512

>Who cares about numbers from a test?
People who have nothing to be proud of.

>> No.5879522

>Gratz on losing your licensure before you even got it

you do know that the engineering profession is a giant good ol' boy network where people get away with shit like that all the time, right?

>> No.5879555

>Could you post an example of your exams in Thermo (3rd year or later) or Mass Transfer?
i cant find any, but thermo was always problems that we never saw before and had to figure out in the test (I suspect more classes were supposed to be like this), but mass transfer was a joke, it was exact copy paste problems from those in the textbook. even the values were the same.

>professors were often wrong?
some of them. it happened sometimes that they would apply formulas to things you cant, like the formula for friction in a round tube to a square tube, which would be fine for an approximation i guess, but then they would mark it wrong if you actually use the square formula that's on the same page. we had 1 that was completely retarded (he wasn't even an engineer, he was a chemical technician or something and gave us mass transfer). he spent an entire class explaining that if you take a cylinder and unroll it you get a rectangle with sides L and 2pi*r, in our 3rd year.

>when you set foot in class you should've already read through the textbooks and the lecture notes he posted last night so you can beginning learning the real material.
usually the just read from the slides, and they dont post the slides before the class because then the student read them beforehand and do nothing in the class.

>Real Engineering education comes from experienced teachers
we had people with loads of experience as engineers, but they couldn't stop talking about the amazing solutions they came up with in their jobs, which is fine the first time for some perspective on how the job is, but the 10th time they talk about how the "saved their company $10milion by gluing tiles to an impeller" it gets fucking annoying.

>> No.5879557

>ol' boy network

It's not the other Engineers, who you maniacally laugh with when telling each-other how much money you make while fucking up the environment, that you have to worry about. Do things by the book and put in extra large safety factors or years from now when you're reputation is even more critical some lawyer will find it and fuck you in the ass with it.

>> No.5879565

>they would mark it wrong if you actually use the square formula that's on the same page.
once when something like this happened the guy told me "yes, its technically correct, but its not what the memo says"

>> No.5879623

>I suspect more classes were supposed to be like this
All my core classes' exams was usually 50% that were textbook-like problems or semi-memorise-able proofs that you should be able to solve if you studied and 50% completely novel problems (usually there would've been a class discussion or it would've been assigned as homework that no one could solve), one of our thermo problems we had was one our professor had solved in a recently published paper (it was a fairly easy phase separation/gibbs modeling sub-problem, was actually pretty cool). Though I think most American unis have more of the former type of problems, still you have to have higher GPAs to be competitive as I understand it.

>but mass transfer was a joke, it was exact copy paste problems from those in the textbook. even the values were the same.
Jesus Christ, I have honestly never of heard of anything like that before. But I can see how it could still get accreditation because I suppose it still technically covers the requisite subject matter and the "problem solving" criteria are pretty vague.

>Mass Transfer
By mass transfer I meant separation process and particle technology; Dist. columns with McCabe-thiele and real column design, liq-liq, liq-gas extraction processes etc. etc. I just wanted to see if you actually did only do exams on things that you could've gotten from a textbook, also if you did a related project if you could post the TR. I'm assuming these 3rd year modules are relatively standardized so you probably had them under some name as a core module, the mass transfer that's more like fluid mechanics was called momentum transfer or something like that.

>> No.5879627

> chemical technician or something and gave us mass transfer). he spent an entire class explaining that if you take a cylinder and unroll it you get a rectangle with sides L and 2pi*r, in our 3rd year.

I don't understand how things like this could happen, I actually complained about one P.Eng because he "doesn't even have a PhD"...he owned a small chemical manufacturing company making around 50k/month. He really was shit at teaching though, ironic because he considered it more like volunteer work and he didn't do any research for the department.

>usually the just read from the slides, and they dont post the slides before the class because then the student read them beforehand and do nothing in the class.
That's funny, one of our lecturers decided to stop posting his slides online mid-semester because the students read them before class which he said "defeats the purpose" of the slides because he only makes them so you know what sections of the text he'll be discussing. I guess everyone has a different view on the matter.

>> No.5880049

>Who cares about numbers from a test?

Is that what you asked your maths teacher after you failed the exam?

>> No.5880713

I am clearly a counterexample. I am proud of many things yet I still care about real science.

>> No.5880731

iq =/= intelligence

it just shows your brain is more adaptable to abstract thinking. that does not mean that this is the best and most useful way of thinking. i prefer minds which are artistic in nature because working around math anyone can do, once you figure out the rules and formulas. But not everyone can be a great painter or replicate the skill or inspiration of that person.

In a sense arts > science in terms of creative output and ability

and science > arts in terms of advancement of species and development of technology

in our world, but are equally necessary, you can't have one over the other.

>> No.5880755

>he claims
fuck, son
Ever consider that he is lying?

>> No.5880792
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> "Who is Madame Curie and what is she famous for discovering"
Translation: Who is this white person only taught in white schools and what did she do that only white people care about?

> More blacks don't know answer
> Herp derp blacks have lower IQs
> Post picture of mud huts on 4chan

Go back to /pol/ and take your bullshit Taylor Swift questions with you.

>> No.5880795 [DELETED] 

yeah i just assume he's a pathological liar and does it all the time

>> No.5880807

Wow, I just spent time doing (http://www.stanfordbinet.net/)) which looked unofficial and spammy to begin with (not to mention a spelling error mid-test) only to find out that I'm asked to pay twenty pounds to access the result.

I know these tests are supposed to be taken under supervision in the proper environment but having never taken an IQ test I wanted to see where abouts I would be.


>> No.5880825 [DELETED] 


go suck a banana nigger

>> No.5880831

> only taught in white schools
"White schools" are illegal.

>what did she do that only white people care about?
Non-whites can't care about the history of science?

Knowing science trivia is correlated to intelligence. Learn the law of averages and cry harder fagets.

>> No.5880839
File: 51 KB, 300x300, Chipotle-Bean-Burritos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you take the time out of your day to go see a psychologist and take a real IQ test and score a 92. Shit hurts man.
Pic related I am not mexican.

>> No.5880853

How come I never meet people with IQ below 100.

>> No.5880856

You don't hang out with blacks or Hispanics?

>> No.5880866


You probably do. You may not interact with them for very long due to how people arrange themselves socially.

Also, people with low to average IQs (but not retards) don't have many reasons to take an IQ test, and even fewer reasons to make the results known to you if they do.

>> No.5880916


Stanford-Binet more like Stanford-Bidet amirite

WAIS IV or go home.

>> No.5880917


The Marie Curie question was to test how aware you are of the world around you. If you were smart, you would have just picked up who she was without having to be taught, because you tend to absorb information like that.

>> No.5880919


If you had half a brain, you wouldn't need to be taught who Curie was, you'd just know as part of your general knowledge.

>> No.5880921


When he was a kid, IQ tests only had a verbal component, no mathematical component.

>> No.5880924


iqtest.dk is pretty good. It correlates well with the WAIS test, and has been tested thousands of times so it seems to hold up.

>> No.5881084

>these tests are supposed to be taken under supervision in the proper environment
So what exactly is it about some overpaid shrink watching you fill out a multiple choice form and then feeding it into the computer to read the score that makes it so much more legit than simply doing it on your own?

>> No.5881094


It's not fed into a computer, they mark it themselves. And several parts of the test involve you giving verbal explanations of abstract concepts, which can only be marked by a human.

Why pretend you have knowledge of things you know nothing about?

>> No.5881101

But then, isn't it subjective?

>> No.5881105


To a degree, but the marking guidelines are pretty clear. For example, in the "explain abstract concept" part, there's a list of terms and phrases for the marker to look out for, in the answer to each question. Of course the marker has discretion to give marks as they see fit, and choose not to take marks off for simple accidental errors. For example if you make an obvious mistake, they might ask you to have a second look, to see if you'll correct it.

>> No.5881119

But that's really language dependent. I though IQ tests were supposed to be language-independent.

>> No.5881126


Not at all. The WAIS IV test, the standard test, comes in version appropriate for various languages. There are some tests that are language independent, like the Raven matrices tests which form the pattern for all those online pattern matching tests, but the regular tests require language.

>> No.5881134

Eh, I only ever took IQ tests seriously because I thought they were all progressive matrices or other culture agnostic stuff. Verbal explanation questions are absurd. I've bullshitted my way through far too many exams to ever trust that.

>> No.5882762

>Verbal explanation questions are absurd. I've bullshitted my way through far too many exams to ever trust that
Your anecdotal evidence and lazy professors do not change the empirically verified psychometrics.

>> No.5884157

Verbal intelligence is important. I usually score higher on IQ tests that include verbal skills.

>> No.5884160

only taken online ones but always get 110-120

>> No.5884848 [DELETED] 

How much higher?

>> No.5884907


I don't know if I believe that's true. I think that may just be what depressed neckbeards on /sci/ tell themselves to justify their illness.

I would consider myself to be of above average intelligence (Everyone does, I know), yet I am also quite happy.

It's possible that I'm an idiot who's too dumb to see it, but based on experience in school and in talking to morons, I doubt it.

I would like to see an actual study on this though. If it is true, I bet it's because the smart people are so socially awkward and wind up depressed because they just sit on the computer all day.

>> No.5884924
File: 33 KB, 400x392, dumbass-702602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop laughing at all the people claiming IQs over 140 when standardized IQ tests can't measure IQs over 140.

Lying about your IQ on an anonymous imageboard. Seriously doesn't get more pathetic than that.

And don't even get me started on the people who think online IQ tests are in any way legitimate.

>> No.5884927


To clarify, I have an IQ of 110 (administered by several trained professionals in a controlled environment). Every online IQ test I've ever taken (I've taken at least 10) has told me my IQ is 130+. So stop fucking posting about online tests you goddam retards.

>> No.5884932

>you'd just know as part of your general knowledge.
>you'd just know
I'll admit it, I laughed a little.

>> No.5884966


You're just mad because you did so badly.

>> No.5885479


Depends on the test,

"An adult can only get a maximum IQ of 161 on the Cattell III B test."

to quote Mensa,

so, consider yourself.. Told.

>> No.5885613 [DELETED] 

>Underage fag here
Is 134 - 144 (depending on the test) good for a 15 year old?

>> No.5885619

Apparently it's not good enough to develop the minimum of common sense required to read the rules before posting.

>> No.5886250

>"An adult can only get a maximum IQ of 161 on the Cattell III B test."

Interesting. Where can I find that test?

>> No.5886251


>> No.5886264

There are several tests that are specially designed to measure IQ in higher ranges.

>> No.5886285 [DELETED] 

babby's first online iq test

>> No.5886328

I'd like to take it for myself at some point in time, but I don't really need to prove anything to myself at this point. I'm doing well in a hard major, so either I'm a genius or just have a really good work ethic, and I'm fine with either of those being true. I don't think I'm a legitimate genius in the way that some people I know are, but I do think I'm smarter than most people on average.

>> No.5887332 [DELETED] 

>I'm doing well in a hard major
What is your major?

>> No.5887919 [DELETED] 

It's funny how the poster doesn't use correct grammar in a chart regarding IQ. It doesn't really mean much, but it annoys me.

>> No.5887948 [DELETED] 

Science is art. IQ does not accurately measure ones ability to think abstractly.

Science is art. People who use Science as their medium - and are talented in it - think in innovative and new ways to come up with new things that nobody else could.

this innovative way of thinking uses both sides of your bain as it requires creativity, abstract understanding, mathematical computation, and etc.

Science is the most respectable and creative art form there is.

>> No.5887962


Mensa, or find it from using google..

>> No.5888085


>> No.5888819

I tried google but I didn't find anything.

>> No.5888898

I had to take the WAIS-IV when I was in middle school because apparently one of my teachers thought I had a learning/behavioral disorder (turns out I was just a little shithead like every other 12-year-old, who could have guessed). I don't remember what I scored though.

>> No.5888956

I don't trust them
I took one in er junior high school I think and them teachers said "100 is the average" bullshit everybody was around 115-120

>> No.5888968

So will doing several hundred logic puzzles make significant changes in my thinking speed, or the way I do think, and as a result increase my IQ?

IQ tests seem to focus on how fast you can complete logic puzzles, and i only make sense that like most things you can increase your ability to complete similar puzzles easily and swiftly by investing large amounts of time doing a lot of puzzles.

>> No.5889021

I took one when I was like 3 because my parents thought I had autism, I got ~120, but I remember nothing of the test.

>> No.5889023
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>> No.5889066
File: 15 KB, 378x399, 1323258863763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the best way to get an idea on my actual IQ without paying a psychologist? I took a test online once and it said I had a 145, I'm not really buying that.
inb4 everybody ITT got their IQ from a psychologist

>> No.5889068

Online IQ tests are more reliable than psychologists. Remember, psychology is not a hard science.

>> No.5889081

any online tests in particular? I really don't think I am mensa material

>> No.5889087

that was sarcasm.

>> No.5889091
File: 3 KB, 157x112, dang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5889321
File: 49 KB, 1296x720, 5872951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has been keeping at least 35 threads alive
by bumping them twice a day. Compare the post times of
>>5873736 >>5877618 >>5880713 >>5884157 >>5884848 >>5886250
>>5887332 >>5888819
to the post times in other threads.
It's clear most of these are the same person.
The threads being bumped:
>>5858447 >>5861383 >>5862983 >>5863249 >>5865823 >>5866853
>>5867452 >>5867640 >>5868097 >>5868460 >>5868538 >>5869504
>>5869595 >>5869759 >>5869946 >>5872951 >>5873166 >>5873829
>>5874378 >>5874727 >>5875025 >>5876410 >>5876819 >>5878449
>>5878607 >>5878684 >>5878722 >>5880041 >>5880453 >>5880775
>>5881738 >>5883998 >>5884116 >>5884625 >>5885545
Write to moot@4chan.org if you want it to stop.

>> No.5889601 [DELETED] 

>and as a result increase my IQ?
No - please learn how the brain works.

>> No.5890069
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, moonwalking-w-einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

training your brain to think fast or remember more is absolutely possible. but I don't know about raising your actual IQ

>> No.5890111

...Why would you go through all of this trouble just to find something like this out?
Why not make another thread dedicated to this and try to get everyone to become aware of it like that?

>> No.5890114

They should teach this to every kid at school. It makes memorising dull shit stupidly easy. I regret I only found out about it so recently. I always struggled with rote memorisation before.

>> No.5890117

Get a life

>> No.5890124

>Mensa member
>fail humanities cause I can't puke bullshit onto papers
>Jews don't let me just take maths and sciences my whole life
Yeah fuck you too

>> No.5890142

I'm so fucking superior intelligent

>welcome to welches grape juice test
>heres book of patterns recognize please
>holy shit you recognized it all
>here take another book
>recognizer extreme!!1
>heres score

you're iq: 144


>> No.5890163

It's been going on for about a year now and should be well known to anyone who has browsed /sci/ regularly.

>> No.5890168

It's all in your demented mind. Stop being paranoid.

>> No.5890371

same here, if I would have read this book when I was a kid school would have been much less of a hassle

>> No.5890380

apparently you don't get the joke.

>> No.5890678

What joke?

>> No.5890746

Boo fucking hoo

>> No.5890749

>140 IQ

>tfw bipolar

>> No.5890760

I feel like the result of an IQ test is more of a progress report than it is some rigid limit of one's potential. Isn't modern research showing that neurogenesis in the hippocampus persists into adulthood and, indeed, can be stimulated by good health and exercise? Should we be concerned with what is likely a snapshot of our metal powers?

And who is born a chemist? A physicist? Are the avenues of though, the thinking skills necessary, the mental abilities required not developed with time, through education?

>> No.5890790 [DELETED] 

do even of you even bother to glance at posts that debunk iq myths?

>> No.5890792 [DELETED] 

do any of you even bother to glance at posts that debunk iq myths?

>> No.5891377 [DELETED] 

What posts?

>> No.5891383 [DELETED] 



>> No.5891512

Over several professionally administered tests as a child my average result was about 149

Fuck if I know, it always seemed like bullshit to me and I don't view myself as being above anyone else. It seems like most people aren't really trying though, like in high school for the ACT. Everyone around me claimed they were studying for it, I saw them prepare for months to get maybe a 26. How are they even trying at that point? My prep was whatever I was forced to do in class under observation and I scored a 29.

>> No.5891521

My IQ is i.

>> No.5891541

180 in elementary school
don't think these tests mean anything at all though

>> No.5891543

Why doesn't /sci/ devise an Intelligence Test and be done with all this IQ talk?

>> No.5891548

took the test in elementary school
IQ is 180
>manic depressive who attends AA meetings everyday

>> No.5891633


>> No.5891649

above average intelligent is 106?
does that mean that an average Pole is above average intelligent?

>> No.5891659

Can't source right now, but I believe its agreed that even if IQ tests are valid, they are useless beyond 145-150+

>> No.5891666

>mfw superior intelligent
if they cant grasp the basic grammatical structure of english i doubt they can devise an adequate IQ test.

>> No.5891678

I have always wondered, does IQ change, is "average" always normalized to 100, or is there something else at work?

>> No.5891704

>tfw around 118

Should I kill myself yet? I honestly thought I'd do better. Explains my job stacking shelves.

>> No.5892506

I guess this makes sad people feel better about being sad, because if depression is directly associated with intelligence...we all must be fucking geniuses.

Most likely you're just both sad and stupid anon

>> No.5892662

Never took one, and probably won't - at least not until I got my PhD, so I'm not too crushed when I get a bad result.

>> No.5893153

Are there no tests to measure IQ higher than 150?

>> No.5893422

Yeah, I did, and I got a 147 on it.
No, I'm not lying.

>> No.5893798 [DELETED] 

You should work at the cash register instead. It would better fit your intellectual capacity.

>> No.5894915 [DELETED] 

The cash register requires a lot of math.

>> No.5894922 [DELETED] 
File: 1.81 MB, 390x300, 1373514212601.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le inferiority complex face

>> No.5894941
File: 89 KB, 300x226, SimpsonsOzmodiar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw max score on official MENSA test when I was 20
>get graduate degree in mathematics
>tfw feel like 87 IQ now

>> No.5895061
File: 40 KB, 477x358, marvin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a brain the size of a planet. It gives me a headache just to think down to your level. Don't talk to me about life.

>> No.5895071 [DELETED] 



>> No.5895725

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5895736

Looking at this thread I see many posts along the lines of:

>Estimated IQ
>Probably has an IQ of;
>'I think mines around x'
>The online test says my IQ is x

Please stop.

>> No.5895826

ITT we argue about a single quotient, and how it makes us superior or inferior to others.

Seriously, if Feynman's 125 isn't enough to convince you that it's a "rough at best" indicator, then nothing will.

That number did not remotely predict his abilities in physics - the kind that gets you recognized by the entire science world (along with a Nobel prize) as an unbridled genius. One in several tens of millions. Not the number the normal distribution predicts at all.

>> No.5895869

>Seriously, if Feynman's 125

Seriously, there's no evidence to show how hard he tried on the test.

>> No.5895870

>caring about IQ

>> No.5896337

Imagine the forum engine would (in a random fashion) replace 'IQ' with 'narcissism quotient'.

>> No.5896341

borderline average/below average, studying maths and physics, problem?

>> No.5897049

Would it change anything?

>> No.5897826 [DELETED] 

It would. Intelligence is not narcissism.

>> No.5897988 [DELETED] 


>> No.5898012

Most people here talk about nothing but themselves.

>> No.5899367

Intelligence justifies narcissism.

>> No.5899381 [DELETED] 

Just like dick length, huh, anon?

>> No.5899389

No, I don't have a dick.

>> No.5899395 [DELETED] 

confirmed for over privileged narcissistic female

>> No.5899843 [DELETED] 

But narcissism does not imply intelligence.

>> No.5901074

They are positively correlated.

>> No.5901192

I haven't taken an IQ test. I do not need to.

I already know that I am dumb; however, I also know that I am crafty in my method of thinking.

Honesty and muh feelings hold me back in life. I feel that I could be such a powerful person through deceit if it was not for that.

>> No.5901638

You got something to back that up?

>> No.5901934

It is a rudimentary result of psychometrics discussed in every psychology textbook.

>> No.5901954
File: 257 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2013-07-15 at 2.59.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>h-how did I do

I'm a music major.
I really want to learn mathematics but honestly I'm scared to. My mathematics was terrible, not completely my fault. Literally had the worst math scores in the united state. We had no teachers, only subs..
How can I into mathematics. I know I have potential.
I want to incorporate mathematical equations in music and attempt to popularize it into the mainstream media for all to enjoy.

I'm a wishful thinker I guess..

>> No.5901955

>I already know that I am dumb
yeah, right buddy
you need to take the test and post verified results
everyone thinks they're super dumb, only a select few really are

>> No.5901957

I forget to mention that the school district was the one with the worst mathematical scores. I aced all the state math tests based on the ability to pick up on patterns and what not, I made it into college like any other person, graduated top 5% of my class and all. I'm not a complete retard, I think.

>> No.5901966

just spend some time on khan academy, start where you're comfortable, watch videos and do exercises, then work your way up

if you do that you can at least get a 1st year college math education, i.e. calculus and linear algebra

>> No.5901990


Because we have no real qualifications.

>> No.5901993

hey i've taken several IQ tests over the years and i always seem to score 60-80. i dont consider myself smart but i know many people do since i can grasp mathematical and scientific concepts very well and i speak 4 languages...i am doing something wrong?

>> No.5902007

>top 1% or higher on arithmetic reasoning, vocabulary size, and matrix reasoning (untimed), verbal ability index at top 1%, reading comprehension always lags for some reason, only around 5-10% - from various standardized tests I've taken

>unremarkable working memory and processing speed, average processing speed, quite high working memory, still a relative deficit

>highschool dropout, armchair philosopher

>> No.5902008


There are some that claim to, but none of them are tested on enough people who can score that high to really be reliable.

This one seems more well tested than most: http://www.etienne.se/cfnse/

It gives results in terms of percentile, so you'll need separate table to convert percentile into an IQ score, but that's not hard to find on the internet. It starts out at 98th percentile, which is equivalent to about 130 IQ.

>> No.5902012

>116 - 122

>> No.5903397

>and i always seem to score 60-80

You are lying. If your IQ was that low, you wouldn't be able to type a reply. You wouldn't even be able to write or to use language at all.

>> No.5903420

Superior when I was a kid but IQ tests are bullshit and not a good measure of actual intellect or creativity.
Professor Layton games are a better measure of intelligence than an IQ test is.

>> No.5903453
File: 1.86 MB, 234x181, 1373804232522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this must end

>> No.5903460

145, got tested several times,
i feel gifted, but fuck things up because of boredom.

>> No.5903465

I'm not the best, but my IQ was rated about 140 when I was in 5th grade.

>> No.5903478


>> No.5904021 [DELETED] 

Brain development is still in progress at that age. How high is it now?

>> No.5904057
File: 43 KB, 433x378, my-sides.jpg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.5905522

>i feel gifted, but fuck things up because of boredom.

By "fuck up" do you mean making stupid mistakes or behaving anti-socially?

>> No.5906295 [DELETED] 

Those are signs of unintelligence.

>> No.5907960

This is not true. Sociopaths are often highly intelligent.

>> No.5908300

But there is always the chance that someone who takes that test never heard anything about her, and nothing about her was mentioned by the test taker. Then there is bias against that person. It is very unlikely if that person has taken a lot of science courses, but it is bias.

>> No.5908310

i scored 180. what of it?

i don't feel very smart. i have no notable achievements. i do love weed

>> No.5908397
File: 46 KB, 564x555, maxzoomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How accurate is iqtest.dk

Scored 115

I also took some other test in danish written by staff at mensa denmark.

Scored 113 on that.

>> No.5908693 [DELETED] 

What defines a sociopath?

>> No.5908704

more often than not sociopaths have low IQ scores

a person who lacks a moral conscience and lives a parasitic lifestyle. they are incapable of genuine empathy but can imitate it

>> No.5908749

Bitches shut up. Sociopaths have IQs in the range of 110-120, meaning their smarter than you're average person but not smart enough to actually socialize with the people they associate with, i.e. 120+ IQ.

>> No.5908752

If you scored 180 that means that you're either
a) Exceptionally smart
or the more likely
b) This particular test is not accurate for you.

>> No.5908756

Y-You guys, you make my 135 feel small and insignificant.

>> No.5908759

if it's accurate for everyone else then for all intended purposes, i'll assume it's accurate for me

it was performed by a licensed psychologist

>> No.5908763

Then congratulations. You're one of the most intelligent people alive.

>> No.5908765

for the record, i'm planning on killing myself as soon as my parents die

>> No.5908804


AmI the only one dumb enough to actually answer honestly on 4chan?

>> No.5908843

Yes, but she was a teen psychologist and the IQ test was part of her initial tests before our sessions could begin. I scored a 126, but she also said that I have shit memory and hand-eye coordination.

>implying above-average IQs don't exist

>> No.5908865

> 'cause we 'murrica goddammit

oh god this part killed me, seriously. My sides shifted into another dimension

>> No.5908866

above average /int/elligent of 108 reporting in

>> No.5908881

>wishes he could pull out the experiment
>doesn't know how to use bookmarks


>> No.5908936

I am not an intelligent man, merely a piss-poor pretender.

>> No.5908960

Statistics say you are the 16th smartest person on Earth. I don't think so.

>> No.5909020

140 in Highschool four years ago, but my last test said I was 126. I'm assuming the later is more accurate.

>> No.5909042

fucking lol'd
10/10 if troll
7/10 if copypasta

>> No.5909050

fucking lol'd
10/10 if troll
7/10 if copypasta

>> No.5910030

fucking lol'd
10/10 if troll
7/10 if copypasta

>> No.5910307

>AmI the only one dumb enough to actually answer honestly on 4chan?

No, you are not the only one. I always answer honestly but /sci/ never believes me.

>> No.5910355

In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area.

An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test.

My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it.

>> No.5910358

I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan).

I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or 4chan or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is.

Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories.

I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it.

>> No.5910396


>> No.5910405

that's cause you say you have an IQ of 195, 10 hot girlfriends who give you non-stop blowjobs, a PhD in mathematics, and any job you want 300k starting.

>> No.5910419


2/10 troll just for getting people to respond.


10/10 would read again

>> No.5910455



ok m8

the odds of even meeting someone with that iq are ~0%

>> No.5910460 [DELETED] 

What is mega society

>> No.5910480

my iq is 180. ask me anything

>> No.5910489

why do you feel the need to lie to impress people that you will never meet?

>> No.5910494

loaded question. next please. i'm not lying. if you think i am, simply go on your merry way

>> No.5910503

In reality my IQ is somewhere between average and above average but on the internet my IQ is 3000 and I am so superior that this chart can't even handle it.

>> No.5910513

[citation needed]

>> No.5910530

What has your high IQ helped you do?

>> No.5910535

nothing really. i coasted through high school and dropped out of college due to overestimating my abilities. i smoke weed mostly now, and i'm considering trying college again someday

>> No.5910618

Describe the color green to a blind person?

>> No.5910623

IQs are worthless, there are several kinds of intelligence and if one were to fail an IQ test, yet excel in terms of say spacial acuity or interpersonal relationships or whatever else, they'd still be deemed a retard, even though they were much smarter than you.

>> No.5910686
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I have been tested twice. It was 119 (108 verbal, 128 performance) at age 10, then 110 (108 verbal, 111 performance, 134 processing speed) at age 16. Perfectionism, attention to minute detail, and depression has been a constant theme. Accepting my mediocrity has been an impossible task due to my stubborn nature and desire to fix problems.

Recent events have fractured my self-esteem to the point of just wanting to quit. My efforts feel irrelevant and I am cognizant of constant inadequacy all across the board. It has become unbearable to exist--I never thought I'd plan to end my life.

>> No.5910802

I somewhat doubt that, but I'm sure you're extremely smart, maybe smarter than me. Smoking weed everyday must be nice.

>> No.5911009

<span class="math">

>> No.5911010

<div class="math">

>> No.5911011


>> No.5911981

/sci/ doesn't have code tags.

>> No.5912129

Hello. I have an IQ somewhere between 60-80, what can I do to increase it?

>> No.5912354

nothing, but if it's below 75 you should qualify for disability welfare

>> No.5912380

last time I checked it, it was 78, but I think that's because I didn't understand most of the test

>> No.5912386

are you black?

>> No.5912389
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>> No.5912394


Just like your dick

>> No.5912405

not really

>> No.5912409


is there anywhere you can do the test online?

>> No.5912953

It must be professionally administered by a psychologist.

>> No.5913068

You're a fag.

>> No.5913613

>what is average distribution

Unless you're at an academically competitive university you are almost certainly surrounded by plenty of people with iq's in that range.

>> No.5913628

ive taken 3 iq tests in my life.

once when I was in 8th grade, got a 148.
once when i was admitted to the hospital for a concussion, got a 102.
once after i was done recovering from said concussion, got a 142.

I guess concussions are a minus-6.

>> No.5913629

>how hard he tried

Except that iq doesn't really fluctuate much in relation to effort.

>> No.5913660

yes it does.

if you dont try at all you'll do far worse than if you're entirely focused. that goes for pretty much anything

>> No.5913663

no it doesn't

>> No.5913664

yes it does, learn2IQ

>> No.5913667

Science proves that it does not.

>> No.5913668

I can tell you from personal experience that it does.

>> No.5913669

>muh anecdotal evidence

>> No.5913670

muh bare assertion

>> No.5913675

You ASSERT that it is backed by science.

>> No.5913672

It is not a bare assertion. It is backed by science.

>> No.5913678

That's because it is backed by science.

>> No.5913681

Well, that's nice, but until I see some citations, I'm going to trust my own experience over your bare assertion.

>> No.5913686

Why don't you just Google
IQ reliability

>> No.5913687

Why don't YOU just Google it? You're the one making the claim.

>> No.5913692

You made the claim scientific evidence exists to support your position. The burden of proof is on you to support this claim with citations.

>> No.5913688

No, it is in fact you making the claim.

>> No.5913693

Actually, the burden of proof is on you to prove your claim that IQ tests are affected by effort.

>> No.5913694

I provided (weak, anecdotal) evidence for that claim. I scored higher on IQ tests when you tried more.

>> No.5913695

Things will turn around, just wait.

>> No.5913696

That is not valid scientific evidence.

>> No.5913699

It is better than no evidence at all.

>> No.5913700

No, it is not. Anecdotal evidence is misleading, and it is better to ignore such evidence.

>> No.5913702

It is never proper to ignore evidence. We must evaluate the likelihood ratio for the evidence, and use it to update our priors, no matter how small the change is.

>> No.5913705

Your Bayesian fundamentalism is showing. In the real world humans are not good probability calculators. We are affected by numerous cognitive biases. You will not remember all the anecdotes you become aware of, only the notable ones. Taking weak anecdotal evidence seriously is a good way to reach inaccurate conclusions due to cognitive bias.

>> No.5913711

Why don't you practice what you preach and find us some links?

>> No.5913708

Seriously? This becomes a philosophical pseudo-statistics discussion about evidence when you could just Google studies?

>> No.5913715

Because I'm not interested in the discussion, just commenting on how useless it is.

>> No.5913716

Very well. BTW it's polite to use sage if you're not adding material relevant to the discussion.

>> No.5913896

*slow clap*

>> No.5914620

But people with higher IQs would be able to realize their sadness is nothing more than a chemical imbalance and get the fuck over it.

>> No.5914624
File: 28 KB, 989x286, Screen Shot 2013-07-20 at 10.23.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i just quit?

>> No.5914627


>I can just realize things away, my awareness of why my foot is bleeding will allow me to stop the blood from pouring out of the wound!

>> No.5914840 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 300x326, bazinga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5916023 [DELETED] 

This is good score. You are smarter than 50% of the global population and 90% of the american population.

>> No.5917445

>not having control over your blood flow

>> No.5919085

That's retarded.