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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 568x550, pinkie pi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5869504 No.5869504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If math is the language of nature, why isn't pi a round number?

>> No.5869509


>> No.5869512

how it's not round, when it's a part of a circle?

>> No.5869510

It is.
What's not round about π?
A nice round single digit.

>> No.5869511

If evolution is true, why hast OP been selected out of the gene-pool already?
biologists 0
thiasts 1

>> No.5869532


it could be if we changed our number system with pie as the radix.

>> No.5870643

What the fuck is a "round" number?

>> No.5870649


>> No.5870675


>> No.5870691

but you would still need a knife to get Pi apples.

>> No.5870898

Not if you defined π=1

>> No.5870915

It is in base pi.

>> No.5870917

You can't divide by an irrational number dood.

>> No.5870957

OP still thinks pi is an actual "thing".

>> No.5870985

Why is everyone so dense? It's obviously a pun.

>> No.5871399


>> No.5871416

Numbers like pi and phi are so called transcendental numbers, means they are bridges or connections between dimensions. Try to squeese ur third eye on this ;)

>> No.5873588


>> No.5873627

because pi are squared OP

>> No.5873629



>> No.5873630

because we have 10 fingers

>> No.5873669

Yeah, OP, right on!
You should go and fix things. Start with giving yourself a nonintegral number of fingers.

>> No.5873680


what if you had pi fingers tho

>> No.5873682

Welcome to the round of lines....

>> No.5873683

what if a pi of fire smashed into a pi of ice

>> No.5873687

Ron Paul would cum buckets thats for sure

>> No.5873800

I do not think numbers are able to collide.

>> No.5875370

Because math isn't "the language of nature". Math is only a tool.

>> No.5876185

Sometimes the tool does not have any use.

>> No.5876191

Then pi would equal 3.09999999...40999999...5926...

>> No.5876192


because the idea that there's symmetry in nature is a leftover of divine geometry philosophy of the greeks

>> No.5876205

>If math is the language of nature,
>why isn't pi a round number?
Your question has implied that we would expect pi to be a round number in order for it to be a part of nature.

This doesn't stand up to scrutiny as far as I know.

If you are able, then please continue and describe why you think so. If you are unable then what I said should hopefully be a satisfactory answer to your question.

>> No.5876217

Pi is not natural, it is man made inside of an oven.

>> No.5876223

Has it since been reproduced in any other ovens?

>> No.5876237


Godel's Incomplete grocery list says there's not enough ingredients for a second pi.

>> No.5876240

But you can make a pie if you multiply pi and e together.

>> No.5876243


We're talking about math not food.

>> No.5876248

But food is essentially addition.

>> No.5876277

Until you serve the pi. Then it is division.

>> No.5876281

because 2pi is round

>> No.5876334

pi is 3.14, we just add more numbers to scare plebs

>> No.5876369

3. 1415 9265 3589 7932 3846 2643 3832 7950 2884 1971 69399

>> No.5876413

Math is a human construct that is flawed just like any other human construct, but it works to some extend.

>> No.5876443

To expand upon this idea, pi is the mathematical equivelant of petty little emotions such as "love" and "compassion"... Good for nothing, used by idiots and "great minds" (imposters) alike, and looked down upon by the truly englightened. Pi is worthless and useless, and if you say otherwise you are a child living in an illusory world of your own. You may discard my words, but trust me: Pi is not worth fighting for.

>> No.5876455

So edgy.

>> No.5877141


Love and compassion aren't petty nor good for nothing. They're decent neurologic machines to reinforce actions that are beneficial to oneself and society. When love and compassion are coupled to things which harm one's power (and the one things actually values worthy of love), then yeah they could be "good for nothing".

But the tone of your speech is someone who demands the impossible (perfect consistency and knowledge) without realizing the limited nature of all mechanics.

>> No.5877159

We purposefully protect specimens like OP in case they prove useful for future generations. (And being nice. Nothing good comes from being nice.

>> No.5877192

you russled me quite well.

>> No.5877195

That's wrong

>> No.5877204

It is if you work in the much more natural base pi. It only looks ugly because we work in the artificial base 10.

>> No.5878809

You mean dividing everything by pi?

>> No.5879952

There is no "base pi". Stop being edgy. Base is only defined for positive integers.

>> No.5880635

What definition are you using?

>> No.5882033

>What definition are you using?


>> No.5882746

This is not the base change morphism. Thank you.

>> No.5882755



fucking kill yourself

>> No.5884105

>non-unique representations

Why would anyone use that?

>> No.5884436

> non-unique representations
> .9999... = 1

>> No.5884494

>good for nothing

choose one

>> No.5884834

>> .9999... = 1
Are you implying this is true?

>> No.5884967

divide .999... by 3
then do the same for 1

>> No.5886230

I get 0.333... and 1/3. What now?

>> No.5887265


.333... is the same as 1/3, just in decimal form.

That's why .999...=1

>> No.5888667

How would you prove rigorously that they are the same number?

>> No.5888714

pi is the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference _when drawn on a plane_
if you draw a circle on a surface of nonzero constant curvature, you can make pi whatever you want it to be
so perhaps the notion of a "flat plane" is not a natural one

>> No.5889306
File: 49 KB, 1296x720, 5869504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has been keeping at least 35 threads alive
by bumping them twice a day. Compare the post times of
>>5870643 >>5871399 >>5875370 >>5876185 >>5878809 >>5879952
>>5880635 >>5882033 >>5882746 >>5884105 >>5884834 >>5886230
>>5887265 >>5888667
to the post times in other threads.
It's clear most of these are the same person.
The threads being bumped:
>>5858447 >>5861383 >>5862983 >>5863249 >>5865823 >>5866853
>>5867452 >>5867640 >>5868097 >>5868460 >>5868538 >>5869504
>>5869595 >>5869759 >>5869946 >>5872951 >>5873166 >>5873829
>>5874378 >>5874727 >>5875025 >>5876410 >>5876819 >>5878449
>>5878607 >>5878684 >>5878722 >>5880041 >>5880453 >>5880775
>>5881738 >>5883998 >>5884116 >>5884625 >>5885545
Write to moot@4chan.org if you want it to stop.

>> No.5889542

Why is it wrong?

>> No.5889551

what do those threads have in common?
it seems pretty random given the topics and discussions in each appear to me like a pretty decent cross section of what we see on /sci/ regularly.

still, i've been noticing this too. And not just on /sci/, on other boards as well.
this is some twilight zone shit.
i'm scared.
hold me...

>> No.5889570

Where else have you seen it?

>> No.5890583

Ignore him. He's a schizophrenic retard. /sci/ is just a slow board and people like to take their time in discussions.

>> No.5890586

Can you please stop trolling, this is a slow board, get used to it

>> No.5891311

>pi is the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference _when drawn on a plane_
What about a pink \pi like in the OP? What does that mean?

>> No.5891767

Phi isn't transcendental fucktard. It's a solution of 4x^2-4x-4=0

>> No.5893102

How is this possible? I thought phi was infinite and irrational.

>> No.5893199
File: 2 KB, 119x89, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. solution to yours. not pi.

>> No.5893246

Infinite and irrational doesn't mean transcendental.

Sqrt(2) for example is infinite and irrational.

However, it's the solution to:
x^2 -2 = 0
making it an algebraic number, not a transcendental number

>> No.5893361

Why do the shittiest threads get the most attention? Fuck you /sci/.

>> No.5893788

How would I solve for x?

>> No.5893792


>> No.5893854

Learn the difference between phi and pi

>> No.5893880

>difference between phi and pi


>> No.5894984

By h do you mean the planck constant?

>> No.5895721

You cannot solve the equation. That's why we DEFINED the solution to be phi. Think of how the imaginary unit is defined.

>> No.5896875

Irregardless of your opinion this is a very interesting math thread.

>> No.5896885
