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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 146 KB, 659x374, matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5867640 No.5867640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, how did matter come into existance?

>> No.5867644

It was always there...like God.

>> No.5867655


The universe is god.

>> No.5867658

/sci/ you can do better than this

>> No.5867662

It didn't. Matter is an illusion.

>> No.5867664

Does matter matter? If so, why does it matter that matter matters? I would like to suggest that perhaps the thing in life with matter, don't matter, and that those corporeal entities and emotions which make the monochromatic stain of experience colorful do matter. Therefore, dear friends, let the origin of matter (which does not matter) not matter, as the matter matters not which does not matter in your life, and instead seek that which,, lacking substance and, yay, matter, matters indeed.

Your dearest friend, Aanon

>> No.5867984 [DELETED] 


>> No.5868507 [DELETED] 

the big bang

>> No.5868541

never happened

>> No.5868562

I think to answer that question we need to know what matter is.
How is matter matter? If we changed matter would it still be matter?
Why matter? Does matter exist?
Why does matter exist and why doesn't existence exist?
Why why why why

>> No.5868565

It doesn't matter

>> No.5868976

Can energy turn into matter?

>> No.5868998

>how did matter come into existance?

>come into existence

This is such a stupid idea. Things don't come in or go out of existence. It isn't observable, not even theoretically.
It also doesn't make sense rationally, a priori.

Things change over time depending on the conditions that structure them.

>> No.5869011

so you're saying that matter has been around since the beginning of time and everything. Or perhaps there is no "beginning" at all?

>> No.5869046 [DELETED] 


>> No.5869169

Yes. E=mc^2.

>> No.5869184
File: 1.27 MB, 2048x2048, Fractal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, sorry. Need me to stop?

>> No.5869218

We don't know.
Therefore God.
Therefore you will go to a heaven when you die to live forever with your waifu for all eternity.

That's the answer you wanted, now back to /b/ or /x/.

>> No.5869267


sort of..

I'm fond of the notion that the big bang and and black holes share much of the same physics in order to occur

>> No.5869329
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What came first? Consciousness or the Universe?

>> No.5869332
File: 14 KB, 234x216, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the answer to your question?

>> No.5869333

Sorry, accidentally downloaded the wrong size.

>> No.5869336
File: 141 KB, 1023x681, big bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go, hopefully.

>> No.5869341

What came first?
The atoms that make up water or the water?

>> No.5869366
File: 352 KB, 1334x1001, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your opinions on the theory that black holes create new universes, that our universe may exist inside a black whole within a larger universe?

>> No.5869427

My position is, first off, if there was any force of creation that initiated the formation of the energy that eventually came to be the universe, it is not sentient and furthermore is incapable of judging the nature of the decisions made by self-described sentient beings within the confines of the energy that it helped create. Second, that more than likely there were energy strands on quantum levels that have always existed in a form and for a time and nature that our brains, with a limited number of neurological states and connections could possibly comprehend, being but a small part of the total energy in the totality of existence (i.e. the theory that no computer could ever simulate a human brain with the same number of cells and connections and a computer program could never fully emulate the universe without being the size and complexity of a universe, rendering the theory moot) so to try to do so and draw any conclusions here within is a flawed position from which to begin any ontological argument and at best is an exercise in self-examination and at worst is ego inflating.

tl;dr There is no 'god', 'gods', 'creators' or 'higher powers'. It is impossible for us to comprehend the universe because we're part of it and trying to draw conclusions one way or another is a flawed and meaningless exercise.

>> No.5869428

tl;dr tl;dr Don't worry about it.

>> No.5869456

>implying I'm not god

>> No.5869480

I hate Stephen "gimp" hawkings

>> No.5869538

one question if I were to go to space and bring back a air tight jar of space what would I see when I get back to Earth

>> No.5869540

With time reversed with respect to that universe? So that matter falling into the singularity at the center looks like it came out?

>> No.5869548

the jar would probably explode from the pressure, but otherwise it would just look like an empty jar

>> No.5869552

my question is why would the jar look empty and not dark like the vacuum of space

>> No.5869576

I'm not falling for this. You can't be this stupid, right?

>> No.5869584

>Or perhaps there is no "beginning" at all?
I believe that eventually the whole universe will turn into a huge black hole which will cause another big bang and the cycle will continue infinitely.

>> No.5869587

completely serious and stupid

>> No.5869594

There is no proof that matter didn't exist. We just cannot measure it before the big bang.

>> No.5869597

exactly I've always said that our universal laws were created with the beginning of our universe and the death of another

>> No.5869598


how did existence came to be?

>> No.5869724

>In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.

Ill dissect this with a /sci/ approach.
Our bing bang theory suggests that our cosmos had one atom go boom. This event is gods coming, a light filled with love for what matters and what doesn't (god being a gravitational pull that not one photon, neutron, electron, quark or even an atom can avoid). A split in this atom, our cosmos as of now, could be with others roaming around a world much similar to the one we presently reside in. One that has a heaven and earth similar to ours and possibly the same or different god. Back to the point; a coming to what we know now did not take place within an instant (this is where i feel god has been given too much credit (just an opinion (im allowed (its fukn 4chan)))) but over the course of 15 billion years. As far as humans have come to find this to be so, Eintstein gave us what we know to be E=mc^2. So ill rewrite the question, how did light come to be (matter, probability, love, elements of sorts, anything that does exist in this realm=mass=mc^2)? By the strike of a hand writing a novel, by the hand to another hand for a greeting, from the mind to lead another, from a destiny bound to a mans soul God has given us this chance to repeat what God has done. We do it with each step, each breath, each fuck we give life to new opportunities to create more opportunities. Our free will opens up more doors than we can imagine to create something that does matter. The consumption of this matter is within the confinements of how much space is given and where a gravitational pull resides to either once again consume or conserve. This pull could be Gods will, your own, a feeling, a happening, a movement of the mass, whatever it is that could inspire ones (one equaling one atom) negative or positive charge, or neutralize it and set everything back to zero, where nothing matters.

>> No.5870384

What he said.

>> No.5870386

Universe and then consciousness, of course. Wut you sutpid bra?

>> No.5870405
File: 41 KB, 594x606, Einstein_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Per the laws of physics as we understood them, energy can never be created or destroyed. This includes the beginning and the end of the universe. The universe started out unbelievably hot, and ever isnce then all that heat has been slowly cooling, condensing into matter. So the answer to the question "how did matter come into existence" is simply that it started off as energy.

As to energy, the answer could possibly lie in the eixstence of virtual particles. tl;dr, according to quantum mechanics a teeny tiny particle can spontaneously pop into existnece, something out of nothing, completely violating every known physical law, for the tiniest fraciton of a second before it pops out of existence again. Perhaps an accumulation of events liket this resulted in the creation of all that energy.

>> No.5870410

The vacuum of space is dark because there aren't particles for the light to bounce off of. If you brought a jar full of nothing onto Earth, and that jar was somehow strong enough not to collapse, then because light can pass through glass it would just look like an empty jar.

>> No.5871419

>and then consciousness
Where did it come from?

>> No.5873180

It was created in the big bang.

>> No.5873769

>there aren't particles
What about the virtual particles?

>> No.5873801

Matter was "created" when radiation from the very beginning of the Universe was converted into Hydrogen and Helium. These formed stars and those stars used Nuclear Fusion to create the other elements. Where the radiation came from is unresolved and likely won't be resolved until we know how the Big Bang occured.

>> No.5873949

The breathing in and out of God
or her heartbeat
pick a poetic metaphor

>> No.5873980

God created the universe. 95% of the scientists we interviewed agree with this.

>> No.5874057

Ordinary matter (neutral hydrogen atoms) came into existence during the recombination epoch, before photon decoupling. But if you mean fermions in general, I'm not sure you will find a satisfying answer.


>> No.5874059


>> No.5876130

That does not make it true.

>> No.5876190

How does energy turn into matter? Have we figured that part out yet?
Like how did the radiation turn into an atom?

>> No.5877615

>How does energy turn into matter?

E = mc^2

>> No.5878827

How many scientists did you interview?

>> No.5878838
File: 16 KB, 300x233, 300px-Cima_da_Conegliano,_God_the_Father[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read genesis faggot

>> No.5878979

Quantum Fluctuation. Isn't it obvious faggots???

>> No.5878994



>> No.5879000


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John is using "the Word" as Energy and "God" as the matter, the same way as Spinoza ( >>5867658 )

[; E=mc^2 ;]

In the beginning was the Enegery, and the Energy was with the Matter, and the Energy was the Matter.

>> No.5879014

so the word is a property of god?

>> No.5879043


No, the Word and God are the essential properties of the system we call Universe, but as the Mass-Energy equivalence, there is a Word-God equivalence. Genesis suck. Read John 1.

Answerign OP's question, the beginning of the matter is when the energy became matter in the first millions of years.

>> No.5879047


How did quantum field come to existence .. You didn't really answer anything ..

>> No.5879100

The world existed before I live

Think that

>> No.5880040

>we don't know.

Yes, we do. Do you even cosmology?

>> No.5880681

It has always existed in the Platonic multiverse of all mathematical structures.

>> No.5881953

>the Platonic multiverse of all mathematical structures.

Is this actual math or just philosophy?

>> No.5882470
File: 55 KB, 300x400, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread hasn't even defined existence yet.

>> No.5882512

what would make it cool? especially if it's everything condensed. What would out in the darkness. What would it expand into and why.

big crunch isn't happening, sooo

>> No.5882736

We do not need to do that. It is self-evident.

>> No.5884166

>"define existence"

Why do philosophags always resort to this fallacy when their beliefs are proven wrong?

>> No.5884170


I don't think you know what that means, Jim.

>> No.5884175


Why did you warp an image of a light fixture?

>> No.5884817

Neither. It is real science.

>> No.5886144

What are the implications of a Platonic universe?

>> No.5886206


It means our reality is informational.

>> No.5887313

There is a unification of pure mathematics with theoretical physics.

>> No.5888683

I don't think that's possible.

>> No.5889289 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 1296x720, 5867640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone has been keeping at least 35 threads alive
by bumping them twice a day. Compare the post times of
>>5871419 >>5873180 >>5873769 >>5876130 >>5877615 >>5878827
>>5880040 >>5880681 >>5881953 >>5882736 >>5884166 >>5884817
>>5886144 >>5887313 >>5888683
to the post times in other threads.
It's clear most of these are the same person.
The threads being bumped:
>>5858447 >>5861383 >>5862983 >>5863249 >>5865823 >>5866853
>>5867452 >>5867640 >>5868097 >>5868460 >>5868538 >>5869504
>>5869595 >>5869759 >>5869946 >>5872951 >>5873166 >>5873829
>>5874378 >>5874727 >>5875025 >>5876410 >>5876819 >>5878449
>>5878607 >>5878684 >>5878722 >>5880041 >>5880453 >>5880775
>>5881738 >>5883998 >>5884116 >>5884625 >>5885545
Write to moot@4chan.org if you want it to stop.

>> No.5889532

Why do you think that?

>> No.5890576

Because math is only an approximation of nature.

>> No.5891306

Is it a social construct?

>> No.5892963

No, it is a logical construct.

>> No.5892978

Well, that's what I call a re... aspeger's...

>> No.5892983

dubs confirm

>> No.5893011

Wow, you found a time to check all of this. Nice autism

>> No.5893778

I thought logical constructs were social constructs.

>> No.5893802

But how did the first universe or big bang came to be?
How can you create something out of nothing?

>> No.5894917

>How can you create something out of nothing?

I guess this is still an unsolved problem in cosmology.

>> No.5895745

>But how did the first universe or big bang came to be?

It was probably an infinite cycle with no beginning and no end.

>> No.5896926

Wasn't Spinoza debunked by Einstein?

>> No.5896958

I think I remember reading that new matter is being generated right now. It's like generating electricity. It's a form of energy and is created because BANG BANG PARTICLES BANG BOOM!! We have been able to observe that already.

>> No.5896954

>How can you create something out of nothing?

Nothing doesn't exist. Everything is something.
Check fucking mate.

>> No.5897798

What about empty space?

>> No.5897878
File: 8 KB, 815x518, my hypothesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same here. It can't be tested but going by what we know of geometry and base physics, pic related is my best guess.

>> No.5899328

How does gravity affect time?

>> No.5899833

A gravitational field will make clocks run backward.

>> No.5901037

Would it work with anti-gravity?

>> No.5901853

It would allow us to stop time.

>> No.5901867
File: 375 KB, 600x450, 1372197500150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are because because

>> No.5903282

If we add more anti-gravity, can we travel backwards in time?

>> No.5903300


citation needed

>> No.5903462

What if, instead of gravity being created by matter, matter is created by gravity?

What if dark matter is just gravity with no matter?

>> No.5903473


> what i used science terms that I know nothing about and put a bunch together to make a sentence?

>> No.5903484
File: 335 KB, 1920x1082, 1364863080783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actual shape of timeline due to gravitational curvature
This made my fucking day. My sides are in orbit.

>> No.5903495 [DELETED] 

I just watched Prometheus. Now you all might shush me to /x/, but I want to talk about the idea that we're either the first civilization (or one of the first) or that we're a later civilization and the ancient ones exist. Assuming we're the first, and we slowly spread out through the stars, do you think we have a responsibility to care and nurture any fledgling civilizations?

We've already played god here, what would stop us from playing god somewhere else?

>> No.5903752

>doesn't know about virtual particles

>> No.5903930

Now you're getting it. The beginning and end are the same. Time is a closed loop and is a mechanic in and of itself. There is no beginning or end, because the cycle is closed, and outside of it lies the other cycles that lean and help push our time/universe in motion.

Like gears. Our universe is one, big cosmic gear. And the machine is God.

>> No.5903949


stop filling this thread with nonsense

>> No.5904347
File: 120 KB, 640x496, 6134757048_6ca67e60e3_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this fucking guy.

>> No.5905066


>> No.5905562

No, explode.

>> No.5906316

When you are not looking, it is in a superposition of both.

>> No.5906635

Implode. Why would an empty jar under pressure from outside explode instead of implode?

>> No.5906774
File: 33 KB, 300x300, snake01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a picture of neuron-pathways in the brain or light matter in the the universe at a massive scale, not much difference after a decent amount of study. You can understand a great amount more than you'd think about this subject so don't fret take it as it comes. Don't think too hard it will be clearer with patience
I would read Drunvalo Melchizedek's book called 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life' for academic investigation, specifically the section explaining Genesis in the Bible, heck read it all. Changed my life, and much for the better.

Consciousness is all there was in what we comprehend as the beginning, many call it god but its is pure consciousness, it is god, self-organizing, self-aware energy patterns. Consciousness created space and time matter through a self reinforcing belief that created this illusion of matter to consciousness, its an illusion that is so reinforced that it is real. Essentially the universe is like the universal video game console we all log into in order to play the game, we all agree to the same rules coming into existence because if we didn't, the code wont match up and the game will crash because of inconsistencies. This one didn't...
Think about the absence of matter, there would be no time dilation and there are no different relative states of the Cosmos and no time and time and space would be one dimension. One point. When matter is made it pries the 1 point into 4 dimensions.

Anyway...there's much that i cant fit in one post (i tried, and failed to meet word count) look into these to get more info
Look up the Merkaba

>> No.5906893
File: 20 KB, 283x370, Parmenides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could what is perish? How could it have come to be? For if it came into being, it is not; nor is it if ever it is going to be. Thus coming into being is extinguished, and destruction unknown.

>> No.5908029

The pressure is inside.

>> No.5908668

How do we release it?

>> No.5910259

By opening the jar before it explodes.

>> No.5910267
File: 181 KB, 302x300, matrix_morpheus_vector_by_epicbzzboy3-d4w7eio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you this was all an illusion?

>> No.5911924 [DELETED] 

I would be very surprised.

>> No.5912049


Its bullshit, back in time is not possible.

>> No.5912063


Citation needed

>> No.5912070

Not with that attitude.

>> No.5912077
File: 29 KB, 455x364, 7854192980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that theory which proposes the entirety of our reality is composed of a single atom at different stages in time?

That's probably the most likely answer.

A single atom.

So it comes from wherever that one atom came from

>> No.5912087

Then what/who is God?
Who/what created God? Who/what created the God that created that God?

>> No.5912096

W-what if the Universe is a living thing?

>> No.5912100

Why need it a creator?

>> No.5912109

Not trolling at all. But how does matter convert to energy with the speed of light factored in? I don't really get this equation fully. Multiply the speed of light squared and mass and it equals energy? How?

>> No.5912110


On a sidenote: Is radioactive decay truly random? Shouldn't the atoms have some cause as to why they decay when they do?

I've had physicist after physicist tell me radioactive decays has no cause but everything has to have a cause right?

>> No.5912618

Ask a professor instead of an online chat board.
That question probably requires an answer that /sci/ more than likely can't give.

>> No.5912652


consider the momentum of an object

P = mv

m is mass and v is velocity

the largest velocity anything can posses is the speed of light

momentum is a a derivative of kinetic energy with respect to time. Integrating with repsect to time gives you mv^2

that's not how he came up with it, but it's one way to look at it

>> No.5912656


nothing is random. True randomness isn't even random, but the decay of atoms is random enough to call it random.

nuclei degenerate because there's too much energy in one place

>> No.5912689


I saw a talk at my school by a theoretical physicist on this very subject.

If you take some volume, and clear away everything, get rid of the protons, electrons, photons, etc., what's left? There's still quantum fluctuations/zero-point energy/the ground state.

Consider the ground state of a particle-in-a-box which has energy E. If you stretch the walls of the box, the energy of the ground state wavefunction decreases since this energy proportional to (1/L)^2. But you started with energy E. Since energy is conserved, you end up with a superposition which includes higher energy levels (which at up to E).

This is essentially what happened at the big bang. The universe had been expanding for all time in the ground state. Once it expanded a certain amount, the energy of the ground state dropped, forcing the universe into higher level wavefunctions. When these dropped back down, they emitted photons and other particles, and now we have matter.

So, according to the laws of physics, matter can come from nothing. I guess now the OP will ask how the laws came into existence, all this does is push "where did stuff come from" up a level, philosophically speaking. But I think it's a cool story nonetheless.

>> No.5912701

erm, actually:


>> No.5912712

Also, the net energy of the universe is zero, indicating that it arose from some kind of quantum fluctuation.
And to accept facts without losing your impossibly insignificant mind, you have to abandon the idea of individuality and self preservation. They are irrelevant concepts to the universe.
You are not special.
You have no ego.
You will cease to exist.
That is the way it is.

>> No.5912966

I will believe Einstein over some anonymous shitposter.

>> No.5913014

>erm, actually:

You're a fag.
E=mc^2 is called the rest energy. There are other formulas that add in kinetic energy, or use relativistic mass instead of rest mass, but the original equation is fine. Adding new variables without explanations only confuses things.

>> No.5913580
File: 59 KB, 571x570, 1106514-cool_story_bro_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5914293 [DELETED] 

That's a different kind of energy.

>> No.5914927

Is it the dark energy?

>> No.5916086 [DELETED] 

No, it is biofield energy.

>> No.5917498 [DELETED] 

In the big bang energy was condensed to matter and anti-matter.

>> No.5917734

is something can come from nothing can nothing come from something?

>> No.5917737


Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.
----Stevie Wonder

>> No.5919154

If you collide an anti-number such as -1 and a number such a 1 together they will create zero, which is nothing.

>> No.5919192

>being is self evident!
>god is self evident!
intellectual lazyness

>> No.5919205

"Nothing" didn't and will never exist as a thing.

>> No.5919261

Some possibilities.

1. There is no explanation for the existence of the universe (my favorite).

2. All mathematically coherent things exist. Every possible set of laws of physics and initial conditions are as real as every other. However, since our minds are "experiencing" living in this particular universe, we have the illusion that there is this one universe we are living in (not my favorite but I can't leave it out).

3. Something else.

4. What Christians believe (I can't do it justice as a summary, but I don't think it's entirely crazy).

>> No.5919269

google baryogenesis

>> No.5919290

he actually believes this.

>> No.5919316

we thought of it

>> No.5919328

no explanation implies no logical basis for the evolution of life which is against determinism gg no re get wrecked kid

>> No.5919329


so deep

so philosophic

so paradoxic

sooo mathematic

>> No.5919366

It never just magically "popped up" it's just always been here. It does not apply to the laws of physics, because it created them.

>> No.5919374
File: 294 KB, 1920x1200, 1373003268133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matter is condensed energy, our energy probably comes from a higher dimension than we can comprehend. Think of it like this: Our lives can exist as a single picture in the fourth dimension but we spend every single moment of our lives in the third dimension.
Our infinity probably isn't any less hard to handle for a 4d being at all. For us, looking at a 4d picture would result in an infinite amount of 3d pictures. For the 4d creature, our lives would simply be one picture like any of the hentai pics you've got on your HD.
I think our universe is an event caused by hugely complex things happening in the dimensions above us (superstring vibrations?), which ripples down into our own little world.

>> No.5919380


>Our infinity probably isn't any less hard to handle for a 4d being at all.

I meant;

>Our infinity probably isn't that hard to handle for a 4d being at all.

>> No.5919398

To be fair, there's a principle in philosophy where something is real just because you thought of it, even if it's completely made up it still exists. Just not in the traditional sense.

>> No.5919405

There is no such thing as a "fourth dimension". Just a skewed look on 3 dimensions. Like saying a cube within a circle is different from the circle just because the circle doesn't directly correlate with it, it's complete rubbish.

Because matter essentially is a thing, 2 dimension doesn't exist, physically. You can think of it, which sortve makes it exist, but not physically.

>> No.5919419

I seriously have problems reading this post for all the "god is love, quark is shrek, electron is not shrek, or god, or love, like proton isn't, too, if it wants (gravity)"
so I'm going to have to abort even trying to understand.

>> No.5920421 [DELETED] 

>There is no such thing as a "fourth dimension".


>> No.5921190

Central charges are not real dimensions.

>> No.5922209 [DELETED] 

Time is a charge? Can we reverse the charge to travel back in time?

>> No.5922564

This, once you realize time and space are illusions. Only the process will matter.

>> No.5922601

Like god
You sir may suck a bag of dicks

>> No.5922608

Than what created that one atom

>> No.5922612

>there is !!! take for instance the vector space of polynomials

>> No.5923199

The CP violation will prevent you from doing such.

>> No.5923292

ANSWER: Name 1 factual reason why it matters.

>> No.5923319


>> No.5923320

You can not comprehend that the universe because you are part of it. I.e what does a fish know of the water it swims in? Matter never existed. Mind creates matter, matter never created mind. It's all an illusion. We are the gods creating and perceiving our own creation.

>> No.5923348

Read up OP, get educated.

>> No.5923607

Good that you've explained the bing bang, but what about the big one?

>> No.5923613 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 168x178, 1373433144768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because if I know that, maybe I can figure out how to end it.

>> No.5923614
File: 29 KB, 233x280, 1374467982519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because if I know that, maybe I can find away take it out of existence.

>> No.5923692

>"Conjecture about [the origin, etc., of] the world is an unconjecturable that is not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about it."
>"It's just as if a man were wounded with an arrow thickly smeared with poison. His friends & companions, kinsmen & relatives would provide him with a surgeon, and the man would say, 'I won't have this arrow removed until I know whether the man who wounded me was a noble warrior, a priest, a merchant, or a worker.' He would say, 'I won't have this arrow removed until I know the given name & clan name of the man who wounded me... until I know whether he was tall, medium, or short... The man would die and those things would still remain unknown to him. In the same way, if anyone were to say, 'I won't live the holy life under the Blessed One as long as he does not declare to me that 'The cosmos is eternal,'... or that 'After death a Tathagata neither exists nor does not exist,' the man would die and those things would still remain undeclared by the Tathagata."
-Gautama Buddha

>> No.5923696 [DELETED] 

It seems the jews were right.

>> No.5924301 [DELETED] 

I will figure it out some day.

>> No.5924349

No you won't asshole.

>> No.5925547 [DELETED] 

That's not nice. You should show more respect. I'm doing my best to advance scientific understanding of the universe.

>> No.5926554 [DELETED] 

Nobody knows the answer?

>> No.5926591

The universe is unity - complete, indivisible, and perfect.

>> No.5926653

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.

>> No.5927436

She is not wrong. Why do you insult her?

>> No.5927556

An idea of nothing.

>> No.5927652

what is existance?
>implying matter is in existence

>> No.5928218
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God i love these threads.

I will use this example.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred. Meaning singularity is either a bogus concept or our physics is completely wrong. As per the big bang people, all matter was compressed into a singularity 14 billion years ago and exploded into everything we see today. Then there is the battle between matter and anti-matter which eliminated most of the matter and the leftover from that 'cosmic war' is what we see today. Lets save that for another time.

What I am trying to say is, science is contradicting itself if it goes with the big bang model because the laws of physics will collapse.

The only reasonable explanation is energy is transferred, hence it was somewhere else and then it was 'moved' to our universe resulting in particles, waves and matter. So singularity will have to be neglected. If we input God into the equation who instigated the burst of matter and jump started the big bang by transferring his 'energy' into matter and then transmitting that matter to our universe, everything falls into place and we have an explanation. But this scares many scientists who hate the idea of a divine being responsible for anything.

I have another example of why life originated on earth and why the circumstances for it are so rare that they cannot occur elsewhere (correct size, distance from star, gas giant protecting from bombardment of meteors and asteroids, correct orbit, moon satellite, tidal effects, geological activity, tectonic plate movements etc etc list goes on). But lets save that for another day.

>> No.5928239

Energy is created all the time on the subatomic level, it just needs to be returned very quickly. And it's well known that a vacuum is inherently unstable and prone to fluctuations the result in the creation of matter.

This is probably copypasta, but saying "God did it" just seems like a lazy way to assuage your ignorance.

>> No.5928249
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>> No.5928302

So much denial in this thread.

God theory has been consistent. Science on the other hand has been wrong and had to change its theories to 'adjust' and 'match' the situation. Literally ass pulling new concepts and shoving down throats of graduates giving them the illusion that the standard model can still be salvaged.

And they wonder why there are no geniuses or breakthroughs in our modern age. You keep feeding bullshit to people, they follow wrong ideas, no one gets anywhere. Science is important, but so is accuracy. It is only right to accept certain things and reject others. Most of the theories in science cannot be proven just like God's existence, so its fair game. But to disregard ideas and opinions of a vast majority and not allowing theist intellectuals to enter the fields of physics and mathematics is hypocrisy.

Lets call it for what it really is.

>> No.5928308

What made god lol

>> No.5928310

Consistently wrong is still wrong.

>> No.5928311


>> No.5928312

Missing the point of science entirely

>> No.5928321

Independent of the laws that govern the universe. The creator is not bound the laws he created to restrict and bound the universe with.

Neither can be proven yet, so keep crying.

>He talks of God
>Rustles my jimmies
>Must be trole

Maximum autism

Science is not all that grand that people make it out to be. Its just a general consensus of a handful of individuals who maintain authority over major scientific institutions. They can monopolize it anyway they want, most of the people are not smart enough to understand them anyway.

>> No.5928326

consistency != accuracy

How fucking hard is that to comprehend?

>> No.5928338

accuracy is subjective especially in dealing with things that cannot be measured or understood on a physical level. metaphysical is entirely based on perception of the individual and his experience.

worst case scenario, people stick with the most simple explanation available. big bang, m-theory, string theory and whatnot. how can you verify the accuracy of these theories? you can't they are just assumptions of how things supposedly function in the universe. so that does not make your opinion more legitimate than mine, we are both assuming.

>> No.5928343

The BBT simply states that the universe was once really small and is now really big

The evidence seems to point that way

>> No.5928350

>accuracy is subjective
Stopped reading.

>b-but you can't never know nuffin!
You have fun living in your delusional world, I'll stay here, where believe things based on evidence.

>> No.5928351

My point was yes there was a singularity, but that contradicts laws of physics. This contradiction cannot be removed unless a new field of study is invented which can bypass this problem.

>> No.5928371


>> No.5928383

What is pair production

>> No.5928901

Matter is subjective; but it mostly doesn't matter

>> No.5929600

This guy.

>> No.5929655

My theory is that the Planck temperature and above is what causes the solidification of raw energy into mass, and the dissolution of mass into raw energy.

The only thing that proves this, is that the Planck temperature caused by the big bang did in fact (theoretically) produce mass out of energy.

>> No.5929660

I might add that what further verifies this as a possibility, is that we don't understand physics beyond the Planck, meaning this is a valid possibility

>> No.5929692
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Quadratic chaos?

>> No.5929984

How did be came into.

>> No.5930115

So now where did energy come from? Something had to happen to release all that available energy. Who did it? What when where why? But I believe most importantly how.

>> No.5930262

There was no when, where, or why before the big bang

>> No.5930322

Energy manifested because it could. It's probably not even an eternal theme in the omniverse.

>> No.5930797


>> No.5930803

"We are the universe experiencing itself." -- George Carlin

>> No.5930824

I think matter is kind of like bubbles in water.

The universe kind of folds in on itself and creates a separation

>> No.5932154

Matter is simply vibrations of a soap bubble. Look into Dr. Kaku's spring theory.

>> No.5932185

>thread has been alive for an entire month now. Still posts in it.

>> No.5933592 [DELETED] 

>Look into Dr. Kaku's spring theory.

Thank you. I will do this.

>> No.5933606

There's actually been a reported phenomena of sound creating light, (sonoluminescence). Going into Gensis along with that verse, (in the beginning was the Word, on the first day light was spoken into existence) maybe our ancestors knew more, cryptically, than we do. Just a thought.

>> No.5934711 [DELETED] 


This is interesting but also very spooky at the same time.

>> No.5934720

I find it really interesting that WIMPs are effected by the weak force, I would like to know more about that.

Also do the WIMP/MACHO models work with gravitons or non-Euclidean paths or both?

>> No.5935869 [DELETED] 

What do these acronyms mean?

>> No.5937445 [DELETED] 

Matter came into existance with the bing bang.

>> No.5937475

Because the god said so.

>> No.5939258

this is the most accurate answer, but then again
we have to explain why the void isn't empty........

>> No.5940533 [DELETED] 

But the void is empty.

>> No.5941034

It's NOT

>> No.5942167

Existence precedes essence, bro

>> No.5942576 [DELETED] 

But what IS essence?

>> No.5943593

the word was "yahweh"(god) or very similar, not pronounceable in our languages today. vowel-less, but don't ask me why or the constructs of this universe would be at the hands of you faithless 4chaners

>> No.5943609

>They can monopolize it anyway they want, most of the people are not smart enough to understand them anyway.

the most undeniable fact this thread has seen yet, thank you for the reminder. Seriously the shit people will defend to their grave cuz a TV said so

>> No.5943612
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>> No.5943615 [DELETED] 

send me a postcard from the crime scenes

>> No.5943625

send me a postcard from the crime-scenes.
what scientist is making a profit from this Where did everything come from bullshit? id pay them for a new hi-tec penis pump or something useful u know like hookers. shiii-iiit, cmon ppl get ur head in the gutter, dayum.

>> No.5944423 [DELETED] 

>what scientist is making a profit from this Where did everything come from bullshit?

Lawrence Krauss

>> No.5944437

It wasn't vowel-less you stupid faggots.
Semites have abjad alphabets (i.e. only consonant letters) and we know about the phonology of biblical hebrew which has the exact same phonemes as classical arabic and proto-semitic. Arabic also has abjad alphabets but of course it still has fucking vowels; the same vowels as aramaic which are [a]. [u] and [i]. Stop spreading misinformation faggot.. Sure we don't know what vowels they used but they definitely did have fucking vowels.

>> No.5946554 [DELETED] 

The word "yahweh", written in hebrew, does not contain any vowels.

>> No.5946561
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Um, you know that hebrew doesn't have any vowels?

>> No.5946652

but the spoken language has

>> No.5947809 [DELETED] 

Except that's wrong.

>> No.5949208 [DELETED] 

Every language has vowels.

>> No.5949961 [DELETED] 

Matter always existed.

>> No.5951215 [DELETED] 


I lol'd.

>> No.5951856


People are saying autism, I say you are schizophrenic.

I'm so sorry.

>> No.5951868

Energy hit Higgs Bosons and stabilized into quarks


>> No.5951902

>how did matter come into existance?
>come into

there is no evidence that things can come into or go out of existence.

>> No.5952176

you guys are all fucking idiots

>> No.5953376 [DELETED] 

We can observe that matter exists. OP is asking why.

>> No.5953377

Can we really at a subatomic level? What about when they start jumping around and changing places lol

>> No.5953510

>I cannot into virtual particles

>> No.5954707 [DELETED] 

What are virtual particles and why do we need them?

>> No.5955041
File: 46 KB, 699x778, Flower-of-Life-61circles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genesis isn't that bad, it's just a metaphor for the flower of life/the creation pattern

>> No.5955048
File: 75 KB, 756x800, bdaysofcreation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, wrong image.

>> No.5956056 [DELETED] 

Explain the picture.

>> No.5956715
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>/sci/, how did matter come into existance?

That's easy.

"It forgot."

The hard part is remembering.

shanti shanti


>> No.5957294 [DELETED] 

>The hard part is remembering.

The hard part is the transition from remembering to knowing.

>> No.5959225
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>> No.5959227
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"Its a miracle! A MIRACLE!"
- sheepish crowd, Life of Brian

>> No.5959230

matter is the a product of the mind.
which in turn, is composed by matter.
nice, isn't it?

>> No.5959242
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what's matter?
- never mind

what's mind?
- it doesn't matter