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5826138 No.5826138 [Reply] [Original]

I..... I am not sure how I am supposed to feel about this.

>> No.5826140

>academic redshirt

So... halfway through the first quarter, you'll die to a school shooting?

>> No.5826149


Basically, they're rewarding you with additional help for being retarded/poor.

Sound familiar?

Captcha: ProYou economic

>> No.5826153

You should feel good.
Screw pride.

>> No.5826156

>Basically, they're rewarding you with additional help for being retarded/poor.

they want you and will put out for you if you get a 3.0.
in return, they are looking to boost their institutional image by crowing about the great programs they have for the poor and underprivileged .


>> No.5826158

isn't there some value in trying to level the 'playing-field' for all people in the interest of a more meritocratic society?

>> No.5826160

He should feel motivated to do better, there's rope that drops to the bottom of the barrel and it's either for climbing out of it or hanging yourself with it.

>> No.5826173

I'm quite conflicted on whether or not I should do this program. I basically am in the top 15% of Freshman applicants, and the only reason I am "educationally under served" is because I technically went to a rural school, but I basically went to a CC my final two years of high school (took computer science, vector calculus, chemistry, and so on) while still being a member of my rural high school. Plus I really am not poor, but I am by their standards. The thing is, their EE program has about a 35% acceptance rate, and I am wondering if I should swallow my pride and use this program as my ticket into their EE program.

>> No.5826185

>if I should swallow my pride
why even think of it like that?
Apple and GE and Pfizer pay no federal taxes b/c they take advantage of the loopholes provided.
Do the same; it's a dog eat dog world.

> basically am in the top 15% of Freshman applicants, and the only reason I am "educationally under served" is because I technically went to a rural school, but I basically went to a CC my final two years of high school (took computer science, vector calculus, chemistry, and so on) while still being a member of my rural high school. Plus I really am not poor, but I am by their standards.
If you are secure/confident in your own abilities, then how is this 'swallowing your pride'?

>> No.5826192

I really have not looked into it that in-depth, but I have a feeling that the program will involve a lot of "college skill building" classes freshman year, which to me would be sort of a pride killer (kind of like being in the special kids class, but to a much lesser degree).

>> No.5826194
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>dog eat dog

>> No.5826196

"maturity" is merely a code word for putting up with bullshit with a straight face - or better yet a convincing smile

>> No.5826236

does UW have a similar program for Physics?

I know the Physics program isn't competitive, but I'm a dirt poor Native-American looking for that gravy train of financial aid, ya feel me?

>> No.5826252

UW's financial aid is amazing. I'm a white male and I basically have everything paid for (yearly expenses for me will be around 4k), so you will probably receive at minimum the same amount as I did. Then again, I am a resident of Washington state, so that may be a major factor on financial aid.

>> No.5826265
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I am also a resident.

That's good to know, I'm currently doing my first year or two down here in Tacoma, and this CC is barely helping me at all.

>> No.5826296

Very nice. I did Running Start here in Whatcom County at Whatcom Community College and I just got my AA this spring from the program. 95% of my financial aid package was money directly from UW's endowment, so even though I did not qualify for much federal aid, I qualified for their endowment fund. Generally CCs will not help that much in terms of financial aid since thee federal government gives such a small amount for financial aid these days, and CCs typically do not have large endowments to help students with. Try applying for UW in the fall or spring and see what they offer you. I know in my case it ended up being the cheapest school for me to go to.

>> No.5826306

Yeah that sounds like a plan, it'll probably be a year at least before I meet the CADR transfer requirements though. I'll be applying as soon as I can though.

>> No.5826310
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>mfw I read that as "undeserved"

>> No.5826318

>putting things into perspective before you study
Always good to maintain the database, fuck the inquires.

>> No.5826352

>TFW extremely poor so state still pays off my CC schooling, and I get to keep several thousand dollars.Years of top ramen and shitty clothes finally paid off.