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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4408986 No.4408986 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys high schooler here. Wondering what your Guys SAT/ACT scores were and where you go now?

>> No.4408996

32 on ACT, average state school.


>> No.4408998

Perfect scores.

Living in a dumpster.

>> No.4409000

32 on act, georgetown

>> No.4409005

>go now

Not ALL of us are babbys.

Took SATs in 2002. 800 math, 770 verbal. Amherst College.

>> No.4409020

1930 SATs in grad school with an intership with the UN lined up with a possible career there afterwords.

standardized tests dont mean shit.

>> No.4409023

Are you white?

>> No.4409033

I don't see where this is going

>> No.4409036

Meant to respond to >>4409023

>> No.4409041

28 on ACT

Average state school

I don't give a fuck

>> No.4409052

It was more of a joke on affirmative action. Still, why aren't you at a better University.

>> No.4409057

>Still, why aren't you at a better University.

>> No.4409063

Not enough dosh

>> No.4409067

1400 SAT
1390 GRE

Seriously, no one actually cares what your SAT score is.

>> No.4409068


Well I'm not the guy you're responding to, I'm>>4409041
but I bet I could give you an answer. I could be going to a better school with my score, granted not Harvard or anything like that, but I live in Texas and could easily be going to say Rice or SMU. The problem I have is that it would be too damn expensive, whereas with the score I have now these state schools will pretty much pay me to go there.

>> No.4409074

Yeah same, these state schools are so desperate.

>> No.4409083

Took SAT almost 10 years ago.


Currently, working at the LHC.

>> No.4409087

Got a genuine Peter Wiggin in here.

>> No.4409088

Yeah, I've never understood the "money is no object" mentality when it comes to college. I'm not going to become a fucking wage slave just so I can get the same degree tacked on with massive amounts of debt. Fuck that shit.

>> No.4409091

Senior in HS right now, took the ACT last fall and got a 36 composite.

>> No.4409095

How expensive is Rice these days. It wasn't that expensive when my sister went there. That was also 1998.

>> No.4409099
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Rice can be pretty hard to get into. It is much harder to get into then SMU and UT.

Rice in the only "ivy teir" school in all of texas. There are literally hundreds of kids with perfect SAT/ACT scores rejected every year.

>> No.4409100


LSU because I'm white, thus must exert 80x the effort to get in elsewhere. Can I get a scholarship elsewhere? Fuck no. Why? I'm white.


>> No.4409101

I don't remember what my score was because I didn't give a shit about school, however, I remember one of my teachers saying I got one of the highest scores in California.

I just shrugged and said something like, "cool". I'm starting to wonder what he was talking about, though.

>> No.4409105

Whelp in state, about $35,550 a year. Way more than I could afford.

>> No.4409107

perfect score on the math, (540?) on the english, and lol400 on the writing. i'ts been like 7 years though, so I'm not sure those numbers are right

>> No.4409111

Rice is about $35,000 per year

>> No.4409113

Trying too hard.

>> No.4409114

Yeah... maybe not Rice... but the point is I could've gotten into a better school than UNT easy.

>> No.4409116
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It is set up that way so only rich kids or fucking genius's go there. I take it you aren't a genius then.


>> No.4409117
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at least you're not asian

>> No.4409118

I can't tell if you're serious. I don't know how the test was scored 7 years ago, but if it's the same as today... that would be about average.

>> No.4409125

What does in state have to do with anything. I thought Rice was private.

>> No.4409128
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1990 SAT
>Going to school
All I do is eat pizza rolls, idgaf

>> No.4409132

30 on the ACT(Top 1% at the time)

Went to community college then transferred to an average state school.

>> No.4409135

Never took the SAT/ACT, ended up in a college anyway. Go figure.

>> No.4409136

Yeah, I didn't study or try very hard. I did well in my undergrad at a state school. Doing grad school at a top 10 now.

>> No.4409137
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>> No.4409139 [DELETED] 

Trying to hard to do what, show off? Why would I care what others think of me? I'm posting as anonymous. There is no point in trying to hard so why would I make that up?

>> No.4409142

800 in CR, 780 in math for SAT
33 overall on ACT
Also high school lurker

>> No.4409150

33 on ACT
I attend Vassar College.

>> No.4409151


Did you go to BRMHS?

>> No.4409152

Have you taken O-chem yet?

>> No.4409154


Not for hard science and maths

>> No.4409166
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>Not going to Tulane

>> No.4409171

Or sports.

Although LSU shat themselves against AppSt today.

>> No.4409183
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>going to liberal arts school

at least you got the "fag" part right

>> No.4409191

26 composite. No real correlation between ACT/SAT scores and future success. Either way, I am doing quite well at my university. Do well on your scores, though. They will definitely help with your admissions.

>> No.4409195

Are you one of the 76 kids who ended up being too stupid to get in?

>> No.4409201

HSfag here. Didn't take the SAT yet, but I'm hoping for a 2300+. Just doing a lot of practice tests in the meantime.

>> No.4409208

Highschoolfag too

Got 2100 or something on SAT
Didn't take ACT
Not applying to college... yet at least

>> No.4409215

720 reading 700 math 680 writing. Good technical school, no complaints.

>> No.4409218

HSfag. 1960 on SAT; hoping for better when I retake in the spring.

>> No.4409220

>SAT:1470 (Took it in sophomore year while in Geometry.)
>ACT: 25

currently attend Brown University


>> No.4409228

Expect at most a 1700. Unless you're getting 100%;s on your practice test without even trying you're going to do average on the SAT.

>> No.4409235

2450, Harvard.

>> No.4409240
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>2450 on a test out of 2400.

Not sure if trolling or just trolling.

>> No.4409354

20 act, 2.3 high school gpa. obviously tried very hard.

just good enough to get into a state school. currently second year math/physics with close to a 4.0 gpa.

>> No.4409358

I got a 2230 and am going to brown next year

what are you studyin?

>> No.4409359

Took it twice, 2380 first time, 2400 second time. Currently a Junior at Harvard.

>> No.4409361

>2220 on SAT
>34 on ACT
>didn't study for either of them
>accepted to UCLA and Berkeley


>> No.4409365

I got a perfect score on my ACT and I think I got around a 2300 on the SAT.

Currently attending Stanford.

>> No.4409368 [DELETED] 
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>Getting up an extra Saturday morning to get 20 more points (chump change)

>> No.4409371

Which one are you going to bro?

>> No.4409373

I think I got 1720, although I once got a 1820 on the PSAT

Arizona State University

>> No.4409375



>> No.4409377

>even a college

>90% acceptance rate

>> No.4409382


Yep, its true. ASU just accepts everyone. I think the SAT requirement is like 1100. The drop out rate is also ridiculously high too.

>> No.4409383
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>never took SAT/ACT
>high school GPA literally 0.0 for first two years
>yfw third year at UC Berkeley

>> No.4409384


I think you mean it's.

Do people honestly expect to get a job after going to ASU?

>> No.4409388


I intentionally dont use apostrophes. Waste of time in my opinion.

>Do people honestly expect to get a job after going to ASU?

Yes...? A lot of people do.

Its not a bad school, depending on your department.

>> No.4409393

>It's not a bad school

Somebody help this child.

>> No.4409416

Do you want some valuable advice? Forget about grades. Nurture your creativity. Come up with business ideas and learn how to get them off the ground and fine an appropriate market.

I went to community college to help find an environment where I could learn what I needed to without having to pay ridiculous sums of money and eventually I put it to use. Right now I co-own a business with my father and I've got another one of my own (I'm a programmer; develop apps and am working on a big project as well), and I'm planning on starting my own charity organization this summer.

You will need a lot of passion to succeed this way though. I grew up playing a lot of chess and grand strategy games so I've learned about most economics concepts on my own and my critical thinking skills are very well developed. In those games I learned how to utilize every resource to its maximum potential. Risk vs. reward is a very key concept.

Most people on /sci/ are very smart and talented individuals, but a lot of them lack the creativity and passion to get anywhere on their own, so they end up studying hard and devoting all their time to school so they can end up working for someone else. If you don't have a creative hobby then I suggest you pick one up. Music is probably the best so long as you actually learn how to write your own and not simply strum a couple guitar chords you read off a tab.

Good luck

>> No.4409420



>> No.4409438

I love free living faggots like you who don't want a boss. I just barely graduated in the top 10% of my class at the Wharton School of Business specializing in Finance.

You know what buddy? I don't mind being someone's bitch Monday-Friday if I'm making 120k a year.

>> No.4409446


A perfect example of why mankind is doomed.

>> No.4409460
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>business school

>> No.4409464

Funny because the real innovators stay in school until they come up with the idea and then they drop out. They don't come up with the idea so they can stay out of school.

You're just a white collar version of the little kid who tells his parents he doesn't need to study because he's going to be a rapper or an NBA player.

YOU are a perfect example of why mankind is doomed.

>> No.4409470


I study at a business school. I meet people like you. People who are like "Dude, resident /sci/ economist, dont take the internship, it doesnt pay, its not worth it."

and then they end up like, parking cars or something, because it pays.

I would love to work that is free IF it was worthwhile. The idea of making an income makes me upset, because I know that money goes to the government.

>> No.4409474


I have a couple million dollars in inheritance and in a matter of 5 years I've amassed over a million from the contracts I've been given on my own. I'm working on developing apps with the military (encryption services) with my former employer (who owns a couple local businesses and helped get my feet on the ground so many years ago) and I've already got great connections with a lot of the big dogs around these parts.

Congrats on being a useless bitch that doesn't contribute anything to society. Congrats on the shitty schedule and congrats on being a virgin, you dumb cunt.

I used to be an accountant too, actually. Back when I worked with temp agencies until I decided to pursue programming due to my fascination with technology (computer technologies specifically).

You're hopeless, kid. Like the other guy said, you are a prime example of what's wrong with the world. You were bullied in high school too, weren't you? Just another uncreative dork with no real ambitions.

>> No.4409481

Except I went to school, I co-owned a business while in school, and I worked on my ideas and started my own business while in school.

You're a joke.

>> No.4409487

>mfw everyone on here is a rich, sheltered bitch
>mfw i had to work my ass off for the 90k/yr engineering job
>mfw i fucking paid my college loans myself, no parents helping me at all

>> No.4409489


What business did you own?

Because, you know, anyone can start a business. An accountant bro and I for fun were going to start a corporation just for fun once.

>> No.4409490

For someone who lives a seemingly very satisfying life, you sure sound pissy.

>> No.4409491

Sorry, but you can't really compare ASU's business school to the best business school in the world.


That's really quite funny how you assume the financial sector doesn't contribute anything to society. You might consider taking a history lesson if you don't understand how Wall Street impacts the world everyday.

Protip: We likely wouldn't have near the level of technology without the financial markets.

>> No.4409495

That's cute. I had a business when I was at Wharton too.

>> No.4409504

average (ACT), more so than I thought and more so than I should've allowed-- I let myself get bogged down instead of skipping to questions I could do better
community college (you may begin your mocking now)

>> No.4409506

Grades don't mean shit when getting into a good university.

It's all about how much money you have and thank god I was born rich.

How did I score? Lol, not gonna say but let me tell you it's the same in the real world. It doesn't mean jack shit if you got perfect grades, perfect test scores, and perfect everything else. What matters in this world is connections, just make em and you'll succeed no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT.

>> No.4409514
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>Sorry, but you can't really compare ASU's business school to the best business school in the world.


>Protip: We likely wouldn't have near the level of technology without the financial markets.

Contip: We likely wouldnt have near the level of financial markets without technology

>> No.4409519

It's called testosterone and having a natural temper. I get it from my father. Having a big dick comes along with it.

Hahaha...I never said anything like that. I said YOU weren't going to contribute anything. You're just someone else's bitch. A cog in a valued system, sure, but just another cog of countless others.

I can't give names or locations for the sake of privacy and avoiding getting trolled by chantards, but my father and I own an autobody shop (he's been a mechanic for his whole life, but he's incredibly smart and made a shit ton from investing). My business works on developing software for other clients and some of which we sell ourselves and put our own name on. I have a couple others that work for me, mostly doing maintenance work and coding as well as art/graphical UI design. For the encyption software, as I mentioned I am working on that with a former employer and he was the one that started most of that work and got the connections for that contract. I am practically best friends with his son and I'm also great friends with him as a result.

I've also got a couple 'joke' businesses like you mentioned. Own a couple strange websites with a few friends. Also have some money in one of my musician friends who's doubled my investment incredibly fast (he is connected with some of the most talented musicians here as well).

I will be the first to admit that knowing the right people is a big part of it, but if you're smart enough you'll make it regardless.

>> No.4409522

>implying the top 20 kids in my high school class didn't all get free rides to prestigious and state universities.
>implying you're not 13 years old and you're father promised you that you'd get into Princeton easily.

Connections can only get you so far; You've got to meet them halfway. Ivy league schools don't give a shit if you're a billionare if you have a 1.3 GPA and a 1500 on the SAT

>> No.4409528

I don't even know what Wharton is. Also, I'm not American, if that helps clear things up.

>> No.4409546


There is a sort of culture about business school thats really bad. The business school culture puts a high value on interpersonal relationships. Thats probably the one good quality about that culture. So I agree.

>> No.4409559

This is the problem a lot of smart kids have these days. They study hard in high school but they make no friends, they have no confidence, and they don't learn how to socialize or pursue anything of real value and so they never have the right opportunities. It carries on from high school to post-secondary, and then into the workplace and the rest of their life. I meet a lot of these guys and they tend to have a defeatist attitude by the time they're working and remain virgins even at the age of 30.

That's why charismatic people tend to make it to the top regardless of their skill and performance.

>> No.4409562

SAT: 2307
ACT: 32

Cooper Union, Chemical Engineering

>> No.4409582


Yes yes yes.

I know far too many hilariously autistic engineers.

Yeah, I like to put this in economic terms. Knowing people is like a technological efficiency. If everyone knows 5 more people we are all more likely to know the people who can help us. And vice verse, we can help more people.

And then cynicism is a big thing too.

>> No.4409597

>Northwestern Law

(24 y/o)

>> No.4409601

LOL enjoy DLA piper.

>> No.4409618

>implying anyone gives a shit where you go to undergrad

>> No.4409621

haha, that happens a lot. i have 3 close friends that are engineers, but thankfully, they're all well socially adjusted.

>> No.4409632

Well, they do

somewhat ...

and well they especially do if you never go to grad school.

>> No.4409636
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The sat (and HS) are bullshit,

SAT 1650
A top 50 school
GPA 3.96 with a ECE, Physics, Math, and CS quad major

>> No.4409661

>I played a lot of chess and grand strategy games
>I played a lot of chess and EU3

>> No.4409668



>> No.4409673

2220 on the SAT and getting paid to go to Texas State for CS/Mathematics (U jelly ’bout my Counter-Strike degree?). I’d have a 4.0 if it weren’t for my B in Philosophy and the history final I missed last semester.

>> No.4409713

HSfag here, 29 on ACT and going to state school. Being white and middle class makes the monies hard to gets.

>> No.4409722

That shitty ACT score probably had more to do with it than you being white.

>> No.4409731

3.8 gpa 24 act, univ. of colorado at boulder

>> No.4409737

2350 SAT
32 ACT
Currently junior at Kansas State University. LOL. Being white sucks, although I did get into Brown and USC, they were just too expensive.

>> No.4409789

Smart guys on here.

>> No.4409805
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never took sat/act

graduated ucsd 3.98gpa...2 A-'s, black scars on my transcript :(

>community college masterrace

>> No.4409813


I'm at K-State too. What are you studying?

For OPs question, I got a 24 on my ACT, but am about to graduate with a 3.9 in Biochemistry/Pre-Med and I just got accepted to Med School.

I think the ACT is shit.

>> No.4409824

2100 SAT
32 ACT

u of rochester

>> No.4409961

How the fuck did you guys go I great schools with shitty gpas and test scores?

>> No.4409978

Anyone who doesn't go to community college first and then transfer is truly retarded.

>> No.4409991

Their great great great great whatever was obviously Native American or something.

>> No.4410015

James Madison University

>> No.4410025

my parents dropped 10 grand, literally ten fucking grand on SAT tutoring/classes

i feel so fucking bad and pissed at those smug elitist fuckers with so much money just pissing t down into some sort of educational magic hole.

>> No.4410027


>dat redneck dickwaving

>> No.4411560

1280 SAT
31 ACT (with 36 on reading; I got a shitty score on writing which dragged it down)

SUNY Stony Brook

>> No.4411574

UC Davis Physics

>> No.4411589
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>most of /sci/ getting less than 2100
>probably thinking of yourselves as "smart"


>> No.4411592

TWINS. I probably know you. What year are you?

>> No.4411599

Haha oh no. I'm a 2nd year, you?

>> No.4411600
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You're one of those people that take an online IQ test and tell people you tested at genius level, aren't you?

>> No.4411608

Ausfag here. top 8% of my state.

>> No.4411609

In that case I probably don't. 5th year here. Done with classes for the BS, currently working on a thesis and dicking around because I'm part time.

>> No.4411612


No, I haven't taken an IQ test since I was a little kid.

But come on. You should get 800 on math. Writing is bullshit, just write a lot and that's at least a 700. So all you need is a 600 on verbal, which isn't hard if you've ever read books not written for children and you're not autistic or whatever.

>> No.4411616

2370 - 800,800,770
Going to University of Waterloo.
I love Canada.

>> No.4411620

Do you plan on going to grad school here?

>> No.4411629

>2.5 GPA in Highschool
>2100 on sat
>didn't even study, was always high in class

Meanwhile, the rednecks are astounded by my ability to operate a computer.

>fuck maryland

>> No.4411632

I'm not opposed. I like Davis as a city a lot. I like the department. It'd be nice to get out of California for awhile though. That being said, I'm taking a year off before applying to grad school for logistic reasons.

How do you like Davis so far? University, physics department, the city, whatever.

>> No.4411645


I was wondering because it seems like I've had a lot of TAs who also went here for undergrad.

I dig it here. Being a frosh sucked, but now I'm getting more involved in my classes/talking to profs more. I'm kind of horrified about next fall though. I hear 105A is rough.

>> No.4411661

It was pretty rough when I took it with Calderon. 105A and B were probably the hardest classes for me. It's not needlessly difficult though. Sometimes physics is just hard.

>> No.4411678


What's your experience with doing research here like?

>> No.4411679

1600 SAT
27 ACT

>MIT for comp sci

you jelly?

>> No.4411686

Got a 29 on ACT. Went to a small state school and got a degree in physics. That being said, I got into TCU on an astrophysics PhD track but decided that wasn't for me and I am going in the Navy as a pilot.

TL;DR Kick ass wherever you go and possibilities will open up.

>> No.4411698

College sophomore now, at UMass after transferring from NYU.

800 Writing
800 the other verbal one
790(?) Math

Applied to colleges while overseas on an exchange scholarship, which took me out of the running for at least a few of them.

>> No.4412879
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27 ACT

didn't take the SAT

Undergrad at decent state university.

PharmD program at different state school.