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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 56 KB, 695x592, 1298469255014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3554846 No.3554846 [Reply] [Original]

It's time /sci/.


>> No.3554855

This is the worst IQ test of all time; it only asks one type of question.

>> No.3554860
File: 47 KB, 1266x535, qaCeQ[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what ? thats not possibel : (

>> No.3554871

>By the answers you submitted your score would be so low that it is outside the area that this test can reliably measure. Therefore we do not announce your result accurately but only state that compared to the result 50 it would be somewhere below

>> No.3554874


IQ tests never lie. You are probably a talking chimp.

>> No.3554883

>IQ tests never lie

>> No.3554886


I just got a 31!!! BOOYAH!!!!

>> No.3554889

Am I the only one who hasn't done an IQ test because you are scared of the results? Then claim the real reason why you won't do one is because it does not properly judge ones intelligence?

>> No.3554893


that is correct. And they actually measure your Moral Worth, too.

>> No.3554929

Nope, everyone on /sci/ who criticizes IQ tests is either afraid to take one because they know they're gonna get a low score, received a low score on a past IQ test, or have received a low score on this one and instead of posting it try to discredit the test's validity.

>> No.3554933

I just got a 128.
I love this thing

>> No.3554935

wtf, this test is random as fuck

is this to measure your ADD level? |:

>> No.3554937
File: 8 KB, 341x250, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, almost 2 SD's.

>> No.3554940
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>> No.3554942

Took the test legitimately and got 90 - "Somewhat below the average".

Well, see ya later guys. It's been a fun ride, but I'm just not smart enough to hang with you.

>> No.3554946
File: 31 KB, 784x811, 1309869748604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this before and got 125

Although it's not like I needed an IQ test to drive home my crushing mediocrity

>> No.3554947

I got 130 and I couldn't be bothered with some of them so guessed by glancing at it.

>> No.3554962


I got a 31 on this one. And I'm okay with that.

>> No.3554992


>> No.3555012

But IQ tests really are stupid. I mean, how is finding patterns in squary/circly things proves me dumb/smart? I took this test number of times and my results ranged in 30 points. The fuck is point then?

>> No.3555042

I got bored and clicked random answers for ten of the questions or so, then decided I was bored of clicking random answers and started answering them again.


>> No.3555049
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Guess im not smart enough to be here.

>> No.3555079


but this test was designed for Europeans, so I still feel superior.

>> No.3555088
File: 8 KB, 341x250, 1313156661983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saiyan

>> No.3555090

this was a find waldo test \\how is that related to intelligence

my cat would have gotten a better score than everybody if I could get her off the top of the monitor to take the damn test

>> No.3555105
File: 30 KB, 509x371, soniamdissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


129.. iam dissapoint...

fuck... ive always thought i was at least mensa level

>> No.3555124


fuck... it was possible to score well on this test and i did not... all i had was a measly 129

damn it. i guess i must be one of those arrogant and derisive faggots who overestimates himself and looks down on others unjustly.

>> No.3555125

I'm guessing the results are skewed, as is my personal performance, it being 7:30 in the morning and I haven't eaten anything.

>> No.3555128

If they're so smart why can't they make the clock refresh automatically.

>> No.3555129

majority of you are two or three standard deviations away from the mean of black I.Q.'s. You should all feel pleased.

>> No.3555132
File: 53 KB, 729x650, 1247686756464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3555140


that is correct. The important thing is that we find someway to put people into groups so that we know the AVERAGE of the groups.. that way we won't have to worry about the messy business of evaluating individuals.

>> No.3555141

How reliable is this test?

I seem to have performed worse than I expected.

>> No.3555143

I was interrupted and couldn't answer some questions.
Score was 123.
I'm okay with this although I usually scored higher when the test also covers language, logic and sequences of numbers.

>> No.3555145


this test measures a certain type of Autism, if you ask me.

>> No.3555150 [DELETED] 


omfgwtfbbq, 2 or 3 "standard deviations" away?

nigga that not how u use that term

>> No.3555151

Let us all play identify the pattern!

>> No.3555152

ITT: Excuses and lies

>> No.3555156


>> No.3555159


Thats pretty quick witted.

You just made me feel worse now that I hadnt thought of making that remark.

guhh >bad day -> worse day

>> No.3555160

I had a guh day today too.

>> No.3555166 [DELETED] 


nigga that like saying that yew are two "bell curves" away from the mean of a whaite man's IQ

>> No.3555168


Well I hope your day gets better; I'm going to bed.

>> No.3555169

I just find it funny that even when I did IQ tests when I were about 9-12 years old I still got scores around 115-120 ..
now as 17 year old I get around 127-135

now cba wasting time as i've done even this one dozens of times and always getting the same score

>> No.3555170
File: 12 KB, 521x304, iqout.com-e - The result of the test..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3555174

You understand that a sigma represents standard deviation so it is appropriate to say one or two standard deviations away instead of one or two sigmas.

>> No.3555179

got a 81
is that bad

I'm a med student

>> No.3555184

No, he used the term correctly. The standard deviation is a scalar measure of the "width" of the bell curve, and you can indeed be "several standard deviations" away from the mean. It's sometimes referred to as being "three sigma" above the mean.

>> No.3555186


No, your above average for your vocation.

>> No.3555189
File: 192 KB, 1660x1896, 1290476492956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can do better on a second take though. Few things I didn't catch on to until the latter questions>:|

>> No.3555206

>No, your above average for your vocation.

wait what, but med students are smart

>> No.3555207

99 and im baked :)

>> No.3555209


If you legitimately had such a low IQ there's no way you would have made it into med school.

>> No.3555210

I got a 108 and am fine with it.

>> No.3555208 [DELETED] 


Why yew whaite people always ganging up on black folk for a lynching. A niggas the presedent now, I thought things would chaaaange.

>> No.3555215

I study maths are Oxford

I think this test is bullshit

>> No.3555220
File: 57 KB, 450x450, 1272292104159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the answers you submitted your IQ is

Bullshit questions, anyway. I get 130 usually. Stay mad.

>> No.3555221
File: 15 KB, 240x279, medium_mompic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well! I must say I am rather disappointed with the results of your average /sci/duck.

Guess you're not as smart as you think you are.
>but whats new there

>> No.3555230


Its not, its quite accurate, they were within 2 points of my converted Stanford Binet test results.

If you're not trolling, it might help to note that they deduct points for wrong answers, so those questions that you probably guessed through had probably lowered your score significantly.

>> No.3555234

Also should note I am bad at looking at a pattern of shapes and saying what should fit where

>> No.3555240

Your test score may have been close to that of previous tests you have taken, but this is not so for everyone participating.

>> No.3555243


you will not go far in life it seems

>> No.3555245


See, that would be a great argument.

If they were using the Stanford-Binet metric. Read the results page more carefully. It should be nowhere NEAR your SB score.

>> No.3555249

Maths at Oxford

>implying a bank won't just give me a job

IQ tests are bullshit

>> No.3555254


Yup. That may be true.

But whats more likely:

- That my case is the coincidental anomaly amongst the denizens of /sci/


- A bunch of people are just making excuses for themselves to shield their ego from the cold hard truth, a complex and phenomenon amongst arrogant pricks that have been observed and concluded in the field of anthropology

>> No.3555256


Sir! I take umbrage at that remark. I did score 31. And if I knew how to work screen capture with an Apple keyboard, I would prove it!

>> No.3555259


Well I did say I converted it did'nt I? (using the table provided obviously)

Sheesh. Fine.

Im the one whos wrong.

Youre all much smarter than what your test results indicate.

>> No.3555261
File: 6 KB, 175x150, cp5067_suicide2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3555264

> I did score 31.

not convinced.

>And if I knew how to work screen capture with an Apple keyboard

mm yeah ok. 31 huh, tough luck with the rest of your life

>> No.3555271

The first is more likely.
It's obvious this test is full of shit.

>> No.3555274

It is stated on the main page that the test is a completely experimental new concept for I.Q. testing it may not be accurate for the majority of people. Then again 35 questions is it a great way to gauge someone.

>> No.3555276
File: 18 KB, 319x228, 1311312647202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go team!

>> No.3555280
File: 28 KB, 396x396, ,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would've guessed /sci/ dislikes this IQ shit. Was I wrong?

>> No.3555284

We like them as a game, doesn't mean we think they mean anything.
Except this retard >>3555276

>> No.3555288

Many of them seem to accept the concept of an intelligence quotient just not the idea that it can be determined by 35 timed questions involving finding patterns.

>> No.3555289


Neither right nor wrong.

You made no attempt.


>> No.3555295

98% of the population think IQ tests are meaningless.

The other 2% scored within the top 2% of the population.

A further 186% think that Iam pulling figures out of my arse.

The reamining 312% are faggots.

>> No.3555304

i believe that intelligence can be measured and quantified similar to that done in an IQ test

but i dont think any IQ test (created by people with liberal arts degrees) can live up to this feat

>> No.3555314


would it help you to know that the Apple keyboard is in fact connect to a Windows PC?

>> No.3555315

I did this 5-6 years ago, got a reasonable 103, moved on.

4 years ago, I did this again, I got 148.

I assumed that the data they used to do the distribution has been poisoned and trashed from then on.
Too lazy to try now.

>> No.3555319


3.11% scored higher

summation(Impacts on this test on me) = 0

>> No.3555326

Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers pointed out that many very bright people do not excel on "IQ" tests because they consider many of the questions either trivial or non sequitors.

He also postulates that extremely bright kids figure out very early in life - after observing wars, unanswered genocide, liberal airheads, Luddite conservatives, etc, all negative results of allegedly "smart" people - that being smart doesn't necessarily equate to a "successful" life, thus changing their point of focus to doing only those things that they are individually interested in, rather than what society expects/demands of them.

>> No.3555331

>Malcolm Gladwell
laughing igon values.jpg

>> No.3555341

There is always the few people who do well on IQ tests who defend it biasly.

And there are always those people who do badly and scoff at it biasly.

As somebody who has taken a solemn vow never to take IQ tests, I believe I can offer an impartial (though not necessarily accurate, that would depend how well you scored on the IQ test it seems) and after reviewing the process, it does seem plausible as a rough estimate of somebody's intellect.

Since it is on a relative scale, and taking all other factors to be constant, ceteris paribus, the only advantage you have in tests like these come largely from what has come to be known as fluid intelligence.

Granted not all of the tests are equal in effectiveness, but it does speak to its credit when a regular score relative to the general population can be obtained from the same individual between varying tests.

Just my 2 cents.

>> No.3555345


First part, I can buy. Second part, I'm not so sure.

>> No.3555349
File: 117 KB, 1037x580, ScreenHunter_01 Aug. 12 17.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3555354

Well, that test was shit. This pattern recognition test scored me at 76.

The Navy aptitude tests that I took scored me at 99.9%

Go Navy.

>> No.3555353 [DELETED] 


im with you there brah.

u tellin me that a smart kid (who had it all figured out at a young age), would/could willfully make himself stupider just to emulate the successful negative role models on the telly? nigga that shit be wack

>> No.3555364


Population sample vastly different.

You are the at the top 0.1% amongst a population of lowly educated school dropouts and thugs.

Ha look at all the sweeping statements I make.

>> No.3555366


You gonna believe the free market or what the government tells you?

>> No.3555368


>> No.3555374

They don't make themselves stupider. That would be stupid. No, they just don't get all excited about that 300K that you people seem to drool over working for the financial geniuses that crash the world's economy.

Instead they take jobs as patent clerks and dream about infinity and gravity and what it would be like to ride a photon.

>> No.3555376


whats wrong

>> No.3555380
File: 15 KB, 1493x287, firsttime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still fucking stupid

>> No.3555388 [DELETED] 


uh no. just because one crazy haird nigga did that dont mean that all the geniuses do that. u basin yo shit on einstein's life is only applecabel to einstein man

>> No.3555390


Thats stupid. It is clear that the 300k is highly attractive to brilliant minds.

Why do you think all the smartest people are mathematics PhDs?

>300k starting salary any job they want

>> No.3555395

more stupid
dumber would be correct though

>> No.3555400

That average was among navy nucs, some of whom are here on this board and might disagree with you.

And yes, I skipped senior year high school to enter college a year early.

One of the smartest people I knew at school was a PhD candidate who dropped his physics doctorate to become the school's theater manager.

>> No.3555411 [DELETED] 


nigga thats bullshit

dumb means mute.

mute is mute.

you cant be more mute than another nigga's mother.

hence you cant be dumber than another nigga's mother.

you only use "more" in conjunction with an adjective when the adjective is too long to put the suffix -er behind

stupider is perfectly fine

>> No.3555419

Why do you think that all the "smartest people are mathematics junkies"?

That is a retarded statement if I ever heard one, and I've heard some doozies.

>> No.3555420

>doesn't understand words can have multiple definitions that are accepted

>> No.3555425


get with the program, he was trying to be funny

>your inability to think laterally is indicative of a lacking mind

>> No.3555435 [DELETED] 

>implying the top 10% isn't full of faggots who think they have to deny IQ's tests veracity to feel even more mature than they are already, fucking faggots niggers

>> No.3555444
File: 16 KB, 621x312, iqout.com-e - The result of the test_1313164323427..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll leave now. I just wanted to chill with /sci/ and get a Math PHD along with any job I want and 300k starting but I'm not good enough.

>> No.3555450

He may in fact be trying to be funny.

If that is the case, I submit he failed.

However, in the interest of keeping the rage down to a minimum for once, I note that I've been up for over 24 hours, and my sarcasm detector might be out of whack as a result.

>> No.3555453

Did anyone else not see a pattern at all on this test? Wtf was this? I started clicking things at random after 10 "questions"

>> No.3555454

This is a silly test.

>> No.3555461


Lots of the patterns were easy as fuck, but when you get to the 3x3 with like 12 cells I feel like there's so much data to process in 45 seconds, I feel like Im missing something that should be popping out.

>> No.3555472

this IQ test pisses me off. superfluous dots and patterns which make no sense.

square with one rounded corner with dot in top left > square with two rounded corners with dot in top left > square with three rounded corners with dot in top left > only sensible answer is a circle with no dots in it.

>> No.3555476

I got 120 by counting the little black dots, sometimes it went 1 2 3, 1 2 3, on each row. Also the cross = 2 lines, H = 3 lines, square = 4 lines, there was a progression there also sometimes. And then I tried to keep the same number of shapes (or progression if it isn't constant). And there were shapes moving or rotating or symmetry. Anyway this test is full of shit and worth nothing.

>> No.3555479

129 and im high as fuck

confirmed for genius tier

>> No.3555480

Ya, u rite. Some geniuses dream about cats in boxes and how like you can't find waldo half the time.

>> No.3555485

I think that's basically the trick to the test; there's one or two defining aspects to each question, i just dont have the patience at 11:30 am on a friday to put forth the effort to actually finish this test.

>> No.3555491
File: 29 KB, 649x559, 1309905067060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18yo here with Fail AS grades for two years running and has just dropped out to do a national btec instead to get into uni

>> No.3555497
File: 9 KB, 379x254, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the answer to life, the universe, and everything!

>> No.3555499

I don't see how this test could be legit. I quit after two questions. Seems dumb and im scared of getting a low score.

>> No.3555503

Terrible test. I sat through it seeing bugger all patterns and leaving most blank thinking i was going to get a shit score and just got 138. How the fuck does that work? It even says I only got 15 right.

>> No.3555505


>implying your not using performance enhancing drugs

>> No.3555515

Test was stupid. I quit because it made me feel like a retard.

>> No.3555522


You da Man! I'm stealing this for a Triptag, BTW!.

>> No.3555523
File: 6 KB, 336x209, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it does makes sense and there are logical patterns to it. You just need to be intelligent enough to see it.

>> No.3555552

127. I'm okay with this.

>> No.3555554

math/physics double major here.

got a 94. IQ tests are bullshit anyway.

>> No.3555570

Music student here.
Got 133.

>> No.3555583 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 116x127, 1267026515234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 598%

>> No.3555590

got a one

>an one?
>a one?

pick won.

>> No.3555596

116, retarded test, figured it out half way through

>> No.3555613

An *online* IQ test where your score is relative to other people who have taken the same test *online*... If you can't see the problem with that, then here's how to calculate your true IQ:
1) Take the test
2) Take the result and multiply it by 0.5

>> No.3555614

lol enjoy you worthless degree

>> No.3555618

I don't get it...

Could someone post a screenshot of a "difficult" one, and explain the pattern?

>> No.3555633


I scored 31.. so if I multipy by 0.5... what do I get?

>> No.3555637 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 300x338, 1119994578621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is bullshit, i thought i was well above 130

atleast i am nigger and below the 100 level.

>> No.3555641 [DELETED] 


>*atleast i am NOT a nigger and below the 100 line

>> No.3555672


This isn't so much of an intelligence test as it is a mental rotation test.

>> No.3555674


>> No.3555678

130, feels average man

>> No.3555688

>Big great leader: You will now all proceed to stick your dick in this 200 diameter long grapefruit. WHOEVER CAN FUCK IT THE LONGEST WITHOUT MAKING A DISGUSTED FACE IS THE MOST INTELLIGENT

>/sci/: haha! i can fuck this for 2 days! big great leader is so great! i really am the smartest! haha!

>> No.3555697
File: 73 KB, 1366x664, Iqout2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An overly simplified pattern recognition test, in my honest opinion.

>> No.3555712
File: 39 KB, 289x303, 155794916161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'll kill you.

>> No.3555749

Yay! Went up to a 133 on my second try!

>> No.3555756

You might as well, I never enjoyed any second of living on this confounded planet.

>> No.3555759

nice youd do worse, or get 105 sober


>> No.3555771

121 right now and it was 128 a few days ago. I took my headache prophylaxis 1 hour ago so that's probably why. That shit leaves me absolutely fucked for about 3 hours which is why I usually take it before bedtime but I was off work anyway and while I'm fucked, it's an enjoyable sensation.

>> No.3555799
File: 218 KB, 1280x800, damnitsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell, seeing the responses in this thread made me think i'd get an 80 or something. guess this makes me average, compared to /sci/'s 150.

(last time I got 120 or 121 i think)

i don't like this test. I'm pretty sure that if i took it again i'd get a wildly different score, since all i did was click based on 'intuition' (looked at given, then looked at answers, and picked the one that seemed to match the given. SOMETIMES there was an actual pattern, but i'd need a lot more time to verify. all i know is that for other things, people see patterns, take their time to solve/research them, and many, many times find them to be wrong). I fucking hate things where I can't find the answer with a correct, clear explanation (like in mathematics). Good puzzles that warrant crafty, creative explanations take time to solve, not 45 damn seconds.

god, i'm hungry though, it's freaking 2 here

>> No.3555807
File: 15 KB, 625x288, fuck this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this test is fucking ridiculous, but accurate I guess since I am 130 on the other test (Stanford I think?)

forever 2 points away from Mensa ;_;

>> No.3555829
File: 299 KB, 1440x900, oh hi iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hi

>> No.3555843

>write junk in a book with 'genius criteria' that scores the average person as super smart
>people buy the book and see themselves as genius, pour more money into merchandise

it's the same shit as harry potter and its appeal to teeange girls wanting to be mary sues

>> No.3555848

I took this test 3 times with more than a half hour interval between each.
The first time I got 81, the second one was 138, and the third one was 114; I suppose taking it once and deeming yourself genius/dumbass is not so efficient. Then again, taking it a lot of times would probably take me too far to the right side of the curve, I'd just end up figuring out the general makeup of the test, but would I be more intelligent from it? I doubt that

>> No.3555870

Are they giving IQs based on the standard deviation of the results from this test? Because if they are, I'd postulate that the average person who even finishes the test is like 110.

Oh, and make the fucking clock count down. Still got a 142 though, just under 2 std dev, feels pretty good.

>> No.3555888

Whelp, my IQ is 20.5

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some bleach to inhale and some kitchen cleaner to drink, according to this IQ test.

>> No.3555890

118. I didn't even know what the fuck I was doing.

>> No.3555908


>voluntarily took an IQ test
>couldn't be bothered by questions

>> No.3555953

I bet this test is skewed because only relatively smart people would want to take it.

I wander what /sci/s average iq is? Probably like 115.

>> No.3556370
File: 2 KB, 104x126, 1267028282871s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole thread

>> No.3556410

>In Mensa
Real IQ test master-race genius here.

>> No.3556475

>High school drop out.
>I think of myself as somewhat stupid
>Get a 132
This shit isn't legit guys. However, to be fair, I only dropped out of high school due to my gender issues. I later got a ged, went to a community college and transferred to a university. That still does not take into account the fact that I still think I am somewhat stupid =x

>> No.3556484
File: 23 KB, 288x499, 1313078399338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre probably not non-intelligent, just a fucking moron when it comes to society

nice job

>> No.3556487

M2F or F2M?

Do you look at any TG porn, 3dpd or 2d? Would that be like masturbating to yourself?

>> No.3556489

>implying this test isn't a measurement of the severity of your assburgers

No neurotypical can get anything over a 100 on this.

>> No.3556491

so you're mtf? like alan turing (in his later years)?

>> No.3556503

I don't look at porn at all.
I don't really like to use my penis.
yeah I am a mtf on hormones, but I have not had a srs yet.

>> No.3556512

Tits or gtfo

>> No.3556513

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.3556633
File: 64 KB, 1451x789, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decent I guess.

>> No.3556649
File: 51 KB, 1235x570, score.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a proper test I scored 150. Something's wrong with this thing.

>> No.3556664

I can't find America on the country list.

This quiz is bullshit.

>> No.3556679
File: 14 KB, 378x301, heart-attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3556681 [DELETED] 

>already failed

>> No.3556680

Ah, I think I've found the problem:

>> No.3556684

Maybe the test does work, after all

>> No.3556696

They just don't want you to waste your time.

>> No.3556699
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1313010258085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3556735
File: 1011 KB, 223x126, 1279967964150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do all the question up until 27
>bored and frustrated
>choose random answers for the last 8
>get average IQ

>> No.3556752 [DELETED] 

Same here. Never had the patience for online IQ tests. I do half of it and click through the rest, usually get something around 120 still.

>> No.3556764

>1% inspiration...

>> No.3556776
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, Adde smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U jelly?

>> No.3556788

Scored 121

Disappointed but it could be worse. Fucking aspies.

>> No.3556858


>> No.3556864


feels bad man, i got 146 on some other online test when i was like 16, i'm 21 now.

>> No.3556949

>dat timer

>> No.3556961

got to Q8, then the times pissed me the fuch of and i clicked random shit and got 33.

>> No.3557246
File: 9 KB, 271x288, 1266169905553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By the answers you submitted your score would be so low that it is outside the area that this test can reliably measure. Therefore we do not announce your result accurately but only state that compared to the result 50 it would be somewhere below

>> No.3557436

These tests always start off really fun and then all of a sudden 4 panels and 6 choices turns to 9 panels and 8 choices and there's too much shit to count and it no longer becomes fun. If the entire test were like the first ~3 questions I'd do them for enjoyment.

>> No.3557608
File: 97 KB, 300x300, 1313105243054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

116, with a standard deviation of 16.
So 111-116.
Somewhere in between there.
And I thought I was bombing the fucking test.

>> No.3559170

buttmad dumbfags detected

>> No.3559192

worst iq test ever

>> No.3559298
File: 44 KB, 500x492, 1284954037346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit. What kind of an IQ test only measures patterns, I blame having to manually refresh the timer.

>> No.3559316
File: 87 KB, 587x494, Canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit after 15 questions when I timed out for three questions in a row because I literally could not see any patterns.


>> No.3559327


>> No.3559372

I always freeze up when i'm timed. Same reason i can't really do simple math in my head when someone is looking at me. But i guess that is taken into account, and so inevitably, i am not more than mediocre.

>> No.3559374
File: 21 KB, 350x262, media 3429 color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do 15 questions
>get bored and start hitting random buttons

>> No.3559487

>first time taking the test: 90
>dumb, retard, etc
>second try: 143
>smart, mensa, 300K math degree

>> No.3561896

You guys realize this works on a completely different standard then standard iq tests like mensa. In order to be genius tier you have to get significantly higher than 130.

But better yet don't waste time on worrying about how smart you are.

>> No.3561938

well, i got a 59

>> No.3561955
File: 60 KB, 992x294, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I got picking G every time

>> No.3561970

how can a <50 iq person, operate a computer, let alone understand their statement?
Even if someone else did it for them by asking the questions verbally, how woul he compreh....
you know what, fuck it!

>> No.3562008

I got 93 by saying fuck it and guessing on about ten questions

>> No.3562052

>3.57% get 143 or higher

>> No.3562058

I didn't refresh the timer at all, did that change my score?

>> No.3562090

>>Attempt to get IQ of zero by figuring out correct answer and providing an answer that is clearly ass Wrong

"The result of the test By the answers you submitted your score would be so low that it is outside the area that this test can reliably measure. Therefore we do not announce your result accurately but only state that compared to the result 50 it would be somewhere below"


>> No.3562129
File: 8 KB, 478x262, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit cant be right. No way am I that high.

>> No.3562151
File: 49 KB, 780x587, spock_viewer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong that I take screen grabs of each question before taking the test to look them over at my leisure?

>> No.3562180

psst...that's the joke

>> No.3562202 [DELETED] 

Medical students and doctors are imbecilic parrots. Low intelligence but high respect.

>> No.3562246
File: 8 KB, 478x262, smarter_then_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3562285

This. And it's the most fucking retarded type of question ever.

>> No.3562311

>do 10 questions
>25 more to do
>fuck this my eyes hurt

hit a bunch of buttons and got a 66. me smart

>> No.3562352

oh neato, i took this yesterday
pressing squares randomly got me a 97
real scientific test there!

>> No.3562490

First try, 141 fag here. I noticed 3 to 4 obvious patterns. Got 22 correct but should have been 25 but rushed the answer choice.

>> No.3562545

>make simple progression
>draw a bunch of useless for distraction

top knotch science at work guys

>> No.3563679

ITT: everybody mad

>> No.3563717

I got a 108. Oh well.

>> No.3565419

Not bad, but I was hoping for something a bit more exceptional… :/

>> No.3565519
File: 11 KB, 200x148, 1301437011040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3565536
File: 13 KB, 399x257, whatevs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About what I expected.

Now i just have to decide whether the people around me are as dumb as I perceive them or if I'm that narcissistic.

>> No.3565556


>False Dilemma
>Implying you cant be coincidentally narcisstic and still surrounded with idiots.

>> No.3565569 [DELETED] 


Mfw this guy said he lived in Chad or some low IQ country

>> No.3565586

Valid point.

>> No.3565599

Both. Put it this way, the average person is a part of the working class or the middle class, working long hours are a factory with few aspirations other than than the immediate such as drinking, smoking, partying and other hedonistic activities, dropping out of highschool or college to support a child. None of them are actively seeking knowledge, none of them are actively pursuing a goal, and none of them possess the potential to rise above the masses and do something great.

Being 10 points above average on the worst IQ test ever means even less than nothing. Don't get conceited. I certainly are not - after all I'm merely one of those average people that you deem to be retarded.

>> No.3565612

As pointed out earlier, that test only had one type of question.

This obviously isn't a very good test. Doing poorly or well on it isn't indicative of anything other than you care good at recognizing patterns of the same shapes and dots.

>> No.3565614

I wonder you could do the test much better using aderall or weed.

Anyone curious to try?

I did the test twice with 6 months inbetween them and got twice 118.

Not surprised.

>> No.3565632

I took it twice. I scored 119 the first time and 138 the second time

>This is not a precise measure of your IQ at all

Dont worry about it guys

>> No.3565637


>> No.3565643

You realize that as other people have pointed out, that redoing the test usually yields surprisingly random results.

Indeed, that's why I said that the test meant next to nothing. Though, I suppose that fact is compounded when innately IQ tests don't measure anything beyond pure processing speed. Note that I didn't take this test in particular since I've already had an official one done. I'm around average IQ when taking into account general knowledge (I'm Canadian and it was an American test, didn't know shit). Apparently my GAI was much higher though (125); I blame it on the lead pipes.

>> No.3565663

i got bored on third question but i did one with a psychologist and it vas over 140 but i dont remember the

>> No.3565669 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1600x900, fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit test/10

>> No.3565684

>basically two standard deviations

What the FUCK am I reading?

>> No.3565696

An IQ test can't be timed per question. 45 seconds is bullshit. Some of those questions can be answered in 5 seconds. Some of them require more than 30 seconds just to acknowledge all the data presented (let alone all the pictures to load).

>> No.3565709

>(let alone all the pictures to load).
u mad dial-up peasant?

>> No.3565714

Got 96. I'm amazed at you people getting 130+, I can't even begin to see how I should answer these, not in 45 seconds anyway.

>> No.3565716


And i still skipped over half of the questions.

>> No.3565733


>> No.3565743

"I have no idea. People who boast about their I.Q. are losers. " - Stephen Hawking when asked about his IQ.

How does this make you feel?

>> No.3565744
File: 82 KB, 1084x435, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3565745

You didn't read it fully, did you? The standard deviation on this scale is 24.

>> No.3565752

I only read the OP's picture. Fuck the metric system.

>> No.3565761


I chose random answers for about 6 questions. The last 10 questions were pretty clear to me because each row had the "dice circles" decrease by 1 each so it was easy.

I think the whole quiz is about how fast you can recognize patterns and it bases your IQ on that.

>> No.3565872 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 300x300, crybaby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3565948

ok so 129

I think EVERYBODY just gets 129 and everybody else is lying and this is all a big conspiracy of shit

>> No.3565963 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 626x840, r323464_1445647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY FUCK. Throughout that whole test I was sure I was bombing it bad. Just thought whatever and kept going. Ive never done IQ tests before so I didnt know what to expect really. I thought i'd be under or around 100 for sure but than BAM 128 pops up. I really didnt feel that bright when taking it though.


Maybe IQ tests are bullshit as fuck. Or maybe I just have confidence issues.

>> No.3566117
File: 15 KB, 889x267, iq test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of you guys have really disappointing results.

>> No.3566283


I'm scared too. Fuck. Tomorrow ill do it.

>> No.3568725

ya this, i got a 136 too and didn't even bother trying to understand the 4x4 matrices

this test is highly learn-able though, and does not provide a good measure of IQ

>> No.3568731
File: 55 KB, 569x442, fuxxin einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, this test again...?

>> No.3568799
File: 19 KB, 890x124, usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god.

>> No.3568821

All that implies is that you dont understand the framework of the test... Nothing more.

>> No.3568833

That's actually my score which I posted a while ago.
You are confirmed for a plagiarizing faggot.

>> No.3568845

>worst IQ test ever
It's actually one of the finest ones out there.

>> No.3568853

Same time allocation reasoning as the SAT.
All of which are highly g-loaded. y u so mad though?

>> No.3568859

The more you understand the framework of an IQ test, or basically the innate reasoning of its questions - the more intelligent you are.
I fail to see a problem here.

>> No.3569013

115 - somewhat above average

i'm surprised i did even that well, quite a few of those questions went completely over my head. didn't have a clue wtf i was looking at.

>> No.3570272

I don't have the attention span to finish IQ tests.

>> No.3570547

No, because only the first test is accurate.

I've taken it multiple times now,
I first scored a 136 taking half of the questions seriously.
Then I decided to try on all the questions, finally understood the rotations in all the problems in the last half of the test, and scored a 182.
Ever since that one, I've never been below 182.

Point is, there is a 'learning curve' for this test and it is not a definite answer for your IQ. Probably the best free online test, however.

>> No.3571189

123 and oaky with it

>> No.3571488

I got 132. I'm happy.
I did blow through a lot towards the end because I can smell dinner, but I don't care.

>> No.3571571

Agreed. This is a terrible IQ test. It completely ignores other areas of human intelligence... in the same way that most IQ tests do. A rigorous definition of intelligence is very much needed. IQ tests are just test tests without one.

>> No.3571593 [DELETED] 

It's so much fun to see who's bullshitting by looking at the images posted, the results portrayed, and the percentages. HAHAHA.

>> No.3571616


180 score, 100% percentile
183 score, 99.96% percentile

One or both of you faggots need to learn some statistics if you're going to try to pull some bullshit on a group of anonymous people you've never met before. Our impression of your intelligence is of the utmost importance. LOL!

>> No.3571740

124 but i'm drunk and the clock killed me a few times.

>> No.3571769

Oh look, it's THIS thread again.

>> No.3573600
File: 2 KB, 210x187, 1266253081562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.3573638
File: 428 KB, 1121x1974, 1313434751017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3573665
File: 549 KB, 1121x1904, added_facts_removed_stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3573704
File: 10 KB, 200x218, 1313306589820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's with a headache and no sleep for 20 hours

>> No.3573743

not him but zimbabwe looks like utter shit, just saying

>> No.3573760

Mensa master race reporting in!

>> No.3573772


Usually get somewhere around 130~ so I'm cool with it.

>> No.3573776

Getting into Engineering, yet I scored a 59. Some of the patterns are sometimes match ups or questions you answer randomly I just pretend the circles or dots are people and the boxes or squares are rooms, papers folding up into shapes, or cut outs. First time doing this so unless this is alien moonspeak I'm not freaked out by this.

>> No.3573937
File: 77 KB, 800x640, 1266208667128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't understand that the pic he provided actually contradicts and is counterproductive to his argument.

>> No.3574128

121 on first try.

>> No.3574206
File: 135 KB, 864x1048, 141guise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I couldn't hear you over my vast intellectual superiority...

Actually I was sure I was going to get assfucked and I only got 15 right, I don't really think I deserve this :D

>> No.3574670

Read what it says. Difficult question are more important than overall number of correct ones.

>> No.3574835


>> No.3574968

125 the questions were very tedious and repetitive. I basically skipped through the ones I felt hard at first glance.

>> No.3575006
File: 19 KB, 241x230, monitor15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I got a 2280 on the SAT (99th percentile) with no tutoring and a 108 on this.
>mfw I did well on the test that actually matters.

>> No.3575072

0 because I said fuck it when I saw the first question. I'm not spending a half hour figuring out convoluted multi-aspect bland box patterns

>> No.3575176

it gave me 123. I didn't answer the hard ones with 3x3 grids, fuck that.

>> No.3575815
File: 35 KB, 500x407, 1266749026729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you rely on the SAT

>> No.3575820

>actually matters

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.3575834

>"intelligent" neckbeards who despite their imagined intelligence never managed to get into a top university for a nonshit major

>> No.3576035

Do well: underachieving loser wasting life on 4chan

Do poorly: underachieving loser wasting life on 4chan

This is what I like to call a loser-loser situation.

>> No.3576045

I got 124...last time I took a different test (not online) it was 133. So I guess that's fine.

>> No.3576133

>Did it right for the first 10 or so questions
>Start to randomly click answers
>Get 72

>> No.3576133,1 [INTERNAL] 

The result of the test

By the answers you submitted your IQ is


The same or a better result is only reached by

1.77% of the people taking the test.