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File: 15 KB, 500x278, cryogenic_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3413790 No.3413790 [Reply] [Original]

Quick question.

If human technology had acquired abilities to perfectly freeze you and thaw you out in a hundred year's time, would you do it?

You wake up in your present state and for whatever reason you can never be thawed for a hundred years.

You lose everyone in your life unless they freeze themselves, and everything you have currently.

Human society might get a fuckton shittier, might end through wars/global warming, or might be a technological paradise.

The science you might see would advance to levels you probably would not imagine.

So would you sci? Would you enter deep sleep for a hundred years right now?

Pic related, always good to see Firefly.

>> No.3413807

Cryogenics general bump.

>> No.3413813

personally, no. but maybe.

>> No.3413825

right this minute? no, i have a lot going for me right now.

but if i were in a shitty situation, to the point where a fresh start would be exactly what i needed? sure.

>> No.3413840

/sci/entist in training, going into biotechnology once I graduate highschool (this yr hopefully, if the teachers le me take the classes, I have the credits almost, junior btw) Do want info on biotech and cryogenics

>> No.3413848


>> No.3413855

People wouldn't voluntarily join this kinda program unless they were neckbeard basement dwellers or some shit.

Or unless they are really devoted to sci and optimistic about the future.

>> No.3413860

Yep, have a pretty shitty life.

i would probably end up going century skipping this way, living for a year or two in the future then freeze myself for another 100 years. In the end I would see a montage of my life as I pass trough time and see human develop...

>> No.3413871

Shit that would be a journey.

See humans in year 3000. Mankind has achieved ascension into higher god-like beings. And you die with manly tears just as you see this.

>> No.3413879

Or I would never wake up once because we leave the plant/kill ourselves off.

>> No.3413881

I think it'd be culture shock beyond belief.

>> No.3413885

If money isn't an issue, hell yes. I have no attachments to this current time and i'm curious as fuck about what the future will be like.

>> No.3413887
File: 43 KB, 344x517, amnottrolled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Before I freeze myself I would want to make sure that Humanity is heading in the right direction. It would suck to pop open your capsule to total anarchy when all of the sudden you get ass-raped by a gang of hover-bike riders post apocalyptic style. I would do this if Humanity was leading toward world peace.

Anyway, with that, today I would not. Not enough security about the future.

and also

>OP were u watching futurama tonight?

>> No.3413894


>> No.3413900

Nah. can't stand the reboot.

I was watching Event Horizon when they go to deep sleep for a year.

>> No.3413972
File: 37 KB, 500x384, mite b cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you get ass-raped by a gang of hover-bike riders post apocalyptic style

maybe they'll let me be in their gang

>> No.3414029

I would definitely do it. Maybe not for a couple of years, but still. In fact, I plan on doing it anyway when I'm all old and dying and stuff. Even if the technology's still not perfect, it's better than just flat-out dying.

I'm VERY curious about the future. I'd love to see what's going on 100 years from now - not to mention that we'd have 100 years worth of medical advances that could keep me alive to see even MORE of the future.

>> No.3414199

Do you really think "your" body's consciousness is unique and belongs only to "your" body? And that once "your" body dies that "you" and "your" consciousness is gone forever?

Consciousness belongs to the universe, it doesn't belong to "you" or "your" body. When "your" body dies, another body will take its place.

Find out what you really are. Once you do, you will find that you are immortal. What use is cryogenics to an immortal? To store data? Computers are for storing data. To experience the future? You will experience the future, it may not be via the same body. You want to preserve your memories? Why? What makes your memories so special? Memories aren't even real.

The real issue here and problem most people have with death is that they don't know what they really are. People think that they are their body and its various emotions and beliefs, and that once their body dies they are gone forever.

People fail to realize the critical truth that they are the universe itself, and that their body is merely a transient expression of the universe through form.

One way to visualize this is to imagine that your body is a wave on the ocean. The wave comes into form, rises up and then returns to the ocean. Similarly the body is born, lives, and then dies. While it is true that you are the wave, what most people fail to realize is that you are ALSO the entire ocean on which the waves take place.

>> No.3414205

>It would suck to pop open your capsule to total anarchy when all of the sudden you get ass-raped by a gang of hover-bike riders post apocalyptic style.

That's just your opinion.

>> No.3414208

>Two different things

Oh wow.

>> No.3414214
File: 44 KB, 351x440, 5starpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3414215

Can't decide. Might be more worth it to get frozen for two or three hundred years when we can repair the planet, because I suspect that the earth is going to be a giant shit-hole in 100 years. Really can't see us stopping global warming at this stage, and scarcity of resources will also be a problem. 100 years from now will probably also be around the height of rivalry between the US and China.

>> No.3414216

We already know we're apart of the universe. What you fail to realise that you are a specific chemical reaction formed by specific particles.
Your consciousness cannot be recreated unless every part of you is put back exactly as it is now.
And once you're dead that just wont happen.

>> No.3414221

New age bullshit. Your conciousness is no more than the interpretation of the world around you by the computer in your head. Your conciousness dies every night when you go to sleep, and will be gone forever once your body dies.

>> No.3414225

>WADX to move

Who the fuck coded that shit?

>> No.3414232

Are you so afraid of death that you have to find solace in silly fantasies?

>> No.3414234
File: 23 KB, 288x499, whykornheiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not samefag, but I have a different point: Why cling to your consciousness at all? It's just an evolutionary adaptation to help you run away from predators. What possible benefit can be gained by having your brain in a vat for a billion years?

>> No.3414242

>What's so good about experiencing things when you can not experience things insted?

>> No.3414247

Ingrained in our DNA to survive for as long as possible, and our interpretation of survival is keeping our concious self alive. Personally I think it would be awesome to live forever with the same conciousness, maintaining the same memories, learning from all the experiences I would encounter. Don't know why anyone wouldn't want this.

>> No.3414255

So that's what life's about? Experience? Feeling things? Hedonism?

You provide something to the world, leave some descendants, and gracefully leave when your time is up. This is not "Luddism" or nihilism; this is simply being realistic. After a certain point, your existence would have less meaning than that of a houseplant.

>> No.3414256

If you are going to have such an objective view, what is the point of life at all? There is no real point in the broad scale of things, so by your logic we might as well all kill ourselves right now and stop consuming resources.

>> No.3414260

In a heart beat.

I want to go to mars or at least the moon, and it's not looking like it's going to happen within this lifetime.

>> No.3414265

>I need a point to live

I don't think so tim. I live because if I didn't I'd be dead.

>> No.3414273

I've got an infinite amount of time to not be alive. As if I wouldn't take advantage of my life while I have it.
I don't need a point to live.

>You provide something to the world
lol no