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3371313 No.3371313 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ are you afraid to die?

I'm only 23, but every now and then I have a little freak out about getting older and dying and I don't want it to happen

>> No.3371320

If you worry about death, you won't have time to live.

>> No.3371328

I'm not afraid to die.
>hurt so if i shot you, you wouldn't be afraid
I do fear pain and agony though

>> No.3371345

Also 23.

I've only met two people that didn't strike me as being afraid, but those two committed suicide in order for others to get rewards from their death (unfortunately). Pretty sure their goal nullified their fear.

Toss a coin in any direction and your going to hit a person afraid of death.

>> No.3371374

nope. not afraid to die at 80+
but i am afraid to die early. i have stuff i want to do.

>> No.3371418

I am afraid of doing nothing with my life.

I am afraid of wasting time. So, in a sense, I am afraid of death.

Consciousness into a robot -> live forever

>> No.3371428

The only death i fear is an early death by something like Cancer, or being decapitated.

Other than that dying at an old age doesn't bother me.
Billions of people have died before you, you aren't special.
unless of course we discover how to end aging. Then you can feel special all you want.

>> No.3371442
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The less responsibilities you have in life, the more you fear death. The more responsibilities, the more you prepare for it.

Need to get something going. However, you're in luck! You've got a Jupiter return coming (~24y) which will coincide with an increasing sense of purpose. You'll know when it hits, but it's up to you to grab it and make something out of yourself!

>> No.3371480

Good chance you wont have to OP. At your age, and the rate of medical advancement, you will be able to live a lot longer than humans have in the past. The rate of increase in the human life-time is also accelarating. You will effectively be able to continuously buy more time, adding more years to your life until we find away to stop and even reverse the ageing process. Eventually humans may even find a way to make themselves effectively immortal.

>> No.3371485
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I managed to accept the fact that we all die, that it is an inevitability. I believe after death, there will almost certainly be no afterlife of any form, but once again, I don't much care. I wouldn't notice not existing anymore, if anything, it's a release from everything. Like going to sleep after a hard days work. Also, I find the fact I managed to experience life at all is in and of itself a gift, not from god, but from probability. If my father ejaculated one second earlier, or 1 second later, I would not be here, but some other person. The fact that at one point, I experience a small glimpse of the universe, in all of it's glory and mystery, is good enough for me.

>> No.3371513

Think about what it feels like to be completely alone; then subtract yourself. That's what being dead feels like.

>> No.3371517

Honestly, if I died tomorrow I would die knowing that I'd received more opportunities and experiences than the vast majority of people who've ever existed on this planet. I'd die knowing that I'd lived up to my potential as much as I could in the time that I'd had.

Do I want to die? Hell no. Would I fight as hard as I could to survive if it came to it? You bet.

But am I afraid of it? No, I'm not, although it would feel like a waste if I died before I got to put that potential to good use.

>> No.3371522

No, I'm not!
It will be nice to no longer be conscious.
I am excited for my existence to cease.

I imagine it will be like falling asleep, and never waking up.
You wouldn't even realize you were dead, because you wouldn't be there to realize you were dead.
It's comforting.

>> No.3371538

That's exactly how I feel.
I'm atheist, but if the Baha'i afterlife turns out to be true...I sure as hell wouldn't fight it.

>> No.3371532

I don't fear it, just hope its relatively quick and painless. In all honestly I wanna see what happens, I'm an atheists but wouldn't mind being proven wrong.

>> No.3371559

Three interesting 'not afraid' responses here:
Eager (this guy is probably depressed).
And vaguely hopeful/curious.

I guess a fourth response you could expect, albeit probably not on 4chan, would be eager in the way the fervently religious might be.

>> No.3371568

I don't fear death because no one really knows what it brings, but I damn well do know what old age brings, and it's usually not pretty.

>> No.3371592

Worrying about death is silly. Of all the things that might suck, being absent from existence could not be one of them.

That said, I do fear this absence in the sense that I will be unable to make sure my loved ones are okay, or work towards my personal goals. And I feel bad for the people I might leave behind, who might miss me terribly.

>> No.3371597

OP its not death you should be afraid of

its server injury that almost kills you

dismsmberment and shit

death is nothign to fear

>> No.3371600

I imagine something similar to the Christian afterlife, but I don't really believe in a fire and torture kind of Hell.

>> No.3371603


>server injury

severe/ im tired

>> No.3371606

I fear pain but i do not fear death..

but with death comes pain, and that's what i fear...

the thought of not existing does not frighten me however, because i know what i used to be will become one with the universe... and perhaps the atoms that once formed me will become part of an intergalactic spaceship on a journey across the cosmos.

>> No.3371617
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>Think about what it feels like to be completely alone; then subtract yourself. That's what being dead feels like.
>That's what being dead feels
>being dead feels

ah....ok..i get it.

>> No.3371622

ever since i was a baby i used to think about the future and being old and not existing and i would freak out and cry. it still happens to me.

>> No.3371636

When I was a little kid, my mom would talk about people going to Heaven, but I couldn't quite make the mental connection between that and dying, and I always used to think that when you died, you just went to sleep and then sometime later woke up inside a coffin and start frantically pounding the lid and yelling "LEMME OUT OF HERE!!!", but no one could hear you.

>> No.3371641

but to feel requires you to be at LEAST alone.

take your self out of the picture.. then there is nothing to feel.

>> No.3371651

Even supposing there's not an afterlife, it's stupid to claim you cease to exist because your molecules don't go anywhere. Matter cannot be created or destroyed and all that.

>> No.3371695


define consciousness == your brain's chemical reactions as a whole.. etc etc...

when the brain is broken/stops functioning, your consciousness is altered and might eventually stop functioning..

Lets say you had a hard drive with a save game on it. You take a hammer and smash the hard drive... you cannot use that hard drive again....

you have to make a new save file somewhere else if you want to continue life's journey...

or.. have a backup somewhere on another hard drive temporarily until a new hard drive can be grown.. err i mean built....

In any case... nothing to feel once you are dead.. you wouldn't even notice that you have died after you died because the thing that perceived death is now destroyed... the best way to die is as painfully as possible and destroying the physical brain.

>> No.3371711


You forgot to post 'inb4 nuclear bombs'.

>> No.3371739

I'm aware of that; that was supposed to be mindfuck/humour.

ah well. I am suck.

>> No.3371960

Yes. I recommend you the following:

1) Stay healthy and make reasonably safe choices

2) Sign up for cryonics. The costs are so low and the potential benefits so high that even if it has a less than 1% chance of working the investment is probably worth it

3) Stay alive and hope for significant medical progress or techniques for successful cryonic revival

>> No.3371988

Cryogenics, might as well donate the money to charity and pray to god.

>> No.3372024

This. Spend the money on hookers and blow instead if you're that set on wasting it.

>> No.3372026


Oh? I think the costs are low, the potential benefits are high, and the chance of future revival and treatment is reasonable. Which of those do you disagree with?

>> No.3372040
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>> No.3372049

Why would anyone bother to unfreeze all the people just sitting there in a freezer (assuming somehow it's possible, and than anyone bothered to keep them).

>> No.3372106

>Why would anyone bother to unfreeze all the people just sitting there in a freezer

Costs are a non-issue as they will inevitably go down over time, as do the costs of technology in general.

As for why they'd want to do it: The idea that people are disposable, and that their deaths are part of the plan, is something that fades out of the Future.

Once upon a time, infant deaths were part of the plan, and now they're not. Once upon a time, slavery was part of the plan, and now it's not. Once upon a time, dying at thirty was part of the plan, and now it's not. That's a psychological shift, not just an increase in living standards. Our era doesn't value human life with perfect consistency - but the value of human life is higher than it once was.

We have a concept of what a medieval peasant should have had, the dignity with which they should have been treated, that is higher than what they would have thought to ask for themselves.

In the same way, the future will have a concept of sentient dignity that values your life more than you dare to value yourself.

>> No.3372122

>the future will have a concept of sentient dignity that values your life more than you dare to value yourself.

we value life because we have the luxury to do so. In places lacking resources human life isn't worth a shit.

do you think we'll have more resources in future? Really?

>> No.3372138

>do you think we'll have more resources in future? Really?

Um, YES.

>> No.3372152

>Implying that I will die.

I'm going to live forever, asshole.

>> No.3372157

I've never really been afraid of death, moreso bummed that death would prevent me from really petty things like "seeing the finale of this TV show" or "finding out how this manga will end".

However, I hate getting older. It started not long after I turned 25, and really hit when I turned 26 in April.

I'm closer to 30 than 20. Just that thought... I hate it.

>> No.3372159

hurr durr peak oil is a liberal scam hurr

>> No.3372163

Correcting someone using the correct term with the incorrect term. Stay classy Anon.

>> No.3372172

I couldn't care less really. my ex would freak out when she thought about death at night - was completely foreign to me.

>> No.3372192

>hurr durr peak oil is a liberal scam hurr

Hurr durr as oil prices increase we won't just bite the bullet and build more nuclear plants or invest in any number of other technologies as our energy backbone.

>> No.3372198

1: Devote your life to life extension and other technologies.
2: Be a complete pussy so you don't get run over by a bus or whatever.
3: Maintain your intelligence into old age by continually challenging yourself mentally and stay innovative because that's what you will need in order to research all this shit and be in a position of wealth and power to apply the technology to yourself. Overpopulation and resource depletion means the future won't be pretty.
4: Being an amoral machiavellian sociopath will help, just maintain the facade of being an ordinary person.
5: Eating a low amount of calories will extend your life a bit.
6: Also ingest anti-oxidants and all that other anti-ageing shit.
7: Expand into other areas of research, it may be possible to create your own little army of nanobots to transfer your consciousness to a quantum computer or something, thereby guaranteeing you biological immortality and freeing you from your biological restraints, both physical and mental restraints.

>> No.3372295

Yes, and I'm 19