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16133091 No.16133091 [Reply] [Original]

Who (please be specific with named individuals) are powerful enough to have this mass censored from Biology 101 classes?

>> No.16133099 [DELETED] 

dah joooos

>> No.16133133
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No verification required.

>> No.16133179

>Michael Woodley
You know this guy is a cryptozoologist, right? He believes in sea serpents and the Mongolian death worm too. His publications are almost universally laughed at by his peers.

>> No.16133350

>Mongolian death worm
damn, I learned some new kino today!
and it's only human arrogance to think cryptos are an impossibility considering the vast size of the planet.

>> No.16133436

>and it's only human arrogance to think cryptos are an impossibility
This is an enormous mischaracterization of the problem. No one disputes that there may exist species we haven't discovered yet; we discover new species all the time. The issue is that he's claiming the existence of these species without coherent evidence to demonstrate it.

>> No.16133828

>he's claiming the existence of these species without coherent evidence to demonstrate it.
Where does he make this claim of existence? I have not read that much of his papers yet.

>> No.16133850

Oh I remember you, you used to post rationalwiki links.

seek help

>> No.16134320

It began with jewish diveristy hires, and are now being used by third world diversity subversives as well as the chinese agents to subvert the West while deflecting to the jews.

>> No.16134324

>Schizo cranks are just as scientific as anyone else!!
Any more brain fart you want to expel at us?

>> No.16134426

answer this question
where does he claim the existence of these species

>> No.16134428

Male and female are antiquated concepts too. Sex is a spectrum.

>> No.16134431

Ntf (not that faggot)
From what I remember Woodley was curious about the historical nature and references to cryptos and their proliferration on old maps and texts.
I think you can find an old talk on the matter he gave on the topic.
It's just the usual smearing tactic to conflate an academic interest in a an unorthodox topic to dismiss their words on an unrelated topic.

>> No.16134444

Which is what I assumed too. Literally just being interested in the possibility of Sea Snakes (rather large aquatic creatures) and suddenly you're an evil conspiracy believer.
Seems like I should give this Woodley guy a try since the leftist shills hate him.

>> No.16134463 [DELETED] 

Darwin classified the various different human races as different species.
Humanity is only considered a single species because in November 1945 the UN issued a declaration saying that humans are a single species. All the scientific evidence says the opposite.

>> No.16134757

can we list some specific names please.
Identifying the problem (with specific names) is half the battle.

>> No.16134760

>the usual smearing tactic to conflate an academic interest in a an unorthodox topic to dismiss their words on an unrelated topic.
Why are these fallacies only ever called out in places like 4chan? Doesn't anyone in academia have an ounce of balls to point out obvious character assassination's via fallacies ?

>> No.16134834

Have you done any sort of research or worked in academia? Academia is generally about putting up a front to acquire funding and pretending you've got something going on, while in reality whatever product or papers you've produced are a total shitheap. I worked at a research group where one PhD just consistently chose one of his best performing students, made them write a paper 'because it'll be good for your experience', put his name under it, and made them cite previously papers he (or rather the previous students) had written to make his papers seem more trustworthy. Then he'd strut around like he had done a great thing and should deserve his PhD. Their final product will literally never work out because it's a failure and could be implemented by a dedicated team within a year. They've been working on it for 4 or even longer. All just farming uni funding and grants and got knows what.
It's a pyramid scheme built on the back of students who just want to graduate..

>> No.16134884

Go through the faculty and graduate student roster in every prominent Universities in the country. Scrutinize major business schools and centers for international affairs, and there you will find a lot of foreign faculty pushing for DEI policies.
Remaking blacks as irritating fifth column in the United States means also never teaching people about realities of racial science.

>> No.16134905

Can you give an example of this instead of vaguely gesturing

>> No.16134906

How would this be relevant to the broad skill base you're trying to build in an introductory biology course? Everyone knows there are genetic differences between races, retard, problem comes from midwits like you who think that means black people are genetic subhumans or whatever.

>> No.16134913

Take a look at UVA McIntire School of Business.
>Reza Mousavi
Active iranian agent. Where do you think the astroturfers come from?
Take a look at their publishing histories.
Princeton President, board of trustees, etc etc.
>Christopher L. Eisgruber
His response to the events in the middle east?
What about Penn State administration and their nonsensical DEI policies as well as that of University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon?
The whole senate hearing events calling on UPenn, Harvard, and MIT heads was just the beginning.

>> No.16134914

You can also take a look at the University of California system, and places such as ASU or University of Chicago.
University of Columbia in NYC is another big one. Track Obama's educational career.

>> No.16134964

imagine actually providing sources when your conversational opponent is a communist to whom truth doesn't matter
He's a lying filthy disgusting worthless person who lives in a fantasy land and is okay with destroying everyone else like the commies did in the Soviet Union when they killed 20M people because they didn't need grain or something lol idk they weren't true communists anyway else they wouldn't have been killed by the capitalist system!
These people their entire existence is a fraud, a scam, and a lie. That's why
never ever provides his own sources
yet criticizes your posts by demanding sources
because he's a liar and a manipulative loser
he won't respond to your posts
he won't because he doesn't have the knowledge or the possibility to lie his way out so he'll just flee to another dumber target whom he can convince with his disgusting lies and smugness
there is no truth to theses people and that's why the fascists put them up against a wall and killed them all. That is the only real answer to lies.
>Everyone knows there are genetic differences between races
uh-oh a hecking wrongthink! biological race doesn't exist you chud! But reactions to medication can be race-based. But race is a social and NOT a biological construct.

>> No.16134973

>blacks can't speak english
>ok, they can speak english

>blacks can't understand or appreciate music other than drums
>the african banjo becomes the primary instrument of country music

>blacks can't read
>ok, they can read, so let's make sure we any who learn to read

>blacks can't write
>ok they can write, keep them out of our schools though

>blacks can't beat us in boxing, it takes too much discipline and training
>james jeffries gets BLACKED

>blacks can't beat us in baseball, it takes too much precision to hit the ball
>negro leagues take over baseball

>blacks can't compete in any precision sport, they lack the fine musculature
>tiger woods
>simone biles
>arthur ashe

>well blacks cant do science

the last thing white people want is a level playing field. i wonder how far back the goalposts have to move before they finally stop lying?

>> No.16135006

>no argument
>80iq screeching
oh lawd we've got a peculiar buck begging to be broken

>> No.16135087

It really doesn't matter anyway if it's a commie faggot on a fishing expedition. People should be made aware of how there's a lot of cleaning up to do.

>> No.16135097

Academia got taken over by the bureacratic cult who value pieces of paper instead of actual research.

That's fundamentally what I think our problem is a bunch of bureacratic dictats who have bulilt up a system of expansion without action.
I know It sounds vague but that's what it seems to be at least from my perspective.

>> No.16135102

1. African isn't a race, Black is, and it includes more than just Africans
2. It's genetic distance "between the races", not "from the "race" even if it were. Clearly genetic distance has fuck all to do with race.
3. Subspecies isn't a measure of genetic distance, but breeding isolation. Black people don't only breed Black people, as I am sure your browser history is well aware.

>> No.16135158

just after your first point i know you didnt read what the image said
SUBSPECIES, you moron

and to your third point - yes they did, for 99% of their history (150 thousand years+)

>> No.16135196

Everything flows from DEI policies and polarization of society where entitled idiots act as if they are treacherous medieval peasants instead of honorable individuals.
Whoever pushes DEI policies need to be excluded from decision making positions, period.

>> No.16135220

Didn't read all that niggershit, but the 5 string banjo (which country music uses) was invented by Joel Sweeney. Who was white. So, keep reaching.

>> No.16135260

that's only a later metastitisation of the administrative cult disease

>> No.16135498

sounds similar to money laundering.

>> No.16135533

As I said Black people don't only breed Black people, as I am sure your browser history is aware.
>just after your first point i know you didnt read what the image said
Motherfucker, the top of the image says "genetic distance between races", you illiterate gibbon.

>> No.16135601

That graph isn't about all of the genes, just isolating a certain protein pair production, so its pretty misleading for what you are trying to claim.
The usual claim is that there is more genetic drift within the races than between them, so you should have a graph of that if that is what you want to debate.

>> No.16135613

I call bullshit on that since Africa has the highest ethnic and genetic diversity of any continent. All other ethnicities are outliers.

>> No.16135654

This is considered arcane knowledge as far as I can tell, it is hyper relevant by all measures but cannot be earnestly discussed

>> No.16135658

>the highest ethnic and genetic diversity of any continent
People talk about this a lot but I would like it fleshed out a bit, clearly Africa is large and has a great deal of varying biology, but what makes them so much more dissimilar than Europeans for example?

>> No.16135795

twinky niggers will be bred if they don't shut the fuck up and sit down, yea.

>> No.16135973

NTA, and I can't speak too much on genetic distance, but it sort of makes sense when you consider it from the "Out of Africa Model." Assuming humans have been around for roughly 300k years and all Eurasians descended from a small handful of clans leaving Africa around 80k years ago, that would create a substantial genetic bottleneck in their ancestors. Whereas you have the rest of Sub-Saharan African population comprised of all the proto-humans representing all 300k years of speciation. Remember genotype to phenotype isn't necessarily 1:1, so you can have a lot of physical diversity represented by relatively less genetic diversity.
Also, on the concept of genetic diversity and hybrid vigor, this doesn't necessarily equate to better or more fit (for humans, at least). Recall the idea posits that organisms with higher genetic diversity have a better chance of surviving new adversity (changing environment, new predators, disease, etc) because there is a higher chance some in their population will have traits (or the genetic capacity for them) that are suited to adapting to said new challenges. It is all rather largely based on chance. Humans are unique in that we don't have to let things fall to chance. We can influence our environment, exert power over it and shape it to our will in ways no other species can. We can leave flooded areas, build air conditioned houses to escape the weather, cure diseases through medicine, and produce a relative abundance of food during drought. In fact we have tamed and distilled probability itself into a well understood discipline. Now, which peoples have invented and advanced these things the most? If you have out any serious study into the history of science and mathematics you know that 90%+ of all STEM related endeavors are the product of European ingenuity. No other peoples come close. I guess next would probably be Semites or pajeets, and then Chinese/ East Asians, and after that the remaining aggregate is negligible.

>> No.16135991

>Humans are unique in that we don't have to let things fall to chance.
Pandemic accidentally your whole argument. Accidentally what? Your whole argument.

>> No.16136043

It,'s a minsinterpretation of basic cladistics terminology.
Basically when Clade B and C share a sommon ancestor "BC", and BC shares a common ancestor with A, you say that B and C are more closely related to each other than either is to A. Even if, for example, A, B and BC all end up retaining the same basal/primitve features and C is the outlier, or even if A, BC and C all lived closer in time to each other than B did

Humanity is divided into the African genotypes (clade A) and everything non African (BC). And clade A contains a whole bunch of genotypes, that's what's being referred to in the misinterpretation. There's a lot of variety in A, but all of those varieties are more closely related o anything else in A than in BC, and viceversa.

>> No.16136112

kek i was just about to say it

>> No.16136139

>he believes in sea serpents
have you never seen one?

>> No.16136153

I dont believe you can represent races as points in some 2D graph. Mathematically the information is too complex to represent it with a coordinate (x,y) pair.

>> No.16136304

If you look at the axis labels you'll notice that this is a plot made using principal component analysis.

>> No.16136413

What race am I? My ancestors were Italian, Greek, German, English and Scottish. I don't belong anywhere and these regions were always opposed to each other religiously and culturally. I've already been bullied off multiple sites for being pale yellow

>> No.16137034

Every single political ideology throughout history based on racism has failed. But not yours, right? Yours will surely succeed.

>> No.16137038

>using principal component analysis.
what is that?

>> No.16137041

>Every single political ideology throughout history based on racism has failed.
Define failure. I say nationalism is basically a form of racism and its been successful in an evolutionary sense, because its the overarching ideology on earth. Its basically nor rejected by anyone and those who do are ostracized as "world government" shills or anarchists.
The idea of a nation state wasnt so widespread before, people were tribalists or loyal only to a city. For the most part countries overlap with racial identity, real or imaginery, as you see people referring to people from other countries as if they were fundamentally different. Someone from Canada will be referred to as "a canadian" before using any other adjectives.
While nationalism isnt racism, these two ideologies overlap a lot.

>> No.16137042

>I say nationalism is basically a form of racism
In fairness, you are an idiot.

>> No.16137054

How is nationalism not a form of racism? I will explain why nationalism is a form of racism: Because if its actually believed and practiced it becomes an extension of tribalism, but on a larger scale. Nations come to self-identify as a large ethnic group and/or become one through intermarriage.
Countries where you can see multiple races together are not nationalistic, for example Brazil or the United States, where people's self-segregate and think most parts of their "beloved" country and "beloved" people are horrendous. Most people in fake countries would rather self-segregate or break-away. It was the same in the USSR, which larped as a nation while keeping internal passports to keep churkas and tatars in their territories far from european russia.
So as you see, nationalism can be sort of fake when forced on multiple ethnic groups, where people fake patriotism, but becomes stronger when the country is more homogeneous.
I rest my case.

>> No.16137083

go to /pol/ if you want to discuss politics

>> No.16137725

We don't need you and we owe you nothing.

>> No.16137757
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grow up

>> No.16137816

every ideology based on racism in the past 1000 years has failed but this time you'll succeed right?

>> No.16137889

>Darwin classified the various different human races as different species.
And? You think we haven't learned anything new since Darwin? lmao

>> No.16138024

>every ideology based on racism in the past 1000 years has failed but this time you'll succeed right?
ethnostates seem pretty stable
"multicultural" hell holes aren't

>> No.16138059

>ethnostates seem pretty stable
Japan is the closest thing we have to an ethnostate and their bitrthrates are some of the lowest on earth lol. By the time gen A reaches adulthood, they'll be crushed under the weight of the elderly.

>> No.16138099
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, 99761ED4-6794-4DE0-B6B9-257E5DDA74F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah japan the "ethnostate"

>> No.16138230

This is why we have to replace everyone with 45 IQ niggers.

>> No.16138334

>How is nationalism not a form of racism?
You're an idiot.

>> No.16138335 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 1307x1488, antiracist man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16138382

Why do you think Japan is allowing people in now? Their own population isn't reproducing fast enough to keep the economy and health care from collapsing.

>> No.16138570

Because of the liberal hegemony and central bank mafia

>> No.16139283

Lol no it doesn't

>> No.16139284

why does your kind come here to post this nonsense constantly only to get laughed at till you accuse everyone of disagreeing with you of being a paid shill or something
how empty is your life

>> No.16139303


>> No.16139346

Why is it somehow so controversial that different groups of humans separated to greater or lesser extent for tens to hundreds of thousands of years are somehow genetically distinct?

>> No.16139350
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Because the groups who'd fall into demise from this fact (Jews, Africans, Polynesians, Indigenous) are in power and want to halt evolution as much as possible.

>> No.16139513
File: 277 KB, 850x472, Amerindians-exhibit-the-lowest-KIR-diversity-among-worldwide-populations-Tables-display.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's less about dissimilarity and more about being less "bottlenecked" compared to everyone else. As >>16135973 highlights if the waves of populations leaving Africa were a fraction of the original population in Africa then every subsequent move to another part of the world would result in another bottleneck.

This seems to be the case as Amerindians have both the least genetic diversity of all global populations and the most recent migration evidence. Which results in observations seen in pic where low KIR alle diversity for immunoglobulin antibodies exists. Which could explain why the disease impact of colonization hit them harder compared to Africans.

This is also why the chart in op is not exactly what it seems. The distance between Africa and the rest of the world genetically reflects those bottlenecks.

The subspecies of animal comparison should also be notated since Chimpanzees, Leopards and Elk are not as widely distributed as Humans nor as populus either. So it stands to reason they would have lower genetic distance to each other compared to humans. As a matter of fact the more appropriate species of Animal to compare humans with are Common Cuckoos as they exist in the tens of millions are distributed throughout the continents of Africa, Europe and Asia. Along with them having their own races (gentes) that like humans skirts the line of subspecies classification.

>> No.16140531

I'm glad we can agree israel is a racist state

>> No.16140959

The concept of race has no biological basis in humans.

DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another. There also is no genetic basis for divisions of human ethnicity.
—Human Genome Project

Time for the racists to update their outdated beliefs and embrace the 21st century's cutting edge scientific progress.

>> No.16140984

>850 individuals
What happens when you up the sample size?

>> No.16141003

sounds like more lewontin fallacy nonsence

>> No.16141004

>no consistent patterns
How is that possible when most people can take one look at a black or an asian and immediately know they are black or asian?

>> No.16141017

Economies are not a function of population size. So tired of hearing this argument.

>> No.16141019

Regression towards the mean (that OP picture already is close enough to the mean).

>> No.16141386

>Economies are not a function of population size.
No, but they reply on a functional level of productivity, which is hard to accomplish when half of your population is geriatric.

>> No.16142238

You don't think increased advances in automation and robotics will dilute this ?

>> No.16143460

Japan doesn't need any immigrants. Immigrants wouldn't help the older population there anyway, the immigrants would rob and abuse the elderly Japanese

>> No.16144661

How come countries used to violently repel invaders, but now they're supposed to want immigrants?

>> No.16144690

>The usual claim is that there is more genetic drift within the races than between them
Could you explain what this means to me? It's seems that the claim is that a random white person is more related to a random non-white person than another random white person. That makes 0 sense to me. Yes, I know humans in Africa have high genetic diversity but aren't there general genetic trends outside of Africa? The idea is that productive countries tend to have certain genetic traits like high conscientiousness and IQ that are extremely rare in most African tribes.

Now saying th

>> No.16144798

Only in Western science. In Chinese scientist circles for example this is commonly known and taught. You guys just feel guilty for conquering the world and now your pathetic attempts at virtue signalling cloud your science.

>> No.16144952

Because the financial parasites such as the tengu need to suppress native groups otherwise they would be in a lot of trouble.

>> No.16145168

Not an argument

>> No.16145343

I believe it means, strictly proportionally speaking of course,that there exists more genetic variation within races than between them. Not sure if that's actually true, or if so if it actually has much meaning

>> No.16145348

But I'm not those people, darkie.

>> No.16145352

That's literally lewontin's fallacy, it's used to dismiss between group differences

>> No.16145358

Yeah well, jews gonna jew

>> No.16145411

So... what is he wrong about exactly?

>> No.16145412

I doubt anyone ever said these things

>> No.16145418

Did colonialism and slavery fail?

>> No.16145419

>How come the world isn't the same as it was in 1334
I'm sure you can figure it out, little dude.

>> No.16145424

Japan has higher birthrates than Spain.

>> No.16145425


>> No.16145428

Also the most ethnically diverse country is Uganda. Would you rather live there or in Japan with their dreadfully low birthrates?

>> No.16145434

So is Spain also gonna become this depopulated wasteland that people imagine Japan will be?

>> No.16145442

No, because they'll bring in immigrants, just like Japan is doing.

>> No.16145446
File: 162 KB, 759x560, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immigration doesn't meaningfully change the % of working age population.

>> No.16145447

>Immigration doesn't meaningfully change the % of working age population.
Yes it does, as your graph shows.

>> No.16145448

You are only proving my point when you choose to answer to me and not give an argument. An admission that you dont have an argument.
Nationalism is essentially racism.

>> No.16145452

seven percentage points (when cramping the extremes) isn't significant. Especial considering US population would need to increase to 700 million in like 40 years.

>> No.16145457
File: 62 KB, 602x213, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

media age is also pretty much unaffected by high levels of immigration.
For perspective, the median ages of Finland and Norway have larger difference than this

>> No.16145458

Why do you hate people who are happy to live among their own kind?

>> No.16145463

Their standards of living are also one of the highest on Earth.

>> No.16145478

>Source: Day [1992]
Because they are cowards.
Then why are their suicide rates so high?

>> No.16145504

>Then why are their suicide rates so high?
Because there aren't enough niggers around (duh)

>> No.16145558

We don't need you and we owe you nothing.

>> No.16145604

Blacks will win

>> No.16145650

>an argument
Whether or not you are an idiot isn't up for debate. You're an idiot.

Putting forward an argument would legitimize the idea you aren't an idiot as potentially on the same mental level as your average human, or even dog, and that shouldn't be done.

Obviously I could explain why you're an idiot, but you've done a better job of that than I ever could. I have nothing more persuasive to add.

>> No.16145680

>blacks can't speak english
They can't. They can imitate it, but they can't speak it. Ebonics is their native tongue.
>african banjo
Kek. You know who made that claim? Dena Epstein. One person made this claim with very little evidence. She was a zionist and did what she could to disparage white culture.
>blacks can't read
The only ones that can have some white in them.
>blacks can't write
See above
>blacks can't beat us in booxing
Had to beat a retired boxer that hadn't fought in 6 years and lose a ton of weight, and the canadian that was sick. Kek.
>negro leagues joined baseball, not took over
Best baseball player of all time is the Babe. The best baseball players of all time are white or mestizo.
>tiger woods
Half chinese
>simone biles
Fucking kek
>arthur ashe
Legitimately good, but everyone has a little white in them
>blacks can't do science
Best they have is Tyson, and he's a damn fool. I only bring any of this up because you say
>level playing field
Yet the whites never did get one in almost all of your examples.

>> No.16145847

>They can imitate it, but they can't speak it. Ebonics is their native tongue.
Going by this logic, Americans in general can't speak English either, since the language you faggots speak doesn't sound anything like what Bongs speak.

>> No.16146446
File: 127 KB, 1088x1105, speilmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey japan need immigration because i made up a fake catastrophe that won't happen for another 50 years so you can't prove me wrong

>> No.16146730

Difference is we aren't imitating the English language, we just improved it. Meanwhile I know some Britons that speak "English" and I can't understand a fucking word. Language evolves, but blacks devolved it.

>> No.16146997

>we aren't imitating the English language, we just improved it.
No, you are imitating it, and you made it worse.
>Meanwhile I know some Britons that speak "English" and I can't understand a fucking word.
Yeah, because you're illiterate like most Americans.

>> No.16146998

>that won't happen for another 50 years
It's happening now lol. Retired boomers are very much starting to overwhelm working populations.

>> No.16147002

I see you doubled down on proving you dont have an argument.
Nationalism is a form of racism.

>> No.16147007
File: 24 KB, 240x251, 1712381479873101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we aren't imitating the English language, we just improved it.


>> No.16147014

Of course nationalism is a form of racism you burk, it comes from natal or birth, a nation are a people of shared blood and heritage, the ancients knew this modern bureacratic corruptions have sought to dilute the the intrinsic nature of it by warping it through the nationstate to a point where somehow it just means a fucking passport.

Racism is normal and good it's abuse is a cynical attempt to label ethnic preference as a bad thing because it poses a threat to the control structures of those who feel threatened by ethnically homogenous peoples

>> No.16147024

Why are you arguing with me?
I said nationalism is a form of racism, you say it is and argue with me, call me names and get defensive. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.16147115

I have probably read more books than you.

>> No.16147121

appalachian are celtic heritage aren't they?

>> No.16147125

Reminds me a little of my great uncle.

>> No.16147157

It's already happening my dude.
Only 80% (or maybe less) of the population of Spain is made of actual Spanish people.

>> No.16147173

Not related to what asked. Please stay on topic.
Why do you hate people who are happy to live among their own kind?

>> No.16147198
File: 96 KB, 851x1024, fallout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, roaches like you are not welcomed here.

>> No.16147228
File: 49 KB, 900x526, undertherug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are complete useless vermin. Kill yourselves to reduce the carbon footprint.

>> No.16147315

I don't, I'm just stating a fact.
Im also European and prefer to live among my own kin. It's not my fault that the elites keep leting millions upon millions of non-Europeans in.

>> No.16147360

>This guy believes in something unrelated that's probably not true
>Therefore race science is the same thing as cryptozoology
Would be a good tactic if real world experience didn't disprove it

>> No.16148030

no they aren't

>> No.16149111

The ((((people))) shilling immigration constantly circulate that lie, but they have no evidence of its truth, they just continuously restate their falsehood as if it were fact and thats the only reason anyone ever believes in it, because of the repetition of the lie

>> No.16149854

Goebbels talked about how they use the and repeat the big lies to make you believe them.
it's an often misquoted speech they use it to imply that they were the ones pushing the lies

>> No.16150125

archetype of ad hominem right here.

>> No.16150134

Did you forget to read the 17 words before your quote?

>> No.16150468

NTA, but if I were a betting man, I would reckon the folks at The HGP are being overly scrupulous in their assessment of what could be considered"consistent patterns of genes across the human genome," especially in light of the two following facts/questions:
1) how inconsistent are these patterns compared to patterns of other hegemonically accepted mammalian subspecies?
2)given the ethnic background of the head of The HGP, and the fact it remains one of the most expensive/funded scientific endeavors of all time, could outside influences with interests in competition of the absolute truth have influenced the interpretation of the data?

>> No.16150517

repetition is the most effective brainwashing tool.

>> No.16151240

This, the globohomos have been shilling the "Japan is on the verge of collapse from too many oldies" meme since the 1990s and it has never been true. Japan is just fine. The think that would mess up Japan would be flooding it with immigrants who hate the indigenous Japanese and want to convert Japan into a colony of their home country, which is what is happening in Europe and in California

>> No.16151296

There are only few entities of organic intelligences such as respiratory, digestive, reproductive and decay systems (AI is from dead decay like - tears, or sweat etc of body but related to time, what they call - X) that are like dopplegangers of Time or like numbers or wizards that collectively project reality and they have their own spectrums in soul energy and they have their mini versions in mortals. Thats what they mean by therm - They live and those spectrums of soul energies are covertable like in math such as a base of a particular number system can be convertable into other base, for example base - 4 to base - 6, except its related to soul energy spectrums.

>> No.16152382


>You : Well it's a bit misleading as your model is being distorted by neutral genetic drift ...

> Poltard: huurrr duurr points to the jpeg showing the genetic distance between Coyotes and Wolves. Proof SSAs are not Human.

>> No.16153539

>everything is about politics because i'm obsessed with politics

>> No.16154249

This, the posters on this board that are constantly screeching about /pol/ are the ones who need to gtfo back to where they belong

>> No.16154391
File: 73 KB, 500x645, 9C606436-3ACE-4688-938D-A09CFABFDB6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry loserpants, I can't hear you over the sounds of me ordering this Bluray on AmaZOG

>> No.16155276

>everything is about politics because i'm obsessed with politics

I clearly said this. My criticism isn't even that poltard exist nor have opinions, but rather that they don't have the knowledge to truly understand the subjects they're talking about.

>> No.16155313

Franz Boas.

>> No.16155363

>add a string to the banjo
the niggers welcome you to their ranks.

>> No.16155371

If only white people would stop lying about black people...

>> No.16155382

Can you not go full schizo when a intro class doesn't bring you up to speed on the latest or niche area of their field? Why would a beginner class cover in depth the how and why's of species classification when you have so much material to cover. I do think btw the minute difference between races and ethnicities should be talked about more since I find it cool but please come back to reality.

>> No.16155472


You forgot that blacks single-handedly laid the foundation of all modern music, all while american whites still made them sit at the back of the bus

>> No.16155483

Don't forget 85% of zoomer slang. What an accomplishment!

>> No.16155488
File: 979 KB, 866x844, water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know this guy is christian, right? He believes in a prophet who was God and a bearded man in the sky who is also God
>you know this guy is jewish, right? He believes in sacrificing red cows and that he can use non-jews as slaves
>you know this guy is muslim, right? He believes in a prophet who talked to an angel in a cave and split the moon
>you know this guy is an atheist, right? He believes that one day everything just exploded and that's how everything came to be
>you know this guy is agnostic, right? He is literally too afraid to believe in anything
Do you just dismiss everyone?

>> No.16156126

semites are not white, semites are an asian race
there isn't even a semitic nation that shares a border with europe.

>> No.16156291

and the other frankfurt schoolers

>> No.16157129
File: 19 KB, 220x293, hideous kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there isn't even a semitic nation that shares a border with europe.
They do share borders with Africa though, thats why Semites have fat lips, dark complexion, low IQ and curly hair like Africans

>> No.16158137

Stop noticing things goy

>> No.16158383

Blacks can't imagine not having breakfast.

>> No.16158413
File: 59 KB, 680x680, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16159849
File: 122 KB, 431x600, obama 2008 early primaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

negroes didn't do that, they couldn't have since they don't control the media

>> No.16159860

you guys are gonna be dead eventually, how about do something you WANT to do instead of "arguing" about things that you don't like, which you're powerless to change anyway?

>> No.16160325

We deserve our own homelands and self determination too you weasel kike

>> No.16161273

It basically means that you're not allowed to distinguish races unless you had one race that was filled with genius level IQs and another race that was filled with gorilla tier IQs. Which is just plain stupid and arbitrary.

>> No.16161439

jomons are so fucking based

>> No.16162276

this what? You graph shows many things. What is the "this" specifically? Also, WHAT'S THE SAUCE OF THAT DIAGRAM?
>Why are we never taught this in academia ?
sauce for that bold claim, please, because I was taught about much in that diagram, in academia, by academics.

>> No.16162314

frankly, why does it matter?

>> No.16162550

Theres not any rules like that, whatever rules exist change conditionally based on whats worst for whites in any given situation

>> No.16162601

>the last thing white people want is a level playing field.
That's also the last thing black people want. And asian people. And hispanic people. And women. And men.
Turns out people are generally guided by self-interest and take action to bend circumstances in their favor. Who knew?

>> No.16163329

Thats how the jews' white genocide scheme works

>> No.16163630

These axis aren't numbered. And what do PC1 and PC2 mean anyway?
Nice pseudoscience.

>> No.16163643

>Black people don't only breed Black people, as I am sure your browser history is well aware.

>> No.16164191

because i don't want you to.

>> No.16164538

Who monopolizes the publishing industry?

>> No.16165390

It's a PCA you raging doof

>> No.16165396

How come scientists recognize subspecies in all those other species, but not in humans?

>> No.16166468

because their funding would be cut off if they didn't obey

>> No.16167414

He is absolutely correct there are biological races. and the most cucked race of them is the "white race" they are the weakest most small wiener backstabbing and violent of all the races. That is why they are so good at wars , they are pitbulls of humans . ABSOLUTE VERMINS.
anyone who replies to my post has niggers tongue their anus

>> No.16167671

Esentially, the variance of individuals within a group is higer than the variance of the aggregate of the groups. This is in fact true, but whenever that is an argument for the invalidity of race is a different, more subjective matter.

>> No.16168016

You would be living in stone age conditions if it weren't for Europeans sharing their glorious technological achievements. If you were dealt such an unfortunate hand as being born Sub-Saharan African you would likely be castrated and cleaning filthy Arab outhouses or eating grubs if you werent already enslaved by them.
It amazes me how so many people are ignorant to what the world was like before the Industrial Revolution and European Enlightenment. Do you think other races had a hand in these advancements? If so you are very ignorant of history.

>> No.16168084

>Ebonics is
A remnant of cracker culture. People said "aks" instead of "ask" and "acrost" instead of "across" in the brittish isles centuries before anyone had even seen a black person even less had crossed the Atlantic.