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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 165 KB, 998x1230, att_mocmxh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16118177 No.16118177 [Reply] [Original]

>hey goy, protein is bad for you
gee, thanks for the warming, soiyence

>> No.16118192

>Some science is bullshit therefore all the science is bullshit
Your IQ is going through dark times must be the eclipse.

>> No.16119888 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 600x598, 1704099409879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16119897

Are you crying that no one else responded to your garbage dumb?

>> No.16119898

What a doodooshit thread

>> No.16120433 [DELETED] 

Soience shills this same fear porn about literally every heathy food.

>> No.16121234 [DELETED] 

All that shows is that onions protein is bad for you, which everyone already knows

>> No.16121901 [DELETED] 

Right, protein from meat isn't bad for just because goyslop protein is toxic

>> No.16121934
File: 206 KB, 1079x1505, 1693010140753729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some science is bullshit
Congratulations, you've taken the first step :^)

>> No.16123070

>my experiment shows that this toxic commercial basedslop causes cancer
>that means you shouldn't eat steaks
why is ((((science)))) like this
why can't they just report what their experiment really found instead of publishing outright lies?
also everyone already knows that toxic commercial basedslop causes cancer

>> No.16123078 [DELETED] 


>> No.16123086

>posted with my smartphone

>> No.16123112

>why is ((((science)))) like this

>> No.16123164

So milk protein is bad for you?

>> No.16123805 [DELETED] 

who controls the funding?

>> No.16124903 [DELETED] 

All that says is that eating goyslop is unhealthy

>> No.16124914

>people couldn't afford lots of meat in the past
>they were skinny and healthy in the past
>in year 2012+12 people eat more meat than ever before
>obesity, cancer and mental illness at an all time high
Checks out.

>> No.16126123 [DELETED] 

none of that is true

>> No.16126741 [DELETED] 

>I only breathe polluted toxic urbanite air that turns you into a moron
>that means air is bad for you
>I eat goyslop protein from estrogen beans
>that means protein is bad for you
just goes to show you how far scientists are willing to go to shill toxic unhealthy messages on the general public.
>and then one day for no reason at all everyone voted for scientist genocide

>> No.16126760

The biggest disparity is people didn't have snacks in the past. Also they didn't sit on their ass for hours

>> No.16127831 [DELETED] 

Which everyone already knew, but regardless that some soience faggot wasted a fortune to get their name on a paper in journal that nobody reads

>> No.16127848

That's still binary but it's nice to hear that post-menopausal women are now officially considered men.

>> No.16128643 [DELETED] 

>stop eating the same foods humans have evolved eating for the past 4 million years because this plastic estrogen food substitute causes cancer
why are scientists so determined to constantly lie and manipulate?
why can't they do anything decent with their lives?

>> No.16129918 [DELETED] 

>Some science is bullshit therefore all the science is bullshit

>> No.16129941
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, Quest Diagnostics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about this instance but often it's a case of the old game "telephone" where the message gets altered each time it is passed along. A few years ago there were lots of articles in the media that men's beards were full of feces. When the origin of the story was tracked down, it turned out that cultures were taken from a few men's beards at a local tv station in New Mexico and the analysis returned a list of bacteria found. A worker at Quest Diagnostics was asked about the bacteria and he said some of them were the same type found in feces. The tv station didn't bother to ask if the bacteria are naturally found on the skin (they often are), they instead ran a story about beards being full of shit. This type of story is catnip to the media so it rapidly spread worldwide that "Science Says Beards Contain Poop" instead of "the beards of a couple of people at a tv station in New Mexico contain common bacteria that can also be found in many places, including feces, just like water can".

>> No.16129946

Mental illness was caused by leaded gasoline and brain drugs

>> No.16129954

Why does leaded gasoline affect mostly liberal women?

>> No.16129967


>> No.16129972

Wrong, you are forgetting that animals used to roam freely pretty much everywhere, you could barely open your mouth without eating meat before 90% of species went extinct since 1900.

>> No.16129973

>Real science has never been tried.
Science is what science does.

>> No.16130882 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 960x864, science-vs-soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

science and soiyence are two different things. op pic is an example of soiyence.

>> No.16132135 [DELETED] 

>science and soiyence are two different things
they're opposites

>> No.16132194

Its highly likely the study is honest about this, the problem almost always lies on the media which is owned by very few people with the very same agenda.

>> No.16133429 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 745x997, replication crisis journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its highly likely the study is honest about this.
no it isn't, soientists voluntarily and willfully created the replication crisis. blaming journalism is a dumb attempt at scapegoating anyway because all soientists do at their professions is publish lies in academic journals.
soientist = journalist

>> No.16134212 [DELETED] 

>soientist = journalist
If all anyone ever does with their life is write articles then a journalist is pretty much what they are, aren't they?

>> No.16134520

This phenomenon is the logical conclusion of reductionist thinking. Modern soientists believe that if you isolate a bacterium or a cell, you can extrapolate all kinds of things from that one piece of information. It's the same reason the mainstream believes that dietary cholesterol causes heart disease. Because cholesterol was found in diseased heart vessels, so it was assumed that any cholesterol you take into your body driectly feeds into atherosclerosis. But they never considered the possibility that cholesterol was the body's response to damage. Many such cases, and the moral is to design studies to actually look for specific causal links between real-world things (like, for example, showing an actual causal connection/mechanism between consuming eggs and heart disease, rather than just assuming that 1 molecule is the culprit). Empiricism is king. Reductionism is mental illness.

>> No.16134788 [DELETED] 

are you talking about 90% of the population aka peasants who weren't allowed/couldn't afford hunting like nobles did? And who were stupid, weak and in poor health usually

compared to nobles who feasted on meat and were well off? phew, it's almost like they're trying to do the same nowadays and brainwas peasants into thinking meat is not what our big brains evolved on

>> No.16135538


>> No.16136625

It was tried back in the 1800s when science was recognized as an extension of Christianity and when everyone know that non Christians could not execute the scientific method faithfully.

>> No.16137942 [DELETED] 

>beards contain water
If thats true, why is Saudi Arabia so dry?

>> No.16138636 [DELETED] 

>It's the same reason the mainstream believes that dietary cholesterol causes heart disease. Because cholesterol was found in diseased heart vessels, so it was assumed that any cholesterol you take into your body driectly feeds into atherosclerosis. But they never considered the possibility that cholesterol was the body's response to damage.
important information

>> No.16139615

The old scyence bait and switch

>> No.16141196

Why is soiyence always getting caught lying and being disingenuous like that?

>> No.16141474

daily reminder; evolution is still jsut a theory
science is fake and gay

>> No.16141477

>>in year 2012+12 people eat more meat than ever before
They eat hyper processed foods too. Oreos are vegan btw

>> No.16141563
File: 273 KB, 967x1203, air protein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other protein news, the FDA has approved protein generated from captured carbon.

>> No.16141835

Seed oils and toxic pesticides. Welcome to the retardation of the modern world. Everything is poisoned.

>> No.16143060
File: 329 KB, 423x739, but muh sneed oils.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protein literally is bad for you. It's far more difficult to process by your body than carbohydrates. Stupid snake oil salesmen and insecure betamales have convinced themselves meat is healthy and bread is death because the grifters are trying to use masculine insecurity to sell product.

The fact is, the human body doesn't require that much protein to function, unless you're a growing juvenile or building mass for some reason (even then not so much as people think - the average male gorilla is more buff than any human ever will be, despite being like 99.9999999% herbivorous).

Too much protein causes all sorts of negative bodily reactions. It's like over fertilizing your lawn. You're actively damaging your tissues. Carbohydrates are the body's favored energy source and too much carbs just makes you gain fat, which is a natural response. A high protein diet is highly unnatural for a human. Vegetarians that are slightly overweight are healthier than meatfags with 3% body fat, who inevitably die 20 years younger.

>> No.16143141

Yes anon Jesus invented science we know

>> No.16143666

>Protein is bad for you
Post body

>> No.16143684

>the average male gorilla is more buff than any human ever will be, despite being like 99.9999999% herbivorous).
This myth again. You never learn do you? The reason why gorillas maintain muscle mass is 1) genetics 2) they eat a gorillion calories to get sufficient protein from low protein sources.
>trying to use masculine insecurity to sell product.
Masculinity = quality of life and therefore a valid concern. Selling products other than unprocessed meat, eggs and plants is a scam of course.

>> No.16143689

>posts retarded picture of a guy that suffered from a genetic disorder
People like you are pushing an agenda, and my time on the internet(since 1996) has been dedicated to calling you faggots out. Keeping a diet solely on one type of food is going to be unhealthy no matter what you do. Carnivore should be done only for a few weeks to understand your body's health and you slowly add new things over time. We need all of it. A vegetarian diet is not natural and difficult to maintain without food processing and ignoring the fact we are omnivores.

>> No.16143754

>the average male gorilla
Anon confirmed for extra chromosome

>> No.16144003

Coping fatty

>> No.16144012


>> No.16144023

Retard. And protein isn't hard for it to metabolize, its just that your body wants it when it gets it

>> No.16144025
File: 14 KB, 417x334, c4d991efebfed332bc4f5932440f93b3cc32985cr1-417-334v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oreos spotted in the 'read

>> No.16144878
File: 119 KB, 720x720, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protein literally is good for you. It's far easier to process by your body than carbohydrates. Stupid sneed oil salesmen and insecure betamales have convinced themselves carbs are healthy and bread is good because the grifters are trying to use fear of appearing to have masculine insecurity to sell gay products.

The fact is, the human body doesn't require that much carbs to function, unless you're a growing juvenile or building mass for some reason (even then not so much as people think - the average male gorilla is more buff than any human ever will be, despite being like 99.9999999% herbivorous since they target plants with a high protein content, especially nettles, instead of eating carbs).

Too little protein causes all sorts of negative bodily reactions. It's like under fertilizing your lawn. You're actively damaging your tissues. Carbohydrates are the body's favored energy source and too much carbs just makes you gain fat, which is a natural response. A high protein diet is highly natural for a human. Vegetarians that are slightly overweight are far less healthy than people who don't have eating disorders, which is why vegetarians inevitably die 20 years younger.

>> No.16145980

>muh food groups muffuguh
>muh precious precious food groups
grow up

>> No.16146064


>> No.16146065

Why are YOU like this? So easy to manipulate? Look at OP's image, he cut off much of the text and focused on one thing in order to craft it into a pseudo-political point.

>> No.16146071

>It's far easier to process by your body than carbohydrates.
That's literally the opposite of true, on a basic fundamental level. You have no idea what you're talking about, as further evidenced by your use of the phrase (double checks post to make sure you're actually that unprofessional and uneducated) "sneed oil".

>> No.16146859

>the average male gorilla is more buff than any human ever will be, despite being like 99.9999999% herbivorous).
Gorillas spend half of each day eating.

>> No.16146864

>half of each day
by half of each day you mean 90% of the time when they're not sleeping.

>> No.16146865

>Meat, Cooked Foods Needed for Early Human Brain
>Eating meat and cooking food made us human, the studies suggest, enabling the brains of our prehuman ancestors to grow dramatically over a period of a few million years.
>Although this isn't the first such assertion from archaeologists and evolutionary biologists, the new studies demonstrate, respectively, that it would have been biologically implausible for humans to evolve such a large brain on a raw, vegan diet and that meat-eating was a crucial element of human evolution at least 1 million years before the dawn of humankind.

>> No.16146866

Pretty much
Eat, sleep, eat, sleep

>> No.16146881

the food "scientists" were also the ones who got paid by cereal companies to literally made up the food pyramid bullshit where carb and sugar are considered essential and should be eaten the most.
any "sciences" outside of physics related disciplines should be looked with distrust and skepticism.

>> No.16146887

oh shit, and they said breakfast were the most important meal of the day as well.
maggots weren't doing sciences, they were pushing propaganda to harm everyone for a meager amount of money.

>> No.16146890

heroine was pushed by big pharmas as miracle treament for everything

smoking was also pushed as a healthy treatment for everything

fucking maggots don't know shit. they're just paid and bought to push a certain narrative for money. I repeat, do not trust any "sciences" that are not physics. physicists in the 1800-1900s wanted to understand the universe and pierce the veil of creation, the neo breed of "scientists" just want money.

>> No.16146894

So what? Drinking too much water is deadly, yet water is necessary for life. There is a healthy balance to the things you consume.

>> No.16148048

i feel like crap a couple hours later if i just have oatmeal for breakfast and i don't even put any sugar in it except for what sugar is in a banana if i add one of those.
if i have eggs or steak for breakfast then i feel great all day, don't even get hungry for lunch

>> No.16148051

just eat what your instincts tell you, fuck science

>> No.16149131
File: 484 KB, 2048x1509, Trump Steaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steak for breakfast
excellent choice

>> No.16149259

Eating muesli in yoghurt, mixed with a scoop of protein powder, does the job for me. At least that might be a way of getting carbs and protein at once.

>> No.16149267

I've been experimenting with carnivore diet and my skin problems and dandruff cleared up...
I slacked off the diet a little and the dandruff came back, kinda curious patterns

>> No.16150746

>Eating muesli in yoghurt, mixed with a poop

>> No.16152242

Eating meat makes you healthier because humans evolved on a carnivorous diet for millions of years

>> No.16153596

All that proves is that goyslop is bad for you.

>> No.16155183

Why is goyslop even legal if it causes cancer?

>> No.16156044

Because Goyslop Inc. pays off the government.

>> No.16156140

so they proved seed oil causes cancer lol

>> No.16157178

I had steak for breakfast today

>> No.16158292

>drinking grapefruit juice is bad for you because we fed a bunch of people coca cola and they all died of cancer
contemporary scyence logic

>> No.16159811
File: 54 KB, 474x585, physics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

physics isn't trustowrthy, they'll lie about anything too

>> No.16160370

It's literally true, on a basic fundamental level. You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.16160372

>Look at OP's image, he cut off much of the text and focused on one thing in order to craft it into a pseudo-political point.
So he's doing what every newspaper does and your criticism of his satire directly attacks the credibility of news organisations? You understand that, right?

>> No.16161596
File: 213 KB, 1080x912, Trends_in_dietary_fat_sources_and_obesity_in_the_US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16161598

This is not at all the problem (although it's very closely related to the problem). The problem is ultraprocessed foods which are causing obesity, not vegetable oils and fats. It's just that vegetable oils and fats are commonly used in ultraprocessed foods.

I just don't want the misinformation that somehow vegetables are to blame and we need to eat more meat. Vegetables are fine. Ultraprocessed foods are not.

Great chart though. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.16161643

>I just don't want the misinformation that somehow vegetables are to blame and we need to eat more meat.
Why do you specifically want them to eat *less* meat though as you imply in >>16124914

>> No.16162722

what do sneed oil devotees have to say about this?

>The problem is ultraprocessed foods
sneed oils are ultraprocessed foods

>> No.16162742

OK, tell us what ingredients in the processed foods are so bad?

>> No.16163454

meaningless scare word
step it up to gigaprocessed next time

>> No.16163460
File: 51 KB, 720x404, 06bce0a21e807b1ba13b322bc9e2f878[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My worldview has unironically shifted into pic related over the last 5 years.

>> No.16163467

>meaningless scare word
It has to be used because when you say processed foods are bad, disingenuous midwits just say retarded shit like, "All food is processed! Removing meat from an animal is a process! Cooking is a process!" So you have to specifically say things like "ultraprocessed" to brute force past their wilful ignorance.

>> No.16164300

wew fucking lad

>> No.16164337

>hegel's "science" has been plunging the world into misery for over a century, therefore real, actual, normal science is at fault
no... no it is not

>> No.16164474

So the science that's been done exclusively for more than a century isn't the "normal" science because...?

>> No.16165294

>this much of a cringe "because reasons" excuse
ultracringe posting on /sci/ should be discouraged

>> No.16165659

The more processed and refined a food is, the more nutritionally depleted and inflammatory it becomes.

>> No.16165667

Missing the forest for the trees.
Highly processed food with a cocktail of preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners, and other additives is bad for you. Natural milk protein, as found in milk, is fine when eaten in reasonable amounts.

>> No.16166482

goyslop causes health problems, real food does not

>> No.16166500

Here comes Chad from the next door gym. if I had a penny for everyone who said the same thing.

>> No.16167449

You will never be an egg producer. You will never be a breeder.

>> No.16167947

>t. gigacringe

>> No.16168595

If I eat animal fats for breakfast I don't get legitimately hungry until more than 12 hours later. sneed oils do not produce that same effect

>> No.16168628
File: 20 KB, 300x242, Burger-Fries-and-Soda-©-neelece-wordpress-com-300x242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "meat" people eat today

>> No.16169691

>meat is bad for you because i only eat sneed oil filled goyslop

>> No.16170466

Thats typical goyslopper logic

>> No.16171469

Whats superlative prefix that can top giga or ultra?

>> No.16171498

Protein is bad for you if consumed in excess. The ingredients is a nothing burger. The main thing about protein is that while good, in excess amount can be hard on your kidneys and other organs. What people should do is find a balance so that it doesn’t destroy your body.

>> No.16171500

>causes cancer
No such evidence unless you consume a bazillion times a day.

>> No.16171549

Literally everything causes heart attacks and blood clots except the vax. How did Pfizer do it?

>> No.16172059

>while good
Essential. Not good, essential.

>> No.16173073

even if the amount of the goyslop needed to cause cancer were small, that wouldn't mean that steaks cause cancer, it would only mean that goyslop causes cancer

>> No.16174269

Soience faggots accept bribes from the goyslop industry to blame healthy foods for the medical problems caused by goyslop because the people producing healthy food don't pay bribes and the goysloppers do.

>> No.16174281

Ig-to-the-nored! Most medical research put out there—especially what gets reported by the media—is garbage that will be rightfully dismissed as garbage in a few years, sometimes even months.

>> No.16175218

The one on OP pic has already been dismissed by OP

>> No.16175235

>t. has never read a scientific article.
This is the news written by journalists and not the conclusion of the scientific study, which is probably much longer and more objective.

>> No.16176398

people who produce decent products are not motivated to cheat and undermine their competition in the same way that the goysloppers are

>> No.16176512

What's excessive? I drink a protein shake with 50-60 grams of protein pretty regularly. I eat meat probably once a week otherwise, with beans and tofu making up the most of my non-shake protein.

>> No.16177581

>it bad for you if consumed in excess.
by definition
name anything that isn't bad for in excess.
you can't because if its not bad for you then it isn't excessive

>> No.16178071

>hey goy, eating steaks is bad for you, too much protein
but also
>eat the bugs goy, they're good for you cause they're loaded with protein

>> No.16178290


Essential for what?

>> No.16178508

Essential for maintaining every single structure in your entire body. Unlike fat and carbohydrates, protein can't be stored in the body so regular intake of sufficient protein is essential to overall health.

>> No.16178510

You know what else is hard on your kidneys and other organs? Canola oil, glucose syrup, sugar, and sweeteners.

>> No.16179103

>sufficient protein
which is way lower than what big mike on youtube is telling you it is

>> No.16179130

When I started getting more than 120g of protein per day I improved my health significantly. Of course, I only got that protein in the form of whole foods (particularly meat) and not any powders or other concentrated slop. I agree that you don't need your body weight in grams of protein like /fit/fags will tell you, but I think you need a lot more than the 50g or so that's recommended by government standards.

>> No.16179168

If you eat too many banana's you may get irradiated.