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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 191 KB, 1290x1362, Percent-Of-Stations-Reaching-950F-350C-Vs-Year-1895-2023-At-All-US-Historical-Climatology-Network-Stations-Red-Line-Is-10-Year-Mean-max-95-min-0-prcp-0-snow-0-y2-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15997079 No.15997079 [Reply] [Original]

Why has it cooled off so much since the 1930s? Is the next ice age starting?

>> No.15997104

yes, google milankovich cycles ice age or something like that and you’ll see we’re in a trend

>> No.15997225
File: 120 KB, 963x1026, Greenland_ice_sheet_temperatures_Vinther_et_al_2009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a much better explanation of why the Greenland ice sheet is 2º cooler now than it was at it's peak temperature 8000 years ago than global warming is.

>> No.15998448

global warming is fake af

>> No.15998988
File: 1.73 MB, 1750x1686, mj2xVIcu5SRU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Greta realizes global warming is fake these days

>> No.16000101

imagine being so dumb that you still believe in global warming in 2024 when global warming was declared in the 1980s and the weather hasn't changed at all since then. even zoomers are old enough to have figured out its fake by now

>> No.16000106

We are literally living in an ice age now mate. This is an unusually cold period of Earth's geological history.

>> No.16000178
File: 41 KB, 564x377, Ice_Age_Temperature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we already are in an ice age called the quaternary ice age, which began 2.5 million years ago. right now we are in what is called an interglacial, which is a period of slightly warmer temperatures in between periods of glaciation within an ice age. interglacials usually last a few thousand years and eventually come to an end and earth cools down again (next glaciation or glacial period), the current interglacial, called the holocene, began nearly 12,000 years ago, so we are due to another glacial period any time now. the last interglacial before ours lasted for approximately 15,000 years.

>> No.16000353

>graph created by the Friends for Carbon Club
>no source whatsoever
>not even a header, could be about anything
>Greta didn't say climate change wasn't a concern, she just said genocide was something she could stop immediately
>no source graph

>> No.16000761
File: 93 KB, 436x497, sourcejak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16001027

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.16002220

I'm sure the jews are quaking in the boots given how effective gretchen has been at making people give up their cars in order to appease her chicken little doomsday fantasies

>> No.16002384

>Percent Of Stations Reaching 95.0F (35.0C) Vs. Year
>build more stations in cold regions
>fewer stations reach an arbitrary temperature threshold
>what a surprise
But ok, I don't blame the Tony Heller repost bot. The true disingenuous retard is here: https://realclimate.science/2024/01/25/record-breaking-1931/

>> No.16002962 [DELETED] 


GRETA (fucking cracker bitch die) is fucking ugly btw - you whites have fucking lost it all

>> No.16003391

The source of all of those accusations is described here

>> No.16004191

if you want to be racist you should go to >>>/b/

>> No.16005554

Zoomer here, I can confirm that, the weather is the same now as it was when I was a kid

>> No.16005565

Can you deboonk the papers saying otherwise?

>> No.16005617


>> No.16006873

The replication crisis debunks all academic publications

>> No.16007219
File: 78 KB, 1290x1362, Jun-Aug-Percent-Of-Days-Above-900F-322C-Vs-Average-Maximum-Temperature-At-All-US-Historical-Climatology-Network-Stations-max-80-min-0-prcp-0-snow-0-y2-1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16007241

LMAO, you have zero credibility.

>> No.16007266
File: 138 KB, 662x880, IMG_5511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-israel activism

>> No.16007540

What is the percentage of days above 32.2°C in three particular months at these particular weather stations supposed to tell us? The definition certainly feels like typical Tony Heller cherrypicking, but I don't even get his point this time. Stations in warmer climates both show more hot days AND a higher peak temperatures? Sure, the station on a mountaintop will have a low number of days above 32.2°C in some range of months, but also have a lower peak temperature than one in a desert. That's common sense and not the typical deboonking where one in 1000 plots he makes shows a stalling/decreasing trend.

>> No.16008479

you are too low iq to understand science

>> No.16009436

The irony

>> No.16009847

you are too low iq to understand that too

>> No.16009872

I understand the irony. Do you?

>> No.16009892

Justify that metric and explain why just using the average temperature is insufficient.