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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15964295 No.15964295 [Reply] [Original]

Total Peregrine Death Edition

Previous - >>15960571

>> No.15964304
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>> No.15964308


>> No.15964309

with the

>> No.15964311 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.15964312
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Vulcan BE-4 killed Astrobiotic

>> No.15964314
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>> No.15964317
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Total old space death


>> No.15964319

lil bro is upset :skull:
you will never launch a payload to cislunar space

>> No.15964325

Are they the ones who made moon lander that was too fat to function?

>> No.15964327

It's over for ULA.
It's over for Blue Origin.

>> No.15964328

This isn't even true. Frontier provided the engines, but Astrobotic hasn't indicated if it's a failure of the engines, tanking, valves, etc...


>> No.15964330

Could Dianetics and Blue Origin be working in cahoots? They dont want Astrobotic competing with their lunar lander so they killed it with vibrations and worked in plausible deniability jnto their plan

>> No.15964333

Remember the self proclaimed aerospace employee ranting about shoestring budget and fixed price.
Yet you outsource core components of your spacecraft like you're Boeing.
How much did they pay Dynetics 10$M? 20?

>> No.15964334

>proposal had components with negative mass

>> No.15964338


>> No.15964339

It's over for old space.

>> No.15964347

Eventually the actual engineers will leave the thread and all we'll be left with are the unemployed SpaceX retards

Can't wait

>> No.15964350

All engineers left months ago

>> No.15964351

anti-anime fag drove them all out last year

>> No.15964353
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>tfw Shaken Payload Syndrome

>> No.15964354

Someone make a Peregrine gijinka girl with a ruptured asshole and a blue used condom in her asshole

>> No.15964357

Engineer in training YWNGTS fraud

>> No.15964359
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seething so incredibly

>> No.15964360
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im still here. what kind of engineering questions do you have?

>> No.15964364

Who are you and where do you work?

>> No.15964365

Idiots opened the wrong valve with their emergency sun pointing command

>> No.15964366

Samefag fraud that will use ChatGPT to answer questions so that he can try and change public opinion about his awful spam

>> No.15964368

>activate propulsion system
>lose sun-orientation immediately after

its clear there was some explosion or something

>> No.15964369

I'm Paul Wooster, SpaceX
Afraid to ask me a question? Strange reaction

>> No.15964370
File: 80 KB, 866x600, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineers moved to X and/or boomer forums
The same applies to creative people, like drawfags.

>> No.15964371

>implying /sfg/ wasn't anything more than a cheerleading platform

>> No.15964372

>green frog holding beverage.png
bruh look at this dood

>> No.15964373

Someone find his LinkedIn

>> No.15964374
File: 2.38 MB, 640x360, chewing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it.

>> No.15964375
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>> No.15964377

>nobody cared all that much about the Vulcan launch
>the payload is floundering even
Just kill ULA off already. It's clear that nobody gives a shit.

>> No.15964378

I love wojacks and basedjaks. can you make a cobson one? Gem!

>> No.15964380


>> No.15964382

i can prove it if you ask me an engineering question

>> No.15964383

Wasn't Europa Clipper moved away from SLS to Falcon Heavy due to SLS having a too "perfect delivery" (read: shaking the shit out of the payload)?
I remember reading something about that

>> No.15964386

loitering without having to use propellant is probably pretty good

>> No.15964387

That was a complete and utter lie by the scientists who wanted to launch their payload but didn't wanna wait until after the artemis launches. Because sls cadence was low and waaa waa waaaaaaaaa

>> No.15964388
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>the actual engineers

>> No.15964390
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>> No.15964395
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Imagine what will happen blowbackwise when Vulcan kills the Aretemis astronauts haha

>> No.15964396

>put dogecoin on the lander
>Anomaly hits and critical propellant loss
Like pottery it rhymes

>> No.15964399

>random ula mousepad i got from one of their stands at a convention is totally proof that i work at ula
fuck off

>> No.15964401
File: 323 KB, 800x834, Reddit wins the moon race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That's one small step for Chan. One giant leap for Chankind."

The other guys just won the social media Space race:

> More than 150 mementos are flying in the Peregrine Mission One (PM1) DHL MoonBox containg individual MoonPods. Reddit user Adam Brodin filled his MoonPod with the best replies to his post on the website about what to send to the moon. Dogecoin, a digital currency themed around a meme that first went viral on Reddit, is sending a physical coin that was underwritten by its fans.

>> No.15964402

you think a dogecoin punctured the tanks??

>> No.15964403

Do you want me to post my badge? Eat a dick

>> No.15964404

sure bro

>> No.15964408


>> No.15964409

Better to crash this thing than Alpaca-chan.

>> No.15964410


>> No.15964413

A simple timestamp on a mouse pad would do.

>> No.15964414

>doesnt actually post it in response

>> No.15964415

Galileo or Einstein? Vulcan MD or Upgrades?

>> No.15964418


>> No.15964420

Ashes of the deceased count as a dead payload.

>> No.15964421

you could repurpose "russia strong" for this

>> No.15964422


>> No.15964427
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It seems like there's no paper at ULA.

>> No.15964429

Einstein, MD is upgrades.

>> No.15964430

are any of yall going to the astra awards? hosted irl show by tim dodd everyday astronaut?

>> No.15964431
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The current state of caucaso-mongoloid spaceflight
>Russian lunar probe: crashed
>Japanese lunar probe: freefallen
>Murican lunar probe: not even reaching the moon

Meanwhile India succeeded on a budget without redeeming.

>> No.15964433

Yeah because posting a time stamp on the mousepad I got from the tech show means something

>> No.15964435

its called Chandelier 3 for a reason

>> No.15964436

Fake ass twat

>> No.15964439

Then take a selfie and post it here.

>> No.15964440


>> No.15964441

Be jealous bitch my rocket worked perfectly

>> No.15964448

post your anime folder

>> No.15964449

>newfags dont know about ULAnon

>> No.15964450

>rocket worked perfectly
>shook the payload to death

Choose one

>> No.15964451

Stop larping as ULA employees, it's cringe

>> No.15964453
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In other news, hypersonic space plane startup Venus Aerospace tested a rotating detonation engine


>> No.15964455

Navajo codewalkers killed the lander
Ghost of the ancestors

>> No.15964457

I saved all the Vulcan girl pictures I could

Cope harder

Trust me if I was going to larp it'd be as someone else. You faggots hate us

>> No.15964463

>Cope harder
I'm not the one coping, the poor moon lander team is.

>> No.15964466

Do you even know the history of ULA?

>> No.15964470

Yeah you and that astra nigger tooootallly work at your companies and definetly arent trying to fake it as hard as possible for attention on /sfg/.
>Look you guys hate these companies I definetly work at that means Im not lying!
Youre such a transparent liar.

>> No.15964475
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Former Astrobotic employee here. Feeling a little wistful that my shit isn’t going to the moon but I’m not 100% surprised. It’s a pretty small company, and the only thing they’ve made that’s actually gone to space is a tiny drone on the ISS.
Fingers crossed that the theory about this being Dynetics fuckup is correct

>> No.15964476

We need TND (total namefag death)

>> No.15964477

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.15964479

>another free convention knick knack for proof
lol this shit doesnt work stop pretending to be an actual engineer fat basement dweller

>> No.15964480

Why do you find it so hard to believe that I work at ULA? Its a weird thing for you to be so butthurt about

>> No.15964483

You still have yet to post actual proof nigger. Lets see that badge

>> No.15964484

post your old role and your favorite conference room

just stop taking the bait man this general is full of retarded spacex kiddies

>> No.15964486

do you uhhh…. know what a namefag is?

>> No.15964487

Would you ride on a Vulcan?

>> No.15964488

What is wrong with this place?

>> No.15964489

I dont work for space

>> No.15964492
File: 340 KB, 2560x2009, PressureVessel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like in 2023 NASA can't even build a pressure vessel that doesn't fucking explode. LOL...

>> No.15964494


>> No.15964495

I consider it any recognizable form of posting on an anonymous, especially if it revolves around a noun i.e. 'astranon' or just a name like 'b*rkun' or 'anon that works at ULA' so yes he is a namefag and he needs to be thrown out the airlock

>> No.15964497
File: 422 KB, 1462x960, RDT_20240108_0215315102323397802816394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This didn't age well!

>> No.15964498

if they stuck a dragon capsule on it, sure. not in a starliner or dream chaser

>> No.15964500

Stop posting this awful wojak

>> No.15964502

Not gonna jeopardize my career by posting proof, believe whatever you want. Is it really hard to believe a couple of us would be lurking here? Most of the employees at new space companies are millennials, and for all it’s faults this place is a really good aggregator for breaking news

>> No.15964503


>> No.15964506

I missed this whole or deal. I have 2 questions:
1) What is the significance of Vulcan launching (other than it finally fucking happening).
2) What was the payload?

>> No.15964507

Yes it fucking is show proof or youre a lying bastard and should never bring this up again.

>> No.15964508

SpaceX stans BTFO by ULA Chads

>> No.15964509


>> No.15964510

>What is the significance of Vulcan launching
Shows that the BE-4s work and that's about it. Prepare for BO buying up ULA in the future probably.

>> No.15964512

Nobody is asking you to break ITAR, lol

>> No.15964514

Why don't you go fuck off any play engineer somewhere else?

>> No.15964517

>favorite conference room
enceladus was comfy

>> No.15964519

no i do believe you and work at Astrobotic and am trying to find out who you are (i have a hunch, software man)

>> No.15964521

based enchilada respecter

>> No.15964522

There are probably many employed engineers but significantly fewer actually in aerospace

>> No.15964523

>Most of the employees at new space companies are idiots
that was already self evident based on your results, but thanks for admitting it. Whats your schedule for paying back the billions you're wasting through your incompetence?

>> No.15964524

By my count there's 2 ULA engineers and 2-3 current/ex- Astrobiotic employees.

The Astrobiotic employees are more impressive, considering there's only ~260 of you.

>> No.15964525

C'mon man it's just a career, it's gonna be worth the (you)s you'll get

>> No.15964527

>samefagging replies too
I can notice these messages type the exact same. Get your samefagging game up lil bro

>> No.15964528
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Can someone give me a QRD on why the last thread had so many replies?

>> No.15964529

Jessie posts her revealing pics on instagram and you're afraid?

>> No.15964532

Kek, tempting

>> No.15964533

Something happened in space.

>> No.15964534

Vulcan maiden launch that was literally it

>> No.15964535
File: 6 KB, 618x118, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to strangle you

>> No.15964536

Starship got Btfo by Vulcan and all the underage posters were seething about it

>> No.15964537

>Starship got Btfo by Vulcan
How exactly?

>> No.15964541

By destroying its payload.

>> No.15964542

another prediction of mine comes to fruition, I said at the beginning of 2023 that Vulcain will not launch in 2023 and it did not.

>> No.15964544

By working

>> No.15964545

4chan is one person
Something big happened shortly after we hit bump limit so we got all the bump limit posts plus all the happening posts

>> No.15964546


>> No.15964548

Does someone know a site where I can bet on rocket launches?

>> No.15964549

you're right, starship isn't as good at shaking it's payload to death. vulcan wins.

>> No.15964550

Starship is far superior to Vulcan at destroying payloads, I will concede that W

>> No.15964551

What is inspect element? Wouldve been more believable if you phonefagged

>> No.15964553

you didn't read his post right, vulcan is the one that destroyed it's payload, starship hasn't held any payloads yet because spacex is responsible enough to only launch payloads when they're sure their rocket won't shake it to death, unlike ULA.

>> No.15964555

I read that Vulcan also destroyed its pad.

>> No.15964556

because glowniggers have to send hired shills to promote their mediocrities as worthwhile, otherwise everyone would be pointing out how worthless and lame the glowniggers mediocrities are

>> No.15964559
File: 466 KB, 2650x3057, media_FwIxWS4WwAA2Jna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's so pretty
she's so popular

>> No.15964560

see this meme >>15964497

>> No.15964562

Bad design, should be wearing a skirt.

>> No.15964563


>> No.15964564

stalin was popular too, he was still a fucking commie.
and look, she's wearing red too, probably shook that little lander to death on purpose to spite capitalism.

>> No.15964565
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>> No.15964566

Why dont artists start a patreon and include naked versions of these girls

>> No.15964567

Should've contracted the Russian priest to counter the Injun heya-heya shamans.

>> No.15964568

What's the similarity between a pitbull and a Vulcan rocket?

>> No.15964569

Too bad she delivers parcels like a parkinson patient on speed.

>> No.15964570

the meme that aged like milk because vulcan destroyed it's payload?

>> No.15964571

She’s sporty and tomboyish. she needs the shorts for activities

>> No.15964572
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>> No.15964573

Go back

>> No.15964575

they both shake things to death?

>> No.15964576

Payloads on IFT-1: 0
Payloads on IFT-2: 0
Payloads on Vulcan Cert-1: 1 primary payload, 1 secondary payload, 20 secondary payloads on the primary payloads and if you start dicing that up (some of those secondary payloads on Peregrine had multiple daughter payloads as well) you are north of 22 payloads

Vulcan 22 - Starship 0

>> No.15964577

I'm hearing on L2/X that Vulcan pogo oscillations and fluid hammer caused the damage to the payload. What do you guys think?

>> No.15964579

Yes you will, fat nigger troon

>> No.15964580
File: 757 KB, 1077x1200, 110134198_p9_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would peregrine fair better under her?

>> No.15964581

i already came back, where do you want me to go next?

>> No.15964585

Vulcan is more comparable to Falcon 9 than Starship.

>> No.15964586

>Everything I don't like is inorganic glowshills
We informally refer to the engine heat shield as "the shorts" so that's on brand at least

>> No.15964587

both should be put down permanently

>> No.15964589

A troon artist would have a western tumbler artstyle doe and she would be black and fat

>> No.15964588

payload success rate:
starship: 0 attempts, 0 failures
vulcan: 22 attempts, 22 failures
starship success rate: 0
vulcan success rate: -22

>> No.15964590

Vulcan CERT-1
Falcon 9 Zuma
Which was more successful?

>> No.15964591

So is there any actual proof that the lander was damaged by Vulcan or is this all just antagonistic shit posting

>> No.15964592

I'm not the one that brought up Starship

>> No.15964595
File: 302 KB, 595x843, dfdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no proof, just muskrats seething as usual

>> No.15964596
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The first mission of Falcon 9 was a full success, including the Dragon.

>> No.15964597
File: 13 KB, 599x527, 95741996_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If youre gonna spam rocket girls, can you stop spamming the same 3 or 4? There are 100s to choose from

>> No.15964599
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x1280, db0hij2-0def4895-4289-412e-9dbd-2e3454436fd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My collection is limited.

>> No.15964600

>he's still seething that his favourite pork rocket is as stable as a jackhammer
idk what to tell you anon, starship hasn't destroyed any payloads, vulcan destroyed its very first one.

>> No.15964602

>The Wall Street Journal reported that the design was very sensitive to vibration and sudden shocks, and had a development cost approaching US$3.5 billion.
> The fate of the spacecraft is not publicly known.

>> No.15964603

I only have the ones from sbarky
If i type rocket girls on google, all i get is some Chinese idol group
if star, then only ship! :fire:

>> No.15964604

>The rocket & payload designed by the same company functioned better than the payload designed by (((literal whos)))

>> No.15964606

> an unnamed government official said that it had re-entered the atmosphere over the Indian Ocean,[10][22] possibly due to a failure in the payload adapter provided by Northrop Grumman in detaching from the second stage.

oh, old space at it again I see

>> No.15964607

Boing strikes back
>United has found loose bolts and other parts on 737 Max 9 plug doors as it inspects its fleet of Boeing jets following the rapid depressurization aboard an Alaska jet, according to three people familiar with the findings.

>> No.15964608
File: 32 KB, 1119x320, Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 12-59-33 Navajo Nation’s objection to landing human remains on the moon prompts last-minute White House meeting CNN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They warned us bro.

They are right you know? Now someone is in space forever his soul to wander the total emptiness void.

>> No.15964609

Pretty sure that will destroy your engines too if it's that severe

>> No.15964611

In 2010 SpaceX was literally who.

>> No.15964612


>> No.15964613

If successful, the commercial mission scheduled to launch Monday — dubbed Peregrine Mission One — will be the first time an American-made spacecraft has landed on the lunar surface since the end of the Apollo program in 1972. But Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren said that allowing the remains to touch down there would be an affront to many indigenous cultures, which revere the moon.

“The moon holds a sacred place in Navajo cosmology,” Nygren said in a Thursday statement. “The suggestion of transforming it into a resting place for human remains is deeply disturbing and unacceptable to our people and many other tribal nations.”

>> No.15964616

And had way more to the lose than the company given a free pass by NASA to "take shots on goal"

>> No.15964618

What the is going on with this company?

>> No.15964620

How the fuck do you fail to torq bolts to their spec?

>> No.15964622

Ask the DEI department.

>> No.15964623


>> No.15964624

Corporate greed

>> No.15964626

This thing was cursed never involved human remains!!

Two different companies, Celestis and Elysium Space, are launching space memorial missions on board Peregrine. That includes DNA from legendary science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, as well as the trace cremated ashes of the creator of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, and several members of the cast, including Nichelle Nichols, best known for her role as Lieutenant Nyota Uhura. The mission will also endearingly include longtime Star Trek fan Gloria Knowlan, a mother of eight from Vancouver who died 12 years ago, and whose family wanted pay tribute by including her remains on the flight. Hair containing DNA samples that are believed to be from George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, and John F. Kennedy will also be on the flight.

The Moon burial starts at $12,500 for Celestis, while Elysium Space’s lunar memorial service costs $11,950.

no refunds

>> No.15964627

the whiplash these retards will feel when they are relieved of this affront to their retarded, primitive culture only to have people drawing dicks on the lunar surface with rovers in the future is going to be delicious.
if space travel get cheap enough that i can someday go to the moon, even if i'm on my deathbed, i will personally steal one of these navajo relative's bodies from a morgue, take it to the moon, burn it up, then throw it on the surface and piss on the ashes, videotape all of it and then send it to every navajo connected to the internet.
the moon belongs to the white man, fags.

>> No.15964630


>none reusable


>> No.15964635
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>> No.15964637

you bring up a good point
destroys itself, doesn't have payload
destroys itself, also destroys payload

>> No.15964638
File: 841 KB, 1290x1678, IMG_1701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



> (1/4) We’ve received the first image from Peregrine in space! The camera utilized is mounted atop a payload deck and shows Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) in the foreground.

> (2/4)The disturbance of the MLI is the first visual clue that aligns with our telemetry data pointing to a propulsion system anomaly.

> (3/4) Nonetheless, the spacecraft’s battery is now fully charged, and we are using Peregrine’s existing power to perform as many payload and spacecraft operations as possible.

> (4/4) At this time, the majority of our Peregrine mission team has been awake and working diligently for more than 24 hours. We ask for your patience as we reassess incoming data so we can provide ongoing updates later this evening.

>> No.15964640
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_1702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it supposed to look like that all bent up?

>> No.15964642
File: 103 KB, 657x932, 008831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol they made a bunch of separate posts

>> No.15964646
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>> No.15964648
File: 12 KB, 815x83, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't too far off. Depending on the trajectory there's still a possibility it could crash into the moon at some point. Regardless this is still a win for Vulcan even if the payload was fucked up.

>> No.15964650

So AB confirmed it was a prop anomaly that caused their issue? Or was there leakage reported in telemetry prior to them doing whatever they did

>> No.15964660
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>> No.15964661

no the moon belongs to asians

>> No.15964666

China has won...

>> No.15964678

the anomaly was caused by excess vibration inside the payload fairing.

>> No.15964683
File: 494 KB, 1025x3227, IMG_7528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This really feels like the “end” of Delta and Atlas :(

>> No.15964685

Do it. No balls

>> No.15964687

if you could've you would've done it already, this is a bluff and you're a nigger.

>> No.15964688
File: 1.11 MB, 1302x2018, Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 22-35-49 Moon Manifest Astrobotic Technology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15964691

no it belongs to white people, everything does.

>> No.15964694

Not anymore

>> No.15964698

You can have it when you land bugmen on it

>> No.15964699

Seethe more

>> No.15964701
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>> No.15964706
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>> No.15964709

Whats the approximate cost of those two Space Dildos?

>> No.15964710
File: 61 KB, 941x628, GDWMeStW0AADekc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15964712

So what other rockets can successfully launch before starship makes orbit? I'd say Ariane 6 but even I know that won't happen

>> No.15964714
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>> No.15964717
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>> No.15964719
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>> No.15964721
File: 129 KB, 1200x800, GDWPEU2XIAAoGrW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the ranking of these best to worst?
assuming they will reach orbit

>> No.15964723

If anything, Japan lost today.
a) H3 was just proven to be a POS junkie rocket
b) Japan lost yet another payload headed for the lunar surface. This is like 8 times in a row now kek

>> No.15964724
File: 43 KB, 871x850, neutron-blue-flame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15964727

It's mylar sheet.

>> No.15964728
File: 66 KB, 662x931, 008835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Glenn
Ariane 6
Terran R

>> No.15964729

>The disturbance of the MLI is the first visual clue
>It's mylar
You are a nigger

>> No.15964730

Oh I'm sorry, a fucking blanket wrapped in mylar then.

>> No.15964731

2.1 billion?
SLS is basically more expensive than all the other rockets on >>15964728 combined

>> No.15964732

Hint: it's not supposed to fucking look like that

>> No.15964733

The only current configuration of SLS costs 4.2 billion

>> No.15964735

Yeah well rockets aren't supposed to shake payloads like beaten babies either.
It's still a blanket wrapped with mylar, or "Multi-Layer Insulation" if you want to go full AeroSpace Grade(tm) retard.

>> No.15964738

Starship could launch before the end of January and reach orbit
New Glenn is aiming to launch sometime in the first half of this year, H3 is in february I think, Ariane 6 in June or something
Neutron who knows, doesn't seem to be anywhere near launching, haven't even tested the engines yet
Terran R might launch before end of year?

>> No.15964743


>> No.15964744
File: 55 KB, 651x508, 008836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15964747

The Anon originally quoted asked if it should look like that. It should not. Your assertions that it is mylar imply you intended to tell the Anon that mylar folds and should look like that, implying they were somehow lacking in observation or knowledge.
We both know that's about how things went.
The implications we both left out are that photo shows physical damage of the lander -- with the 2nd stage still in view. This means the damage happened either before separation, or somehow during separation.
BO engines beat the payload to death, your only correct observation.

>> No.15964751
File: 132 KB, 599x486, GDUA0bLbUAAgRre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15964753

>PLF failed to vent properly and peregrine experience sudden rapid decompression when the PLF separated
I'm calling it now, this is what fucked their prop system

>> No.15964755

I'm not mylar-anon (he is a retard) but no part of the image they showed has Centaur or any part of the 2nd stage in it.

Peregrine wasn't even powered on until after separation, so it wouldn't have been able to take a picture.

So no - that doesn't prove Vulcan did anything.

>> No.15964757

I wanna drink coffee on a Moon base and look at Earth

>> No.15964762

what kind of coffee

>> No.15964765

Constellation launch: Vulcan>A6>H3
Comsat launches: Vulcan=A6>H3
Medium launches: H3>A6=Vulcan

>> No.15964768

>4 minute test

>> No.15964770

any that doesn't taste like shit. also wanna have a fucking smoke with the coffee. that should be fine.

>> No.15964774

We need smoking rooms in space, fuck the danger

>> No.15964775

I wanna shit a house out my colon and scream

>> No.15964777

Astrobotic is part of National Team's architecture so Blorp has no reason to kill them.

>> No.15964778

when the colony is large enough and oxygen or scrubbers aren't a scarce commodity anymore

>> No.15964780

cmon is that so fucking complicated, having a fucking smokeroom on the Moon? kek

>> No.15964784

Astropussies don’t even bring alcohol to orbit these days

>> No.15964786

Cool. We need more rotating detonation engines.

>> No.15964787

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.15964788

I'm still skeptical of the announced 25 Vulcan launches a year goal, I know they say that it'll be faster with one production line but the sum of peak AV and DIV launches in a year is 13 rockets - or 15 cores. They may eventually break in the 20s of launches a year sometime down the line, but biweekly Vulcan launches?

(Note that I also share this skepticism with Ariane 6's announced 10-12 launch rate; I only believe in H3's 6 launches per year goal because it's frankly modest and already achieved by HIIA)

>> No.15964790

> Then there are Celestis and Elysium Space. These two companies gathered human ashes from families paying to send the remains of their loved ones for an eternal stay on the lunar surface. Celestis says it has the cremated remains or DNA of 66 people onboard Astrobotic's lander. This is a separate set of remains from those that remained attached to the Centaur upper stage heading into interplanetary space.
so where are the ashes going to end up now? assuming Peregrine has no propellant etc left now
some elliptic sun orbit?

>> No.15964791

i worked this program last year (the appendix P proposal). the mass story was excellent actually, but what was in the proposal sucked and if i could have improved it i would have.

that said, jeffy won because he paid 3.5BB for the award, not because he had a better mass story

>> No.15964796

Its “risks” are pretty well-balanced with its benefits, as opposed to something like tobacco

>> No.15964797

smoking a spliff and having coffee while looking at the Earth from the Moon is one of the most human things we can do. we have to accommodate for it. for spiritual/religious reasons or some shit

>> No.15964800
File: 213 KB, 1920x1080, 1704748675724089~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok then whats this? because in my next post i will show you the camera that took this photo and its orientation and show you how it cant be a lander leg

>> No.15964802
File: 1.21 MB, 2761x2263, 1704752401247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI: this bread is 50% ULA insiders

>> No.15964805

Congratulations on the successful failure

>> No.15964808
File: 417 KB, 1200x1286, PeregrineAtAstrotech3~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you see the camera that took the photo, including the red logo, sideways. This camera cannot view the legs from this orientation as they're blocked from view. You can also see the large struts that occlude some of the view.
So if it's not the centaur what is it?

>> No.15964810

We did our part, nobody can fix boing but boing

>> No.15964812

It pretty much is. All the remaining launches are booked and there's now no reason to restart production.

>> No.15964813

Unless you're saying Vulcan broke the fucking legs off the lander because that's the only way you see them from that camera

>> No.15964814
File: 264 KB, 401x321, ess ell ess sls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the goalpost moving people did during the SLS delays.
>SLS will beat F9 FT
>SLS will beat FH
>uhhh... SLS beat startship! We win!

>> No.15964816
File: 34 KB, 460x514, this design was actually studied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't need
Vulcan triple core + SRBs can do the job

>> No.15964817

I love that image

>> No.15964818

The staging events would be amazing on this thing. Shit flying out in every direction

>> No.15964820

How to achieve asparagus staging?

>> No.15964822

>Vulcan broke the fucking legs off the lander

I mean... Maybe

>> No.15964826

Holy shit it's mangled to hell

>> No.15964835

Oh fuck I think I see what happened.
>Astrobotic designs crush core legs capable of handling Earth gravity or lunar descent partial lithobraking
>Astrobotic does not retest the legs against peak launch acceleration
>legs pull propulsion out of place
>valve stuck

>> No.15964836

>The disturbance of the MLI is the first visual clue
For context, what was it SUPPOSED to look like at this phase of flight?

>> No.15964837

Every other CLPS mission is riding on Falcon 9/H
Let that sink in

>> No.15964838

So it confirms: Vulcan is at fault 100%. WOW

>> No.15964841

Flatter and contour hugging. No atmosphere to wrinkle it. No engines running to wrinkle it.

>> No.15964840

Is this even feasible

>> No.15964844

Do you understand how the lander is positioned on Centaur? You literally cannot see centaur from where that camera is pointing. The images you're posting literally show how wrong you are
The legs "deploy" after it separates from Centaur

>> No.15964845

the legs arent carrying the load dumbass, the fuselage is clearly bolted down

>> No.15964849

You're saying the legs "deploy" up into view of the camera.
Away from their needed direction where they already were situated.
Your skin is darker than the blackest night in the south Atlantic.
You immense fucking moron.
Gorilla ape shitskin idiot.

>> No.15964853
File: 576 KB, 836x986, __kasuga_ayumu_azumanga_daioh_drawn_by_beachepisode__e330405dcc17d021681eadf422c52b0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are blatant lies. Vulcan did its job perfectly.

>> No.15964856

So where is the big piece of centaur that you're allegeding the camera can see? Because it's not on any of the encapsulation photos.

See >>15964751

>> No.15964859


>> No.15964867

Michoud was originally planned to crank out thirty Delta IV cores per year. None of the EELVs came close to their original estimated flight rates because of the late 90s constellation failures. Kuiper doesn't seem ready to die yet so Vulcan might have enough payloads for that many launches. The real limiting factor is going to be how quickly Blue can produce BE-4s.

Ariane 6's rate is a lot more reasonable. 11/year is the peak cadence of the Ariane 5 (7) plus the peak cadence of the Soyuz-ST (4). Normally I'd say they don't have a chance of reaching that with Falcon 9 dominating the market, but they've built up a pretty impressive backlog of payloads.

H3 is the easiest success out of all of the new vehicles since it's only real goals are "be domestic so the JSDF can launch its own payloads," and "cost half what the H-2A did."

>> No.15964869

Seems most likely that Astrobiotic didn't test their spacecraft adequately to the environments it would encounter. Not even margin against predictions or poor testing/analysis methodology

And if anything - it would be a shock even that would cause structural issues like this, not vibe. Possibly the PLF separation system

>> No.15964880

what happened

>> No.15964882

Why don't you guys just wait a few days or a few weeks before trying to make a final conclusion on the failure?

>> No.15964883

How the fuck are we already about to pass bump limit I posted this thread only 3 hours ago. THE VULCAN LAUNCH IS OVER GO HOME TOURISTS

>> No.15964889

I don't hate you, I just think you're fighting the last war
flying a rocket designed to compete with nonreusable Falcon 9 in anno Domini 2024 is kind of a faux pas
banking on Congress trying to support the SRB industry or whatever to keep up their competency is a losing bet as the Minuteman fleet is edging closer to retirement

>> No.15964893

It turns out that a lunar lander was a bigger technical risk than a new upper stage or unflown main engines.

>> No.15964894

> >PLF failed to vent properly and peregrine experience sudden rapid decompression when the PLF separated
What is PLF?

>> No.15964896

>Why don't you guys just wait

>> No.15964898

is something going to replace SRB based missiles?

>> No.15964900

is main mission still possible or is it fucked?

>> No.15964901
File: 56 KB, 797x311, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you remind me of the late 90s launch predictions.

>> No.15964902


>> No.15964903

It's probably fucked. They had a propulsion anomaly.

>> No.15964904

Depends on what you mean by main mission, its in space which is technically half of the job done already.

>> No.15964906

>H3 is the easiest success out of all of the new vehicles

Except -- it doesn't actually work. That could be a problem.

>> No.15964907

>what alternative mission profile may be feasible
landing is fucked.

>> No.15964909
File: 666 KB, 569x569, LGM-35A_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it turns out that they're going to replace the Minuteman with something called the LGM-35 Sentinel, and would you guess what kind of rocket it is?

>> No.15964914

>The Minuteman III will be progressively replaced by the new Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) ICBM, to be built by Northrop Grumman,[13] beginning in 2030.[14]

interesting, LGM-35 is a SRB too somewhat unsurprisingly


>> No.15964915

It's a bit weird to declare a rocket nonfunctional after one failure on its first launch. The part that didn't work last year was the upper stage which was imported over stock from the H-2A. Everything new worked just fine.

>> No.15964918

>It's a bit weird to declare a rocket nonfunctional just because it didn't function.

>> No.15964920

>what alternative mission profile may be feasible
Depending on how fucked the propellant system is, it might be possible to crash it into the surface

>> No.15964921

You realize that the engineers who work for these companies aren't the ones who decide what direction the entire company goes? And that decisions on something like a rocket's basic architecture are made so many levels above my hand that there's nothing I can do about it?

Vulcan is a fine rocket with a targeted mission set that SX has to expend a FH to accomplish. That positions ULA well in the market for at least the next decade. It's a poor vehicle for Kuiper launches, but "not being SpaceX" seems to have a value all its own. You should ask SX why that is (hint: hyperaggressive capitalism).

I work on the Reuse - I like the program and see it making bigger strides faster than anything else ULA is doing because we're allowed more off the leash than anyone else has before. But even with that - making the rocket even semi reusable has huge compromises to mission performance (mostly inclination & trajectory - you're limited on how fast the reuse part can re-enter the atmosphere). I think F9's architecture has advantages, but I'm also not a faggot who pretends that F9 and SS are the best do-all rockets ever made. They aren't. They're good at putting things in LEO - SS especially will dunk on any other constellation provider. But they're both trash at the sorts of orbits that Vulcan was meant to dominate in. Explaining away SS's inability to do anything outside LEO without refueling is just cope for a rocket that was designed to do one thing well - put 100 tons in LEO.

>> No.15964922

>somewhat unsurprisingly
No shit. Easy to store, low maintenance, fairly long shelf life, no toxic/corrosive fluids that eat through parts or storage.

>> No.15964923

ram that corpse dust deep moons ass

>> No.15964925

Payload fairing

>> No.15964927

why not use it as a wifi router instead of crash it

>> No.15964930

they could run the mission as planned until they run out of fuel to find what other weaknesses they would have had down the line

>> No.15964931

Laser Anti missile systems will generally lower the volume of missiles most probably, they'll still be used, but more situationaly.

>> No.15964933

solids are the only option for the reaction times a nuclear exchange requires

>> No.15964938

without refueling? but the point is to refuel it, so taking it out of the conversation is pointless
what matters is cost in the end, is the customer going to care SS had to refuel before moving on if it costs 1/10 as much?

>> No.15964939

>what are temperature room hypergolics
They're just harder to stock for longer durations.

>> No.15964940

your local pub
pretty blatant shitposting, you can tell because they're trying to blame vibrations on a liquid rocket engine instead of SRBs or something
yeah bro that's MLI, it always looks like shit
although Astrobotic twitter seems to be claiming it's not supposed to look that shit, so what do I know
very interesting thanks
yeah, new SRBs, why the fuck would Congress pay ULA to pay Morton Thiokol for SRBs when they could just pay Morton Thiokol for them straight
Sentinel Program or whatever, I haven't been keeping up because milproc is really boring
the engineers who work for these companies choose who to work for and what to work on
if you had any integrity you would tell your boss to get stuffed and go design coffee mugs or 3d printed machine guns

>> No.15964941

SpaceX has already launched more rockets in the first week of 2024 than ULA did in all of 2023.

Bezos also already cucked and ordered Kuiper launches on SpaceX rocketd.

>> No.15964944

>please give me 30 minutes to fuel my missiles before nuking me

>> No.15964945

>SpaceX hyperaggressive capitalism is bad
read: we give our congresscritters buttbuddy bux as a reacharound while we fuck them
being more corrupt and communist than your competitors is not a good thing

>> No.15964946

No - if it stays in LEO, it doesn't get refuelled.

If it has to go anywhere but LEO, it has to be refuelled.

"Cost" is always the quoted factor, but considering that again and again Elon's promises about $/kg don't materialize, I'd prefer to use actual facts. And actual facts are that SX quoted almost the same price as ULA for the NSSL phase 2 missions.

And that's still entirely ignoring performance or operations problems like launch slots - if SX is spending all their time launching Starlinks they don't want to give you a slot.

>> No.15964949


>> No.15964950

I work for Astrobotic and I'm cracking up at how far off some of these stupid fucking armchair engineers are. Keep the guesses coming retards

>> No.15964952

So glad that you retards came back after I started posting again. This thread was quiet for a while.

>> No.15964953

it adds 3 minutes tops to retaliation

>> No.15964955

Peregrine and the US Government spit in the face of the Dineh People and against their wishes and against the promises of the white man they launched human remains to land on the moon, a sacred place to the Dineh People.....They fucked around and now they've found out.

This should be a lesson to you white devils...but you never learn.

>> No.15964957

Fuck you we'll do it again next month, get fucked.

>> No.15964958

> why not use it as a wifi router instead of crash it
The Terrain Relative Navigation payload on the perigrine was designed to test out autonomous landing capability for future missions.
There are also a lot of other scientific payloads that were designed to operate during landing rather than on the surface of the moon, so potentially you get a lot of good data on the ride down.
Hilariously, the lander actually included WiFi capability for the cuberover payload, so you are correct that you can use it as a WiFi router, but that probably wouldn’t be very useful in a translunar orbit

>> No.15964959

they are the same price because that is what the military is willing to pay, has nothing to do with cost to SpaceX
this is some turbo cope man, you seriously think Vulcan will be able to compete with Starship? lmao

>> No.15964960

>3 minutes to fuel an ICBM

lol, lmao

>> No.15964963

Your schizo post is hard to read - what point are you trying to make? Because mine was that SpaceX is implementing anticompetitive practices to avoid enabling any real competitors for Starlink. Hence their attempt to strongarm other satellite companies to give up frequency & bandwidth allocations to Starlink for a SpaceX launch. Guess what? They decided to launch on Vulcan instead.

>> No.15964964
File: 154 KB, 1280x583, Nev-R-Fail PLF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The spacecraft is encapsulated in a 5.4-m- (17.7-ft-) diameter payload fairing (PLF), a sandwich composite structure made with a vented aluminum-honeycomb core and graphite-epoxy face sheets. The bisector (two-piece shell) PLF encapsulates the spacecraft. The payload attach fitting (PAF) is a similar sandwich composite structure creating the mating interface from spacecraft to second stage and payload fairing. The PLF separates using a debris-free horizontal and vertical separation system with spring packs and frangible joint assembly and immediately destroys your payload.

> Oppsi daisy!

>> No.15964965

It's just more proof that we were too lenient on the tribes the first time around. I curse your casinos with IRS.

>> No.15964966

you can leave kerosene/peroxide rockets fueled in their silos for months, aerozine/NTO rockets for years, and SRBs for decades
you could probably keep peroxide rockets for a similar duration to the SRBs if you condition or refresh the peroxide somehow but it's REALLY not worth the trouble if you're not going to be moving them out of their silos ever

>> No.15964967

Someone's in the kitchen with Dineh
Someone in the kitchen I knooooow

>> No.15964968

Total Chugger Death

>> No.15964969

3 minutes is fucking unacceptable for nuclear exchanges. You got to go practically instantly.

>> No.15964971

> Hence their attempt to strongarm other satellite companies to give up frequency & bandwidth allocations to Starlink for a SpaceX launch.
this is getting more and more unhinged, do they add LSD in the water at ULA?

>> No.15964972

do you have proofs that SpaceX are engaging in monopolistic and anticompetitive practices like that? you should go to congress and the DoJ with that shit, see if you can get the trust-busting machinery working again
shit would be fucking kino, let's collapse the tech sector

>> No.15964973

If SpaceX was so price completive why did ULA get more launches? Cope harder & I'll believe that your imaginary rocket can do anything but deploy Starlinks when it stops washing up all over the south texas shoreline

>> No.15964974
File: 608 KB, 1304x1446, IMG_1470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ABL looking for monies

>> No.15964975

>SX quoted almost the same price as ULA for the NSSL phase 2 missions

Why would SpaceX give up literal millions in profit when the USSF isn't awarding launches based on price?

>> No.15964976

>I work for Astrobotic and I'm cracking up at how far off some of these stupid fucking armchair engineers are. Keep the guesses coming retards
Just tell us is it an Astrobotic fuckup or a ULA fuckup?

>> No.15964977

>I'm also not a faggot who pretends that F9 and SS are the best do-all rockets ever made. They aren't.
well you're retarded then

>> No.15964983

anticompetitive practices such as launching multiple competitors sats

>> No.15964985

What part of this unhinged? The statement that a company owned & operated by one of the most insane CEOs on the planet, who is famously hyper libertarian, would.resprt to drastic anticompetitive actions to avoid enabling his competition?

You shills really are stupid

>> No.15964986

Starship has nothing do with Kuiper launches lmao
and in fact Amazon did order a couple of launches from SpaceX
why didn't they get more? because they see SpaceX as a competitor and in general it seems like Bezos has been seething towards Musk for a long while now, not getting into orbit and all

>> No.15964987

so like it can't get in lunar orbit even?

>> No.15964990
File: 1.05 MB, 232x150, 7b8cd06a0f616b1af13a15d547034536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ULA, moments before completely destroying Peregrine's propellant system with their payload deploy mechanism:

>> No.15964991

I honestly believe musk doesn't see big enough with Starship production rate for mars colonisation

737 production rate is an ordah of magnitude too lowe at least

>> No.15964993

It happened outside the US so the DOJ doesn't care.

And no, I am not going to post contract negotiations on 4chan

>> No.15964995

you are insane
SpaceX has never done anything anti-competitive, you having EDS does not matter

>> No.15964996

>If SpaceX was so price completive why did ULA get more launches?
Non-market factors (bribes, choosing to prop up an uncompetitive second source, butt hurt about Elon's personal politics).

>> No.15964997

>meme non-appreciator
it's ogre

>> No.15964999

>why did ULA get more launches?

Because there were an odd number of launches.

>> No.15965000

I will tell you... as soon as the appropriate public press release has been posted

>> No.15965001

Nothing about Kuiper in my post

For someone who spends all their time on 4chan, I'm surprised you can't read.

>> No.15965005

your EDS is showing, anon
he'll be fine as long as he gets the failure rate down, the biggest limit is going to be bureaucracy anyway
will the FAA even let him launch and reenter that often? They basically refuse to license reentries without human lives on the line (stuck in space)
based, keep your infosec and opsec tight

>> No.15965006

sure buddy, DOJ doesn't care as they simultaneously go after Musk for stuff on par with using two different colored socks

>> No.15965007

>SpaceX has never done anything anti-competitive
Lol, lmao even
>Everything I don't rin was rigged/a bribe/ we didn't want it anyways

>> No.15965009

Why would Jeff Bezos do something like this?

>> No.15965012

And thus the snake continues to slither.

>> No.15965013

ULA had some advantages like a more proven vertical integration system (their incumbent bonus, basically)

>> No.15965015

don't have to, you're already doing it.

>> No.15965016

SpaceX had to literally sue to have the chance of competing

>> No.15965020

>one of the most insane CEOs on the planet
So you're one of THOSE.

>> No.15965023

can you post a unique identifying code from the unreleased prepackaged press release just to flex on us

>> No.15965024

>Monopolistic behavior is good when Elon does it
>Why am I paying $600/mo for Starlink internet

>> No.15965027

fear of losing ones job translated into visceral hatred of the CEO of the company undermining your company's existence

>> No.15965028
File: 27 KB, 600x800, niggerplier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. cringe larper

>> No.15965029

who the fuck gets charged that much for Starlink? it's just martime, right? that's significantly below market price there

>> No.15965030

its cheaper than the competing GEO offerings retard
usually significantly cheaper

>> No.15965031

>I will tell you... as soon as the appropriate public press release has been posted
Assuming you actually work for them & you’re not a filthy liar, the fact that you’re on here gloating rather than preparing your resume makes me think it’s not an Astrobotic fuckup

>> No.15965035
File: 83 KB, 879x496, lc39a-mst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also the fact that ULA had vertical integration for the Vulcan right out of the gate. SpaceX would have had to build a big mobile integration building at LC-39A if they wanted to do the same.

>> No.15965038

In 2015? For NSSL Phase 1? Yes

When was NSSL Phase 2? 2022? When SpaceX was an order of magnitude larger than ULA and launching more rockets than ever before? And they still can't beat ULA on price? Wild

I don't care what side of the fence you sit, Elon is objectively a crazy person. Having a 4chan personality in the real world is not normal.

>> No.15965039

or maybe corporate planned for at least one or two fuckups worth of runway
space is hard afterall

>> No.15965041

they can, but they don't need to in this case
it would just be leaving money on the table

>> No.15965040

And I'm sure it'll stay that way once they're all run out of business and Starlink has crushed the terrestrial offerings

>> No.15965045

>SpaceX is being anti competetive/ monopolistic

Can I see an example?


>> No.15965047

I hope he gets the help he needs or dies
Fuck outta here fag

>> No.15965049

SpaceX basically already did that with launches and they haven't increased the prices monopolistically
arguing from something you imagine might happen does not make it true, it just shows your massive bias

>> No.15965052

>And they still can't beat ULA on price?

I wasn't aware ULA was awarded all 21 Phase 2 launches.

>> No.15965053

So then they're motivated by profit, like every other company on the face of the earth, and their $/kg doesn't matter because at the end of the day all they're going to do is just barely beat the next offering?

>> No.15965054

>it might be real in the future in my mind

>> No.15965056

Starlink is ALREADY the only game in town for most of the country by land area. Terrestrial >=1Gbps internet doesn't exist in the sticks.

>> No.15965058

And ULA's vertical integration facility was paid for by EELV subsidies.

>> No.15965059

Elon was a crazy person long before I started working for ULA

>> No.15965064

>I.. it.. it can't be real unless I see a signed document from Elon himself!

>> No.15965065

Their recently leased SLC-6 is more likely, if they wanted to go it LC-39A they would have done it long time ago.

>> No.15965066

>SX quoted almost the same price as ULA for the NSSL phase 2 missions
yes and if you were an actual engineer and not a seething schizoid you'd possibly remember why that was.

but you don't, because you probably weren't even here when those contracts were announced.
because you're a newfag.

>> No.15965067

of course it matters, they get more profit due to having lower costs
and in general they can start bringing prices down when it is more clear that launching payload has price elasticity
it doesn't right now because it takes time for new space industry to spool up, but I'm pretty sure Starship would start lowering prices even if there was no competitors
and this can be modeled by purely profit motivated reasons again, total profit and revenues going up with high price elasticity

>> No.15965069

you are going to have to produce something more than insane ramblings yes

SpaceX wouldn't exist if Musk wasn't somewhat crazy

>> No.15965072
File: 37 KB, 640x480, slc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, they just need to refurbish the facility instead of building a brand new one.

>> No.15965073

and now we reach the core of the problem.
you have elon derangement syndrome. i'm sorry but it's terminal, you can't solve this level of delusion. you're doomed to remain confused about why reality isn't lining up with your fantasies for the rest of your existence.

>> No.15965075

Why would you need a signed document by Elon himself to give a single example of SpaceX engaging in anti competetive behavior?

>> No.15965076

to add to this, monopolistic price chocking might be good for short term profits but in the long term if it kills the industry its going to hurt you as well
and musk is nothing if a long term thinker (unlike lets say the penny pincher MBAs at boeing)

>> No.15965080

They aren't going to bring them down altrusitically. They're going to milk everyone they can for as long as they can. If ULA goes away, it would get exponentially worse.

I don't disagree - SpaceX wouldn't have been able to do what it did without an investor like him behind them. Doesn't change the fact that he's nuts.

I'm still not going to post proof for you. Believe it or not I don't care if you believe me.

>> No.15965082

But back in 2020 SLC-6 still had years of Delta IV Heavy launches to carry out. I think SpaceX getting a new launch complex with a nicely sized vertical assembly building was more the NRO getting nervous about Vulcan than SpaceX thinking they needed a new Falcon 9 pad.

>> No.15965083

Don’t be a pussy, just drop something from #general, they’ll never figure out it who it was

>> No.15965087

>person with EDS intentionally misrepresents reality to further his crusade
i could tell you that it doesn't cost that much for a normal subscription, but you already knew that, didn't you.
don't you feel any shame? embarrassment? these are healthy human emotions that keep you in touch with reality anon.

>> No.15965089

not altruistically, but for profit
did you not read what I wrote?

>> No.15965090

Buddy pretending like Elon is like anyone else on the planet isn't going to do you any favors.
As >>15965069 states - SpaceX could not exist without a crazy person behind them. No one else would be that stupid to lose their money on the huge risks he was taking. Even now I can't imagine how much money goes up in smoke each time a starship blows up.

>> No.15965093
File: 103 KB, 1000x667, 1704757106800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kills your mission

>> No.15965097

do they even offer >=1Gbps internet? I thought they offered like 20Mbps or something

>> No.15965101

fucking based

>> No.15965106

SLC-6 basically became free after DIVH was retired and seemingly ULA didn't want to launch Vulcan from there. It looks more like SpaceX initiative since it allows not just for vertical integration but once operational, it would increase rate of F9.

>> No.15965107

>implying i think elon musk is a normal or even good person
hey man, i'm not the one who brought him up and continues to drone on about how just because he's not an average person and has a sizeable ego means he's EVIL and MUST be up to something.

you really don't realize how schizophrenic you sound right now do you? you've been asked multiple times to provide a singular example of spacex employing anticompetitive strategies and have not given a SINGLE one, the only thing you've done is whinge and whine
i know words like schizo get thrown around a lot on this site, but you are definetly in a different reality from everyone else friend.

>> No.15965108

>Allegedly Richard Branson is on secretly recorded tape on the pedo island
Now what?

>> No.15965110

Nothing will happen, people don't care.

>> No.15965111

Vulcan's designed for Atlas V GSE and they were already planning on keeping SLC-3

>> No.15965112

>i can't imagine how much money goes up in smoke each time a starship blows up
that's the magic of building a giant assembly line for your prototypes dummy, each of those costs way less than you think, the engines alone are probably the biggest cost and we know how far below the market price those are.

>> No.15965121

many tiers now, not sure if there is a guaranteed 1Gbps tier though

>> No.15965122
File: 123 KB, 1080x986, 1645980666826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We hit bump limit in 4 hours.
/sfg/ is back

>> No.15965124
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lol, what the fuck is FAA doing?

>> No.15965125

I believe you, anon

>> No.15965126

Still waiting for this anon to actually give an example of SpaceX acting in an anti competetive manner.

>> No.15965131

I am not going to provide contract negotiation details you stupid nigger. Why is that so hard to understand? What do I have to gain from 1 throwaway fact in the mountains of shit that's been said in this thread? Is it really so surprising that they'd do it? So hard to imagine that they aren't le heckin ebic gud goiz you all thin they are?

>> No.15965133

>hyperaggressive capitalism
You're either literally retarded or living in a 100% copium atmosphere

>> No.15965134

just mention his EDS again he'll flare up to defend himself and explain how elon musk simply must be evil he just can't prove it.

>> No.15965137

yes it is

>> No.15965138

I'm your boss and you're fired.

>> No.15965140

you're not an engineer or even in the industry lol. this is getting really desperate little buddy, i hope you get better.

>> No.15965143

So everything is fine. it's not a safety hazard

>> No.15965144

Acceptable risk is something difficult to communicate to an airplane passenger when the door falls off midflight

>> No.15965146

White devil is a calque of 白鬼. You can't just culturally appropriate Chinese anti-white racism like that!

>> No.15965147

>high school lets out
>Elon shilling intensifies
Really makes you think

>> No.15965150

actual gay retard

>> No.15965151

high % copium atmospheres have not been shown to cause adverse health conditions in humans

>> No.15965155

>so everyt*ACK*

>> No.15965156

I woke up from a nap AND YOURE STILL SHITFLINGING???

>> No.15965157

4chan is an 18+ website anon, best not be admitting to being underage

>> No.15965158
File: 490 KB, 2160x2880, superheavy gets heavier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is getting really desperate, what is he even trying to accomplish.
if i had dark hidden conclusions but no way of revealing it without ruining my career through the breakage of NDA contracts, i would either fucking do it because i think it's worth it or never mention said conclusions especially on a fucking imageboard, because that would be begging to get bullied.

so from this we can draw two paths, either this individual here with us is a retard not fit for his position, or he's lying about literally everything, full of shit, and filled with an irrational hatred that drives everything he does.
either one is bad.

>> No.15965159

Is Elon Musk in the room with us right now?

>> No.15965160

what timezone are you in that schools get out around this time?

>> No.15965161
File: 2.95 MB, 960x1706, 1704754507295127.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cybertruck bros…

>> No.15965162

>he's seething because people just won't believe his little heart
this is not adult behaviour, anon.

>> No.15965163

snow chains. they just work,

>> No.15965166

>retard drives truck into deep snow without chains on his wheels
>gets stuck
i've seen a lot of these clips and i'm still not sure what they're supposed to mean.
have you people never driven a truck before? it's still a wheeled vehicle not a fucking tank.

>> No.15965167
File: 497 KB, 660x357, 37a9ef230999127612a2ce4bcd9bc4a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's possible that he's both, anon
>gets called out on his bullshit
>immediately begins posting unrelated EDS content
common Earthnoid L

>> No.15965171

I think we can all agree that one thing is clear

>> No.15965173
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>> No.15965174

it's not even remotely transparent
us defending reality (not elon musk) reinforces in his mind that everyone who doesnt see him for the DEMON he is is a fanboy. he's hopeless. i mean i literally agreed with him that elon musk is probably not a good person and has a massive ego but that's still not good enough for him, his version of reality must be true to the letter or you're a fanboy.
his rage and confusion every time this happens to him manifests when he "retaliates" by posting more unhinged EDS content. i really don't know what to feel when i see this except pity maybe.

>> No.15965175

Cybertruck? More like momentarily stuck!

>> No.15965178
File: 2.02 MB, 1912x1080, 1700314898895102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usui Clear

>> No.15965179

*remotely untransparent.

>> No.15965181

personally I just keep posting anime, my own personal derangement is that I'm convinced that there's only one unhinged lunatic who both hates Elon and hates anime for no reason in this general

>> No.15965182

oh my god he said the title of the movie!

>> No.15965186

> i've seen a lot of these clips and i'm still not sure what they're supposed to mean.
Unironically just shitposting/bait

>> No.15965189

This level of schizo posting against me is incredible

>> No.15965193

maybe this is born of my experience from the IFT2 thread and the threads afterwards, but i think a large amount of it is the furfag that inhabited this place for a while and finally got bullied away right around IFT2.
if there's anything i know from my experience with furries on other forums it's that they are highly obsessed and highly spiteful. i've had multiple instances in years past where a furfag got ousted from a community and then tried his very best for the next few years to destroy said community through all manner of means.

you can call me obsessed in turn but i believe that the krystalfag guy was one of those.
whoever's pulling all this bullshit also keeps falseflagging unhinged nonsensical responses every time the furfag is mentioned btw, which further leads me to suspect it's him.

>> No.15965197

>posts like a schizo for hours
>n-no i can p-prove he's evil you just have to believe me
>n-no i can't prove it because they're secret and i cant show them to the public
>fuck you, you're this schizo not me!
>stop defending muskrat you schizo!
is there a point to this?

>> No.15965199

I mean you keep posting insane theories about my motivations. Someone is obsessed

>> No.15965200

It's a good demonstration of why oldspace keeps stepping on rakes, they're too butt hurt to understand why Elon does what he does.

>> No.15965202

were you here in 2019 or so for the german tranny who was in love with von Braun? I enjoy blaming a lot of our problems on "her" and its extra chromosome (actually, it told us it had klinefelters)

>> No.15965203

nobody needs theories for see what you're doing, it's crystal clear, not new and not complicated.
also another
>no stop embarrassing me, i'll call you a schizo!
that's number two now, how many times are you gonna project?

>> No.15965209

i wasn't very active from 2019 to end-2020 on /sfg/ so i must've missed that shitshow

>> No.15965210

she had a lot of really kino pictures of von Braun so I can forgive her if she starts posting them again

>> No.15965213

von braun was a a cool guy.
it's sad that we're now reaching a point where political radicalists are trying to character assassinate him. he doesn't deserve to have his reputation tarnished by some college faggots

>> No.15965216
File: 944 KB, 1000x1000, StarCHOMPper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15965217
File: 758 KB, 800x1029, 9a1e81cde8f0caff73b019862ab6d22c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the only one I'm sad I don't have is the shirtless Werhner at the pool image, I saved a lot of the others

>> No.15965218

do you have some examples? I remember reading something like this at kiwifarms that some lolcows did, so its not impossible
I just don't remember any specific examples

>> No.15965221

>now reaching

>> No.15965222

eh it's within the last fifty threads or so, just go back through them and ctfl-f for twitter and x.com

>> No.15965224

I mean not examples of the furry here but of furries doing stuff you said (having year long grudges etc) in other contexts

>> No.15965230
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>> No.15965234

>attacking people at their lowest
Why is he such a cunt?

>> No.15965241
File: 479 KB, 1500x500, boing (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15965242

Not spaceflight kys

>> No.15965251
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>> No.15965263

>communist associated
>cia employed
what a trustworthy guy

>> No.15965277

don't accept them!
evil musk surely has a twisted plan ready to unfold if you take those terminals!

>> No.15965278

I remember them. They posted some interesting poetry at least.

>> No.15965301

Tory Bruno just said on the CNBC space podcast they have 20 launches left for Atlas V


>> No.15965309

1. Kupier
2. Kupier
3. Kupier
4. Kupier
5. Kupier
6. Kupier
7. Kupier
8. Kupier
9. Kupier
10. Kupier
11. Kupier
12. Kupier
13. Kupier
14. Kupier
15. Kupier
16. Kupier
17. Kupier
18. Kupier
19. Kupier
20. Kupier

>> No.15965311

Elon was posting about antispacites, the democrats.

>> No.15965312

its kuiper nigga

>> No.15965314

Tune in tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 9, at 1:30 p.m. EST as #NASA provides an update on the agency’s lunar exploration plans for #Artemis II, III, and IV.

>> No.15965315

What is Kupier?

>> No.15965317

I don't even need to see the early life section anymore, I just know.
why do westerners bitch so hard about the london bombings of all things anyway? it was war, cities on both sides got flattened. you'd think he'd sing about muh slave labor used to build the rockets, not that the rockets killed 20 civillians from a strategic target.

>> No.15965320



NASA is planning delays with its next Artemis missions, and it's been considering moving the first astronaut landing to Artemis 4, per sources. Major bottlenecks: New battery issues on Orion that need replacing, and Starship's orbital refueling timeline. https://reuters.com/technology/space/nasa-push-back-moon-mission-timelines-amid-spacecraft-delays-sources-2024-01-09/#:~:text=NASA's%20second%20Artemis%20mission%20is,will%20need%20to%20be%20replaced.

>> No.15965322
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>> No.15965323

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!1 what the fuck
>NASA's second Artemis mission is expected to be pushed beyond its planned late-2024 target after issues were uncovered with the Lockheed Martin-built (LMT.N) Orion crew capsule's batteries during vibration tests, two of the people said. The batteries will need to be replaced.
how long does it take to change a fucking battery?! please! artemis 1 went off without a hitch! please just do it again. there's no reason you can't do it this november

>> No.15965324

Save me q-drive

Save me q-drive test drive

>> No.15965326
File: 139 KB, 809x844, 008841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> NASA's second Artemis mission is expected to be pushed beyond its planned late-2024 target after issues were uncovered with the Lockheed Martin-built (LMT.N) Orion crew capsule's batteries during vibration tests, two of the people said. The batteries will need to be replaced.
> Artemis 3 - planned to be the first mission landing humans on the moon in late 2025 using the Starship landing system from NASA contractor SpaceX - will likewise be pushed back. Billionaire Elon Musk's SpaceX is taking longer than expected to reach certain development milestones, all four people said.
lol, how about not obstructing it with bullshit enviromental shit

>> No.15965331

They are setting up for cancelling the Starship HLS contract just watch, NASA ESDD (Boeing loyal) have been maneuvering for this ever since ousting Leuders and splitting up into SOMD and ESDD

>> No.15965332

You forgot memeliner

>> No.15965333



>> No.15965341

>stephen clark posted a peregrine article to ars hours after berger did
whats the point? is there no coordination over there at the space desk?

>> No.15965343

artemis isnt over. starship is a little slow now but once it catches up it's good game, spacex won. that and congress wont let nasa lose to china.

>> No.15965354

Chuds gtfo

>> No.15965359

They hadnt come up with that lie yet

>> No.15965363
File: 87 KB, 852x1256, IMG_5456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American (commercial) spaceflight is about to dominate the world but so far only bad press

>> No.15965364
File: 454 KB, 2560x1656, nasa-clps-deliveries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seems much more comprehensive

>> No.15965365

it's not that easy in rocketry

>> No.15965367
File: 169 KB, 1200x675, 398_26895_PIA25326-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A JPL spokesperson confirmed Jan. 7 that the center laid off the [100] contractors and took other measures, such as across-the-board spending cuts and pausing work on one aspect of MSR, because of the “uncertain federal budget” in fiscal year 2024.

Finally, some good news

>> No.15965368

anglos, and it's because the entirety of british foreign policy for 1000 years was them meddling into European affairs to weaken the greatest power on the continent by starting wars while they hid on their island. When they had to suffer the consequences of it for once they got really mad

>> No.15965370
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It’s over

>> No.15965371

Hakuto-R was a private lunar mission. Meanwhile, Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) is a lunar lander mission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) that entered orbit around the Moon on 25 December 2023, and is expected to land on 19 January 2024.


>> No.15965373

Good fucking job Tory

>> No.15965376


>> No.15965380

Is a soft crash possible?

>> No.15965382
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, ghkjhukyu778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Vulcan Cert-1 Launch Highlights

>> No.15965384


>> No.15965386

I have never seen a stage cause a prop leak in another stage or a payload. This was an Astrobotic fuckup.

>> No.15965387

did this happen before or after they fired the thrusters?

>> No.15965388

another day, amother massive space disappointment

>> No.15965390

at this point already preparing myself mentally for SLIM to fail, Q-drive to tumble and drop into the atmosphere, and IM-1 to fail on landing attempt

>> No.15965391

its just too expensive and accomplishes too little
but that is true for SLS too so maybe its something political in the background actually

>> No.15965394

I go into every moon lander with the expectation that it wont

>> No.15965395

You forgot "once in a century Cat 6 hurricane annihilates KSC". The Alabama river rocks alone will set them back millions.

>> No.15965396

Humans in 2 is moving to 3.
3 is moving to 4.

>> No.15965397

> The contractor layoffs reportedly took those affected by surprise. On Reddit, someone who said they were one of the people affected reported getting an email at the end of the day Jan. 4 informing them they had been laid off effectively immediately, and lost computer and building access within an hour. “It was shocking and lightning fast,” that person said.


> 80 (and counting) contractors were laid off last night, myself included. Basically an email was sent at 5:30PM saying you're fired effective immediately and not to show up the next day. I didn't see the email until 6PM, then I lost all logical access at 6:30PM, so I couldn't even send out files and messages to my team! Then, I couldn't badge back into my building. It was shocking and lightning fast. Based on what I gathered from conversations, JPL employees will more than likely experience layoffs as well (although I would think they'll have a significant heads up, unlike contractors). Layoff city indeed.
>Edit: Good luck to the JPLers and contractors out there!

>> No.15965399

>you have 40 hours to live
what would you do?

>> No.15965400

Falcon 1 launch 3

>> No.15965402

JPL is unraveling


>> No.15965403

have pizza

>> No.15965404

try to land on the moon

>> No.15965405
File: 89 KB, 1041x549, IMG_1722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see a pic like this but SLS, Falcon Heavy, Starship, New Glenn, Vulcan and maybe Terran R and some of the small rockets all on their pads together in one shot

>> No.15965406

Steal anon's pizza

>> No.15965407

The small launcher pads are too far away for that.

>> No.15965408
File: 222 KB, 3041x3368, IMG_8101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If solids are so powerful why don’t we make rockets out of them

>> No.15965412

Because you can't actively throttle them so you are stuck with whatever burn profile they designed it with

>> No.15965414

>can't actively throttle them
You can with electric solid propellants

>> No.15965415

I'd ride an Ares, fuck it. Save mass by leaving out the escape tower, too.

>> No.15965417


>> No.15965418

>jpl layoffs
>peregrine dead
>artemis delays
save us elon

>> No.15965419

>Missile Attack UMS
>No Rush 30 min

>> No.15965420
File: 2.47 MB, 1706x929, Screen-Shot-2020-04-03-at-15.15.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we tried

>> No.15965421

>shake shake shake!
>shake your payload!
>shake shake shake!
>shake your payload!!

>> No.15965424

Not feasible at the scale needed for a real rocket

>> No.15965430
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rape your payload on the way to orbit
The absolute state of old space

>> No.15965431

Why can't you scale up ESP's the same way we do SRB's?

>> No.15965434
File: 94 KB, 800x587, hybrid11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't actively throttle them
There are solutions for that

>> No.15965436
File: 87 KB, 1589x1151, 008842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shake shake shake, shake your payload, shake your payload

>> No.15965437


>> No.15965439

just use sox

>> No.15965440

burgerbros... how could this happen? i thought we couldn't make mistakes?

>> No.15965452

I don't think people realize how bad the space industry is collapsing right now. Every program I'm involved with is seeing a minimum of 20% budget cut that wasn't forecasted

>> No.15965455

The srb that flew on Vulcan today is 70 ft long and 5ft in diameter. Think of the electrical system/batteries you would need to pass current all through something that big

>> No.15965457

idk it'll work, they can make it work

>> No.15965458

So? You should work out your burn profile in advance.

>> No.15965466

jack off, jack off with my ass, eat the best foods i can

>> No.15965506
File: 57 KB, 285x252, barrel_roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barrel roll

>> No.15965509

most normal mass replay in ohio :skull:

>> No.15965510


SpaceX full company talk

>> No.15965511


>> No.15965512

1h 13min damn

>> No.15965513

that guy has to be a grifter
his timeline is just uploading every single conspiracy video on tiktok

>> No.15965515
File: 93 KB, 1892x976, 008843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is an old talk from 2017, but probably not one shared outside the company

>> No.15965518
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>> No.15965519

goofy ahhh url

>> No.15965520
File: 98 KB, 1747x1112, 008845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> we want to be really frugal so we can pay for the development of BFR and the satellite constellation

>> No.15965525

This is 6+ years old, before falcon heavy demo

>> No.15965532
File: 275 KB, 1316x725, brap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SN10 had only a brief braaap moment.

IFT-2 was especially stinky looking on the way up.

Is the green-brown exhaust a sign of good or bad?

>> No.15965533

nasa is dead. spacex is the west's last hope.

>> No.15965534
File: 59 KB, 640x839, GDXQZcEXQAEjtNg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You suddenly remember

>> No.15965535
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>> No.15965536
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>> No.15965537

So that was a lie
Its a sign that jeets were working in the tanks.

>> No.15965539

The skin is too glowy but why the fuck does this look realistic and not uncanny valley what the fuck.

>> No.15965546

lie how? they did starlink, they got Falcon 9 extremely reliable and high cadence

>> No.15965547

these are on the level of looking indistinguishable from real pictures with the newest model
especially if you add something like "phone photo" or whatever

>> No.15965549
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>> No.15965550
File: 382 KB, 1091x1074, 1704329276979350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s over

we warned you white man why didn't you listen

>> No.15965552

High interest rates and stagflation are a bitch when all your costs are front loaded like a space mission. Our only hope is that memedrive direct lift with beamed power or laser lightcraft becomes competitive with Falcon 9.

>> No.15965553
File: 605 KB, 805x1920, Miss_Spalding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd like to go on a date with...miss ballin'

>> No.15965556
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redditors saided me they used inch pound torque setting instead of foot pound torque setting on they bolt machine

>> No.15965558

It's not great, it means either unburnt oxidizer or convection heated atmospheric O2 is reacting with atmospheric N2. BE-4 doesn't make shart clouds as ORSC so I suspect it's the atmospheric O2.

>> No.15965559

That's interesting anon. Plausible even. I hope you didn't make that up just now.

>> No.15965563

I make everything up

>> No.15965564

The shart cloud is NO2, I'm confident of that. The question is what's causing it, and I know cars and motorcycles start burning nitrogen above some critical temperature which instafails emissions tests and is the #1 cause of older models getting canceled this century.

>> No.15965565

>SpaceX would never engage in anticompetitive behaviour
>supporting the Russian engine ban (morally correct, but still clearly a shot across ULA's bow)
>Transporter missions exist solely to drive smallsat launchers out of business (Gwynne has basically outright stated this live on stage)
They also play the FCC/ITU "protest everyone's frequency proposals" game to an extent but their seething competitors are far worse with that do it hardly counts.
Those are the public ones, who knows what goes on behind the scenes but Musk didn't get to where he is by turning the other cheek no matter how magnanimous he used to act (lmao Tesla (((open patent))) poison pill). ULA Anon is a bit high on the seethe but he isn't wrong. Musk makes it a game of pushing the limits and rules as far as he can and then one step further everywhere, it wouldn't surprise me to see it in contract negotiations as well. The actual truth is that SpaceX is far enough ahead that they don't need to be purposefully anticompetitive to undercut everyone else.

>> No.15965569

Ula anon is wrong, those examples are reaching and weak as shit
Trying to say that transporter missions are uncompetitove is absolutely fucking ridiculous
Why would spacex need to drive some smallsat launchers out of business? They are irrelevant and they go out lf business because they cant compete, ot due to some anti-competitive actions

>> No.15965582

Of course the public examples aren't going to be actual illegal behaviour or they'd be getting sued for it. But you tell me why SpaceX changed their stance from "rideshares are too much effort for the little extra money we could make from them" to "we're gonna enact TSD with no regards to profit margin". It's not for cadence since they launch like three these per year.

>> No.15965584

To foster a space economy for payloads
Stuff is being launched on these that would never launch on microsat launchers
And where are you getting that they arent making any money? They even added a second kind of rideshare now for other orbits

>> No.15965586

What you are vasically saying, they should not serve some markets (and leave money on the table + remove opportunities for launch for some customers alltogether) just so that some dmallsat launchers would have a chance get some business? That is retarded

>> No.15965591
File: 692 KB, 1317x1179, IMG_3536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cowboy
On a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted dead or alive
Wanted dead or alive

>> No.15965599

What is a parsec and why is it used as a measurement of distance instead of light-years?

>> No.15965600

desu I'm disappointed that elon isn't doing wild drugs every day
Destigmatize recreational drugs

>> No.15965601

Gtfo druggie YWNGTS

>> No.15965604

Embrace the wonder, dear seeker of cosmic truths, for the universe is a tapestry of unfathomable beauty, and we are but humble voyagers in its endless expanse

>> No.15965611

Given how fungus-dependent early colonists will be and the general farming-effort-to-usefulness ratio of hemp products I guarantee you there will be psilocybin and THC in space some day.

>> No.15965613
File: 955 KB, 1080x1782, 1704783122202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Former astro and consultant (for NASA?) wants the first crewed mission pushed back to Artemis 3.

>> No.15965614

Cancel Orion and SLS already. Use a fully reentry capable Starship for crew+lander.

>> No.15965615

'Some day' will be when the colony has one slum, which I expect around 2080.

>> No.15965616

>And where are you getting that they arent making any money?
They're not making no profit, but simple mathematics says it's far less than a normal mission. They have maybe 100 customers per Transporter mission, most of those will be at or below the 50 kg minimum buy-in, which at $275k gets them to ~$30 million per launch, which is about half normal rate and a few years ago was barely above cost. T'ain't much, especially once you consider the extra effort of dealing with dozens of customers and payloads which is the entire reason they didn't do it before. Even if the various tugs and larger sats get them to normal mission revenue they're still making less margin than on a single-payload flight.

>What you are vasically saying, they should not serve some markets
Nah this is obviously a good thing for payloads and market share and all in good competition, but it clearly constricts the already small addressable market for smallsat launchers even more. Sure most of those weren't gonna make it anyways but this way it's even harder, meaning from the possible SpaceX point of view there's less investor money being siphoned away to others and fewer chances one of them could actually get big enough to compete. People here like to complain why nobody's building a Starship competitor, it's because that shit costs billions and without being able to get a foot in the door you're not gonna get that money.

Did anyone seriously believe that the landing would happen before 28?

>> No.15965627

>They have maybe 100 customers per Transporter mission
No, typically they sell large blocks of space on Transporter missions to intermediate buyers, or to last mile space tug operators. Someone putting a 1U cubesat up is going to be 1-3 companies away from SpaceX.

>> No.15965630
File: 1.03 MB, 3000x2000, USSF-52 and Starlink 6-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX completed 18 successful missions in 2017
How far we've come

>> No.15965631

>Did anyone seriously believe that the landing would happen before 28?
They're stalling because they don't want Trump to get a manned moon landing.

>> No.15965637

>Orion needs a battery redesign due to problems with vibration


>> No.15965642

That just makes the calculation less favourable, then.

>> No.15965645
File: 1.17 MB, 1456x864, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

employed spacex retard here. You need to cope, seethe, and dilate. greetings to all the industry bros among us. This is my only post here so any other posts riding off this one are fake and gay
Also rocketgirls are based and furfags get the rope.

>> No.15965646

I guess they put this out in response to the hit piece about him rambling and being cooked in internal meetings.

>> No.15965647

Each middleman passes some of the cost on to their customers. They pay it because small launch is stupidly expensive $/kg (if you have a 50kg payload you can buy an entire $6M Electron flight or go rideshare/tug).

>> No.15965650

I love Bon Jovi

>> No.15965652

>another knick knack from a convention center for proof of employment
its getting embarassing how obvious you are.

>> No.15965653
File: 759 KB, 1008x756, lv0008 lv0009 watamelon patches small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15965655

None of you work at space companies stop LARPing with the same horrible evidence that gets easily deboonked. ID card with your face on card and in frame otherwise youre a fat nigger lying piece of shit bastard that only fools newfags.

>> No.15965659

No-one is going to post their ID card, you clearly don't understand the security of these companies

>> No.15965661

>Billionaire Elon Musk's SpaceX is taking longer than expected to reach certain development milestones, all four people said.
The only ones taking longer than expected are the FAA.

>> No.15965668
File: 503 KB, 662x934, apollo udonge usagi 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaah stop making me feel inadequate
hee hee hee no

>> No.15965669


>> No.15965673

Then you have no proof and are just a LARPing nigger as I said. Too bad!

>> No.15965683

Froyo flavor, now

>> No.15965694

Dilation, now

>> No.15965695
File: 812 KB, 1836x3264, v7ozu0mrwm051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao no one has the budget to hand out t-shirts at conventions. Only shit like this. How about you go outside and actually go to a convention.

>> No.15965704

Didn't Bill Gerstenmaier go in front of our elected retards and spell out exactly that recently?

>> No.15965714
File: 216 KB, 2344x2474, SN8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there it is, a based post

>> No.15965731

and there it is, a trans post

>> No.15965745
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 12484859544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this
it's the guy that deals cards in casino

>> No.15965747

Tourist here, does this failure mean VIPER delayed?

>> No.15965756

>What is a parsec
parallax of one arcsecond
>why is it used as a measurement of distance instead of light-years?
Prolly historical reasons. Dunno.

>> No.15965805

too many diversity hires. aeronautics is the aryan man's domain

>> No.15965807


>> No.15965817


>> No.15965839

Reminder that mild steel is virtually immune to rocket exhaust. Also reminder that Elon Musk falsely alleged that the Raptor engine has a higher heat flux than any other machine built by man.

>> No.15965842

Due to delays (SpaceX)

>> No.15965843

That makes sense. This was the day they claimed musk was in the drug. When the reality is just sleep deprivation/exhaustion from work. Lmao

They're really yet using shoddy reasoning to accuse some like that

>> No.15965854

>They're really yet using shoddy reasoning to accuse some like that
What about your personal drug use?

>> No.15965855
File: 518 KB, 764x896, Goodnight Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job NASA. Take $200 from petty cash and get pizza for the office.

>> No.15965859

> Artemis 2 - planned late-2024 target after issues were uncovered with the Lockheed Martin-built (LMT.N) Orion crew capsule's batteries during vibration tests. The batteries will need to be replaced. Pushed back to 2025 or 2026.

See you Spring 2026. And four years between lauches is a fun cadance.

> Artemis 3 - planned late 2025 using the Starship landing system from NASA contractor SpaceX will likewise be pushed back. Billionaire Elon Musk's SpaceX is taking longer than expected to reach certain development milestones, all four people said.

And since Gateway is locked into the mission profile, NASA has to somehow get that up before that landing can happen. Call it -- 2028 or 2029.

>> No.15965870
File: 129 KB, 1600x1200, cocaine_bricks_scorpion_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have speculated about Musk being a cocaine user before only for it to be confirmed by WSJ.


>> No.15965871

I hate NASA so fucking much.
>Artemis 1 went perfectly! Everything performed as expected!
>Year later
>Okay so there were several problems and we need to push back the next launch

>> No.15965882


Makes too much sense so they wont do it.

>> No.15965883
File: 320 KB, 1186x794, Deltas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only was it feasible but was actively considered as a backup during the Constellation Program.

>> No.15965886

You don't recognize a media smear job when you see one? Jesus man.

>> No.15965891

Could be the resident reddit that constantly seethes about SpaceX

>> No.15965894
File: 124 KB, 481x481, 1701886459547362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...notice the resemblance between Nazi super-scientist Wehrner von Braun and the designer of the Saturn V,
>whose name was also Wehrner von Braun!
Gets me every time.

>> No.15965896
File: 503 KB, 618x618, ElonAndBezosHavingDinner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon Musk using cocaine makes me like him even more. Kinda sad he dissed Adderall though.

>> No.15965898
File: 194 KB, 400x225, boeing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how are they going to keep astronauts safe during the Artemis 2 launch?

>> No.15965899


>> No.15965905

>artemis is being delayed
>every spaceflight fan knows its for all kinds of reasons
>nasa: its spacex's fault!
>normies: elon does it again! jail that fucker and nationalize spacex now!

>> No.15965917

NASA will hold a media teleconference at 1:30 p.m. EST Tuesday, Jan. 9, to provide an update on the agency’s lunar exploration plans for the benefit of all under Artemis.

Agency participants include:

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson
NASA Associate Administrator Jim Free
Catherine Koerner, associate administrator, Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate
Amit Kshatriya, deputy associate administrator, Moon to Mars Program, Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate

"To shreds you say?"

>> No.15965918



Very long but insightful read: Artemis is the sudden revival of Constellation because China landed Chang'e 4, which admitted was impressive but not really novel. But that didn't stop Washington from hurriedly piecing together Artemis.
Apollo was similarly rushed but had the funding and national will to do it.

>> No.15965943

Is that the Mexican girl from The Office?

>> No.15965948
File: 1.13 MB, 1290x1693, IMG_1728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Starlab design is finalized


> Today marks a major milestone: @VoyagerSH and @Airbus_Space have finalized a US-led transatlantic joint venture to design, build and operate the #Starlab commercial space station. We are officially Starlab Space, LLC. Read more:


>> No.15965953

it's something easy for astronomers to measure
and because it's something easy for astronomers to measure

>> No.15965963
File: 257 KB, 599x409, gravity-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jan 11, ~05:23 UTC
>Ship-borne platform, Yellow Sea
>Aimed at ~55° inclination
>Ship will be stationed near 36°.6 north, 121°.2 east
also, what the heck were they thinking with this design?

>> No.15966001

The WSJ is not a serious publication, you may as well post the National Enquirer

>> No.15966032

Bet Elon buys cocaine by the kilo

>> No.15966038


>> No.15966059

Wasn’t paying attention since second starship test.
When is the next test?
PS. 2 weeks fags don't reply

>> No.15966064

2 weeks

>> No.15966069
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>> No.15966070

Circa 5 months

>> No.15966071

>news company is desperate for clicks that they resort to elon hit pieces

>> No.15966076

is that the meeting where Elon was alleged to be high.

>> No.15966081
File: 1.56 MB, 889x500, 1704814308700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simulation of peregrine lander failure

>> No.15966082

yes >>15965549

>> No.15966085
File: 45 KB, 910x1024, Shaken-Baby-Syndrome-What-Causes-It-And-How-To-Treat-It-910x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

illustration what happened on the left

>> No.15966088

Every MSM outlet should be met with total and constant scorn from every single person until such time as they are no longer able to financially remain stable.
If you meet a journalist on the road of life, spit in his eye and threaten his life.

>> No.15966091

we need to deregulate the media. Defamation laws are unconstitutional.

>> No.15966102
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, fghfghy6767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Starbase Tank Farm Gets An Overhaul For Flight 3 | Starbase Update

>> No.15966105
File: 83 KB, 953x1080, 008854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15966106

When Trump is reelected, I hope we start arresting journalists again. I have journalist fatigue

>> No.15966107

post link to video I don't have twitter

>> No.15966109

Waste of a jail cell, just start randomly droning them at home. Fuck 'em.

>> No.15966114

What was it about anyways, did they say he snorted coke during the company talk or something?

>> No.15966115

ahem but how is he gonna be elected without Colorado

>> No.15966121

You're two weeks behind on news

>> No.15966122
File: 381 KB, 1212x754, Barrage_balloons_over_London_during_World_War_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

historical reminder

>> No.15966123

>You're two weeks behind on news
True, what are the current news? Have there any updates ?

>> No.15966124

here >>15965510

>> No.15966126

Stop that

>> No.15966128

This offers an extraordinary glimpse into the inner workings of SpaceX.

>> No.15966129
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probably pic related

>> No.15966131
File: 1.43 MB, 1036x1600, FoamTurbulence56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon man I just wanna get informed. Don't wanna derail the thread or anything like that.

>> No.15966134

and they do talk about the BFR (haven't watched the talk though) >>15965515

>> No.15966135

>mup da doo we wuz peanuts
Federal contracting rules are pure evil.

>> No.15966138
File: 2.11 MB, 1536x2048, GDaU2WoWkAAJAUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MLV test section (yes it's carbon fiber)

>> No.15966140

Well to be fair the event was in fact cringeworthy I can barely watch the clip.

>> No.15966142

Funnily enough I watched parts of it and he sounds more coherent than usual.

>> No.15966143

Me on the right

>> No.15966144
File: 125 KB, 1901x1064, 008856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh this has a 1min video as well
8m diameter and 8m length on the module

>> No.15966147


>> No.15966148
File: 1.77 MB, 1536x2048, GDaU48IbQAAKPUQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Fresh off our new Auto Fiber Placement machine, our first MLV test article stands over 14 feet in diameter!

> This carbon composite structure is more than twice the size of Alpha’s. Stay tuned for more hardware and testing developments - 2024 is geared to be a big year for our medium launch vehicle!

>> No.15966149
File: 1.62 MB, 1290x1992, IMG_1729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firefly’s Falcon 9 competitor is taking shape ahead of 2025 debut


>> No.15966150

not really that cringeworthy when you look at the total output of talks Musk has given, he seems like he haven't slept in quite a few of them

>> No.15966153
File: 55 KB, 656x642, 008857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15966155

Isn't that the rocket that's using BO engines? If so SpaceX is FINISHED.

>> No.15966165
File: 854 KB, 1166x580, snine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15966167

Where are the next engines, Jeff?

>> No.15966171

Boomers who don't understand the BFG joke Elon made with the rocket and also he's been straying a bit far off the plantation recently, so he must be brought down. Just Our Democracy(tm) things.

>> No.15966179

How fucking old are these people, Doom came out 30 years ago

>> No.15966181

It's amazing how motherly shotwell acts in this video. She's guiding her severely autistic child through his presentation and makes sure the kids don't bully him.

>> No.15966183

cant wait for this to be built in 2033

>> No.15966186

Elon hasnt been this excited for Mars since 2016/2017. His excitement died out years ago

>> No.15966187

Doesn't mean the average normalfag boomer knows about it's in-jokes.
The whole thing is "sources familiar with him say he's been at secret parties where you have to leave your phone behind (convenient) and indulged in ketamine etc". It's a load of bullshit hearsay because as I said, he's been straying off the plantation a tad too much.

>> No.15966190

>Doesn't mean the average normalfag boomer knows about it's in-jokes.
You'd think even a moderately curious person would just google something they read and don't understand right away, doesn't everyone do that?

>> No.15966193

Well he still has tried weed which is enough for me to dismiss him as a junkie

>> No.15966194

Actually read shit? lolno.

>> No.15966200

Weird, if I read something and think to myself "the hell is that?/What's he saying?" it bugs me to not look into it at least a little bit, at least enough to satisfy the immediate confusion.

>> No.15966217

Most people are absolute retards about computers, including how to use search engines.

>> No.15966225 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 966x906, ropes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rope you say...

>> No.15966229
File: 71 KB, 655x784, 008861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15966230

Kill yourself Noa

>> No.15966239

What a waste of money this company is.

>> No.15966240
File: 76 KB, 1091x602, GDarbeVWwAAIjFX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.15966246

seems to have salvaged some data from it at least, perhaps decreases the risk for the next one

>> No.15966282

404: Asset Not Found

The asset you were looking for either does not
exist or has been recently deleted.

>> No.15966284




>> No.15966293
File: 72 KB, 661x733, 008864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15966306

almost time for the latest Artemis disappointment

>> No.15966307

how many moneys did the rockets cost?

>> No.15966309

a lot of moneys

>> No.15966324
File: 39 KB, 1179x180, IMG_3539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15966429

Basically the company and shareholders are being outright robbed by the executive team

>> No.15966484

you sound like your from a communist country.

>> No.15966630

The "Mommy Shotwell" thing wasn't a joke, anon.

>> No.15966699

Bill nelson is still alive?

>> No.15966811

moar SRBs

>> No.15966822

shit's heavy yo
also transporting a 2000 ton firework is risky business

>> No.15966826

he's already too high-strung to get good use from Adderall, it's the best when you just aren't built like him

>> No.15966916

>Big F--ng Rocket
These people are fucking retarded. Everybody in tech knows that BFR is a play off BFG, where the F stands for Fucking. Talk about making a mountain out of a grain of sand.