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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15952837 No.15952837[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will shit like this end?

>> No.15952853

The problem isn't science the problem is the media declaring the results of a single study as definitive. Science doesn't work like that, it takes many peer reviewed studies amassed over a long period to obtain any degree of confidence.

>> No.15952866

somebody please post the
>people who tell you not to eat eggs
>people who tell you to eat 12 eggs a day

>> No.15952894
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Just the market maker balancing supply and demand, dig around a bit, perhaps my hypothesis is correct that a supply shock just hit eggs, thus the fed- i mean, blackrocks, alladin, can provide that unsatiatable lust for stable food prices

Carry on, health is personal anyways, there is no one size fits all solution, f8nd what works for you

>> No.15952903

>daily fail

>> No.15952907

You can't trust anything. Studies require funding and the only people interested in putting up money for a study are the people that would profit from a particular result.

You can always look into the study because they'll have the worst methodology to support the conclusion they want. All it comes down to is being able to get a headline because they know most people are too stupid to go beyond the headline.

For instance there was a "study" recently that claimed red meat increased your risk of diabetes, but there was a bunch of sketchy shit in there. I can't recall exactly but things like how they'd consider any food with a morsel of red meat as "red meat" (e.g. a fast-food burger), didn't account for patient age or weight, some other BS.

But Google if red meat causes diabetes and you'll have several pages of results parroting the headline from that one study.

Do enough digging and you can find any of these studies that get published to big sites tend to be linked to a big conglomerate that does indeed benefit from the result.

>> No.15952910

This just in science says ALL feasible human diets including vegan will lead to global warming and end of civilization on Earth. Please pay us money to fix this by killing everyone except the rich!

>> No.15952920

Hold corporations accountable for misinformation and suddenly food studies would increase in accuracy

>> No.15952930

Who should we listen to then?

>> No.15952932

The problem is with science reporting. Most "science" journalists would struggle to pass a science GCSE. Doubly so if the Mail employs them.

>> No.15952944

Well why can't scientists communicate effectively then? Are they TRYING to be misunderstood by the masses?

>> No.15952953

>Studies show...
Don't care
>Well, research indicates...
Not listening
>The experts are saying that...
Fuck off

Sick to death of hearing these phrases proceeding the dumbest, anti-common sense bullshit "facts". Humanity has gotten this far without people going out of their way to base their lives around whatever the "current research" says.

>> No.15952959
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>> No.15952979

So one of those Egg Council creeps got to you too, eh?

>> No.15952998

how do you post on a science and mathematics imageboard and not understand how science works

>> No.15953012

Have you considered this iron age semitic legal code? it makes very confident declarations and gives clear prescriptions about minutiae, so it must be trustworthy.

>> No.15953058

Is that simple question too difficult for you to answer?

Do you expect ordinary people to read scientific papers?

>> No.15953071

>What the fuck is wrong with Science?
its fake and gay political propaganda completely disconnected from reality, its no different than any other form of political propaganda

>> No.15953085

Thanks for reminding me I should boil some eggs for my noodles later tonight.

>> No.15953119
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You are the epitome of everything wrong with our current education system. A system that focuses only on testing and memorization trains people accept what they are told, even when they are lies.
We thought we created a system to teach, but we only created a system that enslaves the mind and demands obedience of thought.

>Who should we listen to then?
You have been trained like a dog to only think what is told to you, but within you is a brain capable of critical thinking, reason, and logic! LEARN TO USE IT!!!

>> No.15953122

No. It's science.

>> No.15953128

all right let me just confirm every single thing I know experimentally or reject it if I can't

Human civilisation is built on shared knowledge

>> No.15953129

someone tried to short the eggs price

>> No.15953134

Ugh, I know, right? Can't they just like, settle the science?

>> No.15953144

>confirm every single thing I know experimentally or reject it if I can't
If the sum total of your knowledge is headlines of pop-sci news articles that have been screen grabbed, photo shopped, and posted on a Mongolian basket weaving forum...yeah you can safely forget all that shit.

But for everyone else, you don't need to experimentally confirm every single thing. Half these "science papers" are complete bullshit and a quick read by anyone with a functioning brain cell can point out their flaws of logic and reasoning. Pop-sci news articles won't spoonfeed that for you because they only care about grabbing your attention for a few seconds while your eyes are assaulted by their advertisers. They care not for the truth. Stop reposting their lies here.

>> No.15953162

But what's your opinion on eating eggs?

>> No.15953185
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Stop doing it if they cause you problems?

WTF you want from me? To predict the future for you? One where you eat eggs and one where you don't? I'm smart enough to know that I'm not very smart about nutritional science, and most nutritional science more politics and market manipulation and less actual science anyway so maybe that's a good thing I'm not "smart."

You seem to be averse to the point I'm trying to make so let me put it another way.
You seem obsessed with what you put in your mouth but what you put in your brain is just as important. Exercise some or even ANY level of scrutiny when you choose to consume information. Misinformation poison your brain, and to unlearn something is quite difficult. This is why it's much wiser to be stupid than have a head filled with lies. I'll say this again. Build within yourself the ability to exercise logic, reason, and critical thinking. These skills are much more valuable than anything you might know or think you know.

>> No.15953246

current science is a religion. Only retard leftists don't understand that. Remember to treat those fags like the cattle that they are.

>> No.15953267

>WTF you want from me?

I was expecting something like:

>I love fried eggs, man! They're delicious, but as with anything, they're only good in moderation. If you have any concerns about their impact on your health, you should consult a health professional.

>> No.15953863
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The real problem everyone ignores for unknown reasons.

>> No.15953865
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let me eggsplain

>> No.15953874

Why the fuck are you listening to people and not inferencing shit yourself after getting enough samples? Are you a slave? Are you a dog needing commands every microsecond?

>> No.15953954

I will continue to eat eggs.

>> No.15955169
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everyone knows about that, the media ignores it for well known reasons

>> No.15955198

You're dumb ass fuck if you actually look at shit like this and think it's science. This is mainstream news bullshit.

>> No.15955222

yeah, no lol
one of the best easter eggs i have found so recently

>> No.15955243

Clearly there was an abundance of eggs at the end of 2018 and when covid hit too many people were relying on eggs

>> No.15955247

imagine believing in tabloid bullshit

>> No.15955273

Yea but i want my answer now nigga
Everyone and use your own critical thinking and deductive reasoning to come to an answer that best suits what you believe to be correct, if future data comes oit thst contradicts what you believed previously jjst reevalulate and come to a new conclusion.
You will never be embarrased if you show effort in reaching an opinion.

>> No.15955276

Eggs good.
Eggs bad when eat too many.

>> No.15955826
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>> No.15955846

The obvious, media literate answer is that:
1)Two different authors
2)Two different studies
3)You're only showing the headline which naturally with be sensational to attract clicks.

>> No.15955851

You need to be seriously brainwashed to think eggs are bad.
Same people will also eat fructose laden plant based food.

>> No.15955853

>What the fuck is wrong with the media
Easy fix.

>> No.15955878

They aren't - they publish a study and go on to the next piece of work.