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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15940094 No.15940094 [Reply] [Original]

i thought read meat caused cancer?
why does every article backed with hard science support meat?
while epidimiological studies that don't account for junk trash,always advice against meat

>> No.15940095

Because yids rape kids

>> No.15940112

eating red meat prevents both cancer and diabetes

>> No.15940136

and every other goddamn chronical illness in the market that the pharmacies make billions off of

>> No.15941076

>i thought read meat caused cancer?
stop watching pop-soi vomit on television

>> No.15941307
File: 14 KB, 378x301, hnnnnnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the red meat = heart disease meme?

>> No.15942057

thats a big lie

>> No.15942780
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>> No.15943613
File: 32 KB, 477x301, vaxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soiyence is what causes heart disease

>> No.15944930

also it tastes good.

>> No.15944938

i commend you MIT's modified atkins. Basically, some fat is enough to slow the insulin spike from protein

shame nearly all meat that isn't ungoldy pricey is loaded with omega 6s. Can't find a way around that one, besides becoming mr moneybags

>> No.15945642
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x3024, tradition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't find a way around that one, besides becoming mr moneybags
>t. outsmarted by an 8 year old

>> No.15945816

I don't live in that type of country, derp-o

>> No.15945853

Yes, eat only red meat like juden "unending israel support" peterstein and joe "I swear I'm a funny comedian" rogan and lex "I only ever got angry at kanye for...reasons" fridman

Just don't pollute /sci/ with this zionist anti-science garbage.

>> No.15945855

Vegan youtubers are literal jews as well.

>> No.15945859

What about you

1) Do not look at isolated studies as they are completely worthless in nutrition science. You must look at large meta-analysis, many of them
2) Do not decide what to eat based on internet people (I know it's hard for you zoomies)

In any case, since you're too lazy to do your homework, the best option atm is plant based diets. Preferably mediterranean diet.

If you want to only eat fruits or meat though, feel free to be retarded cause "muh internet people told me to"

>> No.15945865

What about you

1) get Crohn's disease and feel like shit on the recommended evidence-based scientific consensus food pyramid
2) feel better / less anemic on a diet of warm, easily digestible high iron meat and porridge

>> No.15945871

then I wouldn't make this intellectually dishonest thread trying to challenge scientific consensus only to feel better about my condition.

>> No.15945872

I'm not OP you moron.