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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15872968 No.15872968 [Reply] [Original]

Smell the musk edition
prev >>15872041

>> No.15872973
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Muskrat will never land humans on another world. Blue Origin will leapfrog SpaceX this year

>> No.15873067


>> No.15873094
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>> No.15873323

If it's true they are buying ULA it's unironically over for Amazon.

>> No.15873345
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Stupid leapfrog posters

>> No.15873352
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why did they do it?

>> No.15873353
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>> No.15873377

Can't find a single 10/10 in that pic.

>> No.15873508

SpaceX engineer here, I don't have a lot of time. All I can say is this: we found evidence of a high evergy impact on booster debris recovered by divers this morning. I know what you're thinking, ha ha "ULA sniper". We were all joking about that too after seeing the molten holes in the common dome. Until our blood ran cold. We realized that based on the orientation of the booster during the boostback burn, the impact wasn't from below.

It was from above.

>> No.15873594

>interested in space
>biologically female
All 11/10s if you ask me

>> No.15873601

Engine blew up, sending shrapnel down the rocket

>> No.15873619

>interested in space
they're interested in boosting their ego by working at "that place where the smart people work", they probably think space exploration should be banned because its racist

>> No.15873623
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>> No.15873632

starlink induced kessler syndrome, should've listened to the astronomers

>> No.15873660

I'm telling you man, ULA snipers
even if it's from above

>> No.15873676

ayylmaos confirmed to have twitter beef with elon

>> No.15873684

This is a false flag thread made so janny deletes all but one /sfg/, please use >>15872041 for actual spaceflight discussion.
Do your fucking job janny.

>> No.15873701

I just copy pasted this from the other threads but you get the point

>> No.15873711

/x/ confirmed for ruining the test flight with shitty writing
also, the other thread's alive and well so you should probably hang yourself for bumping this one

>> No.15873718

tfw no JPL gf
no one cares about your thread dickhead

>> No.15873802

there's baitposters in the room right now
I can smell them

>> No.15873817
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You clearly have no idea how passionate these people are about space exploration and have created this nonsense in your head because /pol/ gave you mindworms
Tad grim in my opinion, should work on that mate

>> No.15873929

>men only want one thing and it's disgusting

>> No.15874102

/pol/ is retarded and shits on spaceflight every time it comes up, and as for those people, if they even agreed to be in that embarrassing photo they're not passionate about space

>> No.15874327

Oh fuck off dickhead. You clearly have no clue about JPL.
All you see is:
>wahmen with jobs reeeee
Go back to whatever Muslim hellhole you came from and leave the advancement of humanity to the rest of us.

>> No.15874381
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>> No.15874389
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Ran the numbers and we could actually do 4 shuttles at the same time.

>> No.15874403

we c learly staged >>15873623 this thread and since janny didnt delete its the real th read you msut go to it

>> No.15874456
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>> No.15874466
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>orbital test flight

>> No.15874474
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first for
>the front fell off

>> No.15874557

Is it okay?

>> No.15874728

Real talk, why cant SpaceX launch a rocket into space when we have supposedly got someone on the moon in the 60s?

Shouldn't they have that knowledge+tech plus another 60 years worth of knowledge and tech stacked on top?

>> No.15874738

a purge happened, we are reusing this thread since this was the only one janny left up.

>> No.15874741
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Have you tried not being a retard?

>> No.15874743
File: 2.07 MB, 1254x1064, musk_weareback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We back?

>> No.15874744

we are in fact back, no more splinter threads! everyone post cool stuff, i'd like to hear more IFT-1 and IFT-2 music syncs for when the beat drops

>> No.15874745
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Cheers to a great thread

>> No.15874746

kek cheers. ill accept a muskrats btfo type thread if it means we're back.

>> No.15874747

If musk says 3-4 weeks for flight readiness that means no major redesigns anticipated. Right?

>> No.15874752

he said 2 months for IFT-2 and look what happened. if anything gets redesigned, i expect either the tile attachment system.

>> No.15874766

i expect they will be ready to fly in 3 months after investigating and making the necessary modifications. FAA approval in March or April

>> No.15874769

fake news, february-march is the real prediction

>> No.15874770

I work for SpaceX from the future. OFT-3 launches april sorry

>> No.15874775

what april 2025? we're talking about ift-3 where the fuck did oft-3 come from thats not for a long fuckin while

>> No.15874777

It's called Orbital Flight Test

>> No.15874778
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it was never orbital you fucking nimrod. they change it to integrated flight test for that specific reason, its suboribtal.

>> No.15874779
File: 359 KB, 1080x1387, Screenshot_20231119_111227_X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but your flat out wrong

>> No.15874782

yeah youre gonna take information from some fucking fed retards who run a xitter account for the government over the literal page of the people who did the launch? fuck off

>> No.15874784

Everyone calls it IFT, move on.

>> No.15874785

>check upcoming launches
>most are spacex
this is getting kind of boring

>> No.15874787

why dont you chill out bro. legally it's OFT, that's what will hold up in court. accept your wrong

>> No.15874790
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Casually it's a flight test. SpaceX calls it integrated test. FAA calls it orbital. Pick your poison.

>> No.15874793

i hate the FAA and all things they stand for, i will use the opposite of whatever they say. SpaceX says IFT, which means its IFT. anyone who says OFT is a fed cocksucker or a glowcel themselves and should be put to the airlock, if not the exhaust.

>> No.15874798

you need medication

>> No.15874800

fuck off you gangly fedcel, ill run you over in my martian rover in 2060 on mars

>> No.15874801

Booster and ship structural test this week. Static fire by next week. Engines getting installed today.

>> No.15874802

the FAA helps SpaceX. Even Elon likes them

>> No.15874808

trannys are so butthurt about musk that they chimped out on /sfg/ and started this fake thread

>> No.15874810

Latest starship launch gifs/webms please sirs.

>> No.15874812
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>Thanks also to @FAANews and @NFWFnews for rapid approval of a complex launch license
Elon admits FAA and FWS rapidly approved the license. SpaceX wasnt ready, 7 months and they werent ready.

>> No.15874817


>> No.15874825

goodnight /sfg/

>> No.15874853
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The only nigger with jobs got stalin'd lol

>> No.15874858


Actual thread for when you wake up

>> No.15874863
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IFT-2 was mostly a failure
>test deluge system
>test ignition
>test staging
>test booster flip
failed, did not hold up
>test booster re-ignition
failed (?)
>test Starship communication with control center
>test booster controllability, hover and accuracy
failed to reach
>test tile retention
>test re-entry
failed to reach
>test Starship controllability, hover and accuracy after re-entry
failed to reach

>> No.15874875

The use of "Failed to reach" here is just stat padding.

>> No.15874877

Hey anons, that shit head Noa splintered threads AGAIN right after janny literally just cleaned out the catty so we could stage correctly and without extra threads. Please remember to report it which is >>15874858 this one here, even if this thread edition is caca janny intentionally left it as the only one up after the purge.

>> No.15874882

very obviously him btw considering its happening during hawaii hours.

>> No.15874894
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Whats their deal and why so they shill and steal so much when they get the most money of any launch coverer?

>> No.15874900
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Whats his deal?

>> No.15874905
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Time for another $ASTR short!

>> No.15874914

Always multipleks Elon time by at least 2.

>> No.15874916

>shorting when it's already below the proposed buyout price of $1.50 and insiders own most of the voting power
stupid bobo

>> No.15874919

Move to actual /sfg/ thread

>> No.15874922

delete it, retard

>> No.15874934
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What's the best name for Australia's first lunar rover?