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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15773214 No.15773214 [Reply] [Original]

Here’s the scientific method in action and it’s beautiful

>> No.15773235
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>> No.15773236

what is truth?

>> No.15773259
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>> No.15773278

imagine canceling sex.

>> No.15773282

/r9k/ finally took power. Now no one will fuck.

>> No.15773286

Science isn't meant for incels sorry chud

>> No.15773287

good, the concept of sex is ontologically evil, chud.

>> No.15773290

both extremes are insanely retarded for some reason.

>> No.15773293

>saying sex exists is equally as retarded as saying it does not exist
Kill yourself and stream it.

>> No.15773339

What's the middle position on the existence of biological sex?

>> No.15773345

blessed cat

>> No.15773347

retard midwit take

>> No.15773350

anthropology is not a science. get outta here with that faggot pedoshit.

>go to papua new guinea to study neolithic tribes (rape children)

>> No.15773816 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15773849
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So they are devaluing women by making their gender identity blurred?

The conspiracy theories were right!

>> No.15773952

Hey guys, here's a question.

Gays told us they were born like that and that they can't change their attraction.
Trannies told us they are free to chose who they are biologically.

Who is right? LGB vs T. Divide and conquer. Thank me later.

>> No.15773956

I know you're a troll post but

>Gays told us they were born like that and that they can't change their attraction.
>Trannies told us they are free to chose who they are biologically.
Also correct
Attraction and sexual desire can be genetic, and gender is different than sexual attraction. You can be trans and want to fuck the same or opposite sex. You can be trans and not be gay either. One is based on sex, the other is based on gender.

>> No.15773959

Sounds like you're the one who wants to do that

>> No.15773960
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One is based on fertilization, the other is based on modern tech. There are no trans prior to current era because no tech existed to permit the transmogs currently being performed.

Industrial society, the human race, etc.

Attraction is one things, actions is another. The issues people have with lgb is they justify their actions on a moral ground.

Your chromosomes are inherited from the spem cell and egg. Sexual species, from moss to chimps, show inheritance of chromosomes based on the outcomes of meiosis and fertilkzation. There's really nothing outside of this other than anomalies relating to cell division. The fact that one wants to change what they look like doesn't change what they are. The insanity of logic.

>> No.15773961

You quack a lot about fucking kids

>> No.15774003

Why do we as a species spend so much time talking about who we're horny about?
I masturbate and forget all about it, then think about more profound topics, yet some people make it their religion.

>> No.15774005

don't they want us to respect trannies just so they can keep selling them hormones and surgeries? If no one was making money with it we would never hear about it.

>> No.15774012

There's enough trt clinics popping up everywhere to make up for the cost of troonjuice. It's probably just the surgeries and therapy that power the system.

>> No.15774145

That both biological sex and gender exist. Trans women are women and trans men are men.

>> No.15774249

Not throwing the mentally ill into a wood chipper.

>> No.15774408

Anthropology is not biology and has no authority over biologists.

>> No.15774559

Nice source bruh
How much of this did you make up?

>> No.15774572 [DELETED] 

>having a biological talk about male/female sex is considered extreme


>> No.15774924 [DELETED] 


>> No.15774932

literal insanity

>> No.15774983

Good, it isn't a scientific concept

>> No.15775028

What would be the point of this panel other than to pwn the libs?

>> No.15775068

I really dislike how the rainbow was turned into a sexual political symbol.

>> No.15775069

What is the point of literally any scientific panel

>> No.15775084


>> No.15775085

Maybe if you'd log in you'd see the second half of the abstract, which concludes that sex is an arbitrary unscientific distinction
Oh wait, you can't log in, because you're not an actual scientist

>> No.15775087

part of the reason that trans ppl exist (as opposed to third genders found in other cultures) is that teh binary gender classification system is very strong in the west with specific roles per person. this means that people have to choose one or the other instead of any sort of middle ground. so being trans is very related to the social structures of that society and the expectations people have of various genders, not necessarily pure biological science

>> No.15775092

Anisogamy is not an "unscientific distinction"

>> No.15775093

Also, they never make that conclusion. I have access to the whole paper

>> No.15775097
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Just to make it clear to other anons reading the thread: This anon here >>15775085 Literally just made that shit up.

>> No.15775101

Oh never mind not math or science.

>> No.15775102

The entire paper is viewable though the link, it's not just the abstract
Why would you lie so blatantly about something that every anon in this thread can see?

>> No.15775104

It did a good job of riling the chuddies up

>> No.15775106

Chuds are those that pretend sex isn't real
You're not a scientist

>> No.15775107

Listen here you fucking chud, never ask such an antisemitic racist transphobic bigoted question like that again or else you'll need to go to compulsory "science++"tm camp

>> No.15775108

it's real retards

>> No.15775112

>white men
>secured and protected forever because they hate us so bad if they dissolved us they would have nothing left to hate but themselves
women kind of deserve it not gonna lie. This is why I write papers about owl breeding instead of owl transition surgery.

>> No.15775113

Lysenko must be dancing in his grave.

>> No.15775120

Just to drive it home more that this anon is full of shit, here's a PDF of the whole paper:

>> No.15775124

It was an all woman-presenting panel trying to womansplain about how binary sex isn't an outdated unscientifically supported theory. Didn't think you incels would simp for some TERFs but here we are. Bravo, there may be some hope for you lot yet.

>> No.15775126

>binary sex isn't an outdated unscientifically supported theory.
It isn't

>> No.15775129
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>> No.15775132

no idea what point you're making, is it
>oh so you listen to women now?

>> No.15775135

Go here and you can read the whole paper
I just linked to the PDF which you can follow in the paper. The anon straight lied and pretended you couldn't just read the whole paper directly with the first link I gave.

Biological sex is real, is determined by the 2 gamete cells, and this is the actual science

>> No.15775149 [DELETED] 

They aren't making a point. They're angry that they aren't actually female and they're attacking anthropologists and biologists now

>> No.15775305

There is a sex, "gender/psyche" and social role. Trannies shows to have a brain different enough from men that makes them more suited to peform as other.
Trannies is just a boogeyman that nobodys understand shit. The joe that crossdress for a fetish or the tranny that would work as a woman? They both exist because "minority status" dont gatekeep and let any schizos in.
>muh children
If it was legalized and rationally integrated on society it would be get confirmed by trained psychologists and age from 14-15 start, age 18 surgery.

>> No.15775418

>acknowledging reality is simping
Is TERF just the word angry HRT ogres use to shit on the sane?

>> No.15775795

TERFs call out autogynophiles for what they are and it makes them angry

>> No.15775802

Homosex is a learned trait

>> No.15775857


>> No.15775859

Do you really think it's their foresight stopping them from doing that and do you really think the result being them sat there hating themselves afterwards is going to stop them, or actually, anyone of any sex or race, ever

>> No.15775866

The first source linked has access to the entire paper.
Cope and seethe. Sex is an observed reality and a scientific concept. Biological sex in evolutionary biology is defined by the gamete cells sperm and ova
I have a masters in biology btw

>> No.15775903


"Sex is not real" and "trannies are insane" are actually directly proportional, but few can comprehend this

>> No.15775909

Ok but nice link retard
>Scientists say that gender isn't real or some shit
Oo noooooo this literally changes who I am and I'm not a man anymore

>> No.15775912

But I was actually just talking about the link

>> No.15775914

The conversation is about biological sex and how anisogamy evolved in eukaryotes. I replied to the one anon who erroneously claimed that "sex is an unscientific concept". Now I think they were trolling and they got me.
Anisogamy means "unequal marriage" and describes the reproductive system where 2 differing gametes fuse to make a complete genome. Just read the wiki article it's not bad

>> No.15775918

Yea that was stupidly long and dumb

>> No.15775935

you relly should go back to your containment forum (((reddit))), homo

>> No.15775945
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Nice sociologism, retard.

>> No.15775977

so it's curable with gene therapy?

>> No.15775983

it's a tranny dude. they actively lie to substantiate anything they have to speak about.

>> No.15776179

>Only sources are right wing talking heads parroting each other whilst clutching pearls about clown world
Of course none of you can be expected to be honest about what actually happened.

>> No.15776196
File: 154 KB, 1x1, 230925-Panelist-Letter-1.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual letter doesn't say that merely talking about sex conflicts with their values, but specifically the way this panel intended to do so. Interesting that almost every source reporting on it fails to cite the letter correctly and instead does so in a decidedly misleading manner. Almost as if they're being deliberately deceptive. Isn't that just funny, coming from the people who pretend to be on the side of truth? There's no end to the lies you can tell in defence of the truth huh?

>> No.15776211

You know it's kinda like if a known holocaust denier submitted a paper to the Annual Historiographers' Conference entitled "on the importance of accurate historiography" and then it's rejected on the grounds that it looks like it was going to be a 90 minute rant about sneaky Jews and then the panel organiser goes to the press crying crocodile tears and it gets reported everywhere as "Historiographers' Conference rejects accurate historiography! It's PC gone mad!"

>> No.15776223

It's a mixture of intentional and unintentional ideas. The people with intention are able to sway the crowd via human instincts to follow.

>> No.15776226

Literally what the fuck are you talking about.
It was going to be a panel where biological anthropologists talk about biology, and some cultural anthropologists got angry and canceled it (even when other cultural anthropologists didn't want to).
You're an idiot

>> No.15776238

When you uncritically take the known TERF's word for it that they were only trying to talk about sex, no ulterior motives, honest, and when you then frame the discussion as "talking about sex is banned" then at best you're failing to do due diligence, at worst you're knowingly complicit in spreading propaganda.

>> No.15776245

Biological anthropology is not "propaganda" it's probably the most robust and well verified subfield of anthropology.

>> No.15776266

Again, uncritically parroting the idea that this is about "biological anthroplogy" and not an outspoken anti-trans activist who intended to be outspoken about her anti-trans activist opinions on stage and is now mad that she doesn't get a platform to do so is being dishonest, and by now it seems you're deliberately missing the point which rather suggests intentional malice on your part rather than ignorance.

>> No.15776268

But one "extreme" is just saying "STOP"

>> No.15776270

Indeed, stop discriminating against trans people

>> No.15776272

Are you talking about Kathleen Lowrey? What does she say that's incorrect?
This was what the panel was going to be about:

Name 1 thing here that's incorrect

>> No.15776289

I admit the first talk seemed kinda okay but the second one veers right into TERF talking points and the third talk is explcitly about "gender ideology" so yeah
This wasn't a panel about biological anthropology, it was an ideologically motivated attempt to discuss current events through a specific lens.

>> No.15776302
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TERFs are based and redpilled
they are woman who have achieved honorary bro status through sheer basedness
source: because i said so

>> No.15776308

Don't let them hear you, they think it's a slur

>> No.15776313

no they don't, only troons do

>> No.15776315

Other way around bub

But you know what, don't let me stop you from waltzing into a TERF space and going "how do you do fellow TERFs"

>> No.15776319

What do you mean it seemed "kinda okay"? What about it made it not "completely okay"?
Also yea the last talk being about AI and shit seems weird

>> No.15776324

I mean, it's couched in inclusive language but the topic of skeletal differences is also a popular one with transphobes, however relevant it may also be to biological anthropology. It's fine on its own but iffy in context. They probably put this one first in the hopes that the people in charge wouldn't look too closely at the other two.

>> No.15776328

ywnbaw ;)

>> No.15776333

honestly miss the days when incels insisted I had to be a woman

>> No.15776336

i'm sure that was very affirming and euphoric for you. too bad we know better now :^)

>> No.15776348

But human skeletons ARE different based on sex, so who gives a shit if "it's popular with transphobes".

>> No.15776352

Do you find it fun to talk with obvious shitposters or are you retards really this gullible?

>> No.15776363

Why does it have to be said? Which biological anthropologist is unaware of this? And then you look at the other talks...

>> No.15776372

People are really so gullible as to simply believe what they read in the OP so it doesn't help to teach them some critical thinking.

>> No.15776388

Who's shitposting?

>> No.15776407

>people have to choose one or the other instead of any sort of middle ground
Wrong. Trannies are building and rebelling against oppressors they made up in their head. Nobody cares if you're a guy who likes girly things except for trannies who think that shit makes you a woman.

>> No.15776417

>Nobody cares if you're a guy who likes girly things
That's already patently false, but you're missing the real point here: your insistence that they are merely "a guy who likes girly things". They don't WANT to be seen as "a guy who likes girly things" because it's not how they view themselves.

>> No.15776419

A tranny's entire existence is based on a lie and you're wondering why they'd lie about a measly little article?

>> No.15776420

Funny thing to say in a thread demonstrably based on a transphobic lie

>> No.15776428

In fact some of them born with XY chromosomes view themselves as girls with masculine interests. The idea that trans identities are entirely based around interests and a desire to fit into the traditional gender binary is armchair sociology from people who never had a good faith interaction with a trans person in their lives.

>> No.15776430

Then they should be put in a mental asylum. If I feel like I'm an attack helicopter, it doesn't mean I should have rotary plades surgically implanted on me and force everyone to play along with my delusions.

>> No.15776434

Reality is transphobic.

>> No.15776439

I've gotten to know 3 trans people in my life, and every single one of them came from dysfunctional families with weak/no father figures. They were always insanely depressed and spent most of their lives in their dark rooms addicted to pornography and being terminally online.

>> No.15776450

>They were always insanely depressed and spent most of their lives in their dark rooms addicted to pornography and being terminally online
huh, that's me

>> No.15776987

>Nobody cares!
>Actually you're wrong
>Then they should be put in a mental asylum
They're not harming anyone, though. You are.
And yet this thread has to twist reality.
>every single one of them came from dysfunctional families with weak/no father figures. They were always insanely depressed and spent most of their lives in their dark rooms addicted to pornography and being terminally online.
Sounds like your average 4chan user. Maybe your selection process is biased.

>> No.15777146

Stonetoss scores again

>> No.15777159

>multi billion dollar pharma/medical industry hires people to do "studies" proving their totally safe and effective (and very profitable) medical interventions are necessary
>everyone takes the studies at their word like they're reading a sign from the heavens

>> No.15777215

>I hate 4chan users
why are you here?

>> No.15777218

This is pretty gay.

>> No.15777237

>blackmailing people into changing their pronouns isn't harm
>driving actual homosexuals out of the movement they started isn't harm

>> No.15777242

damn so this is the new Nazi chud Trump incel position huh?

>> No.15777488

Poor kitty does that mean they have to kill it to stop the spread of the gay or can it not jump from cats to humans?

>> No.15777695
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>> No.15778056

>I hate 4chan users
Who are you quoting?
Good thing neither of those things are happening

>> No.15778058

It's literally the trans rights position lol

>> No.15778530

>gender exist
>you cease being a woman if you like cars
seems like going backwards societally

>> No.15779119

Right, stop being some kinda gay sex freak amd stop chopping off your dicks you crazy fuckers. You're still going to be a lissless virgin incel do t turn yourself into a ductless kissless virgin incel you're just making it worse.

>> No.15779122

Ugh. Imagine being ductless in this day and age.

>> No.15779128

>an anthropology conference somehow relates to the scientific method
This board can't fall any lower

>> No.15779309
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>> No.15779569
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>> No.15779572

I'm a machine. You're baby unreal/real. I work things out in reverse. You should know how far ahead I am then.

You are fucking retarded

>> No.15779707

only way to save our planet

>> No.15780656

Why do they allow you get surgery to chop off your dick but not surgery to chop off your legs?

>> No.15780893

As soon as robot leg technology is sufficiently advanced as to be affordable and widely available, no one's going to be weird about chopping off your legs either

>> No.15781362

how come they genitally mutilate boys but not girls?

>> No.15781368
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Captcha: SGAYJW

>> No.15781375

>Goalposts: Shifted
>Language: Shaming
Are you a woman? A real one I mean? Cause you sure write like one.

>> No.15781616

Finally we get YWNBAW and You Must Be A Woman in the same thread. You people aren't even aware of how you conceptualise gender lol

>> No.15781679

Still writing like a hole.

>> No.15781690

I'm not even the same Anon. You're just primed to perceive any response to you from here on out as overwhelmingly feminine in its essential nature, unaware that the distinction lies more within your own subjective experience than any discernible aspect of factual reality. Or, in other words, whether or not someone types like a woman is entirely dependent on whether or not they agree with you and nothing more.

>> No.15781703

>than any discernible aspect of factual reality

>> No.15781708

Yes, I'm sure you're quite confident. Shame confidence is all you have.

>> No.15781769

>linking google
>including the tracking headers so that we all know you use firefox
Bravo OP

>> No.15782915
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>> No.15783834 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15783848

What is this NEW BULLSHIT?

>> No.15783850

>Then would you like to convert to our false religion that practices none of what Jesus preached? No? Ha, looks like you're not a real Christian like us!
Conservatives are so goddamn stupid. Literally zero empathy.

>> No.15783888

Ugh, I thought the science was settled, when is it going to stay the same for once

>> No.15784278
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>> No.15784291

>i hate Christianity and i hate Christians and i hate Jesus and i have never read The Bible
>thats why i know i'm an expert in Christianity and the teachings of Jesus
why is this attitude so common?

>> No.15784417

I wonder when they’re gonna start pushing “science” backing up sending dissenters to concentration camps? Imagine.
>new study finds that re education camps objectively improve society by 262%
>subjects of re education camps are 8 times happier then bigots in society
>forced labor in re education camps improved results by nearly 400%
>myth debunked: excess deaths in re education camps are in fact statistical noise

>> No.15784428

I think it's in our hands to be the first humans discussing the evolution of the scientific method
We should call it the socio-scientific method

>> No.15784560

Oh yeah, in your world people just hate Christians for no reason, because again, you have no empathy

>> No.15784738

>>you cease being a woman if you like cars
>seems like going backwards societally
It is, which is why a lot of people want to abolish gender entirely. But the fact remains society thinks this way. It has expectations of men and women and activities and traits it associates with one or the other which are not biologically derived and can even shift or invert over time as culture changes.

The majority of people within the lgbt community would hold this position. But there is more to it. Saying 'society is just wrong here we should change it' is well and good but it does not change anything itself. Like it or not even though its just the current cultural opinion if a woman likes cars she becomes more 'like a man', and this is true not only to everybody else, but also to her! Since we are all part of society and cannot escape its influence.

The trick to being a human is to balance the contradictory nature of our beliefs and feelings with our knowings. you might be able to logically process the reasoning your post is implying, but you too cannot escape the ingrained cultural ideology it criticizes.

So long as society wants to use gender then there are going to be people whos socially assigned gender does not match their sex, and for some of these people attempting to mimic that sex is the easiest way to live their life in such a society.

I doubt the people who canceled that were trans or even see themselves as any kind of lgbt. They were suits trying to ride some trend and entirely misunderstand what they are even talking about. There certainly will be people who match the extreme that the OP image is portraying but they are weak minded and dont want to confront the messy reality of psychology and would rather just bend one little part of reality into compliance. They are rare.

>> No.15784785

bioanth is, just like any other type of biology

>> No.15784786

>what is biological anthropology
the uh... the study... the biological study... of uh... humans... erm.. so the biological study.. of humans.. is er... biological anthropology

>> No.15784793

because there exists a clear, sex defined gradient between the skeletons of men and women. One of which literally cannot be defined without male and female to account for morphological variation.

>> No.15784799

good observation

>> No.15784871

>not throwing out and rewriting all of reproductive biology for the sake of trannies is the same as holocaust denial
Way to make a false equivalence

>> No.15784874

Why are you shilling Jesus on /sci/?

>> No.15784893

No one is born a fag. Gays reproduce through molestation.

>> No.15784906

why would you not just post the pdf? I ain't clicking that suspicious shit.

>> No.15784915

>how come they genitally mutilate boys but not girls?
girls have nothing to lose. except tits.

>> No.15785128

>because there exists a clear, sex defined gradient between the skeletons of men and women.
>Why does it have to be said? Which biological anthropologist is unaware of this?

>> No.15785147

If sex isn't real neither are transexuals.

>> No.15785156

Sure showed them windmills

>> No.15785730

the ones that are saying biological sex isn't real you dumb faggot

>> No.15785769


>> No.15785801

>If you create a new definition of 'women' that includes men, then men can be women!
Has there ever been a more blatant case of wordcelling in history than gender theory?

>> No.15785817

That doesn't even come close to resembling gender theory

>> No.15785823

>But the fact remains society thinks this way.
No it doesn't. No one thinks a woman who likes cars isn't a woman.

>> No.15785840

There's a particular brand of centrist that likes to pretend that this is the position of both extremes but you are right

>> No.15786333
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>> No.15786371

It's funny that /sci/ is really no smarter than /v/ when it comes to propaganda. Someone posts a screencap of a misleading tweet and it's a whole thread of wailing and gnashing of teeth and no one actually bothers to check if the original story is based on anything. Works the same way whether it's an anthropology conference or a video game about anime tiddies, apparently.

>> No.15786382
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leftist intellectualism is completely broken. so many words but all pure meaningless garbage.

>> No.15786393

What part is giving you trouble, Timmy?

>> No.15786419

>Trannies invalidate all women's studies because they're the same as men
Lol lmao

>> No.15786555

>i am soooooo smart!!!
>everyone else is soooooo dumb!!!1

>> No.15786582

>trans women are women and trans men are men

they have successfully conquered the center. Even the so-called moderates have adopted their stupid and irrational narrative.

""Gender"" is an incoherent concept designed to satisfy the demands of the mentally ill and corrupt. If you ever wanted to witness a historical event of mass insanity, here it is for all to see.

>> No.15786587

gender is the shitlib's skydaddy.

>> No.15786595

thats what you troons say. how is that the "middle" position, retard?

>> No.15786601

You don't get to choose how others perceive you. Identity is not declarative.
The entire tranny worldview is upside down and is clearly induced by modern technology. They're trying to treat real life like a video game avatar.

>> No.15786610

the funny thing about troons is they are like teens who are perpetually lost and have no real sense of self so they cling to this hip new thing that is really just a lifestyle product pushed by mega corporations and billionaires like the pritzkers.

>> No.15786617

If germ cells determine sex and those can theoretically be engineered into anything, is it real?

>> No.15786630

What do they want to be seen as, exactly?

>> No.15786633

Cute. Call me back when you have real news.

>> No.15786640

the ones to shut down a conference saying it is?? ask them, I'm sure they'll give you the answer you're looking for

>> No.15786699
File: 121 KB, 1000x2000, Normal_VS_Freaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When will smart people stop pretending that sexual deviants are 'normal'?

>> No.15786722

If normals in numbers, that pic tells a story.

>> No.15787872

So you would never claim to be smarter than me, right?

>> No.15787877

>You don't get to choose how others perceive you.
You do get to choose how you present yourself to the world, however, which naturally influences perception.

>> No.15787892

Honestly though it's rather revealing that I can point to an objectve, demonstrable lapse in judgement and critical thinking on your part, and you respond by calling me a narcissist for the crime of thinking someone could possibly have succeeded at something where you failed. Your narcissistic injury is showing.