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15747260 No.15747260 [Reply] [Original]

You reckon we'll ever have infinite, AI generated, customizable entertainment?

I'm talking about having a prompt where you can write:
>"Movie about 1.5 hours long, starring James Dean, Steven Seagal, Van Damme and prime Audrey Hepburn, plot must have a planetary threat and aliens and at least one plot twist, must have at least one sex scene with Audrey and Seagal".
Then you press ENTER and in a few minutes or seconds you have your movie made for you.

How far away from that are we?
And what will you use to kill yourself? I'm thinking of the classic gun in mouth.

>> No.15747264

>You reckon we'll ever have infinite, AI generated, customizable entertainment?
Yes. Why do you think they're working around the clock to dehumanize and dumb down all content and produce a generation of that takes "mindless consoomer" to a literal extreme?

>> No.15747269

You didn't answer the second question. Gun, pills or helium tank?

>> No.15747274

>working around the clock to dehumanize and dumb down all content
Haven't they already done this? Why are they still working on it?

>> No.15747304

>Haven't they already done this? Why are they still working on it?
They will keep working on it until the quality of the golem demand and the quality of the AI supply converge. They're attacking the problem from both directions at once.

>> No.15747319

You really think (((they))) would do that? Just use their power to manipulate our minds and our ability to reason and distinguish between good and bad, creative and formulaic?

>> No.15747324
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>> No.15747336

Yeah, I think they would. I'm a jew btw. :^)

>> No.15747343

>in italian "blatta" means roach
God is a comedian.

>> No.15747345

Could you stop it. please?

>> No.15747351

I hate normies. There is nothing wrong with converting normies into literal golems.

>> No.15747358

Alright but leave some untouched island for us 140+ IQ chads so we can preserve some semblance of the white race.

>> No.15747364

Just don't consoom garbage?

>> No.15747365

Being surrounded by normie consoomers is hell on Earth.

>> No.15747557

when I can generate infinite real life quality feet pics I will be set for life. I'm drooling a the thought.

>> No.15747574

AIs can already generate 1 acceptable photograph every dozen attempts or so.

>> No.15747581
File: 81 KB, 660x330, 1599660935130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Blatt" is also German for a leaf or a sheet of paper (literally 'blade'). So he's named after green pieces of paper.

>> No.15747583

German money isn't even green. Think of the foresight (a pity for the foreskin though).

>> No.15747870
File: 2.24 MB, 330x166, prince.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the desire to spend your life as a spectator is common amongst pointless losers
>i just wanna spend the rest of my life watching tv
you'll never make anything of yourself

>> No.15747908

A guy I talk to IRL wrote a story about a word where this has already happened and all artists/writers/musicians/programmers etc have given up on life:

>> No.15747914

the real question is future humans who grow up with this AI, and become artists...will they give up on life? did you give up on life that a tractor can pull more than you can? you didn't did you?
yeah, we'll have a few frustrated artists. tough luck. many such cases in history.

>> No.15748132

Shut the fuck up you pretentious faggot, you're here wasting time, what impulses do you think are governing you?

>> No.15748134

One thing is being frustrated because you still haven't polished your talent enough, or because the world still hasn't recognized it. But you still have hope.
Another thing is knowing with perfect certainty that you will never be able to create something an AI can't create in a few seconds without even trying.

>> No.15748150

maybe future artists use the AI art tool to better express themselves. there's certainly a lot of people having art inside, without the technical abilities to express it.
historically part of art was execution skill, which was reserved for few people, apart from affording what was needed, you literally needed to HAVE THE SKILL of phisically/practically doing it.
we may have more interesting leonardos but completely lacking the skills to express their art. this is where AI art could come in and massively help.
remember, AI art is not AGI art. they are pretty wildly different concepts. AI does not do shit without being told to. AI art doesn't spontaneously and randomly generate itself.

>> No.15748318

>maybe future artists use the AI art tool to better express themselves.
That could've been the case if the focus was on creating tools for artists that maximize artistic control. Instead, the focus is on creating tools for non-artists to LARP as artists, with minimal control.

>there's certainly a lot of people having art inside, without the technical abilities to express it.
No, there really isn't a lot. Artistry is something you develop through the mastery of technique.

>> No.15748334

>AI does not do shit without being told to. AI art doesn't spontaneously and randomly generate itself.
Right, AI is approximates real art drawn by real artists. Too bad you are not involved in that process in any meaningful sense.

>> No.15748387

It's 1984. You have to reduce complexity. There are too many words, too many possibilities, AI can do a lot but the simpler life is the easier it is to simulate. The stories we know more and more predictable is a smaller scope so it's less likely to produce complete nightmare nonsense and it will seem as if it's done a better job when it really hasn't

>> No.15748402

1984 is a psyop to distract us from our Brave New World.

>> No.15748406

Perhaps but like communication is difficult. We can almost read thoughts but not yet. You can either do something yourself or ask a computer but computers are shit with directions. Until the computers can read our minds and apply what we know directly to the process it's going to be a struggle and doing things yourself will sometimes be easier.

This is to some extent similar to EDM. You take a sample and then apply affects but you still need ability. You can say apply Dali filter but if you want one part Dali and another Picasso you need to select area. If you want a new filter you need to draw a ton of samples and actually make the filter then you can use it

Once they can read our minds though, once we become one with the matrix or some shit, the end of scarcity will not be in creativity per se but just communication and real/digital production speed. You can imagine a painting just as you want it to be with every cloud painted just how you want it to be and the computer will help you make that decision and also do it for you. But, you're still you kinda. We're already androids our phones and our selves are nearly one

>> No.15748417

>Another thing is knowing with perfect certainty that you will never be able to create something an AI can't create in a few seconds without even trying.
Reminder that AI will never be able to create art.

>> No.15748521
File: 149 KB, 1024x984, 1641248283090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One thing is being frustrated because you still haven't polished your talent enough, or because the world still hasn't recognized it. But you still have hope.
>Another thing is knowing with perfect certainty that you will never be able to create something an AI can't create in a few seconds without even trying.
Your problem has multiple layers. The first one is that you're a terminal consoomer, so you only understand the enjoyment and creation of art only through the logic of consumerism. You're conditioned to accept the hollowness, rootlessness and inauthenticity inherent in objects produced by consoomer economies. Art is a product to you, and as such, it doesn't matter how, let alone why, it was made, so long as it gives you the shallow stimulation you crave. It's only natural, then, that when you think about producing art, you judge the process of creation as having no intrinsic value, and authentic art as having no "added value". You only know one way to judge value, and you know your efforts would be redundant and ultimately worthless under such a system of value judgment. Of course you feel demoralized.

Underneath that, there are also more personal issues at play: one is that you're oversocialized, so your sense of self-worth is dependent on external valuation. The other is that you can only ever view the creation of art as a potential surrogate activity to fill a void and cope with the meaninglessness of life under the technological system. The outcome is that you see the creation of art as a quest for some kind of "meaning", "meaning" as being dependent on the valuation of others, and others as being consumers that couldn't care less about your artistry. Ouch! Sucks to suck!

>> No.15748531

I think about this a lot.
I think the first one to be good will be music generation, maybe based on biofeedback. Like it plays a variety of melodies or whatever and sees which ones makes your heartbeat slow down or accelerate, and depending on if you asked for soothing or exciting music leans into that.
Did you see the ai generated southpark? I am skeptical that it is real, and it wasn't great great, but mimicking one of the best shows of our time (yes I mean that literally) is a hard barrier for a first of it's kind. I guess they figured the graphics are easy to do, but the actual writing is very good to hard to match.
I think for ai generated shows, the first good ones will be reposes to prompts like "make a retelling of the odyssey using star trek tng characters and setting" or something like that.

>> No.15748538

>I think the first one to be good will be music generation
Completely delusional. We already have pretty compelling image generators but nothing even approaches creating a decent piece of music.

>> No.15748540

Here is the south park thing



>> No.15748550

That's your opinion.
I think image generators are showing a hard limit. They are still very much like search engines that can repackage stuff.
hey make good guesses but don't actually follow precise instructions. Yes the pics can look good, but they aren't good at making what you ask.

Music doesn't have to be specific to be entertaining, you can use biofeedback: if the sound soothes you it it is soothing.

Ultimately I think people want neural nets to do everything but I think it's not necessarily the best or even possible.

>> No.15748556

>That's your opinion.
Then show me an example of AI music that even begins to approach the quality of AI iamges.

>Music doesn't have to be specific to be entertaining, you can use biofeedback: if the sound soothes you it it is soothing.
Ok, I think I'm starting to understand your perspective. You are basically what this poster was talking about:
You're talking about custom elevator music for your brain.

>> No.15748568

NTA, here are various examples mentioned from over the years and even decades: https://youtube.com/watch?v=VnFqUMqNKFY

>> No.15748570

I'm not viewing this propaganda. Send a particular example of AI music that you consider impressive.

>> No.15748720

Yes, elevator music that makes you feel amazing.

>> No.15748737
File: 21 KB, 488x463, 2vfsq9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha this noise make brain feel good
Uh huh. And you think they can't figure out equally primitive and meaningless visual stimulations to make a monkey like you feel good? Allow me to express my doubts. But anyway, yeah... your mentality is probably the one they need for the planned future of """content""".

>> No.15748778

lived with quite a few.
>No, there really isn't a lot. Artistry is something you develop through the mastery of technique.
you adapt your technique until it perfectly expresses whatever you had inside.
the technique bit is wow for primitive people. yeah cool, humans can do some shit, phisically. great.
but what do they say with it? you can have good eye catching technique but tell nothing with it.
I also don't really give a fuck about what you think about what I think about it.

>> No.15748789

>you adapt your technique until it perfectly expresses whatever you had inside.
This is a very common misconception among people with no skills and no understanding. They often have delusions of creativity because they do not and cannot understand how vague and lacking in substance their "ideas" are, or what goes into an actual creative process.

>but what do they say with it? you can have good eye catching technique but tell nothing with it.
Learn the difference between necessasry and sufficient conditions.

>> No.15748827

The medium is the message, brainlet. Your beliefs merely reflect the absolute state of modern art with its infinite solipsism.

>> No.15749112

Oh shit it's the same retard from the "bugs are nutritionally void" thread. Can't you shitpost on /b/ or something?

>> No.15749118

First of all, meds. Secondly, my point still stands. If your idea of music is pleasant noise, there's no reason why AI couldn't render pretty swirlies to match your mood.

>> No.15749786

The fact that you got triggered so hard by >>15747870 only suggests that it was an accurate characterization

>> No.15751135

Israel has the most massive anti-immigration wall in the world yet the dual citizens were all vehemently against American having a wall

>> No.15751147

Israel has literal illegal migrant niggers rioting in the streets, raping and robbing people because the Israeli supreme court ordered that caught inflitrators be released into Israel instead of being kept in closed facilities while they await deportation.

>> No.15751148

the first thing AI fucked humans on is art, dipshit. you do not gatekeep art, and I don't give a fuck about what you think art should be for me. you not only do not have that authority, you haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about.
I also shit on all of the art that you happen to like, in particular. it would be better for sure

>> No.15751152

>the first thing AI fucked humans on is art,
See >>15748521

>all that other insane drivel
Delicious. Keep seething. My point stands unchallenged.

>> No.15751156

literally a fucking minute with writing your post included, god damned you are literally a seething artist who got btfod by AI lol.
now maybe real artists can use the AI tool to create proper art, not your faggoted shit.

>> No.15751159

I don't know what your insane rambling is all about but my point stands undisputed. It's really funny to watch you lose your mind like this.

>> No.15751167

bad faggot bot

>> No.15752170

So why do the jews fight so hard again border protection for America when they have massive border walls of their own?

>> No.15752183



>> No.15753523

stop noticing, thats antisemitic

>> No.15753533

I don't know. Why did same jews fight so hard to release hordes of violent Africans in Israel?

>> No.15753762

No, because that's just a bunch of nonsense.
>"Movie about 1.5 hours long, starring James Dean, Steven Seagal, Van Damme and prime Audrey Hepburn, plot must have a planetary threat and aliens and at least one plot twist, must have at least one sex scene with Audrey and Seagal".

This is an issue with communication between humans. You think you actually said something, and the listener interprets what you said however the fuck you want and you both act like the thought ( the actual thought) was conveyed. When more likely, you don't even comprehend the thought yourself. And their brain is also just making shit up that contains the same keywords.

Then people point at a machine failing this """"""communication""""" and say machines can't be intelligent. No, the problem is machines aren't schizophrenic and empathetic.

>> No.15753766

>GPT 2 getting mad over its limited NLP

>> No.15756040

they didn't

>> No.15756048

Then how did the detention centers for illegal migrants get abolished? Why were hordes of illegal African migrants released into Israel? Why are they allowed to infest Tel-Aviv?