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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 160 KB, 1920x1080, starfield-delay-2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15672099 No.15672099 [Reply] [Original]

Constellation edition

Previous: >>15669621

>> No.15672106
File: 323 KB, 746x615, D0773265-D698-4290-B338-95EA71E8A456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the hot stage article passed testing

>> No.15672108

newfag here
why dont you like the ISS. I like my lego version plus it's cool to see going overhead at night.

>> No.15672109

Four possible flights before the end of the year.

>> No.15672110

SpaceX WILL win

>> No.15672111
File: 370 KB, 2048x1266, 1692313102275637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting garbage quality

>> No.15672113

It's a three billion dollar boat anchor on NASA's $21B budget

You can simultaneously like what it represents while hating it for what it means in terms of opportunity cost

>> No.15672118

>bitches about garbage quality
>posts a watermark
Someone take that shit off, I'm away from my PC right now.

>> No.15672121

zero-g science is mostly a meme but i disagree with >>15672113
commercial crew and the axiom station that is coming and the impetus it gives to cls is worth $100B

>> No.15672123
File: 361 KB, 2048x1266, 1692318319864697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15672132

The only thing I can't dispute is that the ISS is the best source of long term life in space health data we're ever going to get

>> No.15672144

>photoshops the wall onto the booster

>> No.15672146
File: 504 KB, 3206x1803, F3ssT-1XQAEwui6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15672149

For me it's this, but with the space shuttle

>> No.15672150

sorry forgot that one, it pastes it in the middle by default when I snip a section

>> No.15672155

I can't believe what lengths Elon is going to in order to avoid having to make a stage separation system

The Saturn's first stage had a bunch of retrorockets

>> No.15672160

will the booster engines be firing at sep?

>> No.15672163

no, they will all have exploded by then

>> No.15672164

As far as I know, the center three don't shut off until after the boostback is complete.

>> No.15672172
File: 124 KB, 1179x781, F3xfiClXsAA4POm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raptors on the loose! Three Rvacs (225, 235, and 240) appear to be getting prepared for installation on S28
And the twitter link if you want it https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer/status/1692332604291203434

>> No.15672180
File: 128 KB, 1275x717, spacex 2001 space odyssey space station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would /sfg/ like to read a long dissertation on spin gravity proposals?

>> No.15672190

But is it a successfully defended dissertation

>> No.15672195
File: 331 KB, 2048x1362, pesquet eva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Times New Roman on white
>no images
>HTML 1.0 compliant
>© Copyright 1994
Yep, I'm thinking based

>> No.15672196
File: 2.41 MB, 3024x4032, F3u2re7bYAAGgMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tory Bruno:
>Coming along great. Booster and pad are done and certified. Centaur V's new reinforced forward dome has been welded on to CV and will in the wash station shortly in prep for SOFI. This is what the inside looked like before it was welded onto the barrel.
Twitter Rando:
>it's gorgeous! Are the hatch patterns a forming artifact or for stiffening?
Tory Bruno:
>No. Those are Lüders bands. They look like scratches, but are really just a reflectivity effect. Gores are stretched to the dome shape. This phenomenon occurs at the tensile yield point when crystalline slip bands form alternating regions of plastic and elastic deformation.

>> No.15672205
File: 193 KB, 380x1310, Screenshot_20230818_110507_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this welding



>> No.15672209


Someone shoop a face in.

>> No.15672211

Looks good to me?

>> No.15672212

how much of those billions are just the shuttle launches?

>> No.15672219

Which lunar probe will survive the landing?
I will only share this now and the day before Luna 25 attempts to land to avoid spam.

>> No.15672220
File: 476 KB, 1044x1028, Space Cards 3x4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15672221

can't believe it gets up to 70 degrees on Mars

>> No.15672226

can't believe it gets up to 70 football fields per fahrenheit on mars

>> No.15672229

you jest but I know exactly what he meant

>> No.15672238
File: 66 KB, 600x800, 1528485415121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to come up with a reusable 2MN class RP1/LOX engine.

Should I go for oxidizer-rich staged combustion, or tap-off cycle? Alternatively, if I used propane instead of RP1 I could use the expander cycle.

>> No.15672241
File: 734 KB, 1170x756, IMG_4101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These puppies are big

>> No.15672243

Has to be a GG. You can't disassemble a staged combustion preburner between flights to scrub the coke off and call it reusable.

>> No.15672245

A good OR staged combustion kerolox engine would need minimal refurbishment between flights. Why else would you be going through the hassle of running oxygen rich

>> No.15672247
File: 106 KB, 679x864, Shimizu Corporation space station hotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15672249

metric countries can't into space

>> No.15672255

Lunar South Pole 2030 https://youtu.be/BbrDOY1sOiQ

>> No.15672265

We will find some kind of organism growing on the ice

>> No.15672267

That's a big bell end

>> No.15672280

Give it to me straight bros. Does Yurop have any future in the spaceflight? How would you fix the esa

>> No.15672289
File: 970 KB, 1156x586, Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 13.23.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15672293

Yes! Europoors actually do have a bright future riding in the pity cuckseat of Orion and Starship

>> No.15672294

>legos as an adult man
You have to go back.>>15672109

>> No.15672297

The EU as an entity must essentially dissolve. The member states would need to pursue their own projects or renegotiate agreements between one another. That entire part of the world is insanely stagnant and burdened by regulation, and requires some kind of political calamity/cultural revolution to be competitive in something like spaceflight again. The concept of a frontier is just too foreign to current European governments.
The ESA is unsalvageable.

>> No.15672298


>> No.15672299

Euros have a future because they are allowed to buy Starship tickets. Other than making the occasional deep space satellite, they are basically just an extension of NASA that will service Europeans to get in to space.

>> No.15672301
File: 1023 KB, 1125x1342, 47397F5F-1DF0-4228-9E13-EEB93504D840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every Starbase photographer insist on putting a watermark on their pictures

>> No.15672303

cast your vote please

>> No.15672305

Original Photo Do Not Steal

>> No.15672307

legos as an adult are 1000x more cathartic idgaf about your reddit obssession you goddamned queer

>> No.15672312

ESA is fine and doing exactly what it should do: science missions that can't ever return a profit.
Rockets and spacecraft should be made by private companies, not state agencies. In that regard, it's not impossible for Europe to get better rockets but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

>> No.15672315

because they are scam artists

>> No.15672321


>> No.15672322

Because they own the right to the photo.

>> No.15672323

birds will nest in the hot stage void area before launch

>> No.15672327

propalox has significant benefits, I recommend it

>> No.15672329

some good ol' texas barbecue

>> No.15672330

total bird death

>> No.15672331


>> No.15672332

Literal manchild. Grow up you pathetic worm, or rope up. Make the choice and stop being such a toddler.

>> No.15672333

They will ride into valhalla

>> No.15672337

People literally can go to jail if that happens

>> No.15672339

ESA needs to privatize and rapidly. Georeturn has it fighting with both hands tied behind its back. France will try to sabotage it every step of the way and will require an absolute army of lawyers to lasso into compliance. They might still just fuck off and do their own thing with CNES anyway once it becomes clear that they won't be getting much money back. Losing Guiana would mean finding a new launch site, likely in Kenya

As far as goals they're likely going to be the first to move on space solar, and they're going to have to figure out how to get that kind of upmass with whatever they end up picking as a launcher.

>> No.15672349

70K that is

>> No.15672355

SpaceX is doing this all wrong baka

>remove hostaging
>seal it
>put paying tourists in the interstage
>when ship seperates they get to coast to apogee and float around a bit
>then come back down when it lands
>lots of windows to enjoy

>> No.15672358

lmao actually my concern too

>> No.15672364
File: 37 KB, 500x283, 1488485648593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15672376

solid textbook projection post

>> No.15672381

>if i respond with "projection", i automatically win the argument
it literallt says anonymous. you sound like youre 14, gb2r.

>> No.15672386

Kenya is well positioned geographically but is a bit of a mess politically. While they're not the mad max horror show their neighbors can be they've had a lot of issues with corruption and extrajudicial killings of late. If France had to find a new launch site (and it seems very weird they'd lose a site that's located in sovereign French territory) cutting a deal with Brazil for use of the Alcântara Space Center would seem more likely. France has ties to the Brazilian space program that go back to the 1980s and they wouldn't need to start building the spaceport from scratch.

>> No.15672391

Actually a good defense for an otherwise weird hobby. Sounds like you enjoy it which is what matters at the end of the day.
It’s just ruined by other weirdos I guess

>> No.15672392
File: 45 KB, 518x359, trump astronaut EVA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US already has dibs on Alcantara, treaty signed and everything.

>> No.15672394

link to the poll and not the results next time (i.e. just drop the /results off the end)
spoilers are bad and will negatively influence the accuracy due to either bandwagoning or contrarianism

>> No.15672395
File: 2.33 MB, 1000x706, HD M-Vac Starlink 6-6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far back from an engine do you have to stand to survive? Assume vacuum of space and you're suited up.

>> No.15672397

you sound unhinged. not giving any more (You)s

>> No.15672398

prolly 5-10 m

>> No.15672402

is this actually a good summary for rocket n00bs? I might be sharing this with normies

>> No.15672405

fuck I forgot to erase it

>> No.15672414

European space is doomed. The ESA is culturally worse than Boeing. All their projects are jobs programs first, and science missions second. They take no risks, and they're literally decades behind the state-of-the-art (and only getting further behind.) In a word, European space is...

>HIDEBOUND: /ˈhīdˌbound/
>unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention.

Europe has no concept of innovation. Given that the EU is roughly the same population and wealth as the US, it's crazy how little new stuff they actually build. For example, there are virtually no tech companies in Europe. So all the best and brightest Europeans end up in America because the opportunities are here and the pay is much better. This siphoning off of the top X% of EU talent means they're perpetually working with mid-tier people. In innovation/tech/startups, you simply cannot DO anything without really brilliant people. The pareto principle (20% of the people do 80% of the work) is probably even more extreme at the very technical/hard industries like tech and space.

>> No.15672439
File: 626 KB, 1080x1295, 1692298653432363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Business idea: Farming, in space...

>> No.15672449

Because everyone steals their work.

>> No.15672455


>> No.15672462

In startups you hire the smart people first or you go bankrupt, and you might go bankrupt anyway. The US has a startup culture and Europe and Japan don't because US bankruptcy law doesn't treat a dead business as a moral failure. Shit happens, move on. Astra played a little too close to the software startup "move fast and break things" ethos but that willingness to take risks is vital.

>> No.15672474

Its decent and short

>> No.15672482

Theres nothing wrong with watermarks if they direct users to the source. Wow it's advertising where to find more free photography of star base. Oh no. Fucking twitter namefags ruining everything

>> No.15672515

Imagine if booster 9 explodes during staging and we see Ship 25 dragging its interstage for a minute or so lol

>> No.15672542

>booster 1756 km/h
>ship 1725 km/h

>> No.15672552

>"This raises the possibility of uncontrolled human conception in space, which poses a significant risk to the emerging space tourism sector."
berger shared some article about space sex

>> No.15672554

This year we have seen
>Commercial space drug manufacturing
>Commercial asteroid mining tech demonstrator in orbit
>Commercial space stations planned with definitive timelines
>increase in space tourism

How do we get normies interested in what’s happening in the commercial sector in space?

>> No.15672557

literally impossible unless it's short term

>> No.15672566

Space Sex brought to you by Space X

Just wait for the first porn movie filmed in space

>> No.15672569

orgasm truthers will say she faked it

>> No.15672570

>massive electricity use
why not just use solar panels to power the grow-lamps?

>> No.15672579

Can you have sex in space?

>> No.15672580

Nice video, thanks for sharing.

>> No.15672583

Normies will not care until there are boots on the moon again, and even that will be a flash in the pan. Boots on Mars will probably be more significant for engagement, but the tragic answer is that normies do not care. Only autists and pioneers genuinely care, and it's always been this way.

>> No.15672584

Well, YOU can't

>> No.15672589
File: 16 KB, 676x405, wojak-3d-model-low-poly-rigged-fbx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't they just test the hot staging on the ground with an inert booster with the real dome

>> No.15672592

This is like asking how to make normies interested in trains. They are very important in the economical pipeline that affects their lives and some might even use them, but the normies are simply incapable of caring for too long.

>> No.15672597
File: 294 KB, 1599x900, f26uhpoii1wa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must you step on that poor anon's dreams man

>> No.15672599


It is interesting to note that those tech demonstrations and proposed stations have backers with money, but there is still no profit to be made here yet, no material that can only be made in zero G, nobody to buy stuff you make in orbit to save money on launch costs. Once commercial stations are in orbit though, you start opening up supply chains (tourism and consumables) that anybody can buy and sell to.

>> No.15672602

or mirrors to reflect sunlight

>> No.15672606
File: 91 KB, 2000x2000, starshipservice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Within the context of varying societal norms, the internal topology or layout of space of emerging spacecraft for space tourism can be expected to influence the willingness of participants to engage in sexual activities.
We need to stop lewding spacecraft.

>> No.15672612

because it's not enough
You get 30% energy conversion at best with the solar panels and then lose at least another 50% (I can't find a precise number) of that with the LEDs. And that's asssuming a 1:1 area ratio of panels and LEDs, which is stupid because the whole appeal is to stack layers of them.
And then you have the night hours, so double the loss.
So you need 100x, probably 1000x the space in solar panels to power one vertical farm, at that point just farm normally

>> No.15672616

to be clear I like vertical farming and the energy cost is worth it in some markets, especially if you can essentially make the transportation and labor cost 0, I'm just pointing out it's unfortunately not as simple as slapping solar panels on the roof of the building

>> No.15672621

We were so close with LK-99.

>> No.15672632

The LK-99 fiasco confirms that mankind will never leave the solar system

>> No.15672634

I wish I had Luna 35 lewds

>> No.15672644
File: 119 KB, 1024x752, IMG_2311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars and Callisto will be enough for me personally. Maybe one day I can visit a comet.

>> No.15672645

QI drives and solid core fission reactors are perfectly capable of interstellar flight.

>> No.15672647
File: 239 KB, 1080x1062, 1692340673542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy how they got 80% this quarter

>> No.15672651

You could atleast link the post.

>> No.15672654

if energy is cheap (excess solar generation) then it's fine. we literally have to turn off solar plants during middle of the day because demand is too low and we have to pay other utilities to get rid of excess on top of that

>> No.15672656

Its from last year btw

>> No.15672661

>Babies first model building
Grow up dude and build real shit

>> No.15672662

This is where Casey Handmer has the right idea. Run the sabatier plants at full throttle all day and sell the LNG.

>> No.15672665

1. Titan
2. Enceladus
3. Io
4. Triton
5. Europa
6. Callisto
7. Phobos
8. Ganymede
9. Umbriel
10. Miranda
11. Titania
12. Deimos
13. Iapetus
14. Oberon
15. Rhea
16. Tethys
17. Moon
18. Ariel

>> No.15672670
File: 7 KB, 280x280, body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legos? I prefer blocks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba_oEWe1GXk

>> No.15672672

You should both kill yourselves.

>> No.15672673
File: 37 KB, 284x228, loaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leavened breads on mars

>> No.15672690

It depends on the category but in general:
1. Titan
2. Europa
3. Enceladus
4. Io
5. Miranda
6. Callisto
7. Luna
8. Ganymede
9. Triton
10. Iapetus
11. Mimas
12. Umbriel
13. Ariel
14. Titania
15. Oberon
16. Dione
17. Rhea
18. Tethys

>> No.15672700

Better naming but that high up is atrocious ranking. Its a barren, no atmosphere rock thats not even that big. The only thing that makes it even remotely special is that it orbits Terra, and thsts more about the planet itself.

>> No.15672705

What happened to Phobos and Deimos.

>> No.15672707

Wait a second why is nobody doing this in Africa?
Imagine how many oil-sparse Saharan shitholes could turn a huge profit by providing (relatively) close infrastructure to hypothetical equatorial African spaceports. My best guess right now would be degrading rail system quality and foreign ownership of the Saharan puppet states.

>> No.15672719

Luna is great. It's has the highest planet-moon size ratio (not counting dwarf planets), only planetary moon in the inner solar system, and if I recall correctly it's the only moon other than Io to be mostly rocky (all others are icy). It's also the only moon other than Titan with landers so far and also a prime candidate for colonization.
those potatos don't deserve to be called moons
and I'd have to included the 100+ potatoes from the giant planets

>> No.15672722

All I want is a robot catgirl waifu and to meet the intelligent octopus ayys who live beneath the Europa ice crust. Sadly it will be hundreds of years before either of these are accomplished.

>> No.15672730

1) starting capital
2) political instability
foreign investor won't invest x billion USD only to get his facilities and pipelines nationalized by colonel Mohamed Ngumbubu of the People's National Liberation Front

>> No.15672745

Do you think there's going be a high delta v three stage variant of starship for stuff like full trips around the moon?

>> No.15672753

I sincerely hope youre typing this ironically.

>> No.15672763

Titan is made of frozen farts

>> No.15672783

>inb4 imagine the smell
methane has no smell, you wanna go to io

>> No.15672785

How many days until starship launch?

>> No.15672792


>> No.15672793

>The days away are 14 and 14 shall they be forevermore.
-The book of Its So Over, Chapter 7, Verse 11

>> No.15672794

Yes, just
No human spaceflight
Accepting that historical Ariane commercial domination is a mistake of history that’ll never happen again
Science and observation sure they’ll stay leaders

>> No.15672806

When you fart beyond the orbit of Jupiter, it comes out of your ass in glittering frozen shards.

>> No.15672811
File: 2.83 MB, 4096x2730, 1659514585614354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the pillars of oldspace

>> No.15672815

It is literally the central column.

>> No.15672820

ok Werhner von kerman

>> No.15672824

Europe(Germany) landed Americans on the moon in 1969 and as far as I'm concerned they lead spaceflight

>> No.15672827
File: 96 KB, 527x809, Bernal Sphere colony b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concentrator mirrors and light pipes

>> No.15672829

Bet that ultralight truss between the solar panels costs 60 million $

>> No.15672830
File: 416 KB, 1x1, The Moon Meets All_Requirements_of_the_IAU_Definit.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7. Luna
The Moon is not a moon

>> No.15672831

It's almost inevitable there is some kind of life in the Europan oceans. You have liquid water, organic molecules and thermal energy from tidal heating. Europa is the same age as the Earth so plenty of time for life to form.

>> No.15672846

That does not guarantee shit faggot. We dont even know if thats all the things you need for life, dont try and pretend like thats true when we have no way of knowing so.

>> No.15672850
File: 192 KB, 657x814, space skelly d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Microgravity is known to cause an atrophy of the bone marrow and the immune system leading to the so-called “space anemia” and a defect in the “T” lymphocytes. Experiments on Spacelab 1 found a surprising gravity dependence of the lymphocyte cells (a critical part of the human immune system responsible for the production of immunoglobulins and cell mediated immunity ) (Cogoli, 1984). Cultures of human lymphocytes exposed in microgravity to the mitogen Concanavalin A showed less than three percent of the activation of ground controls. The significance of this possible “space-immunosuppression” goes beyond the danger of a simple infection. In particular, T cells also help fight off growing neoplasms, and a suppression of this system may hamper the astronaut’s ability to fight off a cancer while in orbit — a serious hazard in the high radiation environment of space.

>> No.15672851
File: 333 KB, 722x1199, IMG_2288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the asteroid holds $6 gorillion dollars in precious metals!!
supply and demand, the one place that asteroid mined materials would ever be useful is orbital constructions and even then use is limited as LEO launches will soon be cheaper than mining a whole fucking asteroid. only midwits seethe at and refute this.

>> No.15672854
File: 80 KB, 525x1024, 1675834655161348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use nuclear

>> No.15672856
File: 29 KB, 600x400, BusemanBiplanewill-archaic-biplane-designs-be-able-to-cancel-supersonic-shockwaves-better-than-single-wing-designs-for-future-supersonic-transport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the Buseman supersonic plane causes no shockwaves but also no lift

>> No.15672857

there's no germs in space so yet again it doesnt matter

>> No.15672860

That seems a little counterproductive.

>> No.15672864
File: 16 KB, 402x395, mcculloch a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QI thrusters will supply lift and propulsion

>> No.15672865

Wish they would, but they can't and won't.

>> No.15672867

>polaris delayed till next year due to suits, exactly like anon said
fuckin hell

>> No.15672868
File: 56 KB, 520x756, Artificial Gravity Sleeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On the opposite end of the spectrum from the large radius, slowly rotating, space habitat is a device I am investigating at MIT’s Man-Vehicle Laboratory called the Artificial Gravity Sleeper (AGS). The AGS system is a 2 meter radius centrifuge designed to rotate a subject about an axis through the head, providing a centripetal acceleration gradient (100% gradient) which is maximal in the feet and zero at the head. The AGS is being evaluated for its ability to provide physiologic conditioning to an astronaut during sleep, as well as for its ability to enhance exercise by providing a gravity gradient for an astronaut to work against. For a 1.66 meter tall person, the AGS is rotated at a speed of 23.2 rpm to provide a one gravity acceleration at the foot plate.
>The AGS system is designed for use on Space Station (figure 12) but would be equally of value on the Lunar or Martian surface. It is hypothesized that rotation during sleep will help reverse fluid shifts, maintain vascular tone, provide centripetal acceleration for T lymphocytes, and afford some stress to the skeletal system. The AGS would also be equipped with a “cycle ergometer” and a device for “simulating stair climbing” in order to further condition the muscular, cardiovascular, and skeletal systems.

>> No.15672886

You need volcanic glasses as a substrate for RNA to form. None of that on Europoz

>> No.15672894

Is that Saddam Hussein I see hiding there

>> No.15672900
File: 84 KB, 847x476, goodfellas popsci turning your mind to mush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> le life on Europa, Enceladus, Titan etc. meme

>> No.15672902

This picture pops up in my head all the time now

>> No.15672905
File: 14 KB, 397x469, dafoe deranged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it. I did that to you.

>> No.15672916

Inshallah everything related to r*ssia fails explosively.

>> No.15672919

China for real is gonna land people on Moon in 2029? That's cool.

>> No.15672920
File: 81 KB, 513x761, Oberth Moon car a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 10 000 or so kilogrammes (22 000 pounds), Earth weight of course, Moon car consisted of a 5 metre (about 16.5 feet) diameter spherical compartment for the crew to which a single telescopic leg was attached, to which was attached an unpiloted yet powered caterpillar track element. The electricity needed to power this vehicle would be provided by the sun and some sort of hydrogen peroxide turbine. This electricity would power the large gyroscope needed to keep the Moon car driving along in a vertical position. Just imagine an 18 metre (60 feet) high pogo stick travelling at speeds of up to 150 kilometres/hour (close to 95 miles/hour) and you get the idea
>If the crew of the Moon car spotted an obstacle that could not be crossed, at low speed of course, a canyon or crevasse for example, the pilot would retract the telescopic leg inside the spherical compartment. After looking into an instrument which would give him the width of the obstacle and the distance separating it from the Moon car, he would push a button / lever / thingee, thus shoving a (controllable?) volume of compressed air inside the telescopic leg. Said leg would extend, sending the Moon car in the air. It sent the Moon car upward, up to 125 metres (400 feet) above the surface of our satellite. A chasm up to 100 metre (330 feet) wide could be vanquished.

>> No.15672921
File: 391 KB, 2048x1345, SpaceX ITS spaceship docking with International Space Station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15672927
File: 291 KB, 1280x1920, 1597362677001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your false deities have no power in space

>> No.15672935
File: 263 KB, 900x657, 4837_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia will build church on the moon

>> No.15672951
File: 90 KB, 761x1024, Георги_Иванов.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based bulgarbro

>> No.15672969
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Hayley Arcenaux is my wife

>> No.15673014
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>> No.15673021
File: 18 KB, 600x355, august31st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O ye of little faith

>> No.15673022

what he gon talk about

>> No.15673027
File: 137 KB, 592x634, 14.04.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it's over
He just streamed from the Grimes concert.

>> No.15673029

link me up senpai

>> No.15673030
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>> No.15673048
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>space drug

>> No.15673069

>the tents at Boca Chica are being deconstructed
I guess the scam is finally over. The Starship pipedream is cancelled, SpaceX is finished, and the Musk conman will soon be in jail.

>> No.15673073

Too expensive to run AC in a poorly insulated tent in Texas

>> No.15673096

they have enough money to liquiefy oxygen and nitrogen, but not enough to cool down their workers

>> No.15673098

Its not the reason. The tents will just be replaced by the factory.

>> No.15673104

>grow up
more projection

>> No.15673123

It's a fun thought that is within the realm of possibility.

>> No.15673127
File: 589 KB, 1920x1275, ISS_Elektron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ has that 4chan issue where they obsess over what could have been instead of appreciating what is.

>> No.15673137

>le le le
faggot nonenjoyer of anything

>> No.15673181
File: 113 KB, 960x1347, 1684995422530986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poland can into space

>Axiom Space said Aug. 9 it signed an agreement with Poland, in cooperation with ESA, to fly an astronaut from that nation on a future mission to the ISS.
>The most likely candidate for the flight is Sławosz Uznański, who was selected as a reserve astronaut by ESA last November and is the only Polish member of ESA’s astronaut corps. He was among 11 people ESA picked as reserve astronauts, who will not join the astronaut corps on a full-time basis but be available for selected flight opportunities.
>Another reserve astronaut, Marcus Wandt, was selected in June to fly on another Axiom Space mission to the ISS through an agreement involving Axiom, ESA and the Swedish National Space Agency first announced in April. Wandt is expected to fly on Axiom’s Ax-3 mission to the ISS in early 2024.

>> No.15673182

it's easy to take for granted how well ISS has locked us to manned spaceflight. 22 years and counting of continuous human space presence.
though not as flashy as july 20th, 1969, I think october 31, 2000 will go down as an equally important date in human history. As the last time that all people were together on earth.

>> No.15673194
File: 36 KB, 458x716, nathan barley 15 peter 20 bowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd wouldn't mind so much if alien octopuses weren't touted; you're getting prokaryotes living off paltry energy gradients at best

>> No.15673216

He looks sorta like Elon kek

>> No.15673221
File: 121 KB, 700x700, 1637581455346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more Chaika eyes

>> No.15673226
File: 148 KB, 685x791, new russian rockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anatoly of russianspaceweb: still unclear whether angara or soyuz-5 to be used as base for super heavy lunar rocket

>> No.15673243
File: 61 KB, 657x650, 005717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15673244

next week in spaceflight:
>August 21: Luna 25 attempts landing, Starlink launch
>August 23: Chandrayaan 3 attempts landing, Progress 83P, Rocketlab We Love the Nightlife
>August 25: Crew 7

>> No.15673245

Stagingsisters... not like this

>> No.15673248
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>> No.15673249
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>> No.15673250

who is Mara and why is Elon giving her so much money?

>> No.15673252
File: 51 KB, 655x858, 005720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15673256

he still hasn't given up on her?

>> No.15673257

there's something strange about Mechazawa...

>> No.15673259

they have 2 kids together dude

>> No.15673261

Why is the plume weird bros

>> No.15673262
File: 606 KB, 1920x1080, C3895912-F034-4877-AA66-D14BFAD0DD6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orthodox is a fucking joke.

>> No.15673264

Too bright for the camera

>> No.15673266
File: 500 KB, 1125x713, B7BB7618-F14F-4654-8590-EDEFC2DE830E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Raptors on Ship 28 are pretty new

>> No.15673281

Angara isn't likely to be used as the basis for a superheavy because neither pad 35/1 at Plesetsk or 1A at Vostochny are built to handle a vehicle with six boosters. Soyuz-5 isn't likely because it doesn't have a pad at all, let alone one that could handle a Zenit Heavy or superheavy design. A Russian superheavy moon rocket isn't likely under any circumstances.

>> No.15673283

how do you convince normalfags that space exploration is necessary

>> No.15673286

why would you need to?

>> No.15673287

Russia doesn't have enough money. They'll probably put two cosmonauts in a Soyuz, attach a Progress for additional fuel and use Angara to send the combo around the Moon like Apollo 8 just to keep from being totally upstaged by Artemis.
>source: my imagination/my ass

>> No.15673300
File: 545 KB, 1500x2183, 5CFF3882-E878-47A4-985A-3772E056E609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Saturn I designs used a fucking Titan or Atlas as the second stage lol

>> No.15673307

Energia's 100 ton payload to LEO is less impressive when you remember Shuttle's was 105.5

>> No.15673314

The resources gathered from asteroid mining would remove the need to extract them from the earth and factories on Mars could produce as much CO2 as they want without any danger to the environment given it’s already a radioactive wasteland which allows for industry to be moved away from the earth.

Obviously none of this will stand up to any real scrutiny and it’s so far in the future it may as well be fantasy, but the fact you have to argue with normies about justifying space exploration already shows they are fucking idiots so I wouldn’t worry too much.

>> No.15673321
File: 549 KB, 4096x3112, 1692127600750278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy from the previous thread was right

>> No.15673323

lie to them

>> No.15673333

I never considered the factories thing. Thanks

>> No.15673361

>when you remember Shuttle's was 105.5
This was the point of your post.
Disingenuously shilling for Shittle.
You don't care about Energia

>> No.15673363

I mean that really is the main thing I hope for. Want to live in a world where all the industry is off world so I can eat as many big fish as I want without worrying about mercury poisoning.

>> No.15673368

A giant phallic god in a chariot, which is a hilarious result for a typo

>> No.15673369
File: 157 KB, 1600x1000, 1464109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't care about Energia
you're right I don't. the crappy soviet shuttle copy that flew twice and never carried humans vs the 30 year NASA success story? no question.

>> No.15673378 [DELETED] 
File: 315 KB, 599x648, F30m08wX0AAbdF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15673380

There will never be an orbital spaceplane again.

>> No.15673381

Energia can lift almost as much SLS

>> No.15673382

Zack doesn't deserve this, damn, fucking retard /pol/fags infesting twitter now

>> No.15673383

It can't lift anything because it's dead.

>> No.15673384

>True Anomaly
I apologize for calling Boom Supersonic a bad company name

>> No.15673390

That's your account. Go back

>> No.15673393

same as SLS

>> No.15673394

Can you prove it?

>> No.15673396

>that reply
kek I knew it. return to twitter faggot

>> No.15673400

>so apparently there was a nuclear war on Mars millions of years ago
I learn so many new things everyday by browsing sci

>> No.15673403


>> No.15673404

not spaceflight

>> No.15673407

Are these V2s or V3s?

>> No.15673408

/sci/ has always been an interesting mix of people who are so right the government is desperate to censor them and people so totally wrong you'd think they wandered in from a parallel universe.

>> No.15673411

Mars is dead and we killed it.

>> No.15673416

This happened long before hominids even existed on Earth so it must have been the Silurian reptile civilization that did the deed. Would be kino if we found their abandoned base at the Moon's south pole.

>> No.15673428

Zack is cool this shit is just mean

>> No.15673435

If IFT-2 fails, it’ll be for a weird reason no one predicted (same as IFT-1 and the HPUs)

>> No.15673438

Yes, but it's still funny.

>> No.15673466

One option is to roll the Space Launch System out to the launch pad in what Parsons called a "short stack" configuration without the Orion spacecraft on top, then load cryogenic propellants into the rocket for the wet dress rehearsal. In that scenario, the rocket would return to the assembly building for the Orion spacecraft to be attached, followed by another sequence of tests before rolling back to the pad for launch.

>> No.15673470

This is sfg not racism space command

>> No.15673474

Parsons said NASA is now studying ways to service the flight termination system while the SLS rocket is on the launch pad. Assuming everything else is ready, that could allow NASA to shift from a dress rehearsal directly into a real launch attempt without returning the rocket to the assembly building.

>> No.15673493
File: 1.33 MB, 4032x3024, stoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Stoke succeeds.

>> No.15673503

No, we cant let Bill Gates and Epstein win

>> No.15673509

It's an uncleaned stir weld, what do you expect it to look like?

>> No.15673511

>Elon: Just rent a cherry picker

>> No.15673515
File: 101 KB, 600x600, raptor_clip_new_600_i2-copy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get there is a fuckload of paperwork involved but why do they act like it's hard to put a little detcord between the detonator and the splitting charge?

>> No.15673523

Is it really dark in space

>> No.15673527

I__ N__ T___ E___ I_ R_______

>> No.15673535

Hawaii has fiber and 5g, it doesn't need starlink at all

>> No.15673540

I love Louisiana spelling so much

>> No.15673546
File: 135 KB, 696x435, POLARIS-to-Begin-Testing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flying wedge bros I'm thinking we're back


>> No.15673549

there's no atmosphere to bounce light around and provide ambient light, but you will still get light that bounces off the Earth and the moon and from the milky way.

>> No.15673550

It's a binary planet.

>> No.15673555

why would you want that to begin with?

>> No.15673560

because their taxes are paying for it all

>> No.15673563

not the commercial sector
the more people are interested the larger the potential talent pool is and the more willing people are going to be to seeing space as a solution to a problem

>> No.15673568

>European spaceplane looks like cheese

>> No.15673569

>not the commercial sector
yes, it's all funded by grants and fat government contracts

>> No.15673570 [DELETED] 

>It's another geared player camping the escape stairs episode

>> No.15673572

Those are pretty damn good renders

>> No.15673574

only until the second it turns a profit, and when that happens it needs to be in the zeitgeist so every company clamors to get in on the gold rush

>> No.15673577


>> No.15673579

>only until the second it turns a profit
two weeks

>> No.15673595 [DELETED] 

Full kit player stands in front of the stairs in gobo caves, farming people going there for a free extract.

>> No.15673597


>> No.15673603
File: 247 KB, 500x591, bowie major_tom_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon and David Bowie's love child.

>> No.15673606

I am wholeheartedly convinced that mircrogravity drug manufacture will be a profitable business in 5 years or less

>> No.15673607
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>> No.15673610

all moons are planets

>> No.15673615

>Elon... Spin up the Station

>> No.15673618

>LEO launches will be cheap
>asteroid mining will be even cheaper
>can always just aerobrake the asteroid and drop it in a desert to create a mountain

>> No.15673621

Wow nobody called this a forced meme? Good work on getting it normalized here anon.

>> No.15673635
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>> No.15673643

I look forward to finding out how badly they get bitten by boiloff

>> No.15673650

Asteroid mining has the potential of turning a scarce resource into a common resource. Put refineries in an orbit that doesn't require much energy to maintain it's orbit, only send ultra-pure refined products down to Earth.

>> No.15673653

alternatively, use reentry as part of the refinement process

>> No.15673657

>le stop with that le fucking pop science it's le making your le mind into le mush

>> No.15673658

It might make sense to do crude refining in space and use crude re-entry vehicles to get large quantities of heavy material down to Earth where it's easy to work with.

>> No.15673679

The ISS has been a non stop human presence in space for over 20 years now, and along with the Mars rover program it is pretty much the rebirth of space exploration since the downfall after Apollo 17. Yeah, Starship will be the thing that finally unlocks all the potential but it didn't start there.
And of course those aren't perfect and I have my own issues, but the ISS is quite an amazing feat and I feel bad for not following it too much.

>> No.15673687

>August 25: SLIM (lunar lander) and XRISM (telescope) launch

>> No.15673705
File: 2.86 MB, 1x1, FINAL FINAL Safeguarding the US Space Industry - Digital.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get scammed, spacebros

>> No.15673724

Yeah if it's babbys first shock humor for you

>> No.15673732
File: 47 KB, 809x450, Extended Apollo - Apollo X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arguably the Apollo nostalgia aesthetic is what's kept the U.S. from separating "habitable volume" from "reentry capsule" (Soyuz style), which is pretty clearly a superior and more easily extensible architecture. The lightest reentry vehicle *just barely* fits your crew.
>Every time you want a longer mission, you want more hab volume & consumables volume; doing that by enlarging a hab module is cheap and light. Doing that by requiring a bigger and custom designed capsule is neither.

>> No.15673735

Don't understand. Orginal tweet deleted

>> No.15673738
File: 1.35 MB, 1288x948, 1592506931998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>magic water make fire tower fly faster

>> No.15673740

we're letting in gen 2

>> No.15673745

where the fuck is krystal?

>> No.15673747

What are you implying?

>> No.15673749

this doesn't really make sense as a take. having your capsule be all in one is great if it's reusable, like dragon, and orion, and starliner, and dreamchaser. plus we already have habitation separate. we go up in capsules and dock to space stations. every long duration mission for the foreseeable future uses this architecture. there's no reason to shrink the capsules

>> No.15673752


>> No.15673753

Static fire and spin prime next week. Launch readiness should be done by the end of august, it no word on the license yet

>> No.15673755


>> No.15673757

Probably just wondering out loud why NASA still refuses to do on-orbit assembly

Gemini's Agena fuckups were sixty years ago, it's time to move on

>> No.15673759

He gets shilled so hard here, often even for his shit takes. plus you're probably same fagging anyway

>> No.15673760

>he doesn't know

>> No.15673763

starship will utterly destroy this retarded idea by being half the size of the ISS while simultaneously being better at EDL than any other architecture

>> No.15673764

Wait you can send pdfs on 4chan?

>> No.15673767

Most of it was burned up

>> No.15673769
File: 31 KB, 1423x354, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15673771

The Starship that lands on the moon will be a vacuum vehicle with no reentry capability.
It basically demonstrates that point.

>> No.15673772

see >>15673760

>> No.15673774
File: 1.91 MB, 2382x4096, F31cK_SWwAAjJmA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15673777
File: 3.68 MB, 2563x3423, F31cJZ_XcAAEMbU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15673780

Cool photos.

>> No.15673781

there is no sense of scale without humans right next to it

>> No.15673788
File: 2.17 MB, 1620x1204, feels bad man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn cum on a starship booster

>> No.15673789

it's not like tonga or whatever—Hawaii is the central staging point for the entire US military presence in the pacific. It's hooked up. Unless the entire chain of islands gets burnt to the ground, telecom is not an issue.

>> No.15673791
File: 823 KB, 2048x1363, artemis_iii_icps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The upper stage for NASA’s SLS (Space Launch System) rocket that will power the agency’s Artemis III mission and send astronauts on to the Moon for a lunar landing arrived at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station Poseidon Wharf in Florida, Aug. 9. It will undergo final checkouts by contractors Boeing and ULA (United Launch Alliance) at ULA’s facilities before it is delivered to NASA’ s nearby Kennedy Space Center.

>The SLS rocket’s ICPS (interim cryogenic propulsion stage) with its single RL10 engine is responsible for giving NASA’s Orion spacecraft and astronauts inside the big push needed to journey to the Moon in a precise trajectory during Artemis III. The ICPS for the mission is the last of its kind as Artemis missions beginning with Artemis IV will use the SLS Block 1B configuration with its more powerful exploration upper stage for launch and flight.

>Manufactured by ULA, the ICPS left Decatur, Alabama, Aug. 1, traveling down the Mississippi River and along the Gulf Coast toward ULA’s Florida facility via ULA’s RocketShip. The RL10 engine is produced by Aerojet Rocketdyne, the SLS engines lead contractor, in West Palm Beach, Florida.

>> No.15673793
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>> No.15673795
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>> No.15673797

underrated desu
would have been even better if they had the piss do a full circle and come back around the other side

>> No.15673800

Remember these hallowed men that chose to remain inside the interstage so the rest of us can be outside

>> No.15673801

Oh so they don't have hardhats because they need to fit their heard trough.

>> No.15673802
File: 53 KB, 132x157, Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 14-11-16 (1) _sci_ - _sfg_ - Space Flight General - Science & Math - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see they're working on the indian seating section.

>> No.15673803

What are you implying?

>> No.15673804

>jeff cope now requires ignoring the existence of mars
dedicated reentry capsules are for dirtbound LEO cucks, cargo starships will rule the rest of the solar system

>> No.15673805
File: 340 KB, 1041x780, 1-pia25957_europa-clipper-hga-installation-in-progress-1041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europa Clipper is moving right along too

>> No.15673812
File: 197 KB, 882x1126, FCA38FCA-BE4A-4D18-AB71-0E7BC9DC5F3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15673813

no hard hat
straight to jail

>> No.15673824

if there's an industrial accident where he's working, a hard hat isn't going to help

>> No.15673825

can't fit it through the slats

>> No.15673829
File: 39 KB, 900x600, Ai_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think SpaceX should slap on some speakers and a computer with llama 2 or musk's own LLM on every crewed starship to act as a ship AI sheerly for the coolness factor. Maybe even let it control some minor stuff like the lights or something.

>> No.15673839

give each starship an AI with its own personality and name and let it introduce itself to the public so that everyone feels as bad as possible when it blows up

>> No.15673846
File: 2.28 MB, 498x498, 1691149439795146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no

>> No.15673866

AI construct of John Glenn

>> No.15673879

Energia is soviet SLS so checks out

>> No.15673904

So what caused the HPUs to explode on IFT-1?

>> No.15673905


>> No.15673909
File: 271 KB, 1024x683, IMG_3725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More asthetically pleasing than Lutherianism. imo even better than Catholicism
One reason to like it is the Russian Revival, how new cathedrals are made in the classic styles which were sadly abandoned by western churches
pic rel. Main cathedral of the Russian armed forces, concecrated in 2020

>> No.15673916

That's Honolulu not a desert part of Maui

>> No.15673926
File: 152 KB, 965x694, apollo 12 playboy b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15673930

what are the best books about the apollo program

>> No.15673938


JohnKraus is holding a space about building civilization from scratch, for mars

>> No.15673952
File: 155 KB, 892x2500, 95ABD2EB-E5FC-4624-A443-6A683178A599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A moot question as B7 was the last booster to use hydraulic TVC.

>> No.15673955

>Certified forklift operators are a critical part of SpaceX

>> No.15673957

not really, an exploding raptor can take out an electric motor just as easily as a hydraulic pump

>> No.15673958

>Saturn V instrumentation unit

>> No.15673990
File: 170 KB, 1679x782, neutron-2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"In a utopian state, you would always return to the launch site because you don't have the challenge of landing on a barge or the transit time back," Beck said. "So that was where we focused our efforts at. But people really want to use that extra capacity."
>"We don’t believe in signing janky, fake contracts," Beck said. "Our view here is that we're going to bring a vehicle to market at a time where launch is going to be very constrained. Most people we talk to about Neutron aren't looking to buy one launch, they're looking to buy years of launch. So we need to make sure that they're going to be there. They need to make sure that we're going to be there. And I just see zero point in signing non-real agreements at hugely discounted prices before the product exists."
also berger calls the fins "grid fins"

>> No.15674007

I'm actually surprised SpaceX hasn't priced out these smaller companies. There's Latitude in France working on microsat launchers. Is SpaceX offering rideshare these days?

>> No.15674019


>> No.15674032


Booster team watch CSI, how fucking based is that godamn, no wonder some people ITT are jealous of him

>> No.15674055

Just as easily yes, but much less likely. Electric motors have less moving parts.

>> No.15674056
File: 305 KB, 513x412, Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 14-50-06 Subscriptions - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been

>> No.15674064

Taking out its own TVC motor will not cause a fire and cascading failure.

>> No.15674069

The build site is so open that information can feed in back from the outside. Unexpected benefit.

>> No.15674080
File: 204 KB, 900x958, F3RjF6EWoAA56Cx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should launch nukes into space again for pretty jellyfish lightshows

>> No.15674087
File: 43 KB, 1200x975, Fz5sESUWIAc4o3I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15674090
File: 171 KB, 1250x1007, FzqVf_ZWAAIlI4i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship explosion on night launch

>> No.15674093

As long as it's over Moskva and Beijing, I'm all for it.

>> No.15674099

One day the diameter might be further increased, which is a real mindfuck

>> No.15674104

it won't, don't be silly

>> No.15674105
File: 81 KB, 780x780, IMG_7767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If new Glenn is so big why is it so weak?

>> No.15674118

Thrust is just one of the metrics of NG. It has other metrics that make it a descent enough rocket on paper

>> No.15674134

If there was another shuttle loss of crew between Challenger and roughly the comittment to the ISS (so like 94-96), resulting in the cancellation of the shuttle after a shorter number of flights than irl post-Columbia (because there is no ISS to complete), what do you think would happen in NASA?
>Total abandonments of American creed spaceflight
>Abandonment of independent American crewed spaceflight, NASA relies on Soyuz for the foreseeable future with limited contribution to MIR and Mir 2/1.5
>NASA manages to get an equivalent shuttle 2 in the 2000s, Space station almost certainly indefinitely delayed
>NASA Makes a mini-shuttle (think HL20/42) or a capsule with Mir as short term destination and eventually an American or international destination
>One of the last Two, but internationalised (Europe, Japan, Russia contribute substantially to the new shuttle)
>NASA tries to fun private crewed spacecraft (hard to imagine it could succeed without a station already up there)
>Abandonment of American LEO space activities, NASA focuses on a constellation-style program

>> No.15674152

How does the loss of crew happen? Is it Columbia but sooner? Another SRB failure? In space and unrelated to takeoff/landing?

>> No.15674162

Let’s say Columbia as a baseline
I imagine an ascent LOC would be the worse case for NASA

>> No.15674163

they leave the window open

>> No.15674170
File: 45 KB, 613x403, Integrated Space Transportation Plan before the Presidential Vision announcement of January 14, 2004 Rogacki, 2003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA Makes a mini-shuttle (think HL20/42)
Probably this and turning the STS into an unmanned heavy lifter i.e. Shuttle-C. Basically circling back to how things should have been done from post-Apollo: Crew in a small lifting body going to a station you build with 4 or 5 heavy lift boosters

>> No.15674178

I think the push would have been for Shuttle II, but exactly what shape that took would have depended on the exact date and what the economic conditions were in the US at the time. It's also important to remember that the USSR was still up and kicking for about half of that time period and we wouldn't have wanted to loose the greatest portion of our space launch capability at a time when Buran and the Evil Empire are still looming over our policy decisions.

I'd say that if the event is in the 80s you'd be more likely to see a fullsized 2nd gen shuttle, while if its in the 90s you're more likely to see a mini-shuttle designed to take advantage of the EELV rockets that just got commissioned. Either way it's going to fuck up station construction plans immensely. There's a non-zero chance that all of the major spaceflight players just decide to pursue their own Hermes+Columbus plans independent of each other.

>> No.15674179

>We are going to see a fun test today at Starbase

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15674180

short term it would probably look like the normal post shuttle retirement, with bumming rides on soyuz. eventually they would try to make another vehicle, but the concept of "shuttle derived" would be considered asinine. shuttle would not have had the track record to get that kind of treatment.

>> No.15674231

this image is implying the karman line is a literal wall

>> No.15674232

it's the firmament

>> No.15674237

the lunar caverns will look like that

>> No.15674243


>> No.15674246
File: 108 KB, 1280x724, castle bravo 30 miles out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should repeat the 1950-1960's nuclear weapons testing programs on every body in the solar system just to see what it would look like

What would a 15mt nuclear explosion look like on Mars?

>> No.15674249

They're going to be having a M&M battle royale
The winner goes to space

>> No.15674250
File: 372 KB, 1600x1200, Castle Bravo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inquiring minds want to know

>> No.15674264

if China or Russia ever announced that they intended to put a hydrogen bomb into orbit, the US would probably organize a strike to disable their spaceport infrastructure. I'd expect they would do the same back.

>> No.15674268
File: 61 KB, 695x559, Shuttle-II-Crowdfund_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes I agree the economic conditions would be important, the early 90s crisis, the gulf war, the peace dividends were probably not very conductive to a large space project... but at the same time, if it happens a bit before the 1992 election, an ambitious development program of the shuttle could be approved by Bush sr to help his reelection odds in key states (CA, TX, FL...) in said time of aerospace sector crisis.

American military downsizing was happening as early as 1988, the USAF answer to Energia (ASL, Barbarian) was not particularly urgent, I think NASA would look more at cooperation than competition with USSR in 1989+

If the failure happens after the NASA access to space study, I imagine that the Mini-shuttle would be more favoured.
A problem is that NASA lacked a heavy launcher at the time, EELV was still some years in the future, and projects like NLS were still only in the concept phase. Shuttle C was overkill for crewed spacecraft, and Titan IV was both expensive and USAF's dedicated launcher.
I wonder if a mini-shuttle could have been designed as launcher agnostic, with options as backup notably on Ariane 5, potentially Energia M or proton (lol) .

>their own Hermes+Columbus plans independent of each other.
That'd be sad, although I don't think NASA stopping or downgrading the shuttle would save Hermes itself, this progrma was too much of a mess, it may be more sensibly downgraded however.

It probably would be quicker than the IRL retirement, without the need to complete ISS, If it happens in the 80s there's still several years of DOD and the odd Comsat launch/repair, if it happens shortly after 93 I guess Shuttle-MIR program would be completed, between the two... I think the retirement could be very quick.

Shuttle-derived may be less popular, but NASA still had that obsession with LH2 boosters (see all the STME proposals at the time), and of course, there was the need to keep the centers and thiokol busy...

>> No.15674273

"Interstage extension for hot gas venting added to enable Starship to turn on its engines while booster engines still firing!"
well that answers that

>> No.15674282
File: 28 KB, 579x257, orion nuke pulse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nukes in a vacuum are just a big boring flash so doing it on airless bodies is pointless and a waste of fissionables

>> No.15674293
File: 588 KB, 1688x1316, Accesstospace1990s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674294

>still no flickr
did they lose the password?

>> No.15674296

What if we put nukes underground on Mars? In a place the crust is thinner specifically.

>> No.15674321

>What would a 15mt nuclear explosion look like on Mars?
Probably wouldn't be much to see, but it'd lift a massive amount of dust all over the thin atmosphere that would take countless years to dissipate

>> No.15674323

Just detonate another nuke above the dust

>> No.15674341

>that would take countless years to dissipate
Why would that happen? The dust falls to the ground unless blown up by wind

>> No.15674354

Exploding Raptors drained the hydraulic lines causing the hydraulic pumps to overspeed and explode.

>> No.15674366

So a huge portion of Mars would be grey that would look cool from space

>> No.15674370

We can still nuke the icy moons, to see if there was life in their subterranean oceans prior to the nuking.

>> No.15674373

fukkkitt lets nuke Enceladus and then Pluto and Titan too

>> No.15674376

Stop coping. It won't happen

>> No.15674382
File: 146 KB, 960x720, 1428335769347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotstaging will either be the best improvement for Starship or the worst.

>> No.15674406

if you got me up there I could

>> No.15674408

my concern is on long term reusability, but perhaps they plan to swap the interstage out as it wears down?

>> No.15674422

They will probably pivot off hot staging at some point.
But right now nothing is even close to reusable so it gives them a great and easy method of staging.
Just a passive piece of steel they designed and certified in like 2 months.

>> No.15674427
File: 2.90 MB, 1437x2135, 1686799386393498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been watching this recently
It lives up to the hype so far

>> No.15674434
File: 1013 KB, 1920x1036, [R-R] Legend of Galactic Heroes - My Conquest is the Sea of Stars (1080p.Hi10p.AC3)[7798F57F].mkv_snapshot_42.20_[2017.10.13_12.01.11].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gets really good in the movie and main series

>> No.15674445

The best part is no part
Plus literally anything has to be better than the stupid Dick Grayson tier acrobatics they originally had planned

>> No.15674456

which is easier to develop from scratch, a metal dome or ullage rockets for the heaviest second stage ever built?

>> No.15674458

Booster rollout is tomorrow

>> No.15674460

Just for reference, the Ukraine/Russia war so far has caused ~500K dead combined on both sides.

>> No.15674462


>> No.15674463
File: 35 KB, 702x386, soyuz cost perseat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cost to launch 1 astronaut on Soyuz $80 million
>x7 =$560 million
>Shuttle cost per launch at retirement $450 million
>7 astronauts at once + payload
Wtf...if the Shuttle was cheaper than Soyuz why did they retire it?

>> No.15674470
File: 49 KB, 597x676, 1690722751924162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674472
File: 242 KB, 1800x936, hi-852-columbia-debris-03916459-2278993358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How knows? It is a great mystery

>> No.15674473
File: 52 KB, 960x720, Legend.of.the.Galactic.Heroes.056.[x264.720p.10bit.AAC].mkv_snapshot_08.24_[2015.06.30_15.28.09].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674479

>why did they retire it?
Bush asked them to

>> No.15674483
File: 69 KB, 960x720, Legend.of.the.Galactic.Heroes.053.[x264.720p.10bit.AAC].mkv_snapshot_24.17_[2015.06.24_20.41.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674485

Probably the dead astronauts had something to do with it.

>> No.15674487
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shuttle was too reliant on dangerous Russian booster technology

>> No.15674492
File: 107 KB, 663x759, 005724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674496

CSI Starbase SPMT Tracker on Xitter

>> No.15674498


>> No.15674511


A water deluge test is imminent!

Live and with commentary:

>> No.15674514

Chat thinks its RQD testing too

>> No.15674515

Oh Boy! Live NSF commentary!

>> No.15674517

this >>15674511

>> No.15674519

fucking kys why bring that up you goddamned queer no one fucking cares
make sure you shoot your heart so you dont just become a burden

>> No.15674528

krystal time

>> No.15674529

That's quite the seethe for such an innocuous, non-partisan, factual post.

>> No.15674537

its over the main stream too so can't avoid it :\

>> No.15674544

go back to /pol/, /k/ope, or wherever you trannies discuss slavshit chimpouts

>> No.15674556

holy seethe

>> No.15674557


>> No.15674568

if you want to talk about a gay conflict with other third worlders there are 100 other venues. Remember my advice about suicide btw

>> No.15674593

seething basedcuck

>> No.15674594

Cryptic message from Los Dos: Launch license is “soon”

>> No.15674596

glad I didn't pay money to learn that

>> No.15674597
File: 582 KB, 2806x2033, F1aWQOAagAEIdqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15674605

What? Lol what does this even mean

>> No.15674607

Soigaping at this post and the latest What About It!? (by Felix Schlang) youtube thumbnail simultaneously

>> No.15674610

One fortnite

>> No.15674614
File: 98 KB, 720x720, 745951E6-1D14-4332-AD68-BEC67646A338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paid $100 for a year long subscription bros please

>> No.15674616

Kek this image

>> No.15674619

But what does Las Tres have to say?

>> No.15674621

It would be kind of cool to see another $500 million per launch orbital spaceplane in operation, if only from an accelerationism standpoint

>> No.15674624
File: 411 KB, 1063x573, IMG_4683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674628

NSF has been yapping for over 50 min

>> No.15674631
File: 359 KB, 1170x858, IMG_5011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674632

"space" "plane"

>> No.15674635
File: 79 KB, 960x639, IMG_5415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record I am NOT a spaceplane fag. I just have a billion photos and haven’t been able to do photo dumps recently because we’ve been hot staging from page 9/10 pretty quickly the past week

>> No.15674641

been thinking about probably fucking my italian 3rd cousin next time i'm in the country. she always acts so innocent, i bet she's nuts in bed

>> No.15674643
File: 1.00 MB, 648x480, fuck your image limit nigga.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of photo dumps. I'm still upset I never got to use pic related back when /sfg/ had image limit problems, and wanted to be a complete shitter and wait till the last image possible to post this. Oh well.

>> No.15674644

Man it must have sucked to on the bottom deck. Entire spacecraft disintigrating around you and you don't know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.15674645
File: 557 KB, 1170x655, IMG_7132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got sidetracked I guess the topic was “new” space planes. Whatever. I’ll see you fags in page 10 if I remember I have a really cute photo of my fatass tuxedo cat as a kitten I want to share haha

>> No.15674646

>no flickr

>> No.15674653

True. I guess there’s justification for crew dreamchaser without windows after all… if plenty of astronauts have launched that way before on shuttle

>> No.15674655


Oh he mad

>> No.15674661

it will have windows though

>> No.15674664

Close your eyes nigga

>> No.15674666

gb2r negro

>> No.15674667

I guess so but I’m alluding to a VERY niche iceberg thing where astronauts were interviewed right after boeing won comcrew and they said “we wouldn’t mind flying on a cargo dreamchaser without windows” lol. I have photographic proof saved somewhere if you’re interested

>> No.15674668

Not even remotely close to being mad. He wants more people to be exposed to diverging opinions, is all.

>> No.15674670

Hi Zack

>> No.15674676

He should think what the people who use twitter want not what he wants

>> No.15674685


>> No.15674692


Zubrin fags this is your idol?

>> No.15674695

he's been bloodthirsty since a year and an half ago
obsessively so

>> No.15674697

Hahah. He used to be until he “ascended politics” and went full mask-off boomer kek. I still like him but good grief

>> No.15674700

Zubrin - Musk
Ignoring Mars

>> No.15674712

He and the team know better. Blocking people is a stupid status symbol on the site and needs to go.

>> No.15674713

>refresh nasa image archive
>Europa Clipper hardware update photo
Totally forgot this mission was even a thing damn

>> No.15674716

I blocked flat earthers, they blocked me

Peace of mind desu

>> No.15674718

Yeah it's a stupid faggot game. Neither party should know ideally

>> No.15674722

>Hermes start in CNES in like 1977
>Gets internally selected as main project in 1982
>Dassault gets selected as aeroshape designer in 1984-5 in collaboration with Aerospatiale
>Europeanisation fails in 1985
>Demonstrator Maia starts in 1986
>Gets cancelled in 1987
>Program gets europeanised in 1987
>Preliminary studies start, end in 1990
>1990, preliminary studies extended to 1991
>1991, preliminary studies extended to 1992
>1992, project gets downscalled to unmanned demonstrator
>Hermes X2000 is cancelled in 1993
>Dassault privately design Launac in 1992 as Hermes X2000 replacement
>ACV starts in 1993
>Gets cancelled in 1995
>ARD starts in 1994
>Flies once in 1998, immediately forgotten
>ESA/Dassault work on CRV/X-38 with NASA
>Cancelled 2001 after drop tests
>Dassault digs up and propose Launac against Aerospatiale/EADS in like 2001 for CNES Pre-X competition
>Gets selected in like 2004
>Has cooperation with russia, supposed to launch from siberia
>Cooperation with russia and Pre-X goes nowhere (Kliper lives and dies in between 2004-2006)
>Is europeanised in 2005 or so
>Program entirely restarted under Italian direction
>Italian start EXPERT demonstrator of IXV (a demonstrator of a demonstrator of a demonstrator of a demonstrator of a demonstrator )
>Ready in 2010, never launches, rots in some hangar in turin
>Italian do a second IXV demonstrator (USV/Pollux) that flies in like 2011
>Operational vehicle PRIDE starts in 2012
>Italians finally launch IXV in 2015
>Pride Reorganised as Space Rider in like 2018
>literally no news at all for 3 years
>seriously there are as much news as the spooky Chinese X-37
>Now is getting privatised as REV-1 and drop tests are just getting started
>NET 2025

Behold the speed of european aerospace
50 years to make a shittier X-37b

>> No.15674729

Can’t tell if i’m more impressed by the fact that you took the time to type all that out, or by the fact that my attention span is so fucked that my first reaction was to recoil
Still funny though hah, they are impressively retarded

>> No.15674730

And you fuckers say we aren't infested with ledditors, look at this post right fucking here and say it again.

>> No.15674734

If you've got Soyuz at very little expense like they did for decades you don't need that. Now it's definitely going to be more focused, but under french leadership only it'll never go anywhere.

>> No.15674737

Zubrin is my hero. Burn them all indeed!

>> No.15674746

Now we've got Crew dragon at little expense
See Poland, Sweden buying crew dragon seats outside of the usual ESA selection.

>> No.15674750

90% of that was from memory i'm probably forgetting stuff

Hermes also didn't start out of nowhere in 1977, it's based on french hypersonic reentry demonstrator that was *built* but never flow in the 60s, and a bunch of other studies.

>> No.15674756

Very right. Shit, wish they'd just put more effort and money into it. It's clearly ramping up worldwide as a cutting edge industry, might be the next "semiconductors"

>> No.15674759

>buying seats
Now this is the cool part about commercial space
No more space agency barter system bullshit

>> No.15674766

How so, Elon is saying to use mute as it does the same thing from the users perspective.

>> No.15674770

The Shuttle cost a lot more than $450 million per launch in 2011.

>> No.15674792


>> No.15674801
File: 3.97 MB, 498x273, ALARM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674802

No you don’t understand the ATV took out 500kg of trash from the iss 10 years ago before being cancelled spacex HAS to land some luxemburger on the moon because of thah

>> No.15674818
File: 775 KB, 2000x1600, Death to furfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674830


>> No.15674834


>> No.15674835

all of spacex is going to jail for that one

>> No.15674845

you can use this on the next starship launch thread if you're quick enough

>> No.15674848


>> No.15674853

Zubrin worker at Martin during the Cold War. He has a right to hate the Red menace

>> No.15674856

Weird to see it happen at night. Night starship launches will look kino

>> No.15674857

Very irresponsible. That water could have been used to fight wildfires.

>> No.15674861

No, using water to fight fires isn't safe for the environment

>> No.15674875

will the flame look blue like the terran launch?

>> No.15674881


>> No.15674882

they probably could swap it out, since as far as I know both ends have a stage separation interface

>> No.15674884

Yeah he's lost the plot, full boomer warhawk mode.

>> No.15674890

shuttle was well over $1bn in 2011 dollars when you consider all the associated costs e.g. refurbishment, ground infrastructure and ground crew salary, booster recovery (close to $500mil just to crane two fucking empty metal tubes onto a boat and refill them with solid fuel, how did they make it so expensive?), inspections and recertification; you get the idea.

>> No.15674892
File: 45 KB, 300x417, inwo-l4-97ba951f95b52c0c67dd4f00a2db0bc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know what Los Cuatros says.

>> No.15674895

>there are virtually no tech companies in Europe
I assume you mean like a top 10 company that everybody knows

>> No.15674897
File: 80 KB, 850x427, Solar-spectrum-and-absorption-profiles-of-chlorophyll-and-bacteriochlorophyll-pigments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LEDs do have teh advantage of being able to be tuned to the precise frequencies that chlorophyl absorbs best. Plants aren't that good at absorbing direct sunlight- they waste a lot of the spectrum. They waste so much spectrum that even accounting for solar panel and LED efficiency losses, you can come out ahead.

>> No.15674898

Celebrity boxing, on a space station

>> No.15674921
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_7773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15674937

What does /sfg/ think of Brian Cox? I fucking hate Nigger "TheGrass" Tyson but Brian seems like a relaxed person who ACTUALLY wants to just share what he's learned. Everything I've heard from him on space seems reasonable, especially the ayy stuff.

>> No.15674940

lol cocks

>> No.15674957

They're both science communicator, who are communicating science to the 95% of the masses, that don't know what a quark is made up of. Same with Michio Kaku.

If you're hung up on them, then the problem isn't them, its your own inability to gauge your own understanding, their understanding (greater than yours) and why they're saying what they're saying.

>> No.15675004

I had a girlfriend in college who brought up how attractive she found brian cox a bunch of times and now I hate him

>> No.15675006



>> No.15675008

do normies really think eating carnival food makes you a foodie

>> No.15675009
File: 145 KB, 1125x1736, F33OmvyaUAAzVvC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675019
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x870, F33EQuHWoAIvTRB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread going to turn into /sfg/ - Starfield General in a few weeks?

>> No.15675021

No, if you post about bad video games you get banned
Ksp isn't a video game so it doesn't count

>> No.15675032

idk, those huge games just don't have the same appeal anymore
I'm sure if I was 17 again they'd be my favorite games ever made and I'd fondly think back on them until the day I die
but I just don't have it in me anymore

>> No.15675044
File: 2.13 MB, 2000x3008, 4B8CE8AD-0D7B-4CC3-AD27-517133601BD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to stay up till 3 am because my wife has a night shift at the hospital and I’m getting her coffee lol love you guys ad Astra per aspera

>> No.15675046

Starfield will get more fps than KSP

Let that sink in


>> No.15675048

ppl who eat food are by definition a foodie

>> No.15675050

Are you a plant or a fungus

>> No.15675055

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

>> No.15675058

Not a big fan of Starliner-Atlas design. Very fat capsule and skinny Centaur with Atlas protruding. Very disrespectful.

>> No.15675072

Imagine being so cucked you are okay with India beating you to being able to launch your own people into space.

>> No.15675085

Genetically 3rd cousins are beneficial

>> No.15675093

Wasn't this months or a year ago?
Why post it now

>> No.15675094

I still need to play fallout 3

>> No.15675102
File: 394 KB, 1080x1594, 1692421553751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm guys? Ria-chan is propositioning Mr. Musk o_O~~

>> No.15675105

The odds are actually pretty good that he might notice Clear

>> No.15675134

We can make it happen sooner. Gift clear Reddit gold i mean twitter blue i mean X Negro

>> No.15675230

>Reddit gold i mean twitter blue i mean X Negro
Best I can do is a Twix.

>> No.15675278

>X Negro
Using this fno to refer to checktards.

>> No.15675307
File: 40 KB, 592x440, 1692380369664539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best I can do

>> No.15675308


>> No.15675315


I absolutely NEED Elon to hire her, brute force English lessons on her and have her host the official streams.

>> No.15675394

Someone stage this shit already, I cant rn.

>> No.15675395





>> No.15675531

They'll literally be eaten by Africans before they manage to achieve manned space flight

>> No.15675536

>double earther

>> No.15675549

Africa is full of Africans

>> No.15675555
File: 35 KB, 571x515, tard fully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it'd lift a massive amount of dust all over the thin atmosphere that would take countless years to dissipate

>> No.15675562
File: 68 KB, 512x332, sts pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the Shuttle was cheaper than Soyuz why did they retire it?
Presidents really hate eulogies

>> No.15675578
File: 40 KB, 365x490, von braun no wvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do normies really think

>> No.15675590

I can't handle any more good games after BG3 and BRC. AC6 coming soon. I hope Starfield is bad so I dont have to play it

>> No.15675654

Greason is just a grifter. Remember his plasma magnet scam? Haven't heard anything about that in a while.

>> No.15675691

Battery fires are a thing.

>> No.15675882
File: 663 KB, 2560x1440, 3453453534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15675915
File: 48 KB, 648x164, Ad Astra per Aspergia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15675927
File: 9 KB, 275x183, 1533010150967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the word "being" doesn't belong there
translating moon runes is hard