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File: 41 KB, 1199x799, 005608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15657341 No.15657341 [Reply] [Original]

Bandwagon - edition

previous >>15653969

>> No.15657343
File: 56 KB, 739x750, 005609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that smallsat launchers are fucked


> During a presentation at the 37th Annual Small Satellite Conference here Aug. 9, Jarrod McLachlan, director of rideshare sales at SpaceX, said the company will start launching a series of missions dubbed “Bandwagon” that will complement its existing Transporter line of rideshare missions.

> The Bandwagon missions will deliver payloads at altitudes of 550 to 605 kilometers and inclinations of approximately 45 degrees. “It’s a way of meeting the demand for the second most commonly asked orbit,” he said.

> Four Bandwagon missions are currently scheduled. According to SpaceX’s rideshare website, those missions are scheduled for April and November 2024 and February and May 2025.

>> No.15657355
File: 70 KB, 1024x1049, 1024px-1,3,6,8-Tetraazatricyclo4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could this be used as rocket fuel?

>> No.15657359
File: 111 KB, 800x1131, Aggregat4-Schnitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuel for the V-2

>> No.15657361

No. It runs hotter but has less hydrogen so it's worse

>> No.15657372
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>> No.15657381
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>theres never been a lunar lander probe that observed the Earth eclipsing the sun
The japs got shots from orbit but that's not quite the same

>> No.15657383

>Behold! Übermenschium!

>> No.15657406
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>> No.15657407

Raptorbros... where did it all go wrong

>> No.15657421

Why is an entire Atlas V rocket being wasted to launch two tiny Project Kuiper satellites into low Earth orbit? Why not pay Rocket Lab to launch these things one at a time on Electron?

>> No.15657438
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It's not that easy

>> No.15657447

when is luna 25 set to crash into the moon?

>> No.15657456

Which booster and ships do you think will use Raptor 3? Also wen raptor 4?

>> No.15657469

Just before india's lander crashes iirc.

>> No.15657483
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Probably because if they don't launch SOMETHING soon, the FCC is gonna get pissed, and it's not that easy in launcher switching.
This is what happens when the EDS kicks in hard, it's a hell of a drug.

>> No.15657503

Guys what are some good youtube channels about Space, launches, future, past and so on?

>> No.15657507

Cost Plus Content is a good channel about the past of space.

(It's about the past because the guy who ran it no longer posts.)

>> No.15657523

Pressure Fed Astronaut
End of Mission and Know Your Rocket are genuinely great and I hope he keeps making these
that said, he's got a terminal case of EDS

>> No.15657525

why didn't they just buy a Falcon 9???

>> No.15657546
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>> No.15657550
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>> No.15657552

lol, I've seen a bit of his Starship whining video and not bothered to watch anything else
if there is bad judgement in one area, how can you trust there is not in some other unrelated area?

>> No.15657573
File: 303 KB, 1920x1080, (1) A4 _ V2 Rocket in detail Turbopump - YouTube - 0-0-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe Astronomy and Nature TV, examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgiMu8A3pi0 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmTxAFY03fU

>> No.15657590

Seems like a risk having a body flap stick out like that underneath a piece you need to jettison

>> No.15657594

And are there channels that make space video for example every week talking about space news and launches that happened?

>> No.15657599

Scott Manley makes a video like that about once a month. Check out his deep space updates

>> No.15657601

And give them more money to launch Starlinks with?

>> No.15657617

The aussie Marcus does that I think

>> No.15657622


>> No.15657651
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>> No.15657657
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>> No.15657666

Just read Berger's Rocket Report. Or lurk moar.

>> No.15657670
File: 53 KB, 1076x591, Tubeway Army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Besides being a unique collaborative work of the world's foremost science fiction authors of the late 20th century, the Murasaki anthology tells several valuable lessons. First, it demonstrates how difficult it would be to find planets that could be truly colonized by humans. Genji and Chujo both are as terrestrial planets as one could reasonably expect to find, but the relatively minor deviations of their masses from Earth standard result in an atmospheric pressure gradient where unaided breathing is possible only at some places, even though the composition of gases is right for humans. Very few items from the alien biosphere can be safely eaten and/or provide nourishment. The intensity and spectral composition of the sunlight is wrong for humans. As a result, humans must bring their own food or produce it in artificial environments, and exposure to artificial earthly daylight is required to maintain physical and mental health. On Genji the gravity (although only half again as high as on Earth) is an inescapable factor that confers both acute and chronic physical risk, and appears to promote dysthymia. In summary this illustrates that even on the most Earth-like planets that might eventually be found, only outposts (but no actual colonies) will be feasible.
wellfags, will they ever learn?

>> No.15657681
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space colonies will be spun up to non earth gravities, be given 14 or 52 hour days (but never 24) and have their atmospheres pumped full of carbon monoxide just to keep the spin queers in line

>> No.15657711
File: 771 KB, 768x930, 26bk9x3idtu61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna 25 will revive Russia's space dream. Energia Starship next.

>> No.15657713
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>> No.15657722

I'll sooner believe in kiev in 3 days than in roscosmos becoming competitive. They might get lucky with Luna-25 but not even that will grant them enough funding to do anything superpower-worthy.

>> No.15657732
File: 49 KB, 325x786, main-qimg-49cf66e04e17a5d94da771bdddc58b5d-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heckin love the Energia 2 config. If I would propose an alternate fully reusable rocket architecture I would do this.
>fully reusable everything
>liquid boosters + sustainer stage
>horizontal landing which is safer, simpler, and gentler than Starship's flip shit
>a proper swing nosecone hatch for payloads
>if you wanted to launch crew, just stick a normal capsule on the end
>because the capsule is a drop in payload, launch escape can still be a thing
>lower aspect ratio so it has a wider launch envelope; wing-loading on ascent is negligible since the boosters are covering it
>make everything methalox so you get denser propellants, better specific impulse and thrust, and better for reusability

>> No.15657741


NSF (mostly videos about tankwatching Starship, but also weekly roundups about space stuff in general like vid related, don't really watch the weekly roundups though as I find her voice annoying)

Marcus House >>15657406

Scott Manley (videos are about specific random space topics)

LabPadre (weekly updates from starbase)

RGV Aerial Photography (starbase flyovers and a weekly 3h stream where they talk about what changed, perhaps the most autistic channel of them all)

Dongfang Hour (News from chinese spaceflight, might or might not be chinese propaganda)

Eager Space (videos about specific topics a bit like Scott Manley)

TheSpaceBucket (daily videos about some latest news so about a specific topic but related to something that just happened usually)

>> No.15657746

Unironically might not be available as quickly, SpaceX seems booked quite tightly, especially when considering payload integration, I imagine Atlas V and Vulcan both being ULA rockets have a lot of commonality there.

>> No.15657750

Yeah china should have gone with this for LM9 architecture. That way they wouldn’t have to fuck around with propulsive landing. They could have full reusability with flyback components

>> No.15657760
File: 69 KB, 1281x721, 005613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a lot of videos from this dude that I haven't seen apparently

>> No.15657763

>if there is bad judgement in one area, how can you trust there is not in some other unrelated area?
Even memefoot makes good videos when they're about his actual study area. You have a point that you should be aware of misjudgements when watching other content, but such blanket statements are just stupid. Otherwise suddenly noone should be trusted with anything because everyone makes bad judgements on occasion. Elon says plenty of stupid shit, does that mean his judgement on rocket engineering should be dismissed?

>> No.15657770

Thanks to everyone who suggested youtube channels

>> No.15657775

See? Now get over it.

>> No.15657792

Because even if Electron does have the payload capacity, it almost certainly doesn't have the volume in its fairing.

>> No.15657805

>might or might not be chinese propaganda
He's closer to shill PR than outright propaganda. He's not going to cover anything in an excessively critical or negative light. He's pretty informative overall if you don't mind that information coming in a form that feels like an advertisement.

>> No.15657807

>Luna 25 landing attempt (fail)
>Chandelier 3 landing attempt (fail)
>Peregrine Mission 1 landing attempt (fail)
>IM Mission 1 landing attempt (fail)

The moon is a harsh mistress...

>> No.15657810

Eager space more like creepy face

>> No.15657824

Goteem. Eager beaver was shitting on new glenn the other day. /comfy/!

>> No.15657828

>listening to nsf's latest jewess video
>she reveals that their video editor is only 18 years old
wow they really out there getting cheap slave labor

>> No.15657829

Marcus House does that shit, and with a cool accent

>> No.15657838

coming soon: MOON-Transporter missions from spacex.
I assume. Buy a lot on the one per quarter moon lander mission.

>> No.15657845

>Artemis II orbit attempt (fail)

>> No.15657847
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>> No.15657850

but how?

TLI burn fails?

imagine the disappointment

>> No.15657853

oxygen tank explodes when they stir it

>> No.15657859

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5XEZfzoxvY It's over bransy boy. You've been buusted

>> No.15657861

rule 34 on this now

>> No.15657883

Scott Manley, Marcus House

>> No.15657894
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, IMG_1236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Gaganyaan orange?

>> No.15657900
File: 609 KB, 4096x2603, IMG_1237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you theoretically slap 2-4 side boosters on Terran R, slap Orion on top and have it be a alternative to SLS?

>> No.15657901
File: 86 KB, 777x699, NASA-SLS-Orion-at-Launch-Pad-777x699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do you one better, why is sls orange?

>> No.15657916
File: 256 KB, 514x759, image.translated (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Luna-25" corrected the trajectory of the flight
to the natural satellite of the Earth.
Today, the automatic station carried out the first
correction of the flight path to the moon.
The Luna-25 propulsion system has turned on at
16:00 Moscow time and worked for 46 seconds.

>> No.15657917

Trying to make a rocket into an impromptu Angara 5 is a lot harder than it looks. SpaceX had enough trouble bolting three Falcon 9 cores together. If you want a cheap and simple SLS replacement you'd be better off stripping the reusability systems out of New Glenn and using that, maybe in conjugation with the old three-stage idea that Blue had.

>> No.15657943

oh no! what happened to my 6000 kg of Judainium?!

>> No.15657956

>ruskies are about to land people on the moon for a mere $200m, while simultaneously fighting a war
gotta hand it to them desu
pretty impressive all things considered, assuming it doesn't crash on landing or something

>> No.15657957

here you go big guy

>> No.15657960

thanks, I'll cherish this

>> No.15657966
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It's just the color of whatever they're using for the less demanding parts of the capsule's TPS. I'm not even sure if they're even using it. There have been few dunk testing photos that don't feature it, although it could be they just haven't installed the stuff yet.

>> No.15657967

oh wait, it's unmanned
nevermind, that's a bit disappointing

>> No.15657974


>> No.15657984
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>In September, @NASA's New Horizons spacecraft will turn its color camera toward Uranus and Neptune to get unique images from “behind” the two giant planets.
>If that wasn't exciting enough...the mission team is inviting amateur astronomers to join in >>

I can't wait to see uranus from behind

>> No.15658004

it wont succeed, none of them will

>> No.15658013
File: 326 KB, 1280x2015, Astra_Rocket_Engine_—_Delphin_3.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inconel is used for rocket engine nozzles and combustion chambers. It can handle a few seconds of reentry plasma without deformation.

>> No.15658015

That would make testing the plasma magnet sail cheaper.

>> No.15658026

e-sail too, maybe this will finally stimulate some fucking motivation in those working on them

>> No.15658035

No because it's not designed to take the structural load of more boosters

>> No.15658036

>a few seconds
>what is regenerative cooling

>> No.15658049
File: 2.06 MB, 1928x1080, 1691862707475.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OLM purged the outer ring ignition system. I'm pretty sure that this proves the 4 raptors shut down due to a QD failure since they were all on outer ring.

>> No.15658064

>I'm pretty sure that this proves
you're retarded plus a newfag twitterbrain. they pruge the RQD all the time.
they did it seven times in one day.
you simply do not know what happened

>> No.15658067

god damn falcon 9's big
the high aspect ratio makes it seem a lot smaller than it is

>> No.15658068

for real, everytime im reminded of its scale its always way bigger than I thought

they're landing skyscrapers from space

>> No.15658072

I'm hoping that they crash into each other first.

>> No.15658074
File: 224 KB, 540x533, IMG_5816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys be interested in a weekly podcasts where we spotlight founders from all sorts of space startups and get technical?

>> No.15658079


>> No.15658081
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I'm hoping Chandrayaan poops on Luna as it passes by.

>> No.15658084

Kill yourself, fuck off the site or buy an ad.

>> No.15658089

who are "you guys"
who are "we"
who are "founders from all sorts of space startups"
what do you mean by "spotlight"
what do you mean by "get technical"
what do you mean by "podcasts"
what do you mean by "interested"
what do you mean by "weekly"

>> No.15658125

It would be unironically over for NASA. Imagine the outrage.

>> No.15658128
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>> No.15658131

hot but Falcon 9 should be futa and OCISLY should have her pubic hair in the SpaceX logo

>> No.15658133
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So im thinking, with a million bajillion new space stations in development, there is no way there are enough crew vehicles to be able to handle all the demand for flights?

There is only a handful of dragons available and the production line has been shut down. Would they have to bring Dragon 1 back into service?

It takes over a decade to make a new vehicle from scratch, Starliner still is not ready + it is expensive when combined with Vulcan

Dream Chaser crewed is still an idea, and although Rocket Lab and Blue Origin plan crew capsules its still going to be a long time before any are in service.

And lets not forget resupply, is Cygnus production big enough to resupply all of these?

We need more capsules

>> No.15658137

So basically the Payload podcast?

>> No.15658141

SpeX will just bring Dragon 2 production back

>> No.15658151

>There is only a handful of dragons available and the production line has been shut down.
Has it? I thought they were still making one and planning on it being the last. If demand increases they can just decide not to shut down production

>> No.15658152

all of these require a shit ton of dragons.
>no progress for resupply
>no Russians for baseduzes anyways
>Cygnus is dead after 2025
>shitliner is dead after its 4 flights or whatever
>dream chaser is never happening

>> No.15658154

The glowies don't want you to know this. But starship is an ssto space bus

>> No.15658174

>There is only a handful of dragons available and the production line has been shut down. Would they have to bring Dragon 1 back into service?
Your first sentence talks about the problems of a recently dead production line for Dragon 2, but then pivot to asking about a production line that has been dead for years

Also, didn't we think that the Dragon 2 line was cold before they announced they were building a fifth crew capsule? I wouldn't count out a sixth or a seventh just yet if it turns out there's a need.

>> No.15658186

An anon here said they actually didn't shut it down after saying they would. I dunno

>> No.15658187

NG-25 is launching in 2026, and there's no real reason why Northrop couldn't commission more Cygni if they get a good deal from a private party. It's not a great spacecraft but its pretty economical for what it does.

>> No.15658190

1 more dragon

>> No.15658194

stfu faggot Crewed Dream Chaser will fly

>> No.15658205
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>> No.15658216

>no onboard toilet
>no windows

>> No.15658218

If Starlink does an IPO, doesnt that mean the Mars colonization plan is dead?

>> No.15658225

>the year is 2067
>huge city-sized space station in orbit, massive launching point and depot for the mars base
>Zarya and Zvezda are still attached and critical components for the station

>> No.15658228

Yes. Felon should have had enough experience with public companies to know it is a bad idea.

>> No.15658231 [DELETED] 


>> No.15658233
File: 15 KB, 464x401, Holmlid laser h drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with Leif Holmlid, author of -
>Future interstellar rockets may use laser-induced annihilation reactions for relativistic drive
The wiki page on Rydberg matter has this quote -
>The paper of Holmlid and Zeiner-Gundersen makes claims that would be truly revolutionary if they were true. We have shown that they violate some fundamental and very well established laws in a rather direct manner. We believe we share this scepticism with most of the scientific community. The response to the theories of Holmlid is perhaps most clearly reflected in the reference list of their article. Out of 114 references, 36 are not coauthored by Holmlid. And of these 36, none address the claims made by him and his co-authors. This is so much more remarkable because the claims, if correct, would revolutionize quantum science, add at least two new forms of hydrogen, of which one is supposedly the ground state of the element, discover an extremely dense form of matter, discover processes that violate baryon number conservation, in addition to solving humanity’s need for energy practically in perpetuity
which seems a roundabout way of saying he's a fraud/kook. But that very same wiki page has a load of citations of Holmlid's papers, which have appeared in respectable journals.

>> No.15658236

>they're landing skyscrapers from space
on moving platforms hundreds of miles out to sea, and then filling them up with fuel and doing it again, and again and again and again, once a week or even multiple times a week, consistently for over a year, with no failures

... why do we still pay NASA? (rhetardical question)

>> No.15658239


>> No.15658242
File: 52 KB, 1000x1000, orange-the-home-depot-paint-buckets-05ghdpr1300-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least one of those has a simple solution

>> No.15658243

i laf evri tym

>> No.15658245
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>> No.15658281

maybe, how long would it be?
you should try it out at least, if it doesn't work out then whatever

>> No.15658323

Blue Origin wants to use LVM3 and Indian vehicles to resupply Orbital Reef

Maybe they will use Gaganyaan too

>> No.15658351

adding to this

Fraser Cain, also does long interviews with various people on space topics

I would add Angry Astronaut but he has really declined in quality with clickbait and tinfoil.

>> No.15658362
File: 2.09 MB, 2160x1344, cracks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time it's really over.

>> No.15658364
File: 205 KB, 2048x1184, EZSmCwbWsAAWj9N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX seems booked quite tightly

That is the crazy part about their current launch cadence, SpaceX still has excess capacity.

>> No.15658376

I'm tired

Elon's autistic chasing of MORE POWER will ruin Starship, ruin Artemis, ruin Mars, ruin everything

>> No.15658378

What are we supposed to be seeing, the tarp over the bidet to keep debris out of the holes?

>> No.15658380


>> No.15658383

i see

>> No.15658389

the tape...

>> No.15658423

There is no tape in that image.

>> No.15658448

can we evacuate everyone from ISS and crash that shit into the ocean. I fucking hate that piece of junk
Uhhhh MAH SCIENCE. All science was already researched here. And that trash flies so low that humans stopped progressing because 1960s rocket can reach ISS anyway. Soon even North Korea will be able to dock ISS.
Politician thinks:
>You already have your station (piece of junk) on orbit. Here is your 20 billion so supply it and for fuel to constantly boost orbit
>F-35 yeah that what we need. 666 gojilion dollars here we go.

At least good that we started with private companies
I want world to be like in a Outer Worlds game. When corporations control entire planets and opress workers here

Anyways what is he even on about

>> No.15658457


>> No.15658458

it's spray paint doe

>> No.15658474

i mean starlink investors arent gonna want all their revenue going toward mars colonies

>> No.15658481

that's why there shouldn't be any, just leave it as a money printer for bootstrapping the Mars colony

>> No.15658517

NEAT! Although I assume we will barely be able to see anything

>> No.15658524

Redditard spacing. Go back now

>> No.15658525

Yeah wtf was up with this, anyways? Was some SNC artist high or something

>> No.15658537

Yes you should take yours if you think concrete is being taped together.

>> No.15658552

L2 says it could be another month for repairs

>> No.15658559


>> No.15658560

whats with the colored lines? are those cracks from the static fire?

>> No.15658565

It marks known cracks, and lets you see if they expand since it'll dislodge or tear the tape

>> No.15658571

if i thought do what i ought it would or wouldnt match. lets try this. it will match if meant.

>> No.15658576

I'm imagining a Starship pivot for SpaceX: the Falcon H2, with five boosters which would lift a smaller Starship into orbit

My only concern is that the central core wouldn't be powerful enough to boost anything bigger than the upper stage they already use

>> No.15658578

you need to be 18 to use 4channel

>> No.15658582

if u find its good . improve 18

>> No.15658589

Anon, those colored lines are not tape.

>> No.15658591
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>> No.15658595

ill wait for you but quickly ill have something. i do

>> No.15658606

Does the 33 engine system got too many failure points? Is that the problem?

>> No.15658610

no, treating failure points as a simple numerical thing is silly.

>> No.15658618

33 engine failure points
9 engine failure points

33 - 9 = 24 extra failure points. Its simple probability factor.

>> No.15658626

Alson on F9, with 9 engines, if 1 fails, thats 11% fail. On Starship, if 4 fails, thats 12%. The ~10% failure seems to be the common thing with the Starship engines.

>> No.15658629

>3 rings
>33 engines
>33 / 3 = 11
>11 / 3 = 3.666666667
>4 engines shut down last static fires

it is simple maths sirs

>> No.15658651

When is Johny Kim getting a flight assignment

>> No.15658660

he'll be the first colored person on the moon

>> No.15658691

Asians arent colored sorry. They're white adjacent.

>> No.15658693
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, view-3199025522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that sure is a lot of failure points, there's no way spacex can make it work

>> No.15658701


>> No.15658706
File: 1.08 MB, 4096x2725, F3XEORhXoAAF_JI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15658711

is this the starlink shooter

>> No.15658752
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>> No.15658781

human door?

>> No.15658785

nah it's made of metal

>> No.15658788
File: 91 KB, 800x800, CAB391-1004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a earplug dispenser on the ring?

>> No.15658789

some1 compare this to LEM

>> No.15658804

Looks to small for Starlinks

>> No.15658806
File: 1.14 MB, 4096x2725, 1691875971464361.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the LM not LEM baka


>> No.15658813

the flaps have got to go. Either make them fixed, or figure out how to land without them.

>> No.15658821


>> No.15658823
File: 220 KB, 1383x959, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense. The ring is made for transport, which means you'll always have ground crew and loud-ass machines next to each other.

>> No.15658824

On what basis are you saying this

>> No.15658827


>> No.15658829

Lol looks like it. They probably got a violation at one point and decided to just throw it on the transport hardware

>> No.15658838


>> No.15658840

This rarely flies.

>> No.15658845

>Needs double the ground infrastructure to handle two different types of fuel
>Using a reusably-optimized core with boosters that are designed to just barely be reusable with one or three cores only
>needing to keep F9 hardware online for longer when you’re already pivoting to a new rocket
Yeah no

>> No.15658851

are we getting
a) a long-ass ladder
b) a winch system to lower astros down
c) an elevator platform that you deploy
d) lmao just jump down and use a rope to get back up, 1/6g

>> No.15658858


>> No.15658903

Keep voting for which lunar probe will survive

>> No.15658925

elevator platform was shown in renders announcing the HLS decision, which makes sense considering the 25 ton cargo delivery capability

>> No.15658999

So why does it have a convex dome on the bottom? Is that on the transporter part?

>> No.15659000

It's a pressure vessel.

>> No.15659004

I'm sure some of that rocket fuel was dunk by the guys working on that rocket

>> No.15659027

yes, the solution is to send Indian astronauts

>> No.15659034

e) trampoline

>> No.15659037

trampolines don't work in a vacuum

>> No.15659048
File: 15 KB, 308x326, IMG_7089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Superheavy still blowing up Raptors

>> No.15659051
File: 302 KB, 1270x2048, Cutaway schematic of SpaceX cargo Starship interior by Tom Dixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the payload bay went further down, looks like it ends just below the flaps

>> No.15659053

The Merlins aren’t unreliable shits that blow up every other time they’re fired

>> No.15659056

Likely they'll stretch the tanks and shorten the pressurized volume for Artemis III HLS, they can extend it to its fullest potential for HLS SLD, even still it would be the largest pressurized volume ever on the moon, astronauts will be able to jump inside their module, actually feel and see lunar gravity working in their ship which none of the Apollo astronauts could

>> No.15659060

Okay a) i’m pretty sure those are two different things and b) I don’t even think NASA is referring to BO’s lander as ‘SLD’ anymore. And come to think of it, is BO’s lander also referred to as “HLS” now?
Whatever I’m not that anon by the way, just being autistic

>> No.15659062

None of the Raptors on B9 blew up during the static fire.

>I thought the payload bay went further down

It does.

>> No.15659067
File: 169 KB, 900x725, ap17-S72-56081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently the large cakes they had on the recovery carriers for Apollo were always terrible

>> No.15659069

I'm talking about SpaceX's SLD for post Artemis III that NASA already requested for Artemis IV

>> No.15659074

because they're being made by Culinary Specialist Johnson, 19 year old highschool dropout who still has acne and has never operated a washing machine, let alone an oven before he got put in charge of making food for hundreds of people

>> No.15659081

Works on gravity dumbass.

>> No.15659091
File: 367 KB, 3840x2160, shuttleC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new Eager, Shuttle C was killed because it was too good


>> No.15659099
File: 91 KB, 985x721, IMG_7087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Government MIC cooks, baybee. Worst food you’ll ever eat

>> No.15659101

I sometimes come back to this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0nkhgO1oto

>> No.15659106

A certified classic. Every war needs “combat” footage like this; just showcasing a day in the life. Similarly, I wish the apollo astronauts had taken the time to just set up a camera and film their private conversations within the LM or something. I guess they had mass constraints though.
I hope Artemis has lots of footage inside of gateway and starship the same way they currently do their little Q&As on ISSxanvyh

>> No.15659111

I read that as butt plugs with dispenser

>> No.15659112

Look at that CCCP /fa/shion, whew. I want those jackets.

>> No.15659116
File: 118 KB, 722x482, hls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, first HLS

>> No.15659124


>> No.15659127

Very nice. Let’s see Blue Origin’s dedicated hardware

>> No.15659132

huh, they really just write that on the side of it I guess.
do we figure this is a proof of concept built on a ship they already had? I don't see them putting tiles and fins on it otherwise

>> No.15659134
File: 27 KB, 535x333, 1680831570483184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha GON2V

>> No.15659135

>someone knocks at your door
>be greeted with this in front of your house
>this is an order for [your mom's name]

>> No.15659140


>> No.15659142

Yeah that’s what I assume. I think SX are running so hardware rich right now that they’re just taking pieces and saying “ehh good enough let’s use it as a quick pathfinder for some other ideas”

>> No.15659145

Which is so much more information rich than running endless sims I bet

>> No.15659155

Oh they certainly do both. Damn I totally forgot the context but I remember SX was running starship sims on a NASA computer like a year or two ago. I think they were modeling bellyflop dynamics or something. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

>> No.15659156

Yes, it used to be Ship 22 but they cut off the nosecone and welded it to some special ring and "e-dome".

>> No.15659159

Well it isn’t the jumbo sized cargo door that I expected

>> No.15659163

NASA detailed some new “multiple independent airlocks” design in an update like a month or two ago. Can’t remember if it was a teleconference or a powerpoint or what

>> No.15659168

Whatever happened to the solar array ‘fans’ on starship. How does it get power now

>> No.15659178

Fuel cells probably. Apollo had em. Shuttle had em. Now it’s Starship’s turn
Of course, HLS moonship will have solar cels - at least according to the current renders, but that might change

>> No.15659185

LK99 mini particle accelerator producing negative pions which decay rapidly to muons allowing for room temperature fusion

>> No.15659187

which is then used to heat a kettle of potable water that then boils and produces steam which is directed to turn a turbine that then produces electricity

>> No.15659192

kek I can’t wait for us to start building antimatter reactors that work like this

>> No.15659198

I was thinking that as I posted lmao

>> No.15659199

>meet ayys with some advanced undiscovered alien power source
>they use it to boil water to produce steam to turn turbines

>> No.15659209
File: 179 KB, 548x900, IMG_7089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck fiji water, real ones know where the best water in the known universe actually hails from

>> No.15659213
File: 1.42 MB, 4800x2700, for_press_release.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does it get power now

The current concept art shows the solar panels being on HLS itself like they are on Dragon capsules.

>> No.15659216
File: 888 KB, 2816x1785, G5UWTKTOKRJATKF3GBXMDBXV6I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15659239
File: 1.30 MB, 2503x4096, F3WxhbGW4AAM8hb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail the king

>> No.15659243

Fuck mass constraints, can Musk please randomly paint a new core with an interesting livery at least once? It would be kino

>> No.15659247

Artemis FHs better be decked the FUCK out or I’m going to be upset

>> No.15659252

>Starliner still is not ready
Starliner will launch any day now, it's only been one year away from crewed launch for the last five years.

>> No.15659254

I think I would have an existential crisis if I saw this with my own eyes while standing on the Moon

>> No.15659259

it would turn sooty immediately though

>> No.15659261
File: 29 KB, 84x397, dragon falcon heavy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no Falcon Heavies currently planned for Artemis besides the initial Gateway launch.

That very well could change if there is an HLS or suit delay and NASA decides to expend the last Block I SLS doing something other than a landing. Block IB are a long time away.

>> No.15659263

not a rocket infographic I ever thought I'd see before SpaceX lmao

>> No.15659264

the color of something fancy, like a crystal for example.
maybe sapphire blue?

>> No.15659266

Expendable launches

>> No.15659272
File: 89 KB, 500x647, IMG_7090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15659273

Assuming it ever actually happens, isn't Dragon XL supposed to be launched on a Falcon Heavy?

>> No.15659274
File: 1.73 MB, 1077x1715, fh sls livery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15659279
File: 40 KB, 757x657, gun tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> escape tower on Shuttle C

>> No.15659282
File: 2.52 MB, 1996x3000, Ares_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys what if we stick an Ariane 5 core on top of a Shuttle SRB.

Ares I made sense in comparison.

>> No.15659283

Yee olde COTS participants:
Andrews Space
Transformational Space Corp
Rocketplane Kistler ("RpK")
Constellation Services International (CSI)

how many of these could have actually done shit if they had money?

>> No.15659284

Kek what if musk did this just to rub it in

>> No.15659287

I already wondered if they would use a short Starship as HLS yet it still disappoints me to no end.

>> No.15659288

Fun fact! These weirdo rocket abominations are each almost as tall as a block 1 SLS.

>> No.15659289

I am willing to bed honest-to-god legal tender that at least one company seriously proposes a liberty with an A6 core in the next 5-10 years

>> No.15659290
File: 352 KB, 1476x1308, cots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15659291
File: 281 KB, 1536x2048, 1675419973185746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The choice is Clear.

>> No.15659292

Hello Dr. Z!

>> No.15659294
File: 6 KB, 88x436, sls SSS configuration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything dies, baby, that's a fact
But maybe everything that dies some day comes back

>> No.15659296

I can’t remember which, but one of these unironically proposed just using their home garage as the facility center lol

>> No.15659300

yeah wtf did some of these literally who companies actually propose? >>15659290

>> No.15659303
File: 24 KB, 448x336, IMG_7091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably more just numbers, figures, hypotheticals, and vague pressure vessels more than anything
Pop quiz, anyone know what pic rel is??? It’s deeper iceberg stuff :)

>> No.15659304
File: 610 KB, 1x1, SSC06-IX-4.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was QuickReach
ahhh glorious 2006 era private company space proposals

>> No.15659305
File: 37 KB, 445x334, IMG_7092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Details have emerged of the UK's first commercially designed and built manned capsule that was delivered in 2005 to US customer [DELETED]

>> No.15659308

Magnet boots

>> No.15659312

you forgot to add the krystal porn page

>> No.15659315
File: 240 KB, 1x1, Lunar_ExpressSM_system_brief_NewSpace2006_20_July_2006.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Constellation Services International
>RKK Energia
Holy shit, imagine an American privately funded Progress.

Digging around some more I found this gold.

>> No.15659317


Patel, 29, who was born in the city and is set to be the first Gujarati to tour space, belongs to a diamond merchants’ family based in New York. He has interests in the hospitality business and is fascinated by aviation.
His 18-hour space flight may take place in November or by January 2010. Hollywood star John Travolta, Patel’s neighbour, is likely to be his co-passenger. Joining Patel and Travolta on the Space Van, a craft belonging to the United States-based PanAero Inc, will be Russian realty magnate Sergei Polonsky.
Space Van 2010 has secured an in-principle approval from NASA, and preparations are on for the November launch.
“I was informed by PanAero last week that the got approval from NASA,” Patel said. “This is a great feeling. Preparations for the flight are in the final stages.” His enthusiasm for the flight has been intensifying since 2005, when he paid the passenger fare of $2,00,000 (about Rs10,411,244).

holy shit lmao

>> No.15659319

>Proven Team of Industry & Government Partners
The poor thing never had a chance

>> No.15659322
File: 659 KB, 2232x3968, spacex IVA suit concept orbital outfitters II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the acompaning suit

>> No.15659325
File: 2.35 MB, 618x720, 1671955739661549.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15659330


>> No.15659334
File: 188 KB, 410x272, WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Advent Launch Services
>Exploration Partners
>Thortek Labs
>Triton Systems

>> No.15659340

Meanwhile, NASA has a call-to-arms for companies to design lunar landers in order to bring the country back to the Moon… and almost no one even bothers to bid in the first place

>> No.15659343

She is so beUtiful in this form

>> No.15659348

A lot of these look like fairly complete proposals, even if most of them boil down to "like Cygnus but with some extra capabilities."

>> No.15659359

how'd you do the nose cone on that?

>> No.15659368


>> No.15659372

nice dildo
but clear's dick is bigger

>> No.15659376

Oh right, this thing, thought it was the BO ComCrew proposal

>> No.15659383
File: 67 KB, 600x800, IMG_7093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don’t know if BO ever made it to the hardware phase or not with their biconic thing. This is the arguably even dumber Falcon 5 Magic Dragon

>> No.15659386

Falcon 5 is peak sexo

>> No.15659389

Actually yeah you’re right. I’m only calling it dumb because they took a huge risk going with F9/Drafon 1/Drafon 2 and it worked amazingly. Musk has always had a long-term goal and stuck with it. Every other nuspace company is playing it by ear and sucking miserably

>> No.15659391

If they did they never told anyone about it. I don't even think they ever publicly released anything about it other than the name.

>> No.15659396

Since we talking about crew capsules, is Shenzhou really just a Soyuz? Did the Chinese do ANYTHING interesting with it?

>> No.15659400

They made it way bigger and, arguably, better. It’s still an outdated design. But in my opinion it’s cool. I have a photo somewhere that shows the true size difference of the interiors but my /sfg/ folder has gotten dangerously big and I can’t remember where I saved shit anymore kek

>> No.15659401

Interesting is equivalent to new and original, you are asking if the Chinese whi rip everything off did anything new and original with a Soyuz rip off. Figure the answer out for yourself.

>> No.15659413

Why are all these space stations needed after ISS? Why not focus development on permanent lunar bases that don't have to be constantly and expensively resupplied with fuel, oxygen and water from Earth?

>> No.15659417

>which is then used to heat a kettle of potable water
sorry, that won't work m8, US only uses 110V

>> No.15659419

That’s a huge technological leap dude. Ever since that anon said /sfg/ does too much hand-waiving, I’ve been considering this with every large proposal this general throws out.

>> No.15659426

You are equating the retards in this general that spit their shit ideas out whenever they pop in to their head to the entire general. Please do not compare the rest of us to them, they are literally spincels.

>> No.15659428
File: 316 KB, 1152x2048, clear monstrosity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better than this one.

>> No.15659432

Fair enough, but it’s still retarded to ask why someone like roscosmos or BO or SNC or some literal who doesn’t try to just go “build a moonbase and ISRU fuel and oxygen” and skip a small LEO pressure vessel station. Like yes a lunar base is way cooler, but might as well be futuristic ayyy tech compared to rendezvousing and docking a few habs in LEO

>> No.15659434

I miss spacex Elon

>> No.15659436

>Why are we spending money on all of these planes? Shouldn't we be building a submarine that doesn't need a constant supply of jet fuel to keep working?

>> No.15659437

Can you go one second without being depressed, grimes?

>> No.15659439

depends on how much Elon makes in the IPO

>> No.15659447
File: 71 KB, 759x506, travolta-1-110041-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that John Travolta has a jet pilot license and has many planes including a B727 and B707 which he flies.
>Space Van
never heard of it before
>Russian realty magnate
kek, but at this point a Russky that isn't pockocmoc is okay, I guess

>> No.15659450

Go visit Hawthorne or Starbase, retard. SpaceX is right there.

>> No.15659454
File: 181 KB, 552x556, F3V309mXMAEpd_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15659463
File: 8 KB, 220x147, bat-signal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15659470

in the future that will be pacific island
logo will be spacex logo
starship rapid battlefield delivery system

>> No.15659472
File: 2.60 MB, 720x1280, 1690665916746147.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>logo will be x logo

>> No.15659475

fucking kek

>> No.15659476

still can't believe the complete lack of fucks Elon gives for those around him

>> No.15659477

will /sfg/ anons buy starlink services in order to fund mars?

>> No.15659480
File: 47 KB, 442x442, 1683911558126317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15659481


>> No.15659483

$4000 spent in "annoyance fee" = everyone in the world now knows X corp

>> No.15659487

For once I agree with you

>> No.15659488

star fox general actually

>> No.15659495

it’s impressive we’ve been going this long as a general while staying relatively on topic and tripfag free.

Is rocket lab hiring for crew neutron yet?

>> No.15659508

you mean the capsule they're looking into?

>> No.15659512

The future of spaceflight is Clear.

>> No.15659543

>a small LEO pressure vessel station
Starship will make all these tiny future space stations obsolete and useless anyway. It will be just as ridiculous as the giant Starship HLS docking with the tiny Lunar Gateway station to take astronauts down to the Moon.

>> No.15659546

Attention Bajoran workers, there's no way to sugar coat this. We face a genuine risk of bankruptcy if we can't achieve a Starship flight rate of at least once every two weeks next year.

>> No.15659550

>the giant Starship HLS docking with the tiny Lunar Gateway
he doesn't know

>> No.15659558
File: 1.25 MB, 2002x1127, Rankings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not counting the bajillion 8 bit shooters that are just like galaga. Haven't played star citizen although it would probably be either an S or an F, no in-between. Also never played either elite dangerous but I have friends who claim it's based albeit a bit boring. Am I missing anything big or otherwise obvious?

>> No.15659559

believe in Elon

>> No.15659564


>> No.15659565

Atari asteroids and lunar lander are solid Bs.

>> No.15659568

What is this list? Space Related games? How are they ranked?
>Space Station 13
>System Shock 1/2
>Faster Then Light
>Outer Wilds

>> No.15659570

Not shooter.

>> No.15659572

KSP and EVE are shooters?

>> No.15659573

Correct. And yeah I really need to pick up system shock one day. Also there are a million metroid games i’ve never played but I’m not itching to touch them anytime soon

>> No.15659575


>> No.15659579

Humanity peaked with bungie’s halo trilogy

>> No.15659588
File: 281 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_7626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are they going to utilize that space once in orbit? That’s like half the space station in volume there, seems like a waste to have most of it empty

>> No.15659591

It’ll be like skylab. Lots of space utilized for practicality, but also lots of space to roam around and not feel claustrophobic.
I presume HLS will be way smaller though with lots of space used for equipment and storage

>> No.15659596

Descent: FreeSpace and FreeSpace 2.
If you end up liking those check out the modding community at hard-light.net for updated game engine, graphics, and fan campaigns.

>> No.15659604

Will check it out thanks. Also just realized I left out 343s halo games but ehhh. Fun multiplayer, dogshit campaign (which is kind of the whole point really)

>> No.15659608
File: 500 KB, 960x540, krystal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no star fox
lurk more faggot

>> No.15659610

EVE is fun if you’re an excel autist who doesn’t have a job but somehow has infinite disposable income

>> No.15659614

FUUUUUCK yeah I totally forgot. They’re all fun. I grew up with the original SNES one so I’d put it right above 64

>> No.15659622
File: 144 KB, 900x600, F3XESgjXUAAjoWP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russians returning Soyuz boosters to the caribou.

>> No.15659627

Wait wut? What the hell is going on here, how does this even happen

>> No.15659631
File: 210 KB, 1390x1366, 324234234234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is HLS though right? Isn't there an HLS label on it? Besides it's way too early to be protyping a crewed ship that's not the lander. The equipment and storage is probably going to go under the tie fighter window floor, as that's a good use for this round bottom that isn't as walkable. It would double as a radiation shelter too.

I think this pressure vessel is going to have openings underneath to access the two airlocks and the garage + elevator in pic related. I can't remember how much of this render is speculative and how much of it is sourced from spotted parts though.

>> No.15659632

roomy, for now.

>> No.15659637

imagine if they did falcon 9 style booster landing but they don't need barges

>> No.15659638

Even if this pic is from confirmed hardware it’s outdated now. Like I said earlier in the thread, NASA said they wanted five independent airlocks or something. Ugh let me go try to find proof and make sure I didn’t just dream this

>> No.15659643

Oh wait it just occurred to me that those vostochny boosters need to fall somewhere. lol this is neat

>> No.15659645
File: 351 KB, 867x1156, F3XEPLEWQAAStRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soyuz launches are entirely overland until they hit the Pacific, and they have to go across Russia the long way first. The boosters always come down somewhere in an empty part of the Ural or Siberian oblasts that's been designated as a military testing range. There's actually a cottage industry among the very rural people in the area where they hunt down crashlanded rocket stages and cut them up for scrap.

>> No.15659652

N1 bootleg farm equipment vibes

>> No.15659657

Makes sense. Two airlocks sounds like what you would do for two astronauts going outslde. But that's what we did with a tiny lander. Maybe nasa looked at the giant spaceship and said why not design it for whole teams to EVA even if they don't do that on the first trip.

>> No.15659667

>no one wants to turd wrangle autistic UI of x4
Feels jerman man

>> No.15659668
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm yeah well I can’t seem to find anything. Off the top of my head this info was given out either during the BO announcement or during the IFT-1 broadcast. Idk. I think within the next year or two we will see more official renders and plans from NASA and SeX and I’m so pumped to see what they are working with
Also I’m a houston fag and I’ve been thinking of taking some time off of work and doing a paid VIP tour at johnson. They take you inside the vehicle mock up facility (which is viewable as a guest; but a VIP tour includes lunch with an astronaut and an actual tour of the facility and stuff)
If I decide to do this I’ll pool autism HLS questions from /sfg/ and try to get inside scoops if I can

>> No.15659683

this is hyperbole right? I get 2 for redundancy but 5 just sounds like wasted space

>> No.15659700

My hand on the bible I remember someone announcing this, relatively recently in fact. And my first reaction was “uhh what the hell why??”
I’m seriously starting to think it was just a dream and I’m going senile. I can’t find evidence for it anywhere

>> No.15659721
File: 1.37 MB, 540x270, 230813 LM3B Y92.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China launched a SAR satellite to geosynchronous orbit on a Long March 3B earlier today.

I was not expecting a 27 year old hypergolic rocket to launch with this sort of a soundtrack.

>> No.15659726

Kek the music caught me off guard. I guess rocket autism and hype music edits transcends creed and culture

>> No.15659730

Chink rockets are actually kino as hell. It’s just that they’re always shows in like 144p resolution so they seem more boring than they actually are

>> No.15659740

Someone in CASC decided that it should go full epic trailer music the moment CZ-3B slides into frame.

I'm also halfway convinced that there's an unofficial contest among the Chinese bystanders to see who can get the closest to a launch with their smartphone and survive.

>> No.15659749
File: 1.75 MB, 1242x1965, F2bsAJA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15659753

rip queen, if only they paid attention in K-12

>> No.15659766


>> No.15659773
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>ywn make a living from your cabin innawoods repurposing rockets that have fallen from the sky


>> No.15659782

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.15659787

i’m trans btw, go Team Blue™!

>> No.15659789
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>> No.15659793

NASA was just rubbing it in at this point kek, like I think they were genuinely disappointed

>> No.15659801
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>> No.15659802

when that doc got released it was a glorious day for /sfg/

>> No.15659810


>> No.15659813

Is this just code for “NASA pulled a sneaky but also they sort of didn’t have any money to begin with”

>> No.15659816

whats with the military-esque security

>> No.15659818
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>> No.15659820

Dianetics‘s bid was like 2x BO even iirc lol

>> No.15659825

But they can’t exactly say that lol

>> No.15659830

Oldspace management moment

>> No.15659873

Steal it lol

>> No.15659883

starfield with ai companions and multiplayer

>> No.15659888

If Luna-25 is a success they should save these and put them in a museum

>> No.15659904
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>> No.15659908

Remember those rope net climbing days in gym class in elementary school? That.

>> No.15659912

Nah it's more like they think they had technical superiority but the GAO only cares about the contract and how it was awarded

Nobody at the GAO is a rocket scientist, and even if they were, they aren't going to judge an appeal on whether or not your bid was better

>> No.15659924

It’s insane to think about how a Delta II with an RS-27A launched as recently as 2018. That damn V2/H-1 engine lasted a long ass time

>> No.15659932

>no in-between

>> No.15659938

Why is it tiled then?

>> No.15659940

Because it’s S22 repurposed with new design goals

>> No.15659979

San Francisco deserves no worse.

>> No.15659982

*much worse

>> No.15659985

Yeah I'm still drinking my morning coffee.

>> No.15660054

its going to be 2 years beffore we get a real hls starship

>> No.15660055

not anymore. It took a long time to get them that way

>> No.15660059

I hope they go with "lmao just jump"

>> No.15660068

>not boosting it into a stable orbit as a museum piece

>> No.15660091

ffs musk quit it with the Russian apologetics
t. spaceflight

>> No.15660092

new pockocmoc upload https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euJl3jBE3zw

>> No.15660132
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Where the fuck is Outer Wilds?

>> No.15660136

Went out to watch the perseid meteor shower with my dad. Saw maybe 1 every 5min. Still pretty neat though.
g'night /sfg/

>> No.15660149
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What is the advantage of a swing hatch over a payload bay?

>> No.15660161

You meant Outer worlds

>> No.15660164
File: 89 KB, 662x700, starliner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is this acceptable? Boeing has those congressmen/senators in their pockets don't they?

>> No.15660171

It isn't acceptable, but yes, they do have those politicians in the right places in their pocket.
And that makes it acceptable, because continued jobs in districts held by said politicians.

>> No.15660176

this is why space command should've been in alabama, so they can get more gibs. instead its in colorado now and they wont get any additional gibs.

>> No.15660196

whypipio don't season they oxygen tanks

>> No.15660208
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No he didnt faggot

>> No.15660211

>same pressurized volume as the international space st-ACK
Again, a convenient lie. Astronauts will reside in the cuck sphere, and they will be happy

>> No.15660212

The cost-plus SLS contract will surely cancel out these relatively small Starliner losses over the next few decades

>> No.15660214

love to see her spread those legs one last time

>> No.15660217


>> No.15660220
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Indeed, many times. By suffocation, drowning, collision, supernova, anglerfish, crushing, electrocution, fire, ghost matter...

>> No.15660265

nazi fuel?

>> No.15660281


>> No.15660286
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i love moon

>> No.15660353

>dream chaser is never happening
t. cuckpod midwit
The rest is true, too many cgi memestations

>> No.15660360

Thumbnail looks like Orion, he

>> No.15660389
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>> No.15660407
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Here's a good pic for scale

>> No.15660409
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>some companies actually took the Zubrin pill and build hybrid methanol fuel cells

>> No.15660475

>space related games
>most of them are shooters

>> No.15660489


>> No.15660494
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They already did, silly

>> No.15660511
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We've had one, yes. What about second static fire?

>> No.15660535

Did that thing impale itself on a tree?

Imagine the sound

>> No.15660553

He doesn't know about second static fire, anon

>> No.15660583

Wait so her ass was canonically too fat

>> No.15660584
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>> No.15660589

There’s no way starship demonstrates multiple test flights, gets crew rated, demonstrates orbital refueling without boil off, launches multiple starships to refuel a demo HLS all by 20205-2026, there is no way right?

>> No.15660591

launch in 2030 at best

beaner video

>> No.15660601

Boil off is overblown. So you lose 10% of the fuel you stick in there in the 2 months it takes you to fill it? Big whoop.

>> No.15660607

Don't worry, literally every other part of nasa's moon strategy is gonna get delayed multiple times before then, it'll be interesting to see who actually finishes first.

>> No.15660646


>> No.15660647

probably not, but I get the feeling that once the first flight test succeeds, everything else will fall into place fairly rapidly

>> No.15660697
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>> No.15660698

Starship is made by beaners

>> No.15660702
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>> No.15660705
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>negative mass margins
She only needs a bit of exercise...

Alpaca-chan can do it.

>> No.15660706

this is the dude that takes most flyover pics

>> No.15660708
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a heavy/big building is going to be constructed at Masseys test site

>> No.15660710

kek musk is delusional

>> No.15660713

kind of funny but its retarded too, why is he talking about the something in italy, a foundation whatever without having talked to zuck at all
just assumed zuck would go with it? lol

>> No.15660728
File: 1.09 MB, 1x1, US20230242282A1.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15660739

Why conquer space when you can conquer the US Patent Office

>> No.15660740
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>> No.15660743

do you think they've just given up on that patch of land and accepted that starfactory is going to be L shaped?

>> No.15660749
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Musk is whacked out on ketamine 24/7

>> No.15660759

Clearly the effect of loneliness.

>> No.15660763

>Sources familiar with his thinking
Remember when journalists were taught to stay clear of weasel words?

>> No.15660768

He just recently tweeted about taking ketamine. cope and seethe

>> No.15660779
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> tier 1 muskrat defends his hopped up fuhrer

>> No.15660782

who knows, maybe they are still negotiating, I wonder how much the dude wants for it
basically extortion though, its completely worthless to him

>> No.15660795

Remember when people actually refuted arguments instead of posting söyjaks?
No, you don't.

>> No.15660806

Wait is that yellow plot owned by someone else?

>> No.15660808
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this bit is

>> No.15660809
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>> No.15660814
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Did he?

>> No.15660816

ETA on next launch?

>> No.15660823
File: 99 KB, 935x704, 005622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the yellow shit is a vapor cover or something

>> No.15660826

Thanks. Just checked the cameron CAD map. Herman and Sandra Powers are listed as the owner, assuming I’m looking at the right parcel (ID 173730)
Also lol it looks like a lot of the SX land is owned under Dogleg Park LLC

>> No.15660828

about 2 weeks

>> No.15660837
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"just add more struts, bro"

>> No.15660839
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lmao zuck is such a bitch

>> No.15660841

There's a all-solid Kuaizhou launching from Xichang in about 12 hours with an undisclosed payload. After that there's a Falcon 9 launching some Starlinks on Wednesday.

>> No.15660842

I've heard that some company owns it, not a crazy "I know what I got" boomer.
to the right of the yellow

>> No.15660856
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> /sfg/

>> No.15660858
File: 30 KB, 375x371, mission control sees dr. mcninja reentry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw seeing all the insane space payload and space-adjacent startups expanding
I think people finally realized rideshares and spacetugs are the path forward for smallsats.

>> No.15660862

is it ever coming out

>> No.15660864

QI thrusters are flying in space first so no.

>> No.15660880
File: 2.63 MB, 1920x1280, IMG_7096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New lore for everyone, apparently the 8 access doors on SLS’s mobile launch platform have quotes from WvB, G K Chesterton, JFK, H G Wells, Alan Shepard, Goddard, and someone named “A S FitzGerald (?)” etched in

>> No.15660886

Looks like trash. Why did they make it so ugly?

>> No.15660896
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1280, IMG_7098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like the quotes are meant to be subtle and barely visible and they chalked them up to get some quick photos. I can barely read Chesterton’s quote

>> No.15660917

it's not that easy in door-etchery

>> No.15660921



>> No.15660945

Did they mean FS Fitzgerald?

>> No.15660948

zuck sounds like a woman

>> No.15661131

Matt Lowne does a show covering weekly events every monday

>> No.15661216

>halo and cuckwars even being on the list
heresy, kill yourself