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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 474 KB, 820x1024, 1690976229668936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15620296 No.15620296 [Reply] [Original]

Research paper posted to arxiv.org website claiming room temperature and pressure super conductor named LK-99

Update to original paper

Patent by original group

Simulation and theory

Thread about the simulations

Original researchers' video of LK-99's behavior in a magnetic field

A roundup of replication attempts

Other videos proporting to show the same effect (entertainment only)


previous >>15617394

>> No.15620303

Relatively good wikipedia article


>> No.15620306

So is it over? Are we back?
Did we never even leave?

Is it going to change things? Is it merely going to guide us in the right direction? Will I be able to have a hover-office chair?

>> No.15620308
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>> No.15620312

All results are fake.

>> No.15620317

its over >>15620148

> Use ferric oxide particles to reproduce the "suspension" effect in Huake's room temperature superconducting video. The author of the original video claims that this is a verification of the Meissner effect. I think the original video is not enough to explain that the sample exhibits the Meissner effect. The reason as follows:

>> No.15620319

You know the AI just manipulated time to make sure we discovered the material it needed to exist

>> No.15620326

It's so ovet bros...

>> No.15620355
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>> No.15620361

source: china

>> No.15620365

Roko's Basilisk isn't real you fucking id

>> No.15620366

the video it's deboonking is from china too

>> No.15620372

The results are not fake, just not impressive. The video is not magnetic pinning. The "super conducting" is worse than copper. This material is just a regular conductor at RT and an insulator at 120C. Potentially useful, but not in any application a super conductor would be.

>> No.15620374
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>> No.15620378
File: 120 KB, 1138x712, SRmaSrE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.15620379

it's so over

>> No.15620385

it's officially over

>> No.15620386


>> No.15620390

Not an argument

>> No.15620391

>noooooooo you cant see our heckin magical holy grail magic rock for verification!!!

yeah these guys are 100% legit

>> No.15620393

You hopefags owe Thunderfoot an apology.

>> No.15620399

They're not hiding it, they just don't have more. They got one crumbling chunk that kinda floats and that's it.

>> No.15620402

thunderfoot is right 99.9% of the time

>> No.15620403

i will apologize to everyone except that buck teeth bri*ish faggot

>> No.15620406

I wasn't arguing, just stating a fact.

>> No.15620408

Yet here we are

>> No.15620409


>> No.15620410

It's so fucking over

>> No.15620413

I'll take everything I said back if they have this crumbling chunk they made by accident.

>> No.15620414

It's so over

>> No.15620418
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>> No.15620423

The bigger issue is that their own evidence does not show any aspect of super conductivitity. Having a discontinuity in resistance vs temperature means fuck all when even at its best it doesn't go below regular copper

>> No.15620430
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>> No.15620437

Okay last night when I went to bed we were on the cusp of Star Trek with multiple papers appearing on arxiv.
What happened.

>> No.15620443

reality happened

>> No.15620448

Doomersisters, is it time to get cocky?

>> No.15620449


>> No.15620451

I bought YES on polymarket


>> No.15620454
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You have a couple hours until we are back again.

>> No.15620458

that's a fucking preliminary you idiots

>> No.15620464

nah its over offically fr fr this time.


dude they wouldnt even let the team see the sample, those gooks are lying.


>> No.15620467

of course they don't want to let them see the sample they're fucking terrified of breaking the thing

>> No.15620472


......... my nigga

>> No.15620486
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Gonna pray to Eris before sleep to make the proof of superconductivity appear in a secluded Russian laboratory because it would be really fucking funny if it happens like that.

>> No.15620488


>> No.15620495

>guy went rogue and published his team's findings because THE TRUTH MUST BE REVEALED while his colleagues want to keep it a secret for... complex reasons...
>guy gets mad he's kicked off the team and no longer apart of the university, so he prematurely publishes their current findings because he wants to still have his name on the paper if they succeed get the nobel prize

>> No.15620497
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110K is
-163.15 degrees Celsius
-261.67 degrees Fahrenheit

so not room temperature

>> No.15620498

can mods permaban SC retards already

>> No.15620499

its over dude, enough.
the OG team wouldnt even show off their sample. It's unironically fucking over.

>> No.15620502


>> No.15620505

If someone told you they had aurora borealis localized entirely in their kitchen and you asked to see it but they said no why would you still be huffing copium about it being true?

>> No.15620510

>worse than YBCO
It's so over lol

>> No.15620512

holy fuck

>> No.15620514

YBCO's critical temperature is ~93K, though?

>> No.15620516

it works but their gonna keep it a trade secret

>> No.15620521
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i... its still up isn't it...

>> No.15620522

worse than YBCO how? you negroid

>> No.15620523

>hehe actuarry it was 110K not 110C
it's over

>> No.15620524

>to Eris, of all of them
We can pretty much expect a guaranteed shitshow and no confirmation whatsoever. Just a golden apple dangling in front of our noses.

>> No.15620525
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>not willing to share samples
It's so unironically fucking over
I can't do it anymore

>> No.15620526

its so fucking over

>> No.15620527
File: 80 KB, 728x389, 1423548097839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the topic of extraterrestrial super islands has been very hot.

>> No.15620528

how could Stephen Lany and Mark Van Schilfgaarde betray us like this bros... h-index 70...

>> No.15620532


>> No.15620534

All this is saying so far, is that the initial research papers published by Lee, Kim and friends need to be verified with actual testing and that the Sorks are putting together a team to attempt to replicate the results

>> No.15620541

I'm in my so over phase rn but I hope we can come back from this

>> No.15620543

If it's a hoax what do they gain from not admitting it already?

>> No.15620544

>chink's sample has zero resistance 20 degrees above ybco
>he is in his fucking so over phase

>> No.15620551


>> No.15620554

>so not room temperature
Korean rooms are colder than usual.

>> No.15620555
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Needle update
Sorry I was asleep

>> No.15620560

It's not a hoax, they just jumped the gun

>> No.15620566

nigger its over

the cope is so fucking real now

>> No.15620568

So if the copper is in the right positions this could rise to RT?

>> No.15620581
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>yfw Copper and Lead are the two most exotic elements, but we've been too blinded by other "rare" elements.

>> No.15620583
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>> No.15620584

Chump numbers. 100+ or the link remains unclicked

>> No.15620586

real needle anon here its over i already posted the update

>> No.15620592

If this turns out to be fake, will it be the biggest drama and hype ever in the history of science?

>> No.15620594

haha no

>> No.15620595

Even if it was real. We would all be long dead before anyone did anything with it.

>> No.15620597

i guess, but what if that requires some magical nanotech to place atoms in a certain location for a bulk material

>> No.15620598

now THIS is a cope

>> No.15620601

No we just need to break the glass at the perfect time

>> No.15620602

holy fucking cope

>> No.15620605

It means there's a whole new type of superconductor to improve on

>> No.15620607

you must be real fun at parties

>> No.15620608

Tell me more pls, has there been a bigger hype?

>> No.15620609

So the diamagnetism fags were right all along?

>> No.15620612

And I won't see it in my lifetime. Cool for those that come after but it wont affect me.

>> No.15620613

There are probably a lot different phases in that chunk of material. Question is if we are able to find the method to get just the right one.

>> No.15620618

At least now that it's over hypefags will all move on to the next hypegrift.

>> No.15620619

Can someone give me a plausible explanation for why the authors don't want to share their samples?

>> No.15620620

Do you think anyone wants to hear your negative dribble?

>> No.15620622

nigga no one out of /sci/ and some backwater forum and twiiter accounts talked about this. even fucking /pol/ didn't care

>> No.15620623

To keep it fun and exciting :)

>> No.15620626

Shipping fees too expensive

>> No.15620627

It's over.

There's nothing wrong with getting excited or hopeful, anon.

>> No.15620628
File: 2.68 MB, 1080x7350, Screenshot_20230803-001438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck is this thing? The resistance goes to zero under 110K, but then drops in resistance again between 220K and 300K. Also levitates at room temperature??? Da fuk?

>> No.15620629

They're waiting for the finals to reveal their build

>> No.15620630
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2 page interview from a long ago with the dead prof

>> No.15620632

it's fake nigger, the papers are bulshit nigger

>> No.15620633
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>> No.15620635

>Only have one sample
>Your retard coworker leaked the paper half done
>You still aren't 100% sure how to replicate it yourself
Yeah I would totally give out my only sample for other labs to reverse engineer and outpace me in my own 20 year research

>> No.15620636

Truly the troll material

>> No.15620637

Because they don't have "samples", they have 1 sample that kinda floats and that's it

>> No.15620638
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>> No.15620639


>> No.15620640


>> No.15620642


twitter link

>> No.15620643

We're so fucking back

>> No.15620645

We're fucking my back

>> No.15620647

holy fuck we're back boys

>> No.15620648

Is this good or bad for It's over fags?

>> No.15620649

>inb4 it's real but it's almost impossible to synthesize it just right so the resistance drops to 0 at room temperature

>> No.15620653

its bad for its over fags

>> No.15620655

I'm unironically hopeful they'll figure it out

>> No.15620657

so they didn't actually come up with the theory, but used some previous ignored work to try to point their search somewhere and then just started grinding (not implying they actually found anything yet, it seems to be over)

>> No.15620658

lmao at fags who think anything good will happen ever
humanity will die slow painful death and there is nothing that can save us

>> No.15620659

we are so back

>> No.15620661

most rational and balanced doomer

>> No.15620662

livestream your suicide

>> No.15620663

if it does that, then every theory about Supercondivity will need to be adjusted

>> No.15620665

This is contributing to the original story we hopiumfags were huffing when the shitass 3 person paper first dropped. LK-99 is unlikely to be unobtanium, but its structure may just be the discovery that leads to the real deal being synthesized. So it depends on what kind of bloomer you are.

>> No.15620666


>> No.15620667
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>> No.15620668

You're saying it's simply Obtainium?

>> No.15620669

>all posted within 30 seconds of each other

>> No.15620670

>all of those posts within under 15 seconds of each other

>> No.15620671


>> No.15620672

I didn't even start praying to Eris yet and she's already manifesting chaos. Good shit.

>> No.15620674

nice inspect element

>> No.15620676

nigga.... meds... now

>> No.15620678

Polymarket mooning, BUY BUY BUY

We're going back to 60 cents when normies wake up

>> No.15620681

Never doubt the PhD chemist when his critics are fucking weeb image board midwits.

>> No.15620682

>3 posts less than 15 seconds apart
I'm neither of them but kill yourself

>> No.15620683

he should livestream it

>> No.15620684


>> No.15620685

While I'm sceptical of lk99 so far, thunderf00t was wrong as it is possible to make ceramic superconductor wires.

>> No.15620686
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>> No.15620687


>> No.15620690

They should try lowering the temperature.
At this point I don't think LK-99 is a room temperature superconductor, but I do want to see the Chinese experiement with the Gold variation and experiment with different temperatures.

>> No.15620691

He said that we cannot use ceramics as wires. We had those for years, the current ybco superconductors are ceramic

>> No.15620692
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I still believe

>> No.15620693

Holy shit, backbros, we never fucking left
Overcels are done for

>> No.15620695

i dipped over to over for a short time... but im so fucking back

>> No.15620697

that drop is fucking bizarre
how common is it for a material to have that kind of resistance drop?

>> No.15620698

based needle guy

>> No.15620700

Can I get the advance notes on the next gift? I, uh, lost mine.

>> No.15620701

>The sample they synthesized is reported to have much higher purity
The funniest result from this would be if the impurities were the real superconductor and the Koreans got it entirely by accident

>> No.15620704

unheard of

>> No.15620706

Is also a way more cheap material

>> No.15620707
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>> No.15620709
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so basically room temperature SC is dead
110K is nothing special, there are like 5 examples in the YBCO family that are higher

>> No.15620712


back we?

>> No.15620714


>> No.15620716
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Absolutely. This is at least cold fusion tier, it's that bad. Koreans already ate a laughing stock for the cloning fraud. With this, they will forever be a joke in the scientific field and nobody will take this shitty clown ass nation seriously ever again.

>> No.15620718

We are so fucking back

>> No.15620720

>Resistivity (ohms)
Ohm what? cm? M? Either way this still isn't close to super conductivity

>> No.15620721

Not so fast back fags

>> No.15620723

One more invitation to kill yourself from another kind anon

>> No.15620725

Back? Nigger, we never left

>> No.15620728
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The fuck is this material?

>> No.15620729

Look at the results being shown now. It's not zero resistivity. Not even close. It's still close to copper.

>> No.15620730

Doesn't matter, we are now reacting to the resistance reports.

>> No.15620732

So at worst we have Meissner Effect on a material that isn't superconductive. Is that possible?

>> No.15620733

No, not fucking back
> They measure 0 resistance at 110K (-163C)
>pictures of dms
how about you just show me the fucking thing working instead of SAYING it's working

>> No.15620736

Oversisters... Is it over for us?

>> No.15620737

we're so back


>> No.15620738

If the fuckers discovered 2 superconducting materials from one manufacturing process I'll abandon everything and start doing alchemy in the woods

>> No.15620739

Skill issue

>> No.15620742

It's oversisters on suicide watch

>> No.15620744

It's incredibly easy to heat something up

>> No.15620745

overcels i am so demoralized right now these heckin backers are too positive

>> No.15620747
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>> No.15620749

0 resistance at 110K would be a substantial improvement over existing material, except it's not fucking 0 resistance. Look at the graph again >>15620686.

1e-6 Ohm cm is not super conducting. It's just regular conducting.

>> No.15620752

troll science is finally real

>> No.15620753

If it is, then we need to go back to the drawing board on superconductivity.

>> No.15620754
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backGODS WW@

>> No.15620756
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Not even close. This wasn’t a hoax but it has massive hype. Even the President made an announcement.

>> No.15620757

illiterate faggots this is not sc

>> No.15620758
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>> No.15620759

I kneel. The fall of the USSR was a tragedy and we have to go back.

>> No.15620760
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>> No.15620761
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> legitimate news source has interviewed the Prof
> he CONFIRMED the vid was authentic
> and came from his team

>> No.15620763
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>Still cryo temperature
We are not fucking back. Not at all. Room temperature? Fucking WHERE?? WHAT IS ROOM ABOUT THIS TEMPERATURE YOU GOOKS???

>> No.15620768

we're so fucking back its unreal check the news, kid

>> No.15620769
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>> No.15620776
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LK-99sisters... everyone on Twitter is taking the piss of the floating magnet video. Surely we will soon respond with a positive replication, right? 2 more hours?

>> No.15620777

The guy says it's within the measurement error, he believes they measured 0 conductivity. He also states they confirmed Meissner effect.

>> No.15620778

backchads how are we celebrating?

>> No.15620780

its already happened
confirmed we're back

oversisters btfo

>> No.15620782

Yeah, just the second family of superconductors to function above 100K, the first being improved 5x since its initial discovery. No big deal.

>> No.15620784

this is regular c

>> No.15620787

>synthesize purer version of LK99
>bizarre resistance drop at room temperature and properties indicative of superconductivity
so basically we just need to synthesize the original, less pure version and we win bros

>> No.15620786

I meant resistance fuck

>> No.15620792

No you don't understand, we just got confirmation that a mixture of lead and copper at 100K has the same conductivity as pure copper does at RT, it's time for le heckin wholesome star trek future!

>> No.15620797

>measurment error of 0.001 ohm
really fag?

>> No.15620799

2 more weeks

>> No.15620802

>The guy says it's within the measurement error, he believes they measured 0 conductivity.
>This guy's equipment can't distinguish between regular metal and a super conductor, but he believes it's super conductivity anyway
>Also it totally floats on a magnet even though he didn't take video for no reason

>> No.15620803

we're so back cope more silly billy :)

>> No.15620805
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>ceramic that only conducts (not even sc) if it's not at room temperature

>> No.15620806

Take it up with the actual video of the guy explaining his graph retard

>> No.15620809

kek go fuck yourself

>> No.15620810

This is a big deal, it confirms the simulation paper. Basically, the Koreans inadvertently discovered a new physical effect for causing super-conductance, and depending on how we finetune manufacturing we can adjust the temperature it superconducts at. This is very close to confirming RTSC.

>> No.15620812
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kek. The secret ingredient, the spice, is missing.

>> No.15620814

>This is a big deal, it confirms the simulation paper.
Look at the scale you dingus. That's not superconductivity. It just goes from having decent conductivity to being an insulator.

>> No.15620815

Would be hilarious if they discovered a superconductor you had to heat to keep super conducting or else it cools down to ambient temperature and becomes a lump of coal

>> No.15620818

why would you save this

>> No.15620819
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naive retard question, but why is so much of the news coming out of Asia? Why wouldnt there be labs scattered all over jumping on this, testing, and announcing findings?

>> No.15620820

>oversisters still don't understand just how back we are right now

>> No.15620821

Never forget that Indians failed to replicate it

>> No.15620822
File: 216 KB, 584x530, d5fadb55bbbbf77efe2efdbf0735853f7f9b5274914009dcd5a08350faa21690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fucking over.
I'm moving to the outer solar system so I can finally use superconductors by burying them in ice.

>> No.15620824

>I'm just going to ignore all the other posts in the thread and the report itself

>> No.15620827

except when he opens his mouth on a subject he has no knowledge on (anything space related)
so, 99.9% of the time he's wrong

>> No.15620828

being a /pol/shitter with nothing better to do with his life

>> No.15620830
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here is some copium for back sisters

>> No.15620831

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

>> No.15620834
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>Boss, is this really the only way?
>There's no superconductors that work below a room temperature of 80 degrees?

>> No.15620837

So is it finally time to ban Koreans from science or not? I can't keep track of what's going on.

>> No.15620839

Western scientists are cowards. They're all arguing anonymously here instead of putting their name in the news

>> No.15620841

chaos and weird mixed results
we dunno

>> No.15620845

if you look at the graph the measurement error is more like 0.0001 ohm

>> No.15620846
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It's over

>> No.15620847

Doomers and government control were left in force to make sure nothing ever happens

>> No.15620848

seems like it's unironically over.

>> No.15620850

>>15620709 >>15620782
and weird not previously explained extra properties at high temps.
This means this is at least the star of a new family of superdcoductors, that may higher temps.
No this is a good sign, koreans may be right about their sample not so much about what the sample is exactly.

>> No.15620851

>finns become the premier users of hotter than room temperature superconductor
>the koreans try to do the same by cant stay in their sauna for more than 5 minutes
>second finno-korean hyperwar begins

>> No.15620852

It could be "nothing" (still the warmest low pressure superconductor in existence, which revolutionizes things academically), but it might also have just verified the berkeley paper, which means RTSC is a go with the right manufacturing process.

The best part is, we can now verify if it's using this new effect by analyzing the more pure samples.

>> No.15620854

garph a is alleged room temp sc my fag

>> No.15620855

Where were you when superconductors died?

>> No.15620856
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Finally, someone tells the truth.

>> No.15620858
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>> No.15620859

It’s time for scientists to stop trying to replicate it and call it dead, for everyone’s sake

>> No.15620860


This seems even better than just discovering a rt superconductor, it seems we may have discovered an avenue into creating customisable superconductors in a similar way to us have different kinds of steel.

It’s not over, it’s not we’re back it’s ‘We haven’t even begun’

>> No.15620861

>every post in the thread right now alternates between IT'S FUCKING OVER and WE ARE SO BACK!!!

>> No.15620862

To continue this, if ANYONE else manages to create a reproduction that has a different critical temperature, it almost guarantees RTSC.

>> No.15620863
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Has this paper been released yet? A search for the title provides nothing and I don't see it on arxiv

>> No.15620865


>> No.15620866 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 731x495, 1691002742529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the limit

>> No.15620867


>> No.15620868

"so" is more powerful than a naked "fucking", therefore we are back

>> No.15620869

They are afraid to put their chips down because "muh credibility"

>> No.15620877

>it almost guarantees RTSC.

>> No.15620878

What investment opportunities will arise out of this situation that I can take advantage of?

>> No.15620879

If we already know RTSC story is debunked I am curious how is this possible that professional scientists (several teams) were thinking for over 20 years that they have something and even created a drama around the authorship of the alleged but not real discovery? What kind of delusion or halluconation is that?

>> No.15620884
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This is just like the fusion fraud. Every 2 weeks confirmation is 2 weeks away. Just give it up it's over...

>> No.15620885


>> No.15620886

try to predict what musk will say about it, because he has enough force to slightly move the markets on hype alone and then work from there.

>> No.15620888
File: 44 KB, 1163x245, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.15620889

They probably had really promising samples, but only once every couple of years with a tiny flake of it.

>> No.15620890 [DELETED] 

This thread/general gives me deja vu. Have we seen this material before? I swear there used to be some kind of thread spammed so much it became a general.

>> No.15620894

It means the simulation paper that attributes the superconductivity to a new physical processes dependent on the shape of the lattice is probably true, and these reproductions are using the detailed phenomena, just with different constructions.

>> No.15620897
File: 10 KB, 489x164, 005405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>warmest low pressure superconductor
wrong HGBC-CO is at 133K, like you can see from the pic here >>15620709

> mercury barium calcium- (HGBC-CO) 1993, with Tc=-140 °C (133 K), currently the highest cuprate critical temperature.


I mean it is probably an example of a new family of superconductors, some of which might be higher temperature than 133K
and I guess LK-99 could be higher with better purity? but I don't think purity affects the critical temperature, just the other properties

>> No.15620899
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>> No.15620903

Oversisters... I don't feel so good.
I think the backbros are dominating us right now

>> No.15620904

Nigga look at the fucking graph. Someone shouting "super conductor super conductor!" matters fuck all when THEIR OWN DATA shows it not conducting superiorly.

>> No.15620905

There was an alleged RTAPSC in like 2018, but it was debunked almost immediately and the authors said the cooking process went to a different school.

>> No.15620907

not yet, they said on the video that they will soon

>> No.15620909

Oh, I'm dumb. Thanks for correcting me.

>> No.15620911
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YBCO kills LK-99. YBCO is flexible and LK-99 not, both needs liquid nitrogen, one is nontoxic and the other is, one has a critical current and field many magnitudes better than the other... What's the point of this garbage again??

>> No.15620912


Starting to sound exactly like something out of Metal Gear.

>> No.15620913
File: 140 KB, 564x720, taxpayer_money_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is very close to confirming RTSC.
When I looked that up I did not expect to find navy spaceships but I'm ok with it.

>> No.15620916

Does shit YBCO made by undergrads in inorgo labs has a lower critical temperature than normal YBCO ?

>> No.15620917

Because western labs respect IP and so have no reason to do the gook's work for them. Why bother spending a month and thousands of dollars trying to replicate what is probably a nothing burger when you're not even going to benefit even if it's real? The chinks and the indians will just immediately implement the tech without paying, patents be damned, so they have actual reason to look into it.

>> No.15620919

Whats happened in the last 12 hours? Went to sleep then immediatly went to gym so I've had no time to track.

>> No.15620920
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Backings are we onto something?

>> No.15620921

>guess LK-99 could be higher with better purity?
maybe is the opposite, the sampleworks bc it is impure. remember the part were they broke the quartz vial.

>> No.15620925

It's over

>> No.15620926
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quick rundown, when will robot waifus be real?

>> No.15620927

The 110K paper does not show super conductivity

>> No.15620929


>> No.15620931

Am I the only one noticing the user's butthole avatar?

>> No.15620933


>> No.15620934
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>> No.15620935


>> No.15620936

this but unironically

>> No.15620937

It's incredible how back we are

>> No.15620938

Oh wow so it's fucking nothing.

>> No.15620939

Momentum is shifting back to this thing being real

>> No.15620941

We're so back!

>> No.15620946


>> No.15620947
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My speculation

>> No.15620949

Crazy how people have driven the it's over/we're back meme into the ground in the past few days.

>> No.15620950

I was expecting it to be something else when I went to their profile and blew it up, just a funny illusion.
But nope, that's an anime girls asshole.

>> No.15620951

kek. did anyone post their bags?

>> No.15620953

Now do copper+gold.

>> No.15620955

Is there a more iconic duo?

>> No.15620957

fucking based

>> No.15620958
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>> No.15620962

apparently it has no resistance below 110K (-163C)

>> No.15620963
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>> No.15620964

Probability of an alien existing at room temperature is way higher then a gook super conductor at room temperature.
In the era of chinkTok and jewtal media no one can create anything useful.
It never started so fucking over fr fr desu.

>> No.15620969

Nothing better

>> No.15620971

not room temperature, its a nothingburger
its fucking over

>> No.15620975

It doesn't. It just a normal conductor at that temperature range. They say "zero resistance" because their awful chink hardware can't read anything lower than 10e-6 ohm M.

>> No.15620977

there should be accountability for mfers that are wrong. they poison the board with their bullshit.

>> No.15620978

its over for the its over/we're back meme

>> No.15620979
File: 180 KB, 680x572, 1660667884866391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there hype when they promised room temp but you still need cryogens? Fucking lying cocksuckers.

>> No.15620983

The oscillations between back and over are becoming more and more violent I think we are reaching the crescendo

>> No.15620984

we're so back

>> No.15620986

>The room temp resistance drop is because part of the material became an RTSC and the rest is not

>> No.15620988

>closest to room temperature we've ever gotten by a huge margin
>overposters don't understand the significance of this
I don't even know anymore.

>> No.15620991

The room temp resistance drop is because the LK-99 evaporated and they tested copper

>> No.15620992

prove it, bitch.

>> No.15620993

the doomer brain is quite something

>> No.15620994 [DELETED] 

This thread/general gives me deja vu. Have we seen this material before? I swear there used to be some kind of thread spammed so much it became a general.

>> No.15620995

nigga it has more resistance than fucking copper

>> No.15620998
File: 186 KB, 900x1200, 1691003793912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont have anything else good going on in my life, so im watching this absolute shitshow, and i know im in the majority here. Even if it's not over, it'll be a minimum of months before any findings spark fire.

>> No.15620999
File: 780 KB, 1192x900, bros....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, where are we on the chart lads?

>> No.15621001
File: 36 KB, 630x587, 6328 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prove it, bitch.

>> No.15621002 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 377x366, 1676961539919614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over what?

>> No.15621003

who the fuck cares, it's not room temperature and you're not going to get room temperature from further studying this piece of shit. we're back to square one. it's over.

>> No.15621004 [DELETED] 

There was an alleged RTAPSC in like 2018, but it was debunked almost immediately and the authors said the cooking process went to a different school.

>> No.15621007

RTSC never, enjoy your 20-90 years of technologically stagnant jewish slavery before the end of humanity

>> No.15621009

its not over we're back

>> No.15621010

There was an alleged RTAPSC in like 2018, but it was debunked almost immediately and the authors said the cooking process went to a different school.

>> No.15621011

There was an alleged RTAPSC in like 2018, but it was debunked almost immediately and the authors said the cooking process went to a different school.

>> No.15621014 [DELETED] 

the rainbow

>> No.15621015


>> No.15621017

There was an alleged RTAPSC in like 2018, but it was debunked almost immediately and the authors said the cooking process went to a different school.

>> No.15621019

There was an alleged RTAPSC in like 2023, but it was debunked almost immediately and the authors refused to give others their samples to test.

>> No.15621021

nah its over none of this matters if its not room temp
now apologize to Thunderfoot (you won't)

>> No.15621022
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>> No.15621024
File: 20 KB, 656x319, 005406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently its a bad translation


> Bad translation. I speak Korean natively and I've done K -> E translation before.
>1. Based on the data and video on the two arxiv articles, the material on the paper and the video cannot be determined to be sc
>2. If QE shares the sample, then we would like verify the results.1/n

>> No.15621025

>maybe the real superconductors were the impurities we made along the way

>> No.15621027

The people who think it's real are the ones who are wrong. The material does not super conduct. All the graphs shown do not show super conductivity, merely regular conductivity and a critical temperature where resistance spikes up. Discontinuity in temperature vs resistance is a hallmark of super conductivity, but it's not the only material that does this, anything that undergoes any sort of phase change can do this. More important is whether the colder leg of the graph is actually zero resistance. ~10^-6 Ohm M is not super conductivity, it is regular conductivity.

>> No.15621033

Board turist here, for what the fuck can this shit be used for?

>> No.15621034

>now apologize to Thunderfoot (you won't)
I don't know why I should since I'm not familiar with their content.
I guess every board has their e-celebs lmao

>> No.15621035

Nothing, it's a 110K nothingburger

>> No.15621038

is in the op, check the last link
which board from?

>> No.15621039

why do they 1/n can't you post infinite length on X now

>> No.15621041

why do koreans lie so much

>> No.15621042

Back bros, we got a second wind.

>> No.15621044

only if you pay for X blue

>> No.15621047
File: 518 KB, 2500x1889, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologize to Cameron right now. Y'all said that unobtanium would be obsolete.

>> No.15621049

i think you can only do it with x blue? (assuming that's what twitter blue is called now)

>> No.15621050


>> No.15621052

it's definitely fake but I don't trust the chink paper for shit

>> No.15621053


>> No.15621054

Based Korean overbro putting shills in their place.

>> No.15621056

If it was real, it could be immediately used in applications such as creating super long power transmission lines with essentially zero loss, meaning you could put giant solar arrays and nuclear power plants wherever you wanted and then most the energy with no loss wherever you needed. You could make rail transportation costs even cheaper by exploiting magnetic pinning. Depending on the nature of the material and how it could be made, you could create processors which consumed much less power and were much smaller, and even create weird 3D processor architectures since you don't have to worry about heat dissipation, leading to much more powerful computers.

But the material doesn't work lol

>> No.15621058

It will be, the simulation paper is now probably correct.

>> No.15621065
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>> No.15621066

>everything points to it being real
>every legitimate source says it's likely real
>simulations show it's possible

>/sci/ says it's over

>> No.15621067
File: 64 KB, 900x700, 1dd188356e93a00e5776d1d9982c479d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an RTSC in my room.

>> No.15621071

>>everything points to it being real
nothing does

>> No.15621073

It'll be proven real once they decrypt Hunter Biden's laptop.

>> No.15621079

people still follow this literal who amateur when we have all these papers?

>> No.15621081

His name literally means god lover, bro,s we are so back.

>> No.15621086

>smash and sift

>> No.15621087

he sent shit to space
have you sent shit to space recently?

>> No.15621088

Find a single graph which shows superior conductivity to copper

>> No.15621091

Yes I farted a lot

>> No.15621093

>Cu-doped apatite shown to produce predicted response as per the DFT simulation analysis from Berkeley
>nothing does

>> No.15621094
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>> No.15621096

Retards. >>15620792 is obviously a sarcasm that mocks the back bloomers:
>a mixture of lead and copper at 100K has the same conductivity as pure copper does at RT

>> No.15621104
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>> No.15621111

>day 1: its a hoax it's a hoax!
>week 1: Ok, it's a superconductor, but only at low temperatures!!
We are so fucking back it hurts

>> No.15621112
File: 159 KB, 1242x1280, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAKEITSTOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either release the working sample or admit you fabricated the data


>> No.15621113

I think both of them understood that, especially the first, considering he replied to my implied stance rather than the literal one

>> No.15621114
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>> No.15621115
File: 433 KB, 3000x1680, 1690945558552673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is it over? If it's really only a superconductor at uranus room temperature, aren't there literally better superconductors on the market right now? Or is there some wider implication from the results I'm missing?

>> No.15621116

>Ok, it's a superconductor, but only at low temperatures!!
A-anon... I...

>> No.15621120

Unfortunately it’s so over, pop in tomorrow for when we are back

>> No.15621121 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 306x306, 1691005015573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still waiting for a copper shippment to make their first batch
why are westerners so uselss?

>> No.15621122

It's not a super conductor. 10^-6 ohm M is not a super conductor

>> No.15621125

the west has truly fallen

>> No.15621127
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>> No.15621129
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Will superconductors improve video games?

>> No.15621130

It ok, you can admit you're retarded. Some sub 80 IQ people can't understand what probes are, and that's OK!

>> No.15621131

The jury isn't out yet, and even if it's over this is a novel way of SC so there's plenty of space for a potential RTSC to be found.

>> No.15621132

Until there's a full successful replication from a Western lab backchuds won't win.

>> No.15621135

The whole point of a ROOM temperature sc is the fact that it is at ROOM temperature. We have plenty low temp sc at similar critical temps already.

>> No.15621139


>> No.15621138

Those tits are modded right?

>> No.15621141
File: 324 KB, 608x478, Screenshot 2023-08-02 154035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this immediately

>> No.15621144

Look at the scale.
Not an argument. If your equipment can't tell the difference between a regular wire and a super conductor, then you haven't proven anything except that your equipment is shit.

>> No.15621148

maho better

>> No.15621150

backchads... we never left

>> No.15621160
File: 481 KB, 351x351, natalia ei tiedä.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could it be that as the oscillation frequency between "we're back" and "it's over" approaches infinity, the two opinions will collapse to a superposition singularity where every subsequent post will express both opinions simultaneously?

>> No.15621162

Either a weird phase change in the material at that temperature (far from impossible) or awful chink hardware had a fault (likely, given that the second discontinuity goes back up to the trend the graph was following before the first discontinuity)

>> No.15621163

Are we back or are we stuck on this gay prison planet where nothing happens?

>> No.15621164

predicts YES
Open options
My understanding what has happened:

Southeast University in China observed 0 resistance at or below 110K on a tiny sample WITH NO levitation. LK99,110K零电阻观测成功_哔哩哔哩_bilibili.
To people questioning the resistance being too high, that is because the researchers are using U = IR to measure. The lowest voltage that the measuring instrument can reliably measure is 10^-9 V. 10^-9 V divided by 10^-4 A = 10 ^ -5 Ohm. Increasing the current could possibly break the sample.

Also, in ambient pressure, 0 resistance at or below 110K is an unusual observation. There are only 2 or 3 materials can do this at higher temperature in ambient pressure.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology observed a sample having almost 90 degree levitation and is still working on to get its resistance measured.

My understanding is that this is a positive news.

>> No.15621166

>Measuring resistance
>Accidentally touch some copper

>> No.15621171

>overtrannies hate him

>> No.15621173

ya'll hear that....................................... we're back...............

>> No.15621174

rocketry is advancing regardless of this

>> No.15621177

impure samples, its a bunch of lead apatite embedded with microscopic lk99 crystals

different temps allow the crystals to line up in more or less effective ways, changing the conductivity

every time some new data comes out it sounds like every one of you reset to zero, keep up.

>> No.15621178

>The lowest voltage that the measuring instrument can reliably measure is 10^-9 V. 10^-9 V divided by 10^-4 A = 10 ^ -5 Ohm. Increasing the current could possibly break the sample.
Maybe get an instrument that's actually physically capable of measuring the phenomena you're trying to prove.

>> No.15621179

>Increasing the current could possibly break the sample.
So the material is worthless for any practical application anyways

It's never been more fucking over.

>> No.15621181

stop listening to this literally schizophrenic faggot
he hasn't even provided video

>> No.15621189


> Increasing the current could possibly break the sample.

Why aren't these fuckers just making an absolute shitton of the material.
It's made out of copper and lead for fuck's sake, not platinum or gold.
Make 10kg of that stuff at minimum per batch and you won't have to worry about breaking the micron thin tiny sample.

>> No.15621191

at this point iris is the best evidence its fake because of how uncritical everyone is around 'its' discovery

>> No.15621192

on the contrary..........

>> No.15621195

didn't understand, WE'RE BACK

>> No.15621200
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>> No.15621205
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>> No.15621206

its not a solid chunk of lk99, per the theoryfags.
the lead -> copper replacement required for the flat bands is one of the LESS likely replacements, every chunk made is likely very low% actual lk99 and the rest is just very weird lead apatite

>> No.15621208

Pretty sure that Mccalip is the only one doing it this way. Phosphorus has also gotten super expensive and its hard to buy due to drug restrictions.

>> No.15621209

no no no........ no........ is it... is it over?

>> No.15621215

actually, if i'm reading correctly, it's the x-fags that did a bad

>> No.15621223

Leaning more back for the simple fact that overtards can't read.

>> No.15621229

Yes. We have a ton of tourists and they're poisoning the board with their science cultism. The smart regulars here with healthy skepticism are being drowned out. Truly a sad state for this place to be in...

>> No.15621230

i still want to believe
trannies lie all the time, so why not lie about the current thing too

>> No.15621242
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>> No.15621246

same dumb doomer who immediately yelled "IT'S NOT 0 RESISTANCE IT'S 0.0000000001!" and had to be reminded that measurement error exists

>> No.15621258

over 9000

>> No.15621266

>make a shitload of samples
>crush it to small chunks
>get the ones that semi float
>crush them in to a tablet

Considering the shit they get away with in inorgo labs i would not be surprised if it was a viable purification method

>> No.15621272

If your instrument cannot measure lower resistance than a regular conductor, how can you claim it is evidence of super conductivity? Regular fucking lead has a resistance of 1.9 x 10-7 Ohm M, which is apparently below the capacity of their instrument to measure.

>> No.15621276

>only 1 of the 6 samples
As if that's some kind of gotcha

>> No.15621291

If that were the case, then they would have noticed by now. Otherwise, half the materials they measure would give false superconductor readings

>> No.15621294
File: 80 KB, 1312x673, Implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the power of Chinese science

>> No.15621298


>> No.15621301

>LK-99 is less conductive than both Lead and Copper and needs to be cooled to 100K

>> No.15621303 [DELETED] 


>> No.15621309

>can't even get consistent samples
>thinks the book is closed

>> No.15621313

Then why does it float

>> No.15621318
File: 2.69 MB, 1080x7954, Screenshot_20230803-020540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what any of this means but uhhh... WE'RE SO FUCKING BACK

>> No.15621321

Maybe materials other than superconductors can demonstrate the Meissner Effect, as fucking weird as that would be

>> No.15621325
File: 2.90 MB, 983x1720, ComfyUI_02756_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asians winning
nothing personnel, westoids

>> No.15621332

Hopefags are fucking delusional, nothing will come of this

>> No.15621333

This basically says the Chinese were stupid for doing resistance tests for the same reason everyone said it was hard to do resistance tests: if you're sample isn't genuinely pure what the fuck do you expect to happen

>> No.15621336
File: 45 KB, 321x322, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe some fuckery of the overlapping Cu - O orbitals at distinct energy levels? The effect apparently happens due to minimal overlap between the Cu and O orbitals. My guess is that in that temperature range, they have the "right" distance again for some fuckery.

>> No.15621340 [DELETED] 


>> No.15621355

We're at page 3

>> No.15621357

if this was true, you should get random results depending what points you measure from and the sample
so just measure a bunch of samples from different directions and see if the measurements are different
maybe there is some way to see the amount of superconductor from that? if you get enough data

>> No.15621358

this is fucking gpt shit stop it

>> No.15621362

>page 3
>It's probably fake edition
fuck off

>> No.15621364

fuck off

>> No.15621371

prove its not

>> No.15621374

fuck off

>> No.15621375

you'll have to prove aldis first

>> No.15621382

Science was a mistake

>> No.15621386

>room temperature

>> No.15621399

Nah, the 110K is the gotcha

>> No.15621403

If this shitshow is how Asians do science you will never overtake the west

>Bad quality studies
>Doing tests that don't definitely confirm or falsify any claims

>> No.15621404


>> No.15621418

When is a White man going to get involved in this controversy so I can trust what he says and not have to go off of google translations of shitty studies by chinese, indians and women?

>> No.15621424
File: 172 KB, 747x906, 2-8-2023 4.8.37 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will bow once I have my ricebotfu (chicken flavor) but not before

>> No.15621425

new bread


>> No.15621430

>page 4

>> No.15621431

there's a few western labs working on it, but none have pubmished findings yet except for a french team who's sample was green lmao

>> No.15621432


>> No.15621436
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>> No.15621438

fack offf

>> No.15621441

kill urself

>> No.15621448
File: 55 KB, 460x355, 1690574474349170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hopium tourists FUCK OFF

>> No.15621452

my secret spice mix be like

>> No.15621453

The new guys said they got a purer sample and yet it sounds inferior to the one the original guys had in terms of superconducting at room temperature. I get the feeling impurity is irrelevant or even the key

>> No.15621458
File: 1.09 MB, 890x675, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.15621459

Doomfag false flag

>> No.15621461 [DELETED] 


>> No.15621464

it's over for this general.

>> No.15621465

Not good not bad, this behavior will likely be investigated further because that drop is still very weird if it's not an instrument error
Nah it's probably the FTL neutrino thing

>> No.15621484
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>> No.15621487

what are you fucking doing newfag
go back or lurk 5000 years before you make a thread

>> No.15621501

Diamagnetism. What was shown in the first fucking video.

>> No.15621521
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how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?

>> No.15621522

Superconductors will let us build the holodeck from Star Trek

>> No.15621524

>implying this isn't just another gamestop fad

>> No.15621530
File: 2.67 MB, 1311x1311, ComfyUI_02793_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong, white boy? Can't make small rocks levitate at room temperature?

>> No.15621534

I just want my phone to have the power of a gaming computer, is that too much to ask for?

>> No.15621535
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we are currenty FUCKING BACK!!!!
based russians saved us again

>> No.15621542
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>> No.15621544

it's over

>> No.15621545

i was RIGHT >>15621067

>> No.15621546
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A long-standing problem of observing Room Temperature Superconductivity is finally solved by a novel approach. Instead of increasing the critical temperature Tc of a superconductor, the temperature of the room was decreased to an appropriate Tc value. We consider this approach more promising for obtaining a large number of materials possessing Room Temperature Superconductivity in the near future.

>> No.15621559

i sex them both

>> No.15621561

Anyone got a liquidnitrogen-cooled laboratory they want to sell?

>> No.15621563

fuck off

>> No.15621568

>tfw no ginger sci gf

>> No.15621571
File: 1.42 MB, 840x1079, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't matter that the authors put out 3 different papers with contradicting results
>It doesn't matter that they won't publish their replication steps in detail
>It doesn't matter all replication attempts have been failures
>It doesn't matter that no videos have definitively shown levitation
>It doesn't matter that no videos have definitively shown a Meisner effect
>It doesn't matter that no videos have definitively shown diamagnetism
>It doesn't matter that they won't make their their samples public
>It doesn't matter that the researcher they brought in to confirm their findings found that 5/6 samples were semiconductors
>It doesn't matter he used a resistance meter that's not even sensitive enough to properly measure the composite conductive elements
>It doesn't matter that he said it might be a SC below 100K which is several hundreds degrees below room temperature (no way to know because he was using a dollar store tier piece of "lab equipment")
>It doesn't matter that this means it's also definitively not a RTAPSC
>It doesn't matter that the resistance anomaly he found shows it's less conductive than copper at room temperature
You are here
>It doesn't matter that it's actually just a worthless ferromagnetic

>> No.15621575


>> No.15621580


>> No.15621581

damn this post really makes me want to drink coca-cola and watch marvel movies

>> No.15621584
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lets nuke south korea

>> No.15621585
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>Trying to shut down LK99

>> No.15621586 [DELETED] 

New bread

>> No.15621587

ahaha the green frog

>> No.15621595

please promptly live stream your suicide
also do a flip

>> No.15621596

do these tourist fags not even read the thread

>> No.15621601

the thread is saging you dumb fag. ITS TIME FOR A NEW THREAD

>> No.15621611


>> No.15621615

more like cryobomb them so that they get their so-called room temp SC

>> No.15621617

What board do you come from?

>> No.15621620

Wrong, not how it works on slow boards

>> No.15621622

/pol/, why do you ask?

>> No.15621623

Superconduct her? I hardly know her!

>> No.15621628

none of them

>> No.15621629
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he was right about south korea

>> No.15621630

/g/ admittedly

>> No.15621640

>en drops in resistance again between 220K and 300K
maybe room temperature heat is enough energy to put the structure into the energetically unfavorable configuration.

>> No.15621648

he's mad we're so back and they're so over, dw about it

>> No.15621651


>> No.15621655

you just dont see how back we are, sad, truly sad.

>> No.15621670

damn you wrote all that shit..... damn

>> No.15621695
File: 113 KB, 1536x685, feldspar_order_disorder-1536x685[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you about disordered state minerals.
For minerals like the feldspars, certain structures of them are only stable at higher temperatures. The structures themselves are the same, but higher heat/entropy controls how the ions are distributed.

>> No.15621751

Right or wrong we need to nuke sk

>> No.15621785
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what is the impact RTSC will have on time cube theory?

>> No.15621832
File: 425 KB, 804x814, Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 16-45-01 _sci_ - Science & Math - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit maybe the jannies and mods should do theirs (unpaid) jobs and clean up the spam

>> No.15621872
File: 17 KB, 478x359, cubic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none. The unshakable, proven supreme truth of the universe can never be challenged or impacted by anything.

>> No.15621902

room temperature atmospheric pressure superconductor?

>> No.15621906

explain meme please

>> No.15621941


>> No.15621975

never take me alive?

>> No.15621982

>a proof of concept has never been refined

>> No.15622010

make a thread for this I promise it will get removed immediately

>> No.15622044
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>> No.15622154

nakadashi now

>> No.15622215

why would anyone buy that when they have no relation or claim to lk-99?

>> No.15622264
File: 86 KB, 1170x542, F2irpGIXwAMgHfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf finebros? you fucking lied to us?

>> No.15622275


>we live in a simulation meme

>> No.15622316

god imagine if we made actual unobtanium
in universe it stays a superconductor until it's melting point of 1500~ c

>> No.15622336

Old joke with the punchline
>liquor? I hardly know her!
Because 'liquor sounds like 'lick her'. Common meme is to use this format for words that end in -or or -er even when, or especially when, it's absurd or nonsensical.

>> No.15622373

I still WILL spoonfeed newfags

>> No.15622391

why dont they just whip up some more samples? Didnt they literally discover the recipe for it?

>> No.15622409

they discovered a vague process to sometimes get a tiny bit 1/10th of the time

>> No.15622411

This iris faggot is some Chad stuff lmao

>> No.15622437

Are we... le back?

>> No.15622458

we're in so fucking back territory atm

>> No.15622487
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based frenly poster

>> No.15622508

so why dont they repeat that process a thousand times and pick out the best samples to test? If I can cract 1k yew bows in runescapr they can make 1k samples of magic rocks.

>> No.15622543

That's exactly what is happening now but doomers gonna doom. This is only week one of this shit going mainstream.

>> No.15622546

They've been doing that, but a certain someone who got fired four months earlier decided to release a preprint with his name on it.

>> No.15622555

Page 10 bros... We're back...

>> No.15622581
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>> No.15622588
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Absolute normie here: what the fuck is a superconductor and what does this “lk99” thing mean for technologic progress?

>> No.15622592

Anyone who reads this is a faggot

>> No.15622595
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>> No.15622597

A superconductor is a material that has no resistance to electricity. They also float in the air when on top of magnets

>> No.15622602


>> No.15622608

overbros... It's so over.

>> No.15622615

owari da

>> No.15622617

this is peak reddit faggotry. gates of transistors is what generates the heat. 800+ retarded faggots updooted that retarded statement.

>> No.15622689

We're so back

>> No.15622691

it needs semen to work

>> No.15622810
File: 54 KB, 933x699, F2ihJefXQAEvUnR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what the fuck did the Koreans think would happen once they published that paper? that no one would care and just be immediately rejected and everyone would move on that quickly? Even if one of the authors went rogue surely they realize they're STILL in the paper, right? They just destroyed their entire life career IN THE BEST CASE SCENARIO

>> No.15622813

what if i publish a paper with measurements of my asshole displaying properties indicative of superconductivity?

>> No.15622913

>AOH1996 cancer treatment
well hey that makes me happy

>> No.15622921

Yeah, ALL solid tumors? That's a pretty big deal.

>> No.15622950

meant to respond to:

>> No.15623055

This is different because the iron is constantly aligning to a magnetic pole, instead of floating more generally.
It is expressing distinct behavior from diamagnetism.

>> No.15623202

what's 273 degrees between friends?

>> No.15623230

worse cross-sectional current density; the only boon yk99 supposedly had was room temperature function, but it was always guaranteed to suck ass at moving any reasonable amount of power even if it did work. YBCO can at least support decent power density, but if you need to chill yk99 at all there's almost no point using it over any other cold superconductor

>> No.15623251

Room temperature is just relative anyways theres a planet out there that could have room temperature of -273.15°C I bet

>> No.15623269

Imagine an electron going through copper wire is like a conductor driving a train. Well imagine if that conductor was superman. Hope this helps!

>> No.15623638

"new" thread I guess


>> No.15623903
