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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 348 KB, 640x593, food_pyramid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15508892 No.15508892 [Reply] [Original]

scientifically speaking what kind of diet is optimal

>> No.15508920

nha honestly I don't find the nutrition pyramid that bad

>whole wheat bread and pasta
Americans only eat shitty whitebread
> Healthy fats and oils
probably they have the same effect as eating butter(at least olive oil) so idk why butter is at the top of the pyramid
> Vegetables and fruits
no sane person would disagree unless you have a fuckd up gut problem

>> No.15509010

30% veg, 30% rice, 20% fish, and 20% dairy

>> No.15509037

Just don't overconsume carbs. That's it really.

>> No.15509044
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I want to hijack this thread a little bit to ask:

Could you survive eating fish alone?
Let's say I eat a variety of fish(and even fish liver for vitamin C) could I survive without problems?

I think the only problem would be a lack of fiber, excess protein, and toxic metals

I then will call it "the fish-carnivore diet" and sell books and videos to carnivore tards.


>> No.15509335

any extreme diets such as ones where you exclude entire food groups are dumb

>> No.15509510

This but alternate fish with meat every couple of days.

>> No.15509577
File: 40 KB, 662x547, vitrifyher diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15509597

the one where you avoid man made diseases

>> No.15509663

Farmed fish is filthy and unhygienic.
Wild fish is polluted with heavy metals and micro-plastics.

>> No.15509674

Unironcally think the main problem with diet is "variety". Humans didn't evolve eating av1000 different things from all over the world, they were eating a small range of foods within their hunting/farming range(probably less than 50km) that varied with the seasons.

>> No.15509678
File: 78 KB, 896x807, Vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30% veg, 30% rice, 20% fish, and 20% dairy
Hello WEF! KEK!

Rice = poison to eat a lot of it these days with all the arsenic and microplastics. Best to keep rice intake to a minimum. It's a shit carb anyway, bad as corn or flour.

>> No.15509738
File: 103 KB, 768x568, IMG-20230613-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vitamin A
Sweet potato
touch grass
avocados, almonds, oils
Broccoli, Cabbage
lentils, a fuck ton of other foods..
Really nigger? coconut oil was used by scientists to clog pigs arteries.

You are the dumbest fucking nigger kek learn to eat food

>> No.15509742

>here vegan, eat 100lbs of food per day for your vitamins

>> No.15509752

40% potatoes
30% fruit
15% leafy greens
15% dairy and meat (preferably poultry meat)

>> No.15509766
File: 105 KB, 612x491, c7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat the same shit everyday to avoid "metabolic damage"
>kills himself later

What was his endgame?

>> No.15509902

eat stuff you feel like eating to avoid the bio
while doing this, make sure you eat a bit of everything over time, but not too much of any particular thing
if you dislike eating veggies or something, you are wrong, eat a bit of them now and then
do not eat throughly industrially processed food (anything you can buy at a fast food chain)

>> No.15509906

*...to avoid the biological symptoms of psychological stress over long periods of time

>> No.15509908

One that doesn't rely on science.

>> No.15510151

hunter gatherers have much bigger dietary diversity than civilized people

>> No.15510153

sv3rige is a retard and so are you

>> No.15510351

no one has any idea it's just grifting and feeding eachother bullshit ideas
but grains and seeds are definitely no good. harsh on your body while offering little to no nutrition, regardless of what their supposed composition is. mere hunger alleviators.

>> No.15510570


No such thing. All Phenomena are indefinitely destroying you by rotation. Wake up.

>> No.15510574

The optimal diet is a balanced mix of bugs, soi and microplastics.

>> No.15510622

that's a meme, they ate meat and veg within a range of a few 100 miles. Most pre-civ groups didn't migrate huge distances because that usually meant conflict with other groups.
Compared to a modern human eating foods from different continents multiple times a week.

>> No.15510682

>fish and dairy are vegan, right guys?

>> No.15512131

Go to /fit/ and read the sticky. Ignore everything itt.

>> No.15512176 [DELETED] 

you left out seed oils, high fructose corn syrup, caffeine and most importantly swallowing down plenty of petroleum based medicines

>> No.15512181

1-2g of protein per day per kg of lean mass, add enough veg to hit your micronutrient and fiber needs, and slow burning starches to fill up the rest (if any) of your daily caloric needs