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File: 114 KB, 1052x773, FwB9Vw9XsAczGdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15437866 No.15437866 [Reply] [Original]

Are we in a CO2 Famine?

>> No.15437938

Patrick Moore frequently talks about it too
way too much carbon has been sequestered into the soil, it needs to be liberated somehow

>> No.15438462

so the coal miners are the good guys?

>> No.15438470

the crack heads are the good guys.
the coca leafs sequester nitrogen so they're doing gods work.
(there's really no point in talking to these idiots. they're the human manifestation of entropy and the world needs to be turned into a shithole one way or another)

>> No.15438539

>Patrick Moore
Yeah, he's been concerned about CO2 Famine and Weedkiller Thirst for years.

>> No.15438568 [DELETED] 


>> No.15438627

The Betteridge Law of Headlines :
Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word "no".

>> No.15438755
File: 460 KB, 750x750, HTB1MrTSdi0TMKJjSZFNq6y_1FXa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, thats why big money commercial greenhouse operations need to use picrel propane burners to add CO2 to the air in their greenhouses

>> No.15438767

No, the coal burners are, which explains some of Hollywood's casting choices of late.

>> No.15438768

shilling for Alibaba, or for Suzhou, comrade?

>> No.15438800

Do they really just burn propane and do nothing with the energy?

Wouldn't generating electricity while still producing CO2 be more profitable?

>> No.15438809

probably wouldn't generate enough to cover the cost of added components, if it were they'd be doing it. greenhouses run on fairly tight margins because its a competitive field of business with fairly low entry barriers

>> No.15438812

>Wouldn't generating electricity while still producing CO2 be more profitable?
no retard because how the fucka re you going to do that in a greenhouse
on top of it, it's a greenhouse, meaning it needs to be warm, and what does burning propane do? why, it warms the place up

>> No.15438814

>if it were they'd be doing it.

Perfect world fallacy.

>> No.15438838

Are you retarded? Do you not understand laws of thermodynamics and electricity generation?
You can't do both, it already serves it's purpose by transferring energy into heating the air in the greenhouse.
jfc america really is doomed with that education.

>> No.15438842

Depending on climate and season, greenhouses don't necessarily need supplemental heat. Anon asked a valid question.
It makes more sense to build greenhouses next to large-scale powerplants and divert their CO2 than it does to produce power in distributed greenhouses.

>> No.15438861

That would only make sense if we weren't in a CO2 famine. As it currently stands, using powerhouses to enrich the atmosphere with CO2 is a benefit to everyone and to nature as well.

>> No.15439021

yeah but i don't give a fuck about nature either way as long as everything isn't collapsing. think i'll horde as much co2 as i can for my plants while still generating electricity and waste heat with that same process.

>> No.15439034

>Do you not understand laws of thermodynamics and electricity generation?

I think you're the one that fails to. The minor amount of heat lost to electricity production is pretty insignificant.

I also was assuming that Greenhouses don't always need to be heated 100% of the time. You know, since they're designed to be heated by the sun. Their initial design.

>It makes more sense to build greenhouses next to large-scale powerplants and divert their CO2 than it does to produce power in distributed greenhouses.

I can agree with that. Much like they often use the waste heat to heat nearby apartment buildings.

I suppose the real thing that would make it unviable to do in distributed greenhouses is just the human expertise. Greenhouse techs aren't typically also electrical engineers.

>> No.15439200

>Greenhouse techs aren't typically also electrical engineers.
Greenhouse come in two main varieties: basic no frills & glass box with all the amenities including supplemental heat, CO2 & light as well as humidity control and automated watering with added nutrient delivery as well as pH balance.
the techs who run the later type are all highly skilled electricians

>> No.15439222

first lead deficiency and now this? they are killing us!

>> No.15439225

looks like its leveling off

>> No.15439829

more co2 = more plants
co2 is good for nature

>> No.15439881

Is Betteridge's Law of Headlines true?

>> No.15439932
File: 140 KB, 658x329, Co2-levels-historic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes! An increase in CO2 atm ppm that took natural causes many millions of years in the past, took us only 100 years! Definitely nothing to worry about there.
We'll definitely control ourselves and not let things get out of hand, because we as a species obviously care deeply about the environment and the future generations. The fact we're a mass extinction event and undergoing unchecked exponential growth with subsequent generations owning less and less, is a testimony to that.

>> No.15440122
File: 62 KB, 586x409, Phanerozoic_Carbon_Dioxide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked

>> No.15440287

>the techs who run the later type are all highly skilled electricians

Fuck, then they likely would be better off (long-term) to generate their own electricity with their burners.

Yea, it's more expensive initially, but should make up for it long-term.

>> No.15440294

Keep worrying about CO2 while they pump the oceanic ecosystems full of mercury, selenium, and all sorts of other toxins.

Your priorities are fucked.

>> No.15440298

How easy is it to separate the CO2 from the rest of the emissions coming from the plant? Greenhouses filled with noxious gases in addition to CO2 aren't going to produce much of value.

>> No.15440370

They should put there a generator and mine some shitcoins with that energy.

>> No.15440378
File: 213 KB, 850x850, watc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you ignorant moron.

>> No.15440383

thats one of the great things about fuels like butane and propane, burning them only produces CO2 & water vapor as waste gasses. i think burning ethanol might also do the same, not sure if i'm remembering that correctly, but you can't use ethanol in those types of applications anyway because the staff always ends up drinking it

>> No.15440391
File: 441 KB, 888x1123, card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That graph was built using cherry picked data, shame on you.

>> No.15440407

>the consoomer bots hated him for speaking the truth

>> No.15441148

Yes, we are in a CO2 famine

>> No.15442329

The trees are screaming "I CAN'T BREATHE!", but they so-called environmentalists refuse to listen to the trees

>> No.15442763
File: 425 KB, 1648x1372, 1575698538794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't care about nature, they hate nature, they only care about money and status

>> No.15442790

Makes sense though, we're using enormous amounts of fertilizer every year to keep plants productive. Stuff that early humans just found in nature is something we have to actively work on to keep alive.

>> No.15442953

>in only a hundred years
You should be proud to be a part of this %CO2 run.

>> No.15443328

in this case, yes

>> No.15443371

Are half the mongs itt paid shills? What the fuck

>> No.15443389

right now there is a massive nutrient and mineral influx into the oceans (and atmosphere if we count co2 and no2).
In geological time it's going in a flash
According to one theory I found the last time this happened was after the last snowball earth glaciation which last 100 million years.
And the theory goes that this is one of the things that kickstarted the evolution of more complex lifeforms.
It would be amazing to be a fly on the wall to see what life forms emerge over the eons after the ongoing mass extinction.

>> No.15443394

the climate threads are just absolute circle jerks of retarded fuckwits now
honestly the whole board has gone to shit. the mods ban the anti-trolls. its just pseudoscience and corporate psycho slurp now

>> No.15445164

>the anti-trolls.
yeah, its a big conspiracy, everyone on 4chan is out to get you. everyone who posts anything you disagree with is a paid agent of a nefarious conspiracy

>> No.15445700

we're only adding 2-3ppm per year, we could do so much more. none of us will live long enough to see 1000ppm let alone peak productivity at 1700. at 1700 some plants will grow so fast you'd be able to witness it in real time

>> No.15446850

I know a guy in Edmonton who built a wood stove into his greenhouse with a gate on the flue connected to a CO2 meter, it opens to the outside with the CO2 goes above 2k and closes to vent indoors when CO2 gets back down below 1500

>> No.15447274

>Stuff that early humans just found in nature is something we have to actively work on to keep alive.
No crop plants are found in nature, they were all selectively bred over 1000s of years by dedicated horticulturalists

>> No.15447616

There is an enormous lack of nutrients, the other nutrients can't be used as life is limited by heavy metals.

>> No.15447642
File: 352 KB, 1200x1447, crybullies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah you're just some whiney bitch who always needs to complain, its an all too common mental illness. more CO2 is good for nature, good for the environment and good for humanity, it has no downside, but no matter how good things are, you are you ilk will always be moaning about how it isn't quite good enough for princess

>> No.15447643

>There is an enormous lack of nutrients
>on land
That's because they're all being actively flushed into the oceans by agriculture, forestry, and mining.

>> No.15447649
File: 141 KB, 397x441, consumer13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the human manifestation of entropy
You're a walking, talking force of nature.
You and millions of your kind are gonna multiply and multiply and turn the earth into an inhospitable shithole and then die out.
simple as

>> No.15447765

Wow the bad actors are really pushing climate change denialism today! There's like 5 threads going on.

>> No.15447780

no, you're blatantly wrong about that, life would be dying off globally if you weren't, the graphic in >> 15418948 shows how wrong you are

>> No.15447915

It's basically plant's sugar. It won't get used without the other nutrients.
This is true, but only partially so. Heavy metals are collected and prevented from running off.
>life would be dying off globally
It is dying off globally.

>> No.15447918

>the graphic in >>15418948 shows how wrong you are
Are you seriously (NOT) linking who knows how old post?

>> No.15447979

anything even slightly soluble will wash away down the rivers.
Maybe things like lead will collect in the sedimentation zones of rivers

>> No.15447999

off topic how might someone bring up an ancient post on 4chan and it's thread using just the post number?

>> No.15448012

>plants can't survive unless the atmosphere stays exactly the same forever
Hundreds of millions of years of evolution says you're wrong.
Darwin's theory itself states that evolution favors the most adaptable species, so the plants that have best lent themselves to selective breeding are likely the ones best adapted to thrive in a changing environment. Corn at 1700ppm CO2 will likely thrive and produce in ways that have probably not even been imagined in science fiction. Have you ever seen the ancestral forms of corn? I was just a grass that produced seeds, now it produces these massive fruits with huge juicy kernels, native Americans did most of the work on that, didn't even take them all that long to do it either. In 200 years an ear of corn will be 10' long and the kernels will be as big as your head, and they'll be sweet and delicious, might even have butter and salt growing on them too.

>> No.15448032

>evolution favors the most adaptable species,
Life needs the parts. Few life evolved in soil as depleted as modern soil. It may even be the main reason why the plants can't survive without help.
>Corn at 1700ppm CO2 will likely thrive
Only C3 plants need high CO2 levels, corn is C4. C4 plants work differently, they are not limited by low CO2.

Anyway, we could probably burn coal freely and the CO2 would get used up if we didn't try to limit pollution and used the ash as fertilizer. Multiple lines of evidence point at some depletion event on land, after which mammoths began to die out, and glacial maximum occured. I guess that ocean life might have exploded, as the land life died.

>> No.15448034

"Bad" is a word with subjective meaning which makes your statement objectively shit. For example, co2 is good for plant life and nature and bad according to the elite who want to control your life through it.

>> No.15448035

in 200 years your descendants will be sucking sludge out of swamps for the nutritious algae and subsisting on the odd rat they managed to kill using repurposed metal tools they scavenged from a centuries old landfill.

>> No.15449412

>Only C3 plants need high CO2 levels, corn is C4. C4 plants work differently, they are not limited by low CO2.
you misunderstood that concept entirely

>> No.15450678 [DELETED] 

People who want more CO2 in the atmosphere are the people who want the climate to change for the better. You're the one trying to deny climate change, you want it to stay locked in at starvation levels of CO2 forever and for no good reason.

>> No.15450680

I don't think so. What is your problem with it?

>> No.15450693

>Are we in a CO2 Famine?
makes sense if you think about it, a huge chunck of the world is currently unproductive land, not much vegetation or trees at all

>> No.15451825
File: 525 KB, 1000x1497, carbon-dioxide-co2-hazard-scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we in a CO2 Famine?
Who is "we"? Are you a vegetable?

High CO2 levels are bad for primates.

>> No.15451857

I mean, COAL was put there between the newly developed lignin and lignin eating funguses, and we're liberating it back out.
COAL is actually a CANCER on the planet, if you think about it, until the planet worked out how to take care of dead tree masses.
it wasn't SUPPOSED to be there.

>> No.15451883

always has been.

>> No.15452107

>High CO2 levels are bad for primates.
Primates developed and thrived during much higher CO2 levels than what we have currently, we need more CO2 in the air than we have no to improve the environment

>> No.15452133
File: 15 KB, 600x800, vegetable wholesome soja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a vegetable?
You're not?

>> No.15452672

Urban air is only at 600ppm in the evening when plants have been sucking CO2 out of the air all day. Its usually much higher than 600. CO2 causing cognitive impairment is a large reason why urbanites are so stupid

>> No.15452926

most self styled climate experts have never even used a co2 meter and are completely unaware of daily co2 level variations even though they're fairly easy to conceive of, since the unthinking drones are incapable of thinking for themselves

>> No.15453125

No, the sun is getting hotter which is the reason that on the grand scale of thing more CO2 has to be deposited than released. Also, why the hell are you showing a fucking 160 million year graph, how is that remotely relevant to our if even millenia long human timescales?

>> No.15453756

The fact that this thread is unironically pro pollution just shows the fact that there is no arguing with climate skeptics, and that they should all be killed.

>> No.15453758


>> No.15453813

wait i thought co2 was supposed to be good and plant food or whatever now it makes people stupid? you seem confused

>> No.15454090 [DELETED] 

urban zones don't have plants, urbanites hate nature

>> No.15454455

>we care so much that we should kill
try that and see what happens to your little climate cult

>> No.15454497

what are you gonna do? form a mob and lynch anyone who you perceive to have thought climate change real?

>> No.15454537

>pro pollution
CO2 no more a pollutant than oxygen is. Plants need CO2 to live, CO2 is what plants eat. We need plants to live as much as we need oxygen, the livestock we eat lives by eating plants, so do the wild animals we hunt, the whole food chain would collapse without plants. By increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, we're increasing the amount of plants on the planet and the amount of life of Earth.
Calling CO2 a pollutant is completely unscientific and irrational

>> No.15455068

this, calling co2 an atmospheric pollutant is akin to calling rain an atmospheric pollutant.
co2 has been a natural part of our atmosphere since before life on earth existed.

>> No.15455080

do you really want tropical environments spreading to the poles?
I guess Europeans can finally get to experience tropical parasites and diseases.
And we're not even taking into account the land that would be flooded from the melted ice.

>> No.15455200

CO2 is not a "greenhouse gas", it does not cause "the greenhouse effect", if it did then Mars would be far, far warmer than it is. Mars is pretty much at the temperature it would be if it had no atmosphere at all and Mars has over 2000% more CO2 per unit surface area than we have here on Earth. If CO2 were really the "greenhouse gas" that causes Earth to be 30ºK above its planetary equilibrium temperature then Mars would be 600ºK warmer than it is.

>> No.15455203

Mars gets far less sun than the Earth and the dominant greenhouse gas on Earth is water vapor which mars has practically none of.
Thicker atmospheres also distribute heat better.

>> No.15455211

>stick a bunch of plants into an enclosed space
>co2 is being consumed inside and oxygen is being produced continuously
>need to supplement co2 to ensure it matches outside levels
>this means that the outside atmosphere is deprived of co2
wow some geniuses on this board eh
I hate 4chan so fucking much this place and all memory of it should be wiped from existence

>> No.15455214

> dominant greenhouse gas on Earth is water vapor
so now you're saying that co2 isn't a significant greenhouse gas?
you changed your tune pretty quick, but thanks for being willing to acknowledge the glaringly obvious fact that co2 is not a greenhouse gas.
sure would be nice if it was though, mars would be comfy temperature and easier to settle.

>> No.15455232

believe it or not water vapor being the most dominant greenhouse gas on earth doesn't mean co2 isn't also a greenhouse gas.

>> No.15455253

co2 is not a significant greenhouse gas given that mars has no detectable greenhouse effect

>> No.15455265

Stop the pedo talk, pedo.

>> No.15455737
File: 162 KB, 507x557, 3128747982345723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFO'd by decades-old satellite observations
Why are greenhouse effect deniers such blatant liars?

>> No.15456135

good idea, should be seriously considered. its not like any of those wimps could put up much of a fight.

>> No.15456143

Have another beer, fatty.

>> No.15457174

>water vapor being the most dominant greenhouse gas on earth doesn't mean co2 isn't also a greenhouse gas.
It does, if the total greenhouse effect on Earth is only worth 30ºK and most of that is due to H2O then that diminishes the amount that can be attributed to CO2

>> No.15458107

At least the liar knew when to run away.

>> No.15458169

reminder: climate change is a hoax

>> No.15458191

btw I have to repeat this a couple times a day or I stop believe in it myself. thanks for understanding

>> No.15458356

you have to play dirty, shill, just as your globohomo overlords owning government and media and academia.

>> No.15458413
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Oops, forgot to attach

>> No.15459400

emotionally triggered

>> No.15459411

climate change is hoax, there's no global warming

>> No.15459412

Anon, they supplement to 1500 ppm, high times magazine was selling co2 injectors for grow rooms back in the early 90s for this reason. We got all the way down to 360 ppm, below 200 ppm a lot of plants can't grow.

>> No.15459627
File: 310 KB, 640x637, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in case anyone wonders: I have to write this 5 times a day

>> No.15459732

actually you have to do it hundreds times. that is your job, shill.

>> No.15459736

all me.

>> No.15459748

>no retard because how the fucka re you going to do that in a greenhouse
You know you can have multiple facilities and connect that through pipeing right? Lots of water treatment plants around the world for example, filter organic mud and use it to burn biogas for electricity.
>It needs to be warm
There are several ways to do this and exhaust gases from a power plant can help.
It all comes down to costs and investment, but making a unit in the process have more than one role is often the case.

>> No.15459753

>Yea, it's more expensive initially, but should make up for it long-term.
Thats the thing, it always comes down to investment and return. Someone has probably already thought of doing it (and done it) but perhaps its just not worth it in that case.

>> No.15459763

The same liberals that shill global warming also insist that the population will peak and begin to decrease any day

The same people make these two arguments, but if you put them together it suggests that the problem is solving itself.

>> No.15459767

>all people that have spent long hours on submarines will be senile in their old age

That's what this chart is telling me

>> No.15459786

we are past exponential growth
in fact, the world is in dire need of more white children

>> No.15459787

> me
shill signature

>> No.15459791

good thing we're fishing them back out for a well balanced diet!

>> No.15459810

we are also raising temperatures extremely fast from a geological perspective. That most likely won't be very bad, but the potential for catastrophic consequences exists. Slowing it down just seems prudent, especially when easily possible and cheap such as with nuclear power generation, both fission and fusion.

>> No.15459812

You do realize optimum for plants falls in an area thats not bad for us right? Also experiments don't take into account genetic or phenotypic adaptations. Travelling to a city thats 12000ft above sea level is bad for you if you live near the coast but people live there and are accustomed to it. Gradual increase in CO2 means gradual adaptation through selective pressures.

>> No.15459817
File: 26 KB, 387x331, Absorption-spectrum-for-H2O-and-CO2-Rothman-et-al-2009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CO2 has a permanent dipole which makes it active in infrared, right at the peak of the earth's black body radiation
Water, unlike CO2, is also active in the visible spectrum, causing it to reflect incoming solar energy

>> No.15459852

>NOOO I only like certain graphs

>> No.15459875

yep, I don't like globohomo made up graphs.

>> No.15459884

just had a parasitology-lecture today, migration of tropical parasites is caused by transport and travel, not by climate change

>> No.15460928

we were, but thankfully we're starting to correct that

>> No.15461021

> we
shill, your farts won't correct anything

>> No.15461222

Ah yes, so of course, we should therefore consume even more oil and destroy the planet in that manner. Truly brillant. Enjoy the microplastics in your bloodstream mate.

>> No.15461266

>bedroom over comfort boundary
then why am i so comfy

>> No.15461278

>I am the savior of Mother Nature
>everyone who doesn't agree with my pedestrian opinions that I got from Bill Nye is completely evil
>you must obey me

>> No.15461693
File: 137 KB, 2467x1254, no change 2005-2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that isn't happening

>> No.15462866
File: 28 KB, 660x417, CO2 Caboniferous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read the IPCC reports, you'll find the worst case scenario of RCP8.5 will give us no more than a 1.2 meter sea level rise by 2100. Irrelevant because people won't build in ankle deep water, they simply build new houses inland.
NASA claims a pathetic 60% increase extreme weather by 2100. Also nothing as even without adaptation it would only equal a 60% increase in spending associated with storm damage.

2000ppm? Fuck off to the devonian, which plants evolved under.
These predictions are NOT grounds to ban things, create regulations, or otherwise control peoples lives. Statist scum like yourself need to pretending to care for others as a means to control them.

>> No.15462867

Are you paid by corporations/government? How can you not see that climate crisis crap is being used to as excuse for emergency laws & restrictions?

>> No.15462868
File: 606 KB, 1482x1170, Black smoker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People forget the ocean is big, and volcanic activity exists.

>> No.15462870

I can agree with nuclear, "slowing it down" should only be done if people want to. No government intervention.

>> No.15462872

Have this while doing something else, might have some info you find objectionable.

>> No.15462964
File: 139 KB, 1786x1162, IMG_7443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aha in this specific time span and region I cherry picked there’s no warming
>don’t look at the whole dataset though :(

>> No.15462966

>muh lolbertarian videos

>> No.15463034
File: 102 KB, 1250x782, co2-graph-051619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it returning?

>> No.15463035

I hope so.

>> No.15463160

If you want to have no freedom, please leave everyone else's freedom intact.

>> No.15463369

>source: NASA
a government propaganda agency

>> No.15463576

>cherry-picked government data
>full government dataset

>> No.15463578

Must have missed something - where does he say anything about Mars? You wouldn't derail an ongoing discussion with unrelated stuff, would you?


>> No.15464322
File: 44 KB, 473x468, Za3enbgRCHt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>government dataset

>> No.15465407

All of that stuff that gets blamed on "the government" was actually carried out by scientists

>> No.15465478

all that stuff was made by government, fucking shill. scientists ARE government, part of it. you see how shills always try to shift attention away from government, from secret services, blaming joos, scientists, germs, russians, chinks, other governments etc. but never own government. government is like new Vatican, heh?

>> No.15465608
File: 34 KB, 480x362, FfC9aehXEAU6YfR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based, except that the government is joos and joos are the government

>> No.15465622

>The minor amount of heat lost to electricity production is pretty insignificant.

A good turbine will extract 78% of the heat and convert it to electricity.

A small home backup propane generator will have an efficiency ranging from 25% to 40%.

Of more interest is probably the air quality as a small generator will likely produce more particulate pollution than a good clean burning burner.

>> No.15465628

>the zog is not joos

>> No.15465641
File: 515 KB, 591x584, 1680177708091756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The propane generator produces CO2, which feeds plants and makes nature more lively and healthy, windmills do nothing for the natural world, they kill birds and inhibit natural low level airflow, converting it to cash for greedy energy companies.

>> No.15465659

no, faggot, joos don't exist.

>> No.15465671

So build turbines on Sahara Desert to inhibit sand storms, at least until it greens back?

>> No.15465885

CO2 & water vapor are the only waste products that burning propane produces

>> No.15466559

The sand will destroy the windmills in a few months. They're unable to even handle dust from tame American deserts.

>> No.15466565

its loose sand with changing dunes. Unless you can fuze sand into glass then the construction and delivery cost is insane in those area.

>> No.15466584

Instead of building the Dubai Wall as a single giant straight line, make a sprawling honeycomb? Idea is the innermost hexagon is most protected from wind and the poors get pushed to the outer hexes.

>> No.15467091
File: 515 KB, 512x720, 05924-2549942049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is only true in a perfect system. A small IC propane engine will produce nitric oxides, carbon monoxide, particulate carbon soot and other short chain hydrocarbons.

Many of these are in opposition one with another. If you try to burn a stoichiometric
mixture your engine will run hot and produce more nitric oxides and carbon monoxide. If you burn more rich you will produce more soot and short chain hydrocarbons.

If you've ever walked behind a propane forklift you will know the distinct smell from these incompletely burned hydrocarbons. Pure water and CO2 have no such smell.

Any generator that produces electricity will inevitably reduce the amount of heat that is released out of the system from combustion. Getting good clean complete combustion with fewer pollutants is easier with a simple burner than with an interna combustion system as they can run oxygen rich without the problems small engines have running in that configuration.

>> No.15467147

I distill my propane, if burns perfectly & odorlessly

>> No.15467160

Why are you people such lying sacks of fucking shit?

>> No.15467469

I can tell that you're experiencing emotional distress because of your use of profanity.

>> No.15467483

don't use yourself as an example on shill site, faggot. forget about "I"

>> No.15467701

i see more dead birds on the side of roads than around windmills. roundhouse kick roads instead.

>> No.15467736

how much time do you spend around windmills?

>> No.15467921

We'd all be dead or severely mentally retarded if the CO2 levels were in that green zone again.

>> No.15468081

So all the usable nutrients are being flushed into the thing we keep poisoning to the point where eating fish more than once a week is hazardous? Nice

>> No.15468093

You off course live in a windmill park.

>> No.15468116

How so?

>> No.15468121

if we do that we wont be able to breath our own atmosphere

>> No.15468944

Because evolution is completely fake, if the atmosphere changes even slightly all life on Earth will just die rather than adapt to the new conditions.

>> No.15468973


>> No.15469974

Yes, thats what Darwin's theory of evolution says. If anything about the environment changes a little bit then everything drops dead

>> No.15470123

environment is always changing, fucking environment denier

>> No.15471049 [DELETED] 

>I hate 4chan so fucking much
why are you here?

>> No.15471850
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>> No.15471856

yeah, right after the lead farmers

>> No.15472939

>mining is bad, we don't need to extract metals from the earth
as posted on a computer thats probably 5% lead by weight

>> No.15473000

They always were.

>> No.15473009

O2 was a disaster for the planet

>> No.15473695

hollywood reenactment of a coal miners vs globohomo shootout that took place 103 years ago

>> No.15473715

This is correct. But how do we recycle this coal back into the planet’s ecosystem? Surely there’s a better solution than burning it, right?

>> No.15473874

no, burning its clearly the best solution. rerelease the bound up co2 via burning and living plants will gobble it up eagerly and quickly, how could there be an easier solution than that?

>> No.15474606

Yes, Earth is very near the lowest CO2 levels since life began, we're not too far off from suffocating due to lack of CO2

>> No.15474775

>ahh yes, we should actively try to change things to be like how it was before humans existed!
>this couldnt possibly negatively impact humankind
who the fuck cares if the world lives but becomes uninhabitable for humankind?

>> No.15474781

>doesnt know what c3/c4 plants are
>thinks just spamming C02 everywhere will just make every plant happy

plants evolved bruh.

>> No.15475265
File: 99 KB, 960x720, co2 is good for the environment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plants don't grow better with higher levels of CO2

>> No.15476331

We would definitely be better off with more CO2 in the atmosphere

>> No.15477183

I agree with this man.
This man is a homosexual soience worshipper.

>> No.15477255

oxygen causes cancer, thats why ppl got so enthusiastic about antioxidants. why isn't the government doing anything about the oxygen crisis?

>> No.15477542

>the greenhouse effect on earth is due to water vapor rather than co2
that would explain why mars had no greenhouse effect, because co2 is not a greenhouse gas.

>> No.15477572

>co2 is not a greenhouse gas.
Why are you lying chump? See >>15455737

>> No.15478152

mars has no greenhouse effect, because co2 is not a greenhouse gas.

>> No.15478189

>mars has no greenhouse effect, because co2 is not a greenhouse gas.
Wrong, CO2's greenhouse properties are clearly seen in satellite measurements. See >>15455737

>> No.15478785

>t. inbred Virginian

>> No.15478796

mars has no greenhouse effect, its average surface temperature is practically identical to it's calculated thermodynamic equilibrium temperature, the temperature it would have it had no atmosphere at all

>> No.15479120

So you're saying that the Martian atmosphere, which has 2000% more CO2 per unit surface area than Earth's does, has no effect at all on the average surface temperature of Mars? I guess that proves conclusively that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. But CO2 still is proven to be a wonderful plant food, so increasing CO2 in Earth's atmosphere is all positive with no downside.
Wonderful news, we should kick up the amount of CO2 in out atmosphere as quickly as we can

>> No.15479154

CO2 effects the outgoing radiation spectrum of Mars - that is the core of the greenhouse effect. Why it doesn't cause a large warming effect - there are other factors to consider (as pointed out by different anon, >>15455203).
Being unable to consider more than 1 variable (CO2 levels) not only borders on intellectual dishonesty, but it actually leads to absurd results. If you took CO2 into account and nothing else, you'd expect Mars to be far more hospitable to plants compared with Earth.

>> No.15479164

We are in a lead famine

>> No.15479165

>Being unable to consider more than 1 variable (CO2 levels) not only borders on intellectual dishonesty, but it actually leads to absurd results. If you took CO2 into account and nothing else, you'd expect Mars to be far more hospitable to plants compared with Earth.
So what you're saying is that climate shills, who only ever think about CO2, are dishonest and myopic?

>> No.15479202

No, the only people that only ever think about CO2 are climate change deniers like the one ITT. Climate-related papers I've read tend to consider many possible factors.

>> No.15479216

yeah, it's all because of lead, not because of economy and goyslop

>> No.15480147

>So what you're saying is that climate shills, who only ever think about CO2, are dishonest and myopic?
dishonest, yes, but not myopic, they're just outright wrong about CO2, adding CO2 to the atmosphere will only benefit nature and humanity.

>> No.15480806

This, CO2 has no downside, its doesn't cause global warming, but it does help plants grow more robustly. Liberating trapped CO and Adding it back to the atmosphere is only beneficial, its insanity how many people have been tricked into being against it.

>> No.15482032

Good pic, ppl who hate CO2 are ppl who hate nature. CO2 makes plants grow better, which means that the animals that live off plants will also grow better

>> No.15482807


>> No.15483716

the plants turn the CO2 into energy

>> No.15484070

Kek, what a bunch of cunts.
Laughing all the way to the bank.

>> No.15484462

she spends her time flying from climate conference to climate conference on private jets complaining about how the world is coming to an end because of co2.

>> No.15484555
File: 53 KB, 700x280, 1675552919591791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c02 is killing us right now

>> No.15484662

no it isn't
co2 is healing nature after millions of years of famine

>> No.15484694


>> No.15484862
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> source: $cientists

>> No.15484915

>no retard because how the fucka re you going to do that in a greenhouse
uuuuuuh a combustion engine attached to an electric engine? y'know like a portable generator, perhaps

>> No.15484919

>he thinks the data for millions of years ago tells us anything about the year-on-year change in climate during those times

>> No.15484920

>source: ice cores

>> No.15484926

I want to be 8ft tall

>> No.15485484

>hey goy, you've got to get rid of your car, it makes too much co2
>what, my commercial greenhouse with built in co2 burners? no, that doesn't make any co2
>only your car makes co2

>> No.15485504

All hockey stick graphs are bullshit.

>> No.15485730

>CO2 measurements are fake

>> No.15486276 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 680x490, IMG_20211027_174827_319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's already irrelevant, I, for instance, already ignore all charts, graphs, statistics, no reason to speculate if it is fake or not, government is total faggot and all it's "data" is a goyslop propaganda.

>> No.15486796

>you gotta trust government scientists, they would never lie

>> No.15487772

time to go get rich selling generators to greenhouse operators

>> No.15488841
File: 327 KB, 1850x1544, local warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they're going to fake temperature measurements, why wouldn't they also fake CO2 measurements?
do you own a CO2 meter, have you ever taken your own measurements? what is the basis of your belief? faith in scientist? the same ones that have been caught lying about this topic regularly for the past several decades?

>> No.15489583

>if I can’t see the curvature of the planet that means it’s fake, they photoshop the curves

>> No.15489905

>trolling outside of /b/
how immature, are you sure you're old enough to be on 4chan?

>> No.15489925


>> No.15490650

Every living creature on Earth will be better off with increased atmospheric CO2

>> No.15491716

water vapor is the only significant greenhouse gas on earth. mars has co2, but no water vapor and mars has no greenhouse effect, earth has lots of water vapor and a little tiny bit of co2 and earth has a 30ºK greenhouse effect

>> No.15491779

Earth doesn't even have a 30k greenhouse effect. That's based on a whole host of assumptions that are hilariously wrong. It was totally BTFO by an atmospheric physicist here on /sci/ who proved that it doesn't exist with mathematics.

>> No.15492517

trying to link everything to flat earth is their only means of argument

>> No.15492734
File: 177 KB, 745x997, replication crisis journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Climate-related papers I've read
science publications are all fake af
why do you waste you time reading replication crisis fodder? do you enjoy being stupid and gullible?

>> No.15493157

this is my first time visiting the /sci/ board in a long time. ive never heard the "we are running out of co2" meme but it's on par with flat earth.

there's room for nuance in the climate change argument. the extraction, refinement, and combustion of oil, coal, and natural gas creates a lot of toxic pollutants that fuck up aquatic habitats and our lungs.

co2 gets too much attention, it's harmless in comparison. that being said, we're definitely geo engineering the atmosphere by increasing the co2 levels so quickly compared to geologic time scale.

also you retards talking about Mars are fucking clueless. the reason that Mars doesn't have the greenhouse effect is because Mars' core is not active and doesn't create a magnetic field that protects the atmosphere from solar winds. any gases literally leave into space.

>> No.15493594

All life on Earth evolved for an optimum climate over tens of millions of years. What we are living in right now is the degraded remnants of that climate optimum, which was reached in the 1400s and then lost over the last 6 centuries due to increased human development. So no, we are not in a CO2 famine, we are in a CO2 buffet that's killing all of us.

>> No.15493818

>it's on par with flat earth.

>trying to link everything to flat earth is their only means of argument

>> No.15493895

wood decays too slow. They are taking the carbon and other elements with them. Organisms and microorganisms can only go as far as turning them loose into saw dusts, but they still shit out incompletely digested wood.
Only combustion can bring them down to gases and ash.

>> No.15493962
File: 120 KB, 1073x1036, greenpeace loev co2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Founder of Greenpeace, Dr Patrick Moore :
>my mission is to turn around the idea that Carbon dioxide is a pollutant and somehow dangerous, when in FACT, it’s the most important NUTRIENT for all LIFE on earth and without it, this would be a dead planet!!!

>> No.15493989

I prefer this one:
>Moore: You can drink a whole quart of it [glyphosate] and it won't hurt you.
>Interviewer: You want to drink some? We have some here.
>Moore: I'd be happy too -ack!, actually, not really.

>> No.15494306

>CO2 is the most important NUTRIENT for all LIFE on earth and without it, this would be a dead planet!!!
Thats what makes Mars colonization a somewhat realistic possibility, the more CO2 thats available in the atmosphere, the better the conditions are for carbon based life

>> No.15494603

We were, but things are starting to improve now that we're enriching the atmosphere with more and more CO2

>> No.15495547

>the dominant greenhouse gas on Earth is water vapor
so you're saying that CO2 is not a significant greenhouse gas and water vapor is what accounts for the greenhouse effect.
that explains why none of the soientists' global warming doomsday predictions ever come true

>> No.15496222
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>> No.15497704

When plants can grow twice as fast that means they can also absorb solar energy and sequester it as physical matter twice as fast.
Does CO2 cause ice ages via this mechanism?

>> No.15497782

It seems logical.

>> No.15498518

The cooling effect of CO2 is most significant in the oceans, water has tremendous capacity to absorb and store solar energy, but it also has tremendous capacity to grow algae and the algae growth chills the water by removing solar energy and storing it in chemical bonds. When CO2 goes up, ocean temperatures go down, thats how ice ages get started.

>> No.15499599

>0.1% of greenhouse gasses
its fucking nothing

>> No.15500508


>> No.15500509

Good infographic

>> No.15501322

>0.1% of greenhouse gasses
which are in turn less than 2% of the atmosphere

>> No.15501477

dad was right, everything really was better 120 million years ago

>> No.15502195

>this 0.005% change in the atmosphere is totally going to end life on earth
who could possibly be dumb enough to believe that?

>> No.15502261

Wuhan Province and Bhopal come to mind.

Sulfide mineral concentrations would be an equivalent concern/ No?

Carbon disulfide is a serious killer, as is sulfur trioxide and carbon-monoxide/steaming

>> No.15502265


>> No.15502602

So Jews want to destroy the whole planet?

>> No.15502651

anon plants also produce co2 and consume oxygen during respiration. they do use respiration like we do

>> No.15503554 [DELETED] 
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They only want to destroy the white race

>> No.15504280

My garden is doing great this summer, all thanks to extra atmospheric CO2.
Thank you coal, gas & oil industry

>> No.15504299

This. Plants almost went entirely extinct. Without humans burning abiotic petroleum we would be screwed.

>> No.15504888

At last /sci is becoming less normie. 5 years ago /sci was peak normie. Regurgitating each and every mainstream "theory".

>> No.15505229 [DELETED] 

If it weren't for the global warming hoax, augmenting the atmosphere with extra CO2 would be almost as obvious a geoengineering move as irrigation is

>> No.15506463 [DELETED] 

The fact that burning coal, oil & gas has the benefit of also adding plant food to the atmosphere is practically evidence that god loves us and wants our planet to thrive and be bountiful

>> No.15506473

The fact that my ass was itching earlier is practically evidence that god wants you to suck off my dick

>> No.15506596

You seem distressed.

>> No.15507669 [DELETED] 

> they do use respiration like we do
no they don't