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15320340 No.15320340 [Reply] [Original]

guiez im dont want to die, i want to see all the discoveries humans will make in the distant future

how good of an idea is vitrifying my head?


>> No.15320366

>tranny spam

>> No.15320390


I have a life insurance policy for 250k, instead of going to a family member it pays out to alcor and that is the money they will use to freeze and maintain my head

>> No.15320396

transhumanism is a mental illness symptom associated with narcissistic personality disorder

>> No.15320417

>transhumanism is a mental illness symptom associated with narcissistic personality disorder
freezing yourself then getting thawed out is not transhumanism

I bet you think getting a liver transplant is transhumanism and anyone who gets one has a mental illness

>> No.15320455


>> No.15320728
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Keeping them frozen is not sustainable. Give me your money and I'll start a company that freeze dries you and stores you in a low radiation cave somewhere.

Then in 2000 years after the techno apocalypse steam punk people will break in and use you as fuel for their trains and fertilizer for their gardens just like with the Egyptians.

>> No.15320801

I have life insurance for the same reason, but I'm signed up with CI instead of Alcor.

I look at it as a low probability, high reward thing. I have to die someday, and when they put me in that liquid nitrogen, I'm probably not coming out, but if I do, it could be pretty cool, and I'll hopefully get to live some more in some futuristic technotopia, maybe?

Anyway, OP, life insurance isn't expensive, so go sign up for it if you want.

>> No.15320810

Oscilloscope music is the best.

>> No.15321018
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>I look at it as a low probability, high reward thing.
What if AI kills al humans. And then finds your head and realizes it can do all the horrible experiments it ever dreamed of on you and revives you to practice torture and you live in pain for decades or centuries

>> No.15321140


The brain cannot recover from total brain death. Once neurons are gone they are gone.

>> No.15321142

If there is a high probability of that happening, then cryonics would be a bad idea, as would continuing to live in general.

>> No.15321145

This. Neurons cannot be replaced once they are destroyed or gone. It doesn't matter if brain cells can be repaired in the far future, whatever made you who you are is gone once the neurons are gone. We know this because living people who lose neurons completely change who they are and the more they lose the more they become unrecognizable as who they were.

>> No.15321156

You can tell people like OP haven't had a lot of strife in their lives or else they would understand what a welcome friend death can be.

>> No.15321181

Just ignore that guy, he watches the board all day every day waiting for anything related to longevity and tries to detail the conversation. He saw a fake screenshot on pol of some liberals saying they like transhumanism and now his life is completely consumed by spamming every single thread with low quality trash trying to antagonize people.

>> No.15321186

sure, just cool your whole head at 4000K/min
it's easy

>> No.15321191

A lot of people want longevity because they don't want anyone to die, not just themselves

>> No.15321197

Yeah, that really bolsters the argument. They obviously haven't watched their loved one suffer and felt relief after they pass. Then they just say "well, we'll solve suffering," and they just won't. These people are barely on the first rung of the emotional development ladder.

I could understand a kid thinking this way but that adults do is a major societal problem.

>> No.15321198

Not a very good idea. A lot of those companies in cryonics went broke and had to dispose of the body parts they had. Some of them were never storing the body parts correctly to begin with.

The medicinal approaches are a lot more promising and the field is growing a lot in recent years. Just look up Aubrey DeGrey or any of the other scientists doing outreach. There's a bunch of links here too

>> No.15321211

You say that as if people are going to be forced to take medicine to keep them alive. That's not what's happening at all. You're free to die at any time you want. Some people don't like seeing people die who don't want to die. And some old people want to die because they're never going to be young and healthy again but these therapies can potentially make them young and healthy again.

>> No.15321222

Oh, you're one of them. Kid, its not going to shake out like that. Life has an end, and suffering isn't a technical challenge to solve. Its a fact of reality. You'll never reach post-suffering because even in a world of pain-free bliss, -1 unit of bliss will feel like suffering. It's baked-in. Part of how we operate.

I can't really help you here but the world will do the rest. Just remember the value of acceptance and to enjoy every pain-free day.

>> No.15321272

Pussy ass nigga

>> No.15321571
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>Aubrey DeGrey or any of the other scientist

>> No.15322217

Human brains currently can't withstand being frozen but some animals can like the wood frog which can be essentially frozen solid and brought back to life with normal function

>> No.15322222
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if people thousands of years ago could get it, why can't you

>> No.15322225


>> No.15322234

What is your problem? What's "one of them"?
>Life has an end
I never said it didn't
>and suffering isn't a technical challenge to solve
The purpose of the entire field of medicine is to alleviate suffering

The way you're talking is disturbing and shows total lack of empathy, respect for the wishes of others, or any basic knowledge of the topic being discussed. You are free to suffer and die right now if that's what you want, nobody is going to stop you. Some of us would like people to have the choice to remain alive. Your opinions are all poorly thought out assumptions and horribly negative ones at that. Are you religious and it conflicts with your religion so you want anybody to have the choice? I don't get it

>> No.15322238

This is a really good argument. You have completely changed my mind by posting this ugly troll face meme without comment

>> No.15322248

Are you saying medical advancements should not do anything mentioned in ancient mythological poems?

>> No.15322265

Read again the first line of the excerpt.

>> No.15322358

You'd be better off teaching yourself how to enter torpor like a hibernating bear.

>> No.15322430

>muh survival instincts kicking in
being scared of death is illogical

>> No.15324402

>guiez im dont want to die, i want to see all the discoveries humans will make in the distant future

>> No.15324405

>being scared of death is illogical
no it's fucking not. Are you saying that because everyone has to die? That's like telling a female human back in the stone age if she is scared of dying during child birth she's illogical

>> No.15324407

You'll get through puberty soon. Then realise you've been brainwashed.

>> No.15324411

>The purpose of the entire field of medicine is to alleviate suffering
Yet if commonly and frequently fails at that, doing the complete opposite

>> No.15324412

>im fat, lazy and easily impressed.

>> No.15324436

you think only fat people don't want to die? wtf

>> No.15324442


>> No.15324445

>reading comprehension: not found
Aubrey DeGrey is a hack and fraud, and in no way a "scientist". Lurkmoar.

>> No.15324446

Terrible idea

>> No.15324635
File: 48 KB, 652x425, existential risks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a significant risk you will be eternally tortured in the far future after you are revived.


>> No.15324637
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>> No.15324800

you need jesus

>> No.15325310

I picture him as fat.


well actually fat people cant stop eating, relying on people's hard work to get through life, so they love life. People who work to produce things in society know the hardship and need for big rest in death eventually.

So like you with your wtf!!!* Only *kids, lazy, fat, losers want to live forever because they dont produce fuck all so life seems endless of new things without lifting a finger.

If you actually did the work of scientists you would realise the toil. But because you're a little dumb brat you sit around waiting for inventors.

Kids:"ohh gee wizz new toys every year and tech, i want to live forever"

Inventors: *toil*, *time* and *hard work*.