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File: 108 KB, 1024x594, earthring_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15282523 No.15282523 [Reply] [Original]

Orbital ring edition
previous >>15278499

>> No.15282530

first for ZUBRIN

>> No.15282531
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Why is the FAA holding us from having a galactic empire bros?

>> No.15282532
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>> No.15282534

What is the point of posting something that is so obviously untrue?

>> No.15282533

...to be stopped

>> No.15282536
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31 billion in 1980 would be about 110 billion inflation adjusted launched using shuttle-derived hardware (whatever that means)

>> No.15282538

Unironically schizophrenic. Take your meds.

>> No.15282539 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15282540

>110 billion
>on a space project
It's not gonna happen, anon. Earthers would rather spend that money on wars or sport events.

>> No.15282541

it means using stupidly optimistic SLS cost estimates

>> No.15282543

nigger food stamps or obese boomer care*

>> No.15282544
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how much would "shuttle-derived" realistically be? probably still more than current falcon 9
so an orbital ring constructed with a starship that had launch costs 10x less than falcon 9 would be in the ballpark of 10-20 billion in todays money
Musk could build that himself basically lmao

>> No.15282545

Good, pills that do shit to your mind are bad juju.

>> No.15282549

>NASA weighing continuing VERITAS versus future Discovery mission
>[...] the proposal included only $1.5 million for the VERITAS mission, a Venus orbiter selected by NASA in 2021 as one of two Discovery missions. NASA had projected spending $56.7 million on VERITAS in 2024 in its fiscal year 2023 budget proposal.
>“That’s functionally a soft cancellation,” said Casey Dreier, chief of space policy at The Planetary Society.
>At a Feb. 27 meeting of the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group, members discussed a question provided from NASA Headquarters asking if they supported restarting VERITAS versus a new Discovery mission.
>Lori Glaze, director of the planetary science division at NASA justified the delay because of broader issues, like the effects of the pandemic, supply chain challenges and increased operations costs, that she estimated were in the hundreds of millions of dollars, as well as the JPL-specific problems. “That was the decision that was made, to delay a mission at JPL to not only free up the resources but also to free up the bandwidth to deal with the whole issues across JPL.”

>> No.15282550
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Ok this is EXTREMELY Obscure, but before the Brazilian developed the ill-fated VLS-1 launcher, there was a period in the late 70s when there were talks to make a French-Brazilian launcher. These were called BR-1 (1977), and a later proposal BR-2 (1979).

All these links mention it:

S1: Diamant's Amethyste L17
S2: Either Diamant BP4's RITA P4 or a Brazilian made equivalent P4 stage with a similar 1.5m diameter
S3: The P07, a planned Ariane 1 Third stage for the launch of the Exosat, derived from BP4's P068
Would send 150 kg to LEO, vs 112 kg for Diamant BP4
Planned for 1982, or 1985-86 with the brazilian made S2

S1: 40 t, 2.2 diameter liquid N2O4/UDMH stage powered by a Viking 5
S2 are the same possibilities as BR2.
250 kg to LEO

Eventually the high cost of the later's made the brazilian go for the indigenous VLS. Another reason is that the brazilian military wanted an all-solid design (which would have more industrial synergy with their Sounding rocket and Astros II mlrs for export) while the french wanted a Liquid fueled S1 they could sell engines for (a reason was to be able to keep making viking engines after these get phased out for Ariane). However the french are said to have made a lot of other concessions on technological transfer.

>> No.15282554

Can we just shut down JPL and reassign all the engineers to different projects so they never try this shit again?

>> No.15282557

It's like they don't wanna find life at all. And this came just days after the news about active volcanoes on Venus.

>> No.15282560

what issues? there is finally a critical mass of women and other diversity hires so the whole organization grinds to a halt?

>> No.15282562

There's gonna be a massive surge in astronaut applicant contests.
I read somewhere that the plan is for Artemis astronauts to stay on the moon for 3 month periods so the radiation in their bodies stays at a safe level. Since the base is going to get more radiation than the ISS, NASA won't allow astronauts to return to the moon, or space for that matter. If that was true, according to the supposed crew capacity of Artemis base (4), it means that they would need at least 12 new astronauts per year, if they don't expand and raise the limit.
Would you like to be an Artemis astronaut?

>> No.15282563

yes, compete the budget between proposals from different unis and institutes

>> No.15282565
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>> No.15282567

>muh safe level
>muh radiation
what's this gay shit, I'd be sunbathing on the moon if it means I can actually go there

>> No.15282568

Well at least there's still Electron's probe, I guess
I hope some of the experiments get interesting results so interest in Venus arises

>> No.15282570
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Is Elon ok

>> No.15282578
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Glowies will be exposed again

>> No.15282580
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>> No.15282583
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Elon is getting to be kind of based and cool.

Maybe he will continue in this direction and become a SuperHero.

>> No.15282584

maybe he is lonely (no gf)
he seems to talk about that every now and then, difficult to keep one when you work so much

>> No.15282587

He has kids, what use would he have for a gf now? He can be a player and not tied down now. New hottie every night if he wants.

>> No.15282589

inb4 he goes full Ted Kaczynski

>> No.15282593

empty sex vs actual affection from a partner

>> No.15282594

live in a woods
on Mars

>> No.15282595

Ted was smart and had some interesting ideas, but in the end was a leftist college neet who schizo'd out.

>> No.15282599
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>> No.15282600

/sfg/ is in recline

>> No.15282601

>actual affection from a partner

Women display affection to keep a man around supporting them.

>> No.15282606

doesnt really matter that the motive is
maybe we can simulate the same thing with some sexbot at some point, but there is still an emotional response to that

>> No.15282607
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>However the french are said to have made a lot of other concessions on technological transfer.
The French engine sale got shot down directly by the US State Department and Missile Technology Control Regime. At the time Brazil was working to grow its medium range missile capabilities while running an undeclared but not-very-secret nuclear weapons program. One of the reasons for the Brazilian missile program was the Condor II IRBM that Argentina was developing in partnership with Egypt and Iraq. Washington didn't like anything abut any of this and certainly wasn't going to let a sale of French engine tech make an already tense situation worse, so they threatened everyone involved with a huge pile of sanctions and consequences and got Brasília and Buenos Aires to bury their programs.

>> No.15282609

Good point. But why do men crave that emotional response? That's more of a woman's prerogative.

>> No.15282610

>maybe we can simulate the same thing

>> No.15282611

humans are social creatures

>> No.15282613

If that's the kind of life you want, you can stay on Earth with the rest of the man-made horrors.

>> No.15282615

Thanks a lot anon, are there documents where I can read more about that?

>> No.15282618

Ok, enjoy eating bugs and living in the pod.

>> No.15282620
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>OHB is selling its 57% stake in Rocketfactory Augsburg. I think it's fair to say that the company is well on its way out. (It was the pet project of OHB boss Marco Fuchs, as I've been told independently by several company insiders over the years.)

Well, this is very good news for Arianespace, but probably pretty bad news for Europe overall.

>> No.15282622

I wonder what would have happened if Elon actually got those Russian rockets in 2001

>> No.15282626

he would have wasted a lot of money and probably stuck with Tesla, but who knows
he seems to start a lot of companies

>> No.15282628

Well fuck, I thought they had a chance, got blindsided by this.

>> No.15282634

Good goy

>> No.15282635

>'Greenhouse on Mars' project finally materializes
>Converted ICBM sitting on the launchpad
>RUDs on ascent.
>Musk goes broke.
>No SpaceX, no money left for Tesla either.
>Commercial space never develops.
>A decade later, NASA ends its Space Shuttle program, with no successor to replace it apart from Orion and SLS.
>the US depending on Russia to launch to the ISS
>No incentive for oldspace to launch anytime soon.
>At least 2 decades for the US to start launching astronauts from their own soil, if SLS is not outright cancelled and the space program put on hold forever.
>Best case, SLS+Orion launches once every couple of years so that we can have a small, non-permanently inhabited base on the Moon, less than 10 people. A single launch costs such an outright and astronomically high amount of money that space is universally regarded as the most expensive thing to spend funds on.
>By 2050-70 its population grows to 20+ people. The Chinese might or might not put some of their men there as well.
>Talks about future manned Mars mission, which would finally come to fruition NET 2100

>> No.15282642

I wish I had a good answer for this, but finding in-depth sources on South American rocketry rocketry is next to impossible because events like these turned the subject into a historical footnote before it could get started. Most of what I know was pieced together from side references I'd find while reading about the MTCR screwing with Russia's attempted sale of KVD-1 engines to India. The best you're likely to get is something that comes as the subject obliquely, like a book on the history of missile proliferation or the Brazilian / Argentine military dictatorships of the time.

>> No.15282644
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Holy shit you miserable fedora faggot, worshipping space won't stop you from being a cunt lmao

>> No.15282648

Germanon in shambles

>> No.15282652

Thanks anyway
That’s interesting anyway, the French technology transfer of the Viking went well with India, the Vikas was a licence built Viking and dozen of Indian families came to work And study french propulsion directly at SEP’s Vernon in the 70s. Meanwhile this BR-2 was not even supposed to be a direct technology transfer, but a truly Franco-Brazilian launcher with components entirely made and handled by france.

I guess monroe doctrine played a part, what was fine with India wasn’t acceptable in America’s backyard

>> No.15282653

>VO is finished
>Launcher is finished
>Now RFA might be finished
>all in the past month
>not to mention Astra still on life support
It truly has begun

>> No.15282660

Eh, OHB’s Space independence ambitions getting rekt is a good thing

>> No.15282671

Lol, another one bites the dust. ARCA unironically leading the European private space industry at this pace.

>> No.15282674

FAA sees this post and approves licence for April 21st or later only

>> No.15282676

Is he a retard? This could prompt another safety review at SpaceX

>> No.15282680


I found references to it, it seems to be a well sourced event.
However all these say that it was an attempted sale by Arianespace in the late 80s (dates range from 1987 to 1989), this is clearly a separate event than the 1977-1979 BR-1/2 studies

It is worth noting that the MTCR had not been founded yet in 1979, and that late 80s Brazil had already more controversial missile development agreemeny with Iraq and Libya, this may explain why the late 80s sales attempt was stopped while the 70s negociations didn’t seem to have been stopped by the USA

>> No.15282681

The Vikas deal went through smoothly because it happened in the mid-seventies. The MTCR didn't actaully come into effect until 1987 because the founding partners were slow in getting the agreement off the ground. I think there was more than a little surprise on the part of the French, which might have been expecting that while they were signatories it wouldn't exactly apply literally to them.

Monroe doctrine had to have played a part too. You don't look like a real cold war superpower if you let two regional players in your backyard get into a India-vs-Pakistan style standoff.

>> No.15282686

why the fuck would it? its clearly a joke

>> No.15282691

Musk doesn't have a good history with 4/20 jokes.

>> No.15282695

If it's just a joke then there won't be a problem with another review

>> No.15282720
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i drawed some concept art for artemis 3 hope you like

>> No.15282723

dont shoot the cute bunny girls please

>> No.15282725

Since Musk is a Maga Republican sympathizer and an apartheid profiteer, I hope the FBI, NSA, and CIA investigate his clear allusions to Hitler's birthday. Right wing extremism is a serious issue and should never be taken lightly.

>> No.15282733
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But that's a good thing, nazis are good at making rockets.

>> No.15282736

Why are the engines so big? Doesn't that make throttling harder and complicate the propulsive landing?

>> No.15282737

what are the nazis not good at?

>> No.15282741


>> No.15282742

American rockets all use big dick energy to lift off

>> No.15282743

Logistics. They were still using horsecarts to move supplies around in WW2.

>> No.15282747

>propulsive landing
what, that's the Saturn V.

>> No.15282750

winning wars?

>> No.15282752
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>propulsive landing

>> No.15282755

Who had the retarded idea to use the RS-25 on the SLS?
It's almost as if Congress did it's best to make it as expensive as possible.

>> No.15282762

The goal of the program was to spend an STS volume of money on the standard list of STS contractors. I'm just pissed we didn't get a design that could be produced for an STS flight rate.

>> No.15282769

The solution to that was to upgrade the STS, or continue on with VentureStar. The only thing you'd have to do is tell Utah to fuck off and stop buying deathtrap SRBs.

>> No.15282775

1) Nukes
2) Avoiding bureaucratic infighting
3) Gasoline

>> No.15282776

Are you saying they just threw it away during each launch

>> No.15282868

had a fuckin Crazy partu brios..wush u was here. we drabk EVERYTHIBG. hage a good night

>> No.15282869

cringe alcohol consoomer. sleep well

>> No.15282872

this made me laugh so fukinc hard ahaha poor nazis :((( xDDD :''((((

>> No.15282875

u dunt not dtaw tgis >:(

>> No.15282876

Honestly kind of embarrassing the fact that they lost at all but I mean they lost fair and square it's just embarrassing

>> No.15282877

I will try...

>> No.15282887

Elon musk reveaLS INCREDIBLE GPT4 announcement.CRITICAL

>> No.15282891

Is this from DeltaRune???

>> No.15282905


>> No.15282908


>> No.15282912

I miss u so much Allison. I know ur a taken women. I'm taken too, but write me sometime...love u, always my little girl

>> No.15282923

The Venus crowd is justifiably furious about this. Veritas was a bid to placate them to begin with after being shut out of Discovery class missions for years. The bigger news though is that the Psyche screwup fallout has developed to the point all their current mission development is being pulled, whether over justifiable concerns or NASA being NASA and running screaming in the other direction when risk appears. (I imagine the OIG had something to say about it) I don't get it though, this is the same institution that goes full sunk cost on launch vehicles but won't shell out comparative peanuts for payloads? And if this is how they treat their current slate, what does it mean for future missions?

>> No.15282947

Vehicles mean profits for corporate partners. Payloads are just toys for nerds

>> No.15282970


>> No.15282980
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>> No.15282981
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>> No.15282982

Pretty sure he had twins with some women recently so I’d assume he is probably still with her.

>> No.15282983

that was through IVF, they weren't dating or fucking I don't think
at least that is the impression I got, IVF and then a surrogate, simply to get more children

>> No.15282984


>> No.15283000

Europe is sending a very similar spacecraft called EnVision to Venus a few years after VERITAS. The two spacecraft even share the radar instrument I believe. This is a big win for us Eurobros

>> No.15283007
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why is this faa loicense still a thing? Why is there not a permanent no fly zone over spaceports like FL or Vandenberg or even the TX boca chica research facility where no airliner can enter at no time. Fire as many rockets to your hearts content and evertime there is a launch air patrol make sure no dumbfuck civvie wanders into it

>> No.15283022

anon aren't we getting a little bit ahead of ourselves? SpaceX still isn't ready for their first launch

>> No.15283029

SpaceX is nearly ready. FAA is still lagging behind on stuff that we dont know anything about.

Furthermore, we can always work in parallel.

>> No.15283033
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why must the tank farm be se near the launch exhaust that does not even have a diversion channel for the fumes?

>> No.15283036

No space, for some reason spacex thought that was a good place to build rockets

>> No.15283039
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If wind deposits dust on solar panels on Mars...why don't we use the wind to remove the dust? The best part is no part.

>> No.15283057

This is a painful reminder that vast majority of people don't care about spaceflight.

>> No.15283069

Space cancelled

>> No.15283119 [DELETED] 
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stupid frogposter

>> No.15283152

He's too based for you

>> No.15283198

At least he's not too drunk for me like that other guy

>> No.15283202
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So when will the first domestic terrorism incident take place in space

>> No.15283207

I can't believe somebody would throw Tory Bruno out of Ireland

>> No.15283211 [DELETED] 

Take your demonic little girls somewhere else faggot

>> No.15283215

cute girl

>> No.15283228


>> No.15283233

kick anime girls into trash compactors

>> No.15283240
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moderation has started deleting posts that trigger schizospammers in addition to banning the schizospammer (but the original poster is not banned)

>> No.15283244

Skylab seemed exceedingly comfy. ISS seems a cramped rabbit warren in comparison.

>> No.15283249

It's worse when you realize that Shuttle was originally made for Skylab services, but due to delays, it was deorbited.

>> No.15283259

The ISS is the perfect oldspace project. It costs billions of dollars, but what it actually does is so low hanging that the contractors don't have to put in serious effort. It deserves to be deorbited and replaced by propellant depot.

>> No.15283268
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>> No.15283307

>Ol' Ted
Please explain yourself

>> No.15283318

The viola was too loud.

>> No.15283360

Can't wait for the booster to fall on the tank farm

>> No.15283367


>> No.15283411

>Space shuttle
>The highest
But if I remember correctly it wasn't the shuttle's fault but the administration in itself.

>> No.15283433

You're in for a really really really long wait as that's not gonna happen

>> No.15283442

>Saturn V being cheaper per kg than Shittle
Why didn't they just stick with the Saturn rockets and made them even cheaper?

>> No.15283459

because they thought Shuttle would have been cheaper

>> No.15283460

Don't say that too loudly or you'll be forcibly disappeared

>> No.15283464

Why do you hate jobs, anon?

>> No.15283474

Very interesting discussion anons, thanks

>> No.15283477
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Because the whole point of the Shuttle was to try to make a ship to take people to and from space stations for cheap along with some cargo.
Congress fucked it all up asking them retarded shit like making it go from a small ship to the 2big4u mess that it ended up being.
The original idea was something closer to the Dream Chaser.

Then when they tried to make an unfucked shuttle with the VentureStar, Congress once again went full retard and cancelled it when it was almost finished.

>> No.15283481

the idea was to make it cheaper from reusability, but in the end shuttle became a horrible amalgamation of random requirements that made not very capable but still costly and dangerous
SLS is basically carrying the torch being perhaps even more expensive and even more explicitly about jobs

>> No.15283483
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And now the Dream Chaser isn't even supposed to carry people.

>> No.15283486

Well, they did say they just get it off the ground first and then work on making it crew capable.
No idea why they are having so much trouble with it though, you'd think it would be relatively easy to make a small spaceplane these days.

>> No.15283491

>*Congress fucked it all up asking them retarded shit like making it capable of carrying entire satellites, making it go from a small ship to the 2big4u mess that it ended up being

>> No.15283500

SpaceX was able to get Dragon off the ground quickly because NASA was paying them to design the service. SNC lost out in the CCDev competition, but they got a consolation agreement that was pretty much "if you build it yourself we'll buy some cargo missions for it through CRS." They've been running slowly in self-funded mode ever since.

>> No.15283506
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>The original idea was something closer to the Dream Chaser
lolno, they wanted a big fully reusable vehicle all along, just with a smaller payload capacity because they thought they'd get to keep saturn v in production

>> No.15283535

Didn't they demand VentureStar gets an cargo trunk, then when that got built said "wait can we JUST have the cargo trunk for CC?"

>> No.15283545

I hate congress

>> No.15283551
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They took this from you.


>> No.15283552

just checked in on the Clear stream, she's doing karaoke on stream apparently
not rocket related

>> No.15283554

Why couldn't this be done instead of the shuttle?

>> No.15283556

turns out that flyback boosters are banned by galactic treaty

>> No.15283557
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>tfw all these hoaxes I looked up as a kid like Project Red Sun or Apollo 20 made space exploration sound way more interesting than it actually is

>> No.15283573

each day, we get a day closer to launch

>> No.15283575

We were robbed

>> No.15283581
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The Apollo 20 flyover part is still the most realistic looking of all these types of fakes.

>> No.15283590

sounds like a dude lmao

>> No.15283591


>> No.15283596


>> No.15283611

My wife is so beautiful.

>> No.15283613

it's related to my rocket if you catch my drift

>> No.15283646

New shephard isn’t an orbital rocket

>> No.15283664

Elon is starting shit with the frogs now, somebody take his twitter acount away from him please.

>> No.15283697
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>Wet dress rehearsal complete.
Mk1 lives on

>> No.15283707
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>why is this faa loicense still a thing?
FAA Boomers

>> No.15283713

To reverse falling you can have a bucket of lysed water upside down and light it on fire.

>> No.15283731
File: 599 KB, 968x590, AvioStarship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introducing the Avio Starship
a collaboration between Italy, Czechia, Spain, Belgium and Switzerland! Coming soon to your Vega E.

>> No.15283733
File: 179 KB, 420x698, team_no_mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To no one's surprise, pic related is what's really holding us back from conquering the stars.

>> No.15283738

based patriot

>> No.15283744

>second stage engine fails to ignite
psst... nothin personnel kid

>> No.15283782

>collaboration between Italy, Czechia, Spain, Belgium and Switzerland!
It's over before it even began.

>> No.15283786
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>> No.15283803

Isnt the backlog cause because it keeps exploding?

>> No.15283807
File: 160 KB, 800x1505, Moteur-fusée_italien_LOX_CH4_Mira_DSC_0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M10 engine first prototype (DM1): first 24 firings completed in summer 2022
>More than 1,300 seconds of cumulative testing, all successful
>Development at completion funded at ESA 2022 MC
>Second set of static firing tests on development model 2 (DM2) in 2023

My brother in Christ, the M10 development program started in 2007.

>> No.15283817

It actually dates back to the late 90s, but this the reusable vega E upper stage has only appeared over the past several months.

>> No.15283821
File: 74 KB, 1024x1024, I_like_Ike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A vital element in keeping the peace is our welfare establishment. Our gibs must be generous, ready for instant EBT usage, so that no potential rioter may be tempted to risk his own deprivation. American makers of buildings could, with time and as required, make them fireproof as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of African welfare; we have been compelled to create a permanent nigger subsidization industry of vast proportions. This conjunction of an immense nigger population and a large welfare industry is new in the American experience. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the nigger-welfare complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

>> No.15283823
File: 18 KB, 608x471, Vega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's more because they've never had any problem with booking a double digit number of yearly customers for a rocket that's struggled to launch three times per year.

Not that the explosions have helped. After each one there's a 6-14 month gap where they ground everything to try and figure out what went wrong.

>> No.15283825

>The engine was successfully tested in June 2014 in Voronezh, Russia.
>After the end of the collaboration with KHBhA, Avio continued the development of M10 under the Vega-Evolution program returning to the original target thrust of 10t.

>> No.15283831

4 launches per year

>> No.15283833

It was doomed from the start. They picked the sci-fi-esque version because a shuttle with built in fuel tanks was too bland.

>> No.15283874
File: 546 KB, 1390x960, skylon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15283883

Hypersonic rigid airships

>> No.15283887
File: 599 KB, 1600x900, 1652911630592188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA had plans for a Mars landing and crewed Venus flyby in the 60s and 70s
>instead we get the Fridge Shuttle
We live in the most yawn inducing timeline.

>> No.15283889

I keep hearing that the french are based for not wanting to work and protesting at every given opportunity. I'm not sure I would take that in return for having an export market that is tending every day towards solely expensive luxury goods. The fact that they want to move from 1 successful launch in a year of Vega to a very tentative "4-6" in four years is utterly pathetic. Everyone knows, looking at their track record, that without major changes that they're not going to make, it'll stay at a hopeful two per year until retirement. It reminds me of that time where they got cucked by the americans after shitting up their submarine deal with australia. The frenchie is a creature that eternally hates the government but also requires it to be large for heavy amounts of gibs and regulations on everything to protect the frenchie from himself. The end result is an extremely weak nation with no hope of ever escaping from under the american boot, or of prospering if it did escape.

>> No.15283891

Vega is Italian.

>> No.15283935

>shitting up their submarine deal with australia
What happened here? All I heard was that the Aussies cancelled for no reason

>> No.15283938

>NASA had plans
Doesn't mean shit, it wouldn't have happened anyways what people miss with the shuttle is that it's the only proposal of the time that interested lawmakers, and did a damn good job of keeping manned spaceflight alive in America

>> No.15283951

will research on the ISS fix my tinnitus

>> No.15283962


>> No.15283964

The French were impossible to work with

>> No.15283967

mine is more of an AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.15283972

The Australians wanted most of the jobs to go to Australian workers and the French said yes and then hired French workers anyway.

Also, the French were offering a modification of a diesel sub, whereas America already builds nuclear subs and was just offering them.

>> No.15283988

what the fuck is this

>> No.15283991

I was thinking about this the other day, and I feel it would have been more interesting for Rocket Lab to do an orbiter for Venus instead, as it is lower risk, simpler and would give data for a longer period of time.
I still love them for trying this, I wish SpaceX would also make probes and not just their Mars shlock.

>> No.15283995

not declaring war against half of the world at the same time

>> No.15284049

oh it's another scam newspace company

>> No.15284068
File: 202 KB, 2480x3508, sfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is deader than manned deep space exploration

>> No.15284072

Im still recovering from last night, pls be patient

>> No.15284078

What did you do?

>> No.15284107
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>> No.15284136

ur mom

>> No.15284152
File: 2.64 MB, 1852x1147, mmp-title.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MMP stands for the mystical metaphysical number system. Its development was agitated from 3 directions. Firstly, that canonical number systems do a poor job bridging the metaphysical divide on the nature of the infinite, corralling mathematics into silos that spend more time in sociological infighting that uncovering the nature of the continuum. Secondly, that digital computation is not well supported by these current number systems, leading to surprises in the on chip representations. And thirdly, to provide a model to begin researching the question that a numerical expression may have degrees of precision that in fact have special properties compared to other levels of precision. It is this authors hope that MMP provides a basis for different natures of infinity to exist within the same model, that this bridging clarifies the difference between precision at iteration and exactness towards aiding a more intuitive understand of programming and sheds light on the ancient temple builders obsession with musical geometry, and specific precisions of numerical expressions.

>> No.15284156


>> No.15284162
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>> No.15284169

Oh go away.

>> No.15284173
File: 3.53 MB, 2256x2293, uranus-space-battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As ancient astronaut theories entertain more deeply, it is the hopes of MMP to eluclidate more clearly if their math systems contained fragments of theory that composed any possible ancient space vechiles, specifically if they began to understand the harmonic nature of the universe to such an extent that they could sonically levitate not with sound waves, but longitudinal waves of charge density

>> No.15284185

go to >>>/x/ schitzo

>> No.15284210
File: 384 KB, 1194x810, breathmints.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alight than
dont be surprised if /x/ breaks LEO before /sci/ though

>> No.15284218

why don't you go an astrally project yourself into a thread where you're on topic?

>> No.15284223
File: 3.45 MB, 1920x1921, scizoic-warp-panel-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the celtic tale of Tir Na Nog, their horse could float over water, and when the dude fell off he was hundreds of years from whence he came.

Maybe lets try to get a ship first before coding warp through DNA

>> No.15284234

batman balloon lol

>> No.15284243

Got fuckin shitfaced

>> No.15284265

I thought they didn't make Tatas?

>> No.15284272
File: 63 KB, 1100x1007, 1644769719180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is going to buy ULA?

>> No.15284275


>> No.15284281


>> No.15284285

McDonald's. They're renaming it to United Lunch Alliance.

>> No.15284300

Pick your poison:

>Lockheed Martin
>Blue Origin
>Northrop Grumman
>Amazon / Apple (lol no)
>a generic VC hedge fund

>> No.15284328
File: 145 KB, 220x121, hm-hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, i have a shitload of NFT's, i'm the richest /sfg/ shitposter on earth.

>> No.15284338

reminds me of this comic where both burger king and mcdonalds become superpowers in a cyberpunk world where they wage war against each other on earth and in space.
Think it was a franco belgian comic.
And it's not all that absurd if you think about the fact that pepsi had at one point in the late 80's the 6th biggest naval fleet in the world.

>> No.15284342

That's an idea. Do you think 4ASS could recruit enough autistic crypto millionaires to buy ULA?

>> No.15284399


His 31 billion figure was based on the Space Shuttle being able to put stuff into orbit for 100s of $ per KG.

In the 1970s the Space Shuttle was hyped up like Starship is today and only time will tell if Starship can live up to it when the Space Shuttle couldnt.

>> No.15284406


Falcon 9 should be higher, in the 3000 range, and if Falcon Heavy was priced below 1600 why wouldn't they be launching it more often? There must be some issues with Falcon Heavy that prevent this.

Starship at 200 is just silly as well.

>> No.15284414

Order of likelihood
Generic VC > Lockheed > L3H >>> NG >>>>> BO > Amazon > Apple
Maybe Raytheon or any other defense contractors I'm forgetting a step below L3Harris

>> No.15284423


Called it. sample return is getting cancelled bros, It was all a lie. No venus, no sample returns.

>> No.15284424

I want so much that NASA stops messing around with rockets and just buy them from the private sector

>> No.15284432
File: 3.25 MB, 4267x2845, Dragon_to_Mars_(21424800115).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't have to be like this.

>> No.15284436
File: 317 KB, 1585x1447, 1651091181025330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ says a lot of dumb shit but I honestly cannot imagine the argument for keeping sample return around. NASA is already planning a manned Mars mission, the EARLIEST Mars samples come back from the sample return is 2029. They're spending all that money to get samples 5-10 years earlier at most. Why are we spending so much money robotically exploring one of the few celestial bodies that we have planned human missions to?

>> No.15284437

>NASA is already planning a manned Mars mission

>> No.15284440
File: 294 KB, 370x540, 1651692213734602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded.

>> No.15284444

You gotta make your reservations early if you want to book the three dozen SLS launches you'll need to get your Mars flyby off the ground.

>> No.15284446
File: 154 KB, 850x1204, nTG45kkCqxFmn2Mf72tSKYKdhUQq9sITptijaWbKvec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to get into a japanese aerospace job as a gaijin? did i make a mistake learning aerospace engineering if i need to go to japan? I have american and russian citizenship if it matters
Everything i have ever worked towards in my life has been towards living in japan.

>> No.15284448

1) Doing it before the chinese, if America defunds it again, the chinese are likely to be the first to do a MSR
2) The french (and Italian to a lesser extent) have been involved with NASA on mars sample return for the past 25 years and that's a bit hard to cancel entirely because of it, just defund a lot.

>> No.15284450

Wait, that anon was talking about that 2033 Mars flyby using SLS which was "ready" to go, shown in some random powerpoint presentation? HAHAHAHAH

>> No.15284451

I love stoke guys.
Looks like hoppy but is more an analog to sn5. I really hope they pull through

>> No.15284456

Do not come to Japan "please"

>> No.15284459

It is my God ordained mission to move to japan

>> No.15284462

Given that China is going with a much more sensible single-launch design I'd say they're well in the lead for getting samples back first, since our plan is a Rube Goldberg monster that includes the Europeans.

>> No.15284463

We can make a new Japan on Mars.

>> No.15284465

Chinese will recover the sample tubes Perseverance pooped out

>> No.15284468
File: 769 KB, 1280x720, 1659516759368626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first human landing on Mars – audacious in its complexity – will be an achievement recalled with awe far into humanity’s future. Key components of the Exploration Campaign already are underway and include long-duration human spaceflight on the space station, development of advanced life support systems, and continuing to lead and advance the world in deep space science missions.
>Overall, the Exploration Campaign focuses on a transformative approach that includes the development of technologies and systems that enable a series of human and robotic lunar missions that are extensible to Mars.
>NASA continues to maintain leadership in robotic exploration on and around Mars. The agency’s InSight mission now is on its way to Mars and will land in November to study the interior of the Red Planet. Development of NASA’s next rover to Mars continues to make excellent progress and is scheduled to launch in July 2020.
>The Mars 2020 rover will aid our search for past life and demonstrate the production of fuel and other resources that enable human exploration. We also will use this mission as a building block for a subsequent roundtrip robotic mission with the historic first rocket launch off another planet and a sample return. That mission will serve as a critical precursor to an eventual series of crewed missions to Mars planned to start in the 2030’s and culminating in a surface landing, which will be supported by the work we’ll do on the Moon in the coming years.

NASA is planning a manned mission to Mars in the 2030s, which will be 5-10 years after the earliest the Mars samples can be returned robotically which is EXACTLY what I said you fucking moron.

>> No.15284471


>> No.15284473

>earther space force black ships force us to open up our relations
Its so fucking over bros...

>> No.15284474

Why can't the congress just give NASA more money?

>> No.15284475

>Everything i have ever worked towards in my life has been towards living in japan.
My condolences.

Regardless, Japan has a surprisingly vibrant newspace industry. Not sure how strict they are about foreigners working in defense-related fields specifically, but if you can get approved to work, there's plenty of options.

>> No.15284485


>> No.15284488

it's joever

>> No.15284487
File: 14 KB, 131x481, marianeax-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MARIANE, or "Mini-Ariane", 1985 project, was still apparently a thing up until 1992
S1 is the Second stage of ariane 1-4 (L33) with a SL optimised nozzle, boosters are Ariane 3/4's PAP solid boosters

S2 is the P6 RITA II, the upper stage of the French M2 SLBM/S3 IRBM

S3 is "IRIS", a small italian kicker stage that was only ever used on STS-52

It was supposed to launch from Esrange Space Center, Sweden.

>> No.15284490

What is better – To be born japanese, or to overcome your american swine nature through great effort?

>> No.15284495

>what is better
to be born japanese.
the other one is like being a troon. "american" is a very loose bound on identity you can be whoever you want without larping as a chink.

>> No.15284505

Who the fuck would want to be ethnically Japanese?

>> No.15284510

powerpoint presentations and fanfiction written on the NASA website don't count as "planning" a mission

>> No.15284517

>Who the fuck would want to be ethnically Japanese?
nobody sane. only people like 15284446

>> No.15284523

The FAA is one of the shittiest federal agencies. They're also, infuriatingly, one of the most important. There is very little about it worth preserving, the whole thing needs to be reformed.

>> No.15284528

there hasnt been any work done in the past 3 days
are we really waiting on the faa or is spacex holding things up on purpose

>> No.15284530

>They're also, infuriatingly, one of the most important
Dissolve the FAA. imagine the kino air pirate battles

>> No.15284531

Everything is on hold while Elon impregnates every single member of the all-female crew of the recovery ship.

>> No.15284532

being one of the most important federal agencies is like being one of the brightest kids in special ed

>> No.15284539
File: 146 KB, 320x240, lupin_an_the_boys_laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People STILL holding onto the FAA delusions

>> No.15284550


>> No.15284554

>kino air pirate battles
I first read that as "beetles" instead of "battles" and was very confused.

>> No.15284558 [DELETED] 

>There is very little about it worth preserving
Air traffic controllers are good, blind flying would be substantially more difficult and dangerous without them.

>> No.15284563
File: 61 KB, 640x427, pirate plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, fuck you sky-cops you don't rule me

>> No.15284621

Fuck the tower, we gaan

>> No.15284639

space rings have not been shown stable for the cases we can actually build. Active structures have never been built. Small scale demonstrators of orbital rings haven't been built, neither have magnets powerful enough to support the elevators. Space elevators were considered reasonable because they were at on point though to require a couple space shuttle loads of material. Orbital rings require developed space industry. Also, orbital rings are really just fancy mass drivers.

>> No.15284647

>Space elevators
>a couple space shuttle loads of material

>> No.15284654

As I said, they were thought to only require a couple shuttle loads of material. If you can get nanotubes that strong, which you probably can't, and a couple other assumptions, then yes, you only need a couple space shuttle loads. That is why they not considered utter fucking fantasy at all. Orbital rings are complete fantasy. All posts about them here are masturbation. It's not as bad as the elon dick sucking going on here. I swear if you people ever met him in person, he'd be sucked dickless and dried to a husk in an instant.

>> No.15284656 [DELETED] 

>Space elevators were considered reasonable
…by people who are too dumb or lazy to pass a physics class.
ignorance and jewish comicbook propaganda are what drives belief in space elevators. how do you feel knowing that your entire outlook on life was fed to you from the jewish soience fiction television garbage dump? seems like something a normal person would be ashamed off

>> No.15284674

Work on the orbital launch mount continues

>> No.15284676

Always true, doesn't matter when you read it

>> No.15284680

>21 quick disconnects

>> No.15284686

>NASA is planning a manned mission to Mars in the 2030s
NASA is planning a femmed, nigged and fagged mission to the moon, and they will be lucky if everyone survives.

>> No.15284691
File: 19 KB, 800x450, chudjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA is planning a femmed, nigged and fagged mission to the moon, and they will be lucky if everyone survives.

>> No.15284694

That's not what I meant. Obviously you need air traffic control. The issue is that the FAA does a dogshit job. They're completely backwards. They use fucking paper to track flights. They have outages. They have shortages. Controllers are on suicide watch. The role is important. How the FAA does it is a disaster. Most of what the FAA does is vital. The issue is how they do it.

>> No.15284697

Maybe Victor Glover will go? How many black astronauts are there anyway?

>> No.15284707
File: 616 KB, 978x736, chalmers disbelief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbon nanotubes
>completely without imperfections
>thousands of kilometers of it
>at the same point in history as the space shuttle

>> No.15284710

It'll all be condensed into one femme-presenting BIPOC of size, who can be safely kept away from critical systems for the duration of the mission, and lowered onto the surface with a crane.

>> No.15284713


>> No.15284715
File: 96 KB, 460x354, chalmers confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I ride the space elevator?

>> No.15284718

An inept fat black dude pretending to be a woman?
Can we just send Glover instead?

>> No.15284721


>> No.15284724

Hmm, no.

>> No.15284745


>> No.15284746


>> No.15284767

>SpaceX’s Starlink devices found in illegal mining sites in the Amazon
w-why is this even news? like what the fuck, do media outlets also report on what kind of internet/tv/phone service everyday criminals use?? what about all the other 99999 thieves, rapists, killers, etc. in the world that use Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, among others? Fuck not, nobody mentions them, it's bad publicity, but here they do it with starlink...

>> No.15284769

>starlinks caught in illegal acitivites
just like ukraine...

it's going to get worse too with kuiper since their dishes are tiny compared to starlink

>> No.15284770

nice fucking hit piece, why don't they report on the Caterpillar equipment being used to remove the trees?

>> No.15284772

you know why

>> No.15284778

because elon = clicks

>> No.15284790

>criminal uses a product
no way

>> No.15284798

We won an award guys!

>> No.15284806

As someone who follows multiple generals across a bunch of different boards, it’s really nice how /sfg/ has the gatekeeping page 10 staging rule. It’s so fucking annoying to be following a baseball thread on /sp/, for example, and as soon as it hits the bump limit you get 4 new threads that just splits everyone up. Who gives a fuck about bumps. Generals should last until page 10 or image limit

>> No.15284811

>It’s so fucking annoying to be following a baseball thread on /sp/, for example, and as soon as it hits the bump limit you get 4 new threads that just splits everyone up
This exact issue has plagued the transformers general over on /toy/ for like two years now, it was never a problem before but one or two anons is enough to fuck things up.

>> No.15284813

Because the WEF/far left want Elon to fail. No one cares if the criminals are driving BMW or using iPhone or has Dell Laptop or has Denim jeans.

>> No.15284815

Sensible and civilized generals do that, and it seems to garner some good will with the mods

>> No.15284823


>> No.15284824

There is at least two unironic pol fags posting here now. General is doomed.

>> No.15284827
File: 293 KB, 611x359, yudkowsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you feel knowing that your entire outlook on life was fed to you from the jewish soience fiction
Must be the same way Yudkowsky feels

>> No.15284829

post is off topic.

>> No.15284830

If you're implying that there's some sort of conspiracy to undermine Felon Musk, or that conspiratorial media collusion of any kind is even possible, you're not welcome on /sci/

>> No.15284831

>the lion's share of content on /sci/
I know that we outperform the rest of the board on a big launch day, but I can't believe that this dead-ass general outposts the storm of phrenology and vaxmalding that's constantly raging outside.

>> No.15284834

not a conspiracy, they actively say they hate elon lmao

>> No.15284837

Anon, it's good be a skeptic and all, but come on...

>> No.15284838

And maybe there are good reasons for that? Like his tech being used by unauthorized loggers.

>> No.15284839

>they havent repainted the black area of s24 yet
we're so far from launch its sad

>> No.15284845

There's a non-zero chance Vulcan launches first hahaha lmao, what a sad timeline, what went wrong

>> No.15284846

my man that post may as well be a giant flashing sign that says I AM BAIT in neon

>> No.15284848

>poltard sarcasmposting
makes me cringe every time.

>> No.15284849

they won't repaint it. the hook points are off.

>> No.15284852

>in neon
argon is better

>> No.15284855

fuck off

>> No.15284865

You feel that? sfg is dying...

>> No.15284873

Are you that retarded? Or have you plugged your brain with nonsense that you cant tell whats happening in this world anymore?

>> No.15284876

>Are you that retarded?
you're falling for obvious bait. you're mentally deficient.

>> No.15284893

>i was only pretending to be retarded
if bait isn't called out from time to time, then we are going to devolve into Poe's Law
actual retards are going to come here and agree with you, start posting stuff like that unironically

>> No.15284897

Could be one of those reddit/discord trannies

>> No.15284898

take your meds

>> No.15284908

how new are you?

>> No.15284911

>demonstrating once again how incredibly bad you are at interpreting a posts intent
just stop already. you're literally retarded nigger

>> No.15284915

Hurf burf I'm retarded Jesus Christ boys sit the fuck down

>> No.15284918

stop posting retarded shit and I will stop calling you a retard
simple as
you can pretend to be a retard but I will still call you a retard

>> No.15284919


>> No.15284927
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>> No.15284928


>> No.15284965

I wish

>> No.15284970

I did it mom

>> No.15285000
File: 1.25 MB, 1019x947, 001489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15285040


>> No.15285043

Four weeks.

>> No.15285054

April 20th lol

>> No.15285055

FAA isn't happy yet, sweaty. Come back in two weeks~

>> No.15285088
File: 138 KB, 800x1000, Thomas_Pesquet_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope he gets to go to the moon, bros.

>> No.15285091

totally this dude

>> No.15285117
File: 1.35 MB, 1304x780, 001491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15285178
File: 376 KB, 540x540, out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 weeks

>> No.15285199

the heat tiles still fall off starship
how can it be ready to launch

>> No.15285202

About two weeks, give or take.

>> No.15285216

Same way, you can have sex and create a baby without having money for college funds secured at the moment the penis enters the vagina.

>> No.15285227
File: 962 KB, 1586x2093, space_iceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great work everyone

>> No.15285278

Even the bottom of your iceberg is some surface level horseshit
Where's Black Ice
Mini Starship
Uhhhhhhhh Kennen? Corona? The other Orion?

>> No.15285291

everything you posted is gay

>> No.15285297

Not as gay as my dick in your ass big boy

>> No.15285329
File: 537 KB, 603x603, 001492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm pretty sure he is lonely, he has been shitposting stuff like this for days now

>> No.15285331

I still can't get over the fact the gridfins are perma deployed. That's like having the landing gear of a plane permanently deployed. Very disrespectful.

>> No.15285339
File: 772 KB, 1138x1612, spaceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are like a little baby

>> No.15285348

The S-I had fins permanently deployed as well, and staged in about the same place.

>> No.15285357

Did you wake up from a 10 year coma?

>> No.15285365

I'm talking specifically about posts regarding relationships etc, not shitposting in general

>> No.15285381

>april 20th
remember when it was march 20 just two weeks ago?

>> No.15285383

he looks like a rapist
that explains it

>> No.15285390

>lifetime L2
How do you even have that nowadays
>finalise raptor design appeared at doorstep

>> No.15285401

FAA :)

>> No.15285404

Most of these are just made up by the guy who made the chart, not preexisting memes. If I had to guess what the inspiration was, it's probably from conversations that we used to have a long ass time ago about being able to show Apollo era engineers Raptor.

>> No.15285429

Naser isnt paying musk to bring it back

>> No.15285442

I just learned that wind farms could alter the air currents globally

>> No.15285446

the CIA tried to honeypot Elon Musk didn't it. Must suck being him

>> No.15285451

Another H3 launch?

>> No.15285454
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>> No.15285457

Speaking of fags does the Anon that found is son a space friend and now thinks they are gay still around?

>> No.15285464

Want to try this post again?

>> No.15285470

no I get it. Legendary ancient sfg post where anon's autistic son finds a space friend and anon suspects son is gay.

>> No.15285481

Anon, he walked on them kissing eachother.

>> No.15285487

just because you kiss another man doesn't make you gay. When I was a kid I kissed my friend because I wanted to know what it was like: Not Gay. Also, euros and parts of south america kiss each other all the time and that's not gay either.

>> No.15285490

haha french bad amirite

>> No.15285493

I'm from Poland and while older people semetimes do that, I have never done that. It seems gross to me.

>> No.15285500

I have worked as a foreign engineer in Japan. How's your Japanese?


>> No.15285508

Yes, the french are bad.

>> No.15285541

american culture seeping into yours. snog some homies to reclaim your ancestral values.

>> No.15285548

>dedicating your life to dismantling the government
holy based, king elon

>> No.15285550

meant for

>> No.15285565
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The Simpsons predicted Elon Musk.

>> No.15285572

>parts of south america kiss each other
Can confirm, but they just kiss each other's cheek, usually the right one, as a way of greeting and saying goodbye. I prefer just giving a handshake though, like anybody else would do, I don't wanna kiss a dude, I barely have any physical contact with other humans, why would I want that. This all makes it a little awkward when I greet someone and this person tries to kiss me while my hand is still in the air, for you it would be like when you don't know whether the other person is going for a handshake or a high five.

>> No.15285579

South korea is the place to be.

>> No.15285618

just when I think I've seen all of them, a new (old) Ariane spin-off/proposal pops up

>> No.15285635

What place? Their country is controlled by a feminist cult.

>> No.15285643

dude thats pretty fucking gay

>> No.15285644

Could puerto rico make a good spaceport?
>kick out all the spics
>restore arecibo
>build a ton of launch pads in the eastern part of the island
>build up the electricity grid, supply lines and ports
>open a ton of universities specializing in purely engineering and science
Maybe in 100-200 years throw down a space elevator

>> No.15285646
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he just keeps winning

>> No.15285651

He can't keep getting away with it!!!

>> No.15285665

did Twitter start to lose money by this point? It's hard to tell because it's a private company now

>> No.15285666
File: 2.65 MB, 1410x1868, 1524514360758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kick out all the spics
Even bombing the whole island won't be enough
>restore arecibo
It's fucked m8, have to start over, might as well build a new one in central Texas where they have the same kind of hills, but in actual civilization.
>build a ton of launch pads in the eastern part of the island
You still have to get the shit there, no trucks.
>build up the electricity grid, supply lines and ports
And then a big hurricane blows it down again.
>open a ton of universities specializing in purely engineering and science
Or if you build it in Texas, you're already near one of the biggest.
>Maybe in 100-200 years throw down a space elevator
full hard-R retard

>> No.15285674

Yes, it'll be bankrupt in 2 weeks.

>> No.15285676

reminder that JWST is a thing

>> No.15285677

yes its over

>> No.15285680

>And then a big hurricane blows it down again.
Orbital lasers into the eye of the hurricane

>> No.15285683

Will that destroy the hurricane?
We should be investing into hurricane-obliterator technology. Annihilate all storms, bend the atmosphere to our will. Rain rain go away, come again when I say.

>> No.15285687
File: 60 KB, 1070x501, heavy lift airship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You still have to get the shit there, no trucks.
We don't need roads where we're going, Satan

>> No.15285693

Roundhouse kick hurricanes
Slice hurricanes in half with orbital lasers
Vaporize hurricanes with a weather gun

>> No.15285727

>3hrs looking at 5 slides
It really amazes me how enthusiastic Clear is on spaceflight.
Wish i could understand. I should start doing my reps again.

>> No.15285798

The really sad part is: Starship was probably the fastest option out of all three HLS bids. I don’t even want to think about how fucked things would be if Alpaca or National Shit were chosen instead

>> No.15285799

As fucked as any other space program, probably would happen in 30s

>> No.15285835

>earther time

>> No.15285955

Some micro-turbines running on the
astronauts waste heat have been developed for spacecrafts. Such turbines
have diameters of the order of 15 mm and speeds in the range of 100-400
thousand rpm.

>> No.15285978

Now what are their power outputs? That’s important as to whether or not it’s worth having them

>> No.15285996

one double a lithium battery more power than that for a year....

>> No.15286001




>> No.15286004


>> No.15286012

Factory in Arkansas
Barged down the river to the gulf then to florida for launch

That was the optimal design

Not this autistic texas retardation

>> No.15286018

Texas is on the ocean

>> No.15286024

Darmok and Jalad on the ocean.

>> No.15286027

>Factory in Arkansas
I can't make up my mind if this is more or less autistic than the Spaceport Michigan guy.

>> No.15286093

ok? So far its been a decade there and they've done nothing that couldn't be done in Rural Arkansas

>> No.15286097

Okay, I've made up my mind. It is much more autistic than the Michigan guy.

>> No.15286132

Yikes. He's lost the plot.

>> No.15286147

no, he found it

>> No.15286156

It takes 8-10 days for ULA to ship anything from their Decatur plant to the Cape by boat. Now take a second to think about every time SpaceX has pulled a Starship or Superheavy off the pad and rolled it back to the high bays to get some work done on it. Now imagine that every time SpaceX wanted to do that instead of just needing a few hours and a road closure they needed a multi-million dollar ship and two weeks for travel time one way.

>> No.15286165
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What a retarded comparison

>> No.15286195
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so when's starship getting launched? i know musk says in a few weeks, but he always says that. any actual estimates?

>> No.15286200


>> No.15286201

>any actual estimates
it's impossible. always has been.
you won't even be able to predict it once it's fully stacked and FAA permission granted. see terran 1 for an example.

>> No.15286208

SS is incredibly reliable and will not have any scrubs

>> No.15286275

>Factory at KSC
>Trucked from the factory to the launchpad
Fuck Alabama

>> No.15286277

unironicly 4/20 pending FAA

>> No.15286317

not really

>> No.15286325

It's far from a certainty, but it's definitely the kind of date Musk would push for, if possible. Not that it matters since it would quite probably get scrubbed due to weather.

>> No.15286337
File: 1017 KB, 1920x1080, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if possible
That's the point. As long as the launch site looks like this, it's not possible.
For me it's NET June

>> No.15286340

stop posting the FUCKING LAUNCH MOUNT

>> No.15286349

>As long as it looks like this
>Literally just quick-install scaffolding and a bunch of equipment parked around it
They could clear that thing out in a day.

>> No.15286350

They say the launch pad will be done in a few weeks. Barring FAA approval, the launch will be in May at the latest.

>> No.15286353

The honest-to-God truth is that
a) Nobody knows
b) SpaceX aren’t ready yet
c) the FAA aren’t ready yet
If the FAA randomly gave full license today, SX could probably prepare the bare minimum needed within the same month, two months max

>> No.15286363
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But why do FAA micromanage orbital launches when its effective juristiction is limited to US air space only? Restricted airspace over active space ports seems like a complete no brainer

>> No.15286364

Remember when SLS vs. Starship was considered a race? Remember when retards thought the FAA was delaying Starship so SLS flew first?

>> No.15286370

It's not limited to just US Air Space. They have jurisdiction over all US and US based organizations' launch activities.

>> No.15286382

Scaffolding is there so workers can install the shieldind, which hasn't been finished yet.

>> No.15286386

I know.

>> No.15286391

Because “commercial orbital launches” were just a novelty 8+ years ago. 99% of rocket traffic came directly from oldspace and NASA and it was the best way to do it because everyone was on the same page about what needs to go up and when

>> No.15286394

Why would they need to go to the cape to do HOPS or STATIC FIRES
are you insane
Instead they wouldn't need to plan road closures, alert residents or evacuate their one area for all testing/building launch pad/etc

Barging to the cape is for ORBITAL LAUNCH aka hasn't happened yet

Even the attempted launches they want to do could be all hops first

>> No.15286430

AI image?

>> No.15286470

no such thing. doesn't exist.

>> No.15286485

nope. its real

>> No.15286504

Just I

>> No.15286506
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>FAA delay

>> No.15286518

>Remember when retards thought the FAA was delaying Starship so SLS flew first?
this is literally what happened

>> No.15286524

Only exists as a human trait. Machines will never be intelligent soience goyim

>> No.15286527

You Will Never Be Intelligent

>> No.15286540

>pov: some random guy's asshole

>> No.15286543
File: 27 KB, 605x327, VIDEODROME philo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complacency theorists are the real schizos

>> No.15286545

My dog is more intelligent than a computer ever will be.
There's a qualitative difference, a machine will never do more than calculate.

>> No.15286551
File: 882 KB, 2520x2720, PIA20198-Pluto-SputnikPlanum-Mountains-20150714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are we going back?

>> No.15286556

Lol shut up and calculate you conscious being you

>> No.15286570

Unless Starship absolutely revolutionizes spaceflight and we get an almost impossible good will for space exploration, there will be no other mission to Pluto for this century.

>> No.15286575

>and we get an almost impossible good will for space exploration

Break the price-for-a-probe paradigm and you can throw missions to the other planets around willy nilly.

>> No.15286578

We have failed if we dont get a observations megaconstellation around Pluto this century. I want a full communications relay too

>> No.15286579

>there will be no
>this century
why do brainlets say retarded shit like this? what happens this century is an unfalsifiable statement due to computational irreducibility.

>> No.15286588

Are you forgetting how Americans got to the Moon in a short time and proceeded to throw that capacity in the trash right after? And 50 years latter they trying to do the same thing at slug pace? All thanks to political bullshitery.

>> No.15286595

explain this

>> No.15286596

Or maybe, just maybe, Elon should go to jail so SpaceX can finally succeed?

>> No.15286599

he just needs to shut up and forget about social media
imagine what could have been done with the twitter money

>> No.15286606

exactly. nobody would have predicted any of it because the future over a large enough span is determined by an entirely irreducible process.

>> No.15286608

There's no such thing as a manufacturing line for space probes or space probe parts. Everything basically gets built to order, and then integrated, and all of that costs a fortune.

>> No.15286609

Money doesnt exist. just borrow against the future indefinitely, it literally doesnt matter, the universe is infinite

>> No.15286615

Stop talking like a nerdy nigger

>> No.15286616

My point is that if things keep going the old space way, nothing will happen.
Newspace is giving us the rockets, but not the probes or telescopes. Only exception I can remember is the RL Venus probe.
I wish rich fucks would realise that a probe has more value than fucking around in LEO for a bit.

>> No.15286617
File: 15 KB, 296x242, large and tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.15286623

Got it.
It would be cool if we had something like an Asteroid Surveyor program where we just send generic mass produced probes to asteroids for a start.

>> No.15286747

I'm convinced those are special shoes designed to make people look taller when they stand like that. The way they're positioned to hide the heels just looks too suspicious.

>> No.15286753

probes don't massage billionaire egos like big rockets and capsules, and they don't really have economic value beyond what NASA is willing to pay for them

>> No.15286828

I dream of being a space lord mother fucker

>> No.15286837


>> No.15286842

Ah yes, a fellow hag chad.

>> No.15286850
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Yup you have my permission

>> No.15286856


>> No.15286870

Why don’t we just use tight fitting neoprene or latex suit on top of a cooling garment for a space suit? Just throw your kevlar armor on top of it and a dust cover. Feet could be in any old knee high combat boots with some closed cell foam.
Easier than all that balloon bullshit

>> No.15286876

What if we could turn nakee bare skin into a spacesuit through intense gene therapy

>> No.15286963

>Curiously awkward past perfect tense
Reads like Next Big Future