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File: 184 KB, 2948x620, FrbMqYiXsAELFJv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15281377 No.15281377 [Reply] [Original]

>Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of “True Stories”
This shows how "the science" really was a complete fabrication and that censorship was used to SHUT IT DOWN whenever the glaringly obvious lies were pointed out

>We’ve learned the Virality Project in 2021 worked with government to launch a pan-industry monitoring plan for Covid-related content. At least six major Internet platforms were “onboarded” to the same JIRA ticketing system, daily sending millions of items for review.

>This story is important for two reasons. One, as Orwellian proof-of-concept, the Virality Project was a smash success. Government, academia, and an oligopoly of would-be corporate competitors organized quickly behind a secret, unified effort to control public discourse.

>it accelerated the evolution of digital censorship, moving it from judging truth/untruth to a new, scarier model, openly focused on political narrative at the expense of fact.

>On February 5, 2021, just after Joe Biden took office, Stanford wrote to Twitter to discuss the Virality Project. By the 17th, Twitter agreed to join and got its first weekly report on “anti-vax disinformation,” which contained numerous true stories.

>Through July of 2020, Twitter’s internal guidance on Covid-19 required a story be “demonstrably false” or contain an “assertion of fact” to be actioned. But the Virality Project, in partnership with the CDC, pushed different standards. VP told Twitter that “true stories that could fuel hesitancy,” including things like “celebrity deaths after vaccine” or the closure of a central NY school due to reports of post-vaccine illness, should be considered "Standard Vaccine Misinformation on Your Platform."

>> No.15281412

Stop pointing out things which make me question the legitimacy of authorities of so called science

>> No.15281417
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There are still a lot of unwitting stooges remaining who were fooled by the propaganda and who don't want to admit that they were tricked for one reason or another, so instead they continue to push the fake viral epidemic lie. Bad people & sad situation, but the coronavirus epidemic is entirely fictitious, it doesn't exist and it never did.

>> No.15281497

>Antivaxxers use factoids to exaggerating and mislead
>Imma use factoids to exaggerate and mislead THAT'LL SHOW THEM
This dealt psychic damage.
If there are 1,000 studies not finding significance, and one study that does, quoting that one study may be "true" in that it exists but it is grossly misleading. This demonstrates "a great lie machine" how? Don't think just cheer for your red or blue chariots.

Let's assume antivaxxers are right. No, really. Where, in this entire thread, is anyone lying about thinking you're wrong? Or finding your narratives misleading? Or do they just disagree with you and as a result classify your position accordingly?

Similarly, since they don't agree with your notions of a "right to speak" on their platform, where's the lie? Or is it a disagreement?
Every single example in that entire thread is an example of people working under beliefs you do not have. Nothing in this thread demonstrates a lie. All you're doing is cheering for propaganda because you don't like people you disagree with, not because it's actually true. You are literally doing what you accuse everyone else of.

For people who complain so much about supposed propaganda, you're the most likely to fall victim of it. Case in point, the best propaganda always uses irrelevant truths and personal judgments to make the personal judgments superficially seem factual. Congratulations. You played yourselves.

>> No.15281538

>i hate everyone who didn't get the deadly vaxxxx like i did
>Don't think just cheer for your red or blue chariots.
heres a trick to break your unfortunate projection habit: remember that if you presume that you can guess what others are thinking and what motivates them then you're assuming that the random midwit npc has the same level of intelligence as yourself. do you really believe that? no, of course you don't, you'd be insulting yourself if you do, but thats the belief you're forcing on yourself when you rely on your projection skill, so just don't do it.

>> No.15281548

I’ve read this to completion and I fail to find your point

>> No.15281552

please differentiate between science and soience.

>> No.15281567

So rather than answer my questions in a manner that could demonstrate my conclusion wrong, you invented a narrative by projecting that I'm projecting only to lecture about why doing that is bad. Impressive. You're very clever about being dishonest.
If none of you care that you're being lied to just because you like the framing of the lie, then you never actually cared about truth in the first place. Which means the people you claim are lying were right about you all along.

>> No.15281576
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>> No.15281597

the people who pushed the vaxx narrative for big pharma should get publicly VAXXMAXXED

>> No.15281627

This. It's safe and effective right? Just reserve all remaining doses for them.

>> No.15281872

>If there are 1,000 studies not finding significance, and one study that does, quoting that one study may be "true" in that it exists but it is grossly misleading.

did u count the studies that found significance vs those that didn't? I didn't, because I don't need to read 6 million studies to know that when jewish media, jewish government, jewish academia and jewish big pharma are in a huge circlejerk.

seethe, cope, dilate and boost

>> No.15281880
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That's not the right antibiotic to eliminate that disease

>> No.15281890
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>> No.15281892

stop with your debate club shit. It makes it glaringly obvious that you're a bad actor interested in 'winning' the 'argument', not trying to find the truth.

>> No.15281907

Vaccines do not work and are just an excuse to downgrade the health of people with mystery lipids, saponins, aluminium or mercury.

Increasing morbidity based on diagnostic lies.

>> No.15281977

The entire covid narrative was fucked up from the beginning. It was a top down fed narratives that were completely false. All the msm/government/NGOs/social media participated in censorship, spread of government disinformation narrative.

>> No.15281990

It's a bot.

>> No.15281998

It appears to me that this is a chat GPT generated response.

>> No.15282004
File: 52 KB, 616x620, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Government, academia, and an oligopoly of would-be corporate competitors organized quickly behind a secret, unified effort to control public discourse.
This is called FASCISM.

Democrat/Republican Party = Uni-Party Fascism.

There need to be tribunals.

There needs to be sentencing.

There needs to be a purge of modern society of those that blindly went along with them, push them all to Africa or into the oceans as the lemmings they are.