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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15260550 No.15260550 [Reply] [Original]

>people who don't know what an atom is can vote to shut down nuclear power plants

>> No.15260552

>he thinks votes aren't manipulated

>> No.15260572

So? Do you have any idea how much those plants cost? The shit can bankrupt an area. Dollars are the only significant variable in that equation

>> No.15260580

I presume that also includes you?
>Inb4 covalent bonds & other dark energy tier atomic theory.
They're halbach arrays, Anon.
Hence why organic chemists are barely out of the alchemy age.

>> No.15260582


>> No.15260586

>people who don't know about the social construction of gender can vote to ban access to HRT for transgender youth

>> No.15260592

They only cost a lot because western governments overregulate them. It’s literally just boiling water like a coal plant

>> No.15260620

Go on; explain radioactive decay in a balanced & stable formula.
>how do I keep ahold of all these muons after releasing all the glueons. MOM! GET THE FLEX TAPE!
Halbach is where its at, Anon.
Tennis ball fuzz physics.

>> No.15260624

>Go on; explain radioactive decay in a balanced & stable formula.

>> No.15260632

It's your failure. As a student of science you should educate your fellow citizens.

>> No.15260635
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You've gotten your Mom to smell your smegma crusted fingers before.. Haven't you..

>> No.15260640

What the fuck.

>> No.15260649

This reminds me of one group of "people" shutting down advanced placement courses, merely because very few of their "people" make it into those programs, thus they must be racist, supremacist. and therefore closed. Think of the damage this does to the upper echelon of students who miss out on higher quality education during their formative years.

>> No.15260654

Well if you've been perfectly comfortable with "inner electrons" as to willfully expose others to such abhorrent abrogations to logic.
Not much in the way of deacent human behavior can be expected.

>> No.15260662
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People who do not, can not, and will not know what the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation is, can shut down a space program.

>> No.15260668

If you didn't read the papers you can just say so anon. No need to humiliate yourself like this.

>> No.15260722

An argument stands as truth untill such time it is either disproved or replaced with a better one.
Onus is on you.
The core issue is that of matter shedding.
Lay particle physics explanations are equivalent to a toddler with the shaped blocks and corresponding holes toy.
It's not just clunkey as fuck.
It's a "Be patient, I have autism" badge.
Rote drones.
A mandated $200 book, that gets slightly chapter shuffled and re tilted every 2 years; should be a red flag.
If apple came to your home every year to smash that iShit you're so fond of.
You'd start to catch onto the scam. Still wouldn't know their devices are sub par. But youd know something theyre doing is wrong.

So please anon.
Forget that your professor not just rote you.
But rote you infront of the entire class; and had you pay for it.

Quantum heavily points towards halbach arrays.
Our universe is simple, elegant and efficient.
Particle physics only presents us a series of log jams, and butt frustration.
Halbach is just differential gradients that form matter like pressure lattices. Nothing to get hung up.
Nothing to break down.
And presents far more promise of functionality and useability.

>> No.15260725 [DELETED] 

>Our universe is simple, elegant and efficient.
Yes. There are only protons and electrons, and they arrange themselves in a densest-packing model. It's completely simple, completely modeled, and easily visible if you would put the tiniest bit of effort into reading.

>> No.15260732
File: 53 KB, 536x400, lulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who routinely avoid blacks & black neighborhoods all decided to vote for a black president

>> No.15260749

You will never be a real scientist. You have no knowledge, you have no experience, you have no credentials. You are a low iq man twisted by youtube and /pol/ into a crude mockery of enlightenment era’s perfection.

>> No.15260771

An absolute?
You were sooooo close, Anon.
You are obliged to accept that your precious "Enlightenment" couldn't stand firm to my polished turd of Halbach; and is now demoted to sloppy diarrhoea status.
Everybody died. And it's all your fault.

>> No.15260779

so much this.

>> No.15260797
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>it's OK, my "theory" doesn't need to actually reproduce any of the calculations of QFT as long as it appeals to my high school drop out aesthetic sensibilities of what physics should be

>> No.15260843

slay queen

>> No.15260873

Democratic republics are so retarded. We need fascism now. Not in the dictatorial sense, but in the big, right wing government way.

>> No.15260895

See >>15260797

That's how it's done.
Not a tendie crumb bought on tick of evidence, that would give away an personally held position.
Just pure post ironic, broad spectrum meta negging.

You could learn from him, Anon.
You should learn from him.
Because he had to figure it out the hard way. The injuries sustained to his psych from all the failed troll shielding prior.
I can only shudder to imaging what had become of his interpersonal relationships as a result.
Could be worse.
Neil Turok had to resign from the Premier Institute, obsessed.
Bitterly trying to debunk fact.
That poor bastard became the /sci/ equivalent of /b/ansexul.
So deluded in the obsession that he's right because. Thoes citations he'd amassed proofs it.
Cognative dissonance; set in.
Lastly transitioning into trans-theoryism.
Where somehow. It's now his idea.
The theroy that he's on the bleeding edge of.
>See it is my orignal theroy. No they're not synonyms!!!. Can I haz job back?

>> No.15260897

>look mom i'm such a schizo

>> No.15260911
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I might be off my meds.
But this thread is pic related.
OP shouldn't of been a faggot.

>> No.15261024
File: 187 KB, 1144x710, trump rigged election.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who don't know that the elections are just a cosmetic farce can vote to delude themselves into believing their opinion actually matters
I bet you feel so empowered when casting your ballot.

>> No.15261036

>Gender is socially constructed
>That's why instead of socially reconstructing my gender to fit my body I instead flood my body with biological hormones and mutilate my genitals to make my body match my gender
What level of retardation is this? Just go to gender conversion therapy retard.

>> No.15261163

Did you already ditch democracy? or need more facts?

>> No.15261169

What country does these kind of votes? We don't get to vote on anything where I'm from

>> No.15261173

I see no problem with this in principle.

>> No.15261434

Did you just now learn what democracy is?

>> No.15261814
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Bitch doesn't look hungry to me.

>> No.15262046

Atoms aren't real
>“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. . . .”
>— Max Planck (in Das Wesen der Materie, a 1944 speech in Florence, Italy)

>> No.15262061

nothing is real except our models of them, models of atoms fit different purposes but describe the same thing that can be proven through tests, but nice quote you retarded ape

>> No.15262068


>> No.15263605

NPCs really love repeating this buzzword.

>> No.15263609

NPCs really like to mutilate their genitals.

>> No.15263634

>people with IQs below 120 have rights
and that's be being generous since I care about my midwit family, but honestly it's ridiculous
these people are basically retarded children in adult bodies
Anyways luckily it doesn't matter because of the shadow government
t. schizophrenic genious