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File: 1.81 MB, 1536x1024, Native tribe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15255381 No.15255381 [Reply] [Original]

How about the native? What do they excuse?

>> No.15255404

Because it's the lack of lead in diet.

>> No.15255443

Not all tribes have a moral compass. These girls might have been groped a lot by men and boys alike. That's why that girl has rapid growth on her breast. Because the breast is their favorite target.

>> No.15255452


>> No.15255670

Tribes usually mature very late.

>> No.15255674


>> No.15255675

got any proof ESL incel? no?? then FUCK OFF NIGGER

>> No.15255679

Is there something I'm missing? The girl on the right looks about 12, the girl on the left is just a bit chubby like a lot of little kids.

>> No.15256372

That OP might be a pedo?

>> No.15256377

If it bleeds and breeds
Death penalty for sex outside marriage
Best society

Prove me wrong, and no pilpuling.

>> No.15256459

Ding ding ding.

>> No.15256462

12 year olds are not emotionally mature enough to raise children

>> No.15256490

Depends how many female relatives are there to support them

>> No.15256501

Not sure what third world country you're from, or if you're a gypsy, but the developed world mainly functions in nuclear family units.
And why do you want to deprive people of the joy of childhood to be adults with responsibilities sooner?

>> No.15256514

>12 year olds are not emotionally mature enough to raise children
They were for tens of thousands of years. What changed in the last century to make people more immature?

>> No.15256527

I'm sure some could "raise" children with the support of their extended family
>What changed in the last century to make people more immature?
The effects of the industrial revolution have gotten easier so we don't have to put so much stress on children anymore

>> No.15256546

>The effects of the industrial revolution have gotten easier so we don't have to put so much stress on children anymore
True, kids are pampered and babied well into their teens these days, making them weaker than previous generations.

Now most zoomers and younger millennials cannot even drive themselves or interact in public without "anxiety" and needing a blankie and a safe-place.

>> No.15256557

Post more natives

>> No.15256559

>making them weaker than previous generations.
Are there any issues with this with the exception of being less prepared to to die in a trench for Israel?

>> No.15256570

Is this some stablediffusion garbage?

>> No.15256573

Are you retarded or just unable to understand the point?

>> No.15256578

I must be retarded, what was your "point"?

>> No.15256585

I worked as a math and physics teacher for 5 years before I rage quit. There is a massive difference between 12 year old girls and 15 year old girls. 12 year olds have tiny hips, no breast and behave like boys. 15 year olds have well developed hips and breast, flirt with teachers and behave like attention hoes, indistinguishable from 20+ year old women. Pedos attracted to the first group, normal people to the latter.

On a side note, social media destroys girls during puberty. We had many talented, curious, hard working students, who turned into attention and validation seeking entitled bitches.

>> No.15256593

You made a blamket statement, I replied with a counter, you then called me a gypsy, I called you retarded.

>> No.15256594

what about 13 year olds and 14 year olds?

>> No.15256597

Probably not as many risk takers

>> No.15256600

We don't work in extended families in the west, I'm sure that would impact our efficiency, for no reason at all.

>> No.15256605

How often did they flirt with you? What was the youngest aged?

>> No.15256616

What insane birth rate would expect from this given modern infant mortality rates are practically zero?
You would accelerate through the Malthusian limits of the system as fast as a mouse plague.

>> No.15256624

What would make them do that?

>> No.15256628

Literal boomer rates

>> No.15256631

That's the transformation period, so still makes you pedo.

>> No.15256633

Please describe in detail the characteristics of 13 and 14 year olds

>> No.15256639

13-14 year olds are predatory

>> No.15256643

budding breasts, tight asses, usually more fat than earlier ages

>> No.15256671


>> No.15256673

I'm not actually very horny right now desu
They stop being flat at 13 anyway

>> No.15256677

>budding breasts, tight asses,

>> No.15256682

This is your moment to continue it anon
Describe the characteristics of 13 and 14 year olds

>> No.15256698

Wrong anon. I just kek'd.

>> No.15256699

14 is still somewhat acceptable, also there can be large variation, some 14 year olds can look 18, others can still be very much look like 12yo

>> No.15256712

Check out Kathrine Heigl in "My Father The Hero". She was like 14 iwhen filmed it, and looks 21+.

>> No.15256749

I looked at some screencaps and I think they stretched out the picture slightly so she appears slimmer and at the same time taller, I don't know what its called (change of aspect ratio?) but they do it in cinema/tv often to get that specific look.

>> No.15256758

Girl on left is 5 years old, Girl on right is 9 years old. Right girl has Tanner 4, correlating with her age.
t. expert on children.

>> No.15256760

Naw, watch the movie. She was 5'9" by 12ish. Most girls reach full height by 14.

>> No.15256767

They never were. I see pregnant 13 year olds all the time, they are dumb, they dropped school in 3rd grade. Newborns are really fucking fragile, get dehydrated very quick and girls these age simply do not have the intellectual ability to foresee consequences. This is not because of their age itself, girls that age are pretty much inexperienced adults at that point, but they are completely ignorant and uncaring from the context they were raised in. This has always been so.

>> No.15256771

>I see pregnant 13 year olds all the time
What African shithole do you live in? That would also explain why they aren't smart enough to care for their kids.

>> No.15256773


>> No.15256797

Funny. The age of consent is 18 years old in Mexico, one of the highest in the entire world. So much for laws huh.

>> No.15256808


>> No.15256878

Microplastics and obesity cause earlier puberty.

>> No.15256986

Pedos are still not as sick and disgusting as homosexuals and troons.
At least pedos are somewhat natural and not against Nature.

>> No.15257132

Laws only work with populations that have the capacity to follow them

>> No.15257663

Nah, laws only work in a state that has the might to enforce them. People are not naturally law abiding in some countries and less so in others, they're just more afraid of the consequences from the state and not some cartel

>> No.15257780

Spotted the non white.

>> No.15257783

Did I fucking stutter? Or did you not even read my post, in which case don't fucking reply to me.

>> No.15257784

Go back

>> No.15257785

Eat shit, nigger

>> No.15257983

What if I'm a gay tranny pedo?

>> No.15257986
File: 753 KB, 800x900, 35243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did I fucking stutter?
I don't know what the argument is about but you lost it on account of externalizing your painful virginity like that.

>> No.15257990
File: 184 KB, 1332x720, Screenshot_20220626-005433_Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lead deficiency causes premature puberty.

>> No.15257995

>I haven't read the argument but here's my epin meme image because something you wrote triggered me
Leave this board. It's guaranteed you've never written a single post of value. Same with that other retard.

>> No.15257997

Did I fucking stutter?

>> No.15257999

Please just stop replying.

>> No.15258001

>please don't hit me again, daddy

>> No.15258002

I don't know what all this means or where you are from but wherever it is please go back

>> No.15258004

kek. unironically the highest quality posts ITT

>> No.15258007

This is some very sad samefaggotry

>> No.15258014
File: 27 KB, 617x615, 4235234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound very upset

>> No.15258018

>you sound very upset
That's a prescripted reply
This board would be a much better place if you didn't come here, just accept it. You're worthless.

>> No.15258022

that's a prescripted reply. this board would be a much better place if you weren't rectally bleeding all over it

>> No.15258027

Definitely thinking you're a samefag now

>> No.15258036

i'm definitely thinking that faggot will be living rent-free in your head for days

>> No.15258039

>living rent-free in your head
And there's another one. Just stop posting

>> No.15258044

it's really funny how you while about post quality yet i can make you spew zero-substance trash indefinitely. you are truly a nonconscious entity

>> No.15258052

It's in the greater interest to make fun of you for yelling meme replies as it may cause you to stop coming here
>you are truly a nonconscious entity
Another prescripted reply, would be you anyway due to your buzzword repetition

>> No.15258097
File: 35 KB, 564x823, preddit-seethes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm le heckin' making fun of you!!
if only your friends were here to updoot you. are your imaginary friends laughing? i know you're not laughing :^)

>> No.15258150

Either that or iPhone portrait mode on overdrive causing weird blur where it doesn't belong. But I'm leaning toward stable diffusion because zero results on reverse image search.

>> No.15258160

>Bringing out the wojaks

>> No.15259618

>These girls might have been groped a lot by men and boys alike. That's why that girl has rapid growth on her breast. Because the breast is their favorite target.
So groping makes boobs larger? Hmmmm.
Off to help fem-anons be more bosomy!

>> No.15259622

>12 year olds are not emotionally mature enough to raise children
Which is why they marry older tard.

>> No.15259835

Their mothers are the culprit too. They help them massage their breast every day. Less they know, Only triggers their daughter's brain to produce more estrogen. What anon said is half right.

>> No.15259841

The girl on right might be 10. Because I check most of the girls at that age have that kind of chest. As a Gyno doctor myself I always advised them to wear a bra. Because most of them are not. Please wear them, it's so hard to check them when they are so firm

>> No.15259894

Women should marry at 10 at most, if you disagree you are a fucking idiot.