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File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1080, LAS Jettison~orig - 0.00.15-0.00.30.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15028423 No.15028423 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread Jettison Edition

Previous: >>15025868

>> No.15028427

The LES is a better rocket than anything BO has built lmao

>> No.15028430

at least it actually fired in orbit

>> No.15028434
File: 1.37 MB, 2652x2652, 20221202_214340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rigel-M thrusters (adapted for Mars atmosphere). Design integrates entire fluid circuit into single printed part, eliminates need for tubing, ducts, etc. Running units through development testing before integrating onto our Mars lander prototype vehicle for Earth hover testing.

>> No.15028439

when will proonters produce smooth surfaces? They always look rough.

>> No.15028441

What is their business model
It's very difficult for a component supplier to attain high growth. The only possible outcome with upside for Impulse is an acquisition

>> No.15028442

Impulse is a space tug company.

>> No.15028443

the business model is tom wants to do something fun and meaningful yet low stress

>> No.15028446

Space tugs always end in disaster. This general worshipped the ground beneath Masten for 2+ years before, surprise surprise, the whole thing turned out to be a scam and they went into the drink

>> No.15028447

masten ceo was a total retard

>> No.15028448

Is there a cofounder with business sense or is it just Mueller?

>> No.15028449

Momentus? Masten never did tugs.

Seems like this. They nominally are a space tug company but they're also doing a Mars lander now for some reason.

>> No.15028453

that was it, yeah

>> No.15028455

Didn't some anon tell you to trim your webms more? First 4 seconds were unnecessary.

>> No.15028456

Snoopy was swinging on his noose

>> No.15028467
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>> No.15028473
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Not many rockets look as sexy as Proton-K
Agree? Disagree?

>> No.15028479

It's aesthetic, but it's literally ork technology.

>> No.15028480

Pizza rocket will never be sexy

>> No.15028486
File: 855 KB, 2256x2814, DB10EB33-4102-4396-90F5-F0B6E29F9860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another obvious contender. It’s so weird seeing it without an Apollo capsule

>> No.15028491

This could have built something twice the size of the ISS for the same price

>> No.15028502
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starshield is the natural evolution of starlink in ukraine. expect a space arms race like never before.

>> No.15028504
File: 497 KB, 1364x2018, 4ED230AF-C3D2-4279-B922-53D71CEF6224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino alert

>> No.15028508

Ahhh that’s not the best variant but yeah, all around sexy

>> No.15028517
File: 1.58 MB, 1170x1814, 10414430-C5ED-4F1E-99DF-C0305EA12935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another unpopular opinion for you to consider, fellow ifag phone poster

>> No.15028530

>me in the bottom floating away
nice knowing you, lads

>> No.15028531
File: 30 KB, 900x530, 169DDB29-7072-4266-BDCF-39A52AADAAE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find Long March 6 to be beautiful

>> No.15028534

It’s so derpy but I can see why you like it. I think 11 is super kino, the way it pops out of the tube, hovers for a bit, and then takes off like a missile

>> No.15028542

B or C

>> No.15028551
File: 449 KB, 595x842, Vega-VV08-launch-2-1502659052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Vega

>> No.15028553

What's the orange tumour on the side?

>> No.15028556

Vega looks like a kid drew a rocket with crayons and then his dad uploaded it to some AI website to make it hyperrealistic

>> No.15028564

I think this might be the first time anyones noticed this, but China really out here copying

>> No.15028572
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Sirs, do the needful

>> No.15028578

This is bullying, plain and simple

>> No.15028581

Now that's what I call an engine burn.

>> No.15028592
File: 157 KB, 614x501, Screenshot 2022-12-02 222049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15028595

>N2O4 based thrust vector control
Is this for the Shuttle SRBs or Titan?

>> No.15028602
File: 252 KB, 618x926, Screenshot 2022-12-02 222724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Titan.

>> No.15028604

Titan lore goes so deep. They pumped everything from RP-1 to NTO to H2 through the LR87 main engines. They also tried gelled alumizime fuel at one point but got too bothered with combustion instability to finish the R&D needed

>> No.15028607
File: 328 KB, 1368x1198, AD9ECE07-9F23-435C-9750-CA4DC3FF2973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s also the origin of Ares I, Liberty, and OmegA

>> No.15028608

Its a fake counter

>> No.15028610


The US military will be Starlink's biggest customer.

>> No.15028611

Funding secured

>> No.15028614

How long before they start launching Amazon satellites too?

>> No.15028615

Never ever. Amazon hates SpaceX because Jeff does. He's still their biggest shareholder.

>> No.15028617

SLS but it’s a new core stage that’s just a ton of clustered apollo-tier AJ-10s

>> No.15028619
File: 950 KB, 1125x724, EB751C95-2D5E-4984-AB48-D85867AE0EFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I become a good writer, bros?
I really want to write a story set after the collapse of the Martian government in which Deimos tries to become an independent state, but a war ensures between them and what’s left of mars. It’s supposed to be an allegory for the Chechen wars in Russia.
My issues are
1) My writing skills suck and I’ve never published anything before
2). Is it offensive? The Deimans are noble but heavily Muslim and a big theme is radicalization. Meanwhile, the Martians are devout Christians but commit atrocities such as genocide and bombarding population centers.

>> No.15028620

>Amazon's Dave Limp told @wapodavenport on @PostLive just now they certainly would consider launching Kuiper sats w/SpaceX. F9 is low end of capability they need, maybe FH, but Starship definitely possible. Need to get half of 3,236 satellite constellation up by July 2026 per FCC

>> No.15028621

>CNSA furiously taking notes

>> No.15028622

Phobos and Deimos are so small you don't land on them as much as dock with them. It would be the Martian equivalent of Sealand.

>> No.15028624

1600 satellites in 3.5 years is not thag bad.

>> No.15028626
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>> No.15028632
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Ugh nevermind it has just come to my attention that the trust of the AJ10-137 is 98 kN. For reference one Merlin has a sea level thrust of 850 kN

>> No.15028633
File: 564 KB, 632x1308, A33A065F-9BD7-47AF-B86E-688872BA5253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The justification will be that several rotating space stations are in the vicinity of Deimos.
The history of post-Soviet conflicts is absolutely fascinating and I am super inspired and stuff.
I had fun writing fake wikipedia articles for fake battles and stuff, but some of this could actually make a decent story. Maybe.

>> No.15028634

For SpaceX sure, none of the rockets that Amazon has bought launches on have even flown yet and one of the three might not even have its first launch until 2024.

>> No.15028638

Both A6 and New Glenn are scheduled for 2024 probably. Amazon said they ordered
>18 Ariane 6 launches with 35-40 Kuiper sats
>27 New Glenn launches
>38 Vulcan launches
>9 Atlas V launches
I think you might be right

>> No.15028639

Just one set of SuperDracos (i.e. 2 engines) has a thrust of 142 kN which is pretty crazy in comparison to Apollo’s giant ass AJ10, and Orion’s dinky ass 27 kN AJ10-190
Anyways you’d want to cluster something like the RD-270 as Glushko intended

>> No.15028640
File: 62 KB, 696x872, rJCKk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire fucking manual for the Titan is available if you're autistic enough to read it

>> No.15028643
File: 111 KB, 419x360, B27FC7CB-43C9-46CE-A5DB-EE883876A247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting 27 new glenn launches

>> No.15028645

>only build two reusable cores
>It’s okay they are certified for 100 launches apiece
>okay actually 50 a piece
>okay actually 25
What could go wrong

>> No.15028649

Surely they will build more cores. One loss of booster and it’s over, surely they understand this even if they are retards. Also being certified for 25 flights doesn’t even mean they will get 25 flights. It’s just a design goal. Assuming EVERYTHING goes right they will still probably only get 10 flights max out of the things before they start noticing problems and get too scared of blowing up someone’s payload. And again this is assuming everything goes right—it probably won’t. You simply have to expect loss of booster at some point, no way in hell they come out swinging with a perfectly good rocket that can attain 25 reused with zero growing pains

>> No.15028656
File: 2.29 MB, 1888x1168, E0E58AF6-8C19-406E-A969-048011F67012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve seen figures that a new Glenn core is like $200 million + just because it’s aluminum isogrid and gigantic

>> No.15028666

It can be tempting to write a history report on the conflict and drone on about details in the setting, but you gotta resist that urge and write an interesting story set in that conflict. Think about a story to tell that you think shows a point of view that gives opportunity for interesting characters and their growth. The war should be a way to knock your characters down and build them up (doesn't have to be in that order) I personally think that an interesting story follows characters that arent in control of their situations. Follow the point of view of a civilian caught in the middle of it all, or a grunt on the losing side questioning his allegiances, maybe a character that plays both sides to get a meal on his plate and fuel in his ship.
I know the parts of For All Mankind that everyone here hates are the character related stuff, but that was just bad execution. Done right, you can get people passionate about the fates of your characters.
Another tip is that your characters don't necessarily all have to know each other. Experiencing this event is what can tie them together, they don't all need to be the crew of one ship like Firefly. Although it is sometimes really satisfying when two separate characters' paths converge.
Hope this helps

>> No.15028674
File: 291 KB, 2880x900, nTSDgzg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad they didn't fire off a couple more of these in the mid-70s and build a real space station

>> No.15028676

>Its a fake counter

>> No.15028677

Youtube doesnt have dislikes idiot

>> No.15028679

Do you know where I could post some stuff as it’s completed? Not for publishing but just review?

>> No.15028723
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>> No.15028725

oh my god...this changes everything

>> No.15028727


>> No.15028728

PR talk. They claimed Falcon 9 couldn't launch them due to weights. Which is nonsense. But more so, its because they'd be giving SpaceX too much money.

They are hoping to get on Starship because thats way cheaper such that savings cannot be ignored, but Starship will be booked in advance.

>> No.15028742

northrup grummun is fucking back

>> No.15028749
File: 320 KB, 587x648, 10.31.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they talk about?

>> No.15028751

Buying France.

>> No.15028752


>> No.15028754

They're both centrist so they probably agreed with lot of things.

>> No.15028758

Gigafactory France edition
But also hopefully the dissolution of ESA

>> No.15028761

I doubt Elon wants to deal with French unions.

>> No.15028765

sending baguettes into orbit

>> No.15028768

Doesn't matter that much. It is a PR benefit to both of them. That's all it is.

>> No.15028772

Just throw the google doc with public viewing access in the thead every now and then, or if you finish a chapter and im sure a lot of us would be happy to read it. I gotta warn you though, don't post it if you can't handle people saying it's crap every now and then. Looking forward to it if you decide to write.

>> No.15028829

Test mannequen
Global space internet
Spaceship for interplanetary transport
Global military sensors/encrypted communication systems/missile defense early warning system
What next?

Space telescope as a service
Orbital laser missile defense
>Starshot (Starwars)
Orbital kinetic missile defense system

>> No.15028838

one failed company doesn't mean the concept is unworkable
just look at private space companies before (and after) spacex
people somehow think that having an idea in itself is somehow the most important thing, it isn't
ideas are easy, execution is hard and what actually matters
thus, failed execution in and on itself does not mean the idea itself is bad or unworkable

>> No.15028845

>Startug program
SpaceX uses some of their older Starlink and their thrusters to deorbit other orbital satellites/large debris

>> No.15028846

Now do the FAA files, Elon.

>> No.15028881
File: 64 KB, 686x750, 3476c71c06234e47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this today from a few nights ago. An occultation of a background star by Titan, as seen by SPHERE on ESO's Very Large Telescope. You can see the ariry rings around the star caused by diffraction, SPHERE uses extreme adaptive optics to reach the fundamental limits of resolution even looking through the atmosphere. Not processed so lots of bad pixels and artifact that all infrared detectors have.

>> No.15028885
File: 10 KB, 218x195, 7f22767cb96c53dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this image is the really cool one. The star is behind Titan, it should be blocked. But it is now visible at the top and bottom of the disk simultaneously, the light from the star is refracting through Titan's thick atmosphere.
You need perfect alignment to see this. One of the advantages of ground based telescopes is that they're much more flexible to observe something like this quickly.

>> No.15028897
File: 385 KB, 958x519, Screenshot from 2022-12-03 07-32-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spacewalk starting

>> No.15028898

Giant space laser as a service

Me think it two separate stars. Me see no smearing

>> No.15028902
File: 80 KB, 407x409, d3a06c6ebd5945d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, it's one refracted star.

>> No.15028951
File: 8 KB, 300x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk was probably asking him how his wife got away with grooming macron when he was a kid.
Frogs really need to explain to me how this shit is legal.

>> No.15028964

One good thing about Twitter is, he now has almost full support from moderates on democrat side and full support from Republican side. Few extremists on the left will hate him forever but they cant touch him now.

>> No.15028971

Very cool picture, thanks for sharing.

>> No.15028972

Place bets on re-entry.
I can't imagine it going wrong, but what if?

>> No.15029005
File: 2.47 MB, 1x1, ISP-factsheet_final.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they ever do one thing with SLS, I hope it's the interstellar probe.

>> No.15029017

lmao, maybe in the 2050
Currently, all flights are booked for Artemis so you're better off launching on FH or Starship.

>> No.15029020

>Frogs really need to explain to me how this shit is legal.
Americans think it's normal to slice off tip of their penis and castrate boys if they aren't manly enough
You guys are the ones who needs to do the explaining

>> No.15029030
File: 194 KB, 1680x870, 15.23.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15029039

I'm pretty sure those people hated Elon already just because he is a billionaire and proving some of their basic premises wrong

>> No.15029048

damn fog

>> No.15029057

It's actually Macron who groomed his teacher because of his psychopath skills.

>> No.15029060

Oh that's not Baikonur.

>> No.15029068

Love it, so minimalistic, could be a wallpaper

>> No.15029074

PRIME TARGETED MOVING 2022-12-05T08:01:56Z
NIRSpec IFU Spectroscopy TRITON

>> No.15029076
File: 356 KB, 958x519, Screenshot from 2022-12-03 09-49-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15029081

Nice cigs

>> No.15029082

>unprecedented speed
easier said than done

>> No.15029132
File: 25 KB, 684x307, Weyland-yutani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins.

>> No.15029142

I can't wait for StarPlanet™, capital city called "Musk", part of the X Empire.

>> No.15029201

space gas stations

>> No.15029210

or maybe Starstop

>> No.15029213


>> No.15029227
File: 74 KB, 907x368, mars cosmic Canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mars in the Star Trek universe: Cosmic Canada

>> No.15029234
File: 46 KB, 877x220, mars tellarite cucks st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then they let pig faced xenos stink up the place kek

>> No.15029237

>space force doesnt have enough generals so they have to use colonels as heads of departments

>> No.15029247

starslop™ chili dogz™

>> No.15029250

>SpaceX Plans to Beat NASA in Launching the Biggest Rocket Ever
>NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) moon rocket officially became the most powerful rocket ever flown when it lifted off in the early morning hours of Nov. 16, putting out a prodigious 4 million kg (8.8 million lbs) of thrust. That comfortably beat the old record holder—the Apollo era’s Saturn 5, with its 3.4 million kg (7.5 million lbs) of thrust.
>But the SLS won’t hold that title for long. As Space.com reports, earlier this week, SpaceX successfully test-fired 11 of the 33 engines on its Brobdingnagian Super Heavy rocket, a beast of a machine that, when all of its engines are lit, will produce more than 7.25 million kg (16 million lbs) of thrust, nearly double that of the SLS.
>Unlike the SLS, of course, Starship hasn’t yet flown, but the engine test is preparatory to a first uncrewed launch of the rocket that could happen later this month—though it is likelier to occur in the first quarter of 2023.

>> No.15029256

I just want more 3d printed rockets desu

>> No.15029262

project orionbros it wasn't supposed to end like this...

>> No.15029265

They need to hurry up with the Starfighters, Starcarriers and Starcruisers, before the ayys arrive to fuck our shit

>> No.15029269
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>> No.15029270
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>> No.15029273

let's signal all nearby stars in the hopes that one of them dispatches an invading armada. It's worth the risk of rkkvs, trust.

>> No.15029274
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>> No.15029282
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>> No.15029288
File: 754 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[4_36_44], take=[2022-12-03 10.51.14].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15029289

Could this Starshield thing give SpaceX way more funding and political support/defense than previously if they get the military behind them in a large way? This + twitter should hopefully stop any concerns from crabs about colonizing mars like planetary protection and so on
or idk if these are enough
NASA really needs a cleanup

>> No.15029300

it will make new crabs because anything involving military = bad and must be stopped

>> No.15029301
File: 890 KB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[4_43_34], take=[2022-12-03 10.58.02].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15029306
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Ah yes the Time article that badly needed a factchecker.

>> No.15029309

>ayy lmao finger analogs typed this post

>> No.15029319

>crabs about colonizing mars like planetary protection
That's a meme. No one can stop you from colonizing Mars, if you had the means to go there.

>> No.15029320

>[Starship orbital test] could happen later this month
Even more of a cope than expecting 27 New Glenn launches for Kuiper

>> No.15029344
File: 37 KB, 681x583, C9403B68-B898-4CB4-8327-4CD30D0D3411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if we had time to set up a cloud surfing plane to observe shoemaker-levy 9 impact jupiter

>> No.15029346
File: 528 KB, 1170x588, 21C88984-61C0-4FA3-8036-6314B5689727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15029347

Shut up shut up shut up why couldn’t Galileo launch earlier

>> No.15029359

This thing was super expensive.

>> No.15029360
File: 75 KB, 782x568, dinosaur comet cooked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>energy at impact when the largest fragment of Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 struck Jupiter = 6 teratons tnt equivalent
>Chicxulub impact event = 100 teratons of TNT equivalent
CSL9 was feeble, low energy

>> No.15029366

Imagine the smell!

>> No.15029369

Cheaper than the space shuttle and SLS

>> No.15029375

the government grants SpaceX their launch license

>> No.15029377

If they fired it with F-1A then USA would hold the title of the most powerful rocket engine.

>> No.15029384
File: 2.90 MB, 1920x1080, Starship Booster Static Fire Experience - B7 Raptor Engine Testing (2160p 24fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.01.00-0.01.39.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15029386
File: 2.90 MB, 1920x1080, Starship Booster Static Fire Experience - B7 Raptor Engine Testing (2160p 24fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.01.55-0.02.25.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15029388
File: 2.90 MB, 1920x1080, Starship Booster Static Fire Experience - B7 Raptor Engine Testing (2160p 24fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.01.55-0.03.14.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15029392
File: 2.90 MB, 1920x1080, Starship Booster Static Fire Experience - B7 Raptor Engine Testing (2160p 24fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15029393
File: 32 KB, 700x687, rtshshbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this nigga is paying for 4chan pass

>> No.15029401


>> No.15029408

Imagine clustering RD-170s, 180s, or AR1s or something on a Saturn V and having a reusable booster VGH

>> No.15029409
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, [1280x720] vtime=[5_23_20], take=[2022-12-03 11.37.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rollin rollin rollin

>> No.15029414
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>> No.15029415

If you changed the engine, you would end up with almost an entirely new rocket.

>> No.15029419
File: 1.21 MB, 1371x1156, Screenshot 2022-12-03 at 11-41-30 Anatoly Zak on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based or cringe

>> No.15029422

Will you faggots stop posting shit that has already been posted in the thread 12 hours ago?
I know you get a dopamine spike when you see something on twitter and you screenshot it and solve the captcha as fast as you can, but at least check the thread first

>> No.15029435

All fashion is fucking gay and has been the entire time.

>> No.15029438
File: 442 KB, 1125x696, F8BCBFDF-FE71-448F-9E43-845DF33709BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I was also a huge fan of that Vans X NASA collab

>> No.15029442
File: 2.06 MB, 1354x1654, 1659560624335278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engine pre-chill dogz

>> No.15029445

the drip

>> No.15029452
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>> No.15029455


>> No.15029456

not from america, sorry

>> No.15029460

Its second stage engine will cut early
>source: it occurred to me in a dream

>> No.15029461

What else happened in your dream? Any chance of a Starship launch?

>> No.15029470
File: 2.25 MB, 2832x1356, 1644643787789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since starlink will be used for military payloads i expect that chinese and russian satellites will begin close inspection of starlinks soon, pic related

>> No.15029471

>>source: it occurred to me in a dream
Your second stage cut out early?

>> No.15029474

What sets Starshield apart from Starlink?

>> No.15029481

Flexibility x volume x price. Wet dream for glowies

>> No.15029482
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Yuri Borisov visit to Keldysh with full-scale prototype of the Zevs nuclear electric tug

>> No.15029491
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the way you phrase the question itself is flawed, you can't compare them like that like they are competing or equivalent systems
Starshield is a service for integrated payloads on starlink v2 satellites, the satellites provide the bus, communication etc and the glowies can then tack on their own instruments on it
I guess they also provide whole satellites, but the point is to have a cheap system that is integrated to the starlink network and the agencies can then focus just on the payload part, probably sensing capabilities mostly at this point

>> No.15029492
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on the move

>> No.15029494
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>> No.15029497

Oooooh I get it. So they could but earth observation equipment or something on. Okay.

It also seems like the military realized that Starlink is good but very vulnerable to cyber attacks.

B7 is getting new engine shielding and work done. Booster 9 May roll out for cryo testing soon

>> No.15029499
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Dvach stalking

>> No.15029501


>> No.15029502
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>> No.15029504

It appears our superiority has caused some controversy

>> No.15029508
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This is the last one I’ll post so I’m not spamming the general. But I find these so interesting
Their Starship watch threads are really cool and are filled with people just wanting to watch big rockets fly

>> No.15029509

But he's right.

>> No.15029512

I know

>> No.15029516

trance lmao

>> No.15029522
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>> No.15029528

What does the second part mean? Such and such wine? Gave a suck to the whole world?

>> No.15029531

where is it going?

>> No.15029532

China sucks the worlds cocks

>> No.15029535

Inviting Russians to the Gateway and Artemis is literally a goodwill gesture because their space program has nothing to offer us anymore

>> No.15029537
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>> No.15029545

the scrapyard hopefully

>> No.15029548

>Пoлyчaeтcя aмepикaнцы oпять пepвыми выcaдят нa Лyнy бaбy, нeгpa и тpaнca? A хyли китaйцы нe пoдcyeтилиcь. Taкoй-тo вин был бы для их кoммyниcтичecкoй пapтии. Moл cмoтpитe, кaк мы дaли пococaть вceмy миpy и, глaвнoe, aмepикaнцaм.
This is the original. The first part is pretty clear. I think the second half is basically saying “fuck the chinese, why can’t they get there first. That would be such a win for their communist party. Instead the whole world is going to suck america’s dick”

>> No.15029554


>> No.15029557

>Пoлyчaeтcя aмepикaнцы oпять пepвыми выcaдят нa Лyнy бaбy, нeгpa и тpaнca? A хyли китaйцы нe пoдcyeтилиcь. Taкoй-тo вин был бы для их кoммyниcтичecкoй пapтии. Moл cмoтpитe, кaк мы дaли пococaть вceмy миpy и, глaвнoe, aмepикaнцaм.
This is DeepL's translation:
>So the Americans will be the first to put a baba, a nigger and a tranny on the moon again? Why the fuck didn't the Chinese get around to it? That would have been such a win for their Communist Party. Look how we sucked the world's dick and, more importantly, the Americans.

>> No.15029558
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>Russians praying their Chinese masters get to the moon first
Holy shit what a fucking decline from the USSR

>> No.15029559
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>> No.15029562

>In Russian, the phrase "дaть пococaть" (to give someone a suck) can be used as a slang expression meaning to beat or defeat someone, or to put them in their place. It is similar to the English expression "to put someone in their place."

>> No.15029563
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>> No.15029564

why is spacex like this

>> No.15029567

Why couldn’t putin declare a special military operation on the lunarians?

>> No.15029579

No moon rockets.

>> No.15029586

Well, they should make one.

>> No.15029589

The funds have disappeared. The matter is being investigated.

>> No.15029603

100% copium atmosphere.
They even project their eternal butthurt onto the Chinese now.

>> No.15029608
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Real talk, Russia is horribly corrupt and any fans of spaceflight know it better than everyone. They have some very smart people and the resources and even the money to return to the moon, but oligarchs would literally pocket the cash to buy new yachts.
I feel very very sorry for any fans of spaceflight from Russia.

>> No.15029638

Itll be fine dont be a pussy

>> No.15029640

>starshield will offer real time sub-meter resolution of the whole world in multiple spectra
its over for the rest of the world, america achieved omniscience

>> No.15029647

I love spacex I love spacex I love spacex

>> No.15029651


>> No.15029654

SpaceX =/= USA

>> No.15029655

I can tell how many there are by imagining a number on the basis of no evidence whatsoever and immediately believing it with unshakable confidence.

>> No.15029656

Hasn’t ground image resolution from orbit been stagnant for like 50 years? In this case every countries with spy sat have the same resolution as America’s best

>> No.15029657

I would appreciate this more with a lightbulb crudely photoshopped over the middle

>> No.15029658

What? It still has and you can access it through the API ormany add in

>> No.15029659

Starship launch license status?

>> No.15029660

>In this case every countries with spy sat have the same resolution as America’s best
absolutely wrong

>> No.15029662

2 weeks

>> No.15029663


>> No.15029664

They need the 33 engine static fire and full stack WDR first

>> No.15029665


>> No.15029666

What counter example do you have? America has better coverage and maybe better computer processing, but physics are the same for everyone.

>> No.15029670

33-engine static fire status?

>> No.15029671

will the lunar gateway ever be a real thing or does it just exist so artemis doesnt get cancelled

>> No.15029673
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Uhhhh, what is SpaceX hiding there?

>> No.15029674

>but physics are the same for everyone.
Manufacturing and materials sure as hell aren't.

>> No.15029676

What does this even mean? They are building it and launching it for real yes
No one has anything to rival Maxar or Kennen

>> No.15029678


>> No.15029680

Booster 7 is getting its engine covers installed. We will likely have a 20ish engine static fire first to test the outer ring before a 33 static. 20 engine test maybe in December. 33 engine test January ish.

>> No.15029681
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>> No.15029682

Maxar is just a chinese gopro on a box

>> No.15029683

Scale is easy to get, doubt China/Russia/India/Britain/France/Germany don’t have state of the art optics

>> No.15029687
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America really is the only superpower on earth, aren’t they?

>> No.15029691

It’s the only superpower in history, Soviets and brits were paper tigers

>> No.15029692


>> No.15029693

You are forgetting the Mongols

>> No.15029695
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how do i find more art of cute anime girls with rockets?

>> No.15029696

just that it may have hundreds of satellites in leo. planetlabs already does 24 hour imaging of the earth, but i has less than 100 satellites afaik.

>> No.15029700

can you post the 2ch threads? I am interested in the vatnik opinions of Starship

>> No.15029701
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roscosmos makes me really sad knowing what couldve been. theyre still riding on accomplishments from 50 years ago and have done jack shit in the last 30 years

>> No.15029703

corpses of FAA inspectors that got a bit too nosey

>> No.15029704

>Rieyyot of the yed baiiey

>> No.15029705


>> No.15029709

This, they'll be released into the grass to hunt ULA snipers.

>> No.15029710

>non-centralised and little governance
>not even hegemonic in one (1) continent

>> No.15029725

The evidence is in Ukraine. American satellite intel is how those meme HIMARS trucks are so effective but Russia can't provide similar data to their own forces.

>> No.15029735

Soviets could map the smallest midwestern town, Russia kept that legacy capability to some extent, the problem are in other places

>> No.15029738

That ability has existed since WW2 with aerial photography from planes

>> No.15029743
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twitter, pixiv

>> No.15029763
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It's true

>> No.15029769

>it's literally just a lens diffraction artifact
why must you wound me in this way

>> No.15029776
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lol, retarded flatbrains


>> No.15029778


>> No.15029780

Read a lot of books and write a lot of stories. Write a short story a week for a year - eventually you'll get better. It's impossible to write 52 bad stories in a row.

>> No.15029782

Higher quality

>> No.15029789
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>> No.15029793

Schizo is looking for a conspiracy but those pics are still on nasa.gov page.

>> No.15029832
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>> No.15029834
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>> No.15029842
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Geology is so kino, bros
I wish I could join the Artemis astronauts as they trained

>> No.15029846

i fucking love rocks

>> No.15029847

>Geology is so kino, bros
Geology gives me anxiety.

>> No.15029864

they had to put them back due to massive public outcry

>> No.15029869
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The juicy ones were taken during Apollo 15

>> No.15029873

>literally obviously contains yet more lens flare artifacting at higher qualities

...what appears to be the limb of the sun in the original images is literally just a circular lens flare centered around the sun itself like those two outer lens flare rings, isn't it?

>> No.15029874

Where are the sodium cooled fast reactors, NASA?

>> No.15029883

The 1960s where f*ssion belongs

>> No.15029903

Only tiny cuck caged heat pipe ones for you

>> No.15029906
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>> No.15029910
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>there's pics of Wernher von Braun inside a spaceplane but not inside a capsule

>> No.15029911

The two designs that were considered technically achievable ranked very close in the expert's rating system - the Tian Jao 1 manned spaceplane with a score of 83.69, and the Department 508 manned space capsule with a score of 84.00.

Scary how the Chinks almost fell to the spaceplane meme like the burgers, ruskies and frogs before

>> No.15029915

bro, it never even began for the frogs

>> No.15029917

They still spent the equivalent of a billion on it, and it durably affected European space budget, Franco german astronautical industrial cooperation and drove the brits away

>> No.15029925
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>> No.15029926
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What the fuck is happening with Rogozin?

>> No.15029931

Live action role player

>> No.15029932

I'm pretty sure if you made that Space Shuttle 3 thing a bit bigger and taller it would just collapse into a black hole.

>> No.15029933

>still uses segmented SRBs
It would be pure kino if they used single cast. It solves all the other shuttle problems.

>> No.15029939

This is what leading from the front looks like

>> No.15029940

>Ammo for an mp5 AND for a SCAR
Is this dude falling for every single /k/ meme?

>> No.15029941
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Why do people act like spaceflight is hard?
Just keep adding boosters.

>> No.15029944
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Braun would probably like it.

>> No.15029954
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Eureka-1 launch LIVE


Propellant loading

>> No.15029962

Assuming DoD mints a contract for Starshield today, it would take ~3 years until orbital launches start happening at a regular cadence. That's pretty unprecedented, given how commonly schedules slip in old space and old guard dod contracts.

>> No.15029964

Rogozin got torn apart because his load out is 100% western weaponry

>> No.15029965

France is a turning into a bit of a shithole. Providing Starlink services to France is probably the best and probably setting up import contracts for Tesla. But, building anything in France is a bad bad idea.

>> No.15029967
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>”Wagner mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin has promised to send former Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin home "in a plastic bag" if he goes near Wagner positions while wearing and carrying mostly NATO military clothing and equipment."

>> No.15029968

>France is a turning into a bit of a shithole.
Unlike the US? lol

>> No.15029970

>been in operation since 196
more Soviet revisionist lies

>> No.15029972

The US is big.
The major cities can turn into shitholes and the suburbs stay fine.

>> No.15029973

What the fuck does some 9 month long soviet drunk fight have to do with spaceflight.

>> No.15029976

Rogopnik used to be the head of Roscosmos.

>> No.15029985
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>> No.15029992

Rogozin was a common point of discussion on /sfg/

>> No.15029993
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>I've got faith--

>> No.15029999

US has a geographic advantage that France can't replicate. That alone makes all the difference.

>> No.15030002

Damn the Star Trek Enterprise intro really predicted that our Mars missions would be made by large re-entry vehicles refueled by a depot in orbit

>> No.15030005

Starlink = communication
Starshield = earth observation

>> No.15030006

already built one in Germany i dont think they need another one in the neighboring state

>> No.15030007
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ENT is great

>> No.15030010

T-3 min

>> No.15030012
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>> No.15030019
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I am upset I never met him

>> No.15030064
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Emphasis being "was". JFK kicked off Apollo but no one comes here to read about his drive in Dallas.

>> No.15030079

Shut up rogozin posting is hilarious

>> No.15030099

To a small extent, however, it brings more political and offtopic discussion than it does spaceflight.

>> No.15030103
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>Left to right
>Perseverance in its aero shell
>Boeing’s 45 ton mars lander, also NASA’s current placeholder for a manned mars mission. Four to five would be needed for a manned mission, with each carrying 20 tons of cargo to the surface
>Lockheed’s MADV. MADV is cool and reusable.

>> No.15030112 [DELETED] 
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What the fuck is this

>> No.15030122
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>> No.15030126
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>Apollo 17 50th is next week
>not a peep from Harrison Schmitt

>> No.15030136

Honestly it feels like NASA is pretty fucking sick of Boeing at this point and Starship is more than likely going to emerge as the obvious roadmap to Mars especially because NASA is currently getting to know all the major systems and subsystems down to the smallest minute detail and they will have so much familiarity with it

>> No.15030151

I have an extension that allows it to still be viewed called "Return Youtube Dislike" that has access to YT's API and displays the metric.

>> No.15030153
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What the fuck is this

>> No.15030155


>> No.15030161
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>> No.15030213

It's an X-Wing Mars shuttle powered by RL10s.

>> No.15030215

>powered by RL10s
When will the horror finally be allowed to end?

>> No.15030219

When someone funds finishing the J-2X or someone starts selling 380s Isp methalox vacuum engines to other companies.

>> No.15030222

RL10s aren’t the worst. They could be better of course, and the price could be dropped by 25% if not more, but they certainly aren’t shit

>> No.15030226

Fuck the J2X finish AR1

>> No.15030253

It probably has dropped by at least that much with the RD10C, but good luck ever seeing the sticker price go down.

They're not shit, but they're still underpowered for the roles they get put into. The Atlas V had to get so much performance out of the first stage because the Centaur need so much time to circularize an orbit. The Vulcan has the same problem which is why Smart is the only possible recovery option for ULA to pursue. If you want to get decent thrust out of them you need to cluster them in large numbers which drives up the complexity and the cost. There's a good reason why they dropped the six RL10s on the Saturn IV for the single J-2 on the S-IVB.

Blue Origin would probably be willing to sell BE-3Us once they get their game together.

>> No.15030259

>2). Is it offensive?

If you have to ask yourself this you will not get published. See; every single big name sci fi author now only publishing shit totally compliant with current year multiracial equality tranny political agenda. You could of course self publish but good luck with that.

>> No.15030262

Lockmart are giga nigga ultrakikes but come on you to admit it looks tight as fuck.

>> No.15030264

I wonder if we'll ever reach the point where spaceships can put some focus on design instead of 100% functionality.
I don't think there's any real ship that isn't absolutely fugly except maybe the Space Shuttle.

>> No.15030269

NTA and my understanding of orbital mechanics and the rocket equation is probably way above average but still not “I play modded KSP and understand everything” tier
Why would the J2 work better then the RL-10 in this particular instance? Isn’t isp way more important than thrust? I’m obviously missing something important

>> No.15030288

J-2 is ~1000 kN of thrust in vacuum
RL10 is ~100 kN

It's just much bigger.

>> No.15030291

The old argument against against clustering is that more engines means more points of failure. If losing one engine has a significant chance of scrubbing the mission you're better off having as few dice rolls as possible. You could use 4x RL10Cs on the EUS, or you could use 2x Vincis and get the same performance with a system that's less likely to suffer a failure. They actually talked about doing that but decided that providing Orion's service module was enough of a European contribution to an American jobs program. The S-IVB also ended up being a lot larger than the S-IV and I don't think you could fit the number of RL10s that you would have needed to get enough thrust.

You also have significantly simpler plumbing to get your propellant to the engines, which reduce cost and number of parts that could fail during a launch. No one wants to design plumbing like Superheavy's if you've got any other choice. That shit's nightmarish.

Isp is more important than thrust... to a point. Until your orbit is circularized you still need to worry about gravity losses. If you try to replace an S2 chemical engine with an ion one you're going to run into difficulties getting your payload into orbit. Atlas V and Vulcan could lift significantly larger payloads with far fewer SRBs if they had a more powerful upper stage engine, even if it was a bit less efficient.

>> No.15030294

It looks like a fat seal.

>> No.15030299

>Until your orbit is circularized you still need to worry about gravity losses
Ohhhhhh shit that makes a ton of sense holy shit. Thank you

>> No.15030302

would look better if it didn't use h*drogen

>> No.15030303
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>Mission Time: 17 days, 15 hrs, 47 min
>Orion is 221,630 mi from Earth, 40,086 mi from the Moon, cruising at 2,777 mph.
>P: 219443, 50857, 12201
>V: -790, 2334, 1281
>O: 312º, 56º, 151º
What are the P,V and O coordinate systems?

>> No.15030305

That's why using RL10s for what would be an SSTO engine on Mars in MADV is extremely silly.

>> No.15030306

What the fuck do you want it to use.

>> No.15030307

Position, Velocity, Orientation

>> No.15030308

>Isp is more important than thrust... to a point. Until your orbit is circularized you still need to worry about gravity losses.

Because of this depending on what you are trying to do low thrust / high ISP engines take up to double the delta V that traditional chemical engines do.

>> No.15030311

God that image gets gayer and gayer every time I look at it.
I do like how the image portrays the complete opposite; the destruction of the Martian navy and their orbital shipyard

>> No.15030312

So ideally an SSTO should optimize for thrust over isp when taking off from the Moon or Mars?

>> No.15030314

Mars gravity makes ideas that are dumb on Earth a bit less dumb overall. The RL10 could be perfectly workable as an ascent-decent engine on a MADV. The real stupid shows up when you try to keep the hydrolox cold on the Martian surface for any length of time.

>> No.15030320

Or for the transit from Earth.

>> No.15030329

Any fuel that doesn't require such bloated tanks

>> No.15030346

>mars orbit space station

>> No.15030428

it's called LARPing

>> No.15030434

You sound nervous BO fag

>> No.15030454

Lockheed isnt even bidding it lmao

>> No.15030460

The only thing not being bid is N*tional Team. MADV will be a clear cut second option for the second HLS lander

>> No.15030469

Blue Moon will fuck the ass of any competition by an excessive margin

>> No.15030473

BM is literally a one-way lander that requires separate ascent/descent stages if you want to get a crew back alive. Exactly the OPPOSITE of what NASA is requesting

>> No.15030477

>announced 2016

>> No.15030485

NTA but Blue Moon getting a redux. you didnt hear it from me

>> No.15030487

Never reached orbit.

>> No.15030488

doesnt matter. blue origin doesnt do jack shit and starship will blow everything else out of the water

>> No.15030489

Oh please. It won’t do them any good. It’s over for Bozo

>> No.15030516

Why does NASA keep insisting on hydrolox for upper stage/sustainers when it's rather obvious the isp is detracted significantly by the need for super large cryogenic tanks when methalox would increase their capabilities overall

>> No.15030520

Time magazine said "ever flown", not to reach orbit.

>> No.15030521

That's it, I'm changing the /sfg/ super heavy lift vehicle to a five core hydrogen design and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.15030525

Hydrolox is unironically great for upper stages (Centaur). Using it for any other application is shit.


>> No.15030529

Solid upper stage. Shuttle srb upper stage.

>> No.15030542

It's the best option until you get methalox with ~380s vacuum Isp.

>> No.15030545

>Hydrolox is unironically great for upper stages

Not by cost metrics, which is the only relevant metric unless you have unlimited taxpayer troughs to feed from and even then it's not THAT much better than FFSC methane.

>> No.15030571

>five hydrologgs cores
>super heavy lift
So like five double wide SLS cores with seven RS-25Es each?

>> No.15030578
File: 122 KB, 585x500, spacecraftDesign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should do an /sfg/ designs a rocket

>> No.15030581

I'll start on the logo

>> No.15030590

1st stage is an aerospike made with inwards pointing raptors, 4 drop tanks, since the aerospike can't gimbal, directional control is achieved by draining the 4 side tanks at different rates. Those 4 side tanks will be painted Krystal blue, and the core is white.

>> No.15030602
File: 96 KB, 950x1024, FOn-79vVEAAbGvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that it's called MADV

>> No.15030605
File: 20 KB, 760x1124, rochet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american ingenuity

>> No.15030616

Kill yourself forced meme furfag

>> No.15030618

The hydrolox lobby has its fingers in a lot of pies

>> No.15030619


>> No.15030622
File: 23 KB, 388x593, Black_Day_White_Sands_MAIN_AUG2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention, freaks. I'm drunk as hell. I stink of cheap booze and strange coochie. We're in the midst of another space race, and greed and Faustian ambition are going to take us to the stars. We're all going to make it. Even the seething Ruskies on Dvatch. Life is good.

>> No.15030623

thought it was loss for a second there

>> No.15030663

AJ10s as verniers to compensate for limited gimbal authority on a rocket that fucking wide might work.

>> No.15030672


>> No.15030684
File: 72 KB, 649x723, Screenshot 2022-12-04 at 02-35-45 The Chinese Space Station - Step One (#1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many people look up space videos/tweets/news stories just to post shit like this?

>> No.15030695

people who comment publicly are mentally ill

>> No.15030705

>t. just commented that publically

>> No.15030715

>We're in the midst of another space race
Except we're not.

>> No.15030717


>> No.15030725

>t. just commented that publically
Yeah i'm a fucked

>> No.15030742
File: 1.10 MB, 1024x617, 1656471129070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15030771

the payload can be anything, not just earth observation

>> No.15030792

Taikonaut is a made up word used by news/media that Chinese don't use

>> No.15030793

I don't care

>> No.15030797

I doubt they call themselves chicoms either.

>> No.15030816
File: 679 KB, 1920x1080, rud.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Se ha terminado.

>> No.15030827

>company known for testing to destruction tests to destruction
call the press, inform the UN General Assemlby, etc.

>> No.15030909


The last Raptor test rud was probably hundred+ tests ago as well, maybe they're testing some new limits

>> No.15030922

yeah, I just find the clown getting angry there amusing

>> No.15030928

Wonder how much those models cost.

>> No.15030949

probably limits like "does blowing up a Raptor kills neighboring raptors/the entire rocket?"

>> No.15030958

More likely testing new injection methods/increase in thrust/increase in pressure/possibly even manufacturing defects

>> No.15031035

That or life cycle / time predictions with accelerated ware.

>> No.15031117


>> No.15031147

So BN8 will be the one to fly?

>> No.15031170

no, B420 xD

>> No.15031179
File: 475 KB, 500x300, 1669572337076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The oldspace apologists are getting pretty uppity after Artemis I.
You'll be put back in your place soon.

>> No.15031184
File: 49 KB, 499x378, Kagome-Sango secret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let them have this moment.

>> No.15031198
File: 435 KB, 1136x636, 0tZETjuZDyk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said that Starship can't be transported horizontally?

>> No.15031206

this is bad

>> No.15031212

Not even mildly concerning.

>> No.15031213

Is it 9m diameter?
Could also be for the VAB sort of platforms they're building in the highbay

>> No.15031215

yep, nice square access hatches there

>> No.15031224

it literally cant be and you will NEVER see one transported horizontal

>> No.15031225
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Landing engine. Or is it just a superdraco?

>> No.15031228
File: 731 KB, 1921x1281, belly flop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be at least at flight pressures. Otherwise this wouldn't work (at terminal velocity which is pretty obviously achieved).

>> No.15031233

i still can't believe elon fell for the spaceplane meme

>> No.15031237

How long until we have nerve-stapling?

>> No.15031239
File: 230 KB, 586x575, 18.30.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OneWeb and Hakuto-R launches are 90% GO

>> No.15031247

this project is unannounced

>> No.15031253

Just pressurize the Ship and you're good to go.

>> No.15031259

Does anyone know where all the stuff for Icarus Interstellar went? Their website is down.

>> No.15031322

They left, they'll arrive at their destination in 47 years.

>> No.15031348

the airflow pressure keeps the sides pushed together

>> No.15031357

so fat
so stubby

it's fucking adorable

>> No.15031363


>> No.15031364

you've got to stop the LH2 leaks somehow

>> No.15031366

I don't understand what you're saying. The fact that the ship decelerates to terminal velocity at sea level is proof that it can structurally handle being horizontal on a sufficiently force distributing cradle.

>> No.15031370

>hydrolox for upper stage
this is good and superior to rp-1. cope & seethe.

>> No.15031378
File: 693 KB, 1x1, LM-Crewed-Lunar-Lander-from-Gateway-IAC-2018-Rev1.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LM proposal was really nice, it included not only a propellant depot, but also a refinery. A shame it didn't go anywhere, but now is their second chance.

>> No.15031380

Yeah it was cool. NASA threw it out because they wanted less tonnage to the moon, if memory serves correctly

>> No.15031429
File: 1.26 MB, 1x1, SpaceX_Propulsion.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cool ppt from Tom Markusic about propulsion at SpaceX in 2010. info on Merlin 2, thoughts about other propulsion methods

>> No.15031430
File: 909 KB, 4096x2416, FjE0PHAXwAAVtxr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15031433
File: 1.91 MB, 4096x2434, FjE2_2-WAAMUaEv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15031441

>$1B R&D
>$50M per engine
That's a lot. But I suspect raptor R&D cost more than that over the entire program.

>> No.15031472
File: 697 KB, 2500x1944, the sacred texts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15031474

Neat. Do you know why it's visible at two opposite points, rather than all the way around?

>> No.15031483

Markusic puts that in all his powerpoints, thinks it's cute

>> No.15031485

It's based and hydrocarbonpilled.

>> No.15031496

>juggalo stage
Thanks, it makes me chuckle every time.

>> No.15031515
File: 82 KB, 1724x868, 4assbg4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have various engine designs, but no one has designed a rocket to use them or calculated performance and logistics

>> No.15031537

Venture star was not capable of orbit

>> No.15031541


>> No.15031553
File: 30 KB, 305x502, maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody make a new thread

>> No.15031556

can u? im tired

>> No.15031562


>> No.15031564



>> No.15031633

New Glenn core is def. more expansive than a single Starship, even maybe a single Falcon Heavy

>> No.15031636

It does idiot. Return Youtube Dislikes extension uses Youtube's API. Download it now you fucking pleb.

>> No.15031645

>Needs a dedicated SLS Block 2 launch
MADV is gay as fuck, change my mind

>> No.15031649

Vincis on EUS would have been pretty based
J2X was overkill for Artemis but SLS is already completely autistic so I wouldn't have mind if they chose it.

>> No.15031654

It's not going to win. MADV needs 1 SLS Block 2 launch. Boeing lost HLS early because of that very reason. It's not happening.