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File: 2.62 MB, 2112x1484, HP-Lovecraft -quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14822547 No.14822547 [Reply] [Original]

What horrifying technologies do you think will exist in the near future?

>> No.14822573

Chill brah. It's all a simple game. See, the universe is alive. "YOU" are in a higher dimensional space and are plugged into this 3D body. Why? Mechanical power. You've been in this simulation so long that you've forgotten that you're a muscle in a higher dimensional space that responds to stimuli from this 3D space.

Great? Right? This 3D world is essentially a switch that makes you dance in the higher dim space.

Ok, now that we got that machinery out of the way, why computers? YHWH is one efficient God. He wants to manipulate the fewest possible 3D bodies to get the most out of a billion odd souls in the higher dimensional plane. So he gives the tribes of Israel instructions on propaganda and manipulation and the tribes of Israel do it.

Now, the problem is that since the Jews were not the original priest tribe (they're rulers), they decided to implement their style into YHWHs instructions. That's why you see a fucked up world. Because the Jews raised the white race like dogs, who in turn treat everyone else like dogs.

In the last two centuries, the Jews got lazy. They didn't want to spread propaganda everywhere through sheer hard work (why would they? Tribe of Judah is a lion - lazy af). So, they pushed for adoption of computers.

That screen in front of you is like Pavlov's bell, you're the dog and your soul is the wagging tail. YHWH converts the vibrational energy of your tail into useful work.

There is no horror coming. It's just business. Though, honestly, someone should tell YHWH that the Jews are being inefficient as fuck in doing their job.

>> No.14822593

vote-by-mail and electronic voting

>> No.14822622

i can't describe whats beyond comprehension exactly, but i can tell you without doubt that jews will be the ones instigating the horror

>> No.14822641

is that mark zuckerberg?

>> No.14822644
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This quote is misattributed. It was said by Tesla shortly after dominstrating a remote controlled boat.

He was at the World's Fair driving his remote controlled boat around in a pool. A US Navy admiral walked up to him and said something (paraphrasing) along the lines of "With your control technology, we could load dummy boats with explosives and sink any navy in the world easily".

Tesla turned to him and answered "Using this principle, you may live to see man-made horrors beyond comprehension" and then abruptly ended his demo.

>> No.14824347

Why does God need to worry about efficiency if he's omnipotent?

>> No.14824360

>vote-by-mail and electronic voting
Already here. Note all the stolen elections and 95% re-election rates nationall, and 99.99% re-election rates in deep blue Democrat cities.

>> No.14824375

Kek. These le epic quotes always have such a stupid backstory

>> No.14824380

...and yet somehow the Democrats lost House seats and didn't get a clean majority in the Senate. I guess they just forgot to rig that part of the vote.

>> No.14824392

>Why should we worry about controlling a system with the least number of switches when we can see the entire system (omniscience) or affect the entire system (omnipotent)?
I dunno anon. Maybe it's tiring to always teach your sorry ass. So maybe God just let's others do it because he has better things to do. You know, efficiency. As in God wants you removed from the gene pool, but he doesn't have the heart to do it (because your sorry ass is his creation). So he just let's everyone else do it for him.

>> No.14824479

God is not omnipotent if he needs other beings to do work for him.

>> No.14824509
File: 16 KB, 230x286, Einstein_tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always have such a stupid backstory
The history you know is likely incorrect.

pic related was was taken when Einstein didn't want his picture taken. He was sick of the paparazzi following him around trying to turn him into some hero for inventing nuclear power. He stuck his tongue out in defiance so they couldn't get a good photo of him. They used the photo anyway, and now that very same photo is his most famous one. I don't know if this is purely Barbra Streisand effect by accident, or just evidence of how powerful the powers write our history and shapes the minds/views of the people really are.

>> No.14824531

Machines that keep you from reaching your potential by showing you pictures of naked women performing sexual acts

>> No.14824547

logical fallacy

>> No.14824551

I need to install self surveilance cameras so I can be fully disgusted by how much time I squander on here. I couldn't imagine how harsh it'd be to see my out of shape self in a time lapse.

>> No.14824831

>God is not omnipotent since he needs his creations to do his work for him.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

>> No.14824864

Probably weaponised virus being released. Like the Russians dumb enough to use it against Ukraine hold outs and seeing it spread and kill 1 billion humans.

>> No.14824895

>he doesn't have the heart
So your god isn't benevolent, he is a trickster who deceives and has malice for humans and other creations while secretly hating himself?

>> No.14824919 [DELETED] 

the people who rig the votes don't care which of the two fake political parties control the senate.

>> No.14825428

Quote mining is a hell of a drug. Predditors don't wanna hear that la ebin quote warning about the cyberpunk future was actually just one guy commenting to another guy on a specific piece of proposed military tech.

It takes the magic out of it, and Predditors prefer their scientists full of magic instead of science because magic makes a better Preddit post. I mean, if he wasn't basically a Harry Potter wizard bringing magic to the muggels, then was he even a scientist? How will I karmafarm retards if I don't lionize Tesla with some kind of autistic "Willy Wonka of Thunder" mythos?

>> No.14825675

that was...ehm...the joke. No, only where it was necessary when it was necessary. I followed Georgia case day by day for weeks more than other States. Boy, the amount of facts that don't add up. Sterling acting like a though guy, then recount the same fraudolent votes, wow, what a badass. People talking about those ballots under the carefully placed table, like they knew the ballots were legit in the first place. Sending obvservers away, but but...it's not mandatory to have observers. Elena Parent having almost a heart attack when the video came out "but but...it's already been debunked!!!"

>> No.14825814

swarm ai

>> No.14825819

can't accept that trump lost election

>> No.14825831



>> No.14828097

the idea behind Eudeamon is kind of horrifying.

>> No.14829364
File: 996 KB, 1404x930, Untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely not suffer from but fight, engage with, and go to war to/with of evil extraterrestrials that I have locked out of the Milky Way galaxy to the "Earth-2" solar system. Mega Man X6

>> No.14829483

This makes that scene in Red Dead Redemption 2 make a lot more sense in context

>> No.14829500


We're only just beginning to understand the implications of not being able to escape notice. You will never be "unknown" again. From the moment of your birth (verified in several ways) until your (verified in several ways) death, everything about you can be tracked, analyzed, and influenced. Politically, your vote can be predicted to a confidence level of over 80%. Your communications and network traffic is already being logged and analyzed against a constantly shifting matrix of weighted criteria. Any business you conduct electronically is sold to data brokers, who compile it along with the rest of your PII. If you're tempted to go off-grid, you can be tracked via satellite the moment you do something that generates any heat warmer than background or any atmospheric emission greater than ambient.

>> No.14829593

If you play a strategy game you know the cheat to make you instantly win, give your team infinite ressources or enable godmode. But you don't. Why?

>> No.14829598
File: 590 KB, 739x739, 1662240392704721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is not a video game

>> No.14829741

Life might literally be a videogame. Look into Digital Physics


>> No.14829965

What do you mean? That story is pretty good, now the quote has way more weight.

>> No.14830008

I take it you love fortnite.

>> No.14830059
File: 26 KB, 280x356, 1576556588783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future is AI hell (or paradise, idk, depends on the person)

>> No.14830076

this doesnt take the magic out of the quote at all though. it just makes the quote that much better.

>> No.14830129
File: 1.20 MB, 2133x1522, ORlWjAo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giant builder robots that use up the entire planets ressources

>> No.14830155

Illusionary pain torture, they just put someone on your head and make your brain hallucinate ridiculous horrific pain until your mind broken.

>> No.14830209

thats not AI thats francis bacon

>> No.14831134

AI in general is man made horror.

>> No.14831172
File: 48 KB, 652x425, existential risks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI hell

>> No.14831177
File: 752 KB, 684x3336, the happy face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or paradise

>> No.14831254

>AI that can predict you decisions before you've made them (on average)
>AI that can interpret an EEG or some oher device to give insight into what you're thinking.
From a purely technical point, I think both are very neat ideas. However their development will absolutely be abused by governments to crack down on wrong think.

>> No.14831260

Technology is going to max out in a few years, and the future is going to be what it's like now forever.

>> No.14833318

Probably self assembled nanotechnology.

>> No.14833667

Semi-automatic turbo niggers

>> No.14833876

Well, i just invented a much cheaper method of harvesting solar energy.

>> No.14833927

Mind upload to the internet. Is it you, or is it a digital approximation of you?

>> No.14833937


>> No.14833947

Gotta give points for creative shilling. Obviously the 2020 election was rigged though.
>81 million voted for pedo peter
lol lmao

>> No.14834000

Men changing into women, women becoming Men, everyone worshipping small monoliths that can communicate with each other and follow your every move. The ability to lose your job over an offhand comment that has been quietly archived for 30 years, until it isn't. Your parents having a better quality of life than your kids.