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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14826822 No.14826822 [Reply] [Original]

>first day of math class
>instructor told us we have to write a paper on a non western or a female mathematician
>called it a "diversity, equity, and inclusion assignment"
>worth 2% of our final mark
Is she allowed to do this?
GPA wise there is no difference between a 100 and a 98 correct? An A+ is an A+?

>> No.14826830

write on Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
dude invented algebra

>> No.14826860

>>worth 2% of our final mark
2% kek Skip it.

Tell the professor she is a whore and should suck your cock for 2% of your tuition.

>> No.14826866

Yeah, the 2% bit makes me think she's doing the minimum required to fulfill some departmental requirement and is no happier about it than OP is. Which probably means he can get away with submitting nearly anything.

>> No.14826874

It is not department mandated, she is just doing it to either virtue signal, or because she believes in the propaganda

>> No.14826886

Do libs even believe this stuff? Or is someone just forcing unis to do this so that otherwise reasonable people get pissed and write some schizo manifesto and shoot up a school

>> No.14826891

Not much of a virtue signal at 2%. More of a 'I really don't give a shit' signal. Even slaves were worth 60%.

>> No.14826894
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If you want a fun one, do Ramanujan.

If you want to troll, do Ada Lovelace from the point of view of someone skeptical of the claims that she somehow wrote programs for the Babbage Engine before Babbage did.

>> No.14826895

do it on isaac newton and argue that he was autistic so he was really a woman

>> No.14826898

>Choresmian before the roaches and mongs
So, an Aryan. Luckily, your teacher probably doesn't know that. Do the essay, append "I'm doing this under protest because this is not a mathematical assignment", make a copy, send to the local media.

>> No.14826900

So? Do it. It'll challenge your white supremacist mentality.

>> No.14826902

Yes, the media, the well known defenders of traditionalism.

>> No.14826904

>being upset at having to do a 5th grade social studies assignment in a university level math class means I am a white supremacist

>> No.14826914

>university level math class
You seem really young so you should do this assignment. Like I said, you'll learn things.

>> No.14826918

yeah just do something like this
its not a big deal
do you want to start a revolution today? thought not.

>> No.14826931

There were a lot of interesting guys in the Muslim empires. Ibn al-Haytham wrote on perfect numbers and figured out that perfect numbers are of the form 2^(n-1)*(2^n-1), and arguably invented the scientific method.

>> No.14826941

Write it on Alan Turing and if she rejects it you can accuse her of homophobia

>> No.14827008

Diophantus of Alexandria, that's in Africa right?

>> No.14827019
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Russia is non-western and produced plenty of math wizzes. And if anybody objects, you can accuse them of McCarthyism

>> No.14827041

>Going to college in 2022
Bad idea

>> No.14827051
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Ted Kaczynski actually wanted to be a woman

>> No.14827055

add/drop is still open on the first day

>> No.14827092

Nothing wrong with it anon, there's hellish things out there.
You could end the speech mentioning how that knowledge was assimilated (or maybe not...)

>> No.14827116

write about Kiyosi Ito

>> No.14827131

write about sugihara kokichi:

>> No.14827140
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>worth 2% of our final mark
Report her for racism. Even during jim crow, Black bodies were worth 60%.

Collaborators get the bullet first

>> No.14827143

Do it on Mochizuki.

>> No.14827152

Write how islam is right about women

>> No.14827207

No, the score is 2% because she’s afraid the students will make a stink about her assignment that clearly has nothing to do with the class.

>> No.14827213

Auron MacIntyre wrote an article on this: “Clown World as a Uniform”. The thesis is that it these things are a loyalty statement to the regime. It would be way too easy for disloyal people to say true and sensible things, so you test subjects’ loyalty by making say bizarre shit that will ostracize normal people. It’s also a way to make loyal subjects totally separate themselves from the normal people in their lives by marking themselves as crazy and absolutely loyal to the regime’s wildest narratives.

>> No.14827218

This. Or Ptolemy for the same reason ( Alexandria, Egypt)

>> No.14827252
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>I am supporting this in protest

>> No.14827257


>> No.14827266

Do Mohammed Abbabou.

>> No.14827347

Write about Ramanujan.

>> No.14827439

Hypatia. Shortly skip over her achievements, then focus on the way she was brutally killed and speculate in detail about the motives of her killers.

Btw, I never want to hear anymore that us Germans have no sense of humour!

>> No.14827788
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>2% of our final mark
Why is this even a question? Blow it off. Or if you feel like making a point write about the noble pre-colonial african mathematicians struggling mightily to complete the theory of long division. Here's some source material:


Actually, picking a Russian might trigger her even harder kek. Check her social media for ukraine flags.

>> No.14827939

Based. OP is a faggot if he doesn't.

>> No.14828211
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You know what to do

>> No.14828326
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>> No.14828340

>write a paper

Wtf she should be teaching you basic stuff not giving you an english assignment what the actual fucking shit

>> No.14828345

Do anons seriously believe in the bullshit that OP is making up?

>> No.14828346

Shut up whining and just bang something out about the work of some Persian or Indian mathematician

>> No.14828360

I had to do something like this in a 6th grade math class. A tombstone for a famous mathematician. I forgot who I picked, my mom did it for me so I could get the grade, then complained about my teacher at the next PTA meeting.

>> No.14829691

>define western
>define non-western
>define woman

that should shut her up

>> No.14829750

just write it about a white guy and try to argue that he was secretly in the closet or not really white lol

>> No.14829763

>complaining about this

>> No.14829777
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>> No.14829785

I wanna say South American

>> No.14829786

I would just not turn anything in and then get an A anyways as a fuck you

>> No.14829805

>It would be way too easy for disloyal people to say true and sensible things, so you test subjects’ loyalty by making say bizarre shit that will ostracize normal people.
That's an old soviet tactic. Educating people to say normal, factually true shit proves nothing.
You only know you have complete control over their souls if you can get them to repeat completely absurd shit. The more ugly and bizarre, the better.

>> No.14829833

98 or 100 or even less does not matter, as long as you graduate and even that does not matter as much as what research you do and contribute in your final year.
And while I hate shitskins and dumb progressive retards like your instructor as much as the next person, her suggestion is not actually bad, there have been non white persons who contributed to field of mathematics, in a sense non whites think differently and studying their thought processes is really useless in any other field, however in mathematics a different way of thinking about maths (and just being exposed to it) is beneficial, just for this assignment you should drop your preconceptions and explore the (the very small) world of non white mathematicians, it might be beneficial and even if you gain nothing from it will then just strenghten and reinforce your views on non whites.

>> No.14829854

>dude invented algebra
What an absolutely retarded thing to say.

>> No.14829863

>If you want to troll
Don't do this. Feminist teachers and professors will punish you. I got the lowest passing grade for my spoken Swedish because I made a joke about feminists. Pointless to get a shitty grade for some laughs.

>> No.14829925

Not a class but I was reading a research article yesterday and in the acknowledgments there was 1. A land acknowledgment to some aboriginal Australian tribe, 2. A diversity statement boasting that post-docs through tenured faculty had worked on the paper, and 3. An LGBTQ+ statement informing me one of the authors is LGBTQ+.

>> No.14829938

This was a math paper btw

>> No.14829947

i think you'd be surprised how many non-whites contributed to the sciences
if you are this butthurt over this little assignment i doubt you will make it very far in academia. just shut up and do it. you don't know everything

>> No.14829979

write about fibonacci and use your knowledge of scientific race theory to explain why italians aren't white

>> No.14830024

I'm seconding this, 2% of tuition would buy OP any blowjob from the teachers

>> No.14830032

Even if it wasn't "muh women muh brown people" you shouldn't do the assignment considering how much of a monumental was of time it is to waste your night on 2 percent. Spend the night drinking instead.

>> No.14830120

Write about Bose

>> No.14830128
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>>called it a "diversity, equity, and inclusion assignment"

Professor is being pushed by the department to show how she includes "diversity, equity, and inclusion" in her instruction,
She straight up gets it over with in the first week of class so she can get down to teaching the actual material.
Teacher is BASED!

>> No.14830592

Thales. He's from Turkey.

>> No.14830620

>still going to/paying money for school
Its a fuckin brain washing camp

>> No.14830629

Hence men are women, safe and effective, global warming, etc.

>> No.14830633

True, there are a lot of Italians and Greeks who made foundational components of mathematics.

>> No.14830642

Is allowed. Do Maryam Mirzakhani!

>> No.14830973

Just make someone up, someone who could have been if only it wasn't for dem wite menz.
Take the bump and never forget, its pretty easy to pretend to be a zombie.

>> No.14831012

Name her.

>> No.14831016

You are all faggots who should be shot for encouraging people do bend over and arch your back for your faggy little race humiliation ritual
You guys will soon be handing over your daughters just to own the libs by how well you blend in. How well has going along with this shit worked for you guys so far?

>> No.14831045

>worth 2% of our final mark
lmao just don't do it then.

>> No.14831048

Write about Newton and cite black nationalist sources claiming Newton was actually a black man.

>> No.14831058

do american'ts really do this? in our math classes we just learn theorems and solve problems

>> No.14831139

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

― Theodore Dalrymple

>> No.14831167

Just do Ramanujan or Brahmagupta who are both non-white mathematicians on par with white mathematicians

>> No.14831174

So Fox News is a communist organization?

>> No.14831509

>Ramanujan was not an important mathematician
You're not here for mathematics, you're here for your autistic little culture war.

>> No.14831674
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>feminists in the math department
I have never seen a school with this problem before.

A very long time ago I was a teenage pacifist. I had a math professor who I asked if there was a field of mathematics which could not be weaponized or used for weapons development. He told me that any form of science or engineering or even formal notation can be weaponized or used for weapons development, and that he hoped that I took what I learned from him and used it to make something to kill large numbers of Russian people with.

Dr. Cold War weirdo was way more representative of the people I met in math/cs than anything approaching feminism.

>> No.14831925

Huh yeah this method is a dead end.
You have atheists who claim that immaterial math formulas they themselves invented run the material universe every millisecond across billions of light years, since 13 billions years ago LOL. how is this not retarded.
Oh and by the way, when they are asked to say where do those immaterial formulas live and where they come from and how they act on matter, they can't fucking answer, can they?
Ask an atheist how a photon, stemming from the annihilation of an electrons and a positron , knows that it has to follow Maxwell's rules, as soon as the photon comes into existence whereas what they call ''physical laws'' are not found inside their tiny particles (inside particles there are just other particles lmao who scripted this crap).... Just ask him. And I can tell you what you will observe, because it's true cause and effect: the atheist will be in his most vulnerable state, drymouthed, sweating profusely, hands trembling, in a state of intense anguish, because he knows he has no comeback. Zero. Jack shit. At this point in time, the atheist is consumed by a fear that is darker than the terror of death, which will never leave him until he dies.
You know how atheists say a bunch of deformed illiterate inbreds rolling in shit, beating their children and women anthropomorphized Nature when they said gods were an amalgamation of the base fears of early humans. Well since the day a few atheist bugmen created computers, they are saying the universe is like their computers too, but bigger lol. That's their big brain idea and that's how dumb atheists are lol.

>> No.14831935

What are you talking about? Did you reply to the wrong person?

>> No.14831979

Just write six paragraphs on Emmy Noether and take the A.

>> No.14832673

YFW you realize 90% of the "islamic golden age" scholars were Iranians, i.e. Aryans

>> No.14833230


-Al Khwarizmi
-Alicia Boole Stott
-Florence Nightingale

99% of the class will choose one from these, my advice is you do the same.

>> No.14835184


>> No.14835190

Yes how did you guess

Yes death of any non-white man is an advancement in science how did you guess

>> No.14835194

>they were born then they died
>secrets of math
There is no notice to them

>> No.14835200


>> No.14835212

Sounds like she's just trying to appease the crazies in the humanities who managed to claw their way into positions of power.

>> No.14835235

Choose Leonardo di Fibonacci

>> No.14836328

scholze is a racist cis-het white male and he must be vanquished

>> No.14836354

Pick Terrence Howard

>> No.14836535

qrd on this guy?