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14785148 No.14785148 [Reply] [Original]

how long do we have?

>> No.14785153

>euro news
>female author
Don't even need to read it to know it's bunk.

>> No.14785184

How do they do harm when they are so inert?

>> No.14785186

>soil depleted of nutrient
>aquifers drained
>ocean and fish poisoned with mercury
>rain water toxic
>micro-plastics is in every living organism on every continent, and as deep as the Marianas trench

I fear for humanity should we technologically reset ourselves some how. We've become do dependent on it that we may now be addicted to it just to give up clean food water. Should we lose some of our technological abilities, and try to revert to ways ancient humans once survived, I'm not sure humanity will be able exist. There's no going back from what we've done to the planet. And there's no way forward as the path humanity's chosen continues to worsen the situation.

>> No.14785479

they say the same think about river and even tap water
i dare you to find a substance that isn’t classified a carcinogen

>> No.14785511

>soil depleted of nutrient
the dust bowl didn't destroy the world.
>aquifers drained
desalination plants.
>oceans and fish poisoned with mercury
>rainwater toxic
>micro-plastics is in every living organism on every continent, and as deep as the Marianas trench
yeah, those three will make it so noncave dwellers will not have children. well, that or the vax.

>> No.14785559

2 more weeks

>> No.14785681
File: 6 KB, 534x723, 1625992566036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tower of babel grows ever higher

>> No.14785717

Rainwater and tapwater have infinitely small traces of some inert bs, THEY'RE KILLING YOU!!!
oh sugar and corn syrup are fine :) totally not poisoning the entire populace

Absolute state

>> No.14785731
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That's right, golems. You didn't think you could ever leave the pozzed system of technocattle slavery, did you? Nuh uh, you can't. We've poisoned pretty much every source of water on this planet and even the rains themselves. Hope you have your own water treatment plant otherwise you will eat ze bogs. :^)

>> No.14785756

Nothing wrong with sugar

>> No.14785806

>nothing wrong with this addictive substance that causes tons of diseases and mental problems such as ADHD
alright fatty

>> No.14785814

>I have zero willpower
I know, anon. Which is why you're here.

>> No.14785910
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>how long do we have
We'll all be dead in 20 years, same as it's been for 50 years.

>> No.14785983

There's a reason we left the caves anon. Fear is what drives us, not just as a species, but as living beings. At least, it's what drove us all the way to our current situation.

>> No.14786044

I’ve always wondered this

>> No.14786148


>> No.14786150

>forever chemicals
I hate younger generation writers so fucking much.

>> No.14786498

idk i mean small traces now, maybe large traces later

>> No.14786820
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Was he right all along?

>> No.14786841
File: 240 KB, 1264x972, Not Quite Forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science! to the rescue!

>> No.14786900

We are retarded animals with primitive emotions with acces to tehnology we cant control.
With great power comes great responsibilities, which we arent evolved to recognize and implement solutions.
I think we are all gonna die, unless the earth somehow evolves around us, and clears itself without us interfering.
We need those profits, we need those houses, those private planes and those hot bitches.
And we will tear it all down, just so we can satisfy our desires.
Thank you for reading my blog, faggots.

>> No.14786910

big soap won

>> No.14786920

Yes. If you've been paying any attention, you'll know things are about to seriously escalate. Droughts, food shortages, vaxxer damage control, war, you name it. It's over. He was right but you didn't listen.

>> No.14788938

So then there is something wrong with it

>> No.14789328
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yeah, but is not like people would want to go back to medieval times, normal fags love the internet, consumerism, movies/tv shows/gaming, next day shipping, without taking into account stuff like modern medicine, fast travel, the telephone, mass production of goods like food, electricity, etc.

>> No.14789350

>yeah, but is not like people would want to go back to medieval times,
Notice how whenever someone objects to neo-feudalist technocattle civilization, cattle heads will bring up medieval times. This tells you something both about the social programming of the cattle head and the nature of the technocattle system: the only episode in human history modern society compares favorably to is a heavily fictionalized account of the dark ages, and this fiction is used as a boogeyman to remind cattle heads how much better off they are and how much they stand to lose by resisting.

>> No.14789383

to be fair 0.000004 ug is incredibly low,

the EU says 0,1ug if fine for drinking water.

>> No.14790739

I wonder who's behind this... oh right it must've been jimmybob the redneck farmer and not the industrial plants next to his field

>> No.14790755


>> No.14793256

I will destroy my own thread

>> No.14793276
File: 298 KB, 380x379, jews did this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is responsible for developing all of those toxic and potentially harmful chemicals for the industrialists?