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14638012 No.14638012 [Reply] [Original]

Is hypergamy dangerous?

>> No.14638014

It's eugenic, and dangerous depends on the power of the bottom 40%.

>> No.14638426

Yes and it's coming to an end.

It's literally dysgenic you sociopathic retard.

>> No.14638436

Who cares. Go to gym and get a good job. Problem solved. Or go to Thailand and fuck trannies or something if you are 4'11 and have no arms or legs or whatever incels claim.

>> No.14638468

Women are really dumb when it comes to mate choice it seems. Men should be totally in control of mate choice and its not even up for debate

>> No.14638470

why do you need women? Vats of goop to shit out new humans and virtual sex simulation for entertainment.

Women are just another engineering problem.

>> No.14638479

Artificial wombs it is then

>> No.14638491

No. What's dangerous is when civilization (AKA organized dysgenics) tries to set the rules for mating. You're witnessing the only possible outcome of that.

>> No.14638492

>pretending this percentile shit exists, grading yourself like a low-quality fish just to doompost about how afraid of rejection you are

>> No.14638494

gb2r incel.

>> No.14638497

yes it leads to replacement and replacement leads to disenfranchisement which leads to a breakdown of society

>> No.14638498

gold digging whores are obviously shallow and annoying cunts but I am tired of seeing the incels and seething faggots on this board -and this entire website for that matter- act like women are the only ones that do this. Every fucking picture you assholes post is of attractive females, none of you lust after ugly hoes. You get resources to get what you want, an attractive female, and an attractive female uses her assets to get what she wants, a comfortable life. It isnt fucking rocket science it is an exchange of commodities at an agreed upon market price. Get over it and get gud faggots if you want to be able to afford a more attractive female (which just shows how shallow you are anyway that you are willing to work hard to get resources to be able to get more attractive mate instead of finding a good woman who can offer you companionship and loyalty)
kys losers

>> No.14638504

>I am tired of seeing the incels and seething faggots on this board
You are one of them.

>> No.14638505
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>no u
I will take that as your capitulation, thanks for playing

>> No.14638507

You're a sexless normie perpetuating your traditional Western culture of cuckoldry. It was obvious that behind your vapid schizoposts you're just a normie like any other.

>> No.14638534

Hypergamy results in a society run by dogs, horses, tyrones and chads because those are what women like

>> No.14638566

Society should be run by Chads. Women probably wouldn't have to go for dogs, Tyrones and other animals if it wasn't for the traditionalist system giving natural incels a chance at reproduction.

>> No.14638582
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>impotent rage
even better

>> No.14638586

Sorry, it's over for everything you believe in. The only young men who agree with anything you say are sexless losers, just like you in old age. :^)

>> No.14638588

women go for bullshit pumps and dumps because those are the ones they think have the best genes. Dogs and horses have better genes than incels

>> No.14638592

>women go for bullshit pumps and dumps because those are the ones they think have the best genes
Women go for bullshit pumps and dumps because incels like you and this guy >>14638582 have built a society where they can afford it.

>> No.14638593
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how does the mind of a retard come up with such elaborate strawmen/fictions? Like wtf are you even on about you fucking schizo? Holy fuck take your meds retard. Why cant you have a normal conversation about the topic at hand without sperging random non-sequiturs that make you look like a nut case? Oh that's right because you cant address the facts because I trounced your stupid ass so bad in a single post all you can do is have a histrionic hissy fit in response. There is no question you an ugly virgin who cant get a gf which is why you are projecting and seething so much and someone just stating the simple truth about the matter at hand. Get a life you fucking loser

>> No.14638595

Didn't read, normie. Gynocentric cuck culture is over, anyway. Your views are held exclusively by nonreproducers.

>> No.14638598
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>I am defending "gynocentric culture" now ????
>another random non-sequitur strawman
you are a seething incel and stone cold retard and

>> No.14638605


>> No.14638625

Women can be life partners that you want to live and experience the rest of your life together with

>> No.14638631

>believing in Disney fairytales
Why don't you go back to whatever normie social media site you came here from?

>> No.14638638

It's better for social cohesion in the next generation because everyone has a chad for a father, thus the social classes are not as far apart. However, it's bad for the birth rate.

>> No.14638643

>It's better for social cohesion in the next generation because everyone has a chad for a father
No, because Chad knows better than to care for a mid-tier Becky's children, which means Becky "doesn't want children" until she's nearing her 30s. Then she settles for a Brad Lite, if not an average guy, and a new incel is born. It's only better for social cohesion when women have no access to contraception, no option to abort, and no job. Women's rights were a mistake.

>> No.14638667

>impotent seething /r9k. incel lashes out at anyone that exposes him for the seething retard he is and destroys his narrative
you will never have sex

>> No.14638684

Guys who glorify relationships like you do come across as inexperienced little boys who havent fucked enough to become put off by women. Its so magical and special grow up kid and you will once whatever bitch your dating makes you raise a kid that doesnt belong to you with a smile on her face too.

>> No.14638703
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>Guys who glorify relationships like you do
>more schizo fanfictions
I wonder if you are even aware that you are creating a reality that never happened. Like you are a legitimate schizo friend. This meme was made specifically for people like you in mind because you cant even hold a simple conversation without creating bizarre scenarios you make up out of thin air to argue against. You are broken my guy, there is something wrong with your mind

>> No.14638706

>Yes and it's coming to an end.
is it?

>> No.14638707

there are no incels only volcels who cope by say "rape is immoral/niggerish"

>> No.14638710
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>Women can be life partners

>> No.14638729
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so the top 10% doesn't have any advantage on the mid 29%?

>> No.14638732


>> No.14638734

stormcels and r9kfags absolutely BTFO

>> No.14638735

>slept around with a lot of girls in college
>have a long-term GF
Am I in the top 10%? I've had to reject (mostly drunk) women before.

>> No.14638739
File: 11 KB, 415x345, ST-2014-09-24-never-married-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unclear, because "hypergamy," as described by black pill retards doesn't exist and so we don't know what it looks like.

By aged 45 over 80% of males have been married at least once. How is this consistent with women only ever dating the top 10%?

Black pillers are reduced to claiming, with no evidence, that millions of men get married but don't ever have sex or moving there goals posts.

The infamous graph showing how young males having less sex jumped while females not having sex was more static?

1. Is one survey and had a bigger shift than others done at the same time. The media focused on that one because it fit the preconceptions of a ready audience, the emerging black pill crowd and old pick up artist crowd, and represented a reversal from prior trends of men having sex more often. But the most obvious explanation for one study showing a stronger effect than similar ones at the same time is... error

2. The same survey showed women pulling even to men in the next iteration. Sex is going down for males and females, age of virginity is going up. This does not fit the image of women going around Tinder getting fucked by Chad every week.

3. Just use your eyes. Go to any mall and you'll see tons of ugly, obese couples. Go to any day care and you'll see tons of fat ugly guys picking up ugly kids who look like them. Go to church and see all the married couples, with young nerdy guys married.

4. It's unclear the trends even have changed that much or if women just lie less of surveys now that there is less stigma about premarital sex.

>> No.14638743

>By aged 45 over 80% of males have been married at least once
they were born pre-internet and pre-online dating era obviously, also permavigins most likely kill themselves well before 45

>> No.14638746

also your data is from 2012 kek, so those 45 year olds are 55 now. fucking retard.

>> No.14638751
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5. A lot of the "theory crafting," for black pill is done by legit autists or psychopaths who cannot understand how all relationships are not transactional or about immediate pleasure. Look at their descriptions. Women are always "dripping for Chad." Paysoffs to explain why women date nerds are always explained in terms of simple pleasures, with no deeper theory of mind behind them. This denotes people with serious issues. It would not shock me that a primary source for these is people high on the sociopath index feeling vindicated by people accepting their transactional accounts of all relationships and also enjoying making people experience negative emotions as they read their shitty theories.

Ask yourself why you've seen pic related 100 times but not the charts from very similar studies or the updates of this survey since 2018? It's almost like the media reported an outlet and people took what is likely an exaggeration from error as absolute fact and ignored everything else...

>> No.14638752

A bit yes, but what can we do about it?
Let society learn from its mistakes. Hypergamy has always been here since the ancients. Problem is technology is making it on steroids.

>> No.14638753

>updates of this survey since 2018
fucking post it then

>> No.14638754

>Suicide is so common it results in only the top 10% of men who can have sex living to 40.

My older brother is 40 and met his first girlfriend online on a forum and his second on fucking WoW. My cousin is 36 and met his wife on WoW. The internet has been around for a long time, try again.

>> No.14638757

>My older brother is 40 and met his first girlfriend online on a forum
we can all agree internet forums in the early 2000s were radically different from the internet of today

>> No.14638763
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>Oh no, women passed men after men jumped up! This must be some absolute huge social change, not year to year variance in a study with large margins of error!!!!!

>> No.14638765

>Just use your eyes. Go to any mall and you'll see tons of ugly, obese couples. Go to any day care and you'll see tons of fat ugly guys picking up ugly kids who look like them. Go to church and see all the married couples, with young nerdy guys married.
wow nice science and data based arguments there pal

>Paysoffs to explain why women date nerds are always explained in terms of simple pleasures, with no deeper theory of mind behind them.
what the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.14638769

this just shows that lockdowns made it harder for women to have random sex with lots of men

>> No.14638784

lol, yeah GSS comes out every year. No one seems to question why WaPo did a visual for this graphic once in 2018 when there was a spicy story, and it got sold to all sorts of outlets, but then no one bothered to run later versions where the two lines pull even. Hell, media outlets STILL use the 2018 one almost half a decade later.

>> No.14638800

>t. seething normie virgin

>> No.14638802

Don't bother, they will just come up for ad hoc reasons why their cherry picked data points are right, like >>14638769 or >>14638743.

People who are thirty now definitely dates in the Tinder era unless they got married very early and yet about half of men that aged are married. This will just be handwaved. I've heard the claim that most married people don't have sex and are just beta bux just ass pulled for this.

Cherry picked data = real science. Same authors or instrument with data that doesn't support the world view? Bad, fake science. Just like how IQ data is rock solid, iron clad, unless the study shows smaller racial differences, the White - Ashkenazi gap being about the size of the Black - White Gap, or rural residents having a large gap from urban ones. Then the research is all fake SJW propaganda.

>> No.14638804

Your narrative is finished, incel. Sorry.

>> No.14638806
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I had sex with your mom and hour ago and have been for years. I am probably your father you ugly little shit

>> No.14638809

>That data is OLD! It doesn't count!
>GSS vanished from the earth after 2018! That's the year to look at!

Overwhelming number of men still married at least once by middle age.


>> No.14638810

>yet about half of men that aged are married
show the data

>> No.14638812

>It's dysgenic
t. Bottom 99%
This. Only the top 1 to 10% of men being able to reproduce is good for humanity. It's more less what the 19th and 20th century eugenicists wanted.
>Hurr durr no it wasn't that was about whites being superior to niggers.
What do you think Huxley was trying to critique in brave new world?

>> No.14638815 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 816x492, 1626245090298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the correct chart complete with projections

>> No.14638816

>data from 2006-2016

>> No.14638819

Unfortunately for you is that alot of recent scientific evidence published by psychologists proves physical attractiveness is important in order for a woman to consider you. So despite incel's whiny faggotted opinions they have solid evidence of visual hypergamy taking place. So much proof in fact people like Jordan Petersen has to repeat them, even tho he himself never was a fan of this theory. Sometimes the truth benefits the least deserving and here is a clear cut case of it, no matter how much you want to white knight moral superiority into the world.

>> No.14638825

thinking rationally I'd rather have friends than a "life partner", but lust gets in the way of reason

>> No.14638826
File: 306 KB, 624x1556, PSDT_08.19.20_dating.relationships-015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 27% of men over 30 single
>Inb4 "but less women are single!!!!"
The claim was hypergamy and only the top 1-10% having sex, which isn't remotely true.

>> No.14638833

>among men
>51% single
>b-but hypergamy isn't real you fucking incels!!!!!!

>> No.14638838

Look up "dark triad theory"

>> No.14638846
File: 616 KB, 627x3741, JPIsAHack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jordan peterson

>> No.14638847
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You have fake data.

Here's an updated chart

>> No.14638850

>in fact people like Jordan Petersen
Wow, an e celeb who sells his shit to angry young incels happens to parrot their views, shocking
>White knighting
No I'm just pointing out your world view is based on extreme cherry picking and is probably keeping you from getting laid and staying depressed. If you have a full time job, don't live with your parents, make even lower middle class money (i.e. don't totally fucks you're career up and graduate from school or learn a trade, and aren't obese (easy as fork put downs) your chances of being single into your late 20s are quite low.

This might shock you, but a whole class of people, Tucker etc., make their money and get influence by overstating trends and cherry picking to keep you angry at all times.

>> No.14638853

>Half of all men being in LTRs is hypergamy now

Those goal posts are moving fast.

>> No.14638856

>Half of all men being in LTRs
you do realize 51% being single doesn't mean the remaining 49% is in LTR, right?

>> No.14638865

the remaining 49% soon to be remaining 1%.

Just like money, we have no sex and be happy

>> No.14638878

You sound like your typical bitter moral relativist.
So here's a small slice of the good stuff for you:
Here's a good starting point with plenty of references in the bottom.
BTW it was so easy to prove you wrong so very easy. Stay mad.

>> No.14638883

We need to discuss if hypergamy is good or not,
not that its happening or not because it is.

I think hypergamy is alright. Men are disposable and if they're kept under control using technology, then things will keep chugging along while the human race improves. The more people who don't reproduce, the more humans can evolve.
Men have to suffer but its for a good cause right?

>> No.14638885
File: 297 KB, 600x530, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.14638887

>Claim: top 1-10% of males, maybe a few of the top 30% have all the sex. All the women are having sex but very few of the men.
>Proof this is false: overwhelming majority of men get married. Overwhelming majority not single. Even for 18-24s, half non single (vs a third of women, wait, weren't they ALL having sex with Chad), headline attention grabber of men not having sex vastly more often than women from 2018 shown to have evened out in the years after.
>"Y-yeah, but being attractive matters for finding mates!"

Nice red herring.

>> No.14638889

no because ultimately nothing matters because first the planet will be annihilated by the sun and then the universe experiences a heat death

>> No.14638893

My claim is hypergamy exists and that physical attractiveness matters (quite) alot for women's mating selection.

>> No.14638894

if we rule out 99% men then evolution happens in a single generation, keep repeating this for a few generations and humanity will end up 20 inch dicks and charisma that can seduce even planets

>> No.14638908
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they get fucked by higher class males, whom they simply crave, hit the wall as time goes on, around 25, and try to settle down. Before then they were simply pretending to settle down, or to have a boyfriend, since the median age of marriage for women is fucking 27. Then they have a 50% chance of getting divorced.

Your graph is from 1960 lol what a fucking retard

>> No.14638921

Nice reading comprehension. It's from 2012. Second, here is data from 2020, already posted https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/..

I also posted the census page on marriage. You have your feel feels, that it's not that you're a loser, but that everyone else must be too, and your one graph from 2018 that you spergs can't even read right because it isn't about virginity it's about having had sex in the last year. And even that doesn't work because GSS later had results with men coming down slightly and women going up, making the gap narrower from 2019-2021.

>> No.14638923

>Physical attraction matters
Wow, shocking. Did anyone not believe this? It's a fucking tautology that people who are more attractive are more attractive.

>Hypergamy exists.

Sure if you want to radically redefine what the term means from biology. But less than half of adult males being single isn't generally what is meant by hypergamy.

>> No.14638937
File: 1.85 MB, 3072x2598, image_2022-07-09_161602629-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your reading comprehension is shit. That dude literally refuted your argument about a washed up hole, and futhermore they get divorced with that hole. You are seriously delusional.

>> No.14638943

have sex

>> No.14638955

It isn't. Men with impacted wisdom teeth don't have a right by nature to live, let alone breed.

>> No.14638996

It literally is shocking to a huge amount of normalfaggots that keep perpetuating that a woman's main attractive driver is personality and that looks have zero matter. Thanks for agreeing with me.

>> No.14639005

I causes women to select dark triad psychopathic traits

>> No.14639008

Why are they eating such bad food?

>> No.14639017

>Most men don't have sex.
>Goal posts fly down the field.
>Well they get married to 28 year old women not teens and it isn't happily ever after so incels win again

It's ok buddy you can say this major goal post move is a win. Wouldn't want you guys shooting up more schools in rage

>> No.14639216

>top 10% isn't on the top
>lower 20%, no explanation for lower than what

>> No.14639219

I am about a 7 max I would say yet I have slept with more dimes than I can count on two hands because I am charming, funny and thoughtful. It is so ridiculously easy to "sweep a woman off her feet" because they are emotional creatures and if you say the right things and treat them the right way they are like putty in your hands.

>> No.14639228


>> No.14639231
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>if you say the right things and treat them the right way they are like putty in your hands

>> No.14639233

>physical attractiveness matters (quite) alot for women's mating selection.
It does from afar but not in practice. Of course if you are just scrolling through pictures you are always going to be looking for the most attractive, men do it as well, in fact more so. It is because that is all you have with pictures is aesthetics. If you are car shopping and you are scrolling through a car manual you are gonna ohhh and ahhhh over the lambo but then when you take it for a test drive and it sucks to get in and out of and you are too close to the steering wheel and no from your golf clubs or groceries you are going to get tired of it real quick and retarded poor fags are going to be scratching their heads wondering why this multi-millionaire is driving a volvo. The grass is always greener on the other side until that grass is your grass, the cycle just continues ad inifinitum

>> No.14639239
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I dont look like that

>> No.14639247
File: 292 KB, 2048x1536, LesAndI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already told you I am prob about a 7

>> No.14639253

there is more to sex appeal than just looks. you know how many women adam driver gets wet? 10+'s? It isnt because of his looks, it is his charisma and machismo which I have in spades because I am confident and competent and not a cuck. Women ultimately want to feel safe and if you can provide them a sense of security and a certain level of attentiveness they are looking for you can bag any hoe, any supermodel. That's the bottom line no matter what any incel tells you

>> No.14639288

>photo taken in the late 70s
the world has changed a lot since then

>> No.14639291

>Women ultimately want to feel safe and if you can provide them a sense of security and a certain level of attentiveness
I'm short and ugly. No woman would feel safe with me.

>> No.14639297

>adam driver
Adam Driver, or any actor for that matter, has extremely high status, which is what women want.

>> No.14639306

>65+ women
Holy fuck. What goes around comes around I suppose.

>> No.14639333

plus they go on a ride in that actor's skin during some magical cinema adventure, becoming hyper familiar and endearing on a visceral level.