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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14609638 No.14609638 [Reply] [Original]

I dont know how to link to the last thread edition.

Welcome to STEM Career General!
This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
> Discussion on academia based career progression
> Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
> Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here: >https://academia.stackexchange.com/

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

NOTE: Any useful resources relayed in this thread will be included in future /scg/ threads.

>> No.14609640


>> No.14609641

OP here, physicist from a third world country who was rejected from all of his 4 PhD programs applications (US/Canada). Got a job as a data consultant in a Big4 company, as a TA in my local no name uni where I studied and did a couple of posters for some national congresses (completely by myself). I plan to apply to at least 8 programs now that I got the money, but I would like to know what else can I do to make my CV more appealing this year?

>> No.14609644

Pretend to be black like that Indian guy. Harvard will let you in if you're an illiterate nigger.

>> No.14609648

I unironically am blackpilled on this after last year. some women at my department got into programs I couldnt while we had practically the same CV/GPA/experience. that and the fact that all of the programs seemed more interested on my sexual orientation/race rather than my knowledge.

>> No.14609662
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Chemical Engineering PhD Chad here
> Got BS
> worked in industry for a few years
> got PhD
> worked in academia for a few years, postdoc slavery and got faculty position at R1
> quit academia and went back to industry $$$

>> No.14609716

I have no idea
I'm just a little tipsy and came here to say
that as a dude that went the $$$ way into a completely different industry I'm proud of you for still wanting to go the /sci/ way

>> No.14609802
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>be me
>math undergraduate
>realize this is all beyond retarded and useless
>drop out of college
so what do I do now?
pic rel, I'm schizophrenic

>> No.14610190

How difficult is it to transition from academia to industry? Are employers willing to hire pure academics?

>> No.14610199

transitioning in either direction is just a matter of how you market yourself
So the difficulty is a function of how willing you are to learn how to market yourself, how to insert keywords into your resume to bypass AI screening, how to rephrase "pure academic" activities into industry relevant terminology, for example if you were a first author on a few papers, you say something like "led a cross functional team to complete a project with a funding of ### dollars and published x number of papers" etc.

>> No.14610205

Be a philosopher, schizo's usually do pretty well in that field. If you larp hard enough there's no training required.

>> No.14610221

Working on getting a bachelors in biology with as little debt as possible.
Any advice for narrowing down post graduation careers?

I know networking is more important than anything, which will be dependent on what 4 year university I choose, but I don’t want to end up in a field that sounds cool but I end up hating.

I want a job where I feel I’m contributing to humanity in some way. Whether it’s researching neurochemical interactions, developing new biofuels, or even just working for a conservation group.

Ive got diagnosed autism, and I can hide it in casual interaction but there’s no doubt it will impact my ability to interview well or form those connections that allow me to nab a job once I graduate.

Any specific advice for narrowing down where I end up?
Right now I’m leaning towards programs that are relatively cheap and ranked well, such as UoF’s botany program (considering as a minor to go with my bio Major) but I don’t want to end up $30k in debt with no career connections or jobs available to me, y’know?

Any advice is welcome, even from those in unrelated fields.

>> No.14610227

go to a school with a strong medical school or a strong agricultural program
you can then hookup a job in these fields
But generally a biology degree is a waste of time unless you want to become a doctor or teacher or some shit

>> No.14610253

I was heavily considering the medical field for a while, but the past 2 years have made me realize how much of the medical industry is distorted and controlled by big pharmaceutical corporate fags. (Really what industry isn’t owned by similar types tho)

Whatever job I end up in, I don’t want to be forced to abandon my private life/style/quirks etc just to get in the door.

Pathology sounds kinda fun, but I worry that a long haired autistic hippy would never get accepted to med school.
Let alone hired thereafter.

Being a Professor type character doesn’t sound bad either, but I wouldn’t want to be forced into teaching backwards politically correct curriculum because it’s mandated by the university heads, y’know?

I could get down with agriculture though, at least in theory. Everybody needs to eat, so improving the ways in which we grow food sounds like a decent enough contribution to the world.

I mean hey if you got a better degree idea for someone of my character and idealistic views I’m open to hearing it.
I just finished my AA and I’m trying to grab the last few classes I can through a cheaper community college setting this coming school year.
Don’t plan on going to a 4 year until fall 2023.

>> No.14610264

I'm a British schizo who is nearly finished with his BEng in mechanical engineering, but I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with this degree and the final year modules seem boring and useless to me (I hate thermo and fluids (except cum of course)). I program whenever I can though.

I have a few months to decide if I should do a masters in computer science which I like to be honest. I should just go for it?

>> No.14610273

or should i be a man and just do the final year too and get the masters in mechanical engineering?

also has having a nice and updated linkedin profile helped anyone genuinely?

>> No.14610276


Dunno if this helps but my brother got a bio bachelors at Berkeley. He ended up going for his PhD because he said you basically can't get a good job with just a biology bachelors. Now he makes decent money working in a lab.

>> No.14610291

I’m definitely considering an advanced degree after I get a bachelors.
I love Learning and would rather be low income doing something I enjoy then making bank scamming people (legally).
I figure worst case scenario I can always fuck off to asia somewhere and be an English teacher or something lol
Thanks mate

More or less reaffirming what I already know, but it’s at least mentally preparing me for whatever comes.

>> No.14610387
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Is it too late to go back to school at 30? I got my BS & Masters in Communication years ago

>> No.14610404

What’s your current occupation?
What do you want to do instead?

It’s never too late to learn, but you might just end up back in the same spot you are now in a few years with more debt to your name.

>> No.14610427


Work as an office manager. I don't wanna be too specific. I'd love to do something where I can work from home & not have someone hovering on me all day but I know those options are limited. Maybe computer science? I know that's quickly becoming a meme major. Working in a hospital would be cool but I know I'm too old for medical school

>> No.14610436

Communication? Like Radio Film and Television?

>> No.14610474


Yes, spare the insults. I know it's a worthless degree.

>> No.14610502

It is basically >>14608529
I think the normal cycle of "school - university - job" is pretty much being broken at this point. At least in some regions.

>> No.14610562

But I hate philosophy

>> No.14610570
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>physicist from a third world country who was rejected from all of his 4 PhD programs applications (US/Canada)

>> No.14610760
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computer science or computer engineering? why?

>> No.14610774

assuming you dont care about the differences in material:
-it's piss easy to get a well-paying job in CS
-it's piss easy to get a well-paying job in CpE in the defense industry if you are good with FPGAs

>> No.14610779
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because category theory is more fun than physics

>> No.14610783

>defense industry
This is a good one because it can't be outsourced.

>> No.14610815

>the defense industry
isn't the entry ceiling high? i don't imagine defense industry would be hiring run of the mill computer engineer
>category theory
i checked the uni's study program and it doesn't even have discrete maths or any maths. just logic, programming, etc

>> No.14610830

Not him, but I don't think it's that high because the entry level pay is much lower than private sector due to the retarded way public salaries work.

>> No.14610833

>isn't the entry ceiling high?
not at all
for the big 5:
Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin have a shit ton of entry level jobs. Raytheon, Boeing, and General Dynamics have a few but not as many.

For the rest, experiences may vary:
Harris is hiring like 1 entry level engineer for every 50 "Senior" engineers. SAIC and CACI are pretty much the same.

You also have the government commands like NAVAIR and the Army Research lab that hire entry level engineers a lot depending on the time of the year.
The intelligence agencies are always hiring CpEs, but their application process lasts up to a year.

>> No.14610850

I am not american... my entire country's army is literally only 5000 people

>> No.14610855
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>> No.14610888

>Got an offer for a pretty cool job as a student research assistant
>Have to quit current job
>Tell boss, immediately asks me if he can counter offer
>I said that it was a career path thing so no
>He insisted a bit more, then gave up
Did I fuck up? Couldve probably asked for more salary or whatever, but new job is literally what I want couldn't be any more sexier to me

>> No.14610897

you obviously made the right choice retard

>> No.14610901

I kind of think you fucked up. An RA is mostly for students who can't get real jobs, an industry placement is infinitely more valuable even if you plan to pursue a research career.

>> No.14610905

To add though it really depends on the professor/research group. A well funded/well connected one can be just as valuable as and industry connection.

As always follow the money, there winners and losers in both industry and academia, you need to always pick the option that gives you the best chance of secure income for yourself and your family.

>> No.14610909

mixed messages here
>I kind of think you fucked up. An RA is mostly for students who can't get real jobs, an industry placement is infinitely more valuable even if you plan to pursue a research career.
I dont see this making sense, I am going to directly collaborate on actual research at my new job, ill most likely even get my name on a few papers. Moreover I can write my thesis with them.
Also, this is applied research, most problems are coming from industry and so on

>> No.14610913

>As always follow the money, there winners and losers in both industry and academia, you need to always pick the option that gives you the best chance of secure income for yourself and your family.
sure, securing income is important but I really do want an academic twist in my career, even if I dont pursue I phd ill probably go for r&d positions.
Also, at this point, Im not even done with my studies and I already have recruiters constantly sliding into my linkedin dms, so I dont think getting a job will ever be a problem for me, biggest issue will be getting something I actually enjoy.

>> No.14610932

>mixed messages here
It depends on your actual goals, you need to elaborate somewhat.
>I dont see this making sense, I am going to directly collaborate on actual research at my new job, ill most likely even get my name on a few papers.
I can tell you from experience this is not that valuable. I did both RAs and internships at private R&D labs at big companies and the latter was far more valuable and impressive even to most professors (who were struggling to get a foothold into those companies themselves).
>Moreover I can write my thesis with them.
Is this RA position or a Masters/PhD position then? Or do you mean a bachelors thesis?
>Also, this is applied research, most problems are coming from industry and so on
Industry doesn't see it that way I can promise you that much. You will literally work on the same projects as industry engineers with the same duties and they will count your years as RA as "in training" and not real experience worth money.

>> No.14610934

>an academic twist in my career,
This is way too vague, I would strongly advise against such soft plans. People really don't like working with people without strong direction. They want to know if you will be a valuable connection to their careers in the future. Either go hard academic route or go straight to industry and have them pay for your postgrad education.

>I already have recruiters constantly sliding into my linkedin dms, so I dont think getting a job will ever be a problem for me,
HR spam on LinkedIn DMs very rarely translate into actual jobs, I wouldn't rely on them if I were you. I mean, I got some things myself through LinkedIn, but only about 1% of those are genuine positions, the rest is HR trying to make it seem like they have a "talent pool" connection when they get 1000s of candidates to apply for 1 shitty advertised placement.

>biggest issue will be getting something I actually enjoy.
Of course, this is what everyone wants. This is a balance between carving out your place in communities/networks in interesting fiel and making yourself valuable to people who actually have both money and desire to support your research.

>> No.14610941

>I dont know how to link to the last thread edition.
Just go to the archive and get the URL. 4ch will edit it for you: >>14572918

>> No.14610955

>Is this RA position or a Masters/PhD position then? Or do you mean a bachelors thesis?
I mean my masters thesis, ill write my thesis with them most likely, what they do is very related to my studies.

>This is way too vague, I would strongly advise against such soft plans. People really don't like working with people without strong direction. They want to know if you will be a valuable connection to their careers in the future. Either go hard academic route or go straight to industry and have them pay for your postgrad education
I totally get this, however I am a bit torn.
On one hand I would like to finally make good money as I could with my credentials but on the other hand my heart wants to go into academia.
My current thesis is that these research institutes are my best bet.

>Of course, this is what everyone wants. This is a balance between carving out your place in communities/networks in interesting fiel and making yourself valuable to people who actually have both money and desire to support your research
Yep, exactly

>> No.14611144

Full of my cum
Brown stem chad immigrant here

>> No.14611147

What are you talking about? Universities originally started off as essentially trade schools. They were always designed to get you a job.

>> No.14611183

Someone from Europe knows how to be a nuclear physicist? At best in Italy because I got already connections there and set up a life. Also does someone here have expierrnce in that field? Even though I was bad in high school I want to relearn everything about physics

>> No.14611224

Yeah, study physics, take any classes that have to do with nuclear physics, look for groups working on nuclear physics, do your bachelor and master theses with them and then apply for a doctorate in a nuclear physics experiment. No idea what current hot topics in nuclear physics are. Neutrinoless double beta decay? There's an experiment in Gran Sasso looking for that. When choosing a university, look for strong connections with INFN and strong nuclear physics groups

>> No.14611238

Thanks man.Got more advice? In my family we have no one that did something with science and also heavy science. I was thinking next to Nuclear physics to study agriculture (Only to be an entrepreneur later). And it seems that for the future nuclear physicist will be asked a lot.

>> No.14611250

Are you looking to work in a nuclear power plant or do you want to research fundamental physics?
I think, the most important thing is to just go to university. You can visit lectures of other subjects, and often times you can even use the credits. So if agriculture interests you, why don't you take an agriculture lecture? If you see that you really like it and physics is boring, you can switch to agriculture.
Not sure about Italy in particular, but to me it sounds you're looking for something really applied, with connections to economy. If you have something like "ecole polytechnique" or "University of applied sciences", you should check out if that fits what you are looking for. Maybe that's better for you than La Sapienza

>> No.14611257

>a third world country
Which one? The situation is very different between, say, South America and Iran.

>> No.14611260

I know you should choose something that you like or stuff like that but I really don't care about that. For me its more about the money, stability and hours.

>> No.14611269

>For me its more about the money, stability and hours.
Well then I'm the worst advisor imaginable. I get paid about 1/3 of what I could earn in the industry, have 1 or 2 year contracts and work crazy hours.
Well, maybe the advice to just go to any university to get your foot in is still valid though. Especially if your family has no background and you have no "idols" in your family. You'll meet fellow students and learn more about academia and perspectives. Between the bachelor and master you can make a huge step. So if you realize that your initial choice was not the one that brings the most money and stability, you can then still switch.

>> No.14611321

im a canadian currently majoring in CS. I don't go to a target school and my GPA is nothing special (working on it).

How the hell do i make my resume stand out? I don't want to be jobless when i graduate

>> No.14611345

There are so many software jobs around you are unlikely to be jobless.

>> No.14611357

Too late career wise would be 60s, not 30s.

>> No.14611659

thank you anon, i appreciate your kind words. i dont know if going the /sci/ way is something to be proud of though: with my job Im at the top 10% earners in my country and have plenty of room to grow a lot, much more than what I could do with academia here. still, i know that a part of me will regret it my whole life if i dont at least try a PhD, so here I am.

either me or zhang or pajeet will take it gringo so ok

thanks anon, never learned that

Mexico actually. I know im better off than Iran, but still, its really fucking hard to compete for grad schools with people who went to t100 unis in undergrad or could work at international labs

>> No.14611671

>I would like to know what else can I do to make my CV more appealing this year?
Physicist from Europe here: We get a lot of applications from India and other countries. Most of them are completely unrelated to our field. Imagine working in laser spectroscopy and then you get an email "Dear Mr./Mrs. Wrongname, I am a Master of Science in aeronautics and I have great interest in your field".
Don't do that. Apply for the things that you're good at. State things that are verifiable. Did you publish a paper? Is your master thesis public? When you get 100 emails every day of third-worlders claiming absurd things, you should make sure that it is easy to see that you are legit.
I have both seen people get accepted for incredible hardware work with limited resources and people who did great data analysis. If you had shitty equipment but measured or built something competitive and cool, keep that in mind.
I know it's very hard, but if you already have international mobility, that helps a lot. I don't think it's a coincidence that most of my Latin American colleagues have lived/studied/worked in several countries. Sure, this could be your first step, but if you can show that you already had internships/summer schools/whatever in the US, point that out.
Consider that hiring someone from a third-world country is always a gamble. We've had people who were amazing and some who underperformed. Convince them that it will be a good investment to take you

>> No.14611758

and there we go, that's your philosophy, a great start

>> No.14611852

As a German, how do I get a job in America right after my Master's degree in Bioinfo/Compbio?

My university is one of the best in Germany, I am currently gaining work experience as a working student in a semi-related field. I also plan to spend 5 to 10 months in America as part of my university's exchange program. What else can I do to improve my chances of getting hired directly from Germany to the US?

>> No.14612011

anyone here only have a BSc in math? what do you do for work?
thinking of attempting the first two actuarial exams since I have nothing better to do

>> No.14612185

I'm getting a bunch of interviews but no job offers.
At first I was excited to get interviews but now when I see another one come in it just seems like an ordeal.
I'm actually losing a shitton of money on gas driving to all of these interviews all the time.
Fucking thing sucks, man.

>> No.14612367

after the interview is finished or when the guy asks if you have any questions, maybe ask this:
>Sir, can I suck your dick please?

>> No.14612396

I am currently studying Materials Science and Nanoengineering. Is the degree worth it? Even the physics102 professor told in the class that you don't have to think much about structure of a material.

>> No.14612442

complete the bachelors then do a masters in something tech related or just do computer science

>> No.14612500

Does anybody have a resource like this:
but for biochemistry or biology?
I am an incoming freshman who might want to get a PhD, but I want to know what I would be getting myself into if I chose to go down that path.

>> No.14612552

>Mexico actually.
Tried Qualcomm just across the border? I am not sure about your exact background but I know that the latest frequency bands made available for telecom have problems with absorption by atmospheric cases such as oxygen. That is more about physics than EE.
>I know im better off than Iran,
Iranians go for Europe in a BIG way. One professor mentioned that even a tiny PhD or postdoc position notice would inevitably result in an avalanche of Iranian applicants. Many have been accepted in Norway to the extent the national intelligence agencies are concerned.
>but still, its really fucking hard to compete for grad schools with people who went to t100 unis in undergrad or could work at international labs
Yes, a lot of people have good qualifications but also human qualities count. The professor wants to see you having the determination to grind through 4 years of research, lots of articles plus a thesis. Some autism will be accepted if you can show determination that would scare Genghis Khan.

>> No.14612557

Do I have to do a master's degree? Isn't there any useful field where I can engage in?

>> No.14612577

How about a minor in electronics?

>> No.14612614

Engineer working full time as research faculty in US university lab. 3 years of experience currently making $85k/year. Degree is Masters in electrical engineering.

Holy fuck everyone should do this. I have government benefits/pension. Work/life balance is amazing. I don't punch a clock. I usually show up around 11am. work an hour. go for an hour lunch. Come back around 1. Work until 4:30ish. go home. I never answered an email after I left work the entire time ive been here.

I have traveled all over the world. Spent 2 weeks in Asia and 2 weeks in Europe already this year. Per diem $150/day with all expenses paid.

Job is 10/10. I make my own tasks and goals, and pursue them.

The only down side is lower salary than public sector but fuck it. I'll never be a corporate wagie again.


>> No.14612683

Do you get drug tested

>> No.14612698

delet this

they mustn't know

>> No.14612734
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>graduating in industrial engineering with a good gpa, 4 letters of rec, some on campus jobs, etc
>no relevant experience from internships and shit

What do I do? I need experience to get a job so I can get experience to get a job so I can get experience to get a...

>> No.14612738

What kind of jobs would bachelor's degree in nanotechnology help me find?

>> No.14612743

I bet you could find a really small job

>> No.14612747

What is it

>> No.14612817

Either try to relate the jobs you did have to your degree, or focus on school work/projects and what you learned from them.

>> No.14612826

This is good advice. I'd personally lean more towards the former suggestion, but tbqh I think if you have to ask this question then you should focus on the latter

>> No.14612862

you're an idiot

>> No.14612946

>no relevant experience

Literally doesn’t matter for internships. Internships aren’t about developing technical skills, it’s about showing you can show up on time, work with a team, and complete tasking without being some insufferable autist. The subject matter is immaterial, just highlight accomplishments that say you are a go-getter.

>> No.14612953

Anyone else get kinda weirded out when they go to an interview and a panel of 3 or 4 people walk in and literally all of them are foreigners?
Like not trying to be raciss 'n shieet but when I'm the only native speaker for a job in my own country it starts to feel a bit odd.

>> No.14612957

This nigga is spilling the beans in gubmint jobs. As a govvy engineer you aren’t going to get paid shit compared to your corporate counterparts, period. BUT, if you have a few years in and your PE or a masters+ you are going to have your own office, an 8 foot real wood desk, probably a Secretary, your own govvy vehicle, near NEET levels of free time, and a healthy travel expense budget to go on boondoggles 3-4 times a year.

>> No.14612958

Yeah no shit but those jobs don't just fall out of the fucking sky. The amount of hoops you need to jump through to get one is depressing and even if you do get selected it'll be like 4 fucking months before you're in the door.

>> No.14612967

>he doesn’t know the secret

Once a GS, always a GS. You do one year in some bumblefuck engineering or STEM job for, oh let’s say, the National Forestry Service or some equally mundane federal administration and you immediately have preference for every other GS job you apply to.

>> No.14612971

Worthless talentless trash

>> No.14612984

No never

Mostly true. I lol'd at NEET levels of free time but its true. Most weeks I only really do about 5 hours of actual work. I have a secretary that processes all my digikey orders and files all my travel receipts. As far as the desk goes mines like 5 feet or something but I got my own desk. I bought the IKEA standing desk and its amazing for browsing chans at work with. I can stand around all day drinking coffee instead of sitting there getting blood clots. No vehicle but I have a budget to rent a car anytime I have to leave the office its kek.

This is true but here is the secret. Pajeet will never qualify for any of these jobs and it makes him seethe to the core. There are thousands of open gubment engineering jobs in my field. literally thousands. I could find an office in almost any of the 50 US states to work in. I just chose a low COL area because like its been said, pay is kinda low compared to corporate wagie.

>> No.14612989

>no 8 foot desk

Sub GS 13 detected

>> No.14613006

I tried to get into FAA as entry engineer. I didn't even apply they called me. Did like 4 fucking interviews, asked me for references. and now it's over 2 weeks and still haven't heard anything. fucking feds.

>> No.14613008

Big Boy white collar jobs are international my man. At my last position I had to interact with people from Europe, Middle East, Asia, etc all the time. Be prepared to have Teams meetings at 5 am or 8 pm to account for time differences.

>> No.14613015

That’s just the nature of fed jobs. I’ve gotten interviews and offers that were spaced 6 months apart. When homeboys like >>14612984 are only doing an hour of real work a day it takes forever for things to happen.

>> No.14613020

Yeah well you are lucky they sped things up. When I was graduating I applied. I got a call 6 months later (5 months after starting my job) asking if I was still interested. The government moves so fucking slowly but once you are in it and you only work 5 hours a week you start to realize why.

And guess which party always has to wake up in the middle of the night? Let me give you a hint, its not the Europeans. The salaries are nice but is it worth the headache?

>> No.14613042

Your boss should be cognizant of the fact you are having to work odd hours and comp you accordingly. If you are just getting shit on and expected to put in a full 8 hours of local time plus the hours outside 9-5 you shouldn’t be standing for that.

>> No.14613111

He will do it or else he can go work at McDonald's.

>> No.14613120


>> No.14613124

>this is what shitters actually believe

Bruh, once you have some real deal XP and credentials under your belt (PE, PMP, LEED, etc) you get to dictate your own terms. Especially in todays market. It’s only rough getting your foot in the door.

>> No.14613155

>It’s only rough getting your foot in the door.
that's a fucking understatement
what the fuck do these people even want from an entry level engineer

>> No.14613167

I’m not going to say you aren’t right. That first job is literally the hardest and it will ultimately define your entire career unless you can make a hard pivot into something else.

Getting into the guild is hard bro.

>> No.14613177

I don't want my first job to define my entire career because I'm not exactly deciding my first job, I'm just spam applying to everything I can find and will take the first offer someone gives me.

>> No.14613254

>You can't be weak! If you aren't strong then you aren't a man >:(
Newsflash bucko, humans are weak! Compared to other animals we are exceptionally weak. What humans do have is intelligence and endurance. Mind over matter.

Also masculinity is a meme. Don't let these subjective beliefs control your life.

>> No.14613325

Fuck off we’re full

>> No.14613338
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If I wanted to be an agriculture scientist, what steps should I take in order to do this?

>> No.14613927

How much of what you learn in EE undergrad do you actually need to remember in your career? Most people say they've forgotten virtually everything but it doesn't matter because all their maths gets handled by computers and programming languages.

>> No.14613980

you will have to remember your EE shit for your interview, but yes you replace a lot of that knowledge with software like Matlab's Simulink or specific design programs like HFSS

>> No.14613987

What kind of EE stuff do they ask? Will they give me some hugely complex problem or circuit to solve?

>> No.14614072

at minimum basic circuit theory, but a lot of employers also ask about your senior level electives

>> No.14614563

Other Latin American here. Just wanted to thank you for the advice.

>> No.14614593

stay in your own country

>> No.14614683

not, I'm not. kys

>> No.14615005 [DELETED] 

I'm doing a lot of interviews right now.
Some places don't ask any technical questions at all. They even say stuff like "what we are doing is so specific that we realize we will have to teach you everything from the ground up"

Other places have asked technical questions but they were very basic. So far I've been asked to explain what a voltage divider is, what a voltage regulator is. I've been asked to explain programming concepts like what is a variable. And a power company asked me to explain what a transformer is.
I also interviewed for a semiconductor manufacturing job and they asked slightly more specific questions, like if I could name some oxidation techniques, if I knew the difference between positive and negative photoresist, and a few others questions I forgot. So far that's the only technical questions I've been asked in like 7 interviews.

>> No.14615055

I just got my first offer but I'm not sure if I should take it.
I'm an EE and it's 55K a year. Additionally they only gave me 1 day to decide on the offer letter, they want me to let them know by tomorrow. I'm also not really interested in the work they do, though I did like the office a lot.
I feel like I have no choice but to take it though because I'm a huge poorfag currently making $9 at my shitty fast food job. I've had multiple other interviews that I feel good about and am waiting to hear back from, but the 1 day decision deadline leaves me no room to wait and see.

>> No.14615061

Also my title would not even be electrical engineer, it would be "electrical intern."

>> No.14615072

what state?

>> No.14615085


>> No.14615771

Pretty sure rent is like $800 in most of your state so that's not TOO bad.
But if you're *really* confident about those other interviews then consider declining the $55K offer.
You should think about moving Texas or Virginia if you're an EE though (or California and Washington if you're a fag)

>> No.14615799

my stacey sister keeps telling me to negotiate for a couple thousand dollars higher but i'm terrified that i will piss them off and they'll just decline.
she keeps getting pissed at how onions i am but to my logical mind it doesn't make sense to negotiate if you aren't holding a good hand of cards, and while i feel ok about some of the other interviews it hasn't materialized into anything solid yet

>> No.14615850
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EE or ME?

>> No.14615865

>I am currently studying Materials Science and Nanoengineering. Is the degree worth it? Even the physics102 professor told in the class that you don't have to think much about structure of a material.

Sounds like your physics102 professor is an idiot.
t. Material scientist with a job outside academia.

>> No.14615872

>Mexico actually. I know im better off than Iran, but still, its really fucking hard to compete for grad schools with people who went to t100 unis in undergrad or could work at international labs
You're not. Iranians dom in PhDs.

>> No.14615886

Fuck no bro. I got my masters in political science, i'm 30 and starting Mech E next semester. Follow your dreams man, life is short

>> No.14615892

You already made a thread. Pick the one you find most interesting, everything else is secondary

>> No.14616383

Do they have PEs on staff that would mentor you and sign off on your license?

>> No.14616445


>> No.14616730

>I dont know how to link to the last thread edition.
haha OP
kys for your stupid image

>> No.14616732


finishing my MS in Chem E this fall, went to grad school cause rona

I have 2 internships and am an EIT (PE licensing stuff in burgerland), any advice on marketing myself other than buzzwords?

>> No.14616736

apply to Chevron, they are always looking for EEs because no EE ever thinks "ill work for an oil and gas company" out of college

they also have big oil money and pay significantly higher than average

>> No.14616741

In my experience the "apply to huge, global, Fortune 50 company with massive visibility to normies" advice has never worked for me.
I only ever got attention from small local companies who had connections to my uni.

>> No.14616796

>t. weak man

>> No.14616847

I couldn't get shit with BS in Physics and got a MS in CSE and recently got a software engineering job at Amazon for $170k entry level. Why do hard sciences pay like shit? Most PhDs I know don't make this starting out unless they go into trading or ML/Applied Scientist at big tech.

>> No.14616859

Additonally if I did CS instead of Physics I would have gotten this job with only a 4yr degree

>> No.14616870

>Why do hard sciences pay like shit?
Because there's nothing you can contribute to the fields of physics, chemistry, or biology with a bachelors

>> No.14616924

I looked at PhD and not many positions pay big tech money either. My cousin is a biochem PhD and she barely breaks 100k in pharmaceuticals...

Scientists at CERN? They barely break 100k. Astronauts? Surprisingly not making bank either.

4 STEM paths that could get you to mid six figures (400-600k) in 5-7 years are:

Software Engineering/Machine Learning Engineer (at big tech)
Applied Scientist (at big tech companies)
Medical Doctors
Quants (might not count as STEM discipline but you certainly need a STEM degree)

The kicker is that a BS CS degree is simpler than a MS/PhD and while FAANG is competitive it's nothing compared to going to medical school or needing a top school (for quants). Also FAANG hires 100,000+ SWE.

Let me know about other STEM paths too though. Perhaps professors at top schools or those working close to patents can make SWE money.

>> No.14616935

Going into the future I do expect FAANG salaries to level off. Maybe 10-20 years from now. Sort of how EE/MechE engineers didn't grow in wages with programmers.

>> No.14616940

>400K-600K software engineer in 5-7 years

>> No.14616943

Senior SWE at FAANG. Wages grew tremendously during COVID. I had a new grad offer at Coinbase for 203k but they had layoffs and I got kicked to the curb before my start date. I rebounded with Amazon at 170k.

This what they're paying me with 0 yoe.

>> No.14616948
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External hires make 400k+. Internal hires around 350-390k. That is why in tech job hopping is extremely common.

>> No.14616966

Can you imagine the absolute bugmen you'd have to work with at these jobs -> >>14616924

>> No.14616985

This is just comparing Software Engineering with other STEM disciplines. We can go into fields that are heavily white dominated like lawyers, investment bankers, and MBA consultants and have similar arguments.

>> No.14617024
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>stem wagies bitching about money

>> No.14617038

>Consume consume consume consume !!!!!!!

>> No.14617078

can you do anything with an applied math undergrad? Everyone says if you dont want to get a masters/PhD, your choices are: data sci, programming, or actuary

>> No.14617082

quant if you're good

>> No.14617169

One of my friends went to a bottom tier uni and got a high salary graduate scheme job at a top tier Aerospace company and I am so happy for him bros.

>> No.14617194

Daily reminder that Software “””Engineering””” is not real engineering

>> No.14617198

What a soulless, lonely life

>> No.14617204

pays 2-3x as much. i know an engineer at boeing making 80k. where do you even go past boeing for engineering... maybe spacex?

>> No.14617213

>Stuck working with an ESL tard who stutters every 2 seconds and talks endlessly
The company is 99.99% white and I had to end up with this guy

>> No.14617217

>pays 2-3x as much. i know an engineer at boeing making 80k.
This isn’t about pay
It’s about them calling themselves anything other than code monkeys

>> No.14617268

Womens rights was a mistake

>> No.14617331

Who cares about the money.
If you want to be rich, you need your dad to be a billionaire.

>> No.14617559

Should I try more at bigger companies or is it acceptable to accept an offer from a smaller company that offers decent pay? I imagine it would be harder to make upwards moves for the smaller companies (although it has some huge companies as clients). The problem that I face is that the bigger companies all have 3-4 rounds of interviews, sometimes tough leetcode question assessments that I'm admittedly not very good at. Also most big companies take their sweet time responding to your cv or arranging an interview. A 3 step process for a job can easily take 1.5 month I've experienced.

I get frequently approached by recruiters and although I would like a job soon I'm willing to wait 1-3 months for a great opportunity to present itself. So is it then better to go for a smaller or mid size company or is it best to go for the bigger international names?

>> No.14617590

> a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures.

A software engineer would design, build and maintain the software that makes machines and structures function as they are. The same can be applied to data engineer. The definition makes sense even though it doesn't have anything to do with machinery at all.

This is a career thread, everyone should care mostly about the bottom end for their work. After all you're exchanging your time for something.

I'm happy he succeeded! These applications can be grueling with many interview rounds and the vast majority getting filtered.

> Software Engineering/Machine Learning Engineer (at big tech)

The 300k+ paying jobs in this direction aren't 5-7 years I'd say. It's a PhD with nice relevant published research. Then likely a postdoc for a few years where you again keep publishing relevant articles to the field. And then maybe entering at like 150-200k a year a giga company like Google in a R&D position. And then you can grow to that 400k. But overall that is a process that takes at least 9 years of education (bachelor + master + phd) and then likely 5-10 years of publishing. Basically if you are right now at the Bachelor step you would not even know if such positions would be open anymore when you get to the end of it.

> medical doctors
Only absolutely excellent ones in a private hospital make 400k+.

Quants I agree with. They're overpaid and career wise probably the easiest to accomplish out of what you listed.

You have many research areas that also pay big bucks. Like computational geology / climate science. Think about huge companies like Shell, BP and so on who are leading the energy transition and have a high demand for people who excel at computational skills but also skills in math + are highly accomplished as researcher.

>> No.14617593

Is a secondary physics BA redundant to add on top of an engineering degree if you're aren't going to grad school? I assume that it would just look better on my resume. I don't need many classes to do it and most of those classes I study in my free time like quantum mechanics.

>> No.14617628

> Additionally they only gave me 1 day to decide on the offer letter

That's a really poor business practice. You could try calling them and asking them for more time to decide on the offer.

> I have no choice but take it
Well if you just said you have other interviews going on that you feel like you have a decent shot at and are potentially more interesting it is in your best interest to negotiate on the deadline. I think the 1 day deadline is a shit test especially if the starting date for the job is in 1-2 months, the shit test here being is that you drop all other applications you have going on and instantly decide on this company.

>> No.14617641

unironically am as software engi in the last round of interviewing for a huge oil and gas company. I think performance wise I might have only been a bit above average and I think I have a fair chance of landing the job. It pays similar and is in some ways just as good for a career path as the big tech companies like amazon, google and microsoft. It's waaaay more competitive I heard if you try to get in for a position in the hard sciences (e.g. working on a rig upstream).

Seriously hope I get the job though it will have me set up for a nice career for life.

>> No.14617653

I think you can get a higher offer and negotiate with them. You're already holding some cards

> 1 they're interested enough to give you an offer
> 2 you have a diploma and other qualifications of which the employer thinks that you're suited for the job

That's already something. Typically during salary negotiations you try to get the employer to give you their range and then you give them your range and then you start negotiating. They might not yield at all into your demands, so then the next step would be to negotiate about benefits, paid vacation days, educational budget, compensation for travel, insurance etc etc (this can make a 55k salary better than a 60k salary!). Finally you can ask for a performance review and a re-negotiation of the salary 3-6 months in if the results that you provided your employer so far have been satisfactory.

>> No.14617857

>This is a career thread, everyone should care mostly about the bottom end for their work. After all you're exchanging your time for something.
Once you've reached a certain level of income the rest is superfluous. Constantly posting about how you need to make $300K a year or whatever just reveals yourself as a status striver bugman.

>> No.14617905

The benefits they are offering are already fairly generous compared to what I'm used to (poorfag fast food worker drone)
2 weeks paid vacation, 9 paid holidays per year, fully paid health insurance, and they did say there would be a performance review in 6 months, which I guess could either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how much of a brainlet I turn out to be.

>> No.14618211
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>get job offer $20K higher than anything else I have
>is in the great white north at a major semiconductor manufacturer in a career track with lots of advancement potential
>have to be vaxxmaxxed to get the job

>> No.14618277

Where is the bit she gets railed by chad

>> No.14618280

>Quants I agree with. They're overpaid and career wise probably the easiest to accomplish out of what you listed.
Kek have you ever seen the competition requirements for quant jobs? Getting accepted into medicine is a breeze compared to becoming a quant

>> No.14618287

Some asshole tells me he's got something real nice for me. It's the worst thing I ever had in my life, bar none. The testicle crusher implants hurt me without my cooperation, but my voluntary cooperation in the other torture made it much worse, and I stopped. Now all those people and their children are going to get thrown into a hole, and the implants in their children's genitals will hust a lot more than ones in mine. My genitals haven't been ruined yet, but their children's genitals will be ruined.

>> No.14618292

>make about $10^1/hr with no skills and a HS diploma
>still make about $10^1/hr with an MS and proving you're a top physicist
>every one wants you to feel better about flushing your life down the toilet for your new $10^1/hr salary

>> No.14618294

>graduated with master's degree 8 years ago
>never found a job in the field
>hundreds of failed applications
>get seemingly auto-rejected at this point
>get rejected from other jobs due to over-qualification
Is 30 too old to start a PhD? Will it even help my situation?

>> No.14618304

If you're too stupid to even include the field/major in your venting post then kys

>> No.14618305

if you're getting rejected for being overqualified why would you seek out even more qualifications

>> No.14618315

I'm pretty confident that you will perform well, so the 6 month assessment will be fine. The type of people you will be working with will be a breathe of fresh air compared to the retards working in fast food. That, and typically company culture is more chill and laid back which will feel incredible.

>> No.14618320

Can't you just find a doctor and bribe him for the vaxx at this point pretty easily? 500-1000$ should be more than sufficient and it would be worth the cost for the job.

>> No.14618323

Why start a PhD? You'd exacerbate the problem. If you are being rejected for being "over-qualified" from some jobs and don't know why are not getting responses back from others, I think it's a large jump to assume your not getting responses because you lack educational depth. You probably need to seek out a head hunter or at the very least get someone to review your job application material. There's something glaring obvious that you're missing and I'm not convinced it's because you don't have "Piled Higher and Deeper" abbreviated after your signature

>> No.14618326

It is intentionally omitted because I don't think the answer will change significantly with different STEM fields.
The jobs seem to either demand a PhD, or high school level qualifications with nothing in between. Even my friends with PhDs don't seem to be very employable, but they at least have jobs that pay over the average salary.

>> No.14618330

I had a resume professionally written to rule out the possibility that my applications are terrible. Agencies don't have a problem with it either. I think it's just the fact that I hold a high level qualification, but have worked in unskilled work for 8 years at this point which is a huge red flag.

>> No.14618349

Can't you just manufacture a CV with 8 years of relevant work experience and apply for positions requiring 2-4+ years experience?

Some might notice, but you only need 1 company that you can fraud hard. Just make sure it's the private sector and not public and the companies listed would be tough to verify if you worked there.

>> No.14618353

3pm coffee with manager

>> No.14618362

Where are you applying?
Leaving out what field you're in makes everything we say guesses at best.
As an engineer I got tons of attention, but only from companies that were local to my area. You should target those first. Can't count how many times I went into an interview and the manager guy was an alumnus of my uni and we instantly had rapport.
If you are applying to some massive global company on the other side of the world you're just a piece of paper to them.

>> No.14618579

Choosing a masters in math, what is best careerwise between probabilities/statistics for finance (quant, actuarian) and AI/machine learning?

>> No.14618727

Probs/Stats for quant. And make sure your MS is from a target school. The lists are online. Not required to attent a target but it helps A LOT.

A MS doesn't help at all for actuary unless your undergrad was something far removed. Basically if you have a BS Math you're qualified to pursue the actuarial field and focus on their exams.

>> No.14619123

Because getting your license literally doubled your value as an engineer.

>> No.14619267

how? most engineers don't even seem to be interested in it.

>> No.14619288

Thoughts on control engineering?

I really feeling attracted to this field, but I wonder how the job market for is right now and will be in the late future, it's that or I turn into a code monkey, I'm currently in the middle of EE grad

>> No.14619341

Bunch of reasons.

-exam failure rate is high
-you have to believe in your designs enough to put your nuts on the line
-you have to be at a company with at least one other PE

Only %20 of engineers have one, maybe %10 of them know how to use it. If you can get it in the 4 years fresh out of school and you know your shit, get it. It opens up so many doors my man.

>> No.14619350

The job I just got hired at has a shitton of PEs working there.
it sucks that it takes 4 fucking years to get though. That seems like forever into the future when you're fresh out of college. like what if I need to job hop

>> No.14619384
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what do you guys think about geology??
i think rocks, geophysics and hydrology are really cool!!

>> No.14619396

As long as you job hop to somewhere that has other PEs to sign off on your XP it’s fine.

>> No.14619509

is it even possible to go back to grad school if your undergrad gpa was below 3.0 or are you just permanently locked out of higher ed forever?

>> No.14619525

Studying Electromagnetism and Physics is based.

Studying Engineering is because you’re a bitch who’s scared of his parents and insecure about jobs.

>> No.14619558

This is why EE chads simply cant stop winning

>> No.14619583
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Personally, I find it interesting to look at rocks while hiking, but I don't find it interesting enough to make it my job. But you do you. Changing subject after 1-2 semesters should be no problem at all.
Pic related, a cool rock I found in Denmark.

>> No.14619856

Enjoy teaching high-schoolers

>> No.14621324

First year Chem undergrad here. Exams are coming up and I fear it's fucking over for me. I wasn't prepared for the sheer volume of stuff I'd need to learn and I I can't cope with getting exposed as a midwit this hard.

>> No.14621339


>> No.14621459

Is there any branch of physics, active research groups that fuses physics and literature/linguistics?
Recently I found out about biophysics and was wondering if there is something similar for those areas (specially literature).

>> No.14621709

For what purpose do you want a secondary BS?

>> No.14621885

Yes some research in acoustics is focused on linguistics

>> No.14621897


I washed out of O-chem, I couldn't read a spectrogram to save my life. I ended up majoring in math since I have a knack for it and actually enjoy the subject.

>> No.14621933

Kind of an interesting situation because spectograms are generally easier to decipher for those with a strong background in math.
What made them difficult for you?

>> No.14622220

One of my friends works for Chevron as a Chem e, and they hire from mid to bottom-of-the-barrel EEs all the time because they are lacking applicants. You only have to apply and be average or above. Chevron's EE's are literal neanderthals.

Yes, its a big corporate meme company, but they are actually struggling to advertise to EEs because they only think about working for TESLA or some shit, not "oil and gas or dirty chemicals".

Third round? You practically already have the job. Chemical companies are really only competitive about Chem e hires unless it's part of a multidisciplinary engineering company.

>> No.14622321

Well for one the university makes it very easy. I think I'd only need 4-5 extra classes/ 12 credit hours and also I always wanted to be a physicist since I was a kid. It's something I study in my free time for fun and I would be honored to be one.

>> No.14622331

based and fucking hope pilled

>> No.14622334

I love how antivaxxers are sabotaging themselves due to their retarded beliefs. Two more weeks until da GREAT RESET amirite? kek

>> No.14622715

you can do it but I don't think most engineering employers (assuming that's what you want to be employed as) will care.

>> No.14622829

Any PhDs here in condensed matter physics/solid-state chemistry/materials science? What are decent jobs outside of academia in those fields?
At this point I really don't want to become a professor and am sick of some of the wankery for lack of a better term that can take place in the academy.

I have seen previous alumni in my area do everything from jobs at Intel (process engineer), consulting, starting your own fitness business etc. A decent portion (~50%) remain in academia or academic adjacent positions at national labs. Aspects of doing a postdoc do seem appealing, like being able to live in another country but is it worth doing a postdoc if I don't intend to remain in academia?

Basically I still have to figure out where I want to go at this point, although I still do have another year to decide.

>> No.14622841

newsflash faggot
strength is a relative term, and not restricted to physical strength
>masculinity is a meme
Masculinity is legacy of human accomplishment. Everything from the arts to sciences are products of masculine mental pursuits.

>> No.14623167

I checked their website career page and they didn't even have a filter category for EEs.

>> No.14623226

As part of my benefits package my company says they will "pay annual professional organization dues for one organization."
I'd like to take advantage of the benefits they are giving me but I don't know what to do with this. What is it meant for?

>> No.14623567

Anyone know what rankings I should use/how to pirate them?

Are the U.S. News & World Report engi grad school ranking spread sheets for this year floating anywhere around the internet, for example?

>> No.14623584

Rankings are bullshit, IMHO

>> No.14624079

it means "join a professional organization and if you got a valid reason to go on a boondoggle, we'll pay for it"

>> No.14624089

How to study even when you don't want to?
I'm on my break. So far, I haven't covered any of the material we will be doing next semester. I'm getting good grades, but I need to fix my habits or I'll my GPA.
I'm doing escapist stuff like reading manhwa, jerking off, and playing ck2 all day. I need to stop this and study so I don't ruin my future. Any advice?

>> No.14624382

I wasn't thinking about the time of year in my earlier posts, but they hire entry levels in the fall and snag up all the chem e talent early in their senior year. Right now it's only mid career stuff at the moment. I can guarantee there will be listings in 2-3 months for entry level mechanical/process/electrical engineers. The bars for competence in order is chemical > mechanical > electrical/software/compsci

>> No.14624681

Bros should I hide my overall grade in my resume if its <75%?

>> No.14624713

For entry level in the USA common practice is 3.0 or higher leave it on. If you leave it off they'll assume it's lower. For positions after entry level you can leave it off.

Idk what is considered a "B/3.0" in your cunt but same advice applies.

>> No.14625215

Telecommunications or CSE Master's?

>> No.14625223

maybe, but maybe not

a lot of the extremely high pay in software isn't just supply and demand, it has to do with the innate scalability of software and the ability of a SWE to make a change that is then proliferated everywhere near instantly

there is literally nothing you can do in physical traditional engineering disciplines that has that type of impact

>> No.14625231

Do you mean something like THE?
I agree with >>14623584. Greetings from the highest-ranked university in Continental Europe. It's hit or miss. You can have an amazing group in a low-ranked university or a shitty group/supervisor at the top. Also, the undergrad studies aren't affected by rankings at all. Sure, a PhD from amazing universities opens some doors and it's good for networking, but there are more important factors.

>> No.14625235

Oops. The other comment is (Me). Haven't slept much recently, sorry for accidental samefagging

>> No.14625328

my dad got a phd in chemE like 20 years ago immediately complained there were no jobs then went into finance after getting his CFA
He makes about 200k remote.
Is this normal? I still can't wrap my head around it. Wasting so much time on his degree

>> No.14625366

I have a Chemistry degree from almost ten years ago and was never employed in the field either. Even my friends with PhDs struggle to find work.

>> No.14625756

a minority of chem e grads work in chem e

there’s something like 8 new grads per open position

>> No.14625919

Anyone ever taken the FE?
How bad is it really?

>> No.14625930

Just went through something strange during the job search.
Was cold called by some indian guy. Claimed to be vice president of a company. I never applied, said he got my resume and contact information from my university.
We had a phone interview. A few days later he emailed me asking to do an in-person interview. The strange thing is that he wanted to meet in a coffee shop to do it. That seemed odd so I started looking more into the company.
I went to their website and there was "hello, sirs" tier English all over. Lots of weird grammatical errors, weird phrases, and an intense focus on the status of the company and the story of their supposed founder rather than what they actually do.
Next I typed the address into google maps and it was just an empty lot.
Then I went on indeed to see if I could find anyone who works there. I searched the company name and there were 5 people associated with the company, literally all of them were Indian.
My conclusion is this is not a real business and some kind of scam, maybe a way to bring Indians over on the H1B scam with a fake company? But in that case, I have no idea why he is contacting me, as I'm clearly white.

>> No.14625969

>Going into the future I do expect FAANG salaries to level off.
That is quite a few years off. FAANG pays insane levels for two reasons. The obvious one is to attract talent. The less discussed reason is to starve competitors and in particular startups for talent.

>> No.14626033

now that Netflix is falling off, FAANG will become FAAG

>> No.14626043

This makes me feel less bad about being a freelancer and doing the bare minimum to get money for all the neccessities and spending most of the day training, reading, playing an instrument, gaming or hanging out with people I actually like.
The routine from the video seems fun at firat, while everything is new and interesting, but after that, spending almost all the time I'm awake for work seems like just the kind of thing I'd regret when I'm old because of all kinds of stuff I'd miss.

>> No.14626108

>I assume that it would just look better on my resume.
It will at least make you differ from most other applicants, which can be an advantage early on before you can pad your CV with work achievements. expect prospective employers to ask why you did it.

>> No.14626120

Doing Math makes me happy but any kind of academic failure makes me suicidal, What can I do?

I feel too uncreative to discover anything truly new and I'm awful at teaching.

>> No.14626142


>> No.14626176

>answer or even returning a cold call from some indian claiming to be a vp of a company
You went further than most other people would. You are in uncharted waters.

>> No.14626229
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what kind of uni do I need to get into if I wish to eventually work on genetic engineering?

>> No.14626277

>genetic engineering
are you a woman or a gay man

>> No.14626286
File: 23 KB, 575x533, 1617923795954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be smarter live longer and have a longer cock

>> No.14626435
File: 9 KB, 634x768, Wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the most autistic weirdo friendly universities in Canada? Planning on going into either software or computer engineering.

>> No.14626440

As a mathematics undergraduate, I'm getting all Cs this semester but I'm also going to publish a paper as first author in the AI field. This kept me wondering, is a 3.5 GPA too low for grad school? Would it matter more than having publications as an undergrad?