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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14607303 No.14607303 [Reply] [Original]

I believe in determinism, so if the results are to be believed then what does this mean? Is called "manifesting" really just a roundabout way of peering into a predetermined future?

I think there was also a study done where they showed participants random images with gore mixed in an the results showed the pupils dilating fractions of a second before the gruesome images displayed. I don't have the link for that one, but if anyone has it you're more than welcome to share it.

>> No.14607348
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>dr jew, phd
>fbi frog

>> No.14607510

>I believe in determinism
It means it was pre-computed to happen
It means it doesn't matter what you do, it's going to happen anyway.
Stop believing in determinism? It was deterministic that you were going to stop believing in determinism, because physics.
A statistical anomaly occurs? It was already known to happen the moment the universe began, because physical laws state state so.
Now. Could *you* have figured it out?
Absolutely not. Chaos theory suggests some phenomena are inherently impossible* for humans to deterministically predict, because the sensitivity/number of sig figs of measurement required to make an accurate prediction is greater than the literal physical limit of detection (with earth-bound instruments). Such is life.
But just because you logically can't predict the future, doesn't mean it's not pre-determined. Which begs the question:
What's the difference between a deterministic future you are mathematically proven to be unable to determine, vs. a non-deterministic universe? From a logical point of view of any sort of action-taken-due-to-knowledge, they are equivalent. Philosophers love that one.