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File: 44 KB, 739x415, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14574633 No.14574633 [Reply] [Original]

So where are the images?

>> No.14574635
File: 117 KB, 996x577, terrapiattisti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are still creating them.
Just wait a little more.

>> No.14574637

They never said there would be images in june

>> No.14574641

There was some delaying in creating them as >>14574635 says, so they instead created a story about meteors and comets hitting it.

>> No.14574653

They're supposed to come out 12th july

>> No.14574660


>> No.14574666

They've been delayed due to technical issues.

>> No.14574952

>technical issues
Thats a funny way of spelling "smashed to pieces"

>> No.14575009

how many times are we going to go trough this? We don't yet have anything more than alignment images.

>> No.14575013
File: 94 KB, 946x710, holey shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome image of an exoplanet just came out

>> No.14575172

its going to be a dead piece of swiss cheese by December, they'd better proritize the critical stuff right now, fuck your pretty pictures.

>> No.14575177
File: 16 KB, 375x600, noname.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 this is the first thing that appears infront of the telescope
What happens afterwards?

>> No.14575180

Lots and lots of probing

>> No.14575190
File: 1.36 MB, 3344x2433, aliam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to fly off from Earth and go play with 'em

>> No.14575277


>> No.14575285

It's fake, just like the black hole images, it was used as nothing more than a way to embezzle billions of dollars.

>> No.14576618
File: 382 KB, 469x369, Screenshot 2022-06-16 at 14-38-52 Final Major Deployments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what sort of scientist doesn't know how to print screen?

>> No.14576658

These terminals wont let you, they are most likely air gapped, and have no way to get data out of them. No drives, no sd card slots, no internet. They might not even a conventional operating system and boot from a mainframe where your print screen would not even work. Any data captured runs over that mainframe , if you want to get data out of there you need clearance. Its called operational security. I guess even taking that picture with a cellphone is very irregulatory and could be some break of contract if you could make out things on the photo like system structures, network structures or other weaknesses. Ive worked at air gapped facilities , and their opsec would not even let you take screenshots or allow cellphones just for this reason.

>> No.14576695

if they don't let you there's probably a reason for that. hope that lady loses her security clearance.

>> No.14576696

also in the other pics uploaded to flickr there are visible mobile numbers on the whiteboard. not sure these guys even know what opsec is.

>> No.14577388

>flickr in 2022

>> No.14577411

please wait warmly, observatory is calibrating.

>> No.14578567

It was already broken when they launched it.

>> No.14579627

screenshot chud btfo

>> No.14579634

i know you're baiting, but the DoD/CIA black budget is so large that if they needed a few billion they would just go through that, rather than an elaborate web of lies and hoaxes that require ongoing maintenance by 100s of people all working together off the same script

i believe they fill USB slots with resin, or at the very least alert people if you plug anything in

>> No.14580755

Nah they usually use Windows 10 (as you can see in the bottem) enterprise and some other shit. Although what you described is something that would be expected of a sensitive government agency, the reality is that they love to cheap shit out and still have the military using Vista in the current age. For example, you see military leaks on fucking WoT forums because that's the onoy barrier, an autist's desire or some backbone that a glowie would never have.

>> No.14580904

NASA data are mandatorily open source by the fact of being paid for government money.

>> No.14580923
File: 275 KB, 1080x1286, glownigger BUTTHURT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jwst is real guys!!
>you gotta believe me!!!

>> No.14580931

>NSA data are mandatorily open source by the fact of being paid for government money.
amazing how removing just one character from your post shows how utterly stupid it is. how were you able to type that up without realizing your blatant mistake? lack of self awareness? low iq?

>> No.14580956


>> No.14580967

I am more interested in when is it going to check for biosignatures.

>> No.14582501 [DELETED] 


>> No.14582503

Well not enough fundings to deliver images, gibusdats.

>> No.14582582
File: 10 KB, 453x111, Obama-birth-certificate-White-House-620x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pure propaganda

>> No.14582676

Fuck off space niggers, were full.

>> No.14582724

Its broken, there will be no images

>> No.14583873

this has nothing to do with the fact that nasa has to run an opsec protocol, they dont want their systems to be compromised by retarded employees, theres to much money and invaluable assets at stake.

>> No.14583948

>nasa is cutting edge technology
but also
>nasa can't accomplish what was considered cutting edge in their field of science one 50 years ago
pick one