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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14515081 No.14515081 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to STEM Career General!
This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
> Discussion on academia based career progression
> Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
> Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here: >https://academia.stackexchange.com/

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

NOTE: Any useful resources relayed in this thread will be included in future /scg/ threads.

formerly >>14485927

>> No.14515244

First for industrial engineering chads

>> No.14515293
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>got an alternate offer again
holy shit applying to uni sucks ass
why is comp sci so hard to get into?? I applied to UofT at two different campuses and for one I got an alt offer to Maths & Physics, and for the other I got
>Communications, Culture Information & Technology (????)

My last hope is the Engineering faculty I applied for, but I guess I shouldn't keep my hopes up.

>> No.14515325
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Does anyone else here read 80,000 Hours? It has articles on how to get an effective altruism-related career.


>> No.14516602

never heard of that before, but I played with the calculator a while ago and saw that when people leave school, they have perhaps 20,000 days of good health left. If people keep these things in mind, they might think twice before taking gap years that go nowhere.

>> No.14516998 [DELETED] 

I'm a Math undergrad, and I'm close to publishing an article on machine learning. However, I found out that this area is really not my thing (I though it would be half programming, half math but it's really just programming), so I'm thinking of switching to a topology research. If I do switch and specialize in topology, will this article be valuable at all to my curriculum, since it's completely unrelated to what I would be doing?

>> No.14517058
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Anons, is there an optimistic future for jobs in EE? I am going into EE undergraduate this year because I've wanted to work with robots.
But, unfortunately, AI and automation seems to be making giant strides. I'm afraid that by the time I graduate, all the jobs will be taken over and automated. This demotivates me and makes me not bother studying.

>> No.14517272

I am optimistic as medicine and technology makes lifespan longer and longer, people will take stuff slower and in less of a rush.

>> No.14517289
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>> No.14517358

Who makes those things automated, you fucking retard? You shouldn't even be an EE if you have to ask braindead questions like that.

>> No.14517367
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I'm 18, retard

>> No.14517450

On average, lifespan extends by one month per year, at times two months per year. And we might need that, since science becomes ever more complex, requiring ever more knowledge before you can break new ground.

>> No.14517529
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That is the hope. Pic. related is how things are going.

>> No.14517564

I got a Chem Eng degree in the UK 3 years ago but Covid messed up all the job hunting I did since all the companies stopped recruting. Today I got an offer for an apprenticeship on Oil and Gas industry to be an Instrumentation and control technician, I was wondering if the experience here would be good to eventually move onto engineering? The interviewers didn't shoot down the idea but neither did they confirmed it.

>> No.14517646

To the anon that answered my embedded question, thanks.
Graduated mechatronics so I'm not too bad with circuits, I'm probably going to stick to full stack web dev for a while and try to install Linux on anything that has an IC in my spare time.
But, should I go for the masters? Been studying German and was thinking of applying in 1-2 years for a program over there but dunno if it's wiser to just try and get a job in embedded.

>> No.14517655

>Altruism related careers
Cringe ass shit senpai.

>> No.14517775

How do I get off my lazy ass and apply for new jobs?

>> No.14517890

You literally just said it

>get off my lazy ass and apply for new jobs

>> No.14517949

Waiting for background/drug screen to clear. Pretty nerve racking considering I already signed my new lease.

>> No.14518213

I mean, after other jobs get automated, EE jobs for maintenance and automation would also get automated.

>> No.14518216

so youre worried that every single job on the planet is going to get automated?
where do i even begin? what could you do to stop that from happening? why do you think it would be a bad thing instead of a wall-e style utopia?

>> No.14518425

>wall-e style utopia
The utopia where consumer culture eroded both the planet and the human spirit?

>> No.14518462

no, I mean in the big picture, advancement of AI and robotics is good.
I want to contribute to that advancement and work in that field. That's why I'm studying hard. But, there won't be any point if those jobs get automated in 4 years.

>> No.14518476

Should have taken Computer Engineering instead

>> No.14518498

pretty sure that can be automated too

>> No.14518515

110% copium
they wont, good talk

>> No.14518526
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Being able to tolerate a job where you are not intellectually stimulated is quickly becoming a valuable trait. There's a reason why some truck drivers can make $100K year.

It's only going to get worse with the zoomers entering the job market. The idea of working a mundane job and being lost in their own thoughts is something a lot of them won't be able to tolerate.

>> No.14518530

just passing by to reiterate that medicine is indeed the master race
that is all, eat well and exercise nerds

>> No.14518542

I wish I could. I used to love working out and had a healthy diet. Now, thanks to college, I haven't worked out in months and binge heavily.

>> No.14518663

Fucking true. Can't focus on workouts when school is round-the-clock stress

>> No.14519573

How much of the stuff taught in EE undergrad do you actually need in a job? I heard most maths gets handled by computers.

>> No.14519728

I got a conditional offer to my master's, the condition being that I upload my "final transcript" and don't let my grades drop.
Now I'm officially done with my subjects, waiting for the dissertation defense in like a month. Does it make sense to upload the current, pre-dissertation transcript or should i wait until that's done too?

>> No.14519843
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>> No.14520117
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Should I just drop out of university?

I'm failing courses because I'm not studying, I'm not studying because I'm afraid of failing/feel it's useless to try. Damage has been done and I'm behind my peers. So I suffer from self sabotage and I'm like 2 years behind of my peers.

How do I know if I'm too retarded to become succesful even if I study?

>> No.14520224

Try trade school? You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Work to get yourself studying.

>> No.14520638

???? Just make the robots. AI and automation is so damn vague right now, I'm sure you'll even help make/maintain these applied systems in your field

>> No.14521573

Trade schools are poverty tier where I'm at

>> No.14522139

Id say so. Go for it. I started as a control systems engineer. not a technician but honestly, it doesnt matter and you could learn practical volumes about people and operating plant in the control room.

I am now in operations management, - but don't bullshit yourself. If you are an introverted coder, you will never escape control systems.

>> No.14522173

This is not good advice. The trades can be as stimulating as any other job and will always provide a secure income. There is something rewarding in knowing how to weld, fix engines, electronics a& electrical - and be practical.

The dream where you always get to do what you love was never there. Some get lucky, most dont. Stop harping over a fantasy world. And stop giving shitty, snobby advice.

>> No.14522260

Well then stop being a retard and study faggot.

>> No.14523040

Most of you guys struggling through engineering undergrad are likely taking 15-18 credits with multiple “weed out” courses in the same semester. Slow the fuck down, don’t fall for the graduate “on time” meme. Get a fucking job and go part time for a semester or two.

>> No.14523494

>PhD students face cash crisis with wages that don’t cover living costs
>As this article went to press, just 2% of the 178 institutions and departments in the data set guaranteed graduate students salaries that exceed the cost of living. The researchers used the living-wage calculator maintained by the Cambridge-based Massachusetts Institute of Technology (see go.nature.com/3pkzjde), a widely used benchmark that estimates basic expenses for a given city, such as the costs of food, health care, housing and transport.

>> No.14524174
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Massive copers. Most of us aren't cucked by school or work to the extent it's impossible to live a fulfilled and healthy life, we just have to be strict with how we spend our time and seek efficiency. There are workouts which have a great ROI, ways to prepare healthy food that are efficient and I'm sure there are restaurants that sell at least some healthy (certain foods/ingredients most people consider unhealthy actually are or can be great for you, expanding your options) meals in your area.

To the first coper I replied to: College is no excuse to binge at all.

Makes sense considering there are more people that have those (value goes down).

>> No.14525223
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Christ chemistry is more difficult then I remember. Doing an organic chem course and the variety of language is kicking my arse. Any tips on getting all the language down? Ortho, methyl, pentane, alkanes vs alkenes. It's all so much.

>> No.14525504

Perhaps time to add something about Nanotech to the FAQ? Any inputs, or is it all doom? >>14517670

>> No.14525596
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Is it true that Oil Engineering pays the big bucks?

>> No.14525839

I graduated UofT CS a few years ago, admission averages shot way the hell up
Grade inflation blows my dude

>> No.14525856

Numerical relativity or computational fluidi plasma?

>> No.14525872


>> No.14525876


>> No.14525895

Yes but you have to live in Texas or South Dakota

>> No.14525924

why can i not post in this thread?

>> No.14525929

fuckin crazy, on mobile i can post in every thread except this one, it says "post successful" and then my post doesnt show up, weirdest shit. mods dont want me getting career advice.

>> No.14525934
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anyone here in semiconductor/solid state research? academic or industry? hows it going for you?

>> No.14526481

Ya anon you’re fucked. Sorry

>> No.14527271

yes, also really easy to get laid off if things look bad, but at least you make teh big bux in a short span of time. I would invest my time into a more secure degree though, not saying oil is going anywhere, but there's ups and downs and I think oil field not secure long term.

>> No.14527464

Get the workbooks organic chemistry as a second language by David Klein

>> No.14527687
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Germanon here, i polished my cv and have quite thin margins all around, now coming to the application letter I see, that most templates use huge margins, especially on the top, so the recipient, company and adress are in the typical letter window, pic related. Should I adjust my margins to fit this template/window and create disharmony between my cv and cover letter template?

>> No.14528458
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>AI and automation seems to be making giant strides
AI had had many boom and bust cycles already. And once again they have over promised and under delivered (ref. self driving cars and household robots), so they are due another crash in perhaps 5 years. EE should be a safe bet, even without the coming implosion and new AI winter.

>> No.14528804

>go through CS interview hell and finally get an offer from company A, even going over my asking price
>accept employment letter and cancel other interviews, including a final, final interview with company B, who had specifically told me there were still other candidates for the position
>recruiter from B calls me an hour later, tells me I was the only person left in the candidate pool and the job was pretty much mine, just had to meet the boss of the boss
>asks me if I still want the job
>basically told him they had to give me an offer I can't refuse

Feels good finally being on the other side of the negotiation table. I am still unsure what to do if they actually give me an offer I can't refuse. If I cancel with company A, I will never be able to work there, and they have treated me very well during the interview process, unlike B.

>> No.14528920

Yes. Academic. Shit.

>> No.14528924

FFS dont worry about margin sizes.

Give your cv/resume plenty of windows to let the sunshine in and keep it brief. It makes for easier reading.

Your example looks crowded btw.

>> No.14528956

I find it difficult to imagine the scenario where the decision between applicants comes down to whose CV margins are better optimized.

>> No.14528987

im sorry to hear that, fren. care to share a bit?

>> No.14529415

I'm a physicist working on the organic semiconductor side, and about two years into my PhD realized that I use none of my physics knowledge and what I do is better described as chemistry, which I'm less knowledgeable in. I have more or less grown into it, but it just feels stupid having spent four years churning equations only to go into another four years of making plots and pushing buttons. I legit have forgotten all my undergrad stuff and especially the maths because nobody ever solves an equation here.

My PhD was also a massive shitshow for factors largely beyond my control, the group essentially fell apart and during the four years of my PhD I have been supervised for about six months at the beginning of it. I have done a huge assload of work, but because of no direction I'm not getting many publications out of it, which I'm pissed off about. Sure I can figure out publishable projects by myself now, but a year into my PhD this was not so, and much of my earlier efforts were essentially just wasted and now I'm out of time.

I will be starting a postdoc because I wanted to try research in a group that actually functions before abandoning it altogether. However that also means signing myself up for another year or two of living hand-to-mouth. I'm a reasonably capable person who has spent a very long time and a very large amount of effort getting to places that are difficult to get to and doing things that are difficult to do, and I'm still living in poverty with shit prospects for the future. It is difficult to not be bitter.

>> No.14529539

Imagine if you'd put even a fraction of all that effort into coding lol. There are 16-year-olds making millions with shitty defi projects they slapped together while living with their parents.

Anyway congrats on your PhD.

>> No.14529618

I specifically did not want to do coding and went into a branch of physics that would allow me to get employment outside of it. If I want a job that pays money I'll just do what the rest of the cohort did and go into consulting. It's just that for some reason I've now decided to do a postdoc, which is a shitshow no matter your field.

>> No.14529629

I know this is whiney but shit, I'm returning back to my internship this summer and I've only just gotten to start enjoying life (though mostly because I have the money from work).

Do you guys ever get a "break" for the full-time bros here?

>> No.14529634

20 days vacation per year, practically meaning a visit home during christmas and a trip somewhere maybe in the summer.

So no. You get used to it.

>> No.14530420

I am 27 years old. I'll be getting into STEM this year. I just can't tolerate the world of social sciences anymore. Expectations ?

>> No.14530438

Alright thank you. My autism takes over in these kinds of things. I want to create the *perfect* couple of application letter + cv, which makes me waste like 3 days for a single application. I should straighten out and commit to a single design and just adjust the content, i guess.

>> No.14530454

Socially inept egoism, if you can’t handle that or get overwhelmed by the autistic behavior consider something else.

>> No.14530464

You mean coming from everyone else ? My previous job was museum-related. I dealed with art people, so yes, I know socially inept egoism.

>> No.14530779

that is more or less my biography, and here is the thing: you will find use for all you have learned, even if it feels like a total waste and wrong approach at this point in time. A super streamlined monomania type career leaves you super specialised without any lateral knowledge.
In summary: you are doing fine.

>> No.14531032

>started a job this month
>get a better offer and resign within the month
Yeah, I'm kinda a chad

>> No.14531656

Am a university junior in an applied math program. I started taking upper level statistics courses(probability II) and am having a really great time. Considering changing my plans from graduate study in applied math, to getting into a statistics graduate program instead.

Is this a good idea for the long term? How are career prospects like for someone with an applied math major/CS minor and a master in stats, vice a master in applied math?

>> No.14531732

Anonbros, how do I quit an undergrad research position, I've done it for a few months now, and frankly put, I'm tired and I'm a bit depressed. I don't think this is for me and I want to get out. Do I just tell the professor I can't do it anymore?

>> No.14531884

So how important is institutional credentials? I was attending a top school in America but was kicked out due to multiple on-going issues. I now go to a top 50 school for my program, but I'm kicking myself over it and I feel like giving up.

>> No.14531927

It's super duper important. Ever notice there are hardly any wikipedia articles at all about famous/influential scientists who went to state schools?

>> No.14532054

Institutional credentials just by themselves will not get you anywhere that's worth getting to. Individual talent trumps it in every respect, and anyone with a brain knows the two don't go hand-in-hand.

One benefit is that your CV in most places is read by a machine first, and the big-name institutions tend to be keywords which will get you through the shit filter. So institutional name alone might get you into an interview, but it won't get you the job. More beneficial (but not guaranteed if you're autismal) is that making good contacts in big-name places tends to be easy, and this may allow you to skip the pleb applicant queue altogether. This is of course possible in other places as well, but the lizard people are concentrated in top universities. The third benefit is impressing clueless people, who make up a decent chunk of the population.

>> No.14532097

>>14531927 >>14532054
Oxbridge counts a lot in the UK, but how much does it pull in the US or on the continent? Some countries up-rank their national institutions, in some case way past what is credible.

>> No.14532107

I will study for a masters in "technical nanoscience" here in Sweden, getting worried it's a meme degree

>> No.14532142

Is there anything I can do now at my current university to skip the applicant pool and potentially start working straight after graduation?

>> No.14532412

From the contacts and networking meme point of view since that came up in the previous post: Nothing is ever guaranteed, but knowing people will make life much easier. They can put in a good word for you, they may know about opportunities you would not have heard about otherwise.

If you either know a person who can offer you a job, or even know a person who knows a person who can offer you a job, and said person knows you are capable then that will expedite the process. For the former, maybe your professor can offer you a position in his lab or his business, maybe your friend starts a business, maybe your internship makes a good impression. For the latter, it can be that your professor has a friend in industry, maybe your coursemates end up working for someone you'd also like to work for, and so on.

The thing is that hiring people based on a CV and an interview is a gamble, so many would prefer to hire someone who they know is not a waste of time (either personally or through someone they trust). Of course, not every job will work like this. Further, even if you've got a foot in the door you may have to go through the application process.

You'll still want to develop useful skills, have concrete demonstrations of said skills and acquire relevant experience. For figuring out what these are, you could look at the CVs of people who are working in the jobs you want. Your contacts won't replace hard skills, but they can get you to the stage where you can actually demonstrate your competence.

>> No.14532481

Is accepting a research position just to add it to your resume and then quitting in 3-4 months a bad idea? I really don't have time past it but it is a good opportunity.

>> No.14532862

well, if you are able to deal with this, I think it could be just as bad in stem than it was at your previous job. However, I wish the best of luck in this new journey for yourself.

>> No.14532900

Work From Home



>> No.14532921
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>Indoctrinate as many kids as possible that they should pursue a STEM career
>Number of graduates far exceeds number of jobs
>Employers now never have to settle for mediocre candidates and can pay them less

It's all going to plan.

>> No.14533111

>look at all the other people who landed internships at the places i have interviews for
>ivy league 3.96 gpa minorities with four internships and published 6 papers before finishing masters
yeah im thinkin WAGMI was a lie after all. ive only been getting interviews on the extreme offchance im not retarded because my field isnt oversaturated yet

>> No.14533557

Its been like that for over 50 years. Billy Joel wrote a song about it in the 1980s.

>> No.14533913

>Billy Joel
Dad, go to bed.

>> No.14534076

Don't quit before you really know what you want to do and also have gotten that job. These days the job market is brutal, and as has been documented in earlier threads, there are also many fake offers that simply evaporate before you get in. An offer is not good until you can sit down in a chair in your new workplace.

>> No.14534192

Has anyone taken a semester off uni to do an internship? I'm considering doing a 6-month mechatronics internship in the public sector but not sure whether the discontinuity will be a problem. I'll have to do an extra year of uni since my units for that semester only run once a year (and I'll have to find some other work for the other 6 months). I may have other options, but this is the closest I've got to an offer and people have said it's a good experience. Are they just doing the "say yes to everything" meme?

>> No.14534238
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I got the job. Now what? I still feel empty

>> No.14534341

No, it’s not a problem. XP > All

>> No.14534356

Worthless talentless trash

>> No.14534358

Someone didn't get the job

>> No.14534361

>t. Doesnt have a job

>> No.14534362

Underage ends at 25 because I am 26.

>> No.14534364

>try and get a job in embedded
I've got a mechatronics BEng and a CS MSc, none of the embedded places reply to my apps. How the fuck are you gonna get in with just mechatronics?

>> No.14534365

>my field
What is that?

>> No.14534940

Thanks for the well thought out response. I'm not the kind of person that forms relationship with their professors, so how do I go about that?

>> No.14535385

>An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:
Seems to be out of order, no articles are more recent than from April. Wasoru might be a better choice.

>> No.14535427
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Me: Hey, you should stick with that trade job.
You: Hey OP, you should stick with that trade job.
Also You: This is not good advice.

>> No.14535445

Shoot for it anon, I would've done the same if it weren't for the fact that my internship was in the city. 6 month long FULL TIME internship is worth 2 whole summers.

>> No.14536027

Just need to tell somebody because I’m so happy!

I was really worried about passing my pre employment drug test because I smoked earlier this month. Anyway I passed and will be moving in a couple of days to be closer to my gf. Also got a 10 percent raise and will work from home 2-3 days a week. Super excited bros!

>> No.14536052

I'm happy for you anon, congratulations

>> No.14536056

Congrats anon, sounds like an all round win

>> No.14536059

It is. I like my current company but there’s only 8 full time employees. New company is a mid to large size firm so there’s a lot more room to grow, brand recognition, and resources. Also in one of the best cities in the country imo. Gf and I were two plane flights away before and now we’ll be in the same city.

Couldn’t be happier!

>> No.14536111
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I've been working in pharma for the last 3.5 years and I fucking want to die. I'm working as a Quality Engineer, I'm being paid more than I should, but the work is so fucking boring and dry. I feel bad for even bitching about it because I know some people have it way worse, but I'm beginning to feel that this whole career progression thing isn't everything that the koolaid pushers told us. The higher you go in this industry, the more you work, the less life you have to spend doing shit you like. Every pharma company is like this. I think i'm coming to grips with the fact that I hate this industry, and I have no idea what I would like to do instead.

>> No.14536163

Try pharma consulting? Takes more high level thinking and less autism than in the weeds engshit

>> No.14536240

The problem is I've interviewed for another job which is better in most respects (ongoing, I can do it without taking time off uni etc.) but I haven't heard back from them yet. I don't really need both (the ongoing one starts after the 6-month one), and I'd rather finish my course earlier if I get the ongoing position. But I might get an offer for the 6-month internship soon so not sure if I should accept it before hearing back about the other one.

Also these are the only two I've applied for so far and I've still got 2.5 years of studies to go, so there may well be better opportunities coming up.

>> No.14536366

What kinds of jobs will I be able to get in the AI field wth a EE degree?

>> No.14536420

Nta, but just go to office hours with your professor. They are people too, and they want to make connections. Ask questions about hw, be respectful of their time, be genuinely curious. If the worst that happens is you get in depth one on one teaching for 15 minutes from a professor in your major ~once a week for 16 weeks, thats a blessing on its own.

>> No.14536422

many, if you enter embedded devices, robotics, industrial machinery, etc

>> No.14536433

Im in a similar boat anon. Dat sci senior undergrad looking at dat sci masters or stats masters. I had a similar question not too long ago.

Thing with applied math is that the fundamentals dont change (they just get added onto), but the applications of it do. Cant go wrong with (mainstream) theory. For cs related math especially, applications change relatively often.

>> No.14536452
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Bros I'm about to graduate in industrial engineering and it's my birthday in two weeks

>> No.14536470


>> No.14536762

Thought about doing an MBA? If nothing else, it will be a change, and it will open up doors in the future.

>> No.14536792

I have a high school understanding in math. Yesterday I decided to change my life and focus hard on school and my major (computer science) so that I can transfer to a good school. What are the best resources in order to teach myself calculus and physics so I can cruise thru my classes when I take it ?

>> No.14536799

To be fair STEM is the only reason to go to college unless you want to go doctor/lawyer path

>> No.14536819

Wrong thread

>> No.14536992

>be me
>36 year old high school drop out retard
>attend city college after high school but wash out over and over again because retard with no discipline
>spend 15 years working in electronics
>do decently considering how stupid I am
>hit a wall in upward mobility in desired career
>decide to go back to school for engineering degree
>apply for a good job that I am very qualified for
>job listing states degree in related field OR 5+ years experience in related field
>hell yeah
>take their proficiency exam and by their accounts do really well in it (42/50 questions answered correctly)
>9 interviews total with entire engineering staff
>do really well in role playing exercises and they all seem to like me
>mention in passing that I'm back in school
>get email from recruiter saying they want to fly me out and out me up for a couple days so I can see the plant
>oh and please use link portal to send ol unofficial transcript
>send transcript and give recruiter availability for trip
>don't hear back for 2 days
they got a look at my dogshit transcript and are no longer interested right?

>> No.14536999

Perseverance has its merits too. WAGMI.

>> No.14537008

>blessed digits
thanks, big dog.

>> No.14537158
File: 149 KB, 820x537, Hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain, please. Can I make it in other fields without attending college? I know the kind of credentials you obtain from university unfortunately open a lot of doors in this day and age (wasn't true for practically all of civilizations' history) but I wonder if there are other, admittedly more difficult paths.

By the way, I live in Latin America if that matters and I have the money/intelligence (probably, kek) to attend a private university if I so desire (I really don't want to for many reasons, including ethical).

>> No.14537270

i've scrolled through a lot of these threads and i've come to the conclusion that careers in stem are a fucking meme

>> No.14537359

They are. Best bet is to choose something that both interests you and is somewhat employable.

>> No.14537419
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Is it too late to be applying for graduate roles 3 years after graduating? Between covid and being semi-homeless for a year, I've had fuck-all luck getting a job in my field and the widening gap since I graduated is causing me no end of stress.

>> No.14537436

It’s only a meme if you are. Spoiler alert: you need talent.

>> No.14537438

Seems like you have decent reason for the gap.

>> No.14537559

I have been here since the start of this general and can assure you that a STEM degree gives you plenty of opportunities. Nevertheless, you need to know how to play the cards you have been dealt and that is also a topic in here.
So please don't just scroll through, stay for the fun. Hopefully also contribute to the FAQ.

>> No.14537731

good luck in the job search, you'll need it. store this happy birthday for opening on your actual birthday.

>> No.14537744
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I just got my MSc. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? For the past 2 years my only goal in life has been to get the MSc.

>> No.14537766
File: 278 KB, 640x814, IdWcXZei9XN3nkqsNhkU_lGCSeVne1457s1zjn9MQTM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently a research intern in ML. I'd like to prepare for the future for once in my life and look for a PhD. My dream would be to do it in Japan but the Mongakusho scholarships application window is already gone...
Get a job. Or do a PhD.

>> No.14537792

If I wanted to go to a good graduate school, what are the things I can do now I’m my undergrad as a sophomore? I have a few topics I’m interested in studying more about, and all the labs that are doing interesting work are at the top universities.

>> No.14537801

Involve yourself in research as much as possible so you gain experience early, and get good marks. Easy peasy.

>> No.14537807

How old is too old for a PhD?

>> No.14537815

Do you how much grades matter in determining acceptance? I’ve had a few hiccups during my time at college, but my GPA is sitting at 3.7. If I pull a 4.0 from here on out, will I be okay?

>> No.14537824

I think they do matter, but showing eagerness to participate in research is even more important and sets you apart from the rest.

>> No.14537828

Should I just go straight to pharmacist school after I finish my bachelor's in molecular biology or continue and get a masters in genetics or something similar?

>> No.14537846

Is there anything more I can do? I feel most people applying will undoubtedly have research experience under their belt.

>> No.14537902

When you're geriatric.

>> No.14537919

To set you apart from the rest you can do volunteer work and join various societies in university. That counts for industry.
For academia they want to see papers and perseverance, research experience etc. You might look into getting some research experience with a professor at your university.

But first of all you need to decide if this is for an industrial or academic career.

>> No.14537952

>But first of all you need to decide if this is for an industrial or academic career.
I'm not really sure. A few of my siblings graduated with engineering degrees with top grades from state schools, but they weren't able to find jobs months after graduation despite having internships and some research experience, so I guess I'm hoping having a graduate degree will help me get an edge and hopefully lead to a better, more fulfilling job.

>> No.14537966

Getting your own research experience really isn’t that hard, assuming your willing to be unpaid. Just find professors doing interesting work at your school and send them an email asking if you can join. I sent about 3 emails as a sophomore without prior research and got 2 responses. The trick is just being proactive about it, not many kids are willing to cold email from my experience. Doing so let’s you volunteer for a prof not many other students have talked to. Just make sure to talk a bit about how cool their research is, don’t just make it a 2-sentence “looking for position, thx”. You don’t need an essay, but a couple extra sentences makes you seem a lot more interested and less like a spam emailer.

>> No.14538010

>The trick is just being proactive about it
A relative of mine started looking for internships even before his studies had started. It sure made people take notice. And he got the internship arranged.

>> No.14538122

Anything past 3.5 is diminishing returns.

>> No.14538127

>it’s a undergrad stalls for time by getting a masters and didn’t learn his lesson episode

Nigga you shoulda been looking for a job 6 months ago.

>> No.14538128
File: 300 KB, 1024x1285, Queen’s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you go to Queen’s? If yes, what do you think about Queen’s? If no, feel free to answer anyways so long as you know something about Queen’s.

>> No.14538198

how do I start giving a fuck

>> No.14538232

I went there for bachelor's in science. Not as much international recognition as UofT or McGill, but enough if you're staying within Canada. What subject are you looking at

>> No.14538244

CS or engineering

>> No.14538563

I don't know anything about CS but eng has a common first year that everyone has to take that has every possible discipline so you'd be doing geology and shit even if you were going to go into electrical eng. It's a fun place to be an engineer though, lots of traditions and well regarded

>> No.14538591

I’m a bit concerned about QUIP. I feel like a traditional co-op program would be better for CS and engineering which would make perhaps “less well regarded” schools like Carleton or UOttawa better than Queen’s.

>> No.14538675

What to wear to a jr engineer job interview? I was thinking dark dockers, boots, long sleeve button up. Not sure about a tie or not.

>> No.14538680

A suit might not be a bad idea. It may be a bit tacky depending on what company you're applying to, but it's a surefire way to tell interviewer that you're serious.

>> No.14538703

Ah, I ws worried about someone might say that.

>> No.14538750

Are you a dyel?

>> No.14538775

yeah. Never lifted but used to swim laps for an hour and run 3 miles everyday. Had to stop 7 months ago though

>> No.14538787

Collared shirt and a sport blazer, no tie. One statement piece, you only go full suit for cocktail parties and events. Collared shirt and tie only looks good if you have shoulders and aren’t fat. You can get away with a vest if you are fat. JK fatties don’t look good in anything.

>> No.14538797

Thanks. Good shoulders and big calves are all I've got.

>> No.14539238

I was. I've been looking for a job the whole time. Right now I've got one potential lead I need to work, as well as my crappy place at the national research institute where I did my thesis (small eurocunt so small money).

I guess I need to ask if they're willing to pay me proper research assistant monies now that they're offering me a place with some project.

>> No.14539275

What field, what country? The latter is more important then I first thought. There is a lot of academic nationalism in Western Europe at least.

>> No.14539457
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>Western Europe

>> No.14539531

Not all are relevant but still quite a few:

>> No.14539718

I'm at my second year of Electronics Engineering and I thinking of switching to Electrical Engineering because it seems more fun.
Am I going to regret that for the rest of my life, /sci/?

>> No.14539906

Bro, you'll be able to do whatever you want with either degree. Hell, I know lifelong EEs working in electronics design that got their degrees in mechanical engineering.

>> No.14539921

>electrical engineering vs electronic engineering
kek there is literally no difference between these degrees except four letters. anything that you can do with one you can do with the other, no one in the real working world gives even a Microshit about which one you get

>> No.14539982 [DELETED] 


>> No.14540011

Aerospace and defense always has a need for EEs. I would argue that avionics, radios, gps, etc are some of the most interesting stuff to work on.

>> No.14540017

Just based on the name, I assume Electronics Engineering probably focuses less on topics like Power, Systems Programming, and controls systems. While possibly focusing more on integrated circuits and their design.

>> No.14540207


>> No.14540408

Which websites for comparing universities are actually worth anything? I'm looking for the best place to study physics in Denmark, but right now I'm considering picking at random.

>> No.14540636

No. Nobody in EE is named nathan.

>> No.14540971

t. nathan

>> No.14541053

say I dropped out of uni (non-stem) several years ago despite excellent grades and I've been a neet since then, it's been ~10 years since my graduation and I'm 27yo, could a bcs in computer science awarded at 30 be the start of a decent career considering that I'm certainly no genius but I've tried my hand at basic coding and I find it fun plus I like maths and logic?

>> No.14541056

I wish I was anglo and not a dirty slav.

>> No.14541061

I mean high school graduation ofc

>> No.14541141

cs is an oversaturated field, but it's still easier to get a codemonkey job than any other kind of job. provided you can actually code. don't even need a degree for that, though it helps reduce the application number you need to send from thousands to hundreds.

>> No.14541251

Same dude. I was lucky enough to move to the US at a young age so at least I can LARP as an Anglo

>> No.14541292

how can you tell exactly whether or not you're a meme before you're too deep in the hole?

>> No.14541308

Yes, take a break for a year or two. Studying is pointless if you're not passionate about it. If you do 'force your way through' you'll end up getting pushed into a career that you hate because you aren't actually interested in it. Don't worry about being behind your peers, a few years is nothing in the grand scheme of your life.

>> No.14541310

At least the whole "92% required to make POSt" is gone.

>> No.14541329

I apologize if this doesn't directly relate to the career aspect or if this is more applicable to /g/, but are any of you guys pursuing a phd? I was thinking about getting a phd in computer science, as I enjoy the research and depth aspect, but the problem is that my gpa currently sucks shit and needs to be quite a bit higher (major gpa 3.0 -> ideal of 3.6 or so). Am I just fucked?

>> No.14541331

How are you expected to survive doing unpaid work?

>> No.14541430

Standard routine:
- get enough sleep
- reduce sugar intake
- get more fresh air
- do some exercise (but don't go all out on day one)

>> No.14541458

Find God.

>> No.14542407

Bros if I have almost completed my degree at 30 years old is it worth doing an honors?

Can I do it later?

>> No.14542650

Returning to a student lifestyle after having had a job that provides you disposable income, is HARD.

>> No.14542651

They wouldn't turn down for something like that on someone that excelled like you desu

>> No.14542654

Find Waldo.

>> No.14542669

I graduated 4 weeks ago and haven't sent out a single job application. I'm not sure why.
Yesterday I got a cold call from someone who is hiring. It was very strange. I'm not sure how he got my resume. He said "my HR department acquired a group of resumes from your university" but I don't see why the university would have my resume or why they would release it even if they did have it.
I'm also surprised that he decided to call based on my resume, because it is objectively dogshit. I never intended for anyone to see it anyways.
He said he's been calling people and many are either going to grad school or have already found work, which tells me either I wasn't his first choice, or they're putting together a large pool of applicants and I'm DEI white male cannon fodder for them to shoot down.
He asked if the GPA listed on my resume was still accurate (3.0)
It isn't, I graduated with a 2.8 but now I'm thinking about lying and saying I got a 3.0 because I'm desperate and want this job, especially since I didn't have to do anything to garner interest. Not sure what I should do.
I probably can't get the job anyways because I'm not vaccinated and it's a government agency.

>> No.14542724

Ask mom for cash unironically. The biggest predictor of success is having successful parents.

>> No.14542726

You sound like you're going out of your way to make your own life more difficult than it needs to be.

Lying about your GPA for your first job out of university is a bad idea because in such cases they may ask for a transcript or similar. As you gain experience people will care less about whatever you did in university, but presumably you don't have much else yet.

You're desperate about the job, I don't see why since you haven't even tried to get another one. You haven't applied for jobs, you haven't even tried to put together a decent CV that can be presented to others. You therefore probably have no idea what the actual opportunities available to your are, so I don't see why you'd think this one is so special.

If they're approaching someone like you, it's probably the employer who is desperate.

>> No.14542729

>undergrad GPA 3.08
>MSc GPA 3.92
Which of these matters more to PhD admissions? Talking yuropoor context here where in most places you do a separate master's before enrolling in a doctoral program.

My undergrad is in a different field, too.

>> No.14542747

>so I don't see why you'd think this one is so special.
Because it fell into my lap and I exerted 0 effort to get to this stage, which is very attractive to me.
Also it reinforces the "I'm a big dick engineer now, employers chase ME" narrative that I was sold.
It was just odd because one of the first things he asked is if my 3.0 GPA was still accurate. Like who even cares at that point when you are cold calling people that didn't even give you their application? You have a hard cutoff?
I suppose I won't lie. I'll just tell him I have a 2.8 and be done with it. Even if the GPA turns out to be a non-issue I'm still anticipating to get blackballed because I'm not vaxxed, so I guess lying about GPA doesn't do me any good anyways.

>> No.14542754

>"I'm a big dick engineer now, employers chase ME"

>> No.14542829


>> No.14543100

It doesn't happen until you have 15 years of experience in some niche

>> No.14543124

What do you think about math major in reputable university?

>> No.14543163

*I go for it for a job in ML

>> No.14543264

You're right. They emailed me back. They're flying me out so we can get a look at each other.

>> No.14543338

why's it so hard to get a position in a lab? everyone wants either highly qualified professionals or free slave labor.

>> No.14543341

are you going to sniff each other's buttholes?

>> No.14543389

Just grind as a slave until you can maybe get a decent position no guarantees though oh that position went to ranjesh oops gg kid

>> No.14543398

CATIA monkey aerospace engineer here, how can I make more than 20k € a year

>> No.14543483

did anyone hear anything just now?
sounded like monkey noises

>> No.14543529

From last thread:
>Is Computational Linguistics fun ? Or should I just go into Computer Science and pursue Comp. Ling. on my own ? What can one do besides working for Duolingo ?
I knew someone starting on linguistics and then switched to computational linguistics as it was becoming more popular at the time. She told me studies was great fun but job market was not. She used her skills in the computational part and got a job in running servers.
It might be the job market improves now that translators are becoming automated and improving steadily with time.

>> No.14543566
File: 102 KB, 403x283, 8A1F05BF-38EF-4A69-B86C-3A70D7A41A29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What career do I take if I want to make myself really strong and fast and fly and shoot lasers out of my hands

>> No.14543578

Steroids and hallucinogens

>> No.14543584
File: 166 KB, 702x878, 76DB694E-B42B-4349-B50A-4AA7F863167F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I want to REALLY do it? It seems like the next logical step for humanity

>> No.14543613
File: 257 KB, 175x498, EF712258-DC9B-49E4-95BA-C3511FE3C4C8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What career do I take if I want to modify human guts to be more like a gorilla’s in order to get big and strong effortlessly

>> No.14543628

Are the more research/basic science oriented aspects of medicine cool?

>> No.14543645

As long as you research something cool, like how the brain works or how to make humans stronger

>> No.14543686

>get janitor job at zoo
>fuck female gorillas at night
>wait for half gorilla son to be born
>gorilla boy takes over the world by brute force
Seems easy

>> No.14543713
File: 3.65 MB, 1334x750, DCA390FE-553D-4455-A3DF-68E3D07ADDF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting your son to have all the fun
We’re both gonna be strong as hell, it will be kino

>> No.14543734

>implying fucking female gorillas isn't the fun part
I thought sudaca pieces of shit like you loved fucking apes

>> No.14543830

I am a spic that was in Medical school in my third world shithole country. I worked on tropical medicine and cancer research that got me in trouble with the goverment. Had to flee to the US and now on asylum. They told me my medical education does not count( preclinical courses and BS), and now I am doing bachelors in molecular biology. I got a fellowship to do cancer research at a fancy private research university. What are my odds of getting accepted into a MD/PHD program in the next 4 years?

>> No.14543972
File: 12 KB, 225x225, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What field in EE would go best with an AI/ML minor? Power electronics probably won't mesh well

>> No.14544063

>Power electronics probably won't mesh well
Why not?
The increasing amount of wind and solar power means increasing instabilities in the net. You need huge capacity interconnects to even out things but those are not here yet.
Meanwhile people are working on how to add stability at consumers, how to stabilise the net and how to handle failures.

>> No.14544147

don't do major/minor unless you know exactly what you're doing. you'll miss out on some key classes for your major and then it's gg.

>> No.14544465

don't know if you're still around but I've been in for the same amount of time
quality "engineering" is not engineering, same with validation, all you do is paper work and tell the actual engineers whether or not they're breaking GMP. Plus when the FDA comes to town it's you who has to answer for your coworkers fuck ups
I work on the manufacturing side of things and shit is tight. I'm currently building from the ground up process data trending dashboards but I used to write batch records for pre-clinical drugs then formulate them myself.
All in all get out of QA, then avoid validation like the plague it is. And any current under grads please heed my advice

>> No.14544712

How much overlap is there between CS and EE fields. Can I switch to a CS job with a EE undergrad and vice versa?

>> No.14544713

What jobs can I get with a BS in Physics with a minor in Mathematics? Will I have to go to Grad school?

>> No.14544726

BS in physics here. unless you want to be a teacher or lab assistant, pick a programing field and do a few courses about it. i did it right after graduating and got a job as a data analyst in 2 months.

>> No.14544734
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In your honest opinion, is 31 too late to go back to school for aeronautical/astronautical engineering?

I have zero debt, no wife/kids, and I've been agonizing over it for years now. Plan is to take pre-req calculus/physics/engineering courses at community colleges and transfer into my local state school (Purdue University).

t. biotech patent attorney who desperately wishes he'd followed his original passion.

>> No.14544868

EE's do embedded work. You will get an introduction in your undergrad, but you will probably need more exposure so you can take more electives in this field. You can jump to SWE jobs anytime if you have a good foundation, but I would recommend maybe either a double major or a minor in CS so you have more exposure.

>> No.14544870

follow your dreams, nerd

>> No.14544876

don't lie about your gpa. Don't list it on your resume. The hard check on the gpa is not really there from personal experience. I didn't have mine listed when I graduated and I managed to land a gig where they only required I where I graduated from and when. The background company will do the rest of the checking and they just check to see if you actually grduated. Don't lie about it because if they do end up checking and your transcript doesn't match you are getting canned for lying.

>> No.14544892

Don't lie to a government agency. If you don't plan on getting vaccinated, stop contact immediately with recruiter and save your time. Government jobs require all personnel to be vaccinated. You literally have no choice.
t. work for da gubmint as a contractor.

Also you're extremely deluded and naive/ignorant about how the tides move, specially in the ME world.
>employers chase ME
lmfao you will learn the hard way kid.

>> No.14545241

Go to America
Honestly, it's probably best to move to a better Euro country for Aerospace. It's pretty much UK, Germany and France desu if you aren't already. Even then, the amount of money being paid for majority of Aerospace stuff is a joke.

>> No.14545248

>You literally have no choice.
Fucking shill, you do.

>> No.14545923

I'm not going to stop contact immediately, that's retarded.
I'm going to go as far as possible and never bring up vaccination.
When/if they bring it up, I will then reveal that I am unvaccinated and say I am filing a religious exemption.
Only at that point, after I have wasted their time, can they terminate contact.

>> No.14545928

You're still relatively young. If you don't do it now you'll regret it when it actually is too late.

>> No.14545970

I would never go back to school for something as retarded as "passion."
I went back at 29 and graduated at 33, but I wasn't a fucking attorney, I was loading trucks for a living.
You're an attorney, just enjoy the life your salary affords you. Chances are you could spend 4 years grueling through an engineering curriculum, get a job, and then hate it.

>> No.14546075

I want to do a PhD in computational neuroscience eventually, but don't have enough research experience to get in any decent programs now. Was offered a research assistantship in neuro epidemiology. Will working for 1-2 years help me or should I just splurge and do a MSc in Neuro before applying again?

>> No.14546109

I can't agree with this, even though I see how it would seem like that from someone in a different position.
I'm in a similar position to anon and I'm a physician. Nothing is worth hating your life. Maybe anon will hate AE, but what is certain is that he isn't happy right now. Spending the rest of your life wishing you did something else is too much of a heavy weight to carry.

>> No.14546121

It's a huge field that will require actual engineers to help automate those tasks. How do you think a software dev is going to automate something he doesn't understand? Just bite down and keep going for it

>> No.14546439


>> No.14546476

>Can I switch to a CS job with a EE undergrad
>and vice versa?
generally no. EE is specialized and an engineering field where what you study in uni actually has quite a bit of relation to what you might end up doing. most "CS" jobs are just codemonkey jobs where you only rarely apply theoretical concepts.

>> No.14546500

Chasing happiness is retarded. It's one of those things you can never truly grasp. You should just be thankful when it comes to visit. Both of you talk like women.
I don't think you can have "passion" for something you've never done. He has an idea in his head about what it will be like, and it's very likely that idea won't correspond with reality.
He presumably has a nice salary from his career as an attorney, he should use his income to support hobbyist activities. That's how you can chase your "passion" without blowing up your entire career.

>> No.14546595

based arbiter
effeminate retards

>> No.14546612

>gets mogged by an engineer in Shenzhen making a tenth of what he does

>> No.14546616

The military. Not as a serviceman but as a DoD civilian. As long as you have a good GPA they'll take you, just be aware the hiring process is slow.

>> No.14546667

We have no idea where he's from. Many turd world countries like mine have a shortage of engineers of all kinds

>> No.14546699

how do I find a job thats not a spreadsheet simulator?
Like a construction site, facility, plant etc.
I don't want to spend my 20's in front of a computer

>> No.14546765

Here in Germany you'd easily get into a PhD position with a MSc in CS since there's only like 2000 MSc graduates per year.

>> No.14546931

>just got my PE
>get sent to a conference for continuing education hours
>some HR cougar gets me drunk at the hotel bar and takes me back to her room

WAGMI bros….

>> No.14546939

Maintenance and Operations positions at a plant/factory somewhere. Lots of hands on, lots of weird ass problems to solve, on your feet all day. Key words, facilities engineer, plant engineer, maintenance engineer

>> No.14547072

How hard is it to go from CS B. Sc. to Elektrotechnik master? I've done Experimentalphysik 1, 2, 3, 4 for fun and count 22 Punkte on Anwendungsfach.

>> No.14547096

You lack too many ETEC-specific credits for that. Even with an Ergänzungsfach in ETEC it's not enough.

>> No.14547141

Shiiit, maybe I'll just work and get a physics degree for fun then doing Teilzeitstudium, since I'll start off with >50 Punkte. Thanks anon. I'll contact a uni just to be sure.

>> No.14547402

I have realized that the aerospace engineering undergrad degree I'm halfway through is an unemployable meme. Is it actually still possible to go into graduate school and learn something entirely different like CS?

>> No.14547409

*In a way that is actually employable, of course.

>> No.14547441

Lads, I fucked up my timetable and now have to do two chemistry classes starting in August. They both have high-school chemistry as assumed knowledge. I've never studied chem and apparently the classes are pretty full on.
How the fuck do I learn chemistry in 2 months??

>> No.14547493

any zemaxers in that can recommend a good project to do and put on the resume?

>> No.14547688

how bad is the pay compared to the amount of effort such jobs require?
I know for example that operators on one power plant in my cunt earn not much

>> No.14547768

do courses that are universal, for example programming or automation
I know people that went for "unemployable" degrees but still managed to score nice jobs because they learned something useful at university

>> No.14547918

Wait what? Why unemployable?

>> No.14548061

It's not about chasing happiness, it's not being unhappy. Yes, he might not like his next venture, whatever it is, but the only thing that is *certain* now, is that he doesn't like his life at the present.
Doing something you don't like for the rest of your life is retarded. It's just a self-imposed punishment for taking one wrong turn god knows how many years before, as if it weren't possible to change anything. Being a cog in the machine is not something to be proud of and not everyone has money as their biggest goal in life. And, who knows, perhaps anon has already saved enough money to live comfy until old age.

>> No.14548067

>aerospace is unemployable
What's the world coming to?

>> No.14548083

not that anon but if a degree is very specific then its harder to find a job.
Not everyone needs an aerospace engineer, but a lot of businesses need IT, electricians, HVAC etc

>> No.14548097

i know one thing, the future for EE is much brighter than the future for Mech E

t. mechanical engineer

>> No.14548099

yeah, until oil goes down and then you have no career anymore and no transferable skills because you're an overspecialized chem e

>> No.14548122

I dont think oil will go down anytime soon tho, Im a europoor, we talk big about reducing fossil fuels, but in reality we will continue using them for several years more.
Transport (like airplanes) dont have any green alternatives ready at the moment

>> No.14548198

>until oil goes down
I wil be dead or retired by then, and even if I'm not, there is still natural gas.

>> No.14548700

>the amount of money being paid for majority of Aerospace stuff is a joke

you mean the amount of money you can make is a lot or shit do you mean?

>> No.14548977

same things were said in 2008, then oil prices ate shit and a lot of people had to find new careers

the boom/bust nature of the field is so severe that texas A&M warned incoming students in 2014 that they should reconsider

>> No.14549044

>In your honest opinion, is 31 too late to go back to school for aeronautical/astronautical engineering?
It is not too old. The only problem is that you have a pretty good salary and disposable income, something you will lose once you return to life as a student. I can relate to passion, if you don't follow it you will regret it for the rest of your life. I just hope you have plenty of savings.

>t. biotech patent attorney who desperately wishes he'd followed his original passion.
t. Physics patent attorney who did follow his passions and is happy to have survived crashing out of both.

>> No.14549325

Plan is to cash-flow CC while something to save up. Then if I'm still feeling the itch I'll just finish the last two-three years with savings to avoid debt.

Also what do you mean by crashing out of both? Didn't enjoy physics?

>> No.14549332

*continuing to save up.

Phone positing.

But yes the money is good, and will only get better it seems but money really doesn't buy happiness as they say.

>> No.14549350

My best advice is have a *very* clear and concrete plan for what you're going to do and how you're going to do it before going back. I was a liberal arts graduate who went back to school for physics and ended up wandering my way into a PhD. It worked out in the end, but not having planned around that being the outcome cost me a lot of time, money, and effort.

Indiana has some good schools for engineering and physics - but before you apply to any of them, if you have another degree make sure you can still apply those core and elective requirements to the new degree program. Not having to redo all that shit can cut a 4-5 year engineering or physics degree down to about 2.5-3 years if you bust your ass.

>> No.14549541

How hard is it to work a 20-25 hour/week lab assistant position while doing 15 credit hours worth of classes?

>> No.14549643

Thanks for the advice, yes I see the danger of ending up with a job I may love but financially ruined because of it, or at least not in an ideal situation at 35ish

>> No.14549869

you dont though, what the fuck are you even saying nigga. I work for uncle sam, people who work directly for the gubmint DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE with the vax. Civillians have no choice in the matter, you work for uncle sam you do what he says. Fucking neet shit stain. Gets to me niggas contemplate working civilians jobs and get all uppity like they don't have to bend over for the man do what governement literally tells you to do.

>> No.14549880

sounds good, best of luck with this endeavor.

>> No.14549884

>you work for uncle sam you do what he says.
I could address this but I prefer you remain stupid and ignorant because your brainletism, specifically the capacity to think outside the box, is outstanding. Congrats!!!

>> No.14549888

sure thing bud.
like I said, you want to work directly for uncle sam and you don't want to abide by the rules the gubmint sets? don't waste your time getting a job there, its not for you.

>> No.14550048
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I see. I guess I just have to broaden my scopes then. At least I'm doing Japanese now for my gen ed, though we can't really access the technical courses in other majors at all, only a few that are tangentionally related to my own.
What >>14548083 is saying is basically my thoughts. Especially with the recessions hitting hard now and only seeming to get worse. Also a huge part of aerospace is defense and I'm a foreign national. Granted I'll naturalize before I graduate but even then I wonder how much that will actually count against me when they are sorting through the resumes.

>> No.14550101

Everyone ate shit in 2008

>> No.14551232

>risk prison getting a fraudulent vaxx sertificate
>think it's the only thing the government will force you to do
Working for large organizations is a never ending conveyor of shit you have to eat, kiddo. Even if you manage to evade the vaxxmaxx they'll make you do a million other things you dislike.

>> No.14551347

oil ate shit after 2008, when prices dropped

>> No.14551394

Yes I know, but it was an exceptional situation. I supose I will be ok as long as the world economy doesn't collapse. And if that happens then I guess I'll be like one of those people who opened a restaurant shortly before the pandemic.
If Lady Luck decides that she wants to fuck with you, there is little you can do.
And I'm not American, by the way.

>> No.14551432

>>risk prison getting a fraudulent vaxx sertificate
You're more intelligent than the other guy at least but there are other options and those carry no risk at all. Regardless, the benefits may outweigh the risks but that's subjective.
>>think it's the only thing the government will force you to do
No, of course not, but a reasonable individual can put up with most of the other crap, not this.
>Even if you manage to evade the vaxxmaxx they'll make you do a million other things you dislike.
And almost all of those are fine or actually worth tolerating.

>> No.14551638

I think your actual research experience (awards, conferences, publication count/quality, the relevance of your BSc/MSc. research for the PhD program you're applying to) is much more relevant than GPA.

>> No.14551642

What is your end goal, academia?
t. neuroanon

>> No.14551705

Yes academia.

>> No.14552083
File: 687 KB, 1009x778, President of a shithole country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And forgot to say it would be unwise to say the least not to wait some time and see if they get rid of the COVID jab requirement if one doesn't want to take any chances considering how many concessions our overlords have made even in shitholes like France in which the president went from pic related to ditching mandatory "vaccine" passes almost entirely in a matter of a few months.

>> No.14552266

How do I write a CV as a previous NEET?
I just graduated and have no experience other than my dissertation and working for the student racing team.

>> No.14552282

>awards, conferences, publication count/quality
do most people going into a PhD really have a slew of publications to pull from? I did a significant amount of research work for my master's thesis but that's about it.

>> No.14552286

>here are other options and those carry no risk at all.
pray tell what options other than fraud are gonna get you into a place that 100% demands a vaxx certificate, without a vaxx certificate.
> but a reasonable individual can put up with most of the other crap, not this.
How is this different from any of the other crap you might be forced to do? Ultimately you never know which of the demands that most people shut up and put up with are gonna trigger some schizo.
>And almost all of those are fine or actually worth tolerating.
And some aren't, and which are which varies from person to person. Government work is not for people who can't put up and shut up.

>> No.14552292

Also, I have a 4.0 GPA if that matters.

>> No.14552398
File: 55 KB, 455x768, Conversion process.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pray tell what options other than fraud are gonna get you into a place that 100% demands a vaxx certificate, without a vaxx certificate.
Imagine living in such a totalitarian regimen you can't opt for religious exemptions or something of the sort, lol.
>How is this different from any of the other crap you might be forced to do?
Wow, this is so telling. Are you new to 4chan or boards in which you can talk about the jab? This requirement is in a completely different league.
>And some aren't, and which are which varies from person to person.
Yeah. Now that I think about it, I should've typed that ALL of the remaining rules/requirements may be fine or worth putting up with for some people.
>Government work is not for people who can't put up and shut up.
Sure, it's not suited for people like that but letting brainless drones have most state jobs is not something I want to support because of the consequences that will follow sooner or later.

>> No.14552452

>This requirement is in a completely different league.
Vaccination requirements have been a staple government policy for over a century now, retard. The only thing different about this particular one is that suddenly there's a huge cultural movement centered on opposing it. Well guess what, anything the government forces you to do might turn into a meme. Since you're the kind of faggot who will look for ways to defraud the government when it's trying to make you do something you disagree with, your personality is fundamentally wrong for this line of work.

It literally doesn't matter if the antivaxx shit has any merit to it. The people who have the right personality to be working with the government will just take the jab and move on. You are not cut out for it and never will be.

>> No.14552654
File: 35 KB, 735x452, (You) on the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking arrogant mouthbreather. I should've known I was talking to a moron after the penultimate reply you gave me. Probably an old-ass boomer based on how you type.

I was already more than aware about the ridiculous and liberticide vaccine-related laws that have been present for decades in certain countries and braindead trash like you find normal and acceptable.

You are extremely docile from years of taking miles of dick up your arse and mouth from your superiors and want everyone to go through what you experienced. You know it's undeniable people can avoid the jab and diminish or completely avoid other bullshit requisites and that's why you completely dismissed the fact COVID restrictions have almost completely disappeared in most countries and the existence of pass exemptions. All you can do is seethe in this thread about how NPCs such as yourself aren't the only ones who can work for the state and take 3 COVID shots up your ass once a month like a good boy.

>Since you're the kind of faggot who will look for ways to defraud the government when it's trying to make you do something you disagree with
Nice projection, old geezer.
>The people who have the right personality to be working with the government will just take the jab and move on.
Great cope, barely literate nigger. I literally talked about how restrictions are practically gone in most countries and, for your information, this was partly the result of people (yes, working for the state too, imbecile; just learn how to use a SE and you'll confirm it) not putting up with the shit you gladly take.
>You are not cut out for it and never will be.
I don't even want to work for the state, I just won't let crab-mentality motherfuckers such as yourself convince others who want to that there are no other options but to comply if they want to work in the public sector.

Thanks for reading my rant. Give me a (You) and go back to your cubicle, slave.

>> No.14552658

>You fucking arrogant mouthbreather
Right back at you. Not gonna read anything more in your post. You literally think you know better than everyone else, and deserve people putting up with your bullshit just because you're another engineering grad among millions. Nobody cares, nobody's gonna lay out the red carpet for you. Get in line.

>> No.14552698

Thanks for the (You), idiot. Keep living inside a bubble and exposing that you belong to the dregs of society with every (shit)post you make.

>> No.14552706

I just graduated in engineering, should I apply for technician roles or should I keep pretending like I am too good for them?
it says associate's is required but bachelor's is preferred.

>> No.14552795

>you dont though, what the fuck are you even saying nigga. I work for uncle sam, people who work directly for the gubmint DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE with the vax.
You're a braindead shill, I'm applying for tons of jobs right now and all of them say the order for vaccination requirement is not in effect. This statement is literally copy pasted on every posting I've seen and is the same for contractors and agencies alike.

>> No.14553003

why would you take a technician role with an engineering degree

>> No.14553027

Not him, but it's a good way to get some experience if you have none and continue searching for jobs. Better than being unemployed.

>> No.14553040

because i have zero experience and zero knowledge and every time i get to the interview stage i sound like a fucking retard
idk what to do

>> No.14553487

Are you applying for actual GS positions or contractor positions?

>> No.14553551

new thread new thread!!

>> No.14554472

>Also what do you mean by crashing out of both?
My research field imploded, taking an awful lot of careers with it, not just mine.
I also did a startup, that one crashed to, thankfully without burning too much money. Great experience, though.
>Didn't enjoy physics?
Oh I did. The problem was that the field is gone.

>> No.14554742

Because he needs to put food on the table, retard. Getting a job is like winning the lottery these days.

>> No.14554963

whats the skill differential between a PhD in Physics vs. a PhD in Mech Engineering or Aerospace?

>> No.14554992

>Generation of kids who watched Bill Nye, Beakman and various science shows decide to go for STEM
>Undergrad wipes the floor with a lot of them
>Many of them graduate only to find themselves working easily replaceable positions by predatory staffing agencies and low paying wages
>Job retainment, job satisfaction and any sense of accomplishment is low thus leading to high rates of people switching fields or leave STEM jobs behind entirely
I mean, some 445d chess thinking there. What I'm at a loss for is why don't specific niche degrees start emerging like battery chemist, polymer chemist, etc?

>> No.14555574
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really want to work in semiconductor manufacturing but i graduated 2.8 and TI has a strict 3.0 cut off and i don't know any other companies.
i googled a list of small companies but none of them even have career sections on their website, if they have websites at all.

>> No.14555616

Infineon in Germany?

>> No.14555646

I'm American, I'm going to struggle to even get a job in the US, would probably be 10x harder trying to get a job overseas.

>> No.14555652

Broadcom in Colorado

Intel has foot in the door positions if you don’t mind doing grunt work engineering for a while.

>> No.14555711

>everyone whining about not getting a job
>tfw I’m rolling into interviews being an obnoxious, demanding primadonna and people bend over backwards to meet my requests
>turn down the offers anyway, I just wanted to suck up an interview slot from one of you shitters

>> No.14555728

>if you don’t mind doing grunt work engineering for a while
2.97 GPA grad reporting
unfortunately you're going to have to do some shit work before you can do the work you really want to do
Good news is that if you can prove yourself in industry your GPA will stop mattering very quickly
I took my GPA off my resume after my first year and now make more than a lot of my classmates


>> No.14556056

It’s really not that bad. Pay a little dues for a couple years, try to author as many white papers inside the company as you can, then get a masters, MBA, or PE.

Here’s the thing about semi industry, it’s so fucking niche that at any given time there’s maybe 100 guys in the world that do what you do and know what you know so companies claw tooth and nail to fill mid level positions from a pretty small pool. You’ll have the same 8 companies trying to poach you every 6 months once you get enough XP.

>> No.14556428

is working for the government a death sentence for your career?

>> No.14556940

Sorry you need at least a 3.5 to post here

>> No.14556982

Patience is a virtue. This thread didn’t even reach bump limit when you wrote this.

>> No.14557086

In the US, DOD can be a good career path. Working in national labs is a government job, same with patent Examiners and in academia.

>> No.14557787
File: 546 KB, 1320x900, 1610289523294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get an interview
>always ask to reschedule
>ask for changes to random parts of the contract
>always end salary negotiations by asking for 1-2% more than their final offer

>> No.14557985

You're required to take a clot shot, so yes.