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File: 1004 KB, 1x1, 1653938509196.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14535381 No.14535381 [Reply] [Original]

Omicron is known to largely resist potentially neutralizing Abs elicited by the current C-19 vaccines.
Diminished neutralization capacity of vaccinal Abs has been shown to substantially increase the affinity
of non-neutralizing vaccinal Abs for the N-terminal domain of S (S-NTD)
[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8351274/pdf/main.pdf]. In a previous contribution of
mine (https://trialsitenews.com/will-omicron-induce-herd-immunity-or-will-it-enable-sars-cov-2-to-
transition-into-variants-capable-of-potentiating-ade-in-vaccinees/), I’ve already suggested that these
non-neutralizing vaccinal Abs compete with relevant multi-specific innate Abs (i.e., IgMs) for binding to
SC-2 as in both cases binding is thought to involve multivalent binding interactions

Since innate immune effector cells (IgM-secreting B1a cells) can recognize self-motifs displayed on
surface-expressed N-glycan patterns (such as displayed on the surface of glycosylated enveloped
viruses, including coronaviruses), innate IgM Abs are thought to mediate cytotoxic killing (via NK cells) of
virus-infected target cells at an early stage of infection and thereby contribute to sterilizing immunity. It
has been shown that in case of asymptomatic infection, an increase of innate/ natural CoV-reactive IgM
Abs and a high frequency of NK cells correlate with abrogation of infection and prevention of disease

Consequently, a high prevalence of elevated titers of non-neutralizing anti-S Abs (due to dominant
circulation of vaccine-resistant variants) is likely to suppress the capacity of highly vaccinated
populations to curtail viral transmission and hence, to achieve herd immunity.

>> No.14535386

Link the thread so I can update my replies

>> No.14535409

Previous thread?

>> No.14535418
File: 106 KB, 1080x499, Screenshot_20220601_153309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official government data from Germany.
Source: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Situationsberichte/Wochenbericht/Wochenbericht_2022-03-10.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

>> No.14535432
File: 102 KB, 1028x455, Screenshot_20220601_154246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A month later... They don't even release this statistic any more.
Note that vaccination for <18 yo started much later and still isn't as common. IIRC <12 yo started even later still.
Source: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Situationsberichte/Wochenbericht/Wochenbericht_2022-04-28.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

>> No.14535509

Official covid data from Germany is not reliable. There has been an ongoing debate for more than a year now in Germany about just how much of a clusterfuck the data is. By now a lot of institutions outright refuse to publish their numbers. Others were caught simply making up or guessing numbers. Vaccination status of patients is sometimes not allowed to be published , or in other federal states they automatically assume "unvaxxed" when the status is not known.

>> No.14535517

Still relevant, no update known.

>> No.14535572
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Doesn't matter if there is some uncertainty about vaccination status because the trend is still clear.
Even if you move 20% of the vaxxed to the unvaxxed the data is damning.
>refuse to publish their numbers
They were happy enough to claim the vaccine is effective based on their numbers. When the pesky numbers weren't agreeable to them any more they suddenly don't matter and they don't release them any more.

>> No.14535602
File: 1.26 MB, 1x1, document.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All vaccines induced serum neutralizing antibody with increasing dosages and/or alum significantly increasing responses. Significant reductions of SARS-CoV two days after challenge was seen for all vaccines and prior live SARS-CoV. All mice exhibited histopathologic changes in lungs two days after challenge including all animals vaccinated (Balb/C and C57BL/6) or given live virus, influenza vaccine, or PBS suggesting infection occurred in all. Histopathology seen in animals given one of the SARS-CoV vaccines was uniformly a Th2-type immunopathology with prominent eosinophil infiltration, confirmed with special eosinophil stains. The pathologic changes seen in all control groups lacked the eosinophil prominence.
>These SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.
>Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.

>> No.14535609

Does Geert lay out why this is not like Marek's disease?

>> No.14535639

>Marek's disease
>Marek's disease is caused by an alphaherpesvirus
>Herpesviridae is a large family of DNA viruses
>DNA virus
DNA viruses don't mutate nearly as much as RNA viruses, so they have a reduced chance to adapt in the same way.

>> No.14535695
File: 1.91 MB, 1x1, 1-s2.0-S0006291X14013321-main.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) still carries the potential for reemergence, therefore efforts are being made to create a vaccine as a prophylactic strategy for control and prevention. Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is a mechanism through which dengue viruses, feline coronaviruses, and HIV viruses take advantage of anti-viral humoral immune responses to infect host target cells. Here we describe our observations of SARS-CoV using ADE to enhance the infectivity of a HL-CZ human promonocyte cell line. Quantitative-PCR and immunofluorescence staining results indicate that SARS-CoV is capable of replication in HL-CZ cells, and of displaying virus-induced cytopathic effects and increased levels of TNF-α, IL-4 and IL-6 two days post-infection. According to flow cytometry data, the HL-CZ cells also expressed angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2, a SARS-CoV receptor) and higher levels of the FcγRII receptor. We found that higher concentrations of anti-sera against SARS-CoV neutralized SARS-CoV infection, while highly diluted anti-sera significantly increased SARS-CoV infection and induced higher levels of apoptosis. Results from infectivity assays indicate that SARS-CoV ADE is primarily mediated by diluted antibodies against envelope spike proteins rather than nucleocapsid proteins. We also generated monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV spike proteins and observed that most of them promoted SARS-CoV infection. Combined, our results suggest that antibodies against SARS-CoV spike proteins may trigger ADE effects. The data raise new questions regarding a potential SARS-CoV vaccine, while shedding light on mechanisms involved in SARS pathogenesis

>> No.14535742
File: 1.33 MB, 1x1, 1743-422X-11-82.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Public health risks associated to infection by human coronaviruses remain considerable and vaccination is a key option for preventing the resurgence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). We have previously reported that antibodies elicited by a SARS-CoV vaccine candidate based on recombinant, full-length SARS-CoV Spike-protein trimers, trigger infection of immune cell lines. These observations prompted us to investigate the molecular mechanisms and responses to antibody-mediated infection in human macrophages.

>> No.14535838

Marek's disease as in leaky vaccination lead to 100% mortality in unvaccinated chickens

>> No.14535868

>Marek's disease as in leaky vaccination lead to 100% mortality in unvaccinated chickens
Because it is a disease with a high mortality to start with, no?
>Marek's disease is an epidemic in a previously uninfected or unvaccinated flock, causing depression, paralysis, and death in a large number of birds (up to 80%).
That's not at all like SARS-CoV2.

>> No.14535896
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I do not see the point in reposting the same PDF. The reply I made here >>14532179 simply explains the issue. It's a lot of speculation plainly contradicted by ecological data worldwide. The only "retort" to that fact has been deny, lie, deflect. Cherrypicking speculative papers can be done on any subject, that's really all the "opposing side" has.

The topic is really quite boring otherwise. It is simply that people "don't wanna", and need to feel special to justify their tantrums. A real adult would simply say "no, and I will take the consequences", but children need to feel special. The schizo invents worldwide conspiracies, the narcissist just knows he's somehow smarter than the world's medical establishment, and the child needs to justify his feelings for his tantrum.

Do people really want to keep seeing this? People who can't do basic math, people who reply needing to lie about the context, people too afraid to click links to satisfy their objections? Honestly once you've done it once you've already seen the whole thing.

Unless someone has genuine questions and desires non-schizo answers, we already did this dance. Are you so easily entertained?

>> No.14535972

>Stop noticing things we don't want to be noticed!

>> No.14535975

Case in point, anon chooses "deflect".

So why do this dance again? We know all the moves.

>> No.14535984
File: 391 KB, 564x564, 1299036B-8CB7-4C9E-8A1D-BCDF70A34FE8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct OP. Also, vaccinees cannot develop the required antibodies for natural immunity even after first, second or third infection.

So, not only do the anti-spike antibodies not elicit neutralization of the virus RBD, they also conversely suppress the innate immune system. It’s no wonder the vaccinees are catching Covid like it’s Pokémon cards. With each round of virus softening their immune system (see HIV GP120 in spike protein and its effects).

>> No.14535992
File: 234 KB, 828x1054, 3FE9296C-D24E-40A0-AA88-D5C7239FDD19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reply I made here >>14532179 #
Holy shit lmao nice blog post.

Vaccinated people are catching and spreading the virus more than the unvaccinated. You should be locked down. Take a look at Ontario’s date, at face value it provides a terrible case for vaccines.

If you look closer, you will notice as of March 11, 2022, they started to place vaccinated cases / deaths / hospital and ICU visits in the unvaccinated category, see pic related. Dumb fucks like you need to be sat down like a child, forced into position, given a magnifying glass. Then maybe if we are lucky you will believe the truth.

Us unvaccinated chads tried to tell you boot lickers for so long


>> No.14535994

>Transparently making clear what the definitions are and why
>anon invents a conspiracy theory instead
Okay. Boring.

>> No.14536007

>Anti-N seropositivity correlated with illness visit SARS-CoV-2 viral copy number, with each log increase in viral copy number nearly doubling the odds of anti-N seropositivity at the PDV. As the viral copy number on the day of the illness visit in mRNA-1273 vaccinated Covid-19 cases has been shown to be 100-fold lower than that in placebo recipient Covid-19 cases,9 the lower anti-N seropositivity in the mRNA-1273 recipients could be partly explained by their reduced exposure to N-antigen.

Sssoooo... vaccinated persons clear the virus sooner on average and maintain a lower viral load. This can elicit more false negatives in testing if not accounted for.

...That is the opposite of your thesis. You cited a paper contradicting your hypothesis.

gg no re I guess?

>> No.14536069
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>Sssoooo... vaccinated persons clear the virus sooner on average and maintain a lower viral load
Define vaccinated. Is someone who had the last booster half a year ago still vaccinated? Is that someone still protected by that vaccination status?
And besides that, the numbers show that the vaccinated apparently have to clear the virus way more often, too. So why not get a tiny little bit more sick one time and then be more or less done with it rather than dealing with continuous reinfection and as time goes on do it increasingly more often too?

>> No.14536072

>The deflector projects his deflection attempt on those who notice it.
Try again, but it won't change that we can see what's going on, no matter how much you tell everyone to stop looking.

>> No.14536086

The scamdemic destroyed a majority of people's trust in medicine and vaccines, especially among blacks.

>> No.14536115
File: 90 KB, 868x550, nobody trusts scientists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Nobody trusts scientists after they heartlessly pushed an ineffective (and for some demographics harmful) improperly tested novel medicine upon people. Scientists are evil people who will happily have you fired and your children starve if you do not take their latest chemical cocktail. They do not believe you should have choice or bodily autonomy. They are amoral at best, but mostly just evil textbook rehearsing autists. Scientists worked hand in glove with the media and government nudge programs to coerce millions.

>> No.14536119

Do you accept the study anon quoted and what it shows, or not? As pointed out before, cherrypicking a point in time to make a "post hoc ergo propter hoc" inference is not valid. The totality of the data shows unvaccinated have higher numbers in these areas, and studies comparing like-for-like in each country shows the unvaccinated have higher risks by far.

>And besides that, the numbers show that the vaccinated apparently have to clear the virus way more often, too.

>>14533691 You mean the numbers you are deceptively picking, when the total shows the opposite? Since you do not understand, again, neither of these truly will show a causative factor. That is not why I show the totals. I show the totals to show how desperate you are to avoid doing the bare minimum, and to lie by cherrypicking and leaving out facts. Those totals preclude your hypothesis, as it is not possible for what you believe to be true and for the totals to show the unvaccinated being worse off as they do.

So that aside, it is quite simple. The very same study the other anon posted >>14535984 demonstrates clear causation in a trial of the vaccinated, showing lower viral load as a result of better immune response. So much so it can increase false negative results. Your hypothesis is falsified.

There is nothing more for you to do but continue this deception. That is boring. Just repeating the dance after you have been corrected, avoiding reading, avoiding understanding, any idiot can do that. Literally one of your own quoted a study that blows all your bullshit out of the water. What more is there but to laugh at you?

>> No.14536122

Are you a Jew by any chance? The way you argue reminds me of how Hitler described his arguments with Jews.
>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
I accept whatever you say about that study, now answer >>14536069.
>deceptively picking
I'm not picking anything, that's the numbers I looked up in my own country months ago. At least >>14535418 and >>14535432.

>> No.14536125

I thought so. I accept your forfeit.

If someone has a genuine question at some point I will check back later. Since they've nothing left but crying "jew" and going "la la la" to plainly written replies, this is not at all entertaining. I can argue with a 3 year old any time I wish, and it's just too easy to be fun.

>> No.14536127

Not an argument. You're running from him like a goddamn yellow livered coward.

>> No.14536129

Why would I give an argument to a post that ignores a direct refutation? >>14536122 You gave up, so this is boring.

>> No.14536131

kek look at those dumb asians in that graph submitting to all the government vax experiments on them.
Asians are like ants, numerous and non-thinking drones.

>> No.14536137

That's nasty and racist. Not cool, man. Having a high trust social outlook and cohesive perspective is admirable in many ways.

>> No.14536142

>ask difficult questions
>agree to accept deb00nk of certain study someone else posted to move on
>get told i gave up

>> No.14536147

The reply you clearly ignored precludes, and answers, those "questions". Your failure is your own.

>> No.14536155

>you clearly ignored precludes
Which one?

Also, define vaccinated.
Is someone who had the last booster half a year ago still vaccinated? Is that someone still protected by that vaccination status?
Shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.14536156

It does no such thing. I accept your defeat and surrender in this matter.

>> No.14536200

I was a symptomatic young male case. I would have been ammo for your "belieb in science" statistics.

I had no smell for 3 days and a single day, I had a bit a sensation in the chest and my body didn't couldn't even be assed to honor this joke with more than a 37.1C body temp (0.5C above normal).

This virus was in my airway. With your clotshot, there was a considerable likelihood it would have gotten where the regular virus never would have reached besides for actually dying people, i.e. the entire blood stream.

>> No.14536221

there's no covid, fake shill story

>> No.14536223

disinformation, viruses don't exist

>> No.14536254


>> No.14537205

A new study has now surfaced, the results of which are terrifying.[25] A researcher at Kingston University in London, has completed an extensive analysis of the VAERs data (a subdepartment of the CDC which collects voluntary vaccine complication data), in which he grouped reported deaths following the vaccines according to the manufacturer’s lot numbers of the vaccines. Vaccines are manufactured in large batches called lots. What he discovered was that the vaccines are divided into over 20,000 lots and that one out of every 200 of these batches (lots) is demonstrably deadly to anyone who receives a vaccine from that lot, which includes thousands of vaccine doses.

He examined all manufactured vaccines—Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson (Janssen), etc. He found that among every 200 batches of the vaccine from Pfizer and other makers, one batch of the 200 was found to be over 50x more deadly than vaccines batches from other lots. The other vaccine lots (batches) were also causing deaths and disabilities, but nowhere near to this extent. These deadly batches should have appeared randomly among all “vaccines” if it was an unintentional event. However, he found that 5% of the vaccines were responsible for 90% of the serious adverse events, including deaths. The incidence of deaths and serious complications among these “hot lots” varied from over 1000% to several thousand percent higher than comparable safer lots. If you think this was by accident—think again. This is not the first time “hot lots” were, in my opinion, purposefully manufactured and sent across the nation—usually vaccines designed for children. In one such scandal, “hot lots” of a vaccine ended up all in one state and the damage immediately became evident. What was the manufacture’s response? It wasn’t to remove the deadly batches of the vaccine. He ordered his company to scatter the hot lots across the nation so that authorities would not see the obvious deadly effect.

>> No.14537209

incel spotted

>> No.14537225

>By now a lot of institutions outright refuse to publish their numbers. Others were caught simply making up or guessing numbers. Vaccination status of patients is sometimes not allowed to be published , or in other federal states they automatically assume "unvaxxed" when the status is not known.

In other words they're hiding ppl dying from the vaccine.

Also remember how many times the Covid tests were found to be bullshit. Guess what, they keep finding more and more of them were never reliable.

After receiving the tests, Stevens said he quickly discovered, upon running a sample check of the products, that a significant number of the kits produced false positive results or “ghost lines”—lines that are hard to interpret and “appear to indicate a positive test.”


>> No.14537277


Pfizer knew in May of 2021 that 35 minors’ hearts had been damaged a week after MRNA injection — but the FDA rolled out the EUA for teens a month later anyway, and parents did not get a press release from the US government about heart harms til August of 2021, after thousands of teens were vaccinated. [https://dailyclout.io/pfizer-vaccine-fda-fails-to-mention-risk-of-heart-damage-in-teens/]

Pfizer (and thus the FDA; many of the documents say “FDA: CONFIDENTIAL” at the lower boundary) knew that, contrary to what the highly paid spokesmodels and bought-off physicians were assuring people, the MRNA, spike protein and lipid nanoparticles did not stay in the injection site in the deltoid, but rather went, within 48 hours, into the bloodstream, from there to lodge in the liver, spleen, adrenals, lymph nodes, and, if you are a woman, in the ovaries. [https://dailyclout.io/internal-pfizer-documents-prove-knowledge-that-lipid-nanoparticles-in-mice-subjects-do-not-remain-in-muscle-but-were-shown-to-be-rapidly-distributed-in-the-blood-to-the-liver/]

>> No.14537282

Pfizer (and thus the FDA) knew that the Moderna vaccine had 100 mcg of MRNA, lipid nanoparticles and spike protein, which was more than three times the 30 mcg of the adult Pfizer dose; the company’s internal documents show a higher rate of adverse events with the 100 mcg dose, so they stopped experimenting with that amount internally due to its “reactogenicity” — Pfizer’s words — but no one told all of the millions of Americans who all got the first and second 100 mcg Moderna dose, and the boosters.

>> No.14537285

The Volunteers found that while pregnant women were excluded from the internal studies, and thus from the EUA on which basis all pregnant women were assured the vaccine was “safe and effective”, nonetheless about 270 women got pregnant during the study. More than 230 of them were lost somehow to history. But of the 36 pregnant women whose outcomes were followed - 28 lost their babies.

The Volunteers found that a baby died after nursing from a vaccinated lactating mother, and was found to have had an inflamed liver. Many babies nursing from vaccinated mothers showed agitation, gastrointestinal distress, and failure to thrive (to grow), and were inconsolable.

I am hearing anecdotal reports of these symptoms in babies nursing from vaccinated mothers, now, from across the country.

The Pfizer documents also show that some vaccinated mothers had suppressed lactation, or could produce no milk at all.

>> No.14537289

Coincidentally — or not — the SAME FDA that turned a blind eye to vast harms to humans, and to the subcategory of moms and babies, in the Pfizer documents, declared that Abbot, a major producer of baby formula in the US, had to close its factory. [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/16/abbott-reaches-agreement-with-fda-to-reopen-baby-formula-plant-to-ease-nationwide-shortage.html]

Coincidentally, with little formula available and with some or many (we don’t know) vaccinated moms having compromised breast milk, it turns out that Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, and Mark Zuckerberg have all invested in a startup called "BioMilq” — which produces lab grown breast milk from mammary cells. [https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/16/biomilq-raises-3point5-million-from-bill-gates-investment-firm.html]. Reports of this startup include this Frankenstein-like language as if this is normal: “The BIOMILQ team creates its product from cells taken from human breast tissue and milk, donated by women in the local community, who get a Target giftcard in return.” [https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/03/business/lab-grown-human-milk-biomilq-health-climate-hnk-spc-intl/index.html]

As if all of this is not horrific enough, Ms Hecht drew studies from three countries — Canada, Scotland and now Israel - -to show that babies are dying disproportionately, during and after 2021, in highly vaccinated countries, and that newborns are dying disproportionately if they have vaccinated mothers versus unvaccinated mothers.

>> No.14537295

What do we do with all of this?

Knowing as I now do, that Pfizer and the FDA knew that babies were dying and mothers’ milk discoloring by just looking at their own internal records; knowing as I do that they did not alert anyone let alone stop what they were doing, and that to this day Pfizer, the FDA and other demonic “public health” entities are pushing to MRNA-vaccinate more and more pregnant women; now that they are about to force this on women in Africa and other lower income nations who are not seeking the MRNA vaccines, per Pfizer CEO Bourla this past week at the WEF, and knowing that Pfizer is pushing and may even receive a US EUA for babies to five year olds — I must conclude that we are looking into an abyss of evil not seen since 1945.

>> No.14537401

all this information is useless distraction once you realize viruses don't exist

>> No.14537521

I am slowly becoming a fan of yours.

>> No.14537612

>VAERs data


>> No.14537660

Oh I'm pretty sure literally everyone has tried to tell them. Caveats or limitations are only for ideas they don't like, though. Double standards sort of define these people.

>> No.14538115

It's pretty funny to see the double standard over which only approved sciencism distributors may infer anything from VAERS data.

>> No.14538170

She's talking about the vaccine genocide dipshit.

>> No.14538350


This link explains what I've been telling you all since the start, that the vaccines are not homogenous, some are salines
while others have diff levels of toxicity. That explains why many take it and are fine while others get fucked. The boosters were meant to be a russian roulette.
I have a question, I've see that we have data per country and we can see vaxxed countries are dying more but do we have more fine grained data. My assumption is that the elites want certain ppl in certain areas more dead than others, so they might send diff batches. For ex in the tech sector in Cali, where a lot of FAANG engineers are, they might send mostly salines but in a red state they might send mostly poison. We need more fine grained data to see if vaxx uptake is linear with side effects, if it's not we can tell which areas they wanted more depopulated.

>> No.14538452

>all this information is useless distraction once you realize viruses don't exist
Distraction from what?
If viruses don't exist the vaccines are even more appalling.

>> No.14538485

I have literally never quoted any study knowingly using VAERS in my fucking life. Why the fuck would I? Throwing fucking bones would be a more reliable dataset. Who argued in support of VAERS here except the antivaxxers? Fucking quote them. Wasn't me, and if I did without knowing I'll fucking retract it by default.

>> No.14538489

The CDC uses it all the time

>> No.14538490

>rage seething due to vaccine molecules being engaged.

>> No.14538509

Wow. Twice in one day the same group of people manages to come up with the dumbest thing I have ever read in my life.

Okay, so, citing a CDC study from nationwide samples monitoring a pandemic... is somehow hypocrisy because the CDC has VAERS someplace in other studies I never cited.

Do you want to just sterilize yourself now or...?

>> No.14538525

>US government establishes the only centralized vaccine safety database in response to fraud by pharmaceutical corporations
>it is disregarded by people citing the few examples of falsified reports
>estimates that adverse events are in fact massively underreported is disregarded
>none of you demand that VAERS reporting should be improved, you just want it buried because it embarrasses your narrative
you fags are 100% tools of and simps for pharma shareholders. congrats.

>> No.14538533


Also that was the third time you've topped "dumbest shit I've ever read in my life". Dear fucking lord this is amazing.

>> No.14538536
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>> No.14538539
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woah calm down buddy :) maybe you wouldn't be so angry if you hadn't willingly had yourself injected with an experimental therapeutic with dubious efficacy that has been continually revised downwards?

>> No.14538542

I think my next research thesis will be investigating the role of coronavirus in pathological lying. Might explain you guys.

>> No.14538546
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>pathological lying

>> No.14538547
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>> No.14538548

the deer is here

>> No.14538554
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Wow this is fucked, long covid started killing people after mass vaccinations

>> No.14538556
File: 174 KB, 1080x1037, 1654030343494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously guys this is terrible. must be a result of missed covid diagnoses!

>> No.14538599

Is all that HRT messing with your brain? If you really believe in science, then why do you want to stick your reproductive organs inside the orifice that another man uses to shit?

>> No.14538609

this was the intended big pharma globalist business model. smart, huh?

>> No.14538641

>Wow this is fucked, long covid started killing people after mass vaccinations
"Trust The Science" comrade kek

>> No.14538655
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It leaves behind fingerprints tho.

>> No.14539172

vaccinated vegetables i dont feel so heckin gooderino

>> No.14539474

Because it makes my wibbly bits feel good when people like you moan while getting properly pounded like you secretly want to be.

>> No.14540108

Long Covid is the belief that a virus(assuming one even exists) can affect an organism long after it doesn't exist anymore. That's magical thinking and the fact that most of academia believes this shows that they are all frauds.

>> No.14540305

Academia/Science is just religion. I can't count the times I have gone to a doctor and offered the most retarded magical thinking speculations with a look of duping delight on their face. These people are not one bit different than some religious lunatic, they have zero self-awareness regarding the bullshit coming out out of their own mouth. Most of them are so fucking retarded that they deny inflammations happen because it's simply the body trying to heal itself and not the actual issue just like any other symptom. That's straight up denying the very reality you experience, if that's not some religious cult then I don't know what it is. Bunch of charlatans. Also I have two fillings in my teeth because they were a little black there and the dentist drilled it. These stuff literally goes away with brushing your teeth enough and avoid eating garbage foods and sugary shit for a while. These people are straight up morons and mentally ill.

>> No.14540415

of course, imagine they do something bad and you sue them, who is to blame, them if they take responsibility or someone else if they follow instructions?

>> No.14540450

Difficult to get anywhere if you sue. These parasites are a mafia and protect each other like no tomorrow. They can use many excuses and there's nothing you can do about them. Most people don't have enough money to begin with so there's not even a chance than taking a doctor to court would result in anything. Medical "malpractice" is one of the leading causes of death wordwide and nobody gives a shit. I personally know people who their death was blatantly a doctors/surgeons work but their family know there's no chance of justice being delivered so they don't even bother. Can't blame them, it's like trying to reason with the Inquisition. The standard of proof you should provide is straight up impossible in most cases while these lunatics hold practically zero accountability for their "mistakes". And of course that would be true, the system protects them the same way it protects politicians and religious leaders.

>> No.14540946

>and religious leaders.
I really doubt this one

If someone close to me got killed by a doctor I would simply just kill him and his entire family then

>> No.14541032

And you would have your life destroyed by going to prison because of it. You can't legally harm the motherfucker, you can't legally take away all his belongings to leave him homeless or execute him. That's my point. You can't deliver justice and get away with it.
Also why not religious leaders? Depending on the religion they're part of the system for sure How do you think Catholics get away with raping little boys?

>> No.14541039

>And you would have your life destroyed by going to prison because of it.
I don't give a shit, close people like children or parents or siblings are worth sending a message

On second thought I wouldnt kill the fuckers, just make them wish they were dead

>> No.14541041

>Also why not religious leaders?
I have never seen a religious leader get the same protection from law

>Depending on the religion they're part of the system for sure How do you think Catholics get away with raping little boys?
You said they got protection from "the system", not from their religious organization

>> No.14541078

Catholics run whole countries. I guess you're correct that they don't get protection by law just like doctors do but I think it's just semantics. They still get away with it for the time being, as long as they're deep in the Vatican hierarchy and not random local priests. Nevertheless you can techinically still legally persecute a doctor but in practise it's another story.

>> No.14541081

>just make them wish they were dead
How though?

>> No.14541257


>> No.14541313


When taking a look at the evidence available, the main goal with the injections all over the world is global depopulation, according to the lawyers involved. Dr. Füllmich told Perspektiv that the lawyers preparing an international law suit were no longer in doubt: Poisoning and mass murder through so called Corona vaccines is intentionally being perpetrated on the peoples of the world.

01:00 Different numbers on the barcodes on the bottom of the vaccine doses are placebo which has been given to politicians according to a Slovenian chief nurse. Is it the same in other countries?

1:54 Mike Yeadon and the LOT numbers of some shots of the brands Moderna, Johnson&Johnson and Pfizer/Biontech are related to much higher mortality than for the other manufacturers.

3:52 The producers of the so-called vaccines are experimenting with the correct dosages to kill people according to Dr. Füllmich. This according to the Corona Investigative Committee, constitute compelling evidence for punitive damages and attempted mass murder. They are intentionally killing people.

08:30 Lawyers from India have filed complaints for premeditative murder.

13:05 CDC withdrew the recommendation for the PCR-tests diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 from 31/12-2021. PCR- tests are the foundation of the pandemic. Why is Anthony Fauci now doing a 180-degree turn?

17:25 At least a million dollars per person will be claimed in punitive damages if the lawsuit is successful.

18:33 Previously only ten percent of all adverse effects were reported. In the situation the world is right now, the team estimated that in fact only one percent of all adverse effects were being reported.

>> No.14541320

>When taking a look at the evidence available, the main goal with the injections all over the world is global depopulation,

The elites got to save all that precious petrol for themselves, so they are going to kill off a few billion people soon by various means. The vaccines are not doing enough fast enough for them, so expect famines soon.

>> No.14541321

25.15 The doses are not tested by governments, while governments will be keeping the contracts hidden from the public for at least 55 years. How is this affecting the possibility of getting people punished? Dr. Füllmich goes through all the lies paving the way for the tyrannical situation the world is now in.

32:08 Batches of injections in Sweden can be traced by an application.

32:45 Füllmich is in cooperation with people working within the secret service of Germany who do not wish to take the injections.

34:15 Dr. Lee Merritt on combat pilots in the USA refusing to get the shots. According to Dr. Füllmich, Dr. Merrit explained: ”They understood that if they were forced to [get vaccinated] they were going to get killed.”

35:15 Information is being collected on batches in Sweden from every region, the Swedish health authorities (Folkhälsomyndigheten) and medical board (Läkemedelsverket). Every batch is traceable through an application. There is economic reward for the Swedish regions which manage to get more people injected. One of the expert lawyers involved in the upcoming court hearings is a specialist on Nuremberg Trials.

42:00 The so called vaccines are an adulterated product put on to the market. According to Mike Yeadon there is a law in the US that will make everyone liable for the harms created by the adulterated product. Toxins are being put into the vials other than the known lipids etc, which the people who took the vaccines never consented to.

54:13 Robert Malone, Robert F Kennedy and Mike Yeadon and others involved in exposing the agenda are in contact with each other, and a tour is planned with these whistleblowers in the USA in March

>> No.14541330





>> No.14541335

Interesting links. Thanks!

>> No.14541338

Trump lost.

>> No.14541356

>The vaccines are not doing enough fast enough for them, so expect famines soon.
I assume they'll trigger them next winter when ppl need the calories to heat their bodies.
Expect the NWO to use HAARP to make the winter brutal.

>> No.14541359

Thank god for that, another 4 years of that controled opposition kike and his maganiggers would have probably driven me to murder.

>> No.14541370


>> No.14541373

just two more weeks

>> No.14541374

scientifically speaking, you have no idea what you're talking about and are just speculating
gtfo until you have done any research

>> No.14541378

Trust the S o y e n c e!

>> No.14541383

Ah yes, if a substance does not cause any obvious symptoms within a few weeks that is proof positive that it is completely safe.

>> No.14541389

So basically, I’m just not gonna take it

>> No.14541397

so I got vaxxed hoping I could finally leave this world but I'm still fucking alive
did you really lie to me, /sci/? how could a vaccine not kill me? this is ridiculous, I want off this ride already, how much more do I have to wait?

>> No.14541448

see >>14541373

>> No.14541450

I'm of no strong opinion as to if it was actually harmful, though it wouldn't surprise me. I just want public trust in science to go down the shitter so they can't push vaccine mandates of any kind without riots. If scientists and their masters gave a shit about bodily autonomy I guess it would be different.

>> No.14541455

in what place of the world did anyone physically force someone to take the vaccine?

>> No.14541462

They didn't need to. In my country they said you will lose your career, your kids will live in poverty, you will be unable to pay your mortgage, you won't be able to go out to socialize, won't be able to go to shops other than the supermarket, won't be able to enter government buildings, won't be able to travel etc.

>> No.14541470

ah, so it seems you have it completely confused as to what freedom of choice means
freedom of choice simply means being able to choose between two outcomes, which you arguably and demonstrably have - as you admitted nobody had to force anyone to take it
now, let me explain what it is that you ACTUALLY want, because it is not freedom of choice, but freedom from consequences
you simply wish not to be punished by people around you and society in general for acting in a way that is harmful to them
you want to be able to do damage to other people and be free of the consequences of your actions! very clever, I have to admit
I too would like to run someone over for fun from time to time and not be put in jail for it, who the hell are those people to deny my freedom to choose to run someone over?
now unfortunately here's the thing - all other people also individually have freedom of choice, and if they wish to do so they can cut you off from their support networks, refuse to help you or provide you with resources, etc, especially if you act in a way that is directly harmful to them
you wouldn't want to strip them of their freedom of choice, would you? you seem to advocate for it after all

>> No.14541477

>be more at risk of spreading the disease or yourself being hospitalized
>we don't you to put yourself and others at danger in times of pandemic

>> No.14541496
File: 60 KB, 640x1138, free choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running people over is an action, while not getting a vaccine is an inaction. They are fundamentally different. I have no obligation to do anything for you. I am not reaping consequences of an action, I am being punished for an inaction. It's not your place to tell me what goes in my body.
It spreads just fine in vaccinated populations.

I've got a focus on encouraging people to believe that climate change is fake at the moment. It's actually easier than discussing the vaccine, I think a lot of normies are burnt out on vaccine talk. Chemtrails, climate change, WEF, organ donor conspiracies, you name it.

>> No.14541504

>In my country they said you will lose your career, your kids will live in poverty, you will be unable to pay your mortgage, you won't be able to go out to socialize, won't be able to go to shops other than the supermarket, won't be able to enter government buildings, won't be able to travel etc.
Shit that sounds great! Sign me up! I hate all those things!
There is freedom in not giving a fuck anymore.

>> No.14541505

well if not taking a vaccine is simply an inaction you can't be punished for, then I guess your boss no longer paying you is an inaction as well!
the taxi driver who just won't drive when you get inside? also inaction!
the store cashier who just stands there when you bring stuff you want to buy? inaction...
the landlord who just won't accept your payment? you guessed it...
who the hell are you to force them to take action?

seriously though, if you still don't understand there is no other way for me to break it down more simply to you, best advice I can give you is to move away from society and live in a shit shack in the middle of nowhere, because nobody has to put up with your shit

>> No.14541507

You just sound like a shill. Why do you want to stop people from talking about the biggest psy op of the last 2 years? What do you not want people to see and discuss? Its the internet. Deal with it.

>> No.14541514

All of your examples are people breaking contracts. I do not have a contract to get a vaccine. I understand that you feel the 'consequences' (punishment) are justified. I understand that you choose to consider a coerced choice to be free. The only distinction you can make between a choice under threat of the previously mentioned consequences and the same choice under threat of execution is that you think the former is reasonable. Both choices are made under coercion and are not truly free.
Yeah I don't care too much anymore, I just try to be a bad person. I put litter in the recycling for example. It is the small things in life.

>> No.14541537

>All of your examples are people breaking contracts
no they arent, but besides that consider this

your best friend's mother is dying of cancer
you magically happen to have a big red button
you know that pressing the button will cure her of cancer and save her life
but you simply choose inaction
is your friend justified in being upset at you? in ending the relationship between you and never speaking to you again? in never inviting you over to his house or letting you use his car?
or does he still owe you the same treatment as before, just because it was your choice?

>> No.14541554

>Yeah I don't care too much anymore, I just try to be a bad person. I put litter in the recycling for example. It is the small things in life.
fuck the system that feeds off of us!

>> No.14541561

>no they arent
If you don't have a contract with them and they aren't discriminating against you on an unlawful basis, what's the point? They aren't obligated to do shit. Get another taxi, go to another shop. If it is a systemic problem then it is probably unlawful - eg they see your skin color and reject you on that basis.
>is your friend justified in being upset at you?
I don't care if someone is upset at me. I care if the science supports the state in allowing businesses to discriminate against me on the basis of my medical status. I'm not asking for friendship. I'm asking to not be turned into a second class citizen explicitly by the state. I am owed only the rights guaranteed to all citizens, in return you are owed the same by me.

>> No.14541574

>evolution doesn't exist

>> No.14541587

>I am owed only the rights guaranteed to all citizens, in return you are owed the same by me.
no, you are not "owed" any rights, you are simply given them by default and it doesn't mean your rights can't be taken away under some circumstances
rights are made up by people and frankly they can choose to make any rights they want
currently you have a right to be free, and if you commit a crime that right can be taken away from you
so why cant other rights be taken away from you if you harm others? just because you want to be free of consequences?
I mean you stated your point repeatedly in every post, but you have yet to justify it and provide a reason for anyone to agree with it
the rules you're trying to make up are meaningless if you're the only one person who agrees with them

>> No.14541594

Rights exist whether people even exist or not. They are an idea, and an idea can never be regulated, or destroyed.

No human nor any "god" can give nor take away other's rights.

>> No.14541595

the only thing you're owed is my dick in your mouth

>> No.14541601

>the only thing you're owed is my dick in your mouth
faggot incel talk kek

>> No.14541603

you're the faggot for sucking another dude's dick

>> No.14541604

>you're the faggot for sucking another dude's dick
that was my first post in this thread faggot kek
sorry if you a mad faggot incel now, but i was just pointing out the obviousl

>> No.14541605

>the only thing you're owed is
Wanting another dude to suck your dick is still gay AF brah

>> No.14541618

>No human nor any "god" can give nor take away other's rights.
Ask some North Koreans how they feel about this.

>> No.14541631
File: 51 KB, 420x298, guncontrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask some North Koreans how they feel about this.
They gave up their guns........ now they have no rights.

>> No.14541632

Yes, you have a view that my rights are fundamentally non existent. This is the foundation of our disagreement. Unfortunately people opt out of playing by societies rules when society takes away their rights. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make some threads and videos with the sole goal of reducing public trust in science so that it cannot be easily used to justify taking away rights in the future.

>> No.14541636

>Unfortunately people opt out of playing by societies rules when society takes away their rights.
So true.

>> No.14541642
File: 11 KB, 239x211, dfskjjkfdskjgfjkxsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make some threads and videos with the sole goal of reducing public trust in science so that it cannot be easily used to justify taking away rights in the future.
That's good. People should always be skeptical of "science", especially anything that is called "settled science".

>> No.14541645

>Unfortunately people opt out of playing by societies rules when society takes away their rights.
and it's great that society is giving you the freedom to choose not to play by the rules!
shame you'll have to accept the consequences, though...

>> No.14541648

y'all misunderstand. i don't want you to suck my dick. i'm making you suck my dick to assert dominance, fag. i won't like it any more than you will, but you'll still submit like the faggot you are.

>> No.14541659

>I just want public trust in science to go down the shitter so they can't push vaccine mandates of any kind without riots. If scientists and their masters gave a shit about bodily autonomy I guess it would be different.
>with the sole goal of reducing public trust in science so that it cannot be easily used to justify taking away rights in the future.
jesus christ you're the dumbest fucking person I've seen on this website today
science doesn't make laws you fucktard, go hold a sign in public or something you absolute fucking mouthbreathing retard
>waah don't research this because muh rights!!!
unironically kys

>> No.14541661

>when society takes away their rights
So you do agree that they're a social construct.

>> No.14541665
File: 121 KB, 1125x926, hypochondriacs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh horrible horrible freeeeeedom! kek

>> No.14541668
File: 6 KB, 274x184, fglklkfgjjfgjfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and it's great that society is giving you the freedom to choose not to play by the rules!

LMAO! Society doesn't do that. Strong people TAKE their freedoms and CHOOSE to ignore the rules.

>> No.14541670

*dies of dysentery in a week because nobody will treat him*
finally, true freedom at last...

>> No.14541673

>it's great that society is giving you the freedom to choose not to play by the rules!
Society doesn't have a choice. It exacerbated many existing problems by un-personing unvaccinated people in my country. The prisons are already overflowing. What could they possibly do? There are too many people who have already opted out of anything that doesn't benefit themselves.

Of course there are consequences when people choose to opt out of the social contracts too, depending on the degree to which they choose to opt out. For example, I just put my recyclable Coca Cola can in the rubbish and put the non recyclable plastic garbage in the recycling bin. I convinced a few boomers I know to vote for the party that will do the most damage to the climate. I take as much as I can at every opportunity and I give nothing back. I don't give way when I drive. I don't pick up my dog poo. I give tourists the wrong directions. I waste taxpayer money as much as possible. I suppose if society accumulates enough people like me, it will result in a worse society for everyone. And that's a good thing.

>> No.14541674

>y'all misunderstand. i don't want you to suck my dick. i'm making you suck my dick to assert dominance, fag. i won't like it any more than you will, but you'll still submit like the faggot you are.
Faggot cope

>> No.14541675

easily treatable by non-tards.
Guess that makes you a tard if you think it's hard to treat. kek

>> No.14541678

Science and scientists were the only reason the lawmakers were able to do what they did in the last two years. Scientists are not without responsibility, and the less people that trust them the better, because it means politicians will not be able to exploit the reputation of science for policy that I disagree with.
You can hold that they are 'god given' and inalienable, while accepting that society can in practice infringe upon them if the majority chooses so.

>> No.14541682

holy fuck anon, even tyler durden's balls shrink when he sees such a revolutionary anarchist like yourself! society will fucking tremble and be truly powerless against your misplaced recyclables...
>>nobody will treat him
>easily treatable

>> No.14541684

>You can hold that they are 'god given' and inalienable, while accepting that society can in practice infringe upon them if the majority chooses so.
Truth. "Infringe" is the key word there. Some people allow infringements, others do not and stand up for their rights.

>> No.14541686

>>>nobody will treat him
>>easily treatable
>>I'm dumb and dependent on a big pharma "doctor" to treat me for common mild conditions.

>> No.14541687

nice to see you admitting you have schizophrenia

>> No.14541688
File: 7 KB, 310x163, bfto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Truth. "Infringe" is the key word there. Some people allow infringements, others do not and stand up for their rights.
Famous quote relevant to what a "democracy" is, which the USA has never been and never will be.

>> No.14541690

I look forward to your reddit post about how we need to protect the climate anon. Just remember I'm out there working hard to make it worse for everyone.
Sure, and there are times where actively standing up for your rights is effective in a practical sense, and times where passively being an unhelpful antisocial cunt is more effective and also entertaining.

>> No.14541692

>nice to see you admitting you have schizophrenia
>>Me dumb, have to resort to 2nd grade level insults because I got BTFO'd

>> No.14541693

>and times where passively being an unhelpful antisocial cunt is more effective and also entertaining.
HA! Love that phrasing. Going to use that in my blog.

>> No.14541696

>You can hold that they are 'god given' and inalienable, while accepting that society can in practice infringe upon them if the majority chooses so.
Sounds like a useless distinction to me.
>have natural right to speak your mind
>get killed and so does your family and your friends
If it can be infringed upon it's not unalienable. I'm not saying rights should be taken away for whatever reason or that the government should even have the legal means to do it, but since it's something you have to fight for and defend it can't be inalienable. By definition, if they were, you would expect them to be respected unconditionally. Effectively rights are more of a privilege as long as there is someone more powerful than you or the group you belong to.

>> No.14541700

They're inalienable in the sense that the idea doesn't get taken away, and that any authority that shits on them is not a legitimate one. It's probably not an idea that appeals to science autists, I wouldn't know, I'm just here to make this board worse.


>> No.14541708

>They're inalienable in the sense that the idea doesn't get taken away
Like when chad steals your girlfriend? Or your virginity?
After all, you can still jerk off to your memories of seeing her naked.

>> No.14541710

Based anon. I also throw recyclables into the trash and throw trash into the recycling bin. I've been called out on it a few times and play stupid (for example I say my oily paper plate is paper and therefore recyclable). I go out of my way to litter. I piss on the floor in public bathrooms. If someone is taking a shit in the public bathroom, I turn the lights off before leaving. I cough on door knobs when I'm sick and spit on the hand rails in stairways. I've always wanted to shit in a urinal but I never had the courage.

>> No.14541711

Yeah. Basically when that happens you stop thinking chad (government and the society that enables it) is your legitimate bro with the social authority that you give legitimate bros. Then you start trying to passively sabotage his future by telling him the wrong answers for exams and that birds aren't real and shit like that.

>> No.14541718

Incredibly powerful and poopilled post. It would be so unethical to go out and spread the virus as much as possible when one catches it! Breaking the one meaningful rule related to the virus as one of the plague rats would be so unthinkably wrong!

>> No.14541728

I shit in the recycling bins.
I also compost my shit, use it to grow vegetables, then give them to fucktards who deserve to eat my shit.

>> No.14541729

Unironically. Humans are disgusting physically and emotionally. If anything it's better to love the idea of someone and not have to deal with their shit smell and emotional fragility.

>> No.14541732

Rights are often asserted to third parties that have the most power by any metric as granted to them by their electing bodies. Power doesn't really enter the equation unless you are referring to corruption when one of the parties is the state. The more devastating problem is if someone can manage to subdue rights while avoiding your ability to plea to that third party. This person obvious isn't powerful because they wouldn't need to hide their actions if they were. This often extends from corruption, but there are system limitations as well. Aside from the most heinous or stealthy, there are still redress, plea in open forum, voting for different people, trying to get new legislation.
Still there is the Heisenburg prison. That is one so subtle that you don't know who it impacts, and the more you know who it effects, the less you can tell what it actually does. We are in an age of a great many cons chasing this boogeyman.

>> No.14541771

I just got my fifth dose, and my chest doesn't feel so good...

>> No.14541807

viruses don't exist, shill

>> No.14541917

>The very same study the other anon posted >>14535984 demonstrates clear causation in a trial of the vaccinated, showing lower viral load as a result of better immune response.
Erm, even comparing the vaccinated to the unvaccinated with a similar viral load, the vaccinated produce n-neutralizing antibodies at a much lower rate. So the inability to create an important antibody has nothing to do with a better immune response. In fact the vaccinated show higher rates of viral dissemination, indicating they're having trouble clearing the virus while its still in the respiratory system.

>> No.14541928

antibodies is a degenerate invention of "virologists".

>> No.14541948

>huffs asbestos

>> No.14541950

>heh see you have a choice, you can either suck my dick or stay locked in this room. it's freedom of choice, not freedom from consequences
psychopath-tier reasoning lmao

>> No.14541974

Yep. Pro mandate people are exactly that.

>> No.14542011

>degenerate invention
They invented antibodies? How wonderful that they invented something and implanted it in every human on the planet.

>> No.14542347

The study quoted shows a viral load up to 100 times lower than the unvaccinated. You just didn't read it, self evidently. You didn't even read the direct quote of the same thing. This is why you're an antivaxxer: You don't actually read.

>> No.14542357

viruses don't exist. it's bullshit load. that's why you are paid shill

>> No.14542360

take meds schizo, implant yourself a brain

>> No.14542479

Whoa! You are telling me a gene therapy treatment specialized to prevent one specific variation of a virus from causing illness through a specific process leads to mutants evolving by natural selection in people who took this gene therapy, instead of actually immunizing the person and having their immune system prevent adaptation by breadth instead of just depth?
> basedjak.jpeg
My favorite is when the 'experts' forgot that natural immunity existed, even though it had been fucking observed in previous sars outbreaks. Or how it took 2 years for the CDC to perform any mask effectiveness studies, or how genuine trials on Ivermectin in the US were blacklisted until recently, or how positive correlations between zinc/D3 and disease severity where ignored from the beginning. Funny how they funded this massive facility that had been studying these types of viruses for years, yet they act like they have no information on how any virus works, let alone the specific type of virus they were studying.

>> No.14542480

Stop shitting up every thread you faggot homosexual

>> No.14542486

Except if you chose to take it, you should have no consequences from me not choosing to take it. Right? That is how immunization is supposed to work, right? It's suppose to protect you from the virus, right? Couldn't even make the proper analogy of wearing a seatbelt that was being spewed everywhere a year ago. You are a brainwashed idiot or a fucking shill.

>> No.14542488

Care to share the study showing any significant effect the vaccines have on transmission?

>> No.14542491

find another job, shill, stop spamming with state pharma pseudo science bullshit

>> No.14542492
File: 65 KB, 618x597, 1654252672380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my protection won't work if your protection won't work

>> No.14543806

physically force != coercion

The Nurnberg prohibits coercion, not just physical force.

>> No.14543819 [DELETED] 

>you want to be able to do damage to other people
If leftists are allowed to import millions of nonwhites that rape and murder(damage to others) simply to virtue signal, why is a person not allowed not to take a vaccine that is ineffective or harmful?

>> No.14543872

If the vaccine works then the ppl taking it will be protected from the ones that didn't take it, if the vaccinated need guarentees that those around them do not have the virus(assuming one exists) then that means their vaccine didn't work to begin with.

>> No.14543892 [DELETED] 

>freedom of choice simply means being able to choose between two outcomes,
I see you, then you agree that there's nothing wrong with me putting a gun to your head and giving you the choice to either get your brains blown off or suck my throbbing unwashed smegma encrusted cock until it's squeaky clean.

>> No.14543899

>freedom of choice simply means being able to choose between two outcomes,
I see, then you agree that there's nothing wrong with me putting a gun to your head and giving you the choice to either get your brains blown off or suck my throbbing unwashed smegma encrusted cock until it's squeaky clean.

>> No.14543934

>then you agree that there's nothing wrong with me putting a gun to your head and giving you the choice to either get your brains blown off or suck my throbbing unwashed smegma encrusted cock until it's squeaky clean.
Depends. Do you work for the government?

>> No.14543957

I don't care about that study, and I'm not the one who posted it. You made a point that n-neutralizing antibodies aren't being generated due to a better immune response. That's simply false. When viral load is accounted for, the vaccinated still produce them at a much lower rate. And there's still the issue of viral dissemination in the vaccinated. And there's the issue of Paxlovid being a compete failure in the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated, indicating their immune systems are unable to eliminate the virus after replication is paused.

>> No.14543961

can anyone give cliff notes on this thread? i took the pfizer vaccine because my school forced me to. never got the boosters though.

am I fucked?

>> No.14543964

>you simply wish not to be punished by people around you and society in general for acting in a way that is harmful to them
What do you believe is being done that's harmful, which is relevant to this argument?

>> No.14543968

Maybe, maybe not. We have to wait and see.

>> No.14543976

Your best bet is getting infected a few times to train your immune system as much as is possible after getting the vax. One dose is luckily not that bad.
Omicron is relatively mild, so it shouldn't be too hard on you. Then, when Omicron mutates enough or some killer strain is released from a lab that kills everyone you might have a chance. Also get some Ivermectin, NAC, Zinc.

>> No.14544019

Dunno, but try not to take any more.

>> No.14544020

>In my country they said you will lose your career, your kids will live in poverty, you will be unable to pay your mortgage, you won't be able to go out to socialize, won't be able to go to shops other than the supermarket, won't be able to enter government buildings, won't be able to travel etc.
Pretty much what happened here and they were looming around forcing it upon you whether you liked it or not. "trust the science".
Election is coming up in fall and the next group of dictators might enforce it next.

This alone has stressed me out to no fucking end that I'm not allowed to choose what happens to my own life that they'd pretty much force it upon you and you'd have to fight for your life just to live.

I want to say this stress overall has actually developed into MS.. I'm now a fabulous victim of MS ruining my life at a ripe age of 30, what a wonderful life to be be alive.
>Obey or we will make your life miserable, prepare to defend your life and freedom if you don't obey
Thank you world for being an absolute tool to big corporation.. Fuck my life

>> No.14544034


>> No.14544048

I dunno what I would do if that happened to me as a result of this shit. What's the prognosis these days, do meds hold it off for decades or what?

>> No.14544060

Meds can slow it down to a crawl but then from there you basically have to relearn what you took for granted your entire life.
For example, I cannot run anymore, I have to wait now until the doctor sees improvements and from there I can get rehab training to learn how to run again. Trying to run right now is a real balance issue and you basically walk as if you were drunk and run is as if your body wants to faceplant forward for each step in the run cycle and you have to fight it just to stay up.
I haven't had a drop of alcohol since 2019 but I look as if I'm on the bottle 24/7 with my balance issues.
I want to blame this whole world panic for all this as I had no real symptoms prior to this nor (as far as I know) does anyone in my family had it before me.
I just freaked out when they started to develop plans to rob your freedom, limit you and destroy your life if you do not obey. It's stressing me out everyday and I try to avoid the news for that reason but still I get reminded where ever I go just how scared people are of each other and how they want to know if you took the 4th shot yet or if they should shun you and judge you for deciding over your own life.

>> No.14544062

Jeez man, that really blows.

>> No.14544338
File: 1.37 MB, 2000x6350, pol university on vaccine effectiveness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why are athletes dropping dead at record levels after being vaccinated? Also i thought the efficency turned out to be 12% for like a week before dropping down to below 0%. What is your opinion on pic related?

>> No.14544360
File: 462 KB, 760x839, think fast retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14544362
File: 2.36 MB, 1323x1404, anons post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das a really bad strawman my dude.

>> No.14544675

there's no omicron, no covid, no virus. just find a better job, shill.

>> No.14544695

I dont have any friends IRL and want to ask outside the /pol/ echo chamber. is anyone noticing long term negative side effects from those who took the clot shots?
migraines, cancer, fatigue, etc...

>> No.14544721


>> No.14544750

It's been 2 years since the vaccine was introduced...

>> No.14544753

And the rates of adverse effects keep getting increased.

>> No.14544759

I had mine over a year ago and feel the same. My mom and older brother got theirs over 2 years ago and have moved on. It fascinates me that /pol/ is still hung up on COVID and the vaccines when everyone else has moved on.

>> No.14544773

>It fascinates me that /pol/ is still hung up on COVID and the vaccines when everyone else has moved on.
I don't know where in the USA you live, a red state I'm sure, but where I'm at, many people are on to their 2nd booster (4th shot). That's not moving on.

>> No.14544780

I live in Pennsylvania. I got my first dose in April 2021 and second in May 2021 so I could travel to complete my PhD. It's been over a year, I'm done worrying.

>> No.14544784


>> No.14544786

There is no genocide, the "vaxrats" aren't dropping dead, literally nothing happened. You guys screeched about how the "vaxxies" were going to die and nothing happened, I'm actually kind of disappointed.

>> No.14544790
File: 31 KB, 667x403, covid shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, seems pretty finished to me.

>> No.14544794

Oof, you should have looked for something more recent. This critique went off the rails by the fourth paragraph. They seemed to make the assumption that because the vaccines seemed decent back in March 2021 at preventing cases, that it would always remain so. Banden Bossche predicted that by vaccinating during a pandemic, the virus' evolution would accelerate at beating the narrow spectrum of immunity granted by the vaccine. That started to become apparent with Delta, but came to full fruition with Omicron. The vaccinated are now getting infected at higher rates than the unvaccinated, fueling more variants that seem even better at reinfecting the vaccinated. Whether they'll become more deadly remains to be seen, but nothing that's happened so far disproves his claims, in fact they reinforce them.

>> No.14544796

>There is no genocide, the "vaxrats" aren't dropping dead, literally nothing happened.
Deaths are still elevated and the cause isn't COVID. Oh well, nothing to see here, let's move along.

>> No.14544799
File: 107 KB, 586x1024, 1630887411183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is when I realized that /pol/ was too far gone and stopped going there.
>"vaxrats" aren't dropping dead
The fact that people thought it would happen beyond the typical 4-6 weeks pissed me off to no end. Literally everything in those shots is out of your system within 6 months at the absolute latest. I'm not deluded enough to believe that the shots will be safe 100% of the time - each time you get one it's a roll of the dice, though the odds are in your favor - but if you made it past 6 weeks and haven't had any adverse effects you're simply not going to.

>> No.14544801

>Literally everything in those shots is out of your system within 6 months at the absolute latest
That's not correct, though.

>> No.14544803

Literally this post >>14544790 disproves your point that "more variants" are "better at reinfecting the vaccinated". Cases are dropping like a rock.
It's absolutely correct.

>> No.14544804

>Cases are dropping like a rock.
Have you checked Portugal lately?

>It's absolutely correct.

>> No.14544805
File: 28 KB, 669x399, covid deaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deaths for comparison.

>> No.14544808

Yep, it is. The mRNA is broken down within minutes, the lipid nanoparticles are broken down within at most 6 months. And that's a very generous timeframe for them.

>> No.14544811

>The mRNA is broken down within minutes
Try at least two months.

>> No.14544812

>cases are dropping like a rock
18 months after the vaccine was disseminated? viruses do that without a vax
You really missed the point. If the shot is supposed to be effective 6 weeks after you take it, then it has changed something in your system. any change to your system could be a liability. marek's, ADE, long term AIDS were some ideas floated around how it could be bad theoretically.
which is why 10 year clinical trials do exist for some treatments, even if it's "out of your system" in a short time.

>> No.14544813
File: 154 KB, 467x393, 1650906023320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the mRNA that's so fragile that it must be transported in LN2 will somehow last 2 months in your body.

>> No.14544814

So are cases dropping or not? Make up your minds.

>> No.14544815

Yup, you're correct.

>In contrast to disrupted germinal centers (GCs) in lymph nodes during infection, mRNA vaccination stimulates robust GCs containing vaccine mRNA and spike antigen up to 8 weeks postvaccination in some cases.

>> No.14544819

Why do you think anons have to agree on everything?

>> No.14544820

They're both parroting schizo talking points, they need to huddle and stay on script.

>> No.14544821

Nothing I said was schizo. Or are you saying that virology is a finished science that requires no further study? Stay on topic, only the weak resort to ad hominems so quickly.

>> No.14544828

"A year is considered relatively long-term when it comes to vaccine safety"

Those trials you spoke of (assuming you're >>14544812) are that long because of the number of participants, the phases they're conducted, and the (lack of) funding for some of those. It's easier to notice patterns of adverse effects in billions of people than it is in a group of 10,000.

>> No.14544830

First quote was meant for >>14544821 but I'm too preoccupied with this faggot trophy in GT7.

>> No.14544840

After a year we've probably mapped out most types of adverse effects. However there's also the question of repeatedly taking these shots every few months which could compound some sort of effect. Any weakening of the immune system could take longer than that to detect. And even then maybe we just got lucky that no variants evolved to take advantage of the mrna method weakness, and it could happen with a different type of virus & mrna vax.
I'm not saying these ideas are likely, just a possibility. Which seems to trigger some people.

>> No.14544841

What about people that didn't get boosters? I feel that subset of people is overlooked.

>> No.14544850

my personal opinion is that injecting spike proteins directly was a terrible idea, and at least from my personal research for under age 18 the vax is 10x more deadly than the virus.
So the fewer times you do that, the better. on a social scale I think it was retarded to encourage the shot for anyone under 60 or so.
I think it probably won't do long term harm, just because eventually the virus will mutate to be so different from the original strain that ADE won't be possible, and if you haven't gotten boosters, your immune response from the shot will trend toward zero over time.
but I'm not a biologist I only spent a month researching so I can only give my best guess. I haven't thought about covid in a very long time.
i remember john campbell on youtube seemed reputable

>> No.14544968

viruses don't exist, only schizo concepts mutate

>> No.14544994

It probably is still Covid, it's just if the death didnt happen in a hospital they dont count it as a covid death.

>> No.14545019


>> No.14545176

there's no covid

>> No.14545244
File: 113 KB, 1024x924, 1653229303780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore.

>> No.14545258
File: 31 KB, 640x466, photo_2022-03-18_12-39-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If somebody honestly can't tell the pandemic is bullshit and just an excuse for political fuckery, they are completely beyond hope. No matter how much they worship the soience or ask for le sauce/le studies from le reputable le sauces, they're completely demoralized, brainwashed narcisists who can no longer dis-concern truth from hot stinky shit wind they use as replacement oxygen.

>> No.14545399
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1654424540356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

viruses never existed

>> No.14545647

Viruses are real, stupid frogposter.

>> No.14545667
File: 45 KB, 506x346, IMG_20220214_163040_898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting disinformation, shill, viruses are stupid hoax

>> No.14545749

They absolutely do. In fact, they exist not only physically, but informationally/memetically.

>> No.14545980

nope, they do not, shill, no matter how much your globohomo overlords pays you

>> No.14546547

>I reached out to Dr. Paul Offit
>Paul Offit
>Jewish ancestry
Sounds about right. Need I say more? No, but I will:
>do elicit the production of neutralizing antibodies
Not any more. If that were true no vaxtard would get sick.
>even if the COVID-19 vaccines were “leaky,”
>points to Marek’s disease
Caused by a DNA based virus of high lethality. Not comparable to a quickly mutating RNA virus.
tl;dr deb00nk has been deb00nked

>> No.14546576

The irony, replace COVID with the vaccine and you have a typical Twitter post.

>> No.14546999

>but I'm too preoccupied with this faggot trophy in GT7.
Probably a better use of your time than visiting here. Did you get the trophy?

>> No.14547039

the fact is we have an extremely concerning number of excess deaths in 2021 but mainstream scientists and media seem hesitant to talk about it, and when they do they generally just shrug and go "I dunno must be long covid lol"

>> No.14547089


>> No.14547222

Any response to this? >>14544815

>> No.14547235
File: 61 KB, 1298x321, Vaccines Kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact is we have an extremely concerning number of excess deaths in 2021 but mainstream scientists and media seem hesitant to talk about it, and when they do they generally just shrug and go "I dunno must be long covid lol"

Never before seen increase in deaths across the board for those up to age 50, and it coincided with the vaccine rollout for those ages.

>> No.14547500

None, the vaxcattle has no arguments left.

>> No.14547524

Both of your posts do not go into anything even tangentially related to discussing the topic, and instead opt to dismiss, deescalate and censor any discussion of the topic through societal pressure, I.e shame. It would be one thing if you chose to dismantle your opposition scientifically, it is another to choose semantics and non-scientific arguments to voice “dissent”.

I am not pro vax or anti vax, people will do what they want. But it is clear you have no intention of providing actual arguments or any real posit to the conversation, and it is clear you know this which is why you opt for subversive tactics which rely on convincing someone, because clearly your goal is not to disprove anti vax but to stop all arguments related to such topics.

Blow your brains out.

>> No.14547662

why are there talks about excess deaths anyway? government doesn't have detailed stats on deaths? do we need such government?

>> No.14547677

>Because it is a disease with a high mortality to start with
that, and the genetic similarity between every cobb 500, and every ross 308.

>> No.14547748

>Because it is a disease with a high mortality to start with, no?
Not that anon, but the original virus wasn't that bad, but it was made worse due to overcrowding and unsanitary conditions. Rather than fix those issues, they decided to vaccinate against it, and everything was dandy for about a decade. Then the virus started getting around vaccine immunity, so they came up with new vaccines. Repeat for another four decades, and you end up with a virus that can quickly wipe out a flock. So it took five decades to get to that point. SARS-CoV-2 is clearly breaking through vaccine immunity, even causing pretty nasty illness. There's talks of variant-specific vaccines, although they failed miserably in animal trials. I don't think doom is imminent, it took a while with the chickens, but things aren't headed in a great direction. The unvaccinated who have already been infected and came through without issue are in the best shape currently, but in a Marek's scenario, they would end up screwed if the vaccinees keep driving mutations.

>> No.14547966
File: 13 KB, 580x353, 1653470691507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

viruses don't exist. btw mutation is not scientific word, as well as change. climate mutation, virus change.

>> No.14547990

Though most death certificates contain a 'cause of death' box, everyone knows that it is often inaccurate, especially if the cause is something novel or difficult to detect. Excess deaths is also a somewhat crude measure but at larger scales, it at least gives you a sense of magnitude and can also pick up deaths that are occurring for unknown reasons so you can start investigating what has been causing them.

>> No.14548051

unknown reason? you joking? never heard like "died from unknown reason"

>> No.14548075
File: 41 KB, 500x499, waves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Year X through Year X+25: Average Y numbers of deaths
Year X+26: Y*1.3 deaths
What caused the excess deaths? Are you confident that the county medical examiner is going to be familiar with every possible cause of death in existence or are they going to write down something that most closely fits what they typically have seen over the past quarter of a century? When the excess deaths are noticed, should we just go "well, the death certificates all have the typical stuff on them" and look into the excess deaths no further?

>> No.14548081

I mean, yeah, two more weeks. For the nth time.

Go outside, open your eyes, get out of your echo chamber, nothing is happening to vaccinated people.

>> No.14548090

15 million excess deaths
6 million deaths WITH covid
9 million excess deaths from?????

>> No.14548583

just ask those who registers those deaths. the fact that they provide no reasons for excess makes people doubt statistics are real.

>> No.14548588

from corrupt statisticians

>> No.14548594 [DELETED] 
File: 419 KB, 540x488, holocuast survivor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 million jewish deaths
>9 million gypsy, homosexual, political dissident and other unwanteds deaths

>> No.14549589

Those abominations of definitions makes it possible to inject people with poison and prove it’s not only safe and effective but necessary, since everybody who immediately dies from the poison will belong to uninjected group.

>> No.14549616

I have no idea what you're talking about. There is no conspiracy to eliminate a possible group, the data for them is often included or listed either in the main portion or supplementary material as scientists list who was excluded and why.

The only reason they tend to be excluded from a main analysis portion is trying to account for similarly timed covid infections. Literally the same issue I have with shit ecological population studies is why they try to eliminate that confound... and they still post the data. You just don't read.

>> No.14549678

this guy is clearly a damage control shill, he's devoted a lot of time and energy to obfuscatory posts - generally his strategy is to post one or two studies that support his argument, ignore anybody who posts quality evidence/arguments to the contrary, pretend there's massively overwhelming data to support his claims, then call everyone "too stupid to click links" or go find the evidence themselves while peppering in language from a intro to immunology class - he learned what the term "ecological" means with regards to epidemiological research and has since spammed it in nearly every post he makes as if it discredits vaccine skeptics.

>> No.14549688

>the data for them is often included
>the only reason they tend to be excluded
Well which is it mr.word salad man?

>> No.14549690

what covid infections? you already proved it by sneezing around test group and making people sick? disinformation shills...

>> No.14549694

>Well which is it mr.word salad man?
>excluded from a main analysis

It's the full sentence you pruned, retard. I'm done with you. You can't even read.

>> No.14549701

are you claiming statisticians are motivated by corruption to cover up covid deaths?
if so

>> No.14550034
File: 114 KB, 500x478, its-all-so-tiresome-8881488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wait you're telling me i'm a pruned retard for noting you said certain statistics were sometimes included in whatever a main portion was.
But then they (despite being possibly looked at), get excluded from the analysis portion because, uh, reasons scientists make up and certainly has nothing to do with funding or bias.
You've just admitted to fraud and now you're calling me retarded for pointing it out.

>> No.14550049

/pol/cels are fucking insane

>> No.14550065

>reasons scientists make up and certainly has nothing to do with funding or bias.
>I don't understand it therefore it's a conspiracy.

It's so transparent with you people. You're just flat earthers. This is so fucking old.

>> No.14550078

there's no "covid" deaths

>> No.14550102

That's not an argument and you have not disputed anything I've said, vaccine shill. I don't think you're arguing in good faith here. Also you keep saying you're done here but you're never actually done, you just keep coming back and making none arguments. Is this how you jerk off? Micro-cock in one hand, keyboard in the other?

>> No.14550150

What's there to argue? You just wrote "I don't understand therefore conspiracy". That isn't an argument, it's a logical fallacy.

That my presence makes you this angry is hilarious. Cope and seethe child.

>> No.14550180
File: 321 KB, 473x677, take them please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said no such thing. I literally just made a comment directly about what you typed.

>> No.14550210

yep. hes been beeteeeffoh in like three threads now. sad!

>> No.14550549

Based, ever since covid I've also made it my life's work to lower trust in scientific institutions. The best part is they're such bought off, captured liars it's incredibly easy to do just by pointing out how much they manipulate data to do so. Basically even though my intent is evil, I'm still arguing things that are true and should be discussed in a neutral, non captured light even if it has some negative blowback. The truth hurts as they say. Right now a lot of people hold doctors and medical scientists in contempt so I'm feeling pretty motivated. Once the medical and pharmaceutical industries are hated I'm going to move onto the climate scientists

>> No.14550557

>shame you'll have to accept the consequences, though...
What happens when the hysteria dies down and you're forced to deal with the consequences of pissing people off to stay safe in the herd?

>> No.14550568

China's fault ultimately.

Nuke China.

Everything is impermanent. Everything lives and dies. You had a good run. Nuke China and relinwuish our lives back into the whole.

>> No.14550581

>muh antivaxers
Barely over half the US took this garbage willingly before mandates squeezed out like an extra 10%. I don't think 30-40% of the country was antivax before 2021, maybe people just don't want a shit product for a nothingburger virus

>> No.14550642
File: 439 KB, 1080x2012, Screenshot_20220606-220907_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did 37 million people stop after the first dose /sci/?

>> No.14550768

> virus
no such thingy

>> No.14550885

You're fully vaccinated after getting the second shot. You may not be fully immunized, but you should be counted as vaccinated for purposes of data logging. Pharma pulled the same shit in the trials, not counting infections that cropped up within 2 weeks of administration -- because they knew that infections tended to increase in that time period and knew how to bias the study design to maximize reported efficacy.

>> No.14550892

>because they knew that infections tended to increase
Important to note why - each jab drastically lowers WBC counts for a set period of time

>> No.14551028

infection never proven by scientific experiment

>> No.14551032

only according to your schizo theory

>> No.14551045

False, was in the court order release pfizer docs

>> No.14551065


>> No.14551090

Why don’t you refute things using sound scientific rigour, instead of like someone on Facebook or tikTok?

>> No.14551108

Kill yourself for each word used past "rigour."

>> No.14551217

They are bad people who don't care about flattening the curve

>> No.14551800

what fault? there was no any pandemic

>> No.14551882
File: 784 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20220607-095802_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go basedjack

>> No.14552293

why are vaccines so dangerous?

>> No.14552392

When did North Koreans have a large enough stockpile of civilian guns to check their tyrannical government? There has bever been a modern democracy built by civilians with guns overthrowing the government. If anything, overthrowing the government just means the biggest warlord takes over. You only need to look at post-colonial Africa and post-Arab Spring MENA to see that.

>> No.14552409

why do you call those injections "vaccines"? there can be anything in them, in any shot

>> No.14552689

> post colonial
disinformation. colonies became crypto colonies, larping independence. USSR was crypto colony, with immense censorship to hide this fact.

>> No.14552911

>what is scar tissue?
>what is a retrovirus?

u r rarted

>> No.14553079

Same shit was happening here in the UK that is, data clearly indicated infection rates higher in the unvaccinated even after all kinds of shenanigans like pretending the vaccine takes two weeks to work etc and God knows what other book cooking the statisticians pulled that we don't know about. What was their response? Wind down mass testing and stop issuing the raw statistics completely in case they are 'misinterpreted' heh.

Only real fucking idiots can't see through it by now. Our Prime Minister etc here clearly knew it was all bullshit because he was quite happy to ignore the rules and party. If the danger were real he'd be in a hermetically sealed bunker as would the rest of the absolute physical cowards currently in power. Enjoy your VAIDS

>> No.14553358


>> No.14553475

in none of the threads have you provided any meaningful alternate explanations for the masses of vaccine induced injuries and deaths.

>> No.14553514
File: 308 KB, 993x873, anti-semitism-or-anti-vax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh vaxpigs, what's it gonna be, anti-semitism or anti-vax?

>> No.14553519

What do you think this proofs?
That the vaccine doesn't work?

Lets do the math for the age group 60+ in the second screenshot.
10% in that age group are not vaccinated.
40% of the hospitalization of that age group is not vaccinated so they are overrepresented by a factor of 4 (You /pol/tards love overrepresentation at least when it comes to Black crime rates).
44% in the ICU are not vaccinated so they are overrepresented by a factor of 4.4.
51% of the deaths are unvaccinated so overreprestend by a factor of 5.1.
The numbers for the first screenshot are:
47% hospitalization
64% ICU
56% deaths

>> No.14553550

correlation is not causation

>> No.14553561
File: 78 KB, 700x638, ChinaShills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think this proofs?
Heroooh China shill, yew engrish very not goot.

>> No.14553568

That they can't do basic math. Same as always. It's the same group of retards who think they're clever. Trolling or being genuinely stupid, either way.

>> No.14553603
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1654606514854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello American shill
btw in the beginning of cvoid hoax you had instructions to promote bat narrative, and respond "take meds" to those who voiced china lab leak. later instructions were inversed.

>> No.14553616

And they noted covid-like illness increased dramatically in the week after the first dose, but got around this by simply not testing the majority of the people who became ill. If we go by reduction of "covid-like illness" between the experimental group and placebo group, then the vaccines had about a 10% efficacy rate.

>> No.14553619

>And they noted covid-like illness increased dramatically in the week after the first dose, but got around this by simply not testing the majority of the people who became ill. If we go by reduction of "covid-like illness" between the experimental group and placebo group, then the vaccines had about a 10% efficacy rate.
That's close to studies I've seen showing a 7% vaccine efficacy rate across the board for all vaccines.

>> No.14553620

>btw in the beginning of cvoid hoax CHINA had instructions to promote bat narrative, and respond "take meds" to those who voiced China lab leak. later instructions were inversed.
yes, that was china's playbook.

>> No.14553637
File: 822 KB, 1600x1200, waterslut 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol retards argue using biased skewed statistics. Lets discuss some facts.
>children have a 99.998% survival rate of this so called disease dispite their underdeveloped immune systems.
It's literally just a mild flu, the people who do die from covid are so physically frail they'd die from anything.
>Vitamin D is more effective than the vax, reducing those experiencing symptoms by a whopping 18% as opposed to the vaccine.
The 4th dose gives you negative immunity, that is it only gives you any kind of protection for 4 weeks then it actually makes you more vulnerable long term.
and lastly, >it increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 25%.
You are literally better off taking vitamin D than a rna 'vaccine'. you are literally fucking retarded if you cannot see this.

>> No.14553653

Honestly, I prefer the virus don't real anon's gag over yours. He's simple and clever.

>> No.14553677

what's the gag? Everything there is valid. How can you seriously defend vaccination without arguing in bad faith or just being a midwit academic?

>> No.14553695

why are vax lovers so unscientific?

>> No.14553708

>why are vax lovers so unscientific?
why are drug addicts the same way?

Must be fentanyl in those "vaccines" cause vaxxies get hooked on that shit yo!

>> No.14553729

many such cases.

>> No.14553884

why are germ theory lovers so unscientific?

>> No.14554184

germs don't exist.