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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 222 KB, 1920x1080, Big moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14494466 No.14494466 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.14494473
File: 855 KB, 1628x2184, 1959 - Luna 3 stamp - (40 коп.).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTS Archive

>> No.14494475
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>> No.14494486
File: 1.71 MB, 3640x2184, Kuu komppi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the Moon looking from where you live?
This is from the last full moon, but it's better quality

>> No.14494496

Where is Part 2 of Elon interview?

>> No.14494498
File: 112 KB, 1041x1041, Cloudy day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14494516
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>> No.14494522

Occupy Mars.

>> No.14494544
File: 89 KB, 426x411, 17577D0B-58BD-4B2A-9242-06A8E0F4405B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that Artemis is going nuclear.

>> No.14494554

That'll be a 20 year contract and $50 billion with interest.

>> No.14494556

>2 crew to Lunar surface
Why? Even Constellation aimed for a minimum 4 per mission, with Orion being hyped up as being capable of being able to linger in lunar orbit for extended durations with no crew aboard

>> No.14494561

I grow ever more concerned about elon getting suicided. Whatever he currently spends on security, it isn't enough.

>> No.14494564

>I grow ever more concerned about elon getting suicided
he already is, the current Elon is a double who is in bed with the Biden Administration and actively uses the Starship program to funnel money, real elon has been dead for 7 years

>> No.14494569

Especially with fucking Starship HLS its silly, is the XEMU shortage really that bad, its embarrassing, we should be seeing 3 and 4 crew on the moon as standard

>> No.14494573

Why is Elon Musk messing around making offers to buy twitter for tens of billions of dollars, when he could use that money to fund the development of mars colony technology.

>He's just building the rockets anon, he's going to leave the colony building for somebody else
He says he wants Mars colonies but isn't investing in them. Does this really pass your sniff test?

>> No.14494582


>> No.14494585

banning psychotic flerfers and urfers from Twitter improves Starship's odds of successfully colonizing Mars

>> No.14494594

Man, you weren't kidding when you called this a fanfiction. This actually reads exactly like shitty fanfiction. It's got plot contrivances, nonsensical assumptions of how things would work, lack of understanding of how certain things work, stiff and awkward dialogue, and overhyped antagonists because they didn't know how to build a compelling story around the protagonist they chose. This shit is embarrassing.

>> No.14494595

I don't think the definition of sustained presence should be only 1 month out of a year.

>> No.14494597

because he rightfully identified the biggest obstacle to humanity to be the insidious action of those who control what the masses think. spacex can have 1,000 rockets ready to go but it will still fail if wokeism convinces the populace it all needs to be nationalized and sold to china so we can give plasma tvs to single mothers

>> No.14494603

A Mars rocket without a Mars colony is a bridge to nowhere.
>After I build the bridge, surely somebody will build the destination for my bridge
It makes no sense. The only way to make sense of this is to consider that Starship isn't for going to Mars at all. The raison d'etre of Starship must be rapid and cheap launching of massive satellite constellations.

What good is rapid booster reuse for a Mars colony anyway? Elon Musk is talking about mere hours of turnaround time before launching again. For what? It takes several months to get to Mars, probably several months to unload your cargo on Mars, then several months to get back to Earth to do it again. Who cares if the rocket needs a few weeks of refurbishment on Earth? Turnaround time of mere hours is irrelevant for the sort of schedules a Mars colonization would entail.

Rapid reuse makes the most sense if the purpose of Starship is to operate around Earth, not go to Mars.

>> No.14494608

SpaceX can have a thousand rockets ready to go, and have politicians and the populace under Elon's thumb by controlling twitter, and what good does any of that do if there is still no Mars colony in serious development?

>> No.14494618

Musk wants to reduce the risk of humanity's extinction.

Space is one hard avenue. So is energy.

But the biggest important is hearts and mind. Without which, nothing gets done. When the mass gets brainwashed by nefarious group controlled by few dozen social justice warriors, you get corruption of society that leads to its destruction and decay.

Musk's play into twitter should now be obvious. Remove the corruption, have a free platform where censored ideas can once again come to light.

>> No.14494624

Mars colony wont be had if politicians block SpaceX forever.

>> No.14494625

the non existence of a mars colony infrastructure has nothing to do with any of this. it is still in the early early conception phase behind closed doors. by the time it is advanced enough to go into a prototyping phase, the billions which got liquidated for the twitter deal will be a speck next to the gains over the next few years

>> No.14494627
File: 61 KB, 320x276, jc_denton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should try getting a job!

>> No.14494628

It can't be understated how important a platform for free speech which millions can engage in is. The immediate and violent reaction to what he is trying to do should tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.14494630

>The world will fall apart if I can't say nigger on twitter

>> No.14494633

Go back, nigger.

>> No.14494635

>the world is currently falling apart
>i currently can't say nigger on twitter
the evidence isn't in your favour anon

>> No.14494636
File: 107 KB, 1215x657, FSCNzooX0AEo_D_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so cute.

>> No.14494639

/pol/-tards are so far up their own asses, I've never seen a more pathetic case of mental gymnastics. Go talk about how you are saving the world by shitposting on twitter elsewhere.

>> No.14494641

elon musk will not let you say nigger on twitter. or maybe he will, i don't really care, but it isn't likely. what he will do is remove the parasites which work there to influence public discourse in the interests of people who want to destabilize the technical and economic base of the nation for short term self interest.

>> No.14494642
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>> No.14494644

Go back

>> No.14494645

>everything is /pol/
>free speech is /pol/

>> No.14494648
File: 1.90 MB, 640x360, tenor-868066904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14494652

The point is that a launch window lasts several months so you can yeet thousands of Starships (hundreds of thousands of tons) at Mars per synod.

>> No.14494653

Anyone talking about twitter like it's the lynch-pin in the new world order is a /pol-tard, yes.

>> No.14494658

>elon musk buying twitter will bring WWIII
>elon musk buying twitter will mean end of democracy
>free speech on twitter will bring out the worst
Cry more with your garbage political hit pieces.

>> No.14494659


>> No.14494661
File: 455 KB, 800x583, 1632504541142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musk wants to reduce the risk of humanity's extinction.
This much I actually believe, but I don't think he means to do it with Mars colonization, which he hasn't invested in.

SpaceX has thusfar demonstrated very little interest in Mars. They talk about Mars a lot, but they haven't actually done anything that could only be useful for going Mars. They've put a whole lot of effort into making rockets, claiming those rockets are for eventually going to Mars, but those rockets can be used for other things too.

So what is he actually doing and how does it relate to preventing human extinction? I think he's building the means for comprehensive ballistic missile defense. To stop all missiles, no matter the stealth, decoys, maneuvering or other tricks a missile might use, you need boost-phase interceptors. Interceptors that hit the missile while the engines are still burning, since missiles are impossible to hide at this stage. Before a missile can take evasive maneuvers, before it can deploy any decoys. The problem with boost-phase interceptors is they need to be close to the launch site, and for launch sites spread across the interior of Asia, the only way to accomplish that is to put the interceptors in LEO.

To stop all the missiles, you need a LOT of interceptors. Thousands if not tens of thousands of them. Furthermore, the interceptors are expendable so your constellation of interceptors could be depleted if the aggressor throws enough missiles to waste all your interceptors. To counter this, you need a rocket booster that can launch hundreds of interceptors into LEO and you need to do it several times a week at least. Even faster is even better. This is what Starship is for. It's a means to rapidly launch and replenish a massive constellation of ballistic missile interceptors in LEO. It's not for going to Mars, it's for preventing nuclear war by rendering ballistic missiles obsolete and inoperable.

>> No.14494662

I never said any of this. I just called you a loser and a retard for thinking any of it matters.

>> No.14494663

>tens of millions of people being able to speak freely is worthless, a waste of time, and of absolutely no relevance

>> No.14494665

Are the Tweets aerospace grade?

>> No.14494666
File: 150 KB, 800x750, 1649798919312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never said any of this. I just called you a loser and a retard for thinking any of it matters.

>> No.14494667
File: 29 KB, 782x360, jeb_IRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizos are waking up

>> No.14494668

if that's the case, why is there suddenly a push against opening it up and introducing free speech? if twitter isn't being used to coordinate public thought then it shouldn't matter if people have the right to speak freely on it anyway

>> No.14494669

millions of people have been speaking freely on 4chan and SA for decades now. Do you really think twitter is the only place online to talk about stuff? How zoomer are you?

>> No.14494672


>> No.14494673

>we already have enough free speech
>stop caring about more free speech

>> No.14494675

Because journalists are just as big online losers as you, so they are think the sky is falling because their online echo chamber is getting possibly ruined.

>> No.14494676

>nuclear propulsion demonstration
They're going to demonstrate how big of a waste of money it is.

>> No.14494678

If we can already do that, then why are you crying about twitter having free speech?

>> No.14494682

right, the fact that it goes against the interests of journalists, people who have a job in shaping public thought, is proof that twitter is not a tool in the hands of people who coordinate public thought.

>> No.14494683

Come on now. Nobody is buying your pilpul. Everyone involved understands that your handlers are so pressed over this because they don't want 4chan-grade opinions to spread to the normies that use Twatter.

>> No.14494684

people would just switch to stealthy cruise missiles

>> No.14494685

I'm not, I'm making fun of the losers who think twitter is special somehow.

>> No.14494686

If twitter isn't special, then how come you're crying about twitter being bought by musk/opening up for a freer speech?

Again, your argument makes no sense unless you're in deep denial.

>> No.14494687
File: 91 KB, 780x518, 1639072468828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop focusing on twitter you spergs. Buying twitter is a vanity project for Elon, an amusement, a troll. It has no strategic significance. The only reason I brought it up is because it demonstrates that Elon's plans are not presently cash constrained, yet, he still isn't investing in the design of Mars colonies. If going to Mars is his real plan, then he should be funding rocket development and colony development at the same time in parallel, so that one is ready when the other is ready. At the rate things are going, Starship will probably be in serial production within a few years. Colony development is DECADES behind Starship development, and Elon is doing jack shit to rectify this. We know it's not a problem of money. He has more than enough money to spend a few billions on colony development.

>> No.14494688
File: 262 KB, 600x304, 1649863363298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would turn the US into an even bigger hyperpower because nobody else does stealth right.

>> No.14494692

go back to discord faggot

>> No.14494695

I don't think people are going to be allowed to start hating Jews in droves. Even if Elon would allow people to, the government sure as hell won't.
This is true.

>> No.14494696

I'm not crying about anything, I'm just laughing at you losers who have these huge dreams about how the world will change once musk buys twitter. Nothing is going to change, it's not going to cause the happening, or the mass waking up of normie or whatever. It's just going to be even more of a cesspool for """people""" who spend every waking day arguing with losers online about politics thinking they are making a difference.

>> No.14494697
File: 985 KB, 3000x3000, 1639478241827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They talk about Mars a lot, but they haven't actually done anything that could only be useful for going Mars.
>besides building a rocket which is great for going to Mars, which doesn't count because it can also do other things too
anon that's dumb

>> No.14494699

>I don't think people are going to be allowed to start hating Jews in droves
No one is buying your pilpul. Everyone here knows they don't want normies being exposed to anything that contradicts their narrative. You also keep screeching about how Twatter is not special, and I agree: it's not special, the same concerns apply to any other normie platform. It is absolutely necessary to open every normie-centric platform so that your handlers could be undermined and you could be removed from society ASAP.

>> No.14494700
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>> No.14494703

Colony development will be trivial with the mass budget of Starship. Musk is addressing the huge problem with the woke mind virus, that is responsible for the declining birth rates. You can't colonize Mars with no people.

>> No.14494707

>its not going to cause the happening
Its already happening.

Biden created a new Disinformation Governance Board to enforce a censoring of disinformation.
Tesla got excommunicated by ESG (environmental social governance) index, the list is now made up mostly of old fossil fuel companies.

If Twitter and free speech didn't mean anything to libtards like you, then you wouldn't be having this visceral reaction. Musk hasn't even completely the acquisition of Twitter yet, and already the attacks keep coming.

>> No.14494708


>> No.14494710

They would try, but cruise missiles have numerous limitations. They're slow and their range sucks. They fly low and slow so they're easy to intercept if you can find them. Stealth technology has it's limits; first off it's not a binary, stealth is a matter of degree. Secondly, you can only hide in small portions of the EM spectrum. Granted, hiding from radar is a very useful trick, particularly since the atmosphere rapidly attenuates thermal and optical signals. However, sensors are becoming very cheap; spamming huge numbers of very cheap networked sensors will facilitate the detection and tracking of even stealthy cruise missiles flying nape of the earth below conventional defense radars.

>> No.14494711


>> No.14494712
File: 797 KB, 1280x720, Breaking_Bad_S04E01__Box_Cutter__-_Denny's_Scene_0-25_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14494714

SpaceX will be cancelled by Biden admin real soon. Give it time. They're building their case.

>> No.14494715

I accept your full concession. Free speech in the asshole of the internet is not enough. Free speech on normie platforms is necessary for free speech to matter, and your handlers know this.

>> No.14494716

Seek help

>> No.14494718
File: 166 KB, 480x360, discovery_contrails.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I warned you bros... I warned you about the pol

>> No.14494724

All of what he is ACTUALLY DOING can be explained as rationally motivated by something other than Mars colonization. Occam's razor is generally a meme, but you should seriously consider the fact that Elon Musk hasn't actually funded anything that would conclusively demonstrate his interest in colonizing Mars.

>> No.14494725

We must ban Musk and SpaceX. Too many /pol/tards from the Musk/SpaceX fanboys.

We should just continue with our discord.

>> No.14494727

ok, but who?

>> No.14494730

>but you should seriously consider the fact that Elon Musk hasn't actually funded anything that would conclusively demonstrate his interest in colonizing Mars.
>what is carbon capture sabtier x-prize $100 million

>> No.14494731

Other than the giant rocket capable of sending a hundred tons at a time to Mars?

>> No.14494733

REMINDER: If a post frustrates you, do not respond. They will go away if you stop replying.

>> No.14494737

Say what you will about the Shuttle, but it was kino

>> No.14494740

>a prize, which might never be claimed, which if claimed would only cost him 1/40th of what he's offered to buy twitter for
That amounts to jack-shit.

>> No.14494741
File: 58 KB, 1321x321, nuke November 1961 issue of LIFE magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finding a small aircraft flying 500 knots, 100 feet altitude and getting something in range to shoot it down are different problems however

>> No.14494745 [DELETED] 

In California, they cancelled a huge desalination plant because it’d hurt the fish. They really do hate mankind and the Volk.

>> No.14494749


>> No.14494750

We know, Zubrin.

>> No.14494753

>He totally cares about going to mars guys!

>> No.14494754

Cringy desu

>> No.14494757

It's Joever...

>> No.14494759

Cant go to mars with no license
Cant go to mars with a country thats being silenced by leftist party

>> No.14494760

>when you're the richest man in the world so you chase (You)s instead of money

>> No.14494765

Did you guys not see his tweet about how he and the right haven't changed politically but the left has gone farther and farther left, ultimately making him a moderate right when he used to be a slight left?

>> No.14494766

I have always hated it. It was a known boondoggle as far back as the bush era and no serious attempt was being made to divert the blackhole of funding into something more coherent. There was an x-prize or something but it should have been a singular focus of the nation's space policy to support private renewable platforms, not an afterthought while propping up that overweight spacewhale shitshow. We lucked out big time.

>> No.14494767
File: 81 KB, 300x380, ahaido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're being silenced!
>never shuts up

>> No.14494768

I now ask myself
>but how will this help Mars colonization?
whenever I see irrelevant shit like this

>> No.14494769

Fun fact of the day: There are galaxies about 200 light years across that contain a hundred million stars. Imagine how that’d look in the sky. No real night

>> No.14494771
File: 7 KB, 269x187, pepe_cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Popcorn emoji

>> No.14494774

Hide bait, do not respond to troll. This is a spaceflight thread, gentlemen. We are supposed to talk about tankwatching, faa doxing, and the giant throbbing ballsacks hanging from mechazilla.

>> No.14494778

Politics aren’t irrelevant to Martian colonization.

>> No.14494780

>no you CAN'T send a generation ship to each and every one of them, we can ONLY take pretty pictures from my shiny expensive telescopes. PS that'll be $10billion plus tip

>> No.14494784 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 960x640, smug Trump 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and this proves it. Only one Presidential candidate has ever made Mars a campaign issuw.

>> No.14494787 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 611x476, us mil poz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no crypto-democrat sisters not like this

>> No.14494789

Politics is a circus that keeps you placated, the politician is the face you see in front when others steal your money from your back pocket behind you. Martian state craft is important, getting yourself to Mars is important, earth politics is less so. You waste your time with politics, let this be a warning to you.

>> No.14494790

This general is shit now.

>> No.14494791

Even if we suppose some cruise missiles always get through, there are still several problems with that. The continental US is huge and the faster a cruise missile goes, the more it's range sucks. This is particularly true at low altitudes in thick air. But more importantly, America would not have this problem because it would be trivial to program a constellation of boost-phase interceptors to ignore American missiles. America would still have operable ballistic missiles, while nobody else would unless America decided to permit it. Anybody that used cruise missiles with nukes to attack America would be annihilated from space before their cruise missiles even had time to reach their targets.

>> No.14494794

partisanship is cringe hope he recovers and realizes the whole institution is against you and the only self interested move is to weaken it

>> No.14494795

>men can have babies
>censorship is good for democracy
>billionaires evil
>taxing corporations solves inflation
>space is for rich people to flee earth

>> No.14494797

I'm considering switching to the other one.

>> No.14494800

>space is for rich people to flee earth
Anti-space rhetoric has been promoted, funded and encouraged by the Chinese government, who understand the military/strategic implications of SpaceX's technology and want the American people to foolishly oppose it.

>> No.14494803
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We desperately desperately need actual launches happening soon or it's really over

>> No.14494805

nothing is happening. i check maybe once every couple months now and i used to be active. it will be fine once something significant happens and people come back

>> No.14494807
File: 296 KB, 1272x1967, feels bad spacesuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys
Starliner OFT-2 is tomorrow

>> No.14494810

Boing is launching Starliner in 26 hours

>> No.14494813

i don't like stand up conedy

>> No.14494816

There's also a Soyuz going up tomorrow, carrying Bars-M n°3
>The Bars-M satellite is a new electro-optical area surveillance satellite to replace the film-return Yantar-1KFT (Kometa) series and the cancelled Bars series.
They were still dropping film canisters from orbit?

>> No.14494818

This post frustrates me

>> No.14494822
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>> No.14494823

>They were still dropping film canisters from orbit?
Russia's post Soviet space program operates on the principle "if it ain't broke don't fix it"

>> No.14494824

because you literally cant get to mars without nuclear

>> No.14494829

Also also China is launching an unidentified payload tomorrow.
"nothing is happening" anon says. What a tool.

>> No.14494831

>They were still dropping film canisters from orbit?
Well, no.. The last of those launched in 2015, and they only lasted a few months each (three film returns each, I believe.)

So what they mean is they're finally getting around to replacing a capability they lost 7 years ago.

>> No.14494834

ah yes i cannot wait for the illuminating and engaging technical discussions around unidentified payload. unidentified payload, what an edifying thing.

>> No.14494835

no one would launch a first strike with cruise missiles, I'm thinking retaliatory attack with sea launched ones and most of the US population lives <500 miles from a coast

>> No.14494840

huh, I thought he would just vote blank or the Libertarian Party. maybe he's just shitposting

>> No.14494842
File: 110 KB, 879x485, Starliner in its natural habitat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. The future is now, and with SpaceX Starliner we will ensure the American dominance in space.

>> No.14494841

It's a shame they aren't fixing the broken shit either.

>> No.14494843

Is it bad that I actually want shitliner to fuck up again? My disdain for Boing outweighs any positivity of success

>> No.14494844

So all future Lunar surface exploration must have minimum possible crew until we achieve the means to reach Mars via nuclear propulsion?

>> No.14494845
File: 2.49 MB, 460x460, 1636792699018.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am legit worried that our Mars colonization will be delayed by several years because Elon is joining the political squabbling on Twitter.

>> No.14494849

it failing again would probably doom the project, which i believe is too interesting for the world to let happen.

>> No.14494852

Tesla will close California factory
SpaceX will move headquarters to Austin, Texas soon as FAA gives license.
SpaceX California space will be wound down to a skeleton crew following Starship's success.
Mark my words.

>> No.14494853
File: 87 KB, 942x404, he was part of that whole yale thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14494854

inb4 it Nauka's and yeets the ISS out of orbit

>> No.14494857

china is already a dead end, they can't afford to replace two factories at once over the next couple of years

>> No.14494858

And of course, thanks to FailLiner I failed to link the right post >>14494766

>> No.14494860

we shouldnt even be going at all until we solve the problems on Earth

>> No.14494862

Inside the mystery box could be anything!

>> No.14494864
File: 357 KB, 2048x1375, boeing water tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14494866

finally a sensible post

>> No.14494867

that explains how poorly it's going for them in the Ukraine

>> No.14494871

the back side of the moon is fucking cursed never show me that again

>> No.14494872

Oh boy.

>> No.14494877

if we kill all the earthers before we've invented spacenoids then humanity will die
this is an issue

>> No.14494876

Nah, he's using his influence to push a GOP win for the next election. Even if its only 1 million out of his 90+ million, thats strong enough vote to change the outcome.

The democrats have trying to stop Musk's companies for years.

>> No.14494878
File: 438 KB, 1170x1681, 1624110684281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sea launch
That's what America's SSNs are for, we have several dozen of them. Russia and China only have a dozen ballistic missile submarines combined, and even fewer cruise missile submarines. America wipes the floor with Russia and China in every single aspect of submarine warfare.

Besides, preventing a first strike against America is the entire point. As for retaliatory strikes, I'd be more concerned about tactical warheads (plenty big to ruin a city..) smuggled into the country through other means. The KGB is alleged to have done this sort of thing in Europe during the cold war. (No firm proof, probably never will be, but there is testimony from defectors to this effect, and some KGB weapon caches were found in Germany and Switzerland based on intel from those defectors.)

>> No.14494881

Starliner has no strategic significance whatsoever.

>> No.14494883

Ukraine was always the brains of the Soviet Empire.

>> No.14494886
File: 76 KB, 470x579, husk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit he really is finished, isn't he?

>> No.14494887

please nuke the cities

>> No.14494890

At this point the government has no other choice than SpaceX, so they can't cancel them.

>> No.14494891

No. He's just beginning.

>> No.14494894

You think they care? They're perfectly willing to kneecap our capabilities if it's to prevent bad goys from stepping out of line. It's only specific parts of the military that cares. And unless they're willing to really step up and oppose Washington then it doesn't matter.

>> No.14494895


>> No.14494897

That spic faggot calling him "special needs" was probably the last straw. He's mad now

>> No.14494899

Starlinks don't count anymore?

>> No.14494903

This, he's untouchable. None of this twitter trolling actually endangers his plans, though it would have derailed anybody else years ago. Elon Musk could get away with cold blooded murder in broad daylight on national television and the government wouldn't even arrest him, let alone prosecute it. He's an irreplaceable strategic asset to the US government they know it. He knows it too, that's why he seems so cocksure with all his trolling.

>> No.14494906

They'll have to kill him to stop him, at this point

>> No.14494907

Mars colonization is just the carrot he needs to get modern American engineers to work on a weapons program.

>> No.14494908

Why do his tweets feel a lotmore unhinged recently?
Is he off his meds or something?

>> No.14494910

>muh meds
He's just having fun. Pathologizing a man's love for trolling is just dumb.

>> No.14494911

Only starships now. It's like witnessing an Heinkel He 178 and then going back to basic bitch planes while they spend years putting an actual ME 262 together

>> No.14494917

he just posts like a gen x dad. it's "unhinged" in the sense that most public faces hide behind prepped media statements and zoomer minders

>> No.14494919

its leftist tradition
anyone that has an opinion outside the orthodoxy MUST be as mentally ill as they are

>> No.14494929

>covid shutdown his only factory in california
>this almost caused bankruptcy for Tesla
>democrats punish all his companies (Tesla hit with multiple lawsuits, SpaceX with denying small funding, Boring Company/Neuralink/Starship hit with regulatory delays)
>democrats passing new EV credits
>Teslas are excluded
>Musk sees the problem as an ideologically driven one
>tries to buy twitter
>hundreds of MSM articles about how free speech is bad for our democracies
>hundreds of MSM articles about how elon musk will bring the end of democracy

Do you really think Musk is unhinged or is he acting fairly rational given the reality?

>> No.14494931

He's 100% correct though.

>> No.14494945

Sounds like Elon got the news early. EIS now required for Boca Chica. Should have played ball with uncle Joe

>> No.14494948

Source: ESGhound told me in a dream

>> No.14494950

Kow-towing won't happen.

Musk will use his influence to push for a next GOP president, which will greenlit his projects and we'll be going to Mars in that presidentship.

Imagine if a next moderate Republican president brings humans to Moon/Mars.

>> No.14494964

>t. ESG Hound

>> No.14494970

More like a 1920 International truck to a modern 18 wheeler. The former worked well when it first came out, but sometimes you just gotta HAUL

>> No.14494991

we should solve all problems on Theia first.

>> No.14494999

Moon landings only happen under Republican presidents

>> No.14495010
File: 552 KB, 805x720, 1531668336166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should just defect to China with all the technology. USA is too fucking retarded for him.

>> No.14495013
File: 787 KB, 1003x633, sfg_dont_go_there_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14495021

Do you see what happens, Larry?!

>> No.14495033

I don't fucking understand it. If it was so expensive to make in the first place, why not say fuck it and go all the way with making the big orange tank reusable as well as other things?

>> No.14495042

The idea behind big orange tank was to make the Shuttle cheaper by using cheap drop tanks mass-produced on a production line rather than having in-line tanks that would make Shuttle turn-around longer and more expensive. Like most aspects of the Shuttle it seemed like a good idea at the time

>> No.14495045

OMB wouldn't sign off on anything more expensive than what we ended up with because they knew it was a waste of money but nixon wanted to give them their shuttle

>> No.14495053

China is WAY worse in every single regard
Stop drinking the Kool aid

>> No.14495059

>it seemed like a good idea at the time
That sums up most of human history

>> No.14495074

federal elections were abolished in the US though
they just appoint who they want to the presidency and crack down on anyone that raises a stink

>> No.14495078
File: 1.75 MB, 1800x900, 1650967235963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, beeg

>> No.14495090

unbelievable how ole Musky could fuck up so hard. Reminds me of the time he though his car was in orbit around Mars

>> No.14495092


>> No.14495096

Based Trump voter

>> No.14495104


>> No.14495106

you're unhinged. schizos MUST go back and STAY


>> No.14495112

50mm diameter, 600mm focal length, 6mm plossl lens.

>> No.14495116

I know you're trying very hard to shoehorn an elden ring reference, but this is shamefully low effort.

>> No.14495120
File: 83 KB, 1024x673, 1646071031871m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14495129

cope, seethe, etc

>> No.14495133

did you write this retarded shit?

>> No.14495141

Living in the Oort Cloud would be really scary.

>> No.14495147

im trans neptunian btw

>> No.14495153

He has fucked up with the twitter deal as we are about to enter another big recession, and he needs something to let off as much steam off it as possible. The whole hesitation about the actual percentage of bots on twatter is fucking whiny because he never actually wanted to seal the deal, just tank the platform. This man doesn't actually care about humanity or spaceflight at all, he's just saying pretty words to get nerds to overwork themselves for him thinking about some motive in the far off future that he doesn't give a shit.

>> No.14495154
File: 1.64 MB, 1x1, 196406 Post-Saturn LVs--MSFC.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's such a shame. This place used to be so much fun. Hopefully its just a temporary slump.

Here's a cool PDF in hope of catalyzing some spaceflight discussion.

>> No.14495163

rumors also say that two of four important molniya sats are kaput, so they only have coverage 12 hours per day

>> No.14495172

>the 'small program' still had 10 space stations, a 12-man moon base and 5 mars landings by 1990

>> No.14495173

U2 suit is kino.

>> No.14495177

>no Shelby
Anon, I am disappoint.

>> No.14495178
File: 49 KB, 595x554, eFTVma9bDq8h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA to take control of SpaceX "for the common good"

>> No.14495189
File: 81 KB, 1196x440, Screenshot 2022-05-18 231127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over. He's lost it. They won't let him get away with this.

>> No.14495191

>our wealth comrade

>> No.14495195

now SS wont launch after SLS because it wont launch at all

>> No.14495197


>> No.14495201

does someone have some Estronaut spreadsheets that we could graffitize

>> No.14495211

The co founders of Twitter just recieved billions each for their shares, I thought the UN said to Elon last year they could fix world hunger with a small loan of 7billion?

>> No.14495214
File: 331 KB, 1266x1124, twitter_interview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go away

>> No.14495215

He's not wrong, but dear god he needs to shut the fuck up. Twitter was a mistake, him buying twitter was an even bigger one.

>> No.14495222

Now this is a /pol/tard.

>> No.14495225

If they're making it painful, then it must really be worth something. Otherwise, they'd let it through without an issue.

>> No.14495228

the US military loves it too much to let it die to some jews seething

>> No.14495231
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>> No.14495232

what do you mean
/pol/ hates the bugmen, just like everyone else that isn't retarded

>> No.14495237

noe those are some big balls

>> No.14495242

Last time I checked /pol/ loved China. I guess /pol/ can improve sometimes.

>> No.14495258

Musk has completely embarrassed himself today

>> No.14495262


>> No.14495269



>> No.14495280

Why do you losers defend a billionaire?

>> No.14495281

all true

>> No.14495284

Stupid /sfg/, go back to talking about tomorrow's OFT-2.

>> No.14495296

It doesn't feel real.

>> No.14495311

>democrats claim to be pro-ev/pro-environment/pro-income inequality
>forcibly shutdown Tesla
>forcibly shutdown nuclear power
>forcibly shutdown small businesses
>blame "big corporate"

>> No.14495312
File: 23 KB, 400x250, Resurs F-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They were still dropping film canisters from orbit?
If it works, don't try fixing it. In all likelyhood it's because filmcanisters are immune to signal hijacking and tapping.
Vostok is still flying to this day, although mostly only in appearance

>> No.14495313

All he has to do is bribe these political retards and we can get back on schedule. It literally doesn't matter who's in office.

>> No.14495316

Better yet, all he has to do is kowtow to Biden and suck Biden's old smelly dick
Why won't Elon just do that?

>> No.14495317
File: 253 KB, 517x757, pessimist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "small pessimistic" forecast would be considered foolishly ambitious today. Christ, this makes me sad.

>> No.14495319

>china cartoon says to come to china

>> No.14495322
File: 272 KB, 750x723, 5479AE05-1DC7-425F-AD87-1EC2294CD06F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one single schizo derailing the threads into political discussion. He is the same person who thinks Zubrin is a Marxist and hates anime.

>> No.14495324

because Bidet is too busy getting sucked off by you right now

>> No.14495327

Zubrin was a communist. Isn't anymore.

>> No.14495329

Why stop there? Why don't you combine all the things that you dislike and attribute it to one person?

>> No.14495332

>filmcanisters are immune to signal hijacking and tapping.
Very fair point, that's a good idea.

>> No.14495342

It amuses me when bigger men like Von Braun clearly didn't let their pride get in the way, but Elon can't stomach it

>> No.14495344

Because it’s not true. But he (You) is the anti anime schizo and the Zubrin hater as he (You) made clear in previous threads.

>> No.14495350
File: 32 KB, 200x421, bion_m_tus_kgch_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also launched a Vostok derivative back in 2013 carrying some animals on a research mission. I know its fun to meme on Russia for not innovating but a part of me thinks it's neat there are still living lineages of vehicles from the dawn of the space age

>> No.14495351

Tell me what happened to Von Braun? His program got cancelled, there's no Mars. There's no Moon. Von Braun's claim to fame lasted for 5 minutes for sending humans to the Moon. Then it was shutdown.

>> No.14495357

Elon's problem can only be solved by removing Biden and electing a moderate Republican. Someone that understands the reality of economics and of technological superiority capabilities.

>> No.14495361

So long as Biden stays in office, his posses wont allow Musk to proceed any further. Guaranteed. They've been waging a war against all his companies for years now.

>> No.14495364

Just don’t be senile and or a populist.

>> No.14495365

Is that so too much to ask for in current America?

>> No.14495376

Elon just shut the fuck up, just shut up
Go back to building rockets and making cars
Stop painting a target on your back
I want off of this planet

>> No.14495377

>Someone that understands the reality of economics and of technological superiority capabilities.
Abbo and DeSanta are both retards in their own way and are the likely front runners for republicans

>> No.14495385

Abbot winning President would be great news for Tesla/SpaceX for sure. But so would Desantis as well. Since Musk has friendly relations with both.

>> No.14495389

Imagine some derivative of the Apollo CSM being used on Orion

>> No.14495407
File: 473 KB, 750x1076, B4B26804-E5F4-4A87-93DD-D3A9585FF022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no ESG bros we got too cocky!

>> No.14495429

Could you really blame him for dying 5 years after the last moon landing? Also, he was suffering from cancer from '73 onwards. I know that the Saturn program got shafted, but it's not really comparable to what's happening now. I don't think it was ever sustainable like SpaceX.

>> No.14495436

Von Braun was forced to quit after Saturn V was shutdown. Because he didn't put more of his pride/ego on line, and he couldn't because he was a Nazi at that point, we've been stuck on Earth for the last 50 years.

>> No.14495443

Still nothing concrete

>> No.14495447

Sissy hounds…

>> No.14495467

the best thing for him would be if there were someone even higher profile that could take the heat off

>> No.14495472

yeah, and lori garver is nasa adminostrator. you cried wolf too many a time, berger

>> No.14495491

SLS won't fly intil 2023

>> No.14495512

you're flat out wrong

>> No.14495519
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>> No.14495527

China lets their big strategic corps do whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.14495528

last time I checked /pol/ was filled with bugmen praising russia and china

>> No.14495529

>>14494834 >>14494829

merely an ocean and weather observation satellite

>> No.14495536

absolutely every pro-chinese post on there is made by the chinese themselves in their innumerable astroturfing farms
they got sweatshops filled with desks, all holding 40+ phones a piece, all pretending to be different people, but all pretending china isn't a backwater shithole and paper dragon

>> No.14495537
File: 195 KB, 584x522, 01-02-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finally happening. Boing is back.

>> No.14495555

Coool :)

>> No.14495561


>> No.14495567

Kill yourself

>> No.14495572

>Elon bought twitter to get the common folk on his side!!11
>the common folk:

>> No.14495584

wait, Starliner OFT2 is tomorrow? holy shit


>> No.14495585
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>> No.14495604

>Correction: China's big strategic corps do whatever the fuck the CCP tells them to do and absolutely nothing else

>> No.14495607
File: 131 KB, 900x1200, estronaut starliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14495625

>sfg going crazy
babby's first elon meltdown?

>> No.14495630


>> No.14495666

wow fucking great job elon

>> No.14495669


>> No.14495672

>The Biological Opinion is objectively garbage and the Service will get sued over it.
Uh oh...he's mad

>> No.14495680
File: 10 KB, 155x238, Chud-bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im team blue now
gradatim ferociter

>> No.14495684


never thought id say this bit here it goes:


>> No.14495701
File: 2.00 MB, 1170x1824, 28BF2EBD-F130-4180-933A-71317D88642F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that architecture on other planetary bodies should be taking advantage of the lower gravity

>> No.14495704
File: 1.59 MB, 800x450, 1576853441211.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right! Thruster Boogaloo part 2!

>> No.14495718

>stream LIVE NOW!
>"Elon Musk Live ! SpaceX's Follow Starlink Mission !Starlink Mission Launch! Crew Dragon SpaceX !"
>totally not keyword spam
>started streaming 10 hours ago
>6335 watching now
>chat is subscriber-only
>channel named "SpaceX's"
>only video on this channel
totally not sus


>> No.14495734
File: 8 KB, 200x311, 1476929205833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internal clocks incorrectly set along with shopping list of software faults
>parachute deployment failure
>valves corroded on the pad
>chopped someones legs off
How much more cursed can this thing get?

>> No.14495740

When is the next Russian launch? Haven’t heard much in the last month or so

>> No.14495749

A lot of young twitter lefties are facing their "Hans are we the baddies?" moment.

>> No.14495752

>chopped someones legs off

>> No.14495757

Elon has commited political suicide today.
Expect ZERO starships approvals while the dems are in the WH.

>> No.14495763

Did you forget the bit where it would have failed to update the gross vehicle weight after detaching from the service module before re-entry? They only discovered that when all the other bullshit made them actually look at their fucking code.
We totally missed out on a fiery re-entry.

>> No.14495764

>In 2017, Starliner had an accident during a ground test that forced the president of a different subcontractor to have his leg medically amputated. The subcontractor sued, and Boeing subsequently settled the case.
I think Berger got a contact to spill that the pyrotechnics blew on a test stand and it hit the guy in the legs, not sure if that's 100% accurate but it's probably on his twitter feed somewhere.

>> No.14495765

>remove the atmosphere

>> No.14495770
File: 601 KB, 924x815, 1618349175005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14495778

Soviet tier blunder

>> No.14495779

what the fuck? why doesnt /esfeegee/ talk more about this everytime starliner is brought up?

>> No.14495783

This what a dumbass, they're gonna go after Starship and SpaceX now purely out of spite

>> No.14495785


>> No.14495786

I hope it does the RCS dance party AFTER docking, like Nauka before her.

>> No.14495789

>they are going to do something they are already doing

>> No.14495791

they were already doing that
Musky shitting in their cheerios changes nothing

>> No.14495792

It was covered up and the public only found out last week.

>> No.14495795

No way!

>> No.14495797

Kinda but not quite. Starliner was planned to go up under a balloon so it could be dropped to test the parachute system. The guy was on a ladder making last minute connections when the pyros unexpectedly fired and shifted the capsule. He went off the ladder, fell 20 feet, and shattered his ankle. Then the ladder fell on him. The type of ladder that was being used was supposed to have been banned by Boeing several years earlier "due to risk of catastrophic injury". The damage to his leg was bad enough that it had to be amputated below the knee.

>> No.14495803

damn that sucks
fucking useless piece of shit capsule, atleast dragon hasnt wounded anyone (that i know of) besides setting itself on fire that one time

>> No.14495805

>setting itself on fire
You mean vaporized itself

>> No.14495809
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>> No.14495816

I think this was less an issue with Starliner itself and more an issue with Boeing just having terrible safety culture in general.

Should be an exciting launch tomorrow!

>> No.14495826
File: 861 KB, 1165x874, absolute starliner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost guaranteed that it will scrub for """"an abdunance of caution""""

>> No.14495832

then another 6 months for finding the fault

>> No.14495857

launch thread when?

>> No.14495858

be the change you want to see

>> No.14495864


>> No.14495894

starliner stream:

live in 19 hours

>> No.14495896

Cool, so no elon interview part 2?

>> No.14495901

not yet, we should get 4 of them in total

>> No.14495905
File: 99 KB, 680x457, 680F36AA-9620-4AB9-8243-0C64F3FD3D21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think this will stick but if it does then the EPA, among other things, is dead as doornails. Hell it could strip power from the NRC

>> No.14495906

What's the fuckin hold up?

>> No.14495911

The silence and delays make me think that maybe spacex is reviewing and saw something they didn’t want to be made public. Maybe even stupid ITAR faggotry

>> No.14495912

dodd has to get them screen by spacex

>> No.14495921

The video hasnt gotten enough views yet. Each video must hit a certain count before the next upload

>> No.14495933

Or the ATF, who somehow get away with legislating via opinion letter

>> No.14495934

Yeah those are the two worst offenders. It might even affect the NRC. Shit it affects the TSA, possibly the FAA, it might even affect some national security agencies. It’s probably a bit too far reaching to survive as is.

>> No.14495942

a faggot, why does he wear the suit

>> No.14495948
File: 1.68 MB, 2016x1512, lv0009 on road 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several justices on SCOTUS including Thomas and ACB explicitly favor that exact non-delegation doctrine.

Also making this space related: right now the FAA's leeway is such that getting a license is a process of negotiation, and that discretion can be exercised by random DC bureaucrats who have never seen either the rocket or the range in question. If non-delegation gets enforced the FAA is absolutely getting whacked.

>> No.14495949

needs a krystal

>> No.14495951
File: 67 KB, 830x553, rocket-white-balanced-830x553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to their "rocket can fit in a container" gimmick?

>> No.14495952

retard here, is that good for spacex or bad

>> No.14495955
File: 7 KB, 167x235, E-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish the E-1 had happened. I would have been at the perfect sweep spot for engine size

>> No.14495956

It still does. LV0010 is in one right now. LV0009 was going boxless because it got loaded on to a privately owned C-130 at Oakland International (which is like 15 minutes from the office) to fly north and the C-130 could fit the rocket but not the container.

>> No.14495958

What does this mean?

>> No.14495960

Propellant is stored in the balls

>> No.14495965

The von isn't capitalized, it's a particle or title or something

>> No.14495968

it's like Xenon, a noble particle

>> No.14495974

The unconstitutional Federal government is going to get taken out behind the shed and shot

>> No.14495976

daily launch good

>> No.14495977


>> No.14495982

If it stands it can become precedent for future lawsuits and rulings that basically any regulatory agency is A unable to have their own courts and B unable to write their own regulations. They would be forced to put all regulations through congress and while they could enforce violations they would have to take defendants to regular court
Congress and courts are both pretty backed up and slow. This is not wholly good for anyone desu as it could end up with decisions taking years because of how long the legal process takes. But it does mean that the following cannot happen
>congress appoints a National Cum Agency
>NCA creates regulations on the amount of cum one can expel in a week
>NCA goon squads arrests you for fapping to hentai and you go to special cumcourt without a jury

>> No.14495983

why isnt esghound freaking out then

>> No.14495985

Thanks, I didn't know that. So it's like Werner "of" Braun?

>> No.14495990

He's a dumb faggot.

>> No.14495991

No idea but something like that
I do know it's never capitalized

>> No.14495993
File: 7 KB, 265x163, sig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What is it that makes it possible for us to spend $20,000 million dollars of our tax payer's money to put some idiot on the Moon."
Amazing how nothing has changed in over 60 years.

>> No.14495999

>Susan Helms, a former NASA astronaut who serves on the panel, said that the agency is “no-go” for spacewalks, or EVAs, currently because the ongoing investigation.

absolute state of our EVA hardware

>> No.14496008

The foundring version turns the song into something that isn't just garbage

>> No.14496015

Any other impacts it could have?

>> No.14496018
File: 100 KB, 2558x1275, Lunar-Starship-Artemis-SpaceX-render-1-crop-c-2747271830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a theory that these currently unknown side mounted engines on SpaceX's lunar lander concept are Kestrel engines
Think about the engines used on the Apollo lander, pressure fed, high ISP, and vacuum optimized, the reason for this engine cycle is because of the importance of reliability in the lunar ascent phase of a moon mission with no abort possibilities
now compare the Lunar Module's Ascent propulsion system to the Kestrel, same pressure fed cycle, and similar ISP, and vacuum optimized
The size of the engines in this picture also match up with the Kestrel, and aren't very large, meaning that not much interior space will be used by them.
The only issue with this theory is that it uses RP1-LOX instead of methane, which requires one more tank. it's not like a lunar starship needs header tanks so just put one where a header tank would have gone.

>> No.14496020

No idea. But a lot of regulations are decided outside of congress

>> No.14496022

Why is musk becoming trump lite on twitter I just want him to make big rocket wtf

>> No.14496025

yeah its really annoying

>> No.14496028
File: 143 KB, 443x370, 1651095825456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your side is the baddies, anon. Elon knows it.

>> No.14496030

are you new? we know exactly what those are (were, raptor-based hot gas thrusters). elon confirmed they canned the idea in favor of ullage gas thrusters/vents.

>> No.14496050
File: 180 KB, 1368x724, Screen Shot 2022-05-18 at 11.46.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elon has to go

>> No.14496053

He seems bored
But yeah he’s always been a bit of a faggot when he’s not focused (like all autists tbqh)

>> No.14496060

He needs a launch at least as badly as we do. This is why his post quality has gone down.

>> No.14496062
File: 466 KB, 1242x1413, 15E97CE9-76BF-40CB-8C39-070819D24B55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw some unique anti-SpaceX seethe today lads. Never heard this particular bit of bullshit before

>> No.14496067
File: 1.08 MB, 4096x2916, 1632387889381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14496070

single-engine E1 first stage with a centaur upper would have been a nice rocket too

>> No.14496084

>Saw some unique anti-SpaceX seethe today lads. Never heard this particular bit of bullshit before
The seethe machine has historically been a good sign that someone powerful and with a lot of connections is feeling threatened.

>> No.14496095
File: 1.06 MB, 2120x626, Screen Shot 2022-05-18 at 6.03.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk said that the ullage gas vents were for use on normal starships/superheavies for attitude control, nothing to do with the descent/ascent engines on HLS
There's absolutely no way ullage gas venting is going to give you enough thrust to descend/ liftoff from the moon, not to mention that theres no way a starship could produce that much gas
Compare the hot gas vents on the starship prototypes vs the HLS concept, the newest version, (rendered after this switch to a hot gas system) is still depicted with larger bell nozzles than hot gas thrusters

>> No.14496104

The SEC isn't a real court so anything it does is fake and ghey.

>> No.14496121
File: 959 KB, 1200x639, admiral_pence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's unbanning trump isn't he, my body is ready.

>> No.14496168

Witnessing this speech in person was thrilling, I could feel the nervousness from all the chinese in the crowd

>> No.14496178

since 2015 alot of countries got military space units and even whole ass space forces
how long until poorfag countries get military space units?

>> No.14496198

>china launching 2 asteroid sampling missions
is asteroid sampling the precursor to asteroid mining?

>> No.14496200

lmao dumbass

>> No.14496205

>learning how to land on asteroids
>learning how to check their mineral composition

>> No.14496206


>“Participation in America’s space program is not an entitlement. It is a privilege. Most people understand that. …
>Administrator, I would ask you to let me know if there are company leaders out there who need a reminder of this principle. It is a principle on which I know we both agree.”

>> No.14496212

i think they are talking about boeing

>> No.14496213
File: 105 KB, 6000x1800, VLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me a rocket/rocket family name and I'll give you a nice little graph
Here's the star of the brazilian space program

>> No.14496215

Just laying the foundations/precedence. For future use where they can cancel SpaceX.

>> No.14496219

When they get atarship working, they will start woeking on the colonization tech
Starship is on the critical path and needs to be solved first, doing random other things simultaneously might be slower

>> No.14496220
File: 2.00 MB, 1078x1614, Screen Shot 2022-05-18 at 7.14.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my autistic brain decided that building a lego boing starliner and Atlas V out of legos was a good use of time
goes good next to my dragon capsule
It's monochrome because lego doesn't make pieces in an atlas V like brown so it's a garish green instead
it would be cool if it blows up tomorrow so I can make a funny video of me throwing it against a wall for the occasion

>> No.14496223
File: 129 KB, 6000x1800, Vostok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a more interesting one

>> No.14496224

>anti-anime schizo plays with childrens toys
you can't make this shit up

>> No.14496226

I know you're false flagging to get people to hate anime posting, what makes you think that I'm against anime?

>> No.14496239

white house intern?

>> No.14496242


>> No.14496245


>> No.14496247

Starliner Atlas V doesn't have any angle pieces between the capsule/skirt and the Centaur
also you made the Centaur too long?

>> No.14496248

thanks for proving me right
shouldn't you be dilating to a picture of von braun right now?

>> No.14496251

huh I didn't realize last Vostok flew in 90s

>> No.14496253

please ask me for graphs, i'm desperate

>> No.14496254

SpaceX cancalled

>> No.14496255

give me Delta II

>> No.14496256

Do you have any data on the target inclinations?

>> No.14496258
File: 121 KB, 6000x1800, Delta II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, here is your graph

>> No.14496263

break it down by class of Delta II

>> No.14496264

No that was at the IAC in 2019.
I've been trying to go most years since 2016, when I went almost exclusively for the first BFR/MCT/Starship presentation. Had a great time and now I go regardless of whether elon has a talk planned.

>> No.14496266

Could you do a compare/contrast with Soyuz and F9?

>> No.14496267
File: 423 KB, 1451x1920, 1648872034091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you do a Space Shuttle one?

>> No.14496268

open an economics textbook

>> No.14496270

uhh...Jackie Chan

give me Ariane 1-4

>> No.14496271
File: 138 KB, 6000x1800, Space Shuttle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could do that but I need to change the code a bit so I'll add it tomorrow, going to bed soon
Here's Shuttle

>> No.14496277


>> No.14496278
File: 268 KB, 6000x3600, Falcon 9 vs Soyuz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14496280

I can't believe we have an anti-schizo-schizo

>> No.14496285


Imagine if Challenger didn't happen and launch rates continued growing like that.

>> No.14496286
File: 127 KB, 6000x1800, Ariane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14496287

Blue Streak

>> No.14496288
File: 127 KB, 1920x1079, atlas2520v2520n22_image_20190224012241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dang you're right, my reference image was inaccurate to the real one

>> No.14496295
File: 108 KB, 6000x1800, Europa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have missiles
But here's Europa which had Blue Streak as an upper stage

>> No.14496299

Atlas V

>> No.14496302


>> No.14496304


>> No.14496306

>Imagine if Challenger didn't happen and launch rates continued growing like that.
They wouldn't have though. They only managed so much in 1985 by pushing everyone to the limit and throwing all caution to the wind and even then couldn't reach the minimum 12 flights a year promised

>> No.14496308
File: 109 KB, 634x481, article-0-0F06480C00000578-71_634x481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if they have their own space force but no one can beat the Ugandans when it comes to poorfag space programs. Pic related, this spaceplane was supposed to be weaponized.
>'I have trained my crew (in) advanced astronomy. They are very good at astronomy in regards to calculations and identifications of various space objects.'
>And when asked how he plans to simulate zero gravity for training, he said it would be 'easy'.
>He added: 'I've got a jet engine on order so I'm planning to build a tunnel, put the engine at one end and when I throw a guy in he'll float in a similar way to how he would in space.'
Don't feed the anime schizo, he makes allegations like that all the time, and the only way it would be a false flag is if it was intentionally designed to look like one so people think the other side is trying to frame him. In reality he just has schizophrenia.

>> No.14496309

Thanks. Yea, I should have said Europa. Blue Streak was the first stage. I wonder if there is a rocket with a worse track record.

>> No.14496310
File: 145 KB, 6000x1800, Atlas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would need to fiddle a bit for that one since every Atlas rocket is in the same category, might do it tomorrow
Here's the whole Atlas family

>> No.14496313

damn, that must have been kino of the highest order.

>> No.14496315
File: 94 KB, 879x485, pence-discovery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss him so much bros

>> No.14496320

Atlas I, II, and III are essentially the same rocket but Atlas V is completely different

>> No.14496329
File: 116 KB, 6000x1800, Simorgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simorgh (iranian rocket) is the one with the most failures without any successes, N1 failed 4 times as well

>> No.14496333

yeah I didn't make the database unfortunately

>> No.14496337

neat, first time hearing about this rocket.

>> No.14496338

Thank you for the requests, it was fun. I'm going to bed so good night and good day space anons

>> No.14496352


>> No.14496357

Yes please go back to your diacord, tranny

>> No.14496359


>> No.14496368

It's about Boeing and their cost plus contracts.

>> No.14496375

>Here's the whole Atlas family
That's actually even better, thanks

>> No.14496376

That's what Shuttle II was supposed to be.

>> No.14496397


>> No.14496401

>privately owned C-130
wew I had no idea.


>> No.14496407


>> No.14496412

Democrats are eally shooting themselves in the foot if musk endorsing republicans gets them over the finish line in the next election
Additionally, if they greenlight everything, republicans can also use moon and mars landings to further their politics (see what the private corporations are able to do if we dont obstruct them)

>> No.14496421


WTF BROS. The raptors are being tested daily at the rate of 3-4 per day.

How is that possible? Didn't they just explode their raptor just yesterday? WTF

>> No.14496424

He's focused on Tesla/Twitter purchase now

>> No.14496477

That was 2 weeks ago.

>> No.14496526
File: 335 KB, 1080x1316, IMG_20220519_151433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, Elon has gone off the deep end. I am now a Bezos Booster.

>> No.14496556


>> No.14496596

Yeah, we all saw the reddit post

>> No.14496602

cant believe it took us 60 years to go from government manned missions to private ones

>> No.14496615

No we didn't because we don't go to fucking reddit

>> No.14496623
File: 349 KB, 1920x1081, 1638586392555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

martians were always meant to fight the earthers

>> No.14496633

>$1.5 billion has been spent on the Exploration Upper Stage already
lmao wtf

>> No.14496635

(((Earthers))) need to be destroyed so future of Humanity can thrive on Mars and beyond.

>> No.14496754

Getting bored lol

>> No.14496758
File: 371 KB, 1000x1521, GT-12_launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14496760

is that a royal "we"?
I sure as hell didn't

>> No.14496762
File: 136 KB, 960x659, ZB3nXRwD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14496764

What the fuck is a reddit

>> No.14496766

a miserable pile of libtards

>> No.14496773
File: 435 KB, 1819x1500, d241x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 hours remain

>> No.14496814
File: 342 KB, 619x522, Gendo_Musk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this man so much. Everything he says and does is what I agree with. Is this what it felt like in 2016?

>> No.14496818

Damn thats a lot of soyz launches

>> No.14496820

It's similar, but a lot of people have been demoralized, so are screaming shit, like calling him the antichrist, controlled opposition and other dumb stuff

>> No.14496826

Swallowing fabrication general

>> No.14496833

It doesn't matter, trump has already said he won't go back.

>> No.14496837

not ugly enough
but I like it

>> No.14496838
File: 2.45 MB, 2207x2217, Titan-3C_MOL-Gemini-B-Test_3_(crop).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what could have been

>> No.14496850

The head isn't meaty enough.

>> No.14496860
File: 96 KB, 600x226, atlas02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've heard of MOL, but have you heard of the Atlas wet workshop space station? They even put out a toy.


>> No.14496866

only oldfags know that galileo carried an atmospheric probe

>> No.14496905
File: 1.83 MB, 2884x2824, 1651432385781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a miserable pile of miserable libtards

>> No.14496941


We are going

>> No.14496948

The only thing Boeing “deserves” is a nuclear holocaust

>> No.14496951


>> No.14496953

is it me or is colonizing mars becoming more common in the media? are they trying to get us used to the idea of people living there?

>> No.14496964

One sci-fi telenovela does not show a pattern.

>> No.14496966
File: 21 KB, 621x354, for all failkind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I will remind them

>> No.14496978

It has an african-american transgender capitalist who only seeks glory/profits in zer's quest for Mars colonization.

>> No.14496979
File: 38 KB, 474x642, OIP.rjNQlxajDcl7NyVpFQAzOAHaKC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space in general has been increasingly common in normie media in recent years. No doubt Elon's notoriety has helped in some way.

>> No.14496986

Never thought I'd see a starliner launch.. I'm hyped, bros.

>> No.14496994

when is the launch? where is the stream?

>> No.14497018

Doesn't help that real SpaceX channel doesn't even show up when you search for it.

>> No.14497027
File: 53 KB, 806x614, lömkökpokpo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ESG is going to have an aneurysm when starship launches in a month or two

>> No.14497032

it's still (allegedly) 9 hours away

>> No.14497047
File: 51 KB, 599x510, hjkhukhhkuhkuhkuhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14497097

>ESG is going to have an aneurysm
Why are you obsessed with him? It's like /tv/ and their obsession with troons

>> No.14497104

I enjoy the occasional salt watching

>> No.14497149

Tbh he’s pretty boring as he’s lost a lot of credibility and it’s increasingly obvious he’s just another short/investor in other sectors. Like he wrote an entire defense of shorting. His stuff about sound is also quite wrong numbers wise, and his stuff about the power plant never had significant substantiation for its more outlandish and consequential claims.
Now he just reads tea leaves

>> No.14497154


>> No.14497156

>wrote a defense of shorting
This sounds retarded because the entire concept of stock is supposed to be an evaluation of how effective an organization is. So he's arguing why... using an integral component of the stock market is good?

>> No.14497167

It was something about how shorting is a better moral hood than regular investments. I rolled my eyes and moved on because it was obvious why he was on about it, but I just can’t take him seriously since then as he’s just stopped pretending to be unbiased or earnestly curious.

>> No.14497174

same with the UFO idea. Big release coming soon

>> No.14497175

>he’s lost a lot of credibility
Only retards thought he had any credibility to begin with.

Everyone else saw him as CSS's alt account

>> No.14497185

you're right
nothing matters
go ahead and off yourself

>> No.14497187

so will the starliner launch be livestreamed somewhere?

>> No.14497216

>For what it's worth: an anonymous poster on the NK forum is now claiming that both Kosmos-2551 and 2555 were used as targets to test the Peresvet mobile laser system. He doesn't reveal his source of information for that, saying only he knows this "for sure". It's hard to say how reliable this information is. It is interesting though that the re-entry of Kosmos-2555 coincided with a statement by Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov that Peresvet is intended to blind enemy reconnaissance satellites flying over Russian territory (see yesterday's posts in the Peresvet thread).

>The same poster also said Kosmos-2555 is called EMKA, but that it is not nr. 3. This would indicate that Kosmos-2551 and 2555 are both considered "experimental small satellites" (which is what EMKA stands for), but are of a different type than the first EMKA, launched as Kosmos-2525 in 2018. Kosmos-2525 was also placed into a low orbit, but unlike Kosmos-2551 and 2555 performed regular maneuvers to maintain the proper altitude and was most likely on a photographic reconnaissance mission.

>> No.14497220

>In other words, EMKA could be a generic name that refers not to one particular type of satellite, but to several types of experimental satellites, possibly built by one and the same manufacturer (VNIIEM). As could be determined from a court document, the "specific" name of Kosmos-2525 was Razdan-N (not to be confused with the big Razdan photoreconnaissance satellites of RKTs Progress).

>The picture now emerging is that Kosmos-2551 and 2555 may not have been failures after all and were actually intended to stay in orbit for only several weeks. The chances that the two satellites suffered exactly the same type of failure must be considered relatively small.

>> No.14497237

Yeah, so no Elon interview pt2. But he has time to stream the cuckliner scrub today

>> No.14497240

Wait, is part two officially cancelled?

>> No.14497253

>Peresvet is [able] to blind enemy reconnaissance satellites flying over Russian territory

>> No.14497283

Blinding isn't very difficult, some reconnaissance sats have extremely delicate sensors due to their accuracy

>> No.14497337

How is his sound stuff wrong numbers-wise? The noise assessment being for a 62 MN rocket when other parts of the PEA plan for 74 MN is fact. I'd also argue that SpaceX going from 250 MW to 15 MW on the power plant is pretty much a confirmation that he was at least directionally right on that stuff. I think he continually underestimates how good Musk is at slipping through the cracks, but that doesn't mean his analysis is wrong. I'm not sure there will be lawsuits, but he's probably right that there would be sufficient reason to bring them.

>> No.14497348
File: 299 KB, 480x270, hqdefault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.14497359

Bezos's era begins.

>> No.14497380

Launches per year since year 2000.

>> No.14497395

why was wet workshop never tried?

>> No.14497403

tldr space was largely a dick swinging contest, not anything else.

>> No.14497406

All your equipment has to either survive being dunked in propellant on the way up or fit through the docking port.

>> No.14497411
File: 347 KB, 1199x1500, 57309084782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it has an almost perfectly identical plot to Nat Geo's Mars season 2 desu, from searching for subsurface water and life to driving around in roovers, bad dust storms and muh corporation guys bad, NASA good

>> No.14497422

I specifically need a Rogozin AAAAA pink wojak, other than "JUST SELL ELON THE ROCKET!"

>> No.14497428

spayce hard :DDD

>> No.14497432
File: 123 KB, 500x364, 0004628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time wet workshops were ever seriously considered was during planning for Apollo Applications. When it became clear that no more Saturn rockets were going to be produced it was decided to sacrifice a Moon mission to skip ahead to a dry workshop, which was always meant to follow on from the initial wet workshop stations anyways.
There were also a proposal to make a Shuttle ET wet workshop but NASA rejected it because it would be "too roomy"

>> No.14497445

>too roomy

>> No.14497450

Your soul is as shackled to the chains of gravity as Bezos' Boosters.

>> No.14497451

>"too roomy"
somehow that wouldn't surprise if it is really true lmao

>> No.14497453
File: 30 KB, 400x600, adam sandler gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too roomy

>> No.14497458

So they intend to destroy Starlinks?

Wonder what Biden would do.

>> No.14497465

I declare SLS "too powerful", therefore we must cancel it now and replace it with a less powerful rocket.
>Wonder what Biden would do
Mutter incoherently about baby formula and wander off stage

>> No.14497467
File: 31 KB, 469x369, stsetst1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ET would have provided a huge working space, and one major problem with various wet workshop designs is what to do with all of it. The oxygen tank, the smaller of the two tanks inside the ET, was itself much larger than the entire Space Station Freedom.
God forbid we develop a space station without spreading out the cost over a couple dozen different modules

>> No.14497474

>NASA rejected it because it would be "too roomy"
Need source on this before i start raging

>> No.14497481

much easier to deck out the interior on the ground than in space and we had plenty of saturn Vs anyway

>> No.14497493

berger retweeting the Russian laser asat gives the rumor credibility

>> No.14497500

>and one major problem with various wet workshop designs is what to do with all of it
How is that even a problem? lmao, oldspace thinking is really something else

>> No.14497507

more volume means more space that needs pressurization and climate control, it's not just extra free space that comes at no cost

>> No.14497512

So just pressurize it and add more climate control, what's the problem?

>> No.14497524

space is hard

>> No.14497532

Oh okay, say no more

>> No.14497542
File: 37 KB, 1595x1414, ODSa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When NASA gets an autistic way of doing something stuck in their head they're very stubborn to give it up. They envisioned Freedom as being assembled in multiple modules delivered by the Space Shuttle and no alternative would suffice, no matter have more practical they might be. See also Mars Sample Return, which has had the same problem since the original JPL plan involving separate sample collection and sample fetching rovers was put forward in the 80s

>> No.14497545
File: 2.84 MB, 1920x1080, enterpriseHanger2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

convert the LOX tank into a hanger

>> No.14497548

*Hydrogen tank, fuck

>> No.14497554

>needs pressurization
easy peasy, air is light as shit, that's why they call it air.

>> No.14497558

its not that easy in space station pressurization

>> No.14497563
File: 170 KB, 1024x1024, 20220519_100616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attn: Böing!

>> No.14497598


Methane delivery came through.

Now booster static fire testing possible

>> No.14497606

SpaceX is floundering.

>> No.14497625

I can't wait to watch them fuck it up

>> No.14497634
File: 736 KB, 220x391, 1650165090029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been this excited for a launch in a while.

>> No.14497653

Your "space station" would be an empty metal tube and it would need dozens of launches to covert it into something useable as well as countless astronaut work hours.

>> No.14497673

didn't the iss also require dozens of launches and countless astronaut work hours to put together? as long as it costs less than $150 billion who cares

>> No.14497676


>> No.14497736

So how do we cope if Boing actually goes to space today without failure?

>> No.14497741
File: 357 KB, 1920x1080, r2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simply beautiful. reminder that there will be raptor 3 and raptor 4. it will become the best engine in the world.

>> No.14497749

Mildly disappointed but honestly I'm expecting them to pull it off at this point. If only Nauka hadn't gone apeshit. Then maybe Starliner would have launched when it was originally supposed to before they could catch any problems

>> No.14497759

Sooo... if starliner RUDs today then I imagine NASA would conduct a full safety review or some similar cuck shit like that on boing!, and then such review would also affect SLS, right?

>> No.14497761

Huh? They've been delivering methane for a few months.

>> No.14497765
File: 128 KB, 6000x1800, Atlas V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's only Atlas V

>> No.14497768

Trump wont be able to resist the call of the shitpost

>> No.14497777
File: 496 KB, 1099x759, 1467116637624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 failures

>> No.14497779

>if starliner RUDs today then I imagine NASA would conduct a full safety review
i am so sorry my child.

>> No.14497781
File: 44 KB, 481x472, 20-12-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can 3D print Starliner, if you want to.

>> No.14497784

I already have a trash can though

>> No.14497786

The slowdown in government launches and the commercial slump combined with the SpaceX Effect has been quite visible, hasn't it

>> No.14497789

>before they could catch any problems

>> No.14497793

Whoops, guess we'll need to spend a few more billions putting things right

>> No.14497796

I mean Nauka fucking up did unfortunately give them time to catch serious problems hence the year long delay. Whether they caught all them remains to be seen

>> No.14497797
File: 66 KB, 1024x962, a38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4.5 hours till launch
But I have to go to bed in 3

>> No.14497801
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 1632429294716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nelson is speaking bluntly about his exasperation with ML2’s contractor, Bechtel National. He told the Senate Appropriations CJS subcommittee on May 3 that the company underbid to get the contract and now can’t perform, but since it is a cost-plus contract, NASA is stuck and has to pay the additional costs. He reiterated that at this hearing. “I don’t like it,” he exclaimed, adding he is looking forward to a report from NASA’s Inspector General that will provide “insight into mistakes that were made.” But the bottom line is NASA needs ML2.

Should be laws against scummy shit like this, no wonder he called cost-plus a plague

>> No.14497806

just move to a more convenient timezone

>> No.14497814

>Aderholt’s district is near NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, home to much of NASA’s nuclear propulsion research, and he leads efforts every year to ensure funding for nuclear thermal propulsion in particular. Last year the Biden Administration requested zero. Congress added $110 million in line with what they’d appropriated in earlier years.

>At the hearing, Aderholt wanted to know where the money has gone because there’s little to show for it. Nelson didn’t answer that directly, but thanked Congress for keeping the program alive even though the White House didn’t support it last year.

MORE scummy shit this time from NASA/Biden Admin

>> No.14497817

I got a surprise week off of work, so I'm going to Florida to watch Transporter 5 go off.

I just learned that the booster will be returning to the cape. :O This is gonna be wild.

>> No.14497837

I'm going to the gym with my gf

>> No.14497842

I gotta work an hour before launch. I'll read your shitposts when I get back.

>> No.14497844
File: 42 KB, 932x622, biden_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White house didn't support dead end nothing burger
Based honestly. Fuck nuclear fags

>> No.14497854
File: 731 KB, 7300x1641, Delta toos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14497870

Rogozin recently made a post comparing Starliner Atlas to a Panzerfaust

>> No.14497873
File: 154 KB, 6000x1800, All.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have it since 1957

>> No.14497876
File: 48 KB, 1024x752, 1630017629824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good.

>> No.14497882

inb4 the anon who thinks laser thermal propulsion is a better option

>> No.14497893

I will repeat myself when it comes to Rogozin's press releases, but what did he mean by that?

>> No.14497898

Why are people so hyped for starliner right now when it's going to get delayed anyway?

>> No.14497907
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checked numbers

>> No.14497914

i'm hyped for the delay

>> No.14497928

We just want to see it fail in some epic way. Maybe not breakdancing in space, but some epic failure is required and another delay because muh weather, muh valves, or muh sensor, won't do.

>> No.14497936

I'm on Team Space

>> No.14497939

I just want the thing to blow up in the most fucked up way possible, with a dozen failures showing up at ones milliseconds before it put's itself out of missery, finaly giving nasa enough ammo to cancel the money sink called starliner.

>i'm on team old space

>> No.14497943

*team waste of space

>> No.14497955

For me, it's Team Blue.

>> No.14497959

2021 was an especially good year for us and. sadly. a bit anomalous. I think there's going to be fewer launches this year, but a lot more missions to the moon. I'm looking forward to the launch of Icy Moons Explorer, and, although not that special, Isaacman's first commercial space walk. There's also the Dream Chaser test to look forward to later this year. Starliner's launch today should be interesting.

>> No.14497963
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Feels good to always be winning

>> No.14497965

I meant on the same graph, like sorted by color or something but thank you

>> No.14497984

only team worth rooting for

>> No.14497986

atlas being fueled

>> No.14497991

I hope it fucking explodes

>> No.14497996

I don't get it

>> No.14498000

It's gonna explode.

>> No.14498004

Sure, but is it full yet?

>> No.14498008

Assembling the ISS was a cakewalk in comparison to retrofitting a spent tank into a space station while in orbit. The ASS(Axiom Space Station) will have hallway sized modules but other designs would launch on Starship or New Glenn so the diameter could be near that of a spent tank, just it would be assembled on the ground by cheap wagies instead of an astronaut that costs millions of dollars per day to support.
You are probably referring to me instead but there are at least two laser thermal posters and probably a few people here who have shit on nuclear thermal. It's effectively worthless for Mars and electric propulsion is better for further planets. NTP would be okay for cislunar operations but go into KSP with the Realism Overhaul mod, make a spacecraft that can get to the Moon and back from LEO, and then triple the delta-v and see if it's really that useful to you. Spoilers, it's not, and it's only good if you don't have orbital refueling or there's some bullshit like Gateway forcing you to stop in NRHO before going down to the surface. Using the extra performance to increase payload wouldn't make that much sense either due to the much higher cost compared to using chemical and the payload limitation of whatever rocket gets it into orbit.

Nuclear thermal is the new pork program now that old space cannot compete in rocketry and much like the shuttle or SLS it will only delay progress. NASA should instead be funding as many cheap missions as possible.

>> No.14498012

It's over

>> No.14498014

No that would be too easy to blame on the carrier, it has to explode mid air or preferably near the ISS

>> No.14498015


>> No.14498016

I'd rather the Atlas 5 perform perfectly and have the cause of failure be purely the result of Starliner being shit. There needs to be no one Boeing can shift the blame too

>> No.14498018


>> No.14498023

Here you go buddy. Enjoy a detailed simulation of the launch:

>> No.14498027

Any bets on it still being scrubliner today instead of boomliner?

>> No.14498033

Musker Bros they attacked our Lord.

>> No.14498036

Yes, full of shattered dreams and broken promises made by Musk.

>> No.14498040
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>channel 4
And in the fucking bin it goes

>> No.14498048

>SpaceX still hasn't launched beyond the asteroid belt

>> No.14498055

Isn't starman getting pretty close?

>> No.14498056

Elon just likes blueballing us. The first Starship launch to do that will carry orders of magnitude more mass than everything combined that has crossed the Asteroid Belt, fuel and kickstages included... and that's just one launch.

>> No.14498063

new hullo kino

>> No.14498070
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>> No.14498075

A vision of the starliner colliding with the ISS due to a failure in the auto docking panjeetware was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.14498082
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WTF Starliner has better windows...

>> No.14498090

I see a scratch. That'll be 10 million dollars to fix it.

>> No.14498091
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>square windows

>> No.14498092

>boeing max 737 space edition.
I like it, but i also find the pajeet coding meme a massive cope from burgers.
No pajeet should be doing code for your multi billion project in the first place.
I dont see cope posts on 4chan about shit pajeet coding crashing airbus planes or spaceX's dragon2's.

>> No.14498094

>Elon is evil because Tesla shortsellers says so

>> No.14498099

Pretty sure i just watched a clip from scott manlet where he explained starliner has shit views because of the trusther placement.

>> No.14498101


>> No.14498104

T-2 hours

>> No.14498109

two more hours, trust the plan

>> No.14498112

>starliner explodes in flight
>media blames it on musk somehow.

>> No.14498114

3 hours you mongs

>> No.14498115

this is easy
>human spaceflight fundamentally bad
>rest of article hating on musk mars plans

>> No.14498118

Expendable rockets don't pollute, so we won't be hearing about that.

>> No.14498122

What's the failure to success rate over time?

>> No.14498128

Reminder that their solution to the valve issues were "let's just wait to load up on propellant instead of fixing the issue with the valves".

>> No.14498166

Make the next thread either about OFT-2 or alternatively Mars-2

>> No.14498174

Don't make a new thread, this is the last /sfg/.

>> No.14498181

i pray this to be true every time we reach page 10

>> No.14498184
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Thank god.
I hate this place.

>> No.14498185

A long overdue mercy killing.

>> No.14498190

good riddance

>> No.14498191
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what we need is a vigilante janny who has the courage to do what is right and true

>> No.14498193

This, we need a janny that bans all none US anons, they only shit up the thread anyway.

>> No.14498194

anti-anime fag did this.

>> No.14498199

Success rate over time:
1957: 66.67
1958: 28.57
1959: 50.00
1960: 51.11
1961: 62.90
1962: 83.91
1963: 77.63
1964: 86.79
1965: 88.32
1966: 89.36
1967: 88.36
1968: 91.73
1969: 84.80
1970: 91.13
1971: 88.06
1972: 92.92
1973: 93.97
1974: 92.04
1975: 94.70
1976: 96.21
1977: 94.62
1978: 96.09
1979: 95.45
1980: 95.37
1981: 97.62
1982: 92.25
1983: 98.45
1984: 99.22
1985: 96.00
1986: 92.73
1987: 94.74
1988: 95.04
1989: 98.04
1990: 95.04
1991: 96.70
1992: 96.91
1993: 95.18
1994: 95.70
1995: 90.00
1996: 92.21
1997: 93.26
1998: 93.90
1999: 89.74
2000: 95.29
2001: 94.92
2002: 93.85
2003: 95.24
2004: 94.55
2005: 92.86
2006: 94.03
2007: 94.12
2008: 95.65
2009: 93.67
2010: 94.81
2011: 91.92
2012: 92.94
2013: 95.45
2014: 94.95
2015: 94.38
2016: 93.75
2017: 90.72
2018: 95.93
2019: 92.11
2020: 89.43
2021: 91.25
2022: 94.64

>> No.14498200

Let's be very honest again. We don't have a commercially available new thread.

>> No.14498201

Methane delivered for booster SF btw. Dunno if you guys caught it.

>> No.14498202

We do. I've seen it down at Stennis.

>> No.14498208

Oh yes you did >>14497598
Well, to that guy >>14497761 they have been steadily getting Nitrogen and Oxygen to the orbital tank farm but methane only very rarely.

>> No.14498210
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>> No.14498212

Reusable threads are not economically viable.

>> No.14498214

This is boings big day please limit any SpaceX talk

>> No.14498217

>Just curious...what is your motivation to become politically active? Why make yourself a target? You are trying to get mankind to Mars and alert the public to the danger of AI. Why sabotage these worthwhile goals by wading into political controversy? Is it worth it?
>Unless it is stopped, the woke mind virus will destroy civilization and humanity will never reached Mars
Not only did Elon reply to Angry Astronaut, but this confirms Angry Astronaut is amogus. Also does Elon have aspergers or something? He's being a little dramatic

>> No.14498218

Sorry but US anons are probably the most schizo of em all

>> No.14498219
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stupid motherfucking retard

>> No.14498220

>Unless it is stopped, the woke mind virus will destroy civilization and humanity will never reached Mars
kek, some anons were right then with his reasoning

>> No.14498222
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I told you that he is fighting the woke mind virus

>> No.14498223

He's gone nuts, I hope Starship isn't affected too much be this

>> No.14498225

EU communists need not apply.
You dont even have a space agency.

>> No.14498226
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Just watching old Stargate SG-1 episodes to pass the time

>> No.14498227

Yes, and I didn't get any (you)s


>> No.14498230

>Also does Elon have aspergers or something?
How new are you?

>> No.14498232

You need not remind me :(

>> No.14498233

It's amazing that it's 2022 and most people who eat up the elon musk hate train media still havent seen a actuall interview with elon musk.
Fucking normies.

>> No.14498234
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I'm sorry, I don't watch SNL

>> No.14498235
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>> No.14498238

Neither do I, but still. How fucking new are you?

>> No.14498240

relax, i know he has aspergers. i said it for the lulz

>> No.14498241

Dont feed the troll any (you)'s.
ESA does more science per eurodollar then NASA.
Even with the cancerous parasite called ARIANA space leeching of the EU.

>> No.14498242
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marvel at this wonder of european reusable tiny rocket technology and seethe

>> No.14498243

Calling it woke mind virus is retarded. Many faggots on this have the same doomer outlook on the future. Its not strictly a libtard thing.

>> No.14498245

Watching lefties on twitter struggle to deal with their idol having a different opinion has been fun.

>> No.14498247

he announced it on SNL, that's how i knew to say "does he have aspergers"

>> No.14498248

Its' over, SpaceX is finished

>> No.14498252

Page 10, staging

>> No.14498255

Page 10, staging...

>> No.14498259

sfg is ALIVE

>> No.14498261

It's not about being a doomer, tho

>> No.14498260

How embarrassing

>> No.14498262
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I'll never understand why this boomer is so popular.
>Asteroid mining to save the environment
>space-based solar power(for Earth, not cool shit like laser propulsion)
It's more he is very low in agreeableness rather than just autistic, most autists hate conflict. Low IQ and low agreeableness = future prisoner. High IQ and low agreeableness = good at business and management.

>> No.14498263
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>> No.14498264
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first, but OP is a faggot
second, but OP is less of a faggot

>> No.14498269

>boing op
>less of a faggot
????? what did anon mean by this?

>> No.14498270

Yes, but seriously. Couldn't you tell? Have you ever seen him talk?
I score high as fuck on sperg tests and even I could tell.

>> No.14498279

>Those projects could end greenhouse gas emissions
The vast majority of greenhouse gases comes from burning hydrocarbons.
The easiest solutuion is just not doing that anymore.

>> No.14498280
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oh good now the mods can come in and strike both down and end this shithole once and for all

>> No.14498281

It's more on topic, launch in T-2 hours

>> No.14498282

Or you can just filter the thread and move on with your life instead of trying to convince everyone else to stop having fun

>> No.14498283

estronaut reading this

>> No.14498284


>> No.14498289

We're supposed to have fun on /sfg/?

>> No.14498291
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>> No.14498297


>> No.14498299
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>> No.14498332

That works for some things like electric cars and trucks but it's easier to make hydrocarbons using renewable power than it is to replace every large ship and aircraft with an inferior battery powered version. Hydrocarbons are basically irreplaceable for rockets that need to reach orbit.

>> No.14498340

it's easier to power a truck and a boat with a battery than a car because of economies of scale. batteries just don't have a very high specific energy compared to hydrocarbons.

>> No.14498350

True. It's just that I'm sick of the
>making this computer took X tons of CO2 emissions
like it's so misleading, make it clear all of that is in the end coming from burninf hydrocarbons for energy, heat, and transport.

>> No.14498373

Now I wonder what is the amount of fully-considered greenhouse gas emissions for a steel plant from the electricity bill and the gas heating and such compared to the emissions that come out of the steel as fumes when its melted?

>> No.14498509

>missing big jim :(

>> No.14498518


>> No.14498576

It's not that easy in faggotry

>> No.14498578

>the year spacex ran out of things to launch

>> No.14498591

Unfortunately the word "meme" is now being used for something else, and in any case isn't quite right.