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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 370 KB, 2000x2000, Starlink_FINALpng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12786444 No.12786444 [Reply] [Original]

overshadowed by Starship edition

Livestream: https://youtu.be/d5DzoKuhdNk
Launch window: Thursday March 4 3:24 AM EST (instantaneous)
Backup launch window(s): Thursday March 45:42 AM EST or 3:03 AM EST & Friday March 5th 5:21 AM EST

Probability of violating weather constraints: 10% (https://www.patrick.spaceforce.mil/Portals/14/Weather/Falcon%209%20StarlinkV1_0-L17%20L-1%20Forecast%20-%204%20Mar%20Launch.pdf?ver=AvE6tiK_XXYGJ-LYD93TsQ%3d%3d))
Launch vehicle: SpaceX Falcon 9 with first stage B1049.8 (prior launches: Telstar 18V, Iridium-8, Starlink V0.9, Starlink-L2, Starlink-L7, Starlink-L10, Starlink-L15)
Launch pad: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Fairings: "One half of Falcon 9’s fairing previously flew on three Starlink missions, and the other half previously supported two Starlink missions."
Fairing recovery: Likely, but water landing/recovery (not on Ms Tree or Ms Chief)
First stage landing: On autonomous spaceport droneship 'Of Course I Still Love You'
Payload: 60 Starlink satellites
Payload mass & deployment orbit: ~15,600 kg (~260 kg / Starlink sat); 261 x 278 km(?) @ ~53°
TLE: https://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/supplemental/starlink-18.txt


Launch viewing guide for Florida:

SpaceX twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceX

Stats: 6th orbital SpaceX launch of 2021. 108th F9 launch, 68th landing, 51st core reuse.

>> No.12786454

spacex sucks

>> No.12786464

Epic Reddit moment bro!!!!!!!

>> No.12786474

FUCK boing and FUCK urf

>> No.12786486

Starhopper stands unmatched.

>> No.12786552

2 bongs to go

>> No.12786584
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>> No.12786650

>an hour later
>Live in 2 hours

>> No.12786667

I think the window moved. Supposedly this launch they’re not filling in a specific Starlink orbit. Most of the time a full like day and a half is needed to get to the next instantaneous window

>> No.12786815

1 (one) bong

>> No.12786939

Did we ever find out what killed that booster recently?

>> No.12786941

Mission control audio https://youtu.be/y709S6dhmUE

Protective boot that covers the side of the Merlins had a hole in it

>> No.12786979


>> No.12786989

7 min

>> No.12786991

Deadest F9 launch thread in the history of launch threads
>except for you anon, you’re here

>> No.12786993

The mission control one might be, the regular stream isn't.

>> No.12786995

Oh, never mind, just ut*be being shit as always.

>> No.12787002

T minus 3 Pepe Gagarins

>> No.12787005

2 minutes!!!!

>> No.12787007

yeah it's interesting how quickly F9 launches stopped being news after Starship became the new darling

>> No.12787009

Now 1

>> No.12787011
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>> No.12787012

At some point is just won’t be useful to make them. But I don’t mind

>> No.12787013

can't see shit cap'n

>> No.12787015

I literally tuned in 30 seconds before launch

>> No.12787017
File: 50 KB, 750x551, 1614234250173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KINO land n' kabom yesterday
>Comfy nighttime starlink

>> No.12787018

Bit dark innit

>> No.12787019

>...MAX Q

>> No.12787022

space rat ice

>> No.12787026

Have a comfy anthem with Yuri, the first slave in space.

>> No.12787029


>> No.12787035

what was the reason given for no first stage cams?

>> No.12787038

but what about the potential ASDS birbs

>> No.12787039

Can the artist draw some loli Starlink sat sisters pls?

>> No.12787043

Kinda crazy it only takes like 5 min to get up to space.

>> No.12787047


>> No.12787049

More like "Of Course I Still Lose Signal" LMAO.

>> No.12787050

Yay!!!!! Good job booster. 8 under her belt

>> No.12787051

stage 1 landing confirmed! Shame about the video

>> No.12787052
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>> No.12787053
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no f they sticked it.

>> No.12787056

CalArts is a mistake

>> No.12787057

oh there it is

>> No.12787060

calArts gave us flapjack, adventure time, regular show, gravity falls, over the garden wall, etc.

All of that alone was worth it

>> No.12787061

Why isn't there video feed from one of the support ships? That would ensure reliable video of the landing.

>> No.12787064

None of those shows are good

>> No.12787065

Why'd they cut the stream just before the landing? What don't they want us to know?

>> No.12787066


>> No.12787067


>> No.12787068

I'll give you Regular Show as I like watching that while stoned and getting hit with a nostalgia bomb.
>mfw I want cans of Surge and Crystal Bepsi now

>> No.12787069

>Reddit shows
U better be trollin

>> No.12787070
File: 5 KB, 260x680, Scrub mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't distract from your fuckup calling f like a bitch mate

>> No.12787071


>> No.12787077

>reddit show
Is it summer already?

>> No.12787083

/i/ manager from 4cc? Is that you?

>> No.12787088

I already did call F

Nah they're a kiwi iirc so they'd be doing RL shit instead

>> No.12787090

kinda hard to aim a satellite dish on a boat being vibrated by rocket exhaust

>> No.12787101
File: 1.17 MB, 610x780, Miss July is not pleased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no reason to, we had way over 100 of these and everybody and their mom and their moms boyfriends know the stream craps out every time they butter the bread, so all you had to do was sitting tight for less than 10 seconds and not being a major dramaqueen in the launch thread for no aparant reason, unless you are some ula commie shit

>> No.12787108

>drift anchor
>rc drone

They had a solution but it's not enough of a priority I suppose.

>> No.12787116

>she will never peg you with a falcon 9 scale model
Why go on living bros?

>> No.12787130

F for old space

>> No.12787186

Uhhh bros it is on fire or am I a retard?
Or why not both?

>> No.12787191

Too overt.
If you want to bring the rabid Musk stans out of the woodwork, you've got to use *mild* criticism. Observe:

Elon Musk isn't perfect

>> No.12787198

Or you can go for in-depth, constructive criticism:

This rocket landed while on fire and exploded several minutes after touchdown, instead of immediately like last time. It's progress, but they haven't perfected the technology yet

>> No.12787253
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you and me, we both know the truth.

>> No.12787254

Starlink sats deployed

>> No.12787637
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Middle of the fucking night in the US, and all worn out from SNX.
There's nobody cares anymore, and there's holy shit give me time to recover.
I hope the rest of the world enjoyed a launch that wasn't in the middle of the night for them.
Truth. Fuck CalArts.

>> No.12787675

Yuropoors had to work so we couldn't watch either.

>> No.12787716

Strayan hours.

>> No.12787838

This proves that spacex is a fraud. Elon musk is fraud. Blueorigin already did it 6 years ago.

>> No.12789983

Well obviously